Meghan Markle Charity Drops 'Royal' from Her Bio Homepage Still Rocks It


9:59 AM PT -- 3/22 -- Smart Works has updated its homepage to remove the word "Royal" and "HRH." The magic is officially gone.

Meghan Markle's pivot away from Royal life is in full swing -- 'cause a charity she partners with has dropped any mention of the word when describing her ... except on their homepage, where it probably matters most.

The charity is called Smart Works -- a non-profit org based out of the U.K. that provides professional interviewing clothes to low income women who need it for job interviews. Meghan's been their official patron for a while -- and until now ... has always been referred to as "Our Royal Patron" as well as "Her Royal Highness," or "HRH" for short on their site.

It's true ... if you go and click on Meghan's official bio at Smart Works right now, they have indeed dropped all "Royal" and "Highness" terms in talking about Meg. Going forward, it looks like they're just referring to her as "Our Patron, The Duchess of Sussex." Hey, at least she kept that.

The only problem ... on their homepage, as of Saturday, it looks like they still call her 'Our Royal Patron,' and even 'HRH.' If you click on that, it takes you to the page where they've ditched 'Royal.' Seems somebody fell asleep at the wheel in the digital scrubbing.

That said ... the day they officially split from the Royal Family is March 31, which was announced in their transition statement earlier this year. So, someone's got at least until then to get it fully right over at Smart Works 😅

Originally Published -- 3/21 5:12 PM PT

Prince Harry Disses Trump on Prank Call!!! Fooled by Russian Hoaxers

Prince Harry

Prince Harry allegedly ripped on President Trump and revealed why he and Meghan Markle bailed on Royal living during what he thought was a phone convo with Greta Thunberg.

Ya see, Harry was apparently a prank victim of a pair of Russian hoaxers -- Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov -- who tricked him into thinking he was having a private chat with the 17-year-old Swedish climate change activist and her father.

On the call, Prince Harry unloads on the state of the world, which he says is being led by "some very sick people." He goes on to say he believes we're moving toward the tipping point of climate disaster, and specifically calls out Trump for supporting the coal industry.

He goes so far as to say Trump has "blood on his hands," and later jokes if Trump can become president ... anything is possible.

Harry was allegedly pranked twice -- on New Year's Eve and January 22 -- and reportedly also dished on Megxit and what it's like to be a member of the Royal Family.

We don't have that audio, but multiple outlets report Harry said, "Sometimes the right decision isn’t always the easy one, but it was the right decision for our family. It’s a tricky one, but we will start a new life."

He added about his wife, Meghan ... "I can assure you marrying a prince or princess is not all it’s made out to be. There’s lots of layers to it and lots of pieces to the puzzle."

So far, Harry hasn't confirmed or denied it's him on the call. The Palace had no comment.

Talib Kweli

Interestingly, we recently spoke to Talib Kweli ... who told us he was almost tricked by Russians into thinking he was chatting with Thunberg, as well.

Prince Harry & Meghan Toodles, We're Outta Here!!! Final Royal Event with William & Kate


8:56 AM PT -- Harry and Meghan shared what looked like an awkward and restrained greeting with Prince William and Kate as they took their seats at the service. Meghan gave Kate a little hello and a wave, and William gave his brother the ol' head nod ... Harry smiled and said hi back.


It's the first time all 4 royals have been so close publicly since the announcement of "Megxit" ... and it seems like they'll be in no rush to get back together again soon.


8:16 AM PT -- The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey on Monday, so they're officially donezo with their senior royal responsibilities. Cheerio, folks ... on to Canada!

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are wrapping up their senior royal duties before Megxit becomes official, but not before a reunion with Queen Elizabeth ... before God.

QE2, her grandson and his wife all attended Sunday service at the Royal Chapel of All Saints in Windsor Great Park.

