Confesándolo todo

Es verdad ... ¡Barbara Walters "amaba a un hermano" y no a cualquier hombre negro, de acuerdo con Sherri Shepherd, la creadora de "The View" se enganchó con Richard Pryor!

La revelación se realizó en el episodio del miércoles de "Sherri", cuando se reunió con Joy Behar y discutieron algunas historias de su tiempo juntas en "The View", particularmente cuando Sherri se enteró de la vieja aventura de Barbara con Richard.

Sherri dice que el gran cómico Paul Mooney le dijo, en su momento, que había visto a Barbara y Richard haciendo el amor. Sherri admite que no podía esperar para compartir su jugoso chisme con Joy, pero le pidió que lo mantuviera en secreto.

Como se pueden imaginar, eso no sucedió. Tienen que ver a Sherri describir el momento en que terminaron confrontando a Barbara Walters sobre sus "relaciones" con Richard.

El hecho es que Barbara parecía tener un tipo. En sus memorias, admitió haber tenido una aventura, en los años 70, con el senador Edward Brooke de Massachusett, y tanto Joy como Sherri recordaron cómo a Barbara le ENCANTÓ arrimarse a Colin Powell cada vez que era un invitado de The 'View'.

¿Quién iba a decir que Barbara estaba tan deprimida?

Sherri Shepherd Barbara Walters Loved View of Richard Pryor!!! Shares Hook-Up Secret


It's true, true ... Barbara Walters "loved a brother," and not just any Black man -- according to Sherri Shepherd "The View" creator hooked up with Richard Pryor!

The story comes up on Wednesday's episode of "Sherri," as she reunites with Joy Behar, and they discuss some stories from their time together at "The View" -- one in particular about when Sherri caught wind of Barbara's old tryst with Richard.


Sherri says the late comedic great Paul Mooney told her, back in the day, he'd walked in on Barbara and Richard doing the deed. Sherri admits she couldn't wait to share her juicy gossip with Joy, but asked her to keep it on the DL.

As you can imagine, that didn't happen -- you gotta see Sherri describe the moment they ended up confronting BW about her Richard "relations."

Fact is, Barbara did seem to have a type. In her memoir, she copped to having an affair, back in the '70s, with Sen. Edward Brooke from Massachusetts -- and both Joy and Sherri recalled how Barbara LOVED cozying up to Colin Powell whenever he was a 'View' guest.

Who knew Barbara was so down?!?

Tyreek Hill de la NFL Sitios porno quieren trabajar con el jugador Ven a comenzar tu carrera!!!

Tyreek Hill asegura que solo bromeaba cuando dijo que querría hacer porno después de retirarse de la NFL, pero el interés que ha recibido de la industria del porno no es una broma. TMZ Sports ha indagado que múltiples empresas XXX quieren ayudar a Cheetah a poner en marcha su carrera en el cine para adultos.

Recuerden, Hill conversó en Twitch el mes pasado, con el receptor de Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Mike Evans, en donde reveló que le gustaría mantenerse "ocupado" cuando sus días de fútbol terminen. Pero el jugador de 29 años se retractó de su declaración unos días después.

"Estaba bromeando, definitivamente estaba bromeando", dijo Hill. "Es algo que simplemente no quiero hacer".

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Pensando en el futuro

Bueno, si cambia de opinión hay varios sitios porno que recibirían al receptor de los Dolphins, según nos han dicho.

Por ejemplo, la gente de Naughty America dice que a sus talentosas señoritas Nikki Benz y Richelle Ryan les encantaría trabajar con el campeón de la Super Bowl de 1,70 metros.

El sitio ya empezó a tirar algunas ideas, sugiriendo incluso la posibilidad de hacer un holograma porno de Hill.

"¡Estoy seguro de que no necesita ningún entrenamiento y sería capaz de mantenerse por sí mismo!", dijo el portavoz del estudio. "Luces, cámara, ¡acción!".

The Porn Dude también está abierto a ayudar a Hill a "explorar una carrera en la industria para adultos después de su carrera en la NFL" y xHamster -que ofrece más de 5 millones de videos gratis- también se mostró entusiasmado por su comentario.

