'Suits' Patrick J. Adams Posts Throwback Meghan Markle Pics ... Apologizes For Sharing Amid Strike

"Suits" star Patrick J. Adams is sayin' sorry for sharing BTS photos of his former costar Meghan Markle ... after catching heat for posting them during the ongoing actors' strike.

Patrick did the ol' delete and apologize 2-step Wednesday after he'd posted some never-before-seen snaps of Meghan and other cast members, clearly taken when she was still on the show, and the USA Network show was still in production.

He's now scrubbed the pics and told his followers he "foolishly and thoughtlessly let a trip down Suits memory lane distract me from the very real and ongoing fight" that SAG-AFTRA is still facing.

Patrick called the past photos of Meghan "an embarrassing oversight," adding he's "incredibly sorry."

The throwback photos of Meghan come off as a bit flirty -- one shows her lying down on a couch while dressed in a pencil skirt ... something her character, Rachel, often wore.

Don't forget, Patrick and Meghan played lovers on the 9-season series, so ya could chalk it up to just being in character. Also, it's not like he just posted pics of MM -- he showed photos of costars like Daniel Costabile, Vanessa Ray, and Trevor Lipinski, too.

As you know, SAG-AFTRA actors are forbidden from promoting, talking about, and yes, posting about projects made under the union's TV and film contracts -- which goes for things made in the past as well.

Patrick's upload fell in that category and folks weren't happy ... making this sort of a Royal screwup on his part.

Patrick J. Adams de 'Suits' Se disculpa por compartir fotos de Meghan Markle ... En medio de la huelga

La estrella de "Suits" Patrick J. Adams está pidiendo disculpas por compartir fotos detrás de cámara de su ex compañera Meghan Markle, después de causar revuelo por publicarlas en medio de la huelga de actores en curso.

Patrick hizo la vieja artimaña de borrar y pedir disculpas el miércoles, después de haber publicado algunas fotos nunca antes vistas de Meghan y otros miembros del elenco, claramente tomadas cuando ella todavía estaba en la serie, y el show de USA Network aún estaba en producción.

Ahora ya borró las fotos y le dijo a sus seguidores que "tontamente y sin pensar dejó que un viaje hacia la memoria de Suits lo distrajera de la lucha muy real y en curso" que SAG-AFTRA todavía enfrenta.

Patrick calificó la publicación de las viejas fotos de Meghan como "un descuido embarazoso", y agregó que está "increíblemente arrepentido".

En las fotos throwback, Meghan sale un poco coqueta. Una la muestra acostada en un sofá mientras está vestida con una falda lápiz, algo que su personaje Rachel usaba a menudo.

No hay que olvidar que Patrick y Meghan interpretaron el papel de amantes en la serie de 9 temporadas, por lo que se puede decir que solo está en el personaje. Además, no es que solo publicara fotos de Meghan Markle, también compartió fotos de otros coprotagonistas como Daniel Costabile, Vanessa Ray y Trevor Lipinski.

Como saben, los actores de la SAG-AFTRA tienen prohibido promocionar, hablar y publicar sobre los proyectos realizados bajo los contratos de televisión y cine del sindicato, lo que también se aplica para los realizados en el pasado.

El post de Patrick cayó en esa categoría y por eso la gente no estaba contenta, haciendo de esto una especie de metedura de pata real de su parte.

Evento de Kevin Costner Reúne a la realeza de Hollywood Harry, Meghan, Oprah, Ellen

Las estrellas en accion

El Príncipe Harry, Meghan Markle, Oprah Winfrey y Ellen DeGeneres estuvieron en el evento de caridad de Kevin Costner, en honor a las instituciones que socorren a la gente, demostrando que la realeza de Hollywood está muy viva.

Las celebridades de la lista A asistieron el viernes al evento "One805 Live", en la finca Oceanside de Kevin en Santa Bárbara, para honrar a los policías locales y los bomberos por su servicio, particularmente durante la terrible tormenta de enero que causó evacuaciones en Montecito.

Todos estaban de muy buen humor cuando Kevin y Oprah pronunciaron sus discursos sobre los socorristas, los que orgullosamente estaban junto a ellas en el escenario.

Harry y Meghan también subieron al escenario mientras eran presentados como invitados especiales. En un momento dado, Harry entregó un premio honorífico a Kevin antes de que el ganador del Oscar iniciara su discurso.

Maroon 5 puso el broche de oro con su enérgica actuación ante una multitud.

Ellen y Oprah

Otros invitados notables del evento de recaudación, que consistía en unos 12.000 dólares por mesa, fueron los padres de Kate Perry.

