Shawne Merriman Fumes Over Gates' Hall Of Fame Snub ... 'This One Needs An explanation!!!'


Shawne Merriman is furious his good pal and former teammate Antonio Gates didn't make the cut for the Hall of Fame on Thursday ... and now, he's demanding an explanation from the committee.

Lights Out didn't hold back when TMZ Sports spoke with him about the Chargers legend's HOF snub ... saying point blank, "This is pretty much an embarrassment, man."

"This one needs an explanation," he said. "Because if you watch football, in the last two decades, there's no way in the world that Antonio Gates is not a first-ballot Hall of Famer."

Instead of Gates, the committee chose to put in Dwight Freeney, Devin Hester, Andre Johnson, Julius Peppers and Patrick Willis.

Clearly, Merriman thinks Gates got robbed ... adding, "I was shocked just like every other football fan was."

The sad part ... Merriman -- who played with Gates from 2005 through 2010 -- said he knows Gates is feeling down about it all.

"I know this has to bother him some," Merriman said.

Of course, Shawne is confident Gates will get his gold jacket sooner rather than later ... but in the meantime, he really wants to know why it didn't happen this week.

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"I know they don't come out and give too many explanations," he said, "but this one needs an explanation."

Shawne Merriman Philip Rivers Still Wants To Play ... 'That's Why He Hasn't Retired'


Philip Rivers is 42 years old and hasn't taken a hit in an NFL game since the 2020 season ... but according to Shawne Merriman, the dude STILL has aspirations of getting under center again.

The former Chargers superstar made the revelation in a chat with TMZ Sports earlier this month ... saying he knows for a fact that his good pal and former Bolts teammate wants another shot in the NFL.

"That's why he hasn't retired," Merriman said of the quarterback.

In fact, Shawne tells us he thinks Rivers could potentially play not just one more season ... but maybe even two.

"I can tell you," Merriman said, "Phil still wants to play."

Rivers last suited up for the Colts in 2020-21, piling up 4,169 passing yards and 24 touchdowns. He led Indy to an 11-5 record, though he ultimately failed to get a win in the playoffs -- losing to Buffalo in the Wild Card round.

Prior to his stint in Indianapolis, Rivers put together a Hall-of-Fame-worthy résumé with the Chargers ... and after he took a high school coaching gig in 2021, many believed he was satisfied with how his career had played out.

But, Merriman said that's just not the case.

"I still think Philip can play another year or two if a team gets down here in the playoffs and they need a quarterback to come off the street," Merriman said. "Phil can do it."

So far, there doesn't appear to be any teams quite in need of kicking Rivers' tires -- though there are still three more weeks left 'til the playoffs begin.

Shawne Merriman dice que Philip Rivers aún quiere jugar "por eso no se ha retirado"

sería un buen coach

Philip Rivers tiene 42 años y no ha hecho nada espectacular en un juego de la NFL desde la temporada 2020, pero de acuerdo con Shawne Merriman, el tipo TODAVÍA tiene aspiraciones de estar en el centro de atención.

La ex superestrella de los Chargers hizo la revelación en una charla con TMZ Sports a principios de este mes, diciendo que sabe a ciencia cierta que su buen amigo y ex compañero de equipo de los Bolts quiere otra oportunidad en la NFL.

"Es por eso que no se ha retirado", dijo Merriman del mariscal de campo.

De hecho, Shawne nos dice que él piensa que Rivers potencialmente podría jugar no solo una temporada más, sino que tal vez incluso dos.

"Puedo decirte", dijo Merriman, "Phil todavía quiere jugar".

Rivers se vistió por última vez para los Colts en 2020-21, acumulando 4.169 yardas de pase y 24 touchdowns. Llevó a Indy a un récord de 11-5, aunque finalmente no pudo obtener una victoria en los playoffs, perdiendo ante Buffalo en la ronda de Wild Card.

Antes de su paso por Indianápolis, Rivers reunió un currículum digno del Salón de la Fama con los Chargers7 y después de que participó en un juego de entrenamiento de la escuela secundaria en 2021, muchos creían que estaba satisfecho con la forma en que su carrera había jugado.

Sin embargo, Merriman dijo que no es el caso.

"Todavía creo que Philip puede jugar uno o dos años más si un equipo llega aquí abajo en los playoffs y necesitan un mariscal de campo que salga de la calle", dijo Merriman. "Phil puede hacerlo".