"Después de una ilustre carrera en el fútbol americano profesional, Tyreek Hill está listo para llevar su talento y carisma al mundo del entretenimiento para adultos en línea, y xHamster está ansioso por ser parte de este emocionante viaje si el Sr. Hill elige nuestra plataforma para alojar su contenido futuro", dijo un representante.

La pelota está en tu tejado, Tyreek.

Tyreek Hill Porn Sites Want To Work With NFL WR ... Come Start Your XXX Career!!!

Tyreek Hill swears he was only kidding about wanting to do porn after retiring from the NFL, but the interest he's gotten from the industry is no joke -- TMZ Sports has learned multiple XXX companies want to help Cheetah kick-start his adult film career!!

Remember, Hill let loose on Twitch with Tampa Bay Buccaneers receiver Mike Evans last month, revealing how he wanted to stay "busy" when his football days were over ... however, the 29-year-old took back his statement a few days later.

"I was joking, I was definitely joking," Hill said. "That's something I just don't want to do."

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Well, if Hill reconsiders, several porn sites tell us they would welcome the Dolphins receiver with open arms.

For example, the folks at Naughty America say their talented ladies Nikki Benz and Richelle Ryan would love to work with the 5'10" Super Bowl champ.

N.A. already brainstormed some ideas as well ... throwing out the possibility of making a porn hologram of Hill as well.

"I am sure he doesn't need any training, and would be able to hold his own!" the studio's spokesperson said. "Lights, camera, action....!"

The Porn Dude is also open to helping Hill "explore a career in the adult industry after his NFL career" ... and xHamster -- which features over 5 million videos for free -- was also excited by his comment.

"Following an illustrious career in professional football, Tyreek Hill is poised to bring his unique talent and charisma to the world of online adult entertainment, and xHamster is eager to be a part of this exciting journey if Mr. Hill chooses our platform for hosting his future content," a rep said.

The ball's in your court, Tyreek.

Jason Derulo Strongly Denies Sexual Harassment Claims ... Calls Them 'Hurtful' And 'Defamatory'

Instagram / @jasonderulo

Jason Derulo is calling BS on a new lawsuit claiming he fired an up-and-coming musician after she repeatedly refused to have sex with him.

In a video statement posted on Instagram, the singer addressed the salacious allegations in the suit filed by Emaza Gibson in L.A. Superior Court Thursday.

Derulo said, "I wouldn’t normally comment but these claims are completely false and hurtful. I stand against all forms of harassment and I remain supportive of anybody following their dreams."

He continued, "I’ve always strived to live my life in a positively impactful way, and that’s why I sit here before you deeply offended, by these defamatory claims. God bless."

In her suit, Gibson says Derulo contacted her in 2021 offering her a joint contract with him and two record companies, Atlantic and Future History, to produce songs.

Gibson says Derulo chose her because he needed to bring a fresh artist to Atlantic to launch the project, and she eagerly signed the agreement, believing he was now her mentor.

She says the plan was to work closely with Derulo on a mixtape and an album, delivering the final recordings to music execs within 6 months.

But, Gibson claims Derulo had other ideas, wanting her to participate in cocaine-fueled sexual rituals called “goat skin and fish scales" to fulfill his role as her artistic collaborator.

On several occasions, Gibson says Derulo also propositioned her to have dinner with him and tried to ply her with booze to get her into bed.

When she refused his advances, Gibson says Derulo eventually cut off all communication with her and terminated her contract with him and the record companies.

As a result, Gibson says she was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder after she suffered breakdowns and other medical issues.


Gibson is suing for sexual harassment, breach of contract and illegal retaliatory termination.

Una policía de Minneapolis Fue descubierta como modelo de Only Fans En un control de tránsito...

Un conductor de Minneapolis realmente se sorprendió cuando fue detenido por una policía, a quien reconoció como una modelo de OnlyFans con la que había estado teniendo sexo en línea. Ahora la policía de Minneapolis está investigando a fondo la situación para asegurarse de que no haya ninguna violación de conducta.

