Harry and Meghan Join Will and Kate at Windsor ... Observe Flowers for Queen

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William and Kate appear to have extended an olive branch to Harry and Meghan -- inviting them to Windsor Castle to take in the public tributes for the Queen.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were on hand Saturday, standing shoulder to shoulder with the new Prince and Princess of Wales as they stepped out and observed the scores of flowers and cards left by commoners outside the palace gates ... and there were a lot.

Each couple bent down and got a closer look at what the Brits had left there ... and they all seemed to be in harmony, not too distant and definitely showing solidarity in their mourning.

It's quite a sight, considering things haven't been all that great between Harry and William of late -- evidenced in the fact that they hadn't even seen each other immediately prior to the Queen's death ... when PH and MM were in and around the U.K. within a stone's throw.

Still, it appears they've put their differences aside at this most crucial time and are finally together. The crowds loved to see it too -- Harry and Meghan were especially getting a lot of attention as they shook hands and greeted folks.

There'll be a funeral for QE2 on September 19, and she'll lie in state for 4 days before that. Thousands of people are expected to attend the ceremony -- Harry and Meg included.

Queen Elizabeth II The Queen is Dead ... Long Live Latifah!!!

The death of Queen Elizabeth II has caused confusion in America, because apparently lots of folks were wiping away tears thinking another queen had passed.

Queen Latifah is been trending for more than a day, according to Hip-HopDX   ... because lots of folks thought she was the one who left this earth.

Think about it ... if you were playing "Family Feud" and the clue was "Most Famous Queen," the #1 answer would clearly be QEII but Latifah would come in a strong second.

According to the outlet, the whole thing started after someone tweeted, “I told my mama the Queen died, she talking about ‘LATIFAH ????'” It became a game of telephone, and the rumor spread like wildfire!

Another group tried to reassure the panicked that the beloved, 52-year-old actress/rapper was alive and well.

Funny enough, Latifah told James Corden awhile back, after her 1996 hit, “Set it Off,” she put a “no death” clause in her acting contracts so she couldn’t get killed off in future flicks ... “When I first started doing movies, I always had these death scenes … and apparently I died too well. And then I caught on, like wait a minute, if I die in these movies, I can’t be in the sequel!”

God save Queen Latifah!

Harry & Meghan Royal Family Could Collapse ... Unless 'Dark Skin' Comments Are Explained

There's a massive cloud hanging over The Royal Family regarding the "dark skin" comment that was allegedly made about Harry and Meghan's son Archie, and if it's not addressed soon, it could spell the beginning of the end of the monarchy ... according to a royal expert.

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As you know, it remains a mystery who within the family raised concerns about how dark Archie's skin would be when Meghan Markle was pregnant -- a stunning revelation she made in an interview with Oprah. Most experts say the likely suspects are Charles, Camilla or William.


Royal expert Kinsey Schofield tells us she believes unless the issue is ironed out privately and also explained to the public, it could cause folks to push away from the Royals.

Schofield says supporters really started to question the morals of King Charles, Prince William and Queen Consort Camilla after Meghan made the allegation. Schofield says disappointment in The Royals still looms, but could be lessened with a proper explanation.


In order for things to turn around, Schofield believes people need to know exactly who made the comment, how it was said, and if it was done with malicious intent.

Of course, if it turns out there truly was racist intention behind the comment, things will go bad quickly ... but Schofield believes the only way for The Royal Family to continue on without issue is for the comment to be aired out once and for all.

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Interestingly, King Charles sent his love to both Harry and Meghan when he addressed the nation Friday ... especially since the relationship has been so strained for so long.

King Charles Sends Love to Harry & Meghan ... In Speech Post-QE2 Death

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10:10 AM PT -- King Charles just delivered his speech to the United Kingdom and the world, and he had a message for his family ... including name-dropping Harry and Meghan, to whom he wished the best -- even though they're not directly involved with Royal duties anymore.


Charles' remarks were poignant, but somewhat brief -- he noted how sad he is, and also acknowledged how sad the United Kingdom is as well ... highlighting what a beloved figure his mother was, and how well she served the nation throughout her long and storied reign.


