Virginia House of Delegates Candidate in the Running Posted Porn Videos for $$$

A woman running for a coveted Virginia House seat has a side gig for $$$ -- she had posted spicy clips online ... with the help of her hubby.

40-year-old Susanna Gibson -- a Democrat running to represent District 57 in Richmond -- had posted several vids on a platform called Chaturbate ... which hosts users who are down to masturbate while chatting with others online.

According to WaPo and NYP, Gibson was quite active on Chaturbate last year ... with at least a dozen live streams -- most of which had been archived and viewed by the outlets -- featuring her and her spouse performing sex acts on each other while on camera.

Throughout the streams, Gibson is reported to have consistently asked folks who were watching to keep on donating to her account via digital tokens -- which she could cash in.

Apparently, she was pretty popular on there before September 2022 -- when her Chaturbate activity seems to have gone dark -- with nearly 6,000 followers. Worth noting, some of these videos appear to have been archived after she officially declared her candidacy last year.

Of course, this discovery is causing an uproar -- especially among her Republican rivals. In response, Gibson has called this surfacing of her material an illegal invasion of her privacy.

She says, "It won’t intimidate me and it won’t silence me. My political opponents and their Republican allies have proven they’re willing to commit a sex crime to attack me and my family because there’s no line they won’t cross to silence women when they speak up."

Her attorney also says this appears to be in violation of state revenge porn laws.

Offset Shamone Cardi, MJ Tat's a Keeper!!! Bey Show with Jay Was a Blast


Cardi B says she's a little weirded out over her husband Offset's Michael Jackson tattoo, but she's gonna have to learn how to keep living with it. He's keeping his MJ memorabilia!!!

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We caught up with Offset in NYC and he was taken aback by Cardi telling the world how she really feels about the King of Pop ink on his stomach ... and how it stares at her during sex.

He tells us it would be best for Cardi and him to continue the convo behind closed doors. Smart!

You can see where Cardi is coming from ... Offset opted for a tat of MJ's creepy stare from the "Thriller" video. Not exactly the best sexy-time material!!!

Offset's love for Michael dates back to his childhood but continues in adulthood. In fact, he recently channeled Mike's "Bad" era with his outfit for Beyoncé's "Renaissance" show last week in L.A.

Offset tells us performing on Beyoncé's stage was nothing short of an honor, as it allowed him to showcase his showmanship as an artist.

He had equal love for Jay-Z after going viral alongside him for hitting a mean electric side while Bey sang onstage.

Now that he got his fill hanging with the G.O.A.T.s, Offset says he'll deliver his next single "Fan" on September 15 as the album rollout is back in full swing!!!

Danny Masterson Monitored For Signs of Mental Distress ... 24-Hour Surveillance in Jail

Danny Masterson is being kept under constant surveillance behind bars ... just in case he starts to show any signs of mental distress after being sentenced to 30 years in prison.

The "That '70s Show" star is in jail as he awaits a transfer to a California state prison, where he'll serve out the 30-year to life sentence for his rape conviction.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Danny is under 24-hour video surveillance, and deputies come by his cell every 30 minutes to check on him ... with the goal of keeping tabs on his mental state and making sure he's safe.

Should Danny show any signs of mental distress or tell his team or a deputy about a mental health issue, we're told he would be taken for a mental health exam, STAT.

Danny's certainly got a lot on his mind. As we reported, he was sentenced Thursday to 30 years in prison after being convicted on 2 rape counts.

Shawn Holley, Danny's lawyer, tells TMZ ... the actor is mentally strong and feels confident his conviction will be overturned on appeal, based on his meetings with several top appellate attorneys.

Danny's already familiar with life behind bars ... as we first reported, he was kept in L.A. County Men's Central Jail for months as he awaited sentencing, staying in the same area as other high-profile inmates, including Suge Knight and O.J. Simpson.

Do you believe 30 years is a fair sentence for Danny Masterson? Share your thoughts by answering the question in our game below.

Danny Masterson Es monitoreado tras las rejas Por posible estrés mental

Danny Masterson está siendo vigilado constantemente tras las rejas, en acaso de que muestre algún signo de angustia después de ser condenado a 30 años de prisión.