¿Cuáles son las probabilidades de eso? La oficial detuvo a un chico la semana pasada, quien le dijo a FOX9 que después de unos 10 minutos comenzó a parecerle conocida y se dio cuenta de que había estado siguiendo su cuenta de OnlyFans durante unos meses.

Según el chico: "Hay que ir a la sección VIP para ver sus videos, de ella y su marido, supongo que él es su marido, con quien graba videos sexuales".

La agente, que no ha sido identificada, gestiona una página en OnlyFans que ofrece videos y fotos y que describe como "porno amateur" en solitario. Se describe a sí misma como una mujer de 35 años, de espíritu libre y una "creadora demasiado optimista de contenido sexy para complacer a los demás".

La pregunta que ahora se hace el jefe de policía de Minneapolis es si la oficial está haciendo algo malo, ya que al parecer ha recibido elogios por su trabajo policial y está haciendo esto como un trabajo secundario.

La política del Departamento prohíbe a los agentes que estén fuera de servicio realizar cualquier trabajo que "no sea compatible con la labor policial", lo que incluye trabajar en "cualquier establecimiento que ofrezca entretenimiento para adultos en forma de exhibiciones de desnudos, semidesnudos o topless".

Obviamente, ella no está trabajando en un negocio, sino que más bien está operando uno propio desde su casa, pero los mandos policiales podrían verlo de otra manera.

El conductor al que detuvo sí tiene un problema. Dijo: "No me gustaría que me detuviera luego de haber visto que ella y su marido estuvieron teniendo sexo por 29,99 dólares en OnlyFans. No puedo respetarla ni a ella ni a la comisaría en la que trabaja".

Minneapolis PD Cop Outed as OnlyFans Model During Traffic Stop, Dept. Investigates

A Minneapolis driver got a serious eyeful of the cop who pulled him over -- he recognized her as an OnlyFans model who he's seen having sex online, and now Minneapolis PD is probing ... for any conduct violations.

What are the odds??? The female officer pulled over a guy last week, and he told FOX9 in Minneapolis that after about 10 minutes the cop started to look familiar ... and he realized he's been following her OnlyFans account for a few months.

As he put it, "You got to go to the VIP and you get to see the videos of her and her, I guess husband, I guess that’s who it is, they do full sex videos."

The officer, who hasn't been named, operates an OnlyFans page that offers videos and photos she describes as "solo play" and "amateur porn." She describes herself as 35, free-spirited and an "overly optimistic creator of sexy content to please others."

The question Minneapolis PD's police chief now has to address is ... what, if anything, is wrong with the cop -- who's reportedly received commendations for her police work -- doing this as a side job.

The Dept. policy forbids off-duty officers from any work that's "not compatible with police work" ... which includes working at "any establishment that provides adult entertainment in the form of nude, semi-nude or topless exhibitions."

Obviously, she's not working at a business, but rather operating one from her home -- but the police brass might see it differently.


The driver she pulled over definitely has a problem with it -- "I wouldn’t want her to be arresting me and I just saw you and your husband last night for $29.99 have sex on OnlyFans. I just can't respect you or the precinct that you’re working at."

Maino Quit Shaming Brittany Renner's Body Count ... Sign Me Up to Be #36!!!


Brittany Renner's sexual partner tally of 35 people is of little consequence to Maino -- he says the slut-shaming needs to stop, and while defending Brittany decided ... why not shoot his shot.

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with the "Way Up With Angela Yee" correspondent amid NYC's torrential downpour, and got his thoughts on the "Basketball Wives" star's recent confession.

Club Shay Shay

Brittany's 35 trysts were too much for Shannon Sharpe to swallow, but Maino didn't flinch ... telling us he's down for the long haul with BR. He says he'd be happy to fill her next few slots.

Neither the rain, nor his faulty umbrella, stopped Maino's defense of Brittany ... as he told us the men criticizing Brittany are insecure about their sexuality, and added marriage and sexual relations fall under different categories ... in his book, anyway.

We're not sure people wearing wedding rings will agree, but he's adamant.

Despite all the haters sounding off, it's pretty clear Brittany has plenty of supporters -- she can also count Plies as a fan ... and volunteering suitor.

