Judge to Jerry Sandusky: You Can See Your Grandkids ... If Parents Consent
Alleged serial child rapist Jerry Sandusky -- former Penn State asst. football coach -- has been cleared by a judge to visit with his grandkids ... as long as the parents are present during the encounter.
The judge also ruled that Sandusky can receive visits from adults.
The judge was clearly feeling generous to the former football coach ... because he also shot down an attempt by prosecutors to have Sandusky confined indoors as he awaits trial due to a fear that he might rape local children.
Sandusky is already on home confinement ... but prosecutors wanted Sandusky locked indoors over fears that he might make an effort to contact kids at an elementary school behind his home.
Seriously, elementary school behind his home. Your stomach turning yet?
But the judge ruled there was not enough evidence to prove Sandusky was making "any effort to contact any of the children by signaling or calling to them, or that he made any gestures directed toward them, or that he acted in any inappropriate way whatsoever."
Sandusky is due back in court in May ... when he will face 52 counts of sexually assaulting boys over a 15-year span.
See also
Joe Paterno eBay PULLS Funeral Tickets Over Policy Violation
Don't count on buying a ticket to Joe Paterno's funeral on eBay -- because the auction site just pulled ALL Paterno funeral ticket listings, claiming the tickets violate one of the website's policies.
A rep for eBay tells TMZ they don't "allow the sale of tickets to events in which all tickets are free to the public."
The rep adds, "In accordance with the policy, eBay will not allow the sale of tickets to Joe Paterno's memorial service."
Multiple tickets flooded the auction site this morning after they were made available -- for free -- to the Penn State community.
The bids for the tickets POURED IN. One auction for a pair of passes even reached $99,509 before eBay pulled it.
Paterno's memorial service is scheduled for this Thursday at Penn State's 16,000-seat
basketball arena.
More eBay Auctions
Joe Paterno Westboro Baptist Church to Picket His Funeral
Margie Phelps, daughter of Pastor Fred Phelps, announced on Twitter today the Westboro Baptist Church would be picketing the funeral of former Penn State football coach Joe Paterno.
Paterno passed away earlier today from lung cancer. He was 85.
Last October, Westboro announced they would picket the funeral of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. They also picketed the funeral of Michael Jackson.
The church is known for their extreme views against homosexuality. Based on other tweets (see below), Paterno's involvement in the Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse scandal is what drew their attention.
See also
Joe Paterno Dead at 85
Joe Paterno -- the legendary former football coach at Penn State University -- died this morning at the age of 85 ... this according to his family.
His family released a statement that reads, "He died as he lived. He fought hard until the end, stayed positive, thought only of others and constantly reminded everyone of how blessed his life had been. His ambitions were far reaching, but he never believed he had to leave this Happy Valley to achieve them. He was a man devoted to his family, his university, his players and his community."
The front page of the website for the Penn State athletic department was updated with simply a picture of Paterno (see below).
Jerry Sandusky, the longtime assistant coach facing sexual abuse allegations that led to Paterno's dismissal at Penn State, called his death a sad day ... and Paterno "had the courage to practice what he preached" about toughness, hard work and clean competition.
In November 2011, his son Scott announced Paterno had a treatable form of lung cancer.
JoePa, as he was known, holds the record for most victories by a Division I football coach with 409.
See also
Joe Paterno In Serious Condition
Joe Paterno, the legendary former coach at Penn State University, has suffered health complications and is in serious condition ... this according to a rep for the Paterno family.
The spokesperson released a statement, saying in part, "Over the last few days Joe Paterno has experienced further health complications. His doctors have now characterized his status as serious."
His son Jay tweeted, "I appreciate the support & prayers. Joe is continuing to fight."
Another son, Scott, responded to a report that JoePa had passed, tweeting, "Dad is alive but in serious condition. We continue to ask for your prayers and privacy during this time."
Onward State, a student-run newspaper on campus, reported Saturday he had been taken off his respirator. The Citizens Voice, a newspaper in nearby Wilkes-Barre, PA, reported Paterno's wife Sue summoned close friends and longtime staff members to State College hospital.
Paterno was the coach at Penn State for 46 years, until he was famously fired by the school last November following the sexual abuse allegations against his former assistant coach, Jerry Sandusky.
Paterno died Sunday morning, the family announced. He was 85.
Jerry Sandusky Hey Oprah ... Wanna Talk?
Jerry Sandusky and his wife are kicking around the idea of doing a major TV interview TOGETHER ... but first, he must decide ... Oprah or Barbara Walters??
Attorney Joe Amendola reportedly told PennLive.com, Jerry and Dottie Sandusky are "considering speaking together publicly after the new year ... either to Oprah Winfrey, '60 Minutes,' 'Rock Center' or Barbara Walters."
