Príncipe Harry Da cautelosas respuestas sobre el diagnóstico del rey Carlos

LA familia es primero

El Príncipe Harry fue consultado por su padre el Rey Carlos y su reciente diagnóstico de cáncer, y aunque dejó claro que ama a su familia, se puede decir que estaba en guardia.

El duque de Sussex habló con "GMA" para una entrevista que se emitió el jueves. La conversación fue filmada en Whistler, Canadá, donde se realizarán los próximos Invictus, Games, no mucho después de que volara de Londres para visitar a su padre, y Harry dio una idea de la relación que tiene con su padre.

Dijo que estaba contento de haber podido visitar al Rey, que era importante hacerlo para él después de enterarse de su cáncer, algo que el Príncipe Harry escuchó de primera mano.

También dijo explícitamente que ama a su familia, pero cuando lo presionaron un poco más sobre las perspectivas de salud de su padre se quedó callado y le dijo al periodista que no era asunto suyo.

Sobre la posibilidad de arreglar las cosas con el rey Carlos ahora que sabe que tiene cáncer, Harry dice que está absolutamente en las estrellas. Pero por la forma en que responde, se puede decir que estaba un poco ofendido por la pregunta. En su mente, es casi como si estuviera pensando, por supuesto que estamos bien.

No hace falta decirlo, la relación de Harry con la realeza se ha visto fracturada, por no decir completamente desgarrada en los últimos años, pero aquí está sugiriendo que la familia es primero y no importa lo que haya pasado entre ellos. Él los amará pase lo que pase.

También habla de cómo está procesando que estén pasando tantas cosas al otro lado del charco y aquí en California, a lo que Harry respondió que tiene su propia familia ahora.

Esencialmente, su punto es que ama a su familia en Reino Unido, va a verlos cuando puede, pero no va a dejar a su familia por los problemas que estén ocurriendo allá.

Dándole una oportunidad

Ahora, aunque esta charla sobre el rey Carlos sin duda era seria, y Harry tuvo una actitud algo fría, su tiempo en Canadá no fue del todo pesimista. De hecho, lo pasó súper bien en la nieve con nada menos que Meghan Markle.

Por ejemplo, montó un trineo por una pista de hielo como un profesional, demostrando que dominaba el trineo y todo. Honestamente es bastante surrealista.

Incluso viendo esto, se entiende lo que Harry quiere decir cuando dice que va a vivir su vida y que no se va a paralizar por una noticia tan pesada de la familia real.

En conclusión, es capaz de separar las cosas y hasta ahora lo está haciendo bastante bien.

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Carlos, por su parte, parece estar tomando su diagnóstico de cáncer con calma. Ha sido fotografiado en público desde que lanzó la bomba. De quien no hay rastro es de Kate Middleton, quien sigue recuperándose de sus propios problemas de salud.

Prince Harry Cagey Answers on Charles' Diagnosis 'Stays Between Me & Him'


Prince Harry was asked about his father, King Charles, and his recent cancer diagnosis -- and while he made clear he loves his family ... you can tell his guard is still up.

The Duke of Sussex spoke with 'GMA' in an interview that aired Thursday -- a convo that was filmed in Whistler, BC at the site of his upcoming Invictus Games, not long after he flew back from London upon visiting his dad -- and Harry gave some insight into the relationship.

He says he was happy he was able to go see the King, and also noted it was important for him to do so after learning about his cancer ... something PH says he heard first-hand.

Harry also says explicitly here that he loves his family -- but when he's pressed further on how the outlook of his father's health ... he clams up, telling the journo it's none of his business.

On the prospect of mending fences with Charles now that he knows he has cancer -- Harry says that's absolutely in the stars ... but from the way he responds, you can tell he's a little offended by the question. In his mind, it's almost as if he's thinking ... of course we're good.

It goes without saying ... Harry's relationship with the Royals has appeared fractured -- if not completely torn apart in recent years -- but here ... he's suggesting family comes first, no matter what's gone on between them, and that he'll have love for them no matter what.