He also touched on the fact that the world has changed a lot since she ascended the throne -- and seemed to allude to criticism about the institution of the monarchy ... but he defended it, saying the traditions and values that it upholds continue to carry weight -- even today.


Finally, he discussed the new line of succession -- pointing out that he's obviously the King, Camilla is Queen Consort, and that Prince William and Kate Middleton are now the Prince and Princess of Wales. In the same breath, he also made sure to include PH and MM.


He didn't assign them any titles -- as they've stepped back from their Royal duties -- but he did extend his love to them ... saying he only hopes for their continued success in America.

The newly crowned King Charles III has surfaced for the first time since Queen Elizabeth's death and hours before addressing the nation.

King Charles, Queen Consort Camilla and Prince Harry were among several members of the Royal Family seen leaving Queen Elizabeth's estate in Aberdeen, Scotland. All seemed to be in good spirits, despite what happened less than 24 hours before.

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BBC World News

Charles arrived to Buckingham Palace just moments ago to a massive crowd, where he shook hands and greeted people with a smile.

In his first public speech as King, Charles will address the people today during a pre-taped message he'll deliver from Buckingham Palace.

As we reported, Queen Elizabeth II died Thursday just hours after it was announced doctor's were concerned for her health. Members of the Royal Family came to be by her side in her final moments.

In an almost poetic tribute, a rainbow appeared in the sky over Buckingham Palace in the hours leading up to Queen Elizabeth's death.

At 96 years old, she ruled for 70 years, the second longest time in power in history behind King Louis XIV.

Originally Published -- 6:23 AM PT

Meghan Markle Disinvited from Queen's Bedside During Final Hours

Prince Harry traveled solo to see his grandmother as she was dying, and that wasn't by accident ... Meghan Markle reportedly did not get an invite to be by her side.

Royal expert Katie Nicholl tells ET ... it's understood the Duchess of Sussex was not included in the reach-out to Harry when news came down that Queen Elizabeth was on her death bed, which explains why he made the voyage on his own.

Some speculated Meghan might've opted out as a courtesy or out of respect for Harry, but the report points to it being a decision made by higher powers within the Royal Family.

According to Nicholl ... Meghan has said she'll go to Balmoral Castle -- where QE2 died -- at another time. Remember, Meghan could've easily gone ... she and Harry were already in the UK for work-related matters, and even canceled an event in London when they got the news.

In the end, Harry arrived at Balmoral after the Queen's death was announced -- King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla did make it in time, as they were already in Scotland for prior engagements. It's unclear which other family members made it to Elizabeth's side before she actually passed.


Keep in mind ... Kate Middleton did not join Prince William in Scotland either -- but she and William made it clear she was staying back with their 3 children at Windsor Castle.

As we reported ... the Queen died at 96, and was the longest-serving monarch in British history.


Queen Elizabeth II Garden Home Listed On Airbnb ... Booked Solid Until 2024!!!


12:43 PM PT -- The Queen's house has now been pulled off of Airbnb. We are told that the host pulled the listing to respect the Royal Family in light of Queen Elizabeth's passing. For those that made reservations refunds would be worked out through the host and it is possible it will be relisted in the future.

Queen Elizabeth II's garden house, part of her Sandringham Estate, is available as a listing on Airbnb -- but QE2 superfans are gonna need seriously good luck, because the place is sold out for the next 2 years.

The residence was once home to Elizabeth's former head gardener at Sandringham -- one of the royal family's countryside estates -- but now commoners can stay there for an average of about $400 a night.

The Airbnb booking calendar goes as far as August of 2024, but there's only one problem -- EVERY day until then is unavailable. It seems admirers jumped on the opportunity to live like royalty.

The place has 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms ... and can hold up to 8 guests at a time. It's surrounded by plenty of gardens and a large "adventure play area" for little ones.

Amanda Cupples, Airbnb's GM for Northern Europe, tells us they are "delighted" to offer up the property to the public ... adding guests can hopefully "even see a Corgi or two" during their stay.


