Tina Turner Statue Coming to Hometown ... Nearly 1 Year After Death

Tina Turner's getting a huge honor in the place where she was born, as local leaders have approved a bronze Tina statue -- about a year after the mayor first promised to erect one.

Bill Rawls, Jr. the mayor of Brownsville, Tennessee tells TMZ ... the city has decided to fund a six-foot-tall bronze statue that will be placed in the city's Heritage Park, which is located right near the high