King Charles Funeral Plans Reportedly Being Updated ... Cancer Battle Going Poorly

King Charles is reportedly not doing great amid his cancer battle -- so much so, in fact, that his aides are apparently dusting off his funeral plans and updating them regularly.

The Daily Beast put out a story Thursday that says His Royal Highness is in poor health as he continues ongoing treatments for his cancer -- which, at this point, remains a mystery. The only thing the Palace has said is that it isn't prostate cancer ... but it's unspecified.

While KC has been seen out and about these past few months after his diagnosis -- seemingly looking healthy and robust -- the Beast reports it's dire behind the scenes.

Rebel Wilson ASEGURA QUE UN MIEMBRO DE LA FAMILIA REAL La llevó a una orgía

Rebel Wilson dice que una vez se encontró en medio de una orgía llena de drogas, cortesía de un miembro de la familia real británica... supuestamente.

La actriz detalla el encuentro en su nuevo libro de memorias, "Rebel Rising", explicando cómo recibió una invitación de última hora en 2014 a una fiesta en la casa de un multimillonario tecnológico sin nombre en las afueras de Los Ángeles.

El supuesto vinculado a la realeza -que ella describe como hombre y decimoquinto o vigésimo en la línea al trono británico- estaba tratando de contribuir a la fiesta del tipo rico con más mujeres, y esa es básicamente como consiguió la invitación. Rebel no dio el nombre del miembro de la realeza... parece alguien muy lejano.

Rebel Wilson Claims British Royal ... Took Her to an Orgy!!!

Rebel Wilson says she once found herself at a drug-fueled orgy, courtesy of a member of the British Royal family ... allegedly.

The actress details the encounter in her new memoir, "Rebel Rising" ... explaining how she received a last-minute invitation in 2014 to a shindig at an unnamed tech billionaire's home on the outskirts of Los Angeles.

The supposed Royal -- who she describes as male and "fifteenth or twentieth in line to the British throne" -- was seeking to flesh out the rich guy's bash with more women ... which is why she got an invite. RW didn't name the Royal ... sounds like someone far-removed.

Reina Elizabeth II presentan su nueva estatua en su cumpleaños número 98 ¡Con sus queridos Corgis!

La Reina Elizabeth II ha sido inmortalizada en metal en el Reino Unido junto a sus famosos corgis.

La estatua de bronce de dos metros fue inaugurada el fin de semana y representa una versión joven de la Reina con unos perritos a sus pies, algo por lo que era conocida en vida. Como ustedes saben, Liz amaba a sus corgis y tuvo más de 30 a lo largo de su vida.

Esa tradición se refleja en esta obra de arte -que ahora se encuentra fuera de una biblioteca en Rutland- el condado más pequeño de Inglaterra.

Queen Elizabeth II New Statue Debuts on 98th Birthday ... Comes with Corgis!!!

Queen Elizabeth II has been memorialized in metal in the UK -- and so have her famous corgis -- a couple of which were added to this new statue of her ... which is pretty spot-on.

The 7-foot bronze statue was unveiled over the weekend ... depicting a young QE2 with a few pooches at her feet, something she was known for while she was alive. As you may know, Liz loved her corgis ... and owned upwards of 30 throughout her lifetime.

That tradition comes through in the artwork here -- which now stands outside a library in Rutland ... the smallest county in England.

Melissa McCarthy Lay Off My Friend Meghan ... Smart, Interesting Women Threaten People

Melissa McCarthy's defending her royal homie ... calling out trolls who hate on Meghan Markle -- and saying it's 'cause people feel threatened by successful women.

The actress spoke with Page Six earlier this week in a new video posted Sunday ... and, she stood up for her pal -- saying she gets so much hate for seemingly no reason.

McCarthy then adds she feels intelligent women who have lives are consistently torn down 'cause people find them threatening ... which she says is totally the case with MM.


Prince Harry has officially cut the cord with his British roots after years of royal tension ... making it loud and clear he's sticking with the U.S. for the long haul, and calling it home.