He also talks about how he's processing the fact there's so much going on across the pond as he's here in California ... and Harry has a bristly reaction, saying he has his own family now.

Essentially, his point is ... I love my UK family, I'll see them when I can, but I'm not gonna shut down my life over problems they're going through -- that's sorta the takeaway.


Now, while this chat about Charles was most certainly serious -- and, admittedly, a little icy on Harry's part -- his time in Canada wasn't all doom and gloom ... in fact, there was a lot of fun he was having out there in the snow, alongside none other than Meghan Markle.

Take this bobsled run he went on, for example, where PH shot down an icy runway ... and he looked a bit like a pro, good form on the sled and all. Honestly, it's pretty surreal.

Even from this alone, you can see what Harry means when he says he's going to live his life -- and not necessarily be paralyzed by such heavy news coming from the Royal family.


Long story short ... he's able to compartmentalize, and so far -- he's doing it quite well.

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Charles, meanwhile, seems to be taking his cancer diagnosis in stride -- he's been pictured out in public since the bombshell dropped. Still no sign of Kate Middleton, though, as she continues to recover from her own health issues.

Meghan Markle No se rinde con los podcasts Firma un nuevo acuerdo tras el fracaso con Spotify

Menos de un año después de que Meghan Markle y el príncipe Harry pusieran fin a su acuerdo de 20 millones de dólares con Spotify, la misma Meghan le está dando otra oportunidad a la industria de los podcast.

La duquesa de Sussex ha firmado un acuerdo con Lemonada Media, la compañía detrás de "Wiser Than Me con Julia Louis-Dreyfus", para una nueva serie de podcast, sin título aún.

Eso no es todo. "Archetypes", el antiguo podcast de Meghan Markle también viene con ella a su nueva casa, quienes distribuirán sus antiguos capítulos a través de todas sus redes para que puedan tener acceso a un público más amplio, además de su próximo show.

Meghan está entusiasmada con la asociación y dice que está orgullosa de continuar su amor por el podcasting. Añade: "Ser capaz de apoyar a una empresa fundada por mujeres con podcasts entretenidos y que inviten a la reflexión es una manera fantástica de dar inicio al 2024."

Y continuó: "Nuestro plan es reeditar Archetypes para que más gente pueda tener acceso a él, así como lanzar un nuevo y dinámico podcast, ambos muy avanzados. Estoy ansiosa por poder compartirlo pronto y encantada de unirme a la familia Lemonada".

Por su parte, la directora ejecutiva de Lemonada, Jessica Cordova Kramer, dice que es un honor que Meghan haya confiado en ellos para ayudar a democratizar el acceso a "Archetypes". También dice que están impresionados por su espíritu de colaboración, su visión y un profundo deseo de construir compasión y comunidad a través de este trabajo.

Se acordarán que en junio de 2023, el duque y la duquesa de Sussex (citando a su compañía de producción, Archewell Audio) y Spotify dijeron que "acordaban separarse mutuamente y estaban orgullosos de la serie que hicieron juntos."

Hubo diversos informes en cuanto a la razón exacta detrás de la separación. Algunos dijeron que M&H no pudieron generar suficiente contenido para pagar los $20M a Spotify.

Mientras tanto, la agencia de talentos de MM, WME, dijo que la razón fue porque ella estaba ocupada produciendo más podcasts para sus fans de "Archetypes" en una plataforma diferente. Esta última explicación ahora parece estar tomando forma.

Meg lanzó "Archetypes" en 2020 después de que, según los informes, firmara un acuerdo de varios años con Spotify para producir el programa en forma de audio.

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El podcast no se estrenó hasta 2022, con Meghan como presentadora, en donde entrevistó a celebridades como Serena Williams, Mariah Carey y Paris Hilton sobre temas en torno a los estereotipos que se imponen a las mujeres.


Less than a year after Meghan Markle and Prince Harry called it quits on their $20M Spotify deal ... she herself is giving it another go in the podcast game.

The Duchess of Sussex has inked a deal with Lemonada Media -- the company behind "Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus" -- for a new, untitled podcast series.