What's really eerie about the listing is it was first posted on Wednesday ... just one day before the passing of Queen Elizabeth at her Balmoral Castle in Scotland.

Originally Published -- 1 AM PT

Harry & Meghan Queen's Death Won't Fix Relationship with Family ... Things Likely to Get Worse

While many families come together in a moment of healing after the death of a loved one, the mountain of anger between Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and The Royal Family is just too much to overcome.

Queen Elizabeth acted as a sort of bridge over the years, with The Sussexes on one side and Prince William and King Charles on the other. Now, that bridge is gone.

Royal commentator Kinsey Schofield tells us there's a chance things could get even worse between the rivals in the coming months ... namely because of projects Harry and Meghan have on the horizon.


Harry's upcoming memoir -- set to drop in November -- allegedly contains some damning info about the strained relationship, including parts that could be damaging to Queen Consort Camilla.

Remember, many believe it was either Camilla or King Charles that made racist remarks about the skin color of Harry and Meghan's son, Archie, which have never been cleared up privately or publicly.

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Schofield also believes Meghan's new podcast, which has 12 pre-recorded episodes set to drop weekly, will also take digs at the Royals ... causing further division. Given the fact the memoir is already written and podcasts recorded, Schofield says there's no turning back.

As we reported, Harry was seen arriving solo in Scotland Thursday, just as news of The Queen's death was made public. He and Meghan had previously been in London for the WellChild Awards, but Meghan did not join him on the trip to meet with the family after the death.

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Archie, Lilibet Are Prince & Princess ... For Now, King Charles Gets Final Say

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are about to find out exactly where they stand with his father, because the new King Charles III has a big decision to make about the couple's 2 children.

Here's the deal ... it's all about royal succession, and who gets what title. With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, Harry and Meghan's kids -- Archie and Lilibet -- now, officially, get prince and princess titles and use of the HRH (His/Her Royal Highness). That's because their dad has moved up the line of succession.

But, here's the rub ... Buckingham Palace has made it clear it wants to reduce the number of so-called key royals. One way that could happen is if King Charles issues an amendment -- known as a letters patent -- which would effectively revoke Archie and Lilibet's titles.

Imagine how that would sit with Meghan and Harry ... especially since they've been estranged from Harry's dad ever since their big Oprah interview.

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Remember, that's when Meghan suggested the real reason her kids wouldn't get royal titles is because someone in the family was concerned they might be too dark-skinned. She and Harry never named that person, but the wide speculation is it was Charles.

This desire to cut down on the royal family's central players is one of the reasons -- or excuses, depending on your perspective -- the Palace gave for limiting family members on the balcony with QE2 earlier this year during the Jubilee.

Of course, Harry and Meghan were, conspicuously, among the royals sent to alternate viewing areas.

So, whichever way King Charles opts to handle his grandbabies' titles ... it'll say a lot about whether there's going to be a royal reconciliation for Meghan, Harry and his fam.

Queen Elizabeth II Dead at 96


11:24 AM PT -- Prime Minister Liz Truss, who was just with the Queen on Tuesday, just addressed the nation.


11:08 AM PT -- King Charles III just released a statement. He says "the death of my beloved Mother, Her Majesty The Queen, is a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family."


"We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished Sovereign and a much-loved Mother. I know her loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, the Realms and the Commonwealth, and by countless people around the world."


"During this period of mourning and change, my family and I will be comforted and sustained by our knowledge of the respect and deep affection in which the Queen was so widely held."


The statement refers to Charles as "His Majesty the King."

Queen Elizabeth II -- the longest-serving monarch in British history -- has died.

The Royal Family announced Thursday, "The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon" ... just a few hours after the palace had announced she was under medical supervision at Balmoral Castle, her estate in Scotland.

They also made it clear, King Charles is now in power, writing, "The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow."

It was clear the situation was dire when the palace told all of Elizabeth's children to rush to her side.

As it turns out, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been in the UK for events this week. Harry went to Balmoral.

QE2's last public appearance came on Tuesday when she met with England's new Prime Minister, Liz Truss.

