Kate Middleton Casi violan sus registros médicos... Dice un reporte

Alguien en el hospital donde Kate Middleton estaba siendo atendida a principios de este año supuestamente trató de echar un vistazo a su historial médico, pero fue atrapado según cuenta un nuevo informe.

El Mirror dejó caer esta bomba el martes, afirmando que fueron informados de que al menos un empleado de The London Clinic habría intentado acceder al expediente personal de Kate, presumiblemente, para ver lo que realmente andaba mal con ella, pero el medio dice que la persona fue interceptada en el acto.

No hay muchos más detalles en términos de cómo se desarrolló esto exactamente, o lo que le pasó al trabajador que hizo esto, por no hablar de quién lo vio y lo contuvo.

En cualquier caso, el Mirror dice que se puso en marcha una investigación interna y que los altos mandos del hospital se pusieron en contacto con el Palacio de Kensington tras descubrir este intento de violación y prometieron llega al fondo del asunto.

The Mirror también informa que otros trabajadores están conmocionados y sacudidos por esto. The London Clinic es un establecimiento médico muy respetado y que trata a personas de alto perfil, incluidos los miembros de la familia real en general.

La Clínica le dijo a Mirror: "Creemos firmemente que todos nuestros pacientes, sin importar su estatus, merecen total privacidad y confidencialidad respecto a su información médica".

No se sabe si esto fue reportado a la policía, pero por lo que parece, no es el caso. La Policía Metropolitana de Londres nos dice: "No podemos proporcionar nada al respecto, ya que necesitamos saber si London Clinic nos lo ha comunicado y, si es así, cuándo".

Recuerden, este es el mismo hospital por donde fue visto el príncipe Guillermo saliendo en enero, poco después de que Kate fuera hospitalizada para someterse a una cirugía abdominal por una misteriosa dolencia.

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Comprando juntos
TMZ / The Sun

Había un montón de preguntas acerca de su salud y su condición en ese entonces, aunque no tanto como las hay ahora, teniendo en cuenta que ha estado desaparecida durante meses ... Recién apareció de nuevo el sábado.

Es por eso que es impactante escuchar esto, suponiendo que sea cierto. A primera vista, parece que al menos un miembro del personal tenía mucha curiosidad por saber qué le pasaba a Kate, tanto que incluso arriesgó su trabajo y su reputación para echar un vistazo a su historial médico, cuando la mayoría de la gente se contentaba con dejarla en paz.

Por supuesto, han pasado muchas cosas desde que Kate dejó el hospital, incluyendo un montón de teorías conspirativas sobre su salud y su paradero, que han alcanzado niveles máximos de absurdidad.

El palacio de Kensington, por supuesto, se ha mantenido bastante callado al respecto. Nos hemos puesto en contacto con The London Clinic y el Palacio a propósito de esta nueva historia, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

La saga continúa ...

Kate Middleton Medical Records Almost Breached By Hospital Staff: Report

Somebody at the hospital where Kate Middleton was being treated earlier this year allegedly tried to sneak a peek at her medical records, but got caught -- this per a new report.

The Mirror dropped this bombshell Tuesday, claiming they've been told that at least one staffer at the London Clinic had attempted to access Kate's personal file -- presumably to see what was actually wrong with her -- but the outlet says they were intercepted in the act.

There's not much more detail in terms of how exactly this unfolded, or what happened to the worker who allegedly did this ... not to mention who saw them and put a stop to it.

In any case, the Mirror says an internal investigation has been launched at the London Clinic -- and they claim top brass at the hospital contacted Kensington Palace once they became alerted to the attempted security breach, and promised they'd get to the bottom of it.

The Mirror also reports that other workers there are shocked and shaken up by this -- as the London Clinic is a well-respected and usually honorable medical establishment that treats high-profile people ... including members of the Royal family at large.

The London Clinic told The Mirror, "We firmly believe that all our patients, no matter their status, deserve total privacy and confidentiality regarding their medical information."

No word on whether this has been reported to cops either -- but from the sounds of it, it hasn't. The Metropolitan Police in London tells us ... "We can’t provide anything on this, as we need to know if the London Clinic have reported it to us and, if so, when."

Remember, this is the same hospital Prince William was seen leaving in January -- shortly after Kate was hospitalized to undergo an abdominal surgery ... for a mysterious ailment.

