Kate Middleton Admits to Editing Mother's Day Photo

Kate Middleton is falling on the sword over a photo Kensington Palace released that supposedly shows her with her kids post-surgery ... and even now, folks ain't buying it.

A message on behalf of the Princess of Wales was posted to X Monday morning, which explicitly places the blame over the photoshopped pic at her feet. It reads, "Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused."

She adds, "I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother’s Day. C" That final "C," BTW is meant to stand for Catherine ... so this is her taking responsibility, officially.

What's weird, of course, is that in the original upload ... Kensington Palace credited her husband, Prince William, with taking the photo -- and yet, Kate herself says this is on her.

Of course ... with all the twists and turns in this "Where Is Kate?" saga -- which has been dragging on for weeks now -- hardly anybody is believing this is actually Kate Middleton owning up to it. Most everyone assumes it's just Kensington Palace publishing some statement on her behalf. Can't blame them, considering this was truly misleading.

As we reported ... the Mother's Day photo in question was yanked by news agencies all over the world -- with these reputable outlets saying the image appeared to be manipulated.


A closer look at the photo shows some strange features, including what appear to be photoshopped elements near Princess Charlotte's left hand, and even Prince Louie's fingers appear to have a warped appearance. As it turns out -- the picture was in fact doctored.

This all follows weeks of nonstop speculation about Kate's whereabouts/condition -- as she's been out of the public eye for several weeks now following a mysterious abdominal surgery. Even when she surfaced for the first time a couple weeks ago, people still didn't think it was really her.

Most of the innuendo is joke-y in nature, and yet ... every time the Palace has tried to put out the fire ... it's backfired in their faces, and this latest move is a complete blunder.

The only thing that'll calm everyone's nerves now is a straight-up video where we see her.

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Kate Middleton Mother's Day Photo Yanked ... Agencies Say It May Be Fake

A photo of Kate Middleton and her kids sent around by Kensington Palace Sunday to celebrate Mother's Day in the U.K. is now being accused of possibly being fake.

Multiple photo and new agencies -- like the Associated Press, Getty Images, etc. -- have yanked the picture in question, and AP even handed down a kill notification to journos worldwide ... letting them know they have reason to believe this photo may be manipulated.

Part of that message read ... "At closer inspection, it appears that the source has manipulated the image. No replacement image will be sent. Please remove it from all platforms, including social, where it may still be visible."

The hesitation follows a wave of skeptics online and elsewhere, who suggested the pic looked sorta AI-generated ... and did not at all seem authentic -- this despite the fact palace officials insisted it had been taken by Prince William himself at their cottage in Windsor.

On paper, this has been presented as the real McCoy -- but reputable news outlets are now distancing themselves and refusing to circulate it ... casting serious doubt on its legitimacy.


As of now, Royal officials have yet to comment on this, even to reporters across the pond ... and the photo is still on the Prince and Princess of Wales' official social media accounts.

If true, obviously it's scandalous ... and will only add fuel to the fire over Kate's condition as she continues to recover from abdominal surgery earlier this year ... which has sidelined her for a while. Photos of her that surfaced last week were also called into question.

Kensington Palace has attempted to tamp down rumors and speculation about all this -- but the Internet has been having a field day with memes, jokes and gossip regardless. This latest apparent Snafu ain't gonna help ... if anything, it'll kickstart a fresh wave of inuendo.

If Kate isn't, in fact, ready to surface just yet ... ya gotta wonder, why wouldn't the Palace just come out and say so? Strange stuff, indeed.

Kate Middleton Look, I'm Doing Fine, Promise!!! Full-Body Recovery Shot

If Kate Middleton is a princess in pain, she's desperately trying to hide it by releasing a pic of herself smiling -- or grinning and bearing it -- surrounded by her 3 children.

The Princess of Wales posted the family pic Sunday in honor of Mother's Day in the UK. It's just the 2nd time we've seen Kate since her mysterious abdominal surgery in January ... and the first full-body shot since speculation about the procedure, her recovery, and her whereabouts have run rampant on the Internet.