Hasta ahora, no parece haber ningún equipo que necesite a Rivers, aunque todavía quedan tres semanas hasta que comiencen los playoffs.

Antonio Gates Los Chargers no deberían despedir a Brandon Staley ... Esta es la razón!!!

El hombre indicado

Los Chargers están en último lugar de la tabla y prácticamente todo el mundo cree que es inevitable que el entrenador Brandon Staley pierda su trabajo y de acuerdo con Antonio Gates, uno de los mejores jugadores en la historia de la franquicia, eso sería un error.

TMZ Sports se encontró con el jugador a principios de esta semana en Los Ángeles, quien pasó sus 16 temporadas en los Bolts, y le preguntamos si era hora de que Staley de un paso al costado después de otra temporada decepcionante en el sur de California.

"Yo personalmente no creo que [el entrenador deba ser despedido]", nos dijo Antonio Gates.

El candidato al Salón de la Fama explicó su razonamiento: "Solo por la relación que tiene con los jugadores. ¿Puedes conseguir que los chicos jueguen para ti? Siento que Staley tiene una buena relación con los jugadores, y creo eso porque he estado en ese vestuario".

Staley ha sido el entrenador desde la temporada 2021 y aunque el equipo está lleno de talentos, incluyendo la estrella Justin Herbert, el equipo ha tenido dificultades para conseguir éxitos en la post temporada. La temporada pasada, los Chargers, con 10 victorias, perdieron ante los Jaguares de Jacksonville en la ronda de Wild Card, y este año ha sido un desastre.

Las cosas han ido tan mal para el equipo 4-7, que la conversación sobre quién podría sustituir a Staley es casi constante después de su casi garantizada desaparición y Bill Belichick está a menudo en la parte superior de la lista.

Las cosas no van precisamente bien para el entrenador ganador de 6 Super Bowl (8 en total) en la otra costa. Según los informes, Bill y el propietario Robert Kraft han tenido tensiones y no es una locura pensar que Belichick se alejará o incluso será despedido después de la temporada 2023.

Le preguntamos a Gates si cree que Belichick encajaría bien en Los Ángeles.

"Creo que Belichick es un ganador histórico y probado. ¿Por qué no sería bueno para cualquier equipo? No sé cómo sería ahora la transición de los entrenadores de la vieja escuela. Yo vengo de esa mentalidad de la vieja escuela, pero no sé si estos chicos pueden comprometerse con ese estilo de juego. No estoy seguro. No lo sé".

"Pero lo que sí sabemos es que es un ganador probado. Simplemente, no sé si su estilo de juego todavía se considera valioso en la Liga Nacional de Fútbol".

A los Chargers les quedan 6 partidos, incluyendo un enfrentamiento con los Pats este domingo.

Salvo que ocurra algo milagroso, es difícil imaginar que el equipo siga con Staley, incluso con el respaldo del gran Antonio Gates.

Antonio Gates Chargers Shouldn't Fire Brandon Staley ... Here's Why!


The Chargers are in last place and virtually everyone believes it's a foregone conclusion head coach Brandon Staley will lose his job ... and that'd be a mistake, according to Antonio Gates, one of the greatest players in franchise history.

TMZ Sports ran into the 8x Pro Bowler earlier this week in L.A., who spent all of his 16 seasons as a pro with the Bolts, and asked him whether it was time Staley got the ol' heave-ho after another disappointing season in SoCal.

"Ya know, I don't personally think [the coach should be fired]," AG told us.

The Hall of Fame candidate explained his reasoning ... "Just because of the relationship he has with the players. I'm big on, 'Can you get the guys to play for you?' I feel like Staley has a rapport with the players, and I believe in that particularly because I've been in that locker room."

Staley's been the HC since the 2021 season ... and while the squad is chock full of talent, including star QB Justin Herbert, the team has struggled to find any postseason success. Last season the 10-win Chargers lost to the upstart Jacksonville Jaguars in the Wild Card round, and this year has been a disaster.

Things have been so bad for the 4-7 squad, there's near-constant talk about who could replace Staley after his all-but-guaranteed demise ... and Bill Belichick is often at the top of the list.

Things aren't exactly going smoothly for the 6x Super Bowl-winning head coach (8 total) on the other coast, either. Bill and owner Robert Kraft have reportedly had tension, and it's not crazy to think Belichick walks away or even gets fired after the 2023 season.