La estrella de "That '70s Show" está en la cárcel a la espera de ser trasladado a una prisión del estado de California, donde cumplirá la sentencia de 30 años por su condena por violación.

Fuentes policiales dicen a TMZ que Danny está bajo vigilancia de video las 24 horas, y los oficiales están visitando su celda cada 30 minutos para no perder de vista su estado mental y asegurarse de que esté a salvo.

En caso de que Danny muestre cualquier signo de angustia o le diga a su equipo o a algún funcionario policial que tiene algún problema de este tipo, sería llevado a realizarse un examen de salud mental, según se nos ha dicho.

Danny ciertamente tiene mucho en su mente. Como informamos, fue condenado el jueves a 30 años de prisión tras ser declarado culpable de dos cargos por violación.

Shawn Holley, abogado de Danny, dice a TMZ que el actor es fuerte y se siente seguro de que su condena será anulada en apelación, sobre la base de las reuniones que ha tenido con varios abogados.

Danny ya está familiarizado con la vida tras las rejas. Como informamos por primera vez, mientras esperaba la sentencia, estuvo en la Cárcel de Hombres del condado de Los Ángeles durante meses, y se está quedando en la misma zona que otros reclusos de alto perfil, como Suge Knight y O.J. Simpson.

Danny Masterson Es Condenado a 30 años en Prisión En Juicio por Violación


5:32 PM PT -- Danny Masterson suena confiado de que conseguirá la anulación de sus sentencias en el proceso de apelación.

Uno de los abogados de Danny, Shawn Holley, dice a TMZ: "Durante los últimos meses, un equipo de los mejores abogados en apelación del país ha estado revisando las transcripciones del juicio, y han identificado importantes cuestiones probatorias y constitucionales que abordarán en los tribunales de apelación estatales y federales."

Holley continúa: "Los errores que se produjeron en este caso son sustanciales y, lamentablemente, condujeron a veredictos que no están respaldados por las pruebas".

"Y aunque tenemos un gran respeto por el jurado en este caso y por nuestro sistema de justicia en general, a veces se equivocan. Y eso es lo que ocurrió aquí", agrega.

El abogado concluye: "El Sr. Masterson no cometió los delitos por los que ha sido condenado y nosotros, y los abogados de apelación, los mejores y más brillantes del país, estamos seguros de que estas condenas serán anuladas."

Danny Masterson finalmente ha recibido su condena a 30 años en prisión, después de meses de ser declarado culpable de dos cargos de violación.

La estrella de "That '70s Show" fue sentenciado el jueves por un tribunal de Los Ángeles. Enfrentaba 30 años de cárcel después de ser declarado culpable de dos de sus tres cargos, por lo que la sentencia no es tan sorprendente.

Como informamos, fue declarado culpable de estos dos cargos en mayo. Se le acusó por primera vez en 2020, cuando tres mujeres declararon que los incidentes se habían producido entre 2001 y 2003, mientras él trabajaba en la serie de comedia.

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dejando el tribunal

Recordemos que Masterson tuvo un juicio en octubre pasado, pero terminó nulo un mes más tarde después de que el jurado no pudiera llegar a una decisión. El equipo del actor intentó que se desestimara, pero finalmente fue juzgado de nuevo y condenado.

Su abogado, Philip Cohen, nos dijo tras la anulación del juicio de Masterson que el caso "no trataba de otra cosa más que de la credibilidad de las tres denunciantes y que la credibilidad sólo se podía determinar comparando, contrastando y centrándose en las declaraciones en constante evolución de las mujeres."

Después de ser declarado culpable, nos enteramos de que Masterson no fue encerrado con el resto de los reclusos en la Cárcel Central de Hombres del condado de Los Ángeles, donde ha estado esperando su sentencia, sino que fue ubicado en la "segregación administrativa", donde se han quedado reclusos de alto perfil en el pasado, como O.J. Simpson y Suge Knight.

Danny Masterson Sentenced To 30 Years to life in Prison In Rape Retrial


5:32 PM PT -- Danny Masterson sounds confident in getting his convictions overturned on appeal.