In her caption, Kate writes, "Thank you for your kind wishes and continued support over the last two months. Wishing everyone a Happy Mother’s Day."

As we reported, the princess was photographed last week while out for a drive near Windsor Castle ... with her mother behind the wheel, and Kate wearing shades while in the passenger seat.

Of course, the fact we couldn't see her full body only fueled the outlandish social media rumor mill about her health.


Naturally, royal watchers are picking apart the new, more revealing pic, too. For instance, Kate is not wearing her wedding ring as she has her hands around her 2 younger children ... 8-year-old Princess Charlotte and 5-year-old Prince Louis.

The last time she attended a public event was on Christmas day, and yes, she was wearing it then. That fact won't help to quell one of the running theories, which involves speculation she and Prince William are on the rocks.

Then again, it could simply be the ring is off because she's experienced inflammation since her surgery.

One more note about the shot ... Kate is seated, as 10-year-old Prince George stands behind his mother. So, for those of you who have BBL on your "What's up with Kate" bingo cards ... we can't rule it out. Just sayin' ...

Ummm ... Happy UK Mother's Day!!!

Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle Hacen una visita sorpresa a familia de Uvalde

El Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle están teniendo un momento íntimo en el corazón de Texas, tras hacer una parada no anunciada a la familia de Irma García, la maestra que fue asesinada durante el tiroteo en la escuela de Uvalde.

Los Sussexes se dirigieron a Uvalde el sábado para pasar un tiempo con la familia de Irma. Se recordarán que la historia de Irma fue aún más trágica, pues su marido Joe murió 2 días después del tiroteo de un ataque al corazón.

Los García estaban encantados con la visita sorpresa. Su sobrino John Martínez escribió en X: "¡Meghan Markle y el príncipe Harry vinieron a mi casa! Son una pareja tan hermosa y soy tan afortunado, ¡qué bueno que vinieron a ver cómo está la familia!".

Feliz cumpleaños
TikTok/ @fuhknjo

Martínez también habló de lo cariñoso y solidario que fueron Harry y Meghan con sus primos y compartió un clip de la pareja cantando "feliz cumpleaños" a su mamá.

Como se puede ver, Harry y Meghan también posaron para unas fotos y conversaron con los García, convirtiéndose prácticamente en parte de la familia por un día.

Meghan conectó por primera vez con los García unos días después del trágico tiroteo en 2022, mientras estuvo en Uvalde para honrar a los profesores y estudiantes asesinados.

Meghan fue fotografiada afuera del Uvalde County Courthouse en su momento, dejando un ramo de rosas blancas en un improvisado monumento.

Palabras cariñosas
X/ @fuhknjo

Semanas más tarde, se puso en contacto con la hermana de Irma para saber cómo estaba la familia, especialmente los 4 niños que perdieron a su madre y a su padre en circunstancias desgarradoras.

Irma fue una de las dos profesoras y 19 niños asesinados a tiros el 24 de mayo en la escuela primaria Robb, en Uvalde, Texas.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are having a moment deep in the heart of Texas -- they made an unannounced stop to see the family of Irma Garcia ... a teacher killed during the Uvalde school shooting.

The Sussexes headed to Uvalde Saturday to spend some QT with Irma's family. You might recall, her story was even more tragic, because her husband Joe died 2 days after the mass shooting from a heart attack.

The Garcias were delighted by the surprise visit, with her nephew John Martinez writing on X: "Meghan Markle and Prince Harry came to my house! They're such a beautiful couple and I'm so blessed - so glad they came to check up on the family!"

TikTok/ @fuhknjo

Martinez also gushed about how loving and supportive H&M were to his cousins ... and also shared a clip of the pair singing "Happy Birthday" to his mom.

As you can see, Harry and Meghan also posed for snaps and chatted with the Garcias ... virtually becoming part of the family for the day.

Meghan first connected with the Garcias a few days after the tragic 2022 shooting ... while she was in Uvalde to honor the slain teachers and students.