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TMZ / The Sun

There was a lot of questions about her health/condition then -- but not nearly as much as there is now considering she's been MIA for months ... only just surfacing again Saturday.


That's why it's shocking to hear this, assuming it's true. On its face, it seems at least one staffer was gravely curious to see what was up with Kate ... risking their job and reputation to steal a glance at her chart at the time, when most everyone was content to leave her be.

Of course, a lot has happened since Kate left this hospital -- including lots of conspiracy theories on her health and whereabouts, which have reached peak levels of absurdity.

Kensington Palace, of course, has been fairly mum over just about all of it. We've reached out to the London Clinic and the Palace on this new story ... so far, no word back yet.

The saga continues ...

Kate Middleton Look-Alike Says Not Me in Windsor Vid!!! Defends Princess Against Conspiracies

One of the UK's most popular Kate Middleton look-alikes is addressing the conspiracy theorists who think she's actually the woman in the new vid of Prince William and his wife -- and she has a solid alibi for her whereabouts.

Heidi Agan tells TMZ she was working at the head office of a dance school in Northamptonshire on Saturday -- which is about 80 miles from the Windsor Farm Shop. So, as Shaggy would put it ... Heidi says "it wasn't me" in that footage first posted Monday by TMZ.

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TMZ / The Sun

Although it's not necessarily surprising conspiracy theorists are wondering if she was involved ... as Heidi says she was confused for being Kate during a recent outing -- she says the place erupted when people thought the MIA princess had surfaced.


And, Heidi has been busier than ever thanks to the constant speculation regarding Kate's whereabouts. The pro look-alike says normally her work is busy when the royals are busy -- whether that's because of weddings, pregnancies, etc.

However, despite Kate stepping back from the spotlight, Heidi claims she still has a lot of requests coming in.

As for how she feels about the conspiracy theories -- Heidi thinks the speculation has gone a bit too far and has sympathy for the Duchess of Wales. She personally thinks Kate is fine and is simply recovering from abdominal surgery ... just as the Palace announced back in January.

While Kate is a public figure, Heidi believes the royal has a right to her privacy when it comes to her medical records, and reminds fans the Princess isn't public property.

She points to the lack of information as the fuel for the increasingly wild theories ... especially since King Charles was so forthcoming with his cancer diagnosis.


The Mother's Day photo was just icing on the cake ... since it was likely meant to squash any concern, but did the exact opposite.

And, FWIW, Heidi says she 100% thinks that is the real Kate in the recent video -- and that's coming from someone who makes a living portraying the princess.

LA DOBLE DE KATE DICE QUE NO ES ELLA La del video de Windsor

Una de las imitadoras más populares de Kate Middleton en el Reino Unido, se dirige a los teóricos de la conspiración que piensan que ella es la mujer del nuevo video del príncipe Guillermo y su esposa, y tiene una coartada sólida.

Heidi Agan le dice a TMZ que estaba trabajando en la sede de una escuela de baile en Northamptonshire el sábado, a unos 80 kilómetros de la tienda de Windsor Farm. Así que no era ella la del metraje publicado por primera vez el lunes por TMZ.

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juntos y felices
TMZ / The Sun

Hay que admitir que no es demasiado raro que los conspiranoicos crean que ella estaba involucrada. Heidi dice que fue confundida con Kate hace poco y dice que el lugar estalló cuando la gente pensó que era la princesa en persona.


Heidi ha estado más ocupada que nunca gracias a las constantes especulaciones sobre el paradero de Kate. La doble profesional dice que normalmente su trabajo está ocupado cuando la realeza también lo está, ya sea por bodas, embarazos, etc.

Sin embargo, a pesar de que Kate está lejos de los focos, Heidi asegura que le siguen llegando muchas peticiones.

En cuanto a cómo se siente acerca de las teorías conspirativas, Heidi cree que la especulación ha ido demasiado lejos y tiene simpatía por la duquesa de Gales. Ella personalmente piensa que Kate está bien y simplemente se está recuperando de una cirugía abdominal, tal como anunció el Palacio en enero.

Aunque Kate es una figura pública, Heidi cree que la realeza tiene derecho a su privacidad cuando se trata de registros médicos, y le recuerda a los fans que la princesa no es propiedad pública.

Ella señala la falta de información como el motivo de tantas teorías cada vez más salvajes, sobre todo porque el rey Carlos era muy franco con su diagnóstico de cáncer.