Now, it wasn't as warm and fuzzy as you might have hoped -- Harry and Megs drove in separately from the Queen -- but it was the first time all 3 appeared at the same public event since the couple bolted for Canada.

Meghan and Harry are in the middle of a farewell tour of sorts -- they've been in the UK since last week attending several events ... their last engagements as senior royals.

On Monday they're scheduled to perform their final duty at a Westminster Abbey service for Commonwealth Day.

They've been greeted with cheers at most of their stops around the country -- and even when Meghan went solo for an event on Friday, she was embraced.

They always love ya when you're walking out the door.

Originally Published -- 6:41 AM PT

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Red Alert ... We're Leaving Soon, Y'all!!!

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are seeing red just weeks before they get outta Dodge London and live happily ever after ... everyone else is seeing that color too, BTW.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were looking like a couple of burning flames Saturday in the U.K., where they're attending the annual Mountbatten Music Festival at Royal Albert Hall -- a military-sponsored event meant to honor the brave Brits who fought in WWII.

That's why Har here is decked out in his red marine coat and Meg followed suit with a stunning matching dress of her own. It's one of their last events as senior Royals ... after this, they're ditching the titles, military ones included. The couple steps down on March 31.

In any case, it's good to see Harry and Meghan being good sports about it. It's also great just to see them in general ... following up a spectacular outing on Thursday with one that's even more showstopping. We'll give 'em this ...  they know how to dress for an occasion.

On Monday, they'll have their final Royal event ever alongside the Queen -- and after that, it's sayonara for the pair. If the dress code here is any indication, they'll go out with a bang.

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry End of Reign Met with Pouring Rain First UK Return Since Megxit

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry subscribe to the idea that when it rains ... smile and glow like hell.

Meghan and Harry returned to the UK for the first time together since announcing they're stepping down as Senior Royals and moving to Canada. The royal couple was in London Thursday evening to attend the 2020 Endeavour Fund Awards, an org that recognizes and supports wounded vets.

Meghan looked stunning in a baby blue dress while Prince Harry rocked the hell out of a navy blue suit. They were all smiles ... never mind their ongoing feud with Queen Elizabeth about their right to use the term "royal" as part of their brand.

As we reported ... Her Majesty the Queen blocked Harry and Meghan from using the term in their Sussex Royal brand following their shocking January announcement. Harry and Meghan beg to differ on the use of the term. It's been quite contentious, to say the least.

BTW ... Meghan and Harry have 2 more events scheduled in the UK -- a performance at Royal Albert Hall on Saturday night before joining the Queen at a Commonwealth Day service Monday. It marks their last official royal engagement before formally stepping down from their royal roles on March 31 and shutting down their office at Buckingham Palace on April 1.

It was fun while it lasted.

Prince Harry Gives Collab with Bon Jovi a Shot ... For Invictus Games

Prince Harry Bon Jovi

Prince Harry's wrapping up his time as a full-time royal, but he's going out with a bang ... by teaming up with rock 'n' roll royalty for a project in support of Harry's Invictus Games.

The Duke of Sussex met up with Bon Jovi Friday at London's famed Abbey Road Studios, where the rocker's re-recording his single, "Unbroken," with the Invictus Games Choir ... and it looks like we might get to hear Harry's pipes, as well.

The Invictus Games were founded by Harry in 2014 as a Paralympic-style competition for wounded veterans. Bon Jovi's song is about veterans living with PTSD and is meant to honor their service ... so this collab is a perfect match.

Even though this is one of Harry's last gigs as a senior royal, Buckingham Palace is still showing full support for his endeavors ... the Scots Guard cranked out some Bon Jovi Friday morn.

His new "Unbroken" track will be released in March and proceeds will support the Invictus Games Foundation. The original version without the choir will be will featured on Bon Jovi's upcoming album.

Of course, the timing will coincide with Harry and Meghan Markle officially transitioning out of their senior roles in the Royal Family ... which many folks consider a shot through the heart that gives them a bad name.