MM was pictured visiting outside the nearby Uvalde County Courthouse at the time ... leaving a bouquet of white roses at a makeshift memorial.

X/ @fuhknjo

Weeks later, she reached out to Irma's sister to check on the family's wellbeing, especially the 4 children who lost both their mom and dad under heart-wrenching circumstances.

Irma was one of 2 teachers and 19 children gunned down on May 24 at Robb Elementary, in Uvalde, Texas.

Avistamiento de Kate Middleton Siguen apareciendo memes... Y nuevas teorías

Kate Middleton y los miembros de la realeza pueden haber pensado que un vistazo de la Princesa después de su hospitalización echaría abajo cualquier especulación o teorías sobre su situación, pero estaban muy equivocados.

Desde que la Princesa de Gales apareció públicamente el lunes cerca de Windsor, tras ser fotografiada en un carro conducido por su madre, con gafas de sol y aparentemente tratando de pasar desapercibida, Internet ha puesto en marcha una nueva ola de memes, chistes y teorías de conspirativas.

El hecho es que la gente vio estas fotos, y muchos de ellos simplemente no estuvieron muy convencidos de que fuera realmente la Princesa, a pesar de que sabemos que es un hecho. Y, Twitter se ha convertido en un campo de batalla sobre el asunto.

Conéctate y verás exactamente de lo que estamos hablando: muchos de estos mensajes claramente son en tono de broma, pero es lamentable que otros continúen especulando de una situación grave.

Algunos están simplemente lanzando otros ejemplos de estrellas que han sido fotografiadas desde el interior de sus carros en los últimos años y los están comparando con estas fotos de Kate. Algunos de los nombres que están siendo yuxtapuestos son el de Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, solo por nombrar unos pocos.

Sin embargo, algunos se están tomando esto un poco más en serio, desmenuzando las fotos que salieron a la luz ayer y entrando en los detalles de su cara, incluyendo lunares, espinillas, etc.

Estas personas están sugiriendo que la mujer fotografiada el lunes no era realmente Kate, señalando que sus rasgos no son los de la persona que estaba en el coche (de nuevo, era obviamente ella).

Algunos piensan que se trataría de su hermana Pippa, otros han dicho que se trata de una persona completamente diferente.

Como hemos dicho, un montón de payasadas y para ser honestos, solo una muestra de la ridiculez de Internet, que es lo que ha estado haciendo incluso antes de este avistamiento.

El Palacio ha dicho que Kate sigue recuperándose de su cirugía abdominal en enero y el martes comentaron que en realidad no reanudaría sus funciones hasta junio.

Lo que haya pasado bajo el bisturí, claramente era algo muy serio. ¡Que te mejores!

Kate Middleton Sighting The Memes Keep on Coming ... New Theories Start to Fly

Kate Middleton and the Royals might've thought a glimpse of her post-hospitalization would tamper down any speculation or theories about her ... but they were dead wrong.

Ever since the Princess of Wales surfaced publicly Monday near Windsor -- being photographed in a car driven by her mother, wearing sunglasses and seemingly trying to lay low -- the internet has kicked off a fresh round of jokes, memes and conspiracy theories.

Fact is ... people saw these pics, and a lot of them just aren't convinced it's really her -- even though we know for a fact it is. And yet -- Twitter's having a field day regardless.

Hop online and you'll see exactly what we're talking about -- a lot of these posts are clearly done in jest and all in good fun ... but it's unfortunate they're making light of a serious sitch.

Some are simply throwing out other examples of stars pap'd from the inside of their cars over the years and comparing those to Kate's new shots. Some of the names that are being juxtaposed to KM ... Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Lindsay Lohan, just to name a few.

However, some are taking this a little more seriously ... picking apart the pictures that surfaced yesterday and getting into the details of her face, including moles/dimples, etc.

These folks are suggesting the woman photographed Monday really isn't Kate ... pointing out that specific features of hers aren't there for whoever was in the car (again, it was obviously her).