Her overall condition had been in question for awhile -- with her Royal duties being scaled back over the past year, and trips she might normally make without a second thought, especially within the UK, being nixed on doctors' orders at the last minute ... without any real explanation.

Her family and the country celebrated the Platinum Jubilee -- a 4-day celebration -- in June, honoring the 70 years she's been on the throne.

It's a sad moment for all of the United Kingdom and its Commonwealth realms -- of which Queen Elizabeth served as head of state ... and for the entire world too, as Her Majesty was generally beloved around the globe.

Elizabeth ascended to the throne at a very young age, just 25, in 1952 after the sudden passing of her father, King George VI ... who died from respiratory complications, leaving his daughter to take on the mantle and all of its responsibilities.

It was a difficult time to take the reins, as Europe was still recovering from WWII.

And yet, there were more geopolitical challenges ahead ... and QE2 had to navigate a number of conflicts that directly affected her nation, including the Troubles of Northern Ireland, the UK's withdrawal from the European Union, and the gaining of sovereignty for several nation-states that used to be either fully or partially under UK rule -- including Canada.

Elizabeth also oversaw the decolonization of Africa and the Caribbean during her reign ... as well as other territories in South Asia like Sri Lanka, Pakistan and more that gained independence and became republics.

There are several worldwide events the Queen weighed in on over the years -- including Australia's pivot from a parliamentary government to a full-blown republic, the patriation of the Canadian constitution, military coups and conflicts, S. African apartheid, the Gulf War and countless other landmark moments of the 20th century ... several of which the Queen was either explicitly involved in, or at least publicly addressed.

For many, her opinions carried enormous influence.

Of course, as Elizabeth navigated the choppy waters of royalty ... she had her husband, Prince Philip, by her side through the majority of it -- not to mention her children -- as well as her extended Royal family, including her sister, cousins, aunts, uncles and the rest.

As you well know ... the Royals were the subject of much speculation, gossip, innuendo and intrigue -- but perhaps not nearly as much as when Elizabeth's son, Prince Charles, married Princess Diana ... a relationship that resulted in extra-marital affairs and scandals -- thrusting the Queen right back into the spotlight -- only this time, in a new way she never had been.

Of course, that only intensified when Diana died in a tragic accident -- the impact of which is still discussed as it pertains to the larger Royal family, and the Queen by extension.

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Ditto for the relationship between her grandson, Harry, and his wife, Meghan -- who accused the Royal family, without naming names, of racism in an explosive interview with Oprah. While Elizabeth herself wasn't directly implicated in the alleged comments about their son, Archie, she certainly seems to have taken the accusations to heart.

The Queen appears to have taken issue with their characterization of the Royal family -- and, by extension, the institution of the monarchy itself -- with veiled comments like "some recollections may vary," which was essentially seen as a denial to Harry and Meg's claims.

Despite the latest fracture in her family ... the Queen carried on with dignity and a profound sense of duty -- always upholding the monarchy's traditions, and fulfilling her obligations with grace.

Even after her longtime hubby, Philip, passed away in 2021 ... Elizabeth held her head high and continued to meet with heads of state, be it at G7 summits or right there at Windsor Castle. Through and through, the Queen has risen to serve out her role.

Queen Elizabeth is survived by her 4 children, 8 grandchildren and even more great-grandchildren -- not to mention the many extended Royal family members that run the gamut.

She was 96.


Originally Published -- 10:30 AM PT

Prince Harry Meets with Royal Family in Scotland As Queen Elizabeth's Death Announced

Prince Harry has officially joined the rest of The Royal Family on a grim day for all who loved Queen Elizabeth.

Harry touched down earlier Thursday, and he was spotted apparently traveling solo in the backseat of a chauffeured vehicle. It had previously been reported his wife, Meghan, would be joining him on his trip to the Scottish estate, but she was not seen.

Harry and Meghan had previously been in Europe to attend the WellChild Awards in London. Harry was to deliver a speech Thursday night, which will no longer happen.

Unclear what sort of communication Harry had with Prince William and King Charles in the moments leading up to Queen Elizabeth's death ... but it's no secret things have been icy between the family over the last few years.