Harry and Bon Jovi don't seem like they're letting it bother them, though.

Thomas Markle Meghan is Insulting Queen Elizabeth!!! My Daughter Keeps Dumping Everyone

Thomas Markle

Meghan Markle's dad is pissed at the way she's treating Queen Elizabeth, and the entire Royal Family, but he isn't surprised -- in fact, he claims it's just her MO.

Thomas Markle was out Monday at an Office Depot in Rosarito, Mexico, when he was asked if his daughter has the right to use the term "royal" as part of her brand. He unloaded on Meghan and Prince Harry, for that matter, flat-out saying they "don't have a right to speak to the Queen the way they've spoken to her."

He was clearly referring to Harry and Meg's claim the Queen has no ownership of the word "royal" ... after she blocked them from using it in their Sussex Royal brand.

Pops Markle didn't stop there ... he went on to say Meghan's disrespecting the British people as a whole, and then got very personal. You gotta see it, because it's clear there's a ton of bad blood over how he feels Meghan's treated him, her mother and, yes ... the Windsors.

As we reported, Thomas said he will NOT stop making money off his, albeit strained, relationship with Meghan and his connection to the Royal Family. It's pretty clear he's on the Queen's side post-Megxit but this is about as raw Thomas has ever been.

So much for that whole blood thicker than water stuff. Not so much in Markle clan.

Thomas Markle Royals Be Damned ... I'll Keep Cashing In on Meghan!!!

Meghan Markle's father doesn't give a royal crap about what people think of him continuing to make money off his relationship with her ... or lack thereof.

Thomas Markle tells TMZ ... a recent quote from his interview with Britain's Channel 5 -- for which he was paid -- got a bit misconstrued, but he's not backing down from the crux of what he said.

If you missed it ... Thomas said Meghan and Prince Harry "owe" him for what he's been through, and he should be "rewarded" for it. He added ... "My daughter told me when I reach my senior years, she'll take care of me. I'm in my senior years now ... so it's time to look after daddy."

Thomas tells us he didn't mean the Duke and Duchess of Sussex should be sending him cash -- that's clearly not happening because they don't communicate at all -- what he meant was ... he's going to keep cashing in on his story, and his royal connection.

Markle says he plans to continue booking paid interviews and public appearances -- just like Meghan and Harry do -- but the good news for him ... he doesn't need permission from the Queen.

The gist of it, according to Thomas -- he feels he got dragged into this situation, and if he's going to be without his daughter because of it ... he needs to do whatever is necessary to look out for himself financially.

That's what he claims Meghan's doing by stepping down from senior royal duties to come to North America ... a move he called "ridiculous" in his Channel 5 interview.

Yeah ... he's probably right about her not taking care of him in his old age.

Harry and Meghan Call BS on Queen ... She Doesn't Own Term 'Royal'

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are calling bulls**t on the Queen of England, saying she has no authority to strip them of their right to say they're royals.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex posted what seems to be an angry response to the Queen's decision that they no longer can use the "Sussex Royal' brand.

They said in their post Saturday, the Queen doesn't own the word, 'Royal.'  Specifically, they said, "While there is not any jurisdiction by The Monarchy or Cabinet Office over the use of the word 'Royal' overseas, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex do not intend to use 'Sussex Royal' or any iteration of the word 'Royal' in any territory (either within the UK or otherwise) when the transition occurs Spring 2020."

So they say they won't use the word, but it's their choice, not Her Highness's.

It's a big blow to Harry and Meghan ... they spent a fortune building their Sussex Royal-branded website. They had filed trademark applications, covering items from clothing to stationery and bandanas.

Prince Harry Two Subs to Go, Please!!! Very Un-Royal Errand Time

Prince Harry is just fine making runs for his own grub -- now that he's a Royal outsider -- because he's about the only person who smiles this much during errands.

