13 Million More Reasons Chicks Wanna Serve the Prince

The future ruler of the British Empire turned 25 today, but who gives a rat's arse about his age when, just like that, Prince William is loaded!

That's because Wills, upon crossing the 25-year-old threshold, gets the $13 million his mother Princess Diana left him in her will, plus interest and "other income accrued," according to reports. That translates into about $500,000 to $600,000 per year, on top of the reported $44,000 he makes from being a second lieutenant in the British Army.

And then, of course, there's his expense account, which his dad, Prince Charles, takes care of -- though sources who knew Wills in high school at Eton tell TMZ that he never ever had spending money, and that his subjects/pals had to fork over cash for everything.

We'd love to hear Wills' granny -- you know, the Queen -- trash-talking him today as he blows out the candles over his relatively paltry take. After all, she gets around $10 million per year in salary, and her net worth, according to Forbes, is about $500 million.

Yoko Ono Eats the Queen's Dog?

Happiness ... is a warm, tasty Corgi dog, at least for one London performance artist.

Ono was reportedly part of a canine-chewing stunt at a London radio station yesterday, reports Reuters, in which gonzo artist Mark McGowan ate cooked pieces of a Corgi, Queen Elizabeth II's dog of choice. McGowan staged the Fido-feeding (pictured above left) to protest the Queen's husband's treatment of a fox on a hunt last year. While the artist did his best to swallow a few chunks of Corgi (which had been minced with apple, onion and other seasonings), Yoko could only manage a small taste before looking "a bit strange," according to McGowan.

Performance artist McGowan is a rabid vegetarian and animal-rights activist who once notoriously ate a swan to protest the monarchy. He says that the Corgi had died at a breeding farm.

Yoko Ono's publicist, Elliot Mintz, tells TMZ that his client wasn't anywhere near London for the canine-feeding. He says the report about her is "untrue and absurd."

Prince William's Packin' Heat

He's not only a prince; now William, 24, is an army officer to boot.

The oldest son of Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana was commissioned today at the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, England. During the ceremony the Prince handled a military assault rifle complete with a bayonet. What a badass!

William's regal grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, 80, addressed the class with her son Charles taking the salute.

Kate Middleton, the Prince's on-off girlfriend, stole attention in a red dress and oversized black hat -- possibly taking fashion tips from Posh.

Prince William's Girlfriend What a Dumbass!

Why would a girl risk the possibility of becoming Queen of England by playing hard to get?

After kicking Prince William to the curb for reportedly having a drunken make-out session with another lass, the future King of England's 4-year girlfriend, Kate Middleton, has apparently come to her senses.

According to British reports, Kate decided to take back her allegedly promiscuous prince after having a serious heart-to-heart with her mum. We're assuming the conversation went something like this: "'ELLO!?! YOU COULD BE THE BLEEDIN' QUEEN, YA TWIT!!!"

Not long after she dumped the royal hump, William and Kate were spotted necking in public again. Why is Kate playing with fire? We understand the moral rationale, but think about all those jewels ... the tiaras ... the castles! It's good to be queen!

Prince William + Babies = Cute Overload!

Prince William returned to the hospital where he was born to open a new neo-natal wing at St. Mary's in Paddington, London.

The dreamy royal took time to greet a group of new moms and their babies, even holding one of the infants, at the refurbished NHS neo-natal Winnicott Baby Unit.

Both William and brother Prince Harry were both born in a private wing of the hospital, which serves as one of the top specialists for premature babies.

When not holding babies, the future King of England has another way of passing the time -- by donning a uniform and training for the Army.