La foto del Día de la Madre fue solo la guinda del pastel, ya que era iba a eliminar cualquier preocupación, pero hizo exactamente lo contrario.

Para su información, Heidi dice que ella piensa 100% que es la verdadera Kate en el reciente video y eso viene de alguien que se gana la vida retratando a la princesa.

Kate Middleton Teóricos de la conspiración dicen que Kate no es la del video!!!

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Vista en Público con William
TMZ / The Sun

El nuevo video de Kate Middleton, que la mostraba por primera vez desde Navidad, es falso y NO correspondería a ella, según los teóricos de la conspiración.

El video de TMZ, filmado durante el fin de semana, muestra a quien parece ser Kate sana y feliz paseando por el mercado junto a su esposo el príncipe William.

Las teorías están apuntando a la altura de Kate en relación con William. Si se compara con otras salidas juntos, dicen que Kate es más baja de lo que aparece en el nuevo video. En fotos anteriores, la línea de los ojos de Kate da alrededor del cuello de William, pero en el nuevo video, ella parece estar más cerca de su nariz.

Lo que es interesante, es que en la foto antigua y el nuevo video, Kate está usando zapatos planos, lo que lleva a muchos a pensar que el nuevo video es un fraude.

Ahora puede haber una explicación, en la foto antigua, Kate aparece un poco encorvada, mientras que en el nuevo video aparece con la cabeza bien en alto.

La gente en las redes también cree que su partidura del cabello es diferente, al igual que su barbilla. Dicen que su barbilla se ve más pronunciada en la antigua foto. Pero también se ve más delgada que antes, lo que podría explicar que sus rasgos faciales luzcan más finos.

Y hay algo más que lleva a los detectives de redes a creer que el video fue filmado en la Navidad y no el fin de semana. Fíjense en el cobertizo cubierto de luces navideñas y guirnaldas. La cosa es que tenemos una nueva foto del lugar tomada el lunes y las luces y la guirnalda siguen allí.

Kate se está recuperando de una cirugía abdominal, o eso dice el Palacio, pero su paso se ve fuerte en el video mientras carga una bolsa de la compra.

Nos fijamos en los metadatos del nuevo video, los que muestran que fue tomada el sábado cerca de la casa de la pareja real en Windsor.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Kate Middleton Conspiracy Theorists Say New Video Ain't Kate!!!

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TMZ / The Sun

The new Kate Middleton video -- showing her surfacing for the first time since Xmas -- is bogus, and it's NOT her ... so say a bunch of conspiracy theorists who claim to have receipts.

TMZ's video, shot over the weekend, shows what appears to be a healthy and happy Kate strolling out of a food store with hubby Prince William.

They point to Kate's height relative to William. In previous outings, they say Kate is shorter than she appears in the new video. In previous photos, Kate's eye line hits around William's neck, but in the new video, she's closer to his nose.

What's interesting ... in the old photo and new video, Kate is wearing flats, which leads folks online to believe the new video is a fraud.

Now there may be an explanation ... in the old photo, Kate seems a bit hunched over, whereas in the new video she's holding her head up high.

The social media crew also believes her hairline is different as is her chin. They say her chin seems stronger in the old photo. On the other hand, she seems thinner than before, which could account for her thinner facial features.

And, there's something else that leads online sleuths to believe the video was shot during Xmas, not over the weekend. Check out the shed covered in Christmas lights and garland. Thing is, we got a new photo shot Monday, and the lights and garland are still there.

Is This The Real Kate?

Kate is recovering from abdominal surgery, so says the palace ... but her stride is strong as she carries a shopping bag out of the store.

We looked at the metadata on the new video -- which showed it was taken on Saturday near the royal couple's home in Windsor.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

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Donald Trump Vuelve a insinuar que deportaría al Príncipe Harry ... Tenemos que verlo

Donald Trump volvió a insinuar que podría deportar al príncipe Harry de Estados Unidos si es reelegido como presidente. Esto, después de que el duque de Sussex admitiera que consumió drogas en su libro de memorias.

Durante una conversación con el locutor de GBN Nigel Farage, el ex-Presidente dejó en claro que el hijo del rey Carlos no obtendría privilegios especiales en relación con su residencia en Estados Unidos si potencialmente mintió cuando solicitó su visa.