We asked Gates if he believed Belichick would be a good fit in Los Angeles.

"I think Belichick is a proven, historical winner. Why wouldn't he be good for any team? I don't know how the old-school coaching would transition now. I come from that old-school mentality, but I don't know if these guys can commit to that style of play. I'm not sure. I don't know.

"But we do know what we know is that he's a proven winner. I just don't know if his style of play is still considered valuable in the National Football League."

The Chargers have 6 games remaining … including a matchup with the Pats this Sunday.

Barring something miraculous, it's hard to imagine the team sticking with Staley ... even with the backing of the great Antonio Gates.

Antonio Gates I Belong In HOF ... And Julius Peppers Does Too!!!

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112923-antonio-gates-hof-kal NOVEMBER 2023

Antonio Gates says he feels like he belongs in the Hall of Fame ... and he tells TMZ Sports if and when he gets in, Julius Peppers should be there right alongside him!!

The two NFL legends were officially named semifinalists for the highest honor in professional football earlier this week ... and when we saw Gates out in LA on Tuesday, we had to get his thoughts on it all.

The former Chargers tight end said he was stoked for the recognition, calling it a "dream come true" -- before adding that he was pretty sure when the final cutdown comes, he'll make it.

"I feel like, mentally," he said, "I belong in there."

As for the rest of the 24 semifinalists, Gates said he could make a case for just about every player on the list ... though he specifically said Peppers definitely deserves the nod.

Some other names who will be considered for the class of 2024 include legends like Dwight Freeney, Andre Johnson and Devin Hester -- three guys Gates said should get long looks for the Hall's final cut next year too.

The list of 25 will be pared down to 15 finalists soon ... before the Class of 2024 is officially revealed at "NFL Honors" in February.

Good luck to everyone who made it this far!!


112923-antonio-gates-hof-kal NOVEMBER 2023
se siente bien estar aquí

Antonio Gates dice que se siente como pertenece en el Salón de la Fama y le dice a TMZ Sports que cuando llegue el momento, Julius Peppers debería estar allí junto a él.

Las dos leyendas de la NFL fueron nombradas oficialmente semifinalistas para el más alto honor en el fútbol profesional a principios de esta semana, y cuando vimos a Gates en Los Ángeles el martes, pudimos escuchar sus impresiones al respecto.

El ex tight end de los Chargers dijo que estaba emocionado por el reconocimiento, llamándolo un "sueño hecho realidad" antes de añadir que estaba bastante seguro de que cuando llegue el corte final, lo hará.

"Siento que, mentalmente", dijo, "pertenezco ahí".

En cuanto al resto de los 24 semifinalistas, Gates dijo que podría hacer un caso para casi todos los jugadores en la lista, aunque dijo específicamente que Peppers definitivamente merece el guiño.

Algunos otros nombres que se considerarán para la clase de 2024 incluyen leyendas como Dwight Freeney, Andre Johnson y Devin Hester. Tres chicos que Gates dijo que deberían acaparar las miradas para el corte final del Salón el próximo año también.

La lista de 25 se reducirá a 15 finalistas pronto antes de que la Clase de 2024 se revele oficialmente en "NFL Honors" en febrero.

¡Buena suerte a todos los que llegaron hasta aquí!

Drew Brees 'My Right Arm Does Not Work'

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One of the greatest right arms in the history of sports no longer works.

Drew Brees made the shocking revelation this week ... admitting he can't throw overhand anymore.

"Look," the future Hall of Famer said on Tuesday on ESPN Radio. "I'll let you in on a little fact. I don't throw with my right arm anymore. My right arm does not work. So, when I throw in the backyard right now, I throw left-handed."

Brees said on the show it all stems from the devastating shoulder injury he suffered while playing for the San Diego Chargers during the 2005 season.

You'll recall, following a fumble, Brees fell awkwardly on his throwing arm ... dislocating his shoulder and tearing up several important pieces of his body in the process.

Docs were able to fix him ... and he went on to have one of the best NFL careers ever with the New Orleans Saints -- but he said he's reeling from it all now.

The former quarterback said he's suffering from a "degenerative shoulder" ... as well as "all kinds of arthritic changes."

Brees then revealed if he could somehow get it to work -- he "would absolutely still be playing."