Some think they see her sister, Pippa, here ... some see a totally different person entirely.

Like we said ... it's all a bunch of nonsense and tomfoolery -- and, TBH, it's just the Internet being ridiculous ... which is what it was already doing even before this latest sighting.

The Palace has said Kate is continuing to recover from her abdominal surgery in January -- and word just came down Tuesday that she won't actually resume her duties until June.

Whatever she went under the knife for ... it was clearly for something very serious. Get well!


Kate Middleton ha aparecido por primera vez desde su hospitalización a principios de este año. Ella está manteniendo un perfil bajo... o al menos eso intenta.

La Princesa de Gales fue vista como pasajera el lunes en un vehículo que era conducido por su madre, Carole, cerca del Castillo de Windsor en el Reino Unido y como hemos dicho, este avistamiento es importante si tenemos en cuenta que no la hemos visto en absoluto desde diciembre.

Kate llevaba gafas de sol y parecía mostrar una sonrisa. No parecía haber ningún otro pariente o seguridad acompañándola.

Internet ha estado lleno de especulaciones en este último par de semanas sobre su paradero y ha habido un montón de bromas a costa suya.

El punto es que la gente se ha estado preguntando dónde diablos estaba, sobre todo porque la condición con la que ha estado tratando se ha mantenido en secreto. Los funcionarios reales se limitan a decir que se sometió a una cirugía abdominal y nada más.

El Palacio de Buckingham solo dijo en ese momento que ella permanecería hospitalizada durante aproximadamente dos semanas, y después de eso, ella no sería capaz de reanudar sus funciones hasta alrededor de Pascua.

También le aseguraron al público que ella estaba progresando en su recuperación, algo que reiteraron la semana pasada cuando finalmente respondieron a todas las conjeturas virales en curso.

Sabemos que el príncipe William ha estado a su lado todo el tiempo. Fue visto yendo al hospital mientras ella estaba allí, pero desde entonces ha continuado con su trabajo en solitario.

Su suegro, el rey Carlos, también ha estado lidiando con problemas de salud debido a su reciente diagnóstico de cáncer, pero ha sido capaz de seguir adelante muy bien y ya se ve fuera de casa.

Me alegro de ver a Kate aquí, ¡ahora todos sabemos que está viva y bien!

Kate Middleton Spotted in Public for First Time ... Since Hospitalization

Kate Middleton has surfaced for the first time since her hospitalization earlier this year that sidelined her for a good while -- and she's maintaining a low profile ... or trying to anyway.

The Princess of Wales was seen riding passenger Monday in a vehicle that was being driven by her mother, Carole, near Windsor Castle in the UK ... and like we said, this sighting is a big deal considering we haven't seen her whatsoever since December.

Kate was wearing shades, and appeared to be rocking somewhat of a smile here -- there didn't appear to be any other relatives with them for this outing ... and ditto for security.

It's interesting that she's popping up like this right now ... frankly, the internet has been rife with speculation these past couple weeks over her whereabouts -- and there's been a lot of jokes made at her expense.

Point is though ... people have been wondering where the heck she was and how she was doing -- especially since the condition she's been dealing with has been kept under tight wraps ... with Royal officials only saying she underwent abdominal surgery and nothing else.

Buckingham Palace only said at the time that she would remain hospitalized for about 2 weeks -- and after that, she wouldn't be able to resume her duties until about Easter time.

They also reassured the public that she was making progress in her recovery -- something they reiterated last week when they finally responded to all the viral conjecture going on.


We know Prince William has been coming to her side throughout all this -- he was seen going to the hospital while she was in there ... but since then, he's continued on with his work solo.

Her father-in-law, King Charles, has also been dealing with health issues -- due to his recent cancer diagnosis -- but he's been able to carry on just fine ... already being seen out and about.

Good to see Kate here ... now we all know, she's alive and well!