TMZ publicó la historia, Kevin ganó a lo grande esta semana después de que su esposa, Christine Baumgartner, acordara resolver su divorcio. Ahora recibirá $63k mensuales para la manutención de sus hijos, pero habría recibido $12k más si hubiera llegado a un acuerdo desde el principio.

Kevin Costner's Charity Event Brings Out Hollywood A-Listers ... Harry, Meghan, Oprah, Ellen


Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres all dropped into Kevin Costner's charity event for first responders in California ... proving Hollywood Royalty is very much alive and well.

The A-List celebs descended on the "One805 Live" event at Kevin's Oceanside estate in Santa Barbara Friday to honor local cops and firefighters for their service, particularly during January's horrible storm that caused evacuations in Montecito.

Everyone was in great spirits as Kevin and Oprah delivered speeches about the first responders who proudly stood next to them onstage.

Harry and Meghan also walked out onstage as they were introduced as special guests. At one point, Harry gave an honorary award to Kevin before the Oscar-winning actor launched into his address.

Maroon 5 capped things off with their high-energy performance in front of a packed crowd.


Other notable guests for the $12,000 per-table fundraiser included Kate Perry's parents.

TMZ broke the story, Kevin won big this week after his estranged wife, Christine Baumgartner, agreed to settle their divorce. She's getting $63k a month in child support but would have received $12k more than had if she had settled early on.

THOMAS MARKLE "MEGHAN Y HARRY SON CRUELES" No me dejan ver a mis nietos

El padre de Meghan Markle dice que su hija y su marido, el príncipe Harry, son directamente crueles por dejarlo fuera de la vida de sus nietos.

Thomas Markle dio a conocer sus quejas el lunes en "Good Morning Britain", diciendo a los anfitriones que está desconsolado porque su hija y su yerno le han negado el acceso a los 2 niños, Archie de 3 años y Lilibet de 2 años.

Thomas dijo: "Yo también estoy muy disgustado porque negarle el derecho a ver a su nieto es algo cruel para hacerle a un abuelo".

El hombre de 79 años dijo: "Además no he hecho nada malo. No hay nada que apunte a decir que soy un mal tipo. Soy un padre muy cariñoso y ella lo sabe, y no hay excusa para tratarme así ... no hay excusa para tratar así a los abuelos".

Markle señaló que hay una ley en California que permite a los abuelos obtener una orden judicial que obligue a los padres a dejarles visitar a sus nietos, pero dice que no seguirá ese camino, al menos por ahora.

Como informamos, la ruptura entre Meghan y su padre estalló en 2018 durante el período previo a la boda real, cuando Thomas hizo tratos con los paparazzi.

Thomas dice que él y el rey Carlos tienen la misma difícil situación, ambos no pueden ver a sus nietos, aunque no está claro si la puerta está cerrada con Charles.

Y cree que Harry sólo está siguiendo el ejemplo de Meghan. No parece que el hielo se esté descongelando, ni siquiera un poco.

Thomas Markle Meghan and Harry are 'Cruel' ... They Won't Let Me See My Grandkids

Meghan Markle's dad says his daughter and her hubby, Prince Harry, are straight-up cruel for shutting him out of his grandchildren's lives.

Thomas Markle aired his grievances Monday on "Good Morning Britain," telling the hosts he's heartbroken his daughter and son-in-law have denied him access to the 2 kids, 3-year-old Archie and 2-year-old Lilibet.

Thomas said, "I’m very upset about it as well because this is a cruel thing to do to a grandparent ... to deny the right to see their grandchild."

The 79-year-old groused, "The other thing is I’ve done nothing wrong. There’s nothing that points to say I’m a bad guy. I’m a really loving father and she knows that, and there’s no excuse for treating me this way ... no excuse to treat grandparents that way."

Markle noted there's a law in California that allows grandparents to get a court order forcing parents to let them visit with their grandkids, but he says he won't go down that road ... at least for now.

As we reported, the rift between Meghan and her dad erupted in 2018, during the run-up to the royal wedding, when Thomas made deals with the paparazzi.

Thomas says he and King Charles have the same plight ... both are not able to see their grandkids, although it's unclear if the door is shut with Charles.

And, he thinks Harry is just following Meghan's lead. It does not look like the ice is thawing ... even a little bit.

Princess Diana Sheep Sweater Sells For $1.1M ... Makes History at Auction!!!

Princess Diana's wardrobe remains in high demand -- her famous sheep sweater just sold to the highest bidder for over $1.1 million, making it the world's most expensive sweater.