The Duke of Sussex updated his country of residence in new paperwork filed with Companies House, which was required for his eco-tourism nonprofit, Travalyst. Whereas he used to claim the United Kingdom as his home base ... that's now changed to America.

While Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, have lived here in California for several years now -- these docs show the change in his residency didn't switch up on paper until last June.

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Saddle Up For New Show ... Serena Rides Along!!!

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's new Netflix venture's already poppin' with star power ... 'cause early filming saw Serena Williams hangin' with the duo!

The Sussexes were down in Miami shooting their new show for Netflix all about the polo world ... attending the Royal Salute Polo Challenge Friday.

Check out the pics ... Harry's all decked out in his polo gear -- ready to hop on a horse and score a few points with cameras ready to cover it all.

Meghan Markle y el Príncipe Harry Doblan sus esfuerzos en TV Con dos nuevas series para Netflix!!!

Meghan Markle y el príncipe Harry planean lanzar 2 nuevos espectáculos para el gigante del streaming, esto, después de un montón de preguntas sobre su capacidad para producir.

Según Deadline, los ex miembros de la realeza están produciendo un nuevo programa de cocina, jardinería y estilo de vida protagonizado por Meghan, y aparentemente inspirado en su nuevo negocio American Riviera Orchard, que incursionará en varios de estos temas.

Meghan está reclutando a algunos profesionales de la cocina para lanzar su nueva serie de Netflix, entre ellos, el productor de "Selena + Chef" y el director de "Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown" para ayudar a dirigir el proyecto. Meghan es la productora ejecutiva.

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Double Down on TV Career 2 New Netflix Shows Coming!!!

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are launching 2 new shows for the streaming giant -- this after a lot of questions about their ability to produce.

According to Deadline, the former senior royals are in production for a new cooking/gardening/lifestyle show starring Meghan ... seemingly inspired by the actress' new American Riviera Orchard business, which will dabble in a lot of the same stuff.

Meghan is enlisting the help of foodie pros to launch her new Netflix series ... as the producer of "Selena + Chef" and director of "Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown" are being brought on to help shepherd the project. Meghan is executive producing this one.

REY CHARLES III asiste a la misa de Pascua En plena lucha contra el cáncer

El rey Charles III puede estar enfermo, pero tuvo una gran aparición pública el domingo, asistiendo a los servicios de Pascua en el Castillo de Windsor.

Carlos y Camilla llegaron a la Capilla de San Jorge, donde fueron recibidos con  una gran fanfarria. El clero se reunió con ellos fuera y Charles saludó a los espectadores.

Hubo diferencias este año debido al tratamiento médico de Charles -está recibiendo quimioterapia para el cáncer- lo que compromete su sistema inmunológico, por lo que él y Camilla estaban sentados aparte del resto de la realeza. Tampoco asistió a la recepción posterior a la ceremonia.

King Charles III Grand Entrance for Easter Sunday Church Services

King Charles III may be ill, but he bounced back for a big public appearance Sunday ... attending Easter services at Windsor Castle.

KC and Camilla rolled up to St. George's Chapel and there was fanfare waiting for them. The clergy met them outside as Charles waved to onlookers.

There were differences this year because of Charles' medical treatment ... he's undergoing chemo for cancer, which compromises his immune system, so he and Camilla were seated apart from the rest of the royals. He also skipped the reception after the service.

Drew Barrymore on Colbert Calls for Patience ... On Those Who Made Kate Jokes

We All Need Patience

Drew Barrymore is weighing in on folks who are now backtracking/apologizing for joking about Kate Middleton before they knew she had cancer ... including Stephen Colbert.

The actress/talk show host spoke on the phenomenon that's been unfolding over the past week or so -- namely, the fact that people are getting dragged for having made light of Kate's mysterious situation ahead of her cancer diagnosis announcement.

I Don't Make Light Of Tragedy

There've been a lot of people who've had to eat crow over this -- and that goes for Colbert too, who dedicated a little time on his show Monday to express regret for his recent bit.