Kevin Spacey Demandado por un masajista A quien supuestamente pidió favores sexuales

Kevin Spacey reservó a un masajista y luego se ofreció a pagarle dinero extra a cambio de favores sexuales durante el masaje, de acuerdo con una nueva demanda.

El actor está siendo demandado por un masajista de Nueva York, quien asegura que Spacey reservó tres masajes de 90 minutos en agosto y septiembre de 2016 en una habitación del New York Edition Hotel.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, el terapeuta afirma que Spacey hizo peticiones sexuales no deseadas e inapropiadas y lo presionó repetidamente para obtener favores sexuales, incluido que comenzara el masaje con un enfoque en las nalgas.

El terapeuta dice que Spacey también insistió en hacer poses de yoga durante el masaje, exponiendo su trasero y sus genitales en el proceso y haciendo que se sintiera incómodo.

En la demanda, el terapeuta afirma que Spacey se excitó sexualmente en repetidas ocasiones durante las sesiones e incluso ofreció dinero extra a cambio de favores sexuales. También dice que hizo repetidamente comentarios sobre su aspecto y su físico.

Es más, afirma que Spacey agarró su mano e intentó ponérsela en los genitales, a pesar de que el terapeuta rechazó repetidamente las supuestas insinuaciones del actor.

El masajista dice que Spacey reservó las citas a través de una aplicación, utilizando un nombre diferente, por eso nunca supo que iba a ver a Spacey hasta que entró en la habitación. También dice que "insistió en usar una máscara de esquí" durante las citas.

Después del tercer supuesto incidente, el masajista afirma que dejó de aceptar citas por completo en el hotel que Spacey supuestamente frecuentaba.

El masajista afirma que las sesiones con él le provocaron angustia mental y emocional, y dice que todavía sufre de ansiedad, depresión, trastorno de estrés postraumático y teme por su subsistencia como masajista, esposo y padre.

El masajista va tras Spacey por daños y perjuicios.

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Un buen resultado
Sky News

La demanda se produce un par de meses después de que el actor fuera declarado inocente de los cargos de agresión sexual en el Reino Unido.

Como informamos anteriormente, Spacey fue acusado de obligar a otro masajista masculino a tocar sus genitales durante un masaje en el hogar en 2016, una acusación que él negó y el caso fue abandonado cuando la presunta víctima murió durante la investigación.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Spacey sobre esta demanda más reciente, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Kevin Spacey Massage Therapist Sues ... Allegedly Pushed For Sexual Favors

Kevin Spacey booked a massage therapist and then made sexual advances and offered to pay extra money in exchange for sexual favors during the massage ... according to a new lawsuit.

The actor is being sued by a male massage therapist in New York who claims Spacey booked three 90-minute massages in August and September 2016 in a room at the New York Edition Hotel.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, the message therapist claims Spacey made unwanted and inappropriate sexual advances and repeatedly pressed him for sexual favors, including him insisting on starting the massage with a focus on the buttocks.

The therapist says Spacey also insisted on doing yoga poses during the massage, exposing Spacey's butt and genitals in the process and making the therapist feel uncomfortable.

In the suit, the therapist claims Spacey repeatedly became sexually aroused during the sessions and even offered extra money in exchange for sexual favors. He also says Spacey repeatedly made sexual comments on his looks and physique.

What's more, the masseuse claims Spacey grabbed the therapist's hand and tried to place it on his genitals, despite the therapist repeatedly rejecting Spacey's alleged advances.

The massage therapist says Spacey booked the appointments through an app, using a different name ... meaning he never knew he was going to see Spacey until he got into the room. He also says Spacey "insisted upon wearing a ski mask" during the appointments.

After the third alleged incident, the masseuse claims he stopped taking appointments altogether at the hotel Spacey allegedly frequented.

The massage therapist claims the Spacey sessions resulted in mental and emotional distress ... saying he still suffers from anxiety, depression, PTSD, and fears for his livelihood as a massage therapist, husband and father.

The masseuse is going after Spacey for damages.

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Sky News

The lawsuit comes a couple months after Spacey was found not guilty on sexual assault charges in the United Kingdom.