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Rompieron su corazón

Recuerden, Harry fue muy franco sobre su consumo de drogas en su libro "Spare", la que incluyó cocaína, hierba y hongos psicodélicos.

Aunque las noches de fiesta parecen estar en el pasado, haber consumido drogas técnicamente podría hacer no elegible a un solicitante de visa y es por eso que muchos tienen curiosidad sobre lo que contó Harry durante su papeleo.

Donald ha prometido tomar medidas si la visa del duque tenía alguna inexactitud, pero en la entrevista se abstuvo de dar detalles sobre su plan tal como ha hecho antes.

Recuerden, esta no es la primera vez que Donald Trump sugiere que Harry podría perder su estatus si asume un nuevo mandato, aunque tampoco está diciendo abiertamente que el chico tenga algo de que preocuparse.

El príncipe Harry reside actualmente en Estados Unidos con una visa, ya que aún no se ha convertido en un ciudadano estadounidense. Él dice que eso es algo que todavía está considerando. Su esposa Meghan Markle, en cambio, es ciudadana estadounidense de nacimiento y sus hijos Archie y Lilibet tienen doble nacionalidad.

Por supuesto, aún falta mucho para las elecciones, por lo que muchas cosas podrían suceder en estos meses.


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de paseo
TMZ / The Sun

El avistamiento de Kate Middleton que se informó esta semana es real después de todo, y hay un nuevo video que lo prueba... TMZ tiene una primera impresión.

TMZ ha obtenido un clip de Kate del sábado, en el que ella y el príncipe William estaban visitando un negocio que quedaba a una milla de distancia de su casa en Windsor -conocido como el Windsor Farm Shop- donde The Sun informó que testigos los vieron este fin de semana.

Los espectadores consideraron que ella parecía "feliz, relajada y saludable" mientras paseaban por una especie de supermercado. La pareja no parecía tener una preocupación en el mundo.

Sus tres hijos no estaban con ellos, pero The Sun afirmó que pasaron la primera parte de su sábado viéndolos practicar deportes. No había pruebas reales para respaldar el informe, pero ahora, una imagen de ella ha salido a la luz, y es 100% real.

Como se puede ver en estas imágenes -obtenidas por TMZ- Kate se ve relajada en ropa deportiva casual, con un look todo negro y algunos adornos color rosa. Su andar es fuerte, lo cual es una buena señal dada su supuesta cirugía abdominal. Se puede ver a William a su lado cargando algunas bolsas.

Nadie a su alrededor parece molestarlos, y Kate, en efecto, parece bastante alegre, sonriendo ampliamente e incluso manteniendo una conversación con su marido.

Uno de los testigos que los vio, Nelson Silva, dice: "Me fijé en un par de panes que estaban eligiendo, hasta que la mujer giró la cara y me pareció que la había visto en algún lugar. Me resultaba familiar. La conocía de alguna parte".

Y añade: "Fui a mi carro y cuando salieron de la tienda me limité a filmarlos. Creo que salieron por una puerta del recinto. Desaparecieron y no vi ningún vehículo. Solo quería compartir con mi familia las imágenes y mostrar lo normales que eran".

Silva termina: "Kate se veía feliz y relajada. Se ven felices de poder ir a una tienda y mezclarse. Kate parecía aliviada, como si hubiera sido un éxito poder ir a una tienda. Se sentía natural".

La pareja estaba caminando a un ritmo relativamente rápido y Kate se ve muy bien. Francamente, es como si nada hubiese pasado, aunque sabemos que ella estuvo en el hospital por un tiempo para realizarse un procedimiento serio que la dejó fuera de servicio.

La naturaleza exacta de su dolencia nunca fue aclarada por los funcionarios del Palacio de Kensington.

Por cierto, para todos los escépticos que no pueden creerlo, hemos profundizado en los metadatos y no hay duda alguna, esto fue filmado el sábado cerca de la casa del Príncipe y la Princesa de Gales en Windsor. Así que sí, es un video legítimo.

Como hemos dicho, esta es la primera vez que hemos visto a Kate en público -al menos fuera de un carro- desde diciembre, y ahora que la podemos ver, da para pensar en la reacción de los teóricos de la conspiración que se han apoderado de TikTok.