An all-out bidding war erupted for the famed red and white sweater at Sotheby's Fashion Icon auction -- a 15-minute battle ended Thursday with 44 bids, jacking the price up from $190,000 to $1,143,000.

Princess Diana famously wore the sweater for the first time way back in 1981 ... helping the designers behind the garment, British brand Warm & Wonderful, explode in popularity after she was pictured wearing it on the front page of a newspaper.

The sheep sweater sat dormant in the brand's archives for decades until this March, when co-founder Joanna Osborne rediscovered it while searching for a different pattern ... and ultimately decided to auction it off.

The winning bidder walks away with Diana's sheep sweater and two letters from Buckingham Palace sent to Osborne in 1981 from the Princess' press secretary.

The $1.143 million sale price nearly doubles the previous record for the most expensive Princess Diana garment ever sold ... a velvet ballgown she wore for a royal portrait, which sold earlier this year for $604,800.

Prince Harry Birthday Serenade At Invictus Games ... Packed Arena Celebrates


Prince Harry's celebrating his birthday this year with an intimate gathering ... of several thousand people at the Invictus Games, which turned into a massive "Happy Birthday" sing-along.

Harry and Meghan Markle were in the crowd at the Merkur Spiel-Arena in Düsseldorf Friday to watch Germany and Poland go at it in volleyball -- but when the game ended everyone's attention turned to the Duke of Sussex, who turns 39 today.

Meghan and Harry lit up pretty quickly as the "Happy Birthday" song began, with Harry jokingly trying to deflect some of the attention he was getting. He even got another song from the Polish team before he asked to snap a pic with them.

Not a bad way to celebrate his big day, especially because the event is so near and dear to Harry. He founded the Games in 2014, and each year since it brings together injured, sick, and wounded veterans to compete.

So, having the athletes and their families and friends wish him happy birthday has to hold more weight.

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The celebration seems to have started on Thursday night when Harry and Meghan went out to a German brewery. One of the waiters at the spot told DailyMail Harry knocked back 6 small beers during the pre-birthday festivities.

Sounds like his bday is already shaping up to be one for the books ... although, it doesn't appear his relatives will be celebrating with him. That royal rift still runs deep.

Prince Harry Solo Trip to UK 1 Year After Queen's Death

Prince Harry is back on his home turf, but without Meghan Markle by his side as he makes a lowkey trip on the anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's death.

Harry was stepping out of St. George's Chapel Friday in Windsor, where likely visited his grandmother's resting place a year after she passed away.

The Duke of Sussex's appearance came unannounced, but isn't a total shock given the date -- it appears to have been a quick trip, however, and he wasn't seen with any other royal family members while stepping out of the chapel.

Harry was seen just an hour after his father, King Charles, attended a memorial service for QE2 with Queen Camilla in Scotland.

His brother Prince William, was in Wales with his wife, Kate Middleton, not long after Harry left Windsor, too. Seems like the royals spread out over the UK to honor the late Queen.

Of course, there's a pretty glaring difference ... the King and William's appearances were public affairs with media present -- they're "working" Senior Royals, after all -- while Harry's visit was off the grid.

TMZ broke the story, Harry and Meghan have recently been spending time house hunting in Malibu -- sources told us they spent Labor Day weekend checking out an $8M plot of land that's almost 6 acres.

They also were having fun at Beyoncé's L.A. concert last weekend, so while they've got a lot happening for them on this side of the pond -- Harry still made time to fly back to pay his respects to the late Queen.

Meghan & Harry House Hunting in Malibu ... Eyeing Spectacular Estate

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are house hunting again ... and this time they're eyeing a pricey slice of paradise in Malibu, where a brand new mansion is going up.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the Duke and Duchess of Sussex spent part of their holiday weekend touring an $8 million plot of land in the 'Bu.

Our sources say Meghan and Harry checked out an estate, that's almost 6 acres. There's already a guard house at the front of the property, plus a huge pool ... and the foundation is laid for a 10,000-square-foot main residence.

The property sits above PCH and overlooks Broad Beach, and it's super secluded and private -- there's a gate and a long driveway up to where the main house would sit -- and we're told that's part of the draw for Meghan and Harry.

Our sources say the asking price is $8 million ... plans for the main house have already been approved and a construction crew is in place. If Harry and Meghan buy the lot, they can assume the costs of construction, estimated at another $10 million.

Meghan and Harry currently live in a $14 million mansion in Montecito, which is pretty far from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood ... and the Malibu property is about 13 miles from celeb hot spot Nobu, and less than an hour drive from L.A. and Beverly Hills.