That's not all ... MM's "Archetypes" is actually coming with her to her new podcast home -- Lemonada will be distributing her old pod to all other networks for access to a broader audience, in addition to her forthcoming show.

Meghan gushes about the partnership ... saying she's proud to continue her love for podcasting and adding, "Being able to support a female-founded company with a roster of thought-provoking and highly entertaining podcasts is a fantastic way to kick off 2024."

She continued, "Our plan to re-release Archetypes so that more people can now have access to it, as well as launching a dynamic new podcast are well in the works. I'm so eager to be able to share it soon, and am overjoyed to be joining the Lemonada family."

On their end, Lemonada's CEO Jessica Cordova Kramer says their beyond honored Meghan has trusted them to help democratize access to "Archetypes." They also mention they're blown away by her collaborative spirit, clear vision, and a deep desire to build compassion and community through this work.

You'll recall ... in June 2023, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (citing their production company, Archewell Audio) and Spotify said in a joint statement they "mutually agreed to part ways and are proud of the series we made together."

There were varying reports as to the exact reason behind the partnership's end -- some said M&H failed to generate enough content for Spotify to payout their $20M payday.

Meanwhile, MM's talent agency WME said the reason was 'cause she was busy cranking out more podcasts for her "Archetypes" fans on a different platform -- the latter explanation now seems to be taking shape.

Meg launched "Archetypes" in 2020 after reportedly signing a multi-year deal with Spotify to produce the show in audio form.

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The podcast didn't premiere until 2022, with Meghan as the host, interviewing celebs such as Serena Williams, Mariah Carey and Paris Hilton on topics around stereotypes levied at women.


A major sigh of relief for Prince Harry ... the remaining parts of his landmark civil suit against the Mirror Group Newspapers has finally been settled.

In a hearing that took place at the High Court in London Friday, the Daily Mirror's publisher has been ordered to pay substantial damages and legal costs to the Duke of Sussex over the lawsuit he filed against the MGN-owned newspapers for unlawfully gathering personal details about his life and publishing them for the world to read.

Judge Timothy Fancourt announced MGN should pay the "generic" costs to those involved in the legal action ... adding, "In this unusual case, justice is only done by awarding the claimants their costs of the generic issues."

PH's lawyer, David Sherborne, confirmed the settlement between the royal and MGN, revealing that the publisher has made an interim payment of $505,500. The final total cost has yet to be assessed.

An MGN spokesperson said in a statement: "We are pleased to have reached this agreement, which gives our business further clarity to move forward from events that took place many years ago and for which we have apologized."

You'll recall ... Judge Fancourt's ruling in December determined the company had hacked Harry's phone to a "modest extent", awarding him about $180,000 in damages.

Fancourt found that 15 of the 33 articles published by The Sunday Mirror and another paper contained information illegally gathered by hacking into Harry's personal phone between 2004 and 2009. Harry's attorney entered 147 newspaper stories into evidence -- and many of them were forensically analyzed.

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During the trial, Harry testified for seven hours, making him the first senior royal to take the witness stand in centuries in a court of law.

In his 2019 lawsuit, Harry claimed the intrusions went on for years and also targeted his wife, Meghan Markle, causing them "considerable distress."

Prince Harry Presents Award at NFL Honors ... Steelers Star Cameron Heyward Awestruck


Prince Harry flew back to the U.S. and made a surprise appearance at the 2024 NFL Honors -- after a short visit with his cancer-stricken father King Charles III in England.

The Duke of Sussex strolled out onstage at the Resorts World Theatre in Las Vegas Thursday evening to present the Walter Payton Man of the Year award to Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Cameron Heyward.

Heyward seemed totally awestruck by Harry as the NFL star accepted his statue and stepped up to the mic to make a speech.

Check out the vid ... Heyward addressed the audience while motioning with his arm to Harry, saying, "That's freakin' Harry. Oh my god, I'm in shock. That's Prince Harry."