One of Danny's attorneys, Shawn Holley, tells TMZ ... "For the past several months, a team of the top appellate lawyers in the country has been reviewing the transcripts of the trial. They have identified a number of significant evidentiary and constitutional issues which they will address in briefs to both state and federal appellate courts."


Holley continues ... "The errors which occurred in this case are substantial and unfortunately, led to verdicts which are not supported by the evidence."


She adds ... "And though we have great respect for the jury in this case and for our system of justice overall, sometimes they get it wrong. And that's what happened here."


Holley concludes ... "Mr. Masterson did not commit the crimes for which he has been convicted and we -- and the appellate lawyers -- the best and the brightest in the country -- are confident that these convictions will be overturned."

Danny Masterson has finally been sentenced, months after he was convicted on 2 rape counts, to 30 years to life behind bars.

The "That '70s Show" star was sentenced Thursday to 30 years in a Los Angeles court. He was facing 30 years to life after being found guilty on 2 of his 3 counts ... so the sentence isn't all that surprising.

As we reported, he was convicted on the 2 counts in May, but the jury was hung on the 3rd count. He was first charged back in 2020, with the 3 women saying the incidents went down between 2001 and 2003 -- as he was working on his comedy series.

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Remember, Masterson had a trial last October, but it ended in a mistrial a month later after the jury was unable to reach a decision. The actor's team tried to get it dismissed, but he was eventually retried and convicted.

His attorney, Philip Cohen, told us after Masterson's mistrial that the case was "about nothing other than the credibility of the three accusers and that credibility could only be determined by comparing, contrasting and focusing on the ever-evolving statements given by the women."

After being found guilty, we learned Masterson wasn't put in lockup with the general population at the L.A. County Men's Central Jail -- where he's been awaiting his sentence -- but instead was in "administrative segregation" ... where high-profile inmates like O.J. Simpson and Suge Knight have stayed in the past.

Originally Published -- 11:42 AM PT

Nina Agdal Sues Danis Over Paul Fight Trolling ... Files For Restraining Order

Dillon Danis' incessant online trolling of Nina Agdal has driven Logan Paul's fiancée to the point of both suing Danis and filing for a restraining order against him to make it stop.

Agdal beelined it to court Wednesday to file docs, obtained by TMZ Sports, claiming Danis has posted "despicable" things about her more than 250 times since his fight with Paul was announced earlier this summer.

In her suit, she says she's suffered humiliation, emotional distress, and reputational harm ... alleging that one post Danis made on Aug. 11, in particular, violated federal and state law.

She says as part of the post, Danis threw up a sexually explicit image of her that was taken from "a romantic encounter" she had had with a person more than 10 years ago.

"Danis posted the photograph -- entirely uncensored -- from his X (Twitter) account, without Plaintiff's consent," Agdal wrote in the suit. "Later that day, Danis reposted the explicit photograph in order to maximize the number of views it would receive."

The 31-year-old model claims Danis only agreed to delete it after Misfits Boxing -- the org. behind the Oct. 14 Danis vs. Paul tilt -- threatened to cancel the fight unless he took it down.

Agdal added in the suit that many of Danis' other posts have upset her ... including a tweet he made on Aug. 28 that she says showed a video of her from more than six years ago where she talked about "her desire for intimacy during a period of celibacy."

She claims in the suit that the vid had been stored deep in her Snapchat archive ... "suggesting Danis had hacked [her] personal account or had obtained the private video from someone who had done so."

She's asking for unspecified damages in the suit but wants no less than $150K per violation of the federal law prohibiting the sharing of intimate images.

As for her TRO, she's asking a judge to bar Danis from posting sexually explicit images of her going forward ... in the wake of Danis' repeated threats to release further images that could be damaging to Agdal's reputation.

For Danis' part, he's been unapologetic over the posts throughout the past few weeks ... saying they've been helping promote his upcoming fight with Paul.

Danis took to Twitter to comment on the lawsuit, saying, "Nina Adgel has filed a massive lawsuit against me. She filed a restraining order against me and is seeking prison time, so the fight is in jeopardy if I’m in jail. This is actually wild but I won’t stop f*** the system come get me. Logan Paul is a dead man walking."