Recordemos que el Palacio dice que se sometió a una cirugía abdominal en enero, y estaba programado que estuviera ausente por lo menos hasta la Pascua. Sin embargo, esto no ha impedido que la gente haga bromas y surjan teorías conspirativas afirmando que se puso mal el Día de la Madre.

Por supuesto, nos referimos a las fallidas ediciones de Photoshop que dieron la vuelta al mundo, las cuales demostraron que Kate (o alguien en el Palacio de Kensington) trató de engañar al público. Hubo 16 alteraciones en la foto y ha sido calificada de falsa muchas veces.

Kate acabó confesando ella misma, aunque solo en una declaración por redes sociales. Mucha gente pensó que estaba haciendo trampa y que el Palacio estaba detrás de las ediciones.

Después de ese trabajo, todo el mundo pensó que algo muy grave estaba pasando, pero podemos ver que aparentemente Kate está bien.

¿Será real esta vez?

Donald Trump Again Hints at Prince Harry Deportation ... We'll Have to See!!!

Donald Trump once again hinted that he may deport Prince Harry from the U.S. if re-elected as President ... this after the Duke of Sussex admitted to using drugs in his tell-all.

During a sit down with GBN broadcaster Nigel Farage, the ex-Prez made it clear that King Charles' son would not get special privileges regarding his residency in the States if he potentially lied on his visa application.

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They Broke Her Heart

Remember, Harry was very candid about his past drug use -- including cocaine, weed and psychedelic mushrooms -- in his memoir "Spare."

While PH's hard-partying ways seem far behind him ... an applicant's past drug use may technically make them ineligible for a visa -- which is why many are curious about what Harry dished on his paperwork.

In response to the chatter, Donald has promised to take action if the Duke's visa had any inaccuracies -- but stayed coy on the specifics of his plan ... just like he had before.

Remember, this ain't the first time DT has suggested Harry may get the boot under a new potential term of his -- but he isn't outright saying the guy's got something to worry about.

Prince Harry currently resides in the U.S. on a visa, as he's yet to become an American citizen -- something he says he is still considering. His wife, Meghan Markle, is a natural-born U.S. citizen with their children, Archie and Lilibet, being dual citizens.

Of course, the election is months away ... so a lot can happen between then and now.

Kate Middleton New Video Shows Her Happy, Healthy With William

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TMZ / The Sun

The Kate Middleton sighting that got reported on this week is real after all -- 'cause a new video of her during this outing has surfaced ... and TMZ's got a first look.

TMZ has obtained a clip that was taken of Kate Saturday while she and Prince William were visiting a business about a mile from their home in Windsor -- known as the Windsor Farm Shop -- where The Sun reported eyewitnesses saw them out and about this past weekend.

Onlookers felt she looked "happy, relaxed and healthy" as she strolled in the store -- a supermarket of sorts -- and the couple didn't seem to have a care in the world.

Their three kids weren't with them ... but The Sun also claimed they spent the first part of their Saturday watching the children play sports. At first, there was no real evidence to back up the report ... but now, the first actual visual of her here has surfaced, and it's 100% her.

As you see in this footage, obtained by TMZ, Kate looks relaxed in casual athletic wear ... rocking an all-black look with some pink trimming. Her gait is strong -- a good sign given her purported abdominal surgery. PW is right by her side as they walk out of the Farm Shop with bags in hand.

Nobody around looks to be bothering them ... and Kate, sure enough, does indeed look pretty cheerful here -- smiling wide and even carrying on a conversation with her husband.

One of the eyewitnesses who saw them, Nelson Silva, says ... "I noticed a couple choosing loaves of bread and the woman turned her face and I felt like I had seen the face before. It was familiar. I knew it from somewhere."

He adds, "I went to my car and as they came out of the shop I just filmed them. I think they walked out through a gate out of the grounds. They just vanished and I didn't see a car. I just wanted to share with my family footage and show just how normal they were."

Silva finishes ... "Kate looked happy and relaxed. They look happy just to be able to go to a shop and mingle. Kate looked relieved like it was a success going to a shop. It felt natural."

The couple was walking at a relatively brisk pace ... and Kate, on its face, seems to be okay. Frankly, it's as if nothing was ever wrong with her ... although, of course, we know she was in the hospital for a while for a serious procedure that took her out of commission.

The exact nature of her ailment was never made clear by Kensington Palace officials.