Our sources say M&H are talking about selling their Montecito home and moving to Malibu full-time. It's close enough to Hollywood for them to do business, but far enough from Hollywood to give them security and privacy.

We did some digging and it appears Brendan Brown at Westside Estate Agency reps the property. We reached out to Brendan, so far no word back.

Meghan Markle Month Away from Possible Tig Revival ... Path All But Cleared!!!

Meghan Markle might have flamed out on some business ventures lately -- but she's primed to take flight on the Internet with a familiar brand ... which could happen sooner than later.

Here's the deal ... everyone knows Meg had a personal blog she ran for a few years before she met and married Prince Harry -- it's called The Tig, and she posted a ton of stuff on there ... including recipes, travel tips and personal photos documenting her adventures.

She shut The Tig down in 2017, this as she was heading into Royal life as PH's then-fiancée. The website still has her farewell message to fans up as the main piece of content.

Flash-forward to 2023 ... and Meg/Harry are out to pave their own way and make their own money -- which they've attempted to do in a variety of forms ... some more successful than others. Now, it looks like Meg might be trying to get in on the wellness website world again, via her old blog ... The Tig. How we know that -- her team has filed trademarks for it anew.

There've been filings for "The Tig." through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office -- including one, being managed by an attorney, that bears the exact same logo Meg used before ... and which echoes what she was previously covering, only now with a wider scope.

This new "Tig" aims to feature content touching on "food, cooking, recipes, travel, relationships, fashion, style, lifestyle, the arts, culture, design, conscious living, and health and wellness." There've been rumors MM wants to offer an alternative to Gwyneth Paltrow's goop ... and based on the categories the revived Tig will host, that sounds about right.

Now, the latest on Meg securing the trademark to "The Tig." is that she's all but clear to get it -- she was granted a Notice of Allowance in April -- this after nobody filed an opposition to her trademark app -- but there's a couple steps she has to complete before it's official.

What that is ... a "Statement of Use," just showing that the site is live and that she's actively using it. She has until October to submit that -- and, as of now, there's no indication she has ... not yet anyway. If she does, though, before October ... The Tig is hers once more.

Here's the kicker on all this ... likely unbeknownst to Meg, there's already an existing site that has very similar branding to what she's trying to bring back -- namely, another "Tig" lifestyle page that's been in business since '07. The company's called This Is Glamorous -- but calls itself "Tig." And yes ... they, too, cover all things fashion, travel, food and wellness.

This site was up and running when Meg had her old blog -- but, frankly, she's way more famous now ... and it'll be interesting to see if this draws any comparisons or confusion.

Either way, it's too late now ... the Duchess has the green light to proceed. As you were!

Beyoncé Blows House Down At L.A. Show ... Meghan Markle, Prince Harry & Many More Attend

Beyoncé had true royalty at her Los Angeles show Friday night ... Prince Harry and Meghan Markle showed up to boogie down, but only one of them seemed to have a good time.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Megan's mom, Doria, were photographed in a VIP box at SoFi Stadium surrounded by thousands of crazed Bey fans.

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While Megan and Doria were dancing and waving their arms, Harry seemed more subdued and distracted by his phone. Some observers even said Harry looked disinterested and dejected.

Despite this, the performance was a wild success. DJ Khaled opened the show with other featured artists ... 2 Chainz, Wiz Khalifa, Roddy Ricch, Coi Leray, Offset, and Lil Wayne.

Then Beyoncé hit the stage for the first of 3 nights at the stadium in Inglewood, part of her sold-out Renaissance World Tour.

Needless to say, Bey put on a killer performance for her screaming fans.

Mohamed Al-Fayed Dead at 94 Son Dodi, Princess Diana Killed In Famous Crash

Mohamed Al-Fayed -- who verbally attacked the Royal Family after his son Dodi was famously killed with Princess Diana in a 1997 car crash -- has died.

The billionaire business magnate passed away Wednesday -- exactly one day before the 26th Anniversary of the fatal accident in London on August 31, 1997. Dodi and Diana were in a Mercedes and being pursued at high speeds by paparazzi when the tragedy occurred. Their bodyguard survived though their driver was also killed.

Al-Fayed's family issued a statement Friday, confirming his death due to old age.

In 2021, Forbes listed his net worth at $1.8 billion, which he amassed from his lucrative businesses, such as Harrods Department Store, Punch Magazine and Kurt Geiger shoes and accessories. He also owned major real estate properties at 75 Rockefeller Plaza in Manhattan and the Hyde Park Residence apartments in London.