The 44-year-old added that, thankfully, he is able to be somewhat athletic with his right arm still ... saying at least pickleball isn't out of the equation at this point.

"I can play pickleball because it's below the waist," he said.

"But anything above my shoulders," he continued, "I've got a hard time with."

Ryan Leaf Matthew Perry Helped My Sobriety ... He Was 'Instrumental'

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The Straight Line / PointsBet

Ex-NFL quarterback Ryan Leaf believes he wouldn't be where he is today if it weren't for Matthew Perry ... crediting the late "Friends" star with playing a pivotal role in his sobriety.

Leaf -- who's approaching 12 years clean after battling drug and alcohol addiction in the past -- poured his heart out about his friend on his "Straight Line" podcast with PointsBet this week ... just days after 54-year-old Perry was found dead at his L.A.-area home.

The former No. 2-overall pick kicked off his tribute by stating Perry was "instrumental in my recovery" ... before going into detail about how the actor offered his support without hesitation over a decade ago.

"I got out of prison and when I got to Los Angeles, Matt put his arm around me immediately," Leaf said. "And he carried me for like, the first six months probably in Los Angeles, trying to learn how to be a sober person really in a public platform."

"I don't know if I’m here right now, being able to do stuff like this -- or anything -- if it weren’t for him, and him sharing his story and making me understand that you can be a guy in the public eye that everyone knows and still be sober, be humble and be about helping other people."

Leaf explained even as Perry dealt with his own drug, alcohol and mental health issues over the years, he didn't ever leave his side and continued to assist in the athlete's sobriety.

The 47-year-old said his takeaway from the tragedy is Perry was so much more than a TV star -- he was a guy who wanted to help others, and that's how he will remember him.

"There's a lot of people that I owe for the life I now have, get to live ... and he's certainly at the top of that," Leaf said.


"Matt, we'll miss you. I'll miss you. I hope you are finally at peace because I just don't know if you ever truly were."

Antonio Gates My Son Could Be Better Than Me!!! ... 'I Really Believe That'


An Antonio Gates hasn't been in the NFL since the 2018 season ... but another could be on the way soon -- and, according to the Chargers legend himself, the next one could be better than the first!!

Gates tells TMZ Sports ... his boy -- Michigan State Univ. redshirt freshman receiver Antonio Gates Jr. -- has the goods to one day make it to the NFL, and be an even bigger star than he was once he arrives.

"I think so," Gates said out in Beverly Hills this week. "I really believe that."

So far, the younger Gates is still learning how to be effective on the collegiate level ... after not playing the entirety of the 2022 season, he's played sparingly in 2023.

But, the elder Gates said with all the resources at his disposal -- a transformation into a beast on the gridiron isn't far off.

"I can kind of give him the information that's important for him to be successful," Gates Sr. said. "So, he's got a great future ahead of him."

But, either way, Gates Sr. said he's a very proud Papa nonetheless.

"I can't tell you how proud I am as a father," he told us. "I'm happy for him."

Shawne Merriman Won't Rule Out Fighting MMA ... 'Lights Out' Promotion Coming Back

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Shawne Merriman's bringing back Lights Out Xtreme Fighting -- after more than a year of being dormant -- and the former NFL star and promotion founder tells us won't rule out taking a fight!

"I'm not opposed to [fighting]," the former Pro Bowler told Babcock and Mojo on the "TMZ Sports" TV show (airs nightly on FS1), saying "I would fight the right former athlete, another guy in the WWE, something that people would pay to see in Lights Out."

The 38-year-old former NFL star continued ... "They got my Instagram. They got my number. If anybody really thinking about it and it's a good fight and people wanna see it, come on and step in Lights Out. I got no problem!"

Of course, Shawne wouldn't be the first former football player to transition to fighting. Former NFL star Greg Hardy, who had no combat sports background, fought in the UFC.

Matt Mitrione, former Giants, 49ers and Vikings defensive lineman, was a UFC and Bellator star. Matt beat heavyweight legend Fedor Emelianenko, amongst a bunch of other top fighters. Not to mention Brock Lesnar ... and the list goes on and on.

6'4" Merriman would have had the best football career (though Hardy was dominant on the gridiron, too) of all players if he fought. Shawne played around 265 lbs. and was an athletic freak. He ran a 4.68 40-yard dash and put up 25 reps of 225 lbs. before he was drafted 12th overall in 2005.