Harry smiled, taking it all in stride while shaking hands with Heyward on the stage and posing for photos with him after the event.

As you know ... Harry hopped a Tuesday flight to London from L.A. to visit King Charles after his recent cancer diagnosis. When he arrived in the UK capital, Harry went straight to the royal residence, where he reportedly stayed with Charles for about 45 minutes before taking off.

While his exit appeared abrupt, it's no secret Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, have been estranged from Charles and the rest of the Royal Family for quite some time. And the world has had a front-row seat to all their drama.

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Hopefully, Harry and the others can work out their differences and become one big happy royal family again. We'll just have to see.

Príncipe Harry Presenta un premio a la estrella de la NFL Cameron Heyward...


El príncipe Harry voló de regreso a los Estados Unidos e hizo una aparición sorpresa en el NFL Honors 2024, después de hacer una breve visita a su padre, el rey Carlos III en Inglaterra luego de que este fuera diagnosticado de cáncer.

El duque de Sussex se paseó por el escenario del Teatro Resorts World en Las Vegas el jueves por la noche para presentar el premio Walter Payton al Hombre del Año, que fue otorgado al jugador defensivo de los Pittsburgh Steelers Cameron Heyward.

Heyward parecía totalmente impresionado por la presencia de Harry mientras aceptaba su estatua de la NFL y se acercaba al micrófono para hacer su discurso.

Mira el video: Heyward se dirigió al público mientras señalaba a Harry con el brazo, diciendo: "Ese es el maldito Harry. Dios mío, estoy en shock. Ese es el Príncipe Harry".

Harry sonrió y se tomó todo con mucha calma mientras estrechaba su mano con Heyward en el escenario y posaba para las fotos después del evento.

Como ustedes saben, Harry viajó a Londres desde Los Ángeles el martes para visitar al rey Carlos después de que fuera diagnosticado recientemente de cáncer. Cuando llegó a la capital del Reino Unido, Harry fue directamente a la residencia real, donde al parecer se quedó con Charles durante unos 45 minutos antes de despegar.

Aunque su salida pareció abrupta, no es ningún secreto que Harry y su esposa Meghan Markle llevan bastante tiempo distanciados de Carlos y del resto de la Familia Real. Y el mundo ha podido presenciar todo su drama desde la primera fila.

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Esperemos que Harry y los demás puedan resolver sus diferencias y volver a ser una gran familia real feliz. Ya veremos.

Prince Harry Jets to London ... We Have Issues, But He's My Dad


7:54 AM PT -- King Charles just emerged from his meeting with Prince Harry at Clarence House -- one that only lasted about 45 minutes or so -- and His Royal Highness was all smiles next to Camilla.

This is one of the first times we're seeing the King since word of his cancer diagnosis broke -- and he's surprisingly in very good spirits. Now, he's on his way to Buckingham Palace.

Prince Harry has wasted no time hopping on a plane to London to see his dad less than 24 hours after Buckingham Palace announced King Charles has cancer.

Harry flew private from LAX to London's Heathrow Airport and arrived at 12:20 PM London time. He beelined it for Clarence House ... where his father is staying.

It's unclear how to read this ... whether Harry's quick move in any way intersects with the severity of King Charles's diagnosis.

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As you know, Harry and his dad have a fractured relationship, although it's more cordial than Harry's relations with his brother, Prince William.

As we reported, doctors discovered the cancer during a procedure for an enlarged prostate. It is not prostate cancer -- though, the Palace was not more specific.

It's unclear how long Harry will stay. We also don't know if there are plans for Harry and William to see each other, but it would seem that would be hard to avoid given that William is probably spending time at Clarence House as well.

BTW ... Meghan Markle did not travel with Harry.


Originally Published -- 6:30 AM PT

Príncipe Harry Viaja a Londres ... Tenemos problemas, pero es mi padre

El Príncipe Harry no esperó para subirse a un avión y viajar a Londres para ver a su padre, menos de 24 horas después de que el Palacio de Buckingham informara que el Rey Carlos tiene cáncer.