Here's how the Duke of Sussex spells Sunday fun day -- we got this shot of him bolting out of a grocery store on Vancouver Island, where it appears he picked up a couple sandwiches to go. Somebody was hangry -- Harry or Meghan Markle -- based on his grin.

His average Joe transformation continues ... Harry rocked a baseball cap, light jacket and some jeans, and wasn't trying to hide his face. Nothing to see here, just a former heir to the throne picking up sandwiches.

This might have been his last time ordering out as a Royal. Queen Elizabeth II reportedly ordered Harry and Meghan to cease using the word "royal" in their online branding -- which royally screws their "Sussex Royal" website and Instagram.

Still got a couple sandos to show for it, Harry. Chin up!!

Fun Fact: Sandwiches are named after John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich in 18th Century England. Far as we know, he kept his title. Smart.

Meghan & Harry Must Drop 'Royal' from Sussex Brand ... Queen's Orders!!!

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry can't call themselves Royals anymore -- even on their own websites -- after Queen Elizabeth reportedly dropped the hammer.

Meg and Har have been told to drop the word "royal" from their online branding "Sussex Royal" ... according to the Daily Mail. They've been trying to lock down international rights for that brand, as they roll out their own post-Megxit ventures, but HRH's new rule would send them back to the drawing board.

As we've reported ... there were substantial discussions with the Palace, pre-and-post-Megxit, about which titles they can use. We already knew they'd been stripped of their HRHs.

The Royal command about using "royal" is reportedly because QE2 feels it is inappropriate for Meghan and Harry since they've decided to go their own way.

As of Tuesday, their Instagram account and personal website still bear the "Sussex Royal" title. It's unclear if the Queen gave 'em a hard deadline, but it's a sign she's taking a hard line with royal defectors.

Message to the next generation, perhaps?

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry California Dreamin' Back in Canada ... 1st Pic Together, All Smiles

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have finally surfaced after all the drama from Megxit, and it looks like they couldn't be happier.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were photographed together on Valentine's Day (sans Archie) which is the first time in a long time they've been seen together since the Royal fracas across the pond. Now, they're all smiles in the Great White North ... probably for good reason.

According to reports, Meg and Har were just out here in Cali -- and possibly other states -- for about a week. One stop they made was at Stanford, where they met with professors to discuss a new charity they're starting, presumably in partnership with the university.

If they were in NorCal, you gotta imagine the couple came on down to SoCal as well -- which is where Meghan lived for several years, and where her mom currently stays too.

It would seem the little vacay's got them in a good mood -- good enough to carry off their own luggage to boot. Swing by anytime, PH and MM -- we'd love to have you 😎

Harry & Meghan Beefing Up That Home Security, Eh? New Tarp, Camera Installed

Meghan and Harry want to keep the prying public at bay at their Canadian home, going to extreme measures to make it happen ... including cameras and tarps along the property.

TMZ has obtained photos of some new security features the Duke and Duchess of Sussex recently installed to ward off any curious peeping Toms who might wanna try to get a glimpse into their private life at their North Saanich villa on Vancouver Island.

The latest bells and whistles ... a giant tarp that's hanging in between trees, and at least one security camera along the beach, which we're told has a wandering lens. You might've also noticed the fence, the front gate cover and the Home Depot "No Trespassing" sign too.

Those have been there since they've moved in over the past couple of months, but we're told the camera and tree tarp are the most recent measures taken for privacy/security.

It's just another sign Meg and Har really don't want to be under the spotlight post-Megxit and will do just about anything to keep people away ... including pesky photogs. Remember, Meghan has already threatened to sue media outlets for using pics taken of her and Archie hiking the Canadian woods. She was out in public though, not on her own grounds.

Looks like they want to avoid a repeat situation at home. Cabin fever, anyone?