As we reported, The Royal Family announced Thursday, "The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon."

King Charles released a statement, in which he's referred to as "His Majesty The King," saying, "We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished Sovereign and a much-loved Mother. I know her loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, the Realms and the Commonwealth, and by countless people around the world."

He continues, "During this period of mourning and change, my family and I will be comforted and sustained by our knowledge of the respect and deep affection in which the Queen was so widely held."

Queen Elizabeth II Rainbow Spotted Over Buckingham Palace Before Death Announcement

Just hours before the world learned of the death of Queen Elizabeth II a massive double rainbow covered the sky over Buckingham Palace.

The beautiful tribute stopped those walking in the area in their tracks, admiring what could now be considered a heavenly homage to the 96-year-old and her 70 years in power.

Just about an hour after the rainbow appeared, The Royal Family announced the longest-serving monarch in British history had died ... saying "The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon."

The Queen's death came just hours after it was announced doctors were concerned about her health and her family members, including Prince William and Harry were gathering to be by her side.

King Charles has now taken the throne.

Lewis Hamilton Worried About Queen's Health ... She's A 'Real Fighter'

F1 superstar Lewis Hamilton is hoping for the best amid growing concerns about Queen Elizabeth's health ... saying he's praying for and thinking about the Royal Family during the troubling time.

The British driver -- who's currently preparing for the Italian Grand Prix this weekend -- took a moment to share kind words for Her Majesty on Thursday ... saying, "I think she's been such a strong leader for such a long, long time and so resilient."

"I know she's always been a real fighter, so my thoughts are with her. Obviously, I don't have any other more information so I don't know more about the situation."

Lewis -- who received his Member of the Order of the British Empire from the Queen in 2009 -- has met her several times over the course of his dominant career ... and has previously called her a "sweet woman" and "cool."

"My thoughts are with the family," Hamilton added. "My thoughts are with her. My prayers are with them. Hoping for better news soon."

The Royal Family is currently rushing to be by the Queen's side at Balmoral Castle ... as she continues to receive care from medical staffers.

Queen Elizabeth Doctors Concerned for Health ... Royal Family, Harry, William Rush To Her Side


8:56 AM PT -- Prince William was seen driving to Balmoral from the Aberdeen airport. He was in the car with Prince Andrew, Prince Edward and Edward's wife Sophie.


8:45 AM PT -- Reports say Prince Harry is making the trip to Balmoral alone, without Meghan.


8:12 AM PT -- A Royal Air Force private jet carrying the Queen's family has arrived in Aberdeen, Scotland ... where Balmoral Castle is.


Prince William, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward and his wife Sophie all reportedly made the one-hour flight to be by Elizabeth's side.

96-year-old Queen Elizabeth II will remain under doctors' care as concerns over her health continue to grow, this according to a new statement from Buckingham Palace.

"Following further evaluation this morning, the Queen's doctors are concerned for Her Majesty's health and have recommended she remain under medical supervision. The Queen remains comfortable and at Balmoral," the palace statement, released Thursday, said.

The Queen's son Prince Charles, her grandson Prince William and Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, are heading to Balmoral to be with her. It was also just announced Harry and Meghan are on their way to join the rest of the family.

On Tuesday, Queen Elizabeth hung out with Britain’s new Prime Minister Liz Truss, but she looked kind of frail. Upon hearing the news about the Queens' health, Truss tweeted that "the whole country will be deeply concerned by the news from Buckingham Palace this lunchtime. My thoughts – and the thoughts of people across our United Kingdom – are with Her Majesty The Queen and her family at this time."

Recently, the Queen's health has deteriorated and her Royal duties have been scaled back over the past year. Several trips she would normally take have been canceled by her doctors with no explanation given.

Originally Published -- 6:11 AM PT

Meghan Markle I Was the 'Ugly Duckling' as a Child ... Brains Not Beauty!!!

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Spotify / Archetypes

Meghan Markle is British royalty now, but growing up she was considered the "ugly duckling" who struggled to fit in with other kids ... that's according to Meghan herself.