BTW, for all the skeptics who might not believe this was taken as it's been relayed to us -- we've delved into the metadata ... and there's no doubt, this was filmed on Saturday right near the Prince and Princess of Wales' home in Windsor. So yes, it's a legitimate video.

Like we said, this is the first time we've seen Kate out in public -- outside of a car, that is -- since December -- and now that we're seeing her in the wild, on her own two feet, ya gotta wonder if this will satisfy conspiracy theorists who have taken over TikTok.

Remember, the Palace says she underwent abdominal surgery in January -- and was scheduled to be sidelined until at least Easter. Despite this timeline ... that hasn't stopped people from floating jokes/conspiracy theories, which got gravely serious on Mother's Day.

Of course, we're referring to the Photoshop fail seen 'round-the-world ... which showed that Kate (or someone at Kensington Palace) tried to pull a fast one on the public. There were 16 alterations made to the photo ... and it's been debunked as a fake many times over.

Kate ended up copping to it herself ... albeit, in nothing but a social media statement. Lots of people felt she was falling on the sword and that the Palace was behind the edits.

After that botched job ... everyone thought something very serious was going on -- but now, we're seeing Kate out and about and seemingly fine.

Are you believing your lying eyes?

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Rey Carlos Aparece dejando el castillo de Windsor... En medio de rumores de su muerte en Rusia

El rey Carlos está vivo y coleando, a pesar de lo que dicen algunos medios rusos, lo que quedó demostrado luego de que su majestad fuera fotografiado alrededor del palacio.

El rey fue visto haciendo sus deberes martes el martes en Londres, lo que incluyó una reunión como anfitrión con los veteranos de la guerra de Corea en el Palacio de Buckingham. Más tarde en el día, fue visto saliendo del Castillo de Windsor.

Como se puede ver en las fotos, Chuck se ve muy entero y la razón por la que es significativo es porque varios medios y blogs de Rusia han circulado que este supuestamente falleció durante el fin de semana, algo que claramente no es cierto.

Los informes eran tan inescrupulosos que incluso atribuyeron una falsa declaración del Palacio de Buckingham que parecía anunciar su repentino fallecimiento y que se hizo viral.

La causa de muerte según estos sitios falsos se habría debido a una supuesta complicación del cáncer, y se salió tanto de control que la embajada británica en Moscú tuvo que emitir una aclaración oficial en el expediente señalando que el Rey no estaba muerto, y que muy por el contrario, estaba dedicado a sus asuntos.

El rey Carlos es solo el último miembro de la realeza que se enfrenta a teorías conspirativas. Recuerden que Kate Middleton ha estado en el punto de mira desde hace varias semanas por su repentina desaparición hasta que ella misma apareció en carne y hueso durante el fin de semana en lo que es un avistamiento obvio y claro.

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Vistos en público por los Farmers Markets
TMZ / The Sun

La Princesa de Gales estuvo paseando el sábado, sobre sus propios pies y luciendo relativamente bien de salud, después de haber sido marginada por unos meses después de que se sometiera a una cirugía abdominal en enero. No está claro para qué fue exactamente.

En cualquier caso, ha sido sometida a un aluvión de bromas y chismes, al igual que su suegro en las últimas 48 horas.

Tiempos difíciles para la realeza, sin duda.

King Charles Surfaces Leaving Windsor Castle ... Amid Russian Death Hoax

King Charles is alive and well despite what some Russian propaganda might have some believing this week -- proven by the fact the guy was photographed out and about.

HRH was seen doing his duties Tuesday in and around the London area -- including meeting with Korean War vets at Buckingham Palace ... where he hosted and chatted with the heroes, and later in the day, swinging by Windsor Castle ... where he was spotted exiting.

As you can see by the pics ... Chuck is very much so still with us, and the reason that's significant is because several Russian media sites and blogs floated a wild story about him supposedly kicking the bucket all through the weekend -- something that clearly isn't true.

These false reports were so rampant, in fact, that a BS statement being attributed to Buckingham Palace made the rounds -- which appeared to announce his sudden passing.

The cause these fake Russian sites were referencing was cancer complication -- and it got so out of control, the British embassy in Moscow had to issue an official clarification on the record ... noting that the King was not 6 feet deep, and instead going about his business.