Harry voló en un avión privado desde el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles al aeropuerto de Heathrow y llegó a las 12:20 PM de Londres. Fue a Clarence House donde se aloja su padre.

No está claro si el rápido movimiento de Harry tiene algo que ver con la gravedad del diagnóstico del rey Carlos, es difícil de interpretar.

Como ustedes saben, Harry y su padre han estado distanciados, aunque su relación es más cordial que la que tiene con su hermano, el príncipe Guillermo.

Como informamos, los médicos descubrieron el cáncer durante un procedimiento por próstata agrandada. No es cáncer de próstata, aunque el Palacio no fue más específico.

No está claro cuánto tiempo se quedará Harry en Londres. Tampoco sabemos si hay planes para que se encuentre con William, pero parece que sería difícil de evitar, dado que es probable que William pase tiempo en Clarence House también.

Por cierto, Meghan Markle no viajó con Harry.

El rey Carlos III diagnosticado de cáncer


10:43 AM PT -- El rey Carlos III ha notificado a sus dos hijos -el príncipe Guillermo y el príncipe Harry- sobre su diagnóstico y ambos se apresuraron a estar a su lado. Se dice que Will está en contacto regular con su padre, y obviamente está cerca de verlo en persona también.

En cuanto a Harry, nos informan que va a volar al Reino Unido los próximos días para ver a su padre.

El Rey Carlos III está luchando contra el cáncer...

El Palacio de Buckingham -la residencia real del Reino Unido- emitió un comunicado oficial el lunes diciendo: "Durante el reciente procedimiento hospitalario del Rey por un agrandamiento benigno de la próstata, se observó una cuestión separada de preocupación. Las pruebas de diagnóstico posteriores han identificado una forma de cáncer".

El Palacio añade: "Su Majestad ha comenzado hoy un programa de tratamientos regulares, tiempo durante el cual se le ha aconsejado por los médicos posponer los deberes de cara al público".

El palacio dice que Carlos continuará con sus asuntos de Estado y trámites oficiales a pesar del diagnóstico.

Como informamos, Carlos ingresó en un hospital londinense el mes pasado para someterse a un "procedimiento correctivo" por un agrandamiento de próstata. Kate Middleton estuvo en el mismo hospital al mismo tiempo para una cirugía de estómago.

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El Palacio dice que Carlos "sigue siendo totalmente positivo sobre su tratamiento y espera volver a su plena función pública tan pronto como sea posible".

La familia real dice que está anunciando el diagnóstico de Carlos "para evitar especulaciones y con la esperanza de que pueda ayudar a la comprensión pública para todos aquellos en todo el mundo que se ven afectados por el cáncer".

Es curioso... El anuncio del cáncer de Carlos llega justo después del Día Mundial contra el Cáncer.

La esposa del Rey, la Reina Camilla, inauguró la semana pasada un nuevo centro de apoyo contra el cáncer en el Royal Free Hospital del Reino Unido.

Publicado originalmente -- 10:08 AM PT

KING CHARLES III Diagnosed With Cancer Will & Harry Looped In


10:43 AM PT -- King Charles III has notified both of his sons -- Prince William and Prince Harry -- about his diagnosis ... and both of them are rushing to be by his side. Will is said to be in regular contact with his dad, and is obviously nearby to see him in person too.

As for Harry ... he's reported to be flying into the UK in the coming days to see his father.

Major health update out of Buckingham Palace ... King Charles III is fighting cancer.

Buckingham Palace – the United Kingdom's royal residence – released an official statement Monday saying ... "During The King’s recent hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement, a separate issue of concern was noted. Subsequent diagnostic tests have identified a form of cancer."

The Palace adds ... "His Majesty has today commenced a schedule of regular treatments, during which time he has been advised by doctors to postpone public-facing duties."

Charles, the Palace says, will continue with his state business and official paperwork despite the diagnosis.

As we reported, Charles was admitted to a London hospital last month for a "corrective procedure" for an enlarged prostate. Kate Middleton was in the same hospital at the same time for stomach surgery.