Actress Gina Bellman No 'Courage' to Admit Cancer ... Until Princess Kate Did

Kate Middleton's shocking announcement ended with a message of support for all those affected by cancer ... and seemingly inspired one such person to speak out.

Actress Gina Bellman -- best known for her role as Sophie Devereaux on the series "Leverage" -- posted a message of support to X for the Princess of Wales a little over an hour after Kate's video shocked the world.

And, minutes after her first tweet applauding KM's bravery ... Bellman told her followers about her own cancer diagnosis.

Kate Middleton Tío se disculpa por criticar a Meghan Markle Antes de enterarse sobre el cáncer

El tío de Kate Middleton no es fan de Meghan Markle, y arremetió contra ella en una entrevista la semana pasada con The Times en Londres, pero ahora se disculpa a raíz del diagnóstico de cáncer de Kate.

Según The Times, Gary Goldsmith ha apodado a Meghan "Laughing Girl", diciéndole al periódico hace una semana: "Seamos realistas, Laughing Girl no va a estar por aquí para siempre, ¿verdad? Creo que es voluble. Y creo que es muy mala para Harry y para nuestro país".

Parece que Gary se enojó luego de que Meghan acusara a uno o dos miembros de la realeza de hacer comentarios racistas sobre Archie y su color de piel, y él cree que ella estaba apuntando a Kate.

No parece importarle que Meghan y Harry expresaran su simpatía por Kate, diciendo: "La idea de que Laughing Girl diga que Kate es racista me pone furiosa. Kate conoce las raíces de su familia y está orgullosa de ellas. Lo siento, pero Laughing Girl no es buena gente".

Goldsmith asegura que no siempre fue así: "William, Harry y Kate eran un trío feliz y se arruinó por completo. Con todo lo que está pasando -y hay otras cosas que no son de dominio público-, ¿están en su momento más feliz? No. Sus hijos les dan mucha alegría, pero no".

Ahora se ha disculpado en X:  "Esta entrevista y se hizo hace más de una semana y fue a la imprenta antes de que yo fuera consciente de la triste noticia con respecto a mi sobrina Kate. Mis pensamientos y oraciones están con Kate y la familia en general en este momento difícil y profundamente molesto por el momento de este artículo".

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dando la noticia
X / @KensingtonRoyal

Y continúa: "Espero que esto ponga fin a las continuas especulaciones y horribles conspiraciones. Démosle tiempo a Kate, William y los niños y demostrémosles algo de amor".

No está claro qué opinan los miembros de la realeza sobre las declaraciones de Gary, pero está claro que no les hace ninguna gracia.

Kate Middleton Uncle Apologizes for Blasting Meghan Markle ... Ahead of Cancer Reveal

Kate Middleton's uncle is no fan of Meghan Markle, and he blasted her in an interview last week with The Times in London, but now he's apologizing in the wake of Kate's cancer diagnosis.

According to The Times, Gary Goldsmith has nicknamed Meghan "Laughing Girl," telling the paper a week ago, “Let’s face it, Laughing Girl isn’t going to be around forever, is she? I think she’s fickle. And I think she’s so bad for Harry and for our country.”

Seems GG is harboring bad blood after Meghan accused a Royal or 2 of making racist comments about Archie and his skin color, and he believes she was zeroing in on Kate.

He added, "The idea that Laughing Girl says Kate is racist makes me furious. Kate knows her family’s roots and is proud of them. I’m sorry, but Laughing Girl is not good people.”

Goldsmith claims it wasn't always this way, saying, “William, Harry and Kate were such a happy little trio and it got totally ruined. With all that going on — and there is other stuff going on that is not in the public domain — are they at their absolute happiest? No. Their kids bring them a lot of joy, but no.”

Now he's apologized on X ...  "This interview and shoot was done over a week ago and went to print before I was aware of the sad news regarding my niece Kate. My thoughts and prayers are with Kate and the wider family at this difficult time and deeply upset at the timing of this article."