It's unclear if anyone has actually made an offer to the Sanduskys ... or if it's simply wishful thinking on the part of Amendola.
This may explain the shindig at Amendola's house earlier this month, when he invited reporters and producers from various outlets to watch a football game. Amendola held court as all the media types tried to score an interview. The party ended with an NBC producer getting busted for DUI.
As we previously reported, Dottie has lashed out at the allegations in the past ... claiming the accusers simply MADE UP stories about being abused by the former Penn State assistant football coach.
Attempts to reach Oprah and Babs were unsuccessful.
See also
Jerry Sandusky Case NBC Correspondent Arrested Courting Exclusive Interview
An NBC Correspondent was arrested last week after allegedly getting wasted at a party thrown by Jerry Sandusky's lawyer ... TMZ has learned.
The Correspondent -- Jay Gray -- was invited by attorney Joe Amendola to watch the New York Giants game at his house on December 11. Amendola invited reporters from other media outlets as well, all of whom were vying for an exclusive interview with Sandusky.
One source familiar with the party tells TMZ ... Gray got "really drunk" during the game. Sometime after midnight, Gray left the party and began driving. He was stopped by a Pennsylvania State Police officer for a traffic violation, which quickly turned into a DUI stop.
According to police records obtained by TMZ, "He [Gray] had been drinking and was arrested for DUI." The time of arrest was 1:45 AM on December 12.
We left messages for Gray but did not hear back. Ditto Amendola.
NBC had no comment.
See also
Mike McQueary Testifies I'm Not 100% Sure Sandusky Was Raping That Boy
Mike McQueary says he's not 100% positive Jerry Sandusky was anally raping a young boy in a Penn State shower back in 2002 ... but he's CERTAIN Sandusky was sexually molesting the child.
McQueary -- a Penn State assistant coach -- took the stand in a preliminary hearing for 2 former PSU officials this morning, and said he became suspicious when he heard skin-on-skin slapping sounds coming from one of the showers.
McQueary says he peeked into the shower and personally saw Jerry and the boy naked in the shower together -- with Jerry grabbing the boy's waist from behind, while the boy was facing the wall.
McQueary says he peeked in the shower several times -- and by the last time, they had separated. But McQueary told the court, "I know they saw me. They looked directly in my eye, both of them."
"Seeing that they were separated, I thought it was best that I leave the locker room," he explained.
McQueary says he went to Penn State football coach Joe Paterno to report the incident the following morning -- but didn't use the words "sodomy" or "anal intercourse."
McQueary says Paterno slumped back in his chair and appeared disappointed, but told Mike he had "done the right thing."
When asked why he didn't report the incident to police, McQueary explained that he had spoken with PSU Vice President Gary Schultz and felt that was good enough because Schultz oversaw the campus police.
"I thought I was talking to the head of the police, to be frank with you," McQueary said. "In my mind it was like speaking to a [district attorney]. It was someone who police reported to and would know what to do with it."
See also
Jerry Sandusky's Legal Move Worst Strategy Ever
Some of the top criminal defense lawyers in L.A. tell TMZ ... they are "astonished" that Jerry Sandusky's lawyer waived his right to a preliminary hearing, because it would have been the only possible way the former Penn State assistant coach could've beaten the child molestation rap.
The lawyers were unanimous -- the prelim was the ONLY opportunity Sandusky's attorney had to test the veracity of the alleged victims before the trial. As one criminal defense lawyer put it, "The prelim is where the lawyer can lock down the victim's story. It's the only time Sandusky's lawyer can probe as to why such a long delay in reporting the crime."
Crimes that are not reported for years create inherent problems for prosecutors, not the least of which are fading memories and exaggerations over time. There's also a "me too" dynamic in these cases -- people riding the wave and saying they were also victims. The prelim is where the defense can mine these weaknesses.
One of the defense lawyers we spoke with scoffed at Sandusky's statement this morning ... that he will fight for four quarters: "Waiving the preliminary hearing is like laying down on the field for the first half of the game."
The lawyer said, "If Sandusky's lawyer is worried about bad publicity, it's not like it could get any worse," adding, "The decision to waive prelim is mind-numbingly stupid."
See also
Jerry Sandusky Blocks Accusers From Spilling Beans ... For Now
Jerry Sandusky just executed a legal maneuver that will keep 8 of his accusers from telling tales of horrific sexual abuse ... but only temporarily.
The former Penn State assistant coach waived his right to a preliminary hearing this AM in his child molestation case. The judge was supposed to hear testimony from Sandusky's accusers and then decide if there was enough evidence to justify a trial. By waiving his right to a prelim, the case will automatically be set for a full trial.
