Kim K Sex Tape Company There Is NO Second Tape!!!

There is NO new Kim Kardashian sex tape being shopped around the porn community -- in fact, a XXX sequel doesn't even exist ... this according to Vivid Entertainment.

Of course, Vivid would know ... besides being the biggest name in porn, it also owns the copyright to the original Kim K sex tape.

Now, Vivid honcho Steve Hirsch tells us ... the company has been investigating the rumors of a 2nd tape ... and has determined that it's total BS.

"We’ve already spoken to the third party that brought the first tape to us," Hirsch says ... "and, a second tape, or additional footage from the first tape isn't being shopped around or even exists."

Hirsch also warns that if anyone is trying to resell footage that already belongs to him ... he will "use all legal means possible to protect our ownership."

Octomom Her Kid Allegedly Watched Mom's Masturbation Video

At least one of Octomom's kids watched her masturbation video ... according to one of Octo's former nannies.

TMZ has obtained correspondence between nanny Gina B and the Orange County Dept. of Children and Family Services ... in which she claims on June 28, Nadya ran to her crying, claiming she found her oldest son watching porn on his phone.

The nanny says the 11-year-old had found the website that posted his mom's masturbation video and decided to sneak a peek. The nanny says Octo handed her the phone and asked her to block the site, but when the nanny said she needed a passcode, Octo told her to forget it.

The nanny says Octo told her she and her then-boyfriend Frankie would have a chit-chat with the kid about staying off porn sites ... especially hers.

Hulk Hogan Settles Sex Tape Suit with Bubba the Love Sponge


2:00 PM PT -- Bubba played the apology after coming back from a commercial break ... and the audio was sped up and hard to listen to ... just like a legal notice at the end of a car commercial.

Hulk Hogan has settled his lawsuit against his ex-BFF, Bubba the Love Sponge, over the sex tape scandal ... but he is pressing on with his lawsuits against Bubba's ex-wife and Gawker Media.

Financial terms of the settlement were not released, but clearly a public mea culpa from Bubba, real name Todd Alan Clem, was part of the deal.

Bubba released an apology letter today ... saying he now believes Hulk had no idea he was being recorded and that Hulk did not play a part in releasing the tape.

Bubba continues ... "It is my belief that Hulk is not involved, and has not ever been involved, in trying to release the video, or exploit it, or otherwise gain from the video’s release in any way."

Bubba closed the letter by saying he is "committed to helping Hulk and his attorneys find whoever is responsible for the release of the tape."

Hulk is continuing forward with his $100 million lawsuit against Gawker for publishing the tape. He is also seeking damages from Bubba's ex-wife ... the sex tape co-star, Heather Clem.

Hulk Hogan's Sex Tape Partner TAPED SEX with MULTIPLE Men

Hulk Hogan isn't the only guy who was caught on tape with Bubba the Love Sponge's former wife ... TMZ has learned there are multiple tapes ... with multiple men ... in the same exact bed.

TMZ has seen three additional sex tapes featuring Heather Clem with other men -- shot while she was married to Bubba -- and in one of the tapes, she even walks up to the camera to double-check that it's recording.

In the footage, she tells her mystery partner -- neither Bubba nor Hulk -- "Is this thing recording? Okay, not that I don't trust you but I will get in trouble if it doesn't."

The insinuation -- Heather and Bubba had some kind of agreement in which Heather was allowed to screw other men ... as long as she recorded it.

As for the other two new tapes -- they were both shot in the exact same style as the Hulk tape ... in Bubba's bedroom with an overhead surveillance-type camera. It's unclear if the two men in those tapes knew if they were being recorded.

But as we previously reported, both Bubba AND Heather were aware of the surveillance camera set-up in the bedroom -- and were captured on tape joking about selling the Hogan footage for big money.

We reached out to Heather and Bubba for comment -- no word back.