The Duchess of Sussex just dropped the latest episode of her "Archetypes" podcast -- and she chats with actress Mindy Kaling about her childhood challenges. When Meghan said she was no beauty, Mindy was shocked and almost disbelieving.

Meghan, seemingly looking to offer evidence, said she had "'massive frizzy, curly hair and a huge gap in my teeth" which motivated her to become "the smart one."

Meghan says, she went to the Hollywood Schoolhouse and an all-girls Catholic school in L.A., and she had a hard time at both ... explaining she would join clubs and fill up her schedule so she didn't have to worry about having friends.

"I never had anyone to sit with at lunch. I was always a little bit of a loner and really shy and didn't know where I fit in. And so I just became, well, I was like, okay then, I'll become the president of the multi-cultural club and the president of sophomore class and the president of this ... and French club."

She continued, "And by doing that, I had meetings at lunchtime, so I didn't have to worry about who I would sit with or what I would do because I was always so busy."

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Mindy says she just always thought Meghan was "that one nice hot girl who has her head screwed on right."

As they say ... never judge a book by its cover, and Meghan says she's living proof.

Meghan Markle First Speech in Britain ... Tells Young Folks They're the Present

Meghan Markle
One Young World

Meghan Markle's first speech in the UK since stepping away from her Royal duties was one full of uplifting messages ... including a special shout-out to the youth.

The Duchess of Sussex delivered the keynote address Monday at the One Young World summit in Manchester, where activists get together to talk about solutions for global problems -- including climate change-related issues -- in a think tank/networking capacity.

As for what exactly she had to say, well ... check it out for yourself. MM directly speaks to the young folks in the room -- telling them that they're not just the future, but the present.

She also mentions her son, Archie, and says she's learned to see the world from his POV -- seeing how he's got perhaps the freshest set of eyes in her immediate orbit. Her daughter, Lilibet, is just one year old -- so no hot takes from her at this point.

Meghan also name-dropped her husband, Prince Harry, indirectly by saying she was happy he could tag along. That got a big applause from the crowd when the camera cut to him in the audience.

It seems Meg and Harry have been warmly received across the pond ... their second time over there this year, with their first obviously being at the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebration.

Back then things were clearly tense between the Sussexes and the Royals, and despite the friendly reception in Manchester ... there's no evidence that's changed.

Reports say there've been no plans made between Harry and his brother, William, to connect at all while he's in town -- which is telling, seeing how the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are just down the road from where Meghan and Harry are staying.

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So, yeah ... it's still no love lost in that regard.

Meghan Markle Called Out By Nelson Mandela's Grandson ... For Comparing Wedding to Prison Release

Meghan Markle drawing a parallel between her marriage to Prince Harry and Nelson Mandela's prison release is pissing off a lot of people ... especially Mandela's grandson.

To be fair, The Duchess of Sussex says it was someone else who made the comparison, but going public with it is blowing up in her face.

She recently told The Cut -- she's the cover story -- about an exchange she had at the 2019 London premiere of the live-action "Lion King" film ... claiming a South African cast member told her, "When you married into this family, we rejoiced in the streets the same we did when Mandela was freed from prison."

Mandla Mandela, the grandson of Nelson, doubts that conversation ever happened, though ... telling Daily Mail his grandfather's celebration was "based on overcoming 350 years of colonialism with 60 years of a brutal apartheid regime in South Africa. So, It cannot be equated to as the same."

As you know, under Apartheid rule, Mandela served 27 years in prison for sabotage and treason before his release ... and Mandla doesn't think South Africa's joy for that event can be fairly compared to Meghan marrying into royalty.


Meghan spilled a lot during her recent interview ... including her eventual return to Instagram after having to give up her personal account due to royal control.

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She says, "Why would I give the very people that are calling my children the N-word a photo of my child before I can share it with the people that love my child?”

She doesn't point fingers at any specific person or moment, though.

Meghan also says Harry told her, "I lost my dad in the process" ... referring to Prince Charles no longer talking to him after they tied the knot.