Merriman, a huge MMA fan, founded Lights Out (his nickname during his playing days) in 2019. They've had 7 events -- all taking place in southern California -- with the last going down in December 2021.

But, the promotion is back ... "Lights Out Xtreme Fighting 8: The Return" goes down on Saturday in Riverside, CA. The event preliminaries will stream at 6 p.m. PST and the main event will stream live at 7 p.m. PST on Fubo Sports as well as the network's Instagram, Twitter and YouTube plus on Shawne Merriman’s social channels

Merriman says he's signed some super-talented fighters and his only hope is they don't leave for Bellator or UFC.

"I know Scott Coker and [Dana White], I've been around this space for a long time. They all know I have a big appetite for growing and being big in the space but ultimately, it's about giving guys, these fighters more eyeballs. Giving them a platform to fight."

"UFC, Bellator, great organizations. They're actually what made me get into the fight game and watch from the beginning. With Lights Out, I think we have an opportunity to come in here and give these fighters an opportunity to go and take care of their families, be legends in the sport, be champions in the sport," Merriman says.

In the meantime, if there are any WWE Superstars out there who wanna get in the cage with Shawne, hit him in the DMs!

Titus Davis Ex-College Football Star Dead at 27 ... After Battling Rare Cancer


Titus Davis -- who broke Antonio Brown's WR records at Central Michigan -- has died after battling a rare form of cancer.

He was only 27.

Titus -- older brother of Tennessee Titans wideout Corey Davis -- went public with his diagnosis in July, revealing he was suffering from a rare and aggressive kidney cancer called Renal Medullary Carcinoma.

He underwent chemotherapy to battle to illness -- but ultimately passed away on Wednesday. He's survived by his 2 sons.

Titus was a monster during his 4 years at Central Michigan from 2011 to 2014 -- racking up 3,700 receiving yards and 37 TDs during his career, setting school records in both categories.

He's the only player in college football history to have 8 or more touchdowns in four different seasons.

Titus signed with the Chargers as an undrafted free agent in 2015 -- where he was a member of the practice squad. He also spent time as a practice squad player with the NY Jets, Chicago Bears and Buffalo Bills.

Titus' former college coach Dan Enos issued a statement on Davis' passing -- saying he's "heartbroken."

"On the field, he was a phenomenal athlete and competitor. He was also a great friend and teammate to many."

"From the first moments we started recruiting him, we at CMU football knew he was something incredibly special. He was a joy to coach and to be around. My deepest sympathies are extended to his family during this difficult time."


Shawne Merriman Sued Playboy Employee's Fam Claims Wrongful Death He Adamantly Denies It

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Ex-San Diego Chargers star Shawne Merriman is being sued by the parents of a deceased Playboy employee, who claim he drugged and possibly assaulted their daughter before she overdosed while partying with him ... but Merriman flat-out denies wrongdoing.

The employee was Kimberly Fattorini, who died in 2017. At the time, her death was ruled accidental, with the cause being overdose from a cocktail of substances ... including booze, coke and a commonly used date rape drug known as GHB.

In a lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Kimberly's parents claim that she and some friends went to a club event 'cause of an invite from a promoter, who the parents allege went on to host the girls at his house, continuing to party into the early morning.

The lawsuit alleges that the promoter texted Shawne at some point the next day, saying ... "Got 3 whores over," with the idea being that Shawne could take a couple off his hands.

Kimberly's parents go on to claim that Shawne did in fact show up, and was allegedly witnessed carrying a bottle with some sort of liquid inside. After that, the parents allege that Kimberly texted the promoter from inside the house saying, "you friend just poor'd half G in my drink," and the parents believe G refers to GHB, which is a powerful depressant.

The lawsuit alleges Kimberly sent a number of texts afterward that made no sense, with the implication being that she was incredibly intoxicated. The suit claims that Kimberly, Shawne and a friend of hers then went to her friend's place after ... and then around 3 PM, a 911 call was placed by Kimberly's friend who found her unresponsive.

Kimberly's parents claim that first responders found her "half-naked with her jeans unzipped and unbottoned." They also allege Shawne was in the room when 911 was called, and that he made clear to the present parties that he didn't want it known he was there.