Bubba the Love Sponge HULK HOGAN May Have Leaked Sex Tape

Bubba the Love Sponge just went on his radio show ... and claimed Hulk Hogan may have played a role in the release of the sex tape ... despite several public denials.

During the show, Bubba made it clear ... he and Hulk are no longer best friends -- in fact, it sounds like they pretty much hate each other's guts.

At one point in the show, Bubba called Hulk a "self-centered" man who has delusionally convinced himself that Nick was innocent in that 2007 car crash, Brooke actually has talent and that Linda is "whore." Bubba actually defends Linda throughout the show.

Bubba never really denied having anything to do with the sex tape -- but said, "I'm gonna be honest with you, I have not seen the tape ... including me supposedly bragging and being a horse's ass."

We broke the story, there is footage of Bubba on the sex tape ... talking about selling the footage if he ever wanted to be rich enough to retire.

On the radio show, Bubba continued, "At the end of the day, I can't even comment on the validity ... [Hulk] could have had something to do with the leak of it,"

Bubba also touched on the fact that he let Hulk have sex with his then-wife Heather Clem -- saying they all consensually agreed to it and reminding Hulk, "Nobody put a gun to your head."

As we previously reported, Hulk is suing Bubba and Heather over the footage -- claiming they taped him without his consent.

Hulk Hogan Sues for $100 MILLION Over Sex Tape


Hulk Hogan just announced ... he's suing for more than $100 MILLION over his leaked sex tape.

Hulk's attorney spoke at a news conference in Tampa moments ago, announcing two lawsuits filed today by the wrestler -- one against Bubba the Love Sponge and his ex-wife for illicitly recording Hulk without his permission, and another against Gawker for publishing the tape.

Hulk's attorney says the wrestler is seeking $100 MILLION in damages from Gawker stemming from the leaked footage. It's unclear what he's seeking from Bubba and Bubba's ex Heather Clem.

In the suit, obtained by TMZ, Hogan claims he "had a reasonable expectation of privacy in his consensual, intimate activities in a private bedroom and reasonably believed that his privacy was safe and protected."

Hulk's attorney says Bubba and Co.'s actions were "illegal, outrageous, and exceeded the bounds of human decency."

In addition to forking over damages, Hulk's team wants Bubba, Gawker, and anyone else in possession of the sex footage to turn it over asap in order for it to be destroyed forever.

Hulk's other attorney David R. Houston also reiterated -- they will continue to go after anyone who republishes the footage with a vengeance.

Hulk Hogan I'm Suing Bubba Over that Sex Tape

Hulk Hogan will sue his best friend, Bubba the Love Sponge, for allegedly betraying him by secretly taping Hulk's sexual escapade with Bubba's wife Heather ... TMZ has learned.

We're told ... the lawsuit will be filed in Florida and Hulk will allege invasion of privacy, on grounds Bubba and Heather (also a defendant) conspired to roll tape during her encounter with Hulk.

We broke the story ... in the tape, right after Hulk bangs Heather and leaves the room, Bubba enters and says to Heather, "If we ever did want to retire, all we'd have to do is use this footage."

Hulk said on TMZ Live he was sick to his stomach over the revelation.

Hulk is also filing a federal lawsuit against the website that posted the tape.

Hulk Hogan Contacts FBI Over Leaked Sex Tape

Hulk Hogan is taking his sex tape fight to the big dogs -- contacting the FBI this week to help him track down the low-life who leaked his naked fun time footage to the media ... TMZ has learned.

Hulk's attorney tells TMZ, the wrestler had previously attempted to file a police report in Florida -- but local police couldn't help him for two reasons:

1) Because the tape was recorded in 2006, the four-year statute of limitations had expired on the offense of unlawfully recording Hulk without his permission.

2) The other offense -- distributing the illegal footage to the media -- crosses state lines, so it's a federal problem ... not a local one.

As a result, Hulk's lawyer says he has contacted the FBI to track down the sex tape leaker ... and bring that person to justice.