As we previously reported ... Spacey was accused of forcing a different male massage therapist to touch his genitals during an in-home massage in 2016, an accusation Spacey denied, and the case was dropped when the alleged victim died during the investigation.

We reached out to Spacey's camp about the most recent lawsuit ... so far no word back.

Gunna Mi secreto para estar en forma... Tener sexo!!!


Gunna está llamando la atención últimamente con su aspecto más delgado, el que dice es resultado de un montón de cardio y que ocurre principalmente en su dormitorio 👀

TMZ Hip Hop se encontró con el rapero de "Fukumean", quemando calorías en Beverly Hills, como de costumbre, y nos compartió su secreto para bajar de peso exitosamente.

Primero nos hizo el gesto de que levanta pesas, pero rápidamente aclaró que no son mancuernas las que está levantando, sino que, ¡piernas!

Estar con alguien puede ser la mejor opción, ¡sobre todo cuando estás en libertad condicional!

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Gunna tiene un gran espectáculo en Los Ángeles esta noche, para igualar su reciente concierto en Nueva York, que agotó entradas, y nos dijo que disfruta interpretando hasta la última de sus canciones de su exitoso álbum "A Gfit & a Curse."

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Nada de qué preocuparse

Es tal y como Cuhmunity's AD nos dijo cuando le pedimos que midiera la temperatura de Gunna en el clima del rap actual. Él predijo que L.A. le daría la bienvenida con los brazos abiertos y celebraría su música.

Pero, mientras él esté aquí... parece que la verdadera fiesta tendrá lugar a puerta cerrada. ¡Fitness primero!

Gunna My Secret to Staying Fit ... Sexercising!!!


Gunna's turning heads lately with his new slimmed-down look ... the result of him getting in lots of cardio action, which, he hints, mostly happens in his bedroom!!! 👀

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with the "Fukumean" rapper burning down Bev Hills, per usual, and hit him up for the secret to his weight-loss success.

He gave us the pumping-iron gesture -- but quickly clarified it's not dumbbells he's lifting, instead, he's lifting legs!!!

Hey, sometimes shacking up can be your best bet, especially when you're on probation!!!

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Gunna's got a big show out in L.A. tonight -- to match his recently sold-out concert in NYC -- and told us he enjoys performing every last one of his songs from his hit album "A Gfit & a Curse."

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It's just as Cuhmunity's AD told us when we asked him to gauge Gunna's temp in the rap climate -- he predicted L.A. would welcome him with open arms and celebrate his music.

But, while he's here ... sounds like the real party will happen behind closed doors. Fitness first!



4:45 PM PT -- Bill Cosby's rep, Andrew Wyatt, tells TMZ … “No comment at this present time because this is utterly ridiculous and pointless.”

Bill Cosby is being sued by one of his accusers for an alleged sexual assault ... one she claims happened over 50 years ago.

According to a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Cosby accuser Donna Motsinger claims he took advantage of her way back in 1972, when she was working as a server at the famous Trident restaurant in Sausalito, CA.

Motsinger says she met Cosby at the bayside restaurant, then a celeb hangout, claiming he came by constantly just to see her, ultimately inviting her to accompany him to his show at the Circle Star Theater in San Carlos.

In the docs, Motsinger says Cosby picked her up in a limo and gave her a glass of wine on the drive over. She claims he took her to the dressing room, where she began to feel sick and says Cosby gave her what she believed was an aspirin.

Motsinger says she took the pill and started falling in and out of consciousness. She claims Cosby's handlers but her back in the limo with him and the last thing she remembers was flashes of light.

In her suit, Motsinger claims she woke up in her house wearing only her panties and says she "knew she had been drugged and raped by Bill Cosby."

Motsinger says she's suffered mental, physical and emotional distress ... and she's going after Cosby for money.

She previously came forward in 2014 with similar accusations against Cosby ... and now she's followed up with a lawsuit.

We reached out to Cosby's camp ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 4:31 PM PT

Billy Cosby es demandado Me drogaste y me violaste por 1972 ... Afirma denunciante en documentos


4:45 PM PT -- El representante de Cosby Andrew Wyatt dice a TMZ: "Sin comentarios en este momento porque esto es totalmente ridículo y sin sentido".