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The Palace says Charles "remains wholly positive about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible."

The Royal family says it's announcing Charles' diagnosis "to prevent speculation and in the hope it may assist public understanding for all those around the world who are affected by cancer."

It's interesting ... Charles' cancer announcement comes on the heels of World Cancer Day.

The King's wife, Queen Camilla, last week opened a new cancer support center at Royal Free Hospital in the UK.

Originally Published -- 10:08 AM PT

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Applaud Parents Against Social ... Use Zuck Apologizing Pic

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle are standing behind parents advocating against social media companies ... and they're using a viral Mark Zuckerberg moment to underscore their point.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared a statement on the social media Senate hearings from Wednesday to the Archewell Foundation's website -- showing support for the victims and detailing some of their own experiences speaking to families who've gone through this.

In the statement, PH and MM applauded parents standing up against huge social media companies, and added, "The best parenting in the world cannot keep children safe from these platforms" ... all in all, a fairly fluffy, boilerplate statement from the royal couple.

I Zucked Up

The big news here ... they picked a shot of Zuck from the hearing yesterday as the huge image above their statement -- a pic that captured MZ's surprise apology to parents and victims of child sex exploitation via social media.

As we reported ... Mark was getting grilled during the committee hearing with Senator Josh Hawley peppering him with questions until Zuck was basically forced to turn around and apologize to the crowd at large.

The crowd held up numerous photographs of victims as Mark apologized and made mention of measures he said Meta's taking to stop any other children from becoming victims.

Well, it seems the Sussexes are clearly on the side of the victims and advocates ... unsurprising given their charitable works to combat sex trafficking and child slavery. Plus, they're parents themselves -- and they have a ton of experience dealing with agitators online to boot.

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Still, it does sorta feel like they're taking a shot at Zuck too in the same breath ... which is interesting. Makes ya wonder if they're doing another us-against-them type deal.

Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle Aplauden a los padres en contra de las redes sociales... Usan foto de Mark

El príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle están apoyando a los padres que están hablando en contra de las empresas detrás de las redes sociales, y están usando una imagen viral de Mark Zuckerberg para subrayar su punto.

El duque y la duquesa de Sussex compartieron en el sitio web de la Fundación Archewell una declaración sobre las audiencias en el Senado relacionadas con las redes sociales que se hicieron el miércoles, en donde mostraron su apoyo a las víctimas y detallaron algunas de sus propias experiencias hablando con familias que han pasado por esto.

En la declaración, Harry y Meghan aplaudieron a los padres que están en contra de las grandes empresas de redes sociales, y agregaron: "La mejor crianza del mundo no puede mantener a los niños a salvo de estas plataformas", en definitiva, una declaración bastante estándar y suave de la pareja real.

ME equivoqué

La gran noticia aquí es que eligieron una foto de Zuck en la audiencia de ayer como la imagen destacada de su declaración, una foto que captura la sorpresiva disculpa de Mark a los padres y víctimas de la explotación sexual infantil a través de las redes sociales.

Como informamos, Mark estaba siendo acribillado durante la audiencia del comité con el senador Josh Hawley, bombardeado de preguntas, hasta que Zuck se vio obligado a darse la media vuelta y pedir disculpas frente a la multitud en general.

La audiencia presente estaba sosteniendo diferentes fotografías de las víctimas mientras Mark pedía disculpas y mencionaba las medidas que está tomando Meta para evitar que otros niños se conviertan en víctimas.

Bueno, parece que los Sussex están claramente del lado de las víctimas y defensores, nada sorprendente teniendo en cuenta las obras de caridad que apoyan para combatir el tráfico sexual y la esclavitud infantil. Además, ellos mismos son padres y tienen un montón de experiencia en el trato con los haters en línea.

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Aun así, parece que están atacando a Zuck al mismo tiempo, lo cual es interesante. Te hace preguntar si están haciendo otro acuerdo del tipo "nosotros contra ellos".