We're told Hulk plans to meet with FBI agents on Monday.

Hulk Hogan Betrayed By Best Friend 'I'm Sick to My Stomach'


Hulk Hogan just called in to "TMZ Live" ... and was completely stunned when we told him about the footage of his BFF Bubba the Love Sponge plotting to profit off of his sex tape ... telling us, "I'm sick to my stomach right now."

Hogan says Bubba had adamantly denied having any knowledge about the sex tape ... and told Hulk he didn't know there was a camera capturing Hogan's X-rated session with his former wife Heather Clem.

Hulk says he had warned Bubba ... "If you had anything to do with this, that means we were never friends."

We broke the story ... Bubba appears at the very end of the sex tape, after Hogan had left the room, and told Heather, "If we ever did want to retire, all we'd have to do is use this footage."

Hulk says he is exploring all of his legal options -- and promises someone WILL PAY for recording and releasing the tape.

Bubba the Love Sponge He Knew Hulk Sex Tape Could Be Worth A Fortune

Hulk Hogan's best friend, Bubba the Love Sponge, not only secretly videotaped Hulk having sex -- he bragged afterwards that the tape was a goldmine that could be the key to Bubba's retirement.

TMZ has seen the last few minutes of Hulk's leaked sex tape -- in which he bangs Bubba's wife Heather Clem. It's very clear -- Bubba was in on it. Moments after the deed is done and Hulk leaves, Bubba says to his wife ... "If we ever did want to retire, all we'd have to do is use this footage."

His wife shoots back, "You'd never do that." Bubba then tries to recover, saying, "I wouldn't do that, you'd be the biggest rat, you'd be dead."

The revelation is interesting ... considering Hulk went on the Howard Stern show TODAY and said he and Bubba are still good friends -- and sounded confident Bubba was NOT the culprit.

There's more, TMZ just broke the story ... Hulk is filing a criminal police report in FL and trying to HUNT DOWN whoever leaked the tape -- claiming he was filmed illegally.

Hulk Hogan to Cops Help Me Find the Bastard Who Leaked My Sex Tape

Hulk Hogan is turning to cops for help after his sex tape surfaced online last week -- seeking to file a criminal police report with his local PD in Florida ... in the hopes they'll be able to track down whoever leaked the footage ... TMZ has learned.

We've learned Hulk's attorney David R. Houston contacted the St. Petersburg PD this AM, claiming whoever made the tape committed a felony by unlawfully recording Hulk without his consent -- and whoever leaked it broke the law by unlawfully running that footage.

Hulk's hoping a police investigation will lead him to the culprit ... or culprits.

As we reported, Hulk has already fired off a cease-and-desist letter to Gawker, demanding the website remove the minute-long clip it posted, depicting Hulk having sex. So far, the website hasn't removed the footage.

Hulk told Howard Stern the tape was shot six years ago while he was still married to Linda Hogan, but separated. Hulk said the woman in the tape is radio host Bubba the Love Sponge's estranged wife Heather Clem ... and Bubba gave Hulk permission to bang her.

Linda Hogan I Never ABUSED Hulk

Linda Hogan is firing back at the Hulkster ... claiming her ex-husband was lying through his over-bleached mustache when he accused her of abusing him during their marriage.

Linda is pissed over the statements Hulk made to Howard Stern this morning ... when he claimed he was the victim of verbal and mental abuse by his former spouse ... and that's why he decided to bang Bubba the Love Sponge's estranged wife.

Now, Linda is calling BS ... telling TMZ, "Unbelievable -- I never abused Hulk Hogan."

Linda also unleashed her lawyer, Raymond Rafool, who adds, "Hulk Hogan’s the-devil-made-me-do -it (or in his case my ex-wife Linda-made-me-do-it) is just a pitiful excuse for a grown man to avoid taking responsibility for his own mishaps and actions."

Rafool adds, "It is a shame that Hulk Hogan tries to deflect his immorality with false allegations that Linda verbally and emotionally abused him. Linda Hogan never abused Hulk Hogan – verbally, mentally or otherwise."