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Kate Middleton Team Responds to Viral Speculation ... On Whereabouts, Health

Kate Middleton's team is responding to viral speculation/jokes about why she hasn't surfaced publicly in months -- but they don't find anything funny about all the gossip and chatter.

The Princess of Wales' camp was forced to respond this week after a ton of memes were posted online over the past several days -- several of which were making cracks at her expense over her whereabouts and conjecture over what sort of procedure she had done.

Her rep told Page Six Thursday ... "Kensington Palace made it clear in January the timelines of the princess’ recovery and we’d only be providing significant updates. That guidance stands."

They also emphasized she continues to be doing well and making progress in her recovery.

As you can see, they didn't address the specific theories that have been floating online -- several of which are wild and salacious ... and which really aren't worth addressing here. Clearly, her camp is taking her health seriously ... and didn't feel the need to fuel the fire.

Still, that's not stopping the internet from making light of her situation ... which is kinda sad.

Fact is ... Kate underwent a very serious surgery that was focused on her abdominal area -- and it sidelined her for a good while. When news broke about her hospitalization last month ... the Palace said she'd be out of the public spotlight until at least Easter.

So, them emphasizing that plan yet again here appears to project some frustration on her team's part -- which is understandable. A lot of people are leaning into these Kate Middleton jokes ... and it's a little cringeworthy to say the least.

We haven't seen Kate out since December ... but we know she's been released from the hospital, and that she's recovering at home. Prince William has been quite attentive ... visiting her at the clinic she was at while she was there, while continuing on with his work too.


He did make a last-minute cancelation on one of his engagements this week for "personal reasons" ... and while many assumed it pertained to his wife, it's just unclear why.

TMZ Studios

In any case ... her camp has spoken, so here's hoping the ha-has settle down now.

Kate Middleton Su equipo responde a las teorías sobre su paradero

El equipo de Kate Middleton está respondiendo a las especulaciones y bromas sobre su desaparición pública, las que se han vuelto muy virales por estos días. Aunque al equipo real no le parecen nada graciosos los chismes y habladurías que se han generado.

El equipo de la Princesa de Gales se vio obligado a responder después de que aparecieran un montón de memes en Internet esta semana, varios de los cuales estaban haciendo bromas sobre su paradero y conjeturas sobre qué tipo de procedimiento se habría hecho.

Su representante le dijo a Page Six el jueves: "El Palacio de Kensington dejó claro en enero los plazos de recuperación de la princesa y que solo estaríamos proporcionando actualizaciones significativas. Esa orientación se mantiene".

También enfatizaron que ella sigue estando bien y haciendo progresos en su recuperación.

Como pueden ver, no se refirieron a las teorías específicas que han estado circulando en línea, varias de las cuales son súper descabelladas y no vale la pena abordar aquí. Está claro que su equipo se toma en serio su salud y no siente la necesidad de avivar el fuego.

Sin embargo, eso no impide que Internet siga haciendo polémicas por su situación, lo que es un poco triste.

El hecho es que Kate se sometió a una cirugía muy grave en su área abdominal, que la marginó por un buen tiempo. Cuando se conoció la noticia de su hospitalización el mes pasado, el Palacio dijo que estaría fuera del foco público hasta por lo menos Pascua.

Por lo tanto, enfatizar ese plan una vez más aquí parece proyectar cierta frustración por parte de su equipo, lo cual es comprensible. Mucha gente está haciendo bromas y especulaciones sobre Kate Middleton, lo que es un poco incómodo, por decir lo menos.

No hemos visto a Kate desde diciembre, pero sabemos que fue dada de alta del hospital y que se está recuperando en casa. El príncipe Guillermo ha estado muy atento y la visitó en la clínica mientras estaba allí, al mismo tiempo que continuaba con su trabajo también.

Además, hizo una cancelación de último minuto a uno de sus compromisos de esta semana por "razones personales" y aunque muchos asumieron que se refería a su esposa, no está claro el motivo.

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En cualquier caso, su equipo ha hablado, así que esperemos que las habladurías terminen.