We should say ... the lawsuit doesn't mention anything about Danis missing the fight or being barred from the event, nor does Nina ask for prison time, that's not how lawsuits work.

Priscilla Presley I Wasn't Banging Elvis At Age 14 ... 'The Love Of My Life'

Biennale Cinema

Priscilla Presley is once again denying she and Elvis Presley were intimate while she was a minor -- this amid a new movie that spotlights their relationship ... controversy and all.

The ex-wife of the late icon was front and center Monday during a presser at the Venice Film Festival, just before Sofia Coppola's new film -- "Priscilla" -- was screened. During a Q&A, Priscilla was lobbed a question directly ... and she answered it head-on.

Check out what she says about their relationship -- which began with her meeting Elvis at the age of 14, and him at 24 -- but at which point, Priscilla insists, hadn't yet turned sexual.

She says what made Elvis drawn to her was the fact she would listen to him and let him pour his heart to her ... something that led to them continuing to see each other even after Elvis came back to the States following a deployment in Germany, where they first linked.

Priscilla says the fact he could confide in her and trust her was at the core of their relationship -- and while she says many might assume they were sleeping together at this time, she says that's not true ... and that Elvis respected the fact she was just a teen.

Now, despite that ... she's confessed in the past that Elvis would kiss her at this age -- and even at age 17, she went to go visit him for an overnight stay with her parents' permission.

With this larger picture ... many have criticized Elvis after the fact, alleging he was a scummy guy for zeroing in on a young girl -- but, clearly, Priscilla has no regrets ... even now calling him the love of her life, and saying she was drawn to him even after they divorced.

This new film is supposed to show the "darker" sides of Elvis and word is ... his estate is not happy with the portrayal here, as they feel it paints him in a bad light. No matter, though -- the movie's coming out later this year. Also -- it's based on Priscilla's own memoir, so ... 🤷🏽‍♂️

Kanye West & Bianca Censori Banned from Venice Water Taxi ... Because of 'Obscenities'

Kanye West and Bianca Censori can't seem to stay out of trouble in Italy ... the couple was reportedly barred from using a Venice boat rental company due to indecent exposure.

The ban stems from an incident last Monday when the rapper and his model wife were riding in a water taxi through the historic island city, according to Daily Mail Australia.

One photo caught Bianca kneeling in front of Kanye, who was seated on a bench with his hand gripping the back of her head. Another snap showed Kanye's pants pulled down from behind, revealing his butt crack.

The water taxi company, Venezia Turismo Motoscafi, was totally in the dark until the images surfaced in the media.

Now, a rep for the company has issued a statement, saying, Ye and Bianca are "no longer welcome" on its vessels.

The spokesperson insisted the driver didn't see "these obscenities" because he was too busy operating the boat. If he had, he would have immediately reported Ye and Bianca to the authorities.

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What's more ... the rep claimed a third person, who was with Ye and Bianca, blocked the driver's view of the couple.

In recent weeks, Ye and Bianco have been making waves all across Italy. Bianca especially has been on the Italian radar over her tight-fitting, see through bodysuits. Some locals have even called for Bianca and Ye to be arrested or booted from the country for indecency.

Emma Stone Embraced Graphic Sex for New Flick Plays Lady w/ Child's Mind

Emma Stone is getting a lot of Oscar buzz for a new movie of hers -- where she's in some balls-to-the-wall sex scenes, baring it all ... even though her character's technically a child.

This one's a little dicey, but it's being talked about a ton this weekend among attendees at both the Telluride Film Festival here in Colorado and the Venice Film Festival in Italy -- where her latest offering, "Poor Things," got screened ... and which is getting rave reviews.

The movie's about a lady who gets brought back to life, Frankenstein-style, but this time ... with the brain of a young kid. So, she's back all doe-eyed/naïve -- and apparently horny too.

As far as what age she's supposed to be portraying in the film ... it's hard to pin down exactly, but some outlets have used the term "infant" to characterize the type of child she's playing (in an adult's body). Essentially, her role as Bella supposedly plays out a sexual liberation odyssey ... and word is, this one is raunchy as hell -- with ES embracing all of it.