Brad Pitt's BAFTA Speech Awkwardly Invokes Prince Harry ... Wills & Kate Laugh It Off

Brad Pitt, BAFTA

Brad Pitt's string of hilarious acceptance speeches rolled on across the pond for the BAFTA Awards where he brought up Prince Harry and Megxit ... in front of Prince William.

BP didn't make it to the ceremony Sunday night in London, so his costar, Margot Robbie, accepted his BAFTA (it's like the British Oscars) for Best Supporting Actor, and read the speech he'd written.

Margot said, speaking as Brad, "I'm gonna name this Harry, 'cause (Brad) is really excited about bringing it back to the States with him. His words, not mine. Thanks!"

The line killed ... most people seemed to laugh, and then the camera cut to Prince William and Kate Middleton in the front row. They clapped and smiled, appropriately, but watch ... they clearly knew they were on camera. BTW, Will is the President of BAFTA ... so it's kinda his show.

Of course, it's no surprise Brad went for a timely punchline in front of an audience. He's been on a comedy tour of sorts these past few weeks, joking about his single status.

Looks like that material got a bit stale, and he tried something new and decidedly British.

Know your audience!!!

Ryan Seacrest, Mark Cuban Harry & Meghan Could Strike It Rich ... Take it From Us Titans!!!


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry aren't going to be left penniless -- FAR from it actually, according to Ryan Seacrest and Mark Cuban ... so long as they follow this advice.

The two titans of industry -- who've successfully forged their own paths in entertainment and sports, and branded themselves masterfully -- sat down for the new, TMZ/FOX special, "Harry & Meghan: The Royals In Crisis," to share their thoughts on PH and MM's financial future in entertainment.

As you might've heard, the former Royals are kinda on their own now. And, life ain't free!!!

The question ... can they make an honest buck, and if so, how? Seacrest says it all depends on what they have to offer, which may come as a surprise to both the public and maybe even themselves, especially Harry. Bottom line, RS thinks there's untapped potential there.

Mark Cuban is right there with him ... saying, if Har and Meg play their cards right, they could be just as successful and wealthy as the Obamas, if not more so.

Royals in Crisis Sub

FOX's one-hour special gets into more than just what lies ahead for them though ... it's also a deep dive into what got them here to begin with. Piers Morgan has thoughts on that.

Check it out ... he makes no bones about how he believes Meghan manipulated her way to the top, only to strip his country's Prince away from his people and family. Oof, harsh!

Renowned writer Afua Hirsch has a different take, however, with which many others agree.

Get ready for fireworks! 'The Royals in Crisis' airs on FOX Wednesday at 8 PM ET/7 PM CT.

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle 'Shocked' By Losing Important Role ... We're Not Youth Ambassadors?!?

Megxit presented a huge unintended consequence for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ... the loss of one of their beloved titles, Commonwealth Youth Ambassadors.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were "shocked" they had to forgo their roles as youth ambassadors to the Commonwealth ... as part of the Megxit deal they struck with Queen Elizabeth, Prince William and Prince Charles.

As you know ... Harry and Megan were forced to stop using their Royal titles when they spurned the Crown and moved to Canada. We're told the couple didn't expect their ambassadorships to even be on the table during Megxit negotiations -- but the Queen drew a hard line in the sand, and they had to surrender the role.

The Commonwealth is a group of 53 nations ... almost all former British territories, such as Canada. In their time as youth ambassadors, Harry and Meghan were tasked with empowering young people in those countries to tackle the problems facing their generations.

Meghan joined Harry as a youth ambassador right before their wedding, and we're told the job was very important to them. Meghan even had the flowers of all 53 Commonwealth nations embroidered into her wedding dress.

Seems Harry and Meghan are still not ready to let go -- their official website still has an entire section dedicated to their work as youth ambassadors. Time for a site update, STAT!!!

TMZ investigated everything leading up to the Sussexes' departure from the Royal Family. Watch "Harry and Meghan: The Royals in Crisis" on Fox network Wednesday, January 29 at 8 PM.