Marilyn Monroe Alleged Sex Tape with Kennedys Going to Auction

Marilyn Monroe had sex with John F. Kennedy AND Robert F. Kennedy ... and their sexual romps were captured on film ... at least according to the guy who owns the film, but is about to lose it in a public auction.

William Castleberry -- a former Hollywood bodyguard -- tells TMZ the film was seized from his home, along with other property ... and is going to auction Tuesday to cover a $200k court judgment against him.

Castleberry won't say where or how he got the film ... but says he always kept it secret out of respect for Marilyn's ex-husband Joe DiMaggio -- who Castleberry says was a good friend of his.

Castleberry says he knows people think he's a fraud, but insists it's definitely MM on that film.

He says he's trying to raise the $200k to pay off his debt before the film is sold.

Just a hunch, but most of the world is hoping Castleberry fails.

The Game I Didn't Bang Khloe ... But I Did Bang Kim


First came Ray J ... then came The Game ... who just decided to announce he bangaranged Kim Kardashian long before she was super famous.

It's the humble brag of the century -- Game was doing an interview for some UK radio station, when the topic turned to rumors he's been hooking up with Khloe in the wake of her split from Lamar Odom.

Game denied the rumors -- but said he is NOT a Kardashian virgin ... casually letting it slide that he got it in with Kim way back in the day.

Game didn't say when exactly -- but sources tell us, Game and Kim hooked up briefly in 2006.

Kim's infamous sex tape was released a year later, but to Ray J's credit ... he really did hit it first ... the sex tape was recorded in 2003.

Farrah Abraham You Are a Porn Star And Your Bank Account Proves It

Farrah Abraham is a porn hypocrite ...she CLAIMS she's not a porn star and is fighting the release of a sequel to her first flick but she's privately hounding porn producers to ante up a fortune in XXX royalties.

Farrah's first film -- "Backdoor Teen Mom" -- was released a year ago, yet it's still a top seller. TMZ has learned Farrah repeatedly called Vivid Entertainment last month for her quarterly royalty check. We found out Vivid wired her $93,927.72 for the last quarter of 2013.

We're told Farrah has received more than that amount from Vivid for previous quarters.

What's more ... Farrah got in the high 6 figures to shoot the flick.

As you may know ... she's been on a soapbox recently, proclaiming she's a mother and an author but not a porn star.

As for the sequel ... she can forget about it. We know she signed away all of her rights to videos Vivid might want to make from the original footage with James Deen. As a matter of fact, a Vivid source says "Expect a third one."

Farrah Abraham BUSTED! Over Sex Tape

Farrah Abraham is as fake as her boobs ... having the nerve to claim she never signed on for a porn sequel. She did, and we have the email to prove it.

Abraham is upset over Vivid releasing a follow-up video to "Backdoor Teen Mom" ... claiming she never approved a sequel.

Small problem ... We have an email Farrah sent to Vivid ... in which she gives the porn company the right "to release video or Videos(s)." Plural times 2.

Farrah says she's a public figure, not a porn star. Fact is she's both -- she's a porn star who has a public figure, from both the front and the rear.

Farrah Abraham Vivid Tried To Backdoor Me on Sequel

Farrah Abraham insists she did NOT consent to a second sex tape which is about to be marketed ... claiming her initial tape was a one off and she is NOT a porn star.

Farrah's lawyer tells TMZ ... his client did not give Vivid honcho Steve Hirsch permission to release a sequel to "Backdoor Teen Mom." The lawyer says the so-called new sex tape is just extra footage from the first shoot she did -- with porn star James Deen.

According to the lawyer, Farrah is "a mother, a public figure, and an author," and not a porn star.

The lawyer says they tried to shut down Hirsch, to no avail.

Something tells us ... Hirsch has a release (not that kind) in his hands that gives him the right to the footage.

Sportscaster Sex Tape Jayne Kennedy's Ex-Hubby Suing I Didn't Leak Our Sex Tape!!

Leon Kennedy -- who co-starred in a real life sex tape with legendary sportscaster Jayne Kennedy back in the '80s -- is suing the people behind Ebony magazine claiming they falsely ID'd him as the man who leaked the infamous XXX footage to the media.