On his way into court, Sandusky said, "We fully intend to put together the best possible defense that we can do, to stay the course, to fight for 4 quarters. We want the opportunity to present our side."
Outside the courthouse, Sandusky's lawyer, Joseph Amendola, told the media, "There will be no plea negotiations. This is a fight to the death."
See also
Joe Paterno I Broke My Hip!
Joe Paterno fell and fractured his pelvis yesterday -- this according to a source close to his family.
The 84-year-old former Penn State football coach -- who's currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment for lung cancer -- was admitted to a local hospital after taking the tumble at his home, but will not need surgery.
He is expected to make a full recovery.
See also
Jerry Sandusky's Wife My Husband Is INNOCENT
Jerry Sandusky's wife is standing behind her man ... claiming he NEVER raped any boys and insists all of his accusers are making up their stories.
For the first time since the allegations went public, Dottie Sandusky has released a statement through her husband's lawyer ... claiming she never witnessed Jerry sexually abusing anyone ... and doesn't believe any of the allegations.
In her statement Dottie says she's been "shocked and dismayed by the allegations made against Jerry."
She adds, "As the mother of six children, I have been devastated by these accusations. "
"Our children, our extended family and friends know how much Jerry and I love kids and have always tried to help and care for them. We would never do anything to hurt them. I am so sad anyone would make such a terrible accusation which is absolutely untrue. We don't know why these young men have made these false accusations, but we want everyone to know they are untrue."
As we previously reported, Dottie helped bail her husband out of jail this morning after he was arrested on suspicion of sexually abusing two more young boys.
See also
Jerry Sandusky Wife Helps Post $250,000 Bail
Jerry Sandusky's wife helped the former Penn State coach post his $250,000 bail this morning -- one day after Jerry was arrested for allegedly raping two additional young boys ... this according to court records.
The records show Sandusky's wife forked over a $50k personal check ... in addition to Jerry using $200,000 in real estate holdings to post the bail.
The court ruled that Sandusky will be confined to his home ... and he is not allowed to have any contact with any witnesses or victims related to the child sex abuse case.
10:24 AM PST -- Sandusky has been released from custody.
See also
Jerry Sandusky Mug Shot Released
Jerry Sandusky's booking photo has just been released.
As we previously reported, Sandusky is currently locked up in a Pennsylvania county jail after failing to make $250,000 bail.
He was arrested today after two new accusers came forward -- claiming the former Penn State assistant coach sexually abused them as children.
Look at That Mug
Jerry Sandusky Arrested AGAIN Additional Sex Abuse Charges
Jerry Sandusky was handcuffed and removed from his Pennsylvania home earlier today ... after he was hit with 9 NEW sex abuse charges from 2 new accusers.
According to Attorney General of Pennsylvania, the 2 new accusers each say they met Sandusky through the The Second Mile -- an organization for at-risk youth that Sandusky founded.
Officials say, "As in many of the other cases identified to date, the contact with Sandusky allegedly fit a pattern of ‘grooming’ victims ... Beginning with outings to football games and gifts; they later included physical contact that escalated to sexual assaults.”
One of the new accusers, who is now identified as Victim 9, claims he met Sandusky in 2004 ... and alleges that bizarre behavior such as hugging, rubbing, cuddling and tickling escalated to sexual assaults ... some of which were performed in the swimming pool and Jacuzzi of a hotel near Penn State.
The other new accuser, identified as Victim 10, claims he was 10-years-old when Sandusky would have “wrestling” sessions in the basement of the coach's home -- which escalated to oral sex.
The Attorney General announced that Sandusky was charged with 4 new counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and 2 counts of unlawful contact with a minor, all felonies which are each punishable by up to 20 years in prison and $25,000 fines.
Sandusky was also charged with 1 count of indecent assault and 2 counts of endangering the welfare of children, all third-degree felonies which are each punishable by up to seven years in prison and $15,000 fines.
1:20 PM PT: Sandusky has been transferred to a Pennsylvania county jail after failing to make bail.
12:12 PM PT: Bail has been set at $250,000.
See also
Jerry Sandusky 8 Alleged Victims to Testify ... According to Report
All 8 alleged victims mentioned in the explosive Jerry Sandusky grand jury report will testify against the former Penn State defensive coach at a preliminary hearing next week ... this according to ABC News.
Sandusky's lawyer had previously stated that his legal team had contacted the person who was allegedly raped in the Penn State locker room ... and that person insisted nothing ever happened.
But according to ABC, that person -- and all of the rest -- will say they WERE abused when they take the stand.
The prelim is set to begin on Dec. 13. Jerry is currently facing 40 counts of child sex abuse.