Príncipe Harry Pierde batalla judicial en el Reino Unido relacionada a su seguridad ¡¡¡Ahora eres un plebeyo!!!

El príncipe Harry ha estado librando una guerra con el gobierno británico luego de que retiraran su seguridad, que es financiada con fondos públicos del Reino Unido, pero ahora un juez está entregando un veredicto sobre el asunto.

El caso se ha prolongado desde 2022 y el Tribunal Superior de Londres finalmente falló el miércoles a favor del Ministerio del Interior después de que el Príncipe Harry intentara anular una decisión que rebajó su nivel de protección en el Reino Unido.

Recuerden, cuando él y su esposa Meghan Markle renunciaron a sus puestos reales, los abrigos rojos les dieron la espalda también y revocaron la seguridad de alto nivel que se puede permitir un miembro de la realeza que trabaja a tiempo completo normalmente. Harry lo denunció y presentó una demanda.

Como hemos dicho, esto fue hace mucho tiempo, pero finalmente se llegó a una conclusión y el Duque se va con un juez de Los Ángeles, sabiendo que no hay nada ilegal o injusto en la decisión alcanzada en favor del Ministerio del Interior.

No parece haber muchos detalles en términos de los motivos. Todo lo que el juez al parecer dijo en los documentos fue que este movimiento era razonable y legal y que una alternativa para Harry es contar con seguridad a medida, menos formal cuando esté en el Reino Unido.

TMZ investiga
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Eso sí, Harry ya había perdido otra batalla legal en este frente de seguridad. Allí había tratado de argumentar que él debería ser capaz de pagar por seguridad de alto nivel de la policía, pero también fue rechazada.

Toda la queja de Harry se reducía a que sentía que su familia no estaría segura en el Reino Unido si no podían recibir el tratamiento real en términos de seguridad y ahora parece que el gobierno y el Tribunal Superior le están diciendo rotundamente que ya no es un miembro de la realeza. Acéptalo. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Prince Harry Loses Court Battle Over UK Security You're a Commoner Now!!!


10:41 AM PT -- A spokesperson for Prince Harry announced he will appeal this decision.

Prince Harry has been waging war with the British government over the fact they yanked his publicly-funded security in the UK ... but a judge flipped him the bird once and for all.

A decision was made in the drawn-out case that's been going on since 2022 -- with the London High Court ruling Wednesday in favor of the Home Office after PH had attempted to overturn a decision made that downgraded his level of protection across the pond.

Remember ... when he and his wife, Meghan Markle, stepped down from their Royal posts -- the red coats turned their back on them too -- revoking top-level police officer security details a full-time working Royal might normally be afforded. Harry cried foul and sued over this.

Like we said, this has been going on for a long time ... but it's finally reached its conclusion -- and the Duke's walking away with an L.A. judge saying there was nothing unlawful or unfair about the way this conclusion was reached by the Home Office.

There doesn't seem to be much detail in terms of the rationale here -- all the judge reportedly said in the docs was that this move was reasonable and legal ... and that the alternative for Harry -- a tailored, less formal security detail if/when he's in the UK -- is also appropriate.

TMZ Studios

Mind you, Harry had already lost another battle on this security front -- he had tried arguing that he should be able to pay for high-level cop security ... but he got turned down there too.

Harry's whole gripe boiled down to him feeling like his family wasn't safe in the UK if they couldn't get the royal treatment in terms of security -- and now, it sounds like the government and the High Court are flatly telling him ... you're not a Royal anymore, bro. Deal with it. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Originally Published -- 5:36 AM PT

PRÍNCIPE HARRY AHOGÓ SUS PENAS EN ALCOHOL Y COCAÍNA... Sin contacto con su hermano ni con su padre

Donald Trump dice que no le lanzaría un salvavidas de inmigración al Príncipe Harry si fuera elegido Presidente de nuevo, sugiriendo que sería abandonado a su suerte y tal vez deportado.