But Al-Fayed was perhaps better known for hurling vitriol at the Royal Family after his son's deadly car wreck. For example, Al-Fayed called the royals a "Dracula family" while attending the 2008 inquest into Diana’s death.

In court, Al-Fayed vowed to find evidence contradicting the official police narrative that Dodi and Diana were killed in a tragic accident, instead of being murdered as some people believed. He also promised to stay the course "until I die," even if it meant losing “everything to find the truth.”

As a result, the British royals dropped Al-Fayed like a bad habit. Their strained relationship was showcased last year in the fifth season of “The Crown."

Al-Fayed was 94.


Meghan Markle Celebrates 42nd Birthday ... Royal Family Radio Silent

Meghan Markle's 42nd birthday came and went Friday without so much as a peep publicly from the Royal Family and we found out why.

Here's the deal ... The Duchess of Sussex celebrated her bday with friends by going to see the hit film, "Barbie," at a theater in Santa Barbara, California, but her hubby, Prince Harry, didn't tag along.

At Buckingham Palace in England, King Charles, Queen Camilla, Prince William and Princess Kate all stayed mum about Meghan's big day.

A Palace rep explained why, telling TMZ ... They don't mark every birthday for every member of the Royal Family. But they tend to mark birthdays for working Royals -- and currently, Harry and Meghan don't fit that profile.

Of course, we can't be sure if the Royals didn't privately call Meghan or send her an email or text message, wishing her a happy birthday. But given the icy relationship between the Royals and Meghan/Harry, that seems a bit farfetched.

Last year, though, for Meghan's 41st celebration, Prince William and Kate tweeted a photo of Meghan with a caption that read, "Wishing a happy birthday to The Duchess of Sussex!"

That hasn't happened yet this year. But we'll keep an eye on the Royal's social media account in case something changes and update you.

Prince Harry Happy 4th ... Celebrates Revolutionary War in Montecito

If it wasn't clear before, there's certainly no doubt as to which country Prince Harry's allegiance is with ... celebrating America's Independence from his homeland on it's most patriotic holiday.

Harry was spotted holding his daughter, Princess Lilibet, and taking in Montecito's Independence Day parade Tuesday. Harry refrained from dawning any American flag gear, but Lilibet wore a blue dress, white socks and some red shoes ... she's half-American, thanks to mom.

The timing is interesting considering Harry's dad, King Charles III, attended his second coronation ceremony in Edinburgh. Harry's brother, Prince William, was right by his dad's side during the coronation ... but obviously, Harry was stateside.

No sign of Meghan during the July 4 festivities, but you gotta imagine the foursome -- including Archie -- did something as a family. They've set up home base in Montecito and have a network of some super famous friends ... including Oprah and Ellen DeGeneres.

Meghan & Harry Rose-Colored Glasses in SB ... All Smiles Amid Tumult

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Hollywood future is in a precarious state right now -- but you wouldn't be able to tell by the way they're carrying themselves ... happy-go-lucky.

The ex-Royal couple were flashing nothing but smiles Friday as they left an office building in Santa Barbara -- where they were holding hands on the way out and radiating positivity ... well, at least Meg was anyway. Harold was a bit more stoic ... keeping his head low.

No matter ... because they were clearly putting on a united front as a guy -- who's presumed to be a bodyguard of some sort -- trailed closely behind and they entered a waiting SUV. As far as their outfits go ... perfect for a sunny SB day, complete with shades to boot.

The message they seem to be telegraphing here is ... nothing wrong over here, we're fine!

Of course, all the reporting about them lately has been anything but. As we know, they got the boot at Spotify ... and were labeled "grifters" by one of the top dogs at the company.

Not just that, but there are rumblings of Netflix not being happy with them too ... and supposedly giving them an ultimatum that demands higher-quality content, and pronto. Pair that with Meghan's recent no-deal at Dior ... and it would seem there's turbulence ahead.

It's interesting that their demeanor here is so positive. You could argue that's very much in line with the latest story being pedaled about their alleged mindset -- namely, that they're sorta burying their heads in the sand and pointing the finger elsewhere for their woes.

There's word of a new doc about Africa that Harry's working on for Netflix, and you gotta figure Meg's busy cooking something up too. Based on their vibes here, perhaps they're confident those projects will work out and get 'em back in Tinseltown's good graces.

There's no time like the present in that regard -- their "bombshell" Netflix doc from last year has come and gone, and many feel they desperately need a new angle to sell ... STAT.