The suit alleges that a preliminary report from the autopsy didn't indicate any foul play, but they also note that a test for sexual assault wasn't done because officials said it wasn't conducted at the time of the initial autopsy, and couldn't be done properly afterward.

Now for an alleged text Kimberly's parents claim they dug up between a friend of Kimberly's and the promoter who initially invited Shawne ... it allegedly read, "Shawn killed her ass, what a f***ing idiot." Another alleged text from the promoter reads, "That dumbass been drugging girls for years."

The complaint claims negligence, battery and a violation of the drug dealer liability act. The family's asking for damages.

As for Shawne, a representative for him tells TMZ ... "As of right now Shawne, nor his attorney, have any knowledge of him being named in any lawsuit. This alleged lawsuit is baseless. Shawne attended an after party more than two years ago where a young woman unfortunately overdosed."

His rep goes on, "The police thoroughly investigated and found no wrong doing whatsoever by Shawne. The fact that they are raising this now, two years after the fact, demonstrates the baseless nature of these allegations."

WWE's Bobby Lashley I'll Fight Shawne Merriman ... If Batista Won't

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Great news for Shawne Merriman ... if Batista is too busy to take him up on his fight offer, there's another WWE superstar willing to take his place -- Bobby Lashley!!!

As we previously reported .... the ex-NFL All-Pro linebacker is getting into the MMA game with his own promotion, Lights Out Xtreme Fighting ... and called out Dave freakin' Bautista for a fight in the process.

TMZ Sports spoke to Lashley about the potential matchup ... and while he thinks that's cool and all, Bobby's got a better opponent in mind ... himself!!!

"Shawne Merriman, if he wanted to do it, sure. Call me up. I'll train, I'll fight. I would do it."

Look, Bobby ain't a scrub -- not only is he a wrestling champ, but he's also got a 15-2 career record in MMA.

So ... you still think this is a good idea, Shawne???

Shawne Merriman Challenges Batista To MMA Fight ... I'll Be Ready!!!

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Ex-NFL star Shawne Merriman wants to get in a cage and beat the living hell outta someone ... and that person??? It's wrestling superstar Batista.

YES, Merriman wants to fight Dave Bautista ... the WWE legend turned Hollywood star in a real deal MMA fight.

"He looks good, man. I know that people will watch that," Merriman tells TMZ Sports.

"I know people wanna see that. If he was down to do it, I would do it in a second. I wouldn't even question that one."

Shawne knows Bautista's a busy guy -- he's fighting Triple H at Wrestlemania 35 this weekend and he's currently working on numerous films -- but still thinks they can make the fight happen.

"I know he's got other stuff going on, but why not give the people something they want to see."

The reason why we're even talking about this ... the former All-Pro linebacker just launched his own MMA promotion -- Lights Out Xtreme Fighting -- and he's seriously considering taking his first fight.

Thing is, 6'4", 265 lb. Bautista ain't ONLY a wrestler and actor -- he's actually won a pro fight -- and he still trains (peep this).


But, don't get it twisted ... Shawne ain't a chump. He's 34 (16 years younger than 50-year-old Batista) ... and he's a freak of an athlete.

Oh, and he's also 6'4", 265 lbs.

So, what's Shawne's message to Dave?

"Hey Batista, if you're watching this dude, we're both from the DMV area. I got mad love and respect for you. I know you been around the game a long time, and people wanna see it. Come on. I'll be ready."

Shawne Merriman Launches MMA Promotion ... Considering Fighting

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Shawne Merriman

Ex-NFL star Shawne Merriman is jumping from the gridiron to the cage -- launching an MMA promotion -- and he's considering fighting ... TMZ Sports has learned.

We talked to Shawne -- a 6'4", 265 lb. linebacker who made 3 Pro Bowls in his 8-year career -- about the creation of his new promotion, Lights Out Xtreme Fighting.

Unlike Dana White, Merriman tells us -- if the opponent was right -- he'd be down to fight ... despite co-owning the biz.

The former Chargers star isn't new to mixed martial arts ... he's been around the combat sports game for years -- and was even scheduled to take a bare-knuckle fight in late 2018 before things fell apart.

Merriman isn't the 1st famous former athlete to launch an MMA promotion ... Oscar De La Hoya started Golden Boy MMA last year and put on Chuck Liddell-Tito Ortiz III.

Lights Out Xtreme Fighting's 1st card is going down May 11 in Burbank.