He's just the latest senior Royal to face wild conspiracy theories -- remember, Kate Middleton has been in the crosshairs of tinfoil hat types for several weeks now ... that is, until she surfaced herself in the flesh over the weekend in what's an obvious and clear sighting.

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TMZ / The Sun

The Princess of Wales was out and about Saturday, walking on her own two feet and looking relatively health -- this after being sidelined for a few months following a surgery she had in January, which involved a procedure in her abdomen area. Unclear what exactly it was for.

In any case ... she's been subjected to a barrage of jokes and gossip, just as her father-in-law has in the past 48 hours.

Tough times for the Royals, no doubt.

Kate Middleton No se ve tan delgada después de la cirugía ... Dice Jillian Michaels

Kate Middleton se veía un poco delgada para algunos en el nuevo video de ella del fin de semana pasado, pero una gurú del fitness está de su lado y esa es Jillian Michaels.

Una de las primeras conclusiones que muchos sacaron al ver el clip de Kate y el príncipe William en el Windsor Farm Shop -a una milla de su casa- es que ella se veía un poco delgada, o más bien, más delgada de lo habitual. Kate Middleton ya es una mujer muy delgada, pero aquí podría verse aún más flaca.

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Paseando con William
TMZ / The Sun

Respecto a eso, Jillian le dice a TMZ que desde su perspectiva Kate se ve muy bien, tanto en términos de peso como de salud en general, sobre todo si se tiene en cuenta que pasó por el quirófano hace solo 2 meses.

En los ojos de Jillian, Kate está en su peso justo para una mujer de su tamaño y también señala que alguien que suele ser más delgado, puede perder algunos kilos al someterse a un procedimiento como el de ella y para Jillian, Kate se ve normal.

En cuanto a las especulaciones sobre su salud, su peso o cualquier otra cosa, Jillian dice que la gente tiene que calmarse y dejarla en paz porque no es de su incumbencia.

Jillian recuerda que los temas de salud son muy personales, y que dado todo el escrutinio al que ha estado sometida Kate últimamente, Jillian dice que todos necesitan perspectiva.

Sabio consejo de Jillian, pero algo nos dice que el público seguirá escudriñando cada pequeño detalle. Recuerden, antes del video que publicamos el lunes, no la habíamos visto desde diciembre, lo que es bastante tiempo.

Por supuesto, ella se sometió a una cirugía abdominal por una condición que no se ha hecho pública y el Palacio de Kensington dijo que no reanudaría sus funciones hasta por lo menos después de Pascua.

Lo que levantó las sospechas de todo el mundo respecto a su paradero y su estado de salud fue la foto que publicó para el Día de la Madre la semana pasada, la que se comprobó que había sido manipulada.

El tiempo dirá si este último avistamiento apaga todo el fervor y la especulación en torno a su vida. Jillian ciertamente espera que sí, porque parece bastante harta del ruido.

Kate Middleton Not Looking Too Thin Post-Surgery ... So Says Jillian Michaels

Kate Middleton came across as somewhat thin to some who saw our new video of her from this past weekend -- but she's got one fitness guru in her corner ... one Jillian Michaels.

One of the first takeaways many had upon viewing the clip of Kate and Prince William at the Windsor Farm Shop -- about a mile from her home -- was that she looked sorta skinny ... or rather, skinnier than usual. KM is already a slender woman ... but here, perhaps more so.

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TMZ / The Sun

To that, Jillian tells TMZ ... Kate looks just fine in her eyes -- both in terms of weight and overall health ... especially when you consider she went under the knife only 2 months ago.

In JM's eyes, Kate is right where she oughta be for a woman of her general size -- even noting to us that someone who's usually a bit thinner might lose some pounds while recovering after a procedure like the one she underwent ... and to Jillian, Kate looks normal.

On the subject of speculating on Kate -- be it her health, her weight or anything else -- Jillian tells us folks need to piss off and leave her alone ... 'cause it's not their business.

She reminds us someone's health journey is very personal -- and considering the type of microscope Kate's been under lately ... Jillian says everyone needs perspective.

Sage advice from Jillian -- but something tells us the public will continue picking apart every little detail. Remember, prior to the video TMZ published Monday ... we hadn't seen her on her own two feet since December, which is quite a long time.

Of course, she underwent abdominal surgery -- for a condition that hasn't been made public -- and Kensington Palace said she wouldn't be resuming her duties until at least after Easter.