El polémico candidato habló con el Daily Express -un medio del Reino Unido- el fin de semana en el evento CPAC en Maryland y aclaró que no le gusta el duque de Sussex, y muy claramente dijo que el estatus migratorio de Harry podría estar bajo escrutinio.

Trump dice: "Yo no lo protegería. Ha traicionado a la Reina y eso es imperdonable. Estaría solo si dependiera de mí".

Terminó criticando a la administración de Biden por lo que él caracteriza como blanda en general -más sobre eso en breve- añadiendo: "Creo que han sido demasiado permisivos con él después de lo que ha hecho".

Ahora, lo que Trump parece estar aludiendo aquí es esta batalla del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional en la que el Príncipe está involucrado indirectamente. Un grupo de vigilancia ha demandado al gobierno federal en un intento de obtener documentos de los papeles de inmigración de Harry y solicitud de su visado.

Como usted probablemente sabe, el hombre todavía no es un ciudadano de EE.UU. y el año pasado, confesó en sus memorias que había consumido una serie de drogas antes de venir al país.

El grupo de vigilancia dice que esto es una clara admisión de que viola el protocolo de entrada de DHS y le están exigiendo la agencia que posee esos papeles que lo demuestre, pero la Seguridad Nacional está poniendo resistencia, argumentando que Harry tiene derecho a la privacidad. También dicen que podría haber sido mentira y esta "confesión" en el libro no equivale a una declaración bajo juramento.

Lo que Trump está dando a entender, al parecer, es que el DHS bajo su vigilancia sería mucho más firme, lo que podría -en teoría- terminar con el príncipe siendo expulsado de los EE.UU.

tmz investiga
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Creemos saber a quién votará Meghan Markle en noviembre.

Donald Trump Suggests Harry'd Get Deported ... If He Was Elected Again

Donald Trump says he wouldn't throw Prince Harry an immigration lifeline if he was elected President again -- suggesting he'd be left to fend for himself ... and maybe get deported.

The ex-Pres spoke with the Daily Express -- a UK publication -- over the weekend at the CPAC event in Maryland ... and he made no bones about the fact that he doesn't like the Duke of Sussex, and very clearly said Harry's immigration status might come under scrutiny.

Don says, "I wouldn’t protect him. He betrayed the Queen. That’s unforgivable. He would be on his own if it was down to me."

He finished that sentiment by slamming the Biden administration for what he characterizes as going easy on Harry as it pertains to DHS controversy -- more on that in a bit -- by adding, "I think they have been too gracious to him after what he has done."

Now, what Trump seems to be alluding to here is this Dept. of Homeland Security battle that the Prince is involved in indirectly -- namely, a watchdog group suing the federal government in an attempt to obtain docs from Harry's immigration papers/application for his visa.

As you're probably well aware, the guy ain't a U.S. citizen yet -- and last year, he confessed in his memoir that he'd done a number of drugs before coming on over to the States.

The watchdog group says this is a clear admission that violates DHS entry protocol and they're demanding the agency fork those papers over to prove it -- but Homeland Security is putting up a fight, arguing Harry has a right to privacy. They also say he might've been BS'ing ... and this "confession" in the book doesn't amount to a statement under oath.

What Trump's implying here, it seems, is that the DHS under his watch would let the chips fall where they may ... which could, theoretically, end with PH getting kicked outta the U.S.

TMZ Studios

We think we know who Meghan Markle might vote for come November.

The TMZ Podcast: Prince Harry Talks King Charles' Health Taylor Swift Donates to K.C. Parade Shooting Victim's Family

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Taylor Swift is stepping up in a really big way following the tragic shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs parade. The singer donated $100,000 to the family of Elizabeth "Lisa" Lopez-Galvan, who was killed in the shooting.

Meanwhile, new photos have emerged showing Travis Kelce and other Chiefs players partying hours after the deadly incident.

In Royal Family news ... Prince Harry has opened up about King Charles' health.

Plus, North West drew a very risqué photo of Kanye West's wife, Bianca Censori, causing some concern.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Deven Rall