If that sounds controversial, well ... that's because it is, but that's not stopping the director, Yorgos Lanthimos, from heaping on the praise -- let alone apologizing for the content.

During a press interview at Venice, Yorgos said Emma was with him every step of the way in terms of playing out the graphic sex he wanted to show on camera ... noting she was fearless in doing so and had no shame to show anything off. So, yeah -- full nudity it seems.

While the subject matter might come across as, perhaps, a little too edgy ... film snobs who are there and have seen it are groveling over "Poor Things" -- calling it a sensation, and also claiming that Emma is definitely going to be a front-runner for Best Actress come 2024.

BTW, Emma's flick is far from the only one at these film fests that apparently dabbles in hanky-panky. A good handful of others are said to do the same ... including some portraying gay relationships. S/O Jacob Elordi, Barry Keogan, Paul Mescal and Andrew Scott.

In other words ... get ready to see some birthday suits this Fall/Winter at the Cineplexes. Hollywood's going for broke in the bedroom -- time will tell how the public takes it all.



Maitland Ward is slamming Trace Cyrus for taking swipes at OnlyFans models ... and she's calling on Miley Cyrus to set her brother straight.

We got the former "Boy Meets World" actress-turned-porn star in Los Angeles and our photog asked her about all the flak Trace is catching for dissing women who have OF accounts.

Maitland says Trace is displaying a serious case of toxic masculinity ... and she thinks the musician's just looking for a "trace of fame" while living in his sister's shadow.

As we reported ... Trace says women are destroying their chances of finding the right man by starting an OF page, and he's since doubled down on his stance despite tons of heat coming his way.

Maitland says Trace is sorely mistaken ... pointing out she's been happily married for 16 years while enjoying a career in porn.

While dissing Trace, Maitland's calling on Miley to speak out against her brother ... she says Miley's voice will carry extra weight here because she's a beacon for sexual liberation.

Miley's kept above the fray so far ... and it will be interesting to see if Maitland's comments here move the needle.

Trace Cyrus Miley's Bro Drags Women On OnlyFans ... Catching Major Heat for It


10:25 AM PT -- Trace Cyrus is doubling down on his thoughts about OnlyFans models ... writing on X on Thursday, "I stand on everything I said. I’ll never read another response to anything I post on here." He says most folks in his replies aren't smart enough to make a valid argument.


What's more, Trace claims he's been getting nothing but praise on Instagram for making the same stance, and thinks the fact that OF creators are on X means that's where the hate is coming from -- claiming people are just "triggered."

Miley Cyrus' brother, Trace, is getting destroyed for harsh comments about women working on OnlyFans -- he thinks they're killing their chances of ending up with a good guy.

The Metro Station guitarist and vocalist launched his anti-OnlyFans rant Wednesday, saying the women who earn cash on the site "have lost their chance of ever settling down with a good guy with morals."

Trace thinks OnlyFans models will call guys with standards "insecure," but will get attention from other men online, "so they think they have options."

It's a long, bizarre and rambling attack ... Trace even calls guys who pay for content on the platform "desperate" losers. Plenty of people in the comments lit him up, though, calling his rant "so embarrassing."

Farrah Abraham even called him out, saying "Balance & Brand is real... forget limited Insecure mindsets."

Trace responded to Farrah with a heavy dose of sarcasm ... "I've been defeated. The most intelligent woman of this generation has put me in check."

BTW, some are pointing out a bit of irony in his discography -- Metro Station's 2007 hit, "Shake It" is all about getting women to do as the title suggests, and having sex with them ...  as long as they're not OnlyFans models, apparently.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 8:47 AM PT

Ne-Yo Ex Claims He Went Threesome Crazy ... 2/Yr Fine, But Not All the Time!!!

Haus of Aaron

Ne-Yo's ex, Monyetta Shaw-Carter, is opening up about what led to their breakup -- at least from her POV, it was about overcrowding in the bedroom ... as in, too many threesomes!!!

Monyetta was a recent guest on the "Haus of Aaron" podcast, where she poured some alleged tea, claiming Ne-Yo reneged on his promise for them to star on "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" as a couple ... out of fear his music career would be tarnished.

As for the threesomes ... Monyetta says she was open to allowing others to participate in the bedroom, but saw red flags when Ne-Yo attempted to make it a regular thing.

Monyetta says she was totally down for it a couple times a year, but any more than that made her feel inferior in the relationship ... so, she cut her losses.


We just spoke to Jidenna about having multiple sex partners -- as he's been using his own experiences with polygamy to drive his music. His expertise is pretty much aligned with Monyetta's POV ... if the woman's unhappy, things likely won't last.

For what it's worth, Monyetta finally got one wish -- she appeared on 'RHOA' this season!!!

Nick Carter Judge Allows His Countersuit Against Sexual Assault Accuser

Nick Carter can celebrate winning a legal battle over Melissa Schuman -- the singer who's suing him for allegedly raping her back in 2002 -- but the war is still to come.

The Backstreet Boy singer had filed a countersuit against Schuman for defamation, but in response, she and her father filed a motion to block his legal action. Carter was in a Las Vegas courtroom Wednesday to hear a ruling on the matter.

Court TV

The judge sided with Carter, denying Melissa's attempt to get the countersuit dismissed. The judge decided Carter presented sufficient evidence to warrant his defamation case moving forward.

As we reported, Schuman -- who sang in the girl group Dream -- claims Carter raped her back in 2002 at a friend's apartment in Santa Monica. She filed a lawsuit against him back in April, and shortly thereafter, Nick filed his countersuit.

Carter's attorney Liane K. Wakayama reacted to Wednesday's ruling, telling us ... “For years, Melissa and Jerome Schuman have been conspiring with anyone they could manipulate to drum up false claims against Nick Carter in a brazen attempt to get rich off of him. Today’s ruling confirms that Nick will be able to pursue that truth to its inevitable conclusion and expose the Schumans’ and their co-conspirators’ deceit and deplorable conduct.”

Both cases will now move forward.

Cowa-bang-a Man Pleads Guilty to Sex w/ Calf ... DNA Left at the Scene 🐮

A British guy is going to have to wait until the cows come home to shake this saga -- 'cause he's now known as the dude who got off with cattle.

25-year-old Liam Brown pled guilty this week to sexual penetration with a living animal and causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal during a hearing at the Poole Magistrates Court ... according to the Daily Mail.

It reportedly all stems from an incident last summer when Brown was caught red-handed doing the deed with a young calf on a farm in the town of Burton. Apparently, he fell victim to some booby traps set by the farmers.

You see these landowners say they'd suspected for a while that their bovines were being abused, so they installed a bunch of alarms/surveillance cams to catch whoever was banging the livestock in the dead of night. Eventually, Brown crept onto the property, triggered the system and was apprehended.

The worst part ... they say they know this guy from years ago.

The farmers told the court that members of Brown's family had actually been employed by them several years ago -- so, they were familiar with him since childhood, it seems.

As for how prosecutors were able to prove it was Brown beyond a reasonable doubt ... DNA. Indeed, the report says samples from the cow were collected. and they matched his profile.

Brown was reportedly sobbing in court. He'll be sentenced next month.

Jidenna Good Orgy Rule #1 ... Women Always Lead!!!


Jidenna and Team Wondaland have become quite the hedonists -- a lifestyle the Classic Man wants everyone to know is not for the pushy or immature.

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with Jidenna Tuesday at LAX, where he told us he's excited about hitting the road with Janelle Monáe and his labelmates Flyana Boss, Nate Wonder and Nana Kwabena for The Age of Pleasure Tour ... a concert that's sure to expose a ton of skin!!!

Jidenna will be performing cuts from his latest album "Me You & God" onstage ... a project that's making headlines for its openness to polyamory, and disclosure that he's enjoyed some group sex on the beach!!!

While Jidenna acknowledges his activities might dazzle most cis-hetero males, the rapper makes it clear he always lets women set the boundaries and create their own safe spaces.

He says that's the key, and everyone in his crew operates under that principle.

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It's a delicate situation that some of Jidenna's homies outside of the Wondaland fold can't understand, but he says Wondaland aims to please with everything they do.

The tour kicks off Wednesday in Seattle and will be sliding into major cities nationwide through the end of October. Fun for the whole bunch!!!