What made everyone even more suspicious of her whereabouts and well-being had a lot to do with a photo she released on Mother's Day last week ... which was proven to be doctored.

Time will tell if this latest sighting tamps down all fervor and speculation surrounding her life and condition. Jillian's certainly hoping it does -- 'cause she seems pretty sick of the noise.

Kate Middleton Reportedly Spotted Visiting Farm Shop No Photo Evidence or Proof

Kate Middleton supposedly surfaced in public this weekend near her home -- but the weird thing is ... there's no photo evidence to back it up, just a report citing alleged eyewitnesses.

The Sun floated this story Sunday, claiming the Princess of Wales was out and about Saturday at a local business called the Windsor Farm Shop -- which is about a mile from her family's Adelaide Cottage home.

The shop in question sells a variety of products -- including plants and flowers, baked goods, meats, wines and spirits and more ... basically, it's a little grocery store, only more quaint.

According to the outlet -- which cited anonymous onlookers -- claims these people saw looking "happy, relaxed and healthy" as she was apparently joined by Prince William. The Sun goes on to claim they spent the morning watching their kids playing sports ... noting the three little ones weren't with them as they hit the market.

One alleged eyewitness says they were stunned to see Kate there, on account of the whirlwind of rumors surrounding her health and whereabouts ... but also pointed out the fact that she was walking around proved she was well enough to get out of the house.

Of course, the one problem with this whole story is ... there's no evidence to prove it -- and at a time like this, when misinformation is all over, ya gotta take it with a grain of salt.

Aside from 2 pics that purport to show Kate in the past few weeks -- one of her in the car with her mother and another of her and PW in a car, both of which have come under scrutiny amid the Mother's Day photo fail -- there's no other evidence of Kate out in public.

So, with this in mind, it's hard to believe nobody snapped a photo of her and Kate for this outing ... assuming they actually took it. With all the fervor and speculation -- photograph of KM looking "healthy" is worth its weight in gold right now, and everyone knows it.

Kate isn't expected to resume her Royal duties until at least after Easter -- but no hard date has been set, and no engagement of hers has been announced either.

Remember, Kate underwent abdominal surgery in January and has been sidelined every since. The longer she's been out of the public eye -- the more gossip has kicked up ... and Kensington Palace has been nothing but mum over just about all of it.

Anything short of a video of Kate hopping on camera and addressing the public probably won't tamp down all the rumors about what might be going on. In the meantime, everyone is just left to guess.

Tucker Carlson Pranked By Popular Influencer ... Fake Princess Kate Editor!!!

Tucker Carlson interviewed someone claiming to be Kate Middleton's photo editor -- but who was actually just a prankster, something TC and co. caught onto, but not before talking to this bloke on camera.

Here's the deal ... Joshua Pieters -- a very popular prankster on social media -- sent an email to Tucker's team claiming to be the person who edited the photo of Kate Middleton and her three kids that went viral earlier this week.

GOT YA !!!
X/ @joshua_pieters

Tucker's team replied, and Pieters got his partner-in-crime Archie Manners to stand in as the alleged photo editor who they named "George." Archie was asked for proof of employment and the original photo he said he edited.

Pieters used some quick Photoshop tricks to create the necessary documentation ... although, not before adding in a couple ridiculous additions to the employment contract -- like one clause about losing a limb for a failed probationary period -- to see how closely Tucker's team was checking the provided docs.

X/ @joshua_pieters

Ultimately, the duo was able to con their way into an interview with Tucker himself ... one they secretly recorded. Watch ... it seems like Tucker and Archie the imposter had a wide-ranging conversation about the photo -- a chat that clearly got TC super excited.

Tucker's people apparently told Pieters and his compatriot the interview would air next week ... though it seems the Goon Squad let them off the hook 'cause they posted the video clearing the air Thursday.

FWIW ... sources with direct knowledge tell us Tucker's team wasn't totally convinced the story was real to begin with, but decided to tape the interview anyway while continuing to look into the story.

We're told within an hour of finishing shooting, someone recognized Archie as a famous prankster, and they knew they weren't going to run the interview. It's a lesson in journalism -- but big picture, ya can't knock the team for at least talking to someone making this claim.

Still, it seems they might have had the wool pulled over his eyes, if only for a little bit ... and, frankly ... it could've happened to anyone in the biz. Good catch ... (almost) good prank.