Kate Middleton Released from Hospital ... 12 Days After Surgery

Kate Middleton is finally out of the hospital after undergoing surgery nearly 2 weeks ago -- and the official word is ... she's doing alright, and continues to get better.

The Princess of Wales is back home and resting with her family -- this according to Kensington Palace ... which made the announcement Monday. They wrote, "The Princess of Wales has returned home to Windsor to continue her recovery from surgery."

They add, "She is making good progress." This is reassuring, considering how long she was hospitalized, and how suddenly this news was sprung onto the public in the first place.

There's more from Kensington as well -- with the Royal house saying, "The Prince and Princess wish to say a huge thank you to the entire team at The London Clinic, especially the dedicated nursing staff, for the care they have provided."

More good news for the Royals ... King Charles was also released from the hospital Monday. Remember, he went in for a prostate procedure ... just around the same time as KM.

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While the King's procedure/health issue was crystal clear ... Kate's remains somewhat of a mystery -- as no one seems to know what exactly the problem was. Although, that hasn't stopped people from speculating ... with all sorts of ailments being floated as possibilities.

In the meantime, Kensington Palace has asked for privacy and discretion as she heals.

Harry y Meghan Markle múltiples robos En el barrio de lujo

Es posible que el príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle quieran reforzar la seguridad en torno a su mansión de 15 millones de dólares en Montecito, después de que una serie de robos se llevaran a cabo en las lujosas casas de sus vecinos.

La pareja viajó a Jamaica el pasado miércoles para el estreno de la nueva película biográfica de Bob Marley, una banda de ladrones robó una finca a unos cinco minutos de su complejo real, según DailyMail.

Los delincuentes tenían la intención de robar una caja fuerte que contenía dinero en efectivo y otros objetos de valor. No está claro lo que realmente se llevaron.

Este es el último de una serie de robos que plagan el barrio de lujo, donde viven personalidades como: Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom, Oprah, Ellen, Rob Lowe entre otros.

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La portavoz del Sheriff del Condado de Santa Bárbara, Rachel Zick, emitió una alerta a los residentes de la zona, explicando que la policía ha recibido varias quejas recientes de robos "con notables similitudes en las disposiciones de los residentes, los tiempos de ocurrencia y los artículos tomados".

la premiere

Zick dijo que los ladrones están siempre en busca de cajas fuertes en casas desocupadas que estén cerca de espacios abiertos, tales como campos de golf, arroyos o el océano". Por lo general, los robos se han producido entre las 18:00 y las 22:00 horas.

La Asociación Montecito, un grupo de defensa local, le ha ofrecido consejos a la comunidad sobre la protección del hogar.

Harry y Meghan tienen un equipo de guardias de seguridad vigilando su finca, pero tal vez sea hora de que contraten a un ejército. Parece que las cosas se están poniendo muy peligrosas en su barrio.

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Burglars Invade Their Montecito 'Hood ... Targeting Safes In Lavish Estates

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may want to beef up security around their $15 million Montecito mansion ... after a series of break-ins at their neighbors' lavish homes.

The couple traveled to Jamaica last Wednesday for the opening of the new Bob Marley biopic, an organized band of thieves burglarized an estate about five minutes from their royal compound, according to DailyMail.

The criminals were intent on stealing a safe containing cash and/or other valuables, but it was unclear what, if anything, was taken.

It was the latest in a string of burglaries plaguing the fancy neighborhood, where the likes of Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, Oprah, Ellen, Rob Lowe and other celebs live.

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Santa Barbara County Sheriff spokesperson Rachel Zick issued an alert to area residents, explaining that police have received several recent burglary complaints "with notable similarities in the resident layouts, times of occurrence and items taken."


Zick said the crooks are always looking for safes, while targeting unoccupied homes that "back up into open spaces such as golf courses as well as creeks, streams or the ocean." Usually, the break-ins have occurred between 6 PM and 10 PM.

The Monticeto Association, a local advocacy group, has offered tips to the community on home protection.

Harry and Meghan have a team of security guards watching over their estate, but maybe it's time for them to hire an army. Seems like things are getting really dicey in their 'hood