Bill Cosby está siendo demandado por una de sus acusadoras por un presunto asalto sexual, uno que ella afirma que ocurrió hace más de 50 años.

Según una nueva demanda obtenida por TMZ, la denunciante de Cosby, Donna Motsinger, afirma que él se aprovechó de ella en 1972, cuando trabajaba como camarera en el famoso restaurante Trident en Sausalito, California.

Motsinger dice que conoció a Cosby en el restaurante junto a la bahía, en ese entonces, un lugar de reunión de celebridades, afirmando que iba constantemente a verla, y que al final la invitó a acompañarlo en su show en el Circle Star Theater en San Carlos.

En los documentos, Motsinger afirma que Cosby la recogió en una limusina y le dio una copa de vino durante el trayecto. Ella afirma que la llevó al camerino, donde comenzó a sentirse mal y que luego Cosby le dio lo que ella creía que era una aspirina.

Motsinger dice que tomó la píldora y empezó a perder el conocimiento. Ella afirma que la llevaron nuevamente a la limusina con él y lo último que recuerda fueron destellos de luz.

En su demanda, Motsinger afirma que se despertó en su casa vistiendo solo sus bragas y dice que "sabía que había sido drogada y violada por Bill Cosby."

Motsinger dice que ha sufrido angustia mental, física y emocional, y que va en busca de compensaciones económicas de Cosby.

En 2014, habló de acusaciones similares. Ahora ha procedido con una demanda.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Cosby, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Kim Zolciak Back Under the Same Roof w/ Kroy Amid Latest Divorce Barbs

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are about to get under each other's skin under the same roof all over again -- 'cause she's on her way back to Georgia -- after some nasty new developments in their divorce.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Kim is flying back to Atlanta Wednesday after filming for MTV's "The Surreal Life" in Colombia over the past couple weeks. We're told she's in the air now, and, within hours, is set to be back home with Kroy and their kids.

Despite this tumultuous sitch, our sources say that the plan -- for now, anyway -- is for Kim and Kroy to continue cohabiting ... as neither one of them really has anywhere else to go at this point. However, considering everything that's gone on of late in their divorce case ... you can imagine the stage is set for fireworks.


Remember, Kroy has openly acknowledged they're in dire straits financially.

As we've reported .... Kroy has been consistently appealing to a judge lately, begging for permission to sell their mansion so they can start paying off some major debts. He's also argued that the money will help them get their own pad ... and resolve a toxic environment.

We're also told that Kim and Kroy could very well bang again ... at least that's how people close to them feel. Of course, whether they actually do it again is still up in the air.

Kim, for her part, has been insisting everything's fine between her and Kroy -- she even asked for their divorce to be dismissed, noting they'd had sex recently ... and arguing that it proves their relationship is still on. Kroy's brushed that aside and plans to move forward.

All we know is ... these 2 have much to catch up on, and they'll have that opportunity soon.

Tyreek Hill I Wanna Do Porn After NFL ... Go Out W/ A Bang!!!

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Tyreek Hill has some big goals for his post-football career -- the Miami Dolphins superstar says he wants to dive into the porn industry after he retires from the NFL.

... and he's not screwing with us!!

The 29-year-old wide receiver revealed his intentions while streaming on Twitch ... when fellow NFLer Mike Evans brought up the fact Hill has a bright future even after his playing days are over.

Hill agreed ... but little did the Buccaneers great know, he was referring to making highlight reels in the bedroom instead of on the field -- which is exactly what he plans to do.

"Nah, when I retire, bro, I really wanna be a porn star though, bro," Hill said. "Like, dead serious. Like, you think I got that?"

The conversation went dead silent ... forcing Hill to follow up.


Evans tried to change his mind ... suggesting a career as a comedian instead.

"You already got like 12 kids, s***," Evans said ... pointing out his family has grown a bit over the years.

It certainly sounds like the Super Bowl champ can't be swayed ... as he remained adamant about venturing into adult films.

It would be a pretty interesting career change for Hill ... and here's hoping he isn't as much of a Cheetah in his new gig if he DOES go through with it.