Hulk Hogan Yes, I Banged Bubba's Wife


Hulk Hogan just appeared on the Howard Stern show ... and admitted the woman in his sex tape is the estranged wife of his best friend, Bubba the Love Sponge ... who gave Hulk his blessing to nail her.

Hulk spilled his guts to Stern ... saying Bubba -- a nationally syndicated radio DJ -- allowed Hogan to have sex with Heather Clem six years ago.

During the interview, Hogan says he was still married to Linda at the time of the sex tape ... but says she drove him to have sex outside the marriage because she was so verbally and emotionally abusive to him.

Hulk also admitted his performance wasn't exactly tip top.

Hogan says he's working with officials to find out who released the tape ... because he swears he didn't know he was being recorded ... and vows to press charges against the perpetrator.

Hulk Hogan HUGE Offer for Sex Tape

A porn company DESPERATELY wants to put Hulk Hogan's sex tape on their site ... so much so that they are offering him an "open checkbook" and gratuitously stroking his ego at the same time.

TMZ has obtained an offer letter from to Hulk ... and they're looking to lock up the rights to his sex tape, which made the rounds on the internet this week without Hulk's permission.

In the letter, says they can help Hogan with his leaked situation and, of course, they're are asking to release the tape on their site.

The letter states, "While this may be an embarrassing ordeal for you to go through right now, it doesn't need to be ... you are 'bigger' than Andre the Giant where it matters."

The site says they have an "open checkbook" if Hulk is interested in signing a deal.

We reached out to Hogan for his response -- but so far, no word back.

Hulk Hogan Threatening LAWSUIT Over Leaked Sex Tape Footage

Hulk Hogan's leaked sex tape did NOT catch the wrestler with his pants down -- at least figuratively -- because TMZ has learned, he's already got his lawyers on the counter-attack, threatening to SUE if the tape isn't taken off the Internet.

Gawker posted a minute-long clip of the sex tape on its website yesterday -- but sources close to Hogan tell TMZ, it won't be up for long ... because Hogan's currently drafting a nasty cease-and-desist letter to the website, demanding the footage be taken down.

Hogan's claiming the site has no right to post the footage -- and if it doesn't remove it, he'll sue.

Hulk's lawyer David R. Houston tells TMZ, "This tape was made secretly without Hulk's knowledge or permission. We are going to do everything in our power to figure out who did it. Anyone displaying the tape will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law."

As we first reported ... the Hogan tape was being shopped around to the highest bidder beginning earlier this year. Screen grabs hit the Internet in April, but video only surfaced yesterday.

Gawker says it obtained the tape from an anonymous source -- who gave the footage to the site for free.

As soon as news broke about the tape, Hogan immediately vowed to sue ANYONE who published it. Hulk's word is his bond.

Kanye West I Don't Have a Sex Tape I HAVE TWO!!!

Kanye West is a sex tape master -- TMZ has learned, the rapper filmed himself doing the deed MORE than once in recent years ... and TWO tapes are currently being shopped to the highest bidder.

The reports are true ... a Kanye sex tape featuring a young woman in a hotel room is making the rounds -- but what you haven't heard ... there's a second tape and the 2 are nearly identical.

Both tapes are impressively long -- the first is roughly twenty minutes ... and the second is more than FORTY. And we're talking constant action. Seriously, the guy takes no breaks. It's incredible. Almost Sting-like.

We're told the tapes were both shot several years ago with exes.

The tapes are currently being shopped to media outlets by a third party.

Sources close to Kanye tell us the rapper has no idea how the videos were lifted from his computer -- but if anyone releases the footage ... we're told Kanye plans to go after the culprits with a legal vengeance.

Kanye's current GF Kim Kardashian rose to fame after her sex tape was released. And now, her boyfriend has steamy sex tapes of his own. So we gotta ask ...

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