In case you're unaware, the sex tape featuring Leon and Jayne is widely considered the grand-daddy of the celebrity sex tape ... since Leon was a big actor at the time (starring in a ton of blaxploitation flicks) and Jayne was a commentator on "NFL Today."

They divorced in the early '80s ... and years later, the sex tape mysteriously surfaced (you can still find the footage online ... it's super grainy).

Recently, Ebony magazine published an article in which Leon claims he was wrongly fingered as the source of the leak.

Leon -- now an ordained minister who preaches around the globe -- is furious claiming the mag straight up lied when it wrote that he "viciously leaked" the tape. He insists the tape was stolen by an unidentified 3rd party and distributed without consent from Leon or Jayne.

Now, Leon is now gearing up to file a lawsuit against Ebony ... and he's out for blood.

Leon says the story has damaged him both professionally and emotionally -- and now, he wants more than $1 MILLION to make things right ... including $4,546.05 for out of pocket medical expenses caused by stress and anxiety from the article.

We reached out to Ebony magazine -- but were unable to reach anyone for comment.

Giants Punter Yeah, I Said It ... I Love Watching 'Teen Mom'

Giants punter Steve Weatherford tells TMZ Sports ... he's obsessed with "Teen Mom" ... but despite his super-fandom, the NFL star says he draws the line at Farrah Abraham's sex tape.

Weatherford admits he's stumbled upon a free preview of Farrah's venture into porn, but says he can't justify shelling out money to watch the entire cinematic experience.

"I'm not paying $5 to watch Farrah."

Can't argue with the guy's standards.

Tila Tequila Even I Think It's Disgusting

Tila Tequila's sex tape will get a full release next week as a Vivid video download ... and TMZ has the MSFW screen grabs.

The tape -- which we've seen and is packed with hardcore boy-girl action -- is elegantly named "Tila Tequila: Backdoored and Squirting." Her mama ... well, you know.

Porn giant Vivid inked the deal for TT's tape ... it'll be available online starting Monday.

As for the video ... there's not much of a plot. But it's got a happy ending..

'Devils Ride' Star White Boi Shoots Sex Tape With 3 Chicks

The star of the reality hit "The Devils Ride" is riding more than motorcycles ... because we've learned he banged 3 girls at once on video and the sex tape is now being shopped.

Chris Boultinghouse -- who goes by White Boi on the show -- is seen in all his glory ... doing 3 chicks as they're watching a sex tape featuring 3 other people.

It appears the tape was shot on a budget, because at times one of the women is shooting with the camera in the apartment.

Several major porn companies are deciding whether they want to release it. Based on what we saw ... we're guessing there will be no problem getting sign-offs from all involved.

Oh, another nice touch -- in the video you see a 24 ounce Pabst Blue Ribbon can in the background.

Cold beer and orgies.

Charlie Sheen Victim Says Sex Tape Exists And She Can Prove It

The woman who claims 4 of her computers were stolen because the burglars were targeting a Charlie Sheen sex tape has told cops ... she can prove the tape exists because she now has a copy.

Christina Fulton -- Nic Cage's baby mama -- triggered the investigation by reporting the theft, but cops never found the computers or the sex tape. Nonetheless, Christina's former handyman, Ricardo Orozco, has been arrested and charged with the burglary. Two other people who were on scene were cleared by the D.A. because there wasn't enough solid proof to mount a solid case ... something that has pissed off cops.

But now Christina says she has solid proof -- a copy of the tape and she has told cops she will fork it over next week.

The tape could be critical evidence ...As we first reported Orozco and the other 2 went to the office of Charlie's lawyer shortly after the burglary ... asking what they would pay for the tape. If cops determine the tape did indeed exist and can link it to Christina's computer, it could be a smoking gun in the criminal case. And it's possible the D.A. could take another look at the other two alleged accomplices.

Charlie Sheen Suspects in Alleged Sex Tape Theft Won't Be Charged

The guy implicated in an alleged stolen Charlie Sheen sex tape and who faked his own kidnapping will NOT be charged with a crime, TMZ has learned ... it's bizarre but true.

Darwin Vela and his fiancee Kelly McLaren were in the getaway car when Ricardo Orozco allegedly broke into the home of Nic Cage's baby mama and stole 4 computers ... one of which supposedly contained a Charlie Sheen sex tape.

Orozco has been charged with the burglary. Now we've learned Vela and McLaren will skate.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... there's no clear proof Vela and McLaren knew Orozco was burglarizing the house at the time of the break-in. The D.A. believes at some point they knew the stuff was hot because they went to Charlie Sheen's lawyer to find out how much the actor would pay to keep such a sex tape off the market.

But the D.A. concluded there's no proof such a sex tape ever existed, so it's all speculative.

The D.A. also says Orozco is a scary ex-con and Vela and McLaren were afraid of him, though it's unclear how this plays into the decision not to prosecute.

Bottom line -- the D.A. feels it's unclear which parts of Vella and Mclaren's story are true and which are lies. Ultimately the jury would get confused and there's no chance of a conviction.

You'll recall Vela disappeared last month and reappeared several days later. It seems he was faking his own kidnapping but in the end it wasn't relevant in the D.A.'s decision.



IT'S OFFICIAL: Tila Tequila has multiple personalities ... at least in her brand new sex tape ... and in this clip, you'll meet Ashley, Tila's English speaking ass-flashing alter ego.

As we reported, Vivid Entertainment will be releasing a hardcore sex tape before Christmas starring Tila and an unidentified male co-star, shagging like rabbits.

The clip contains your typical sex tape nudity -- don't worry, we blacked it out -- but the interesting part isn't Tila's ass ... it's her impressive attempt at an English accent.

We don't know why she randomly broke into a Cockney drawl in the middle of her sex romp, but it's hilarious (disturbing?) to watch. Check it out.

Tila Tequila NEW Sex Tape Being Released This Time With a Dude

Stop us if you've heard this one before ... a sex tape featuring Tila Tequila will hit the internet in the next few weeks -- except this time she's getting it on with a guy ... and the new tape is VERY HARDCORE.

TMZ has learned Vivid Entertainment obtained footage of Tila recently banging on camera ... and they plan to release the video just in time for Christmas. Stocking stuffers, anyone?

We saw the footage -- calling it "hardcore" is an understatement ... especially compared to her last tape, which was an all-girl affair.

Tila isn't saying if she signed off on the tape -- but since it's being released to the public ... you do the math.

Pippi Longstocking BUSTED ... FOR FELONY HIT AND RUN

Tami Erin -- the actress who played Pippi Longstocking -- was arrested Saturday afternoon for felony hit and run and drunk driving ... TMZ has learned.

Erin was driving in L.A. when she allegedly hit 3 cars and took off. Law enforcement sources say at least one person was taken to the hospital.

And get this ... Erin didn't hit them all at once -- we're told she hit the first car then drove off ... then hit another car and drove off ... and then she hit the last.

When cops found her they did a field sobriety test and then arrested her for both the felony hit and run and DUI. One source says she was "totally out of control ... just out of it."

Erin refused to submit a blood alcohol test ... and her bail was set at $100K.

As TMZ first reported ... Erin's latest screen credit is a gnarly sex tape.

1:23 PT -- Tami just bailed out of jail.


Darwin Vela and GF Mum on Charlie Sheen Sex Tape


Darwin Vela -- the man who "disappeared" last week after evidence surfaced that a Charlie Sheen sex tape was stolen -- was mum last night on his way out of jail


Paris Hilton I Never Made a Dime Off My Sex Tape


Paris Hilton never made ONE CENT off of her sex tape -- which has produced untold millions in profits ... at least that's her story.

It's a shocking statement ... given that "1 Night in Paris" has grossed tens of millions of dollars.

TMZ knows ... Paris signed off on the skin flick in 2004, but sources connected with Hilton tell us ... she claims she gave all the profits to her co-star, Rick Salomon. We know in the first year alone, Salomon reported to the IRS that he made $10 mil, and that was almost all sex tape $$$.

So the question ... why would Paris sign off on the tape if she didn't want to cash in? We can't answer that question.

Paris made the revelation at LAX. We were asking her about shutting down the Slovenian porn site that's profiting off of "1 Night in Paris" when she dropped the bombshell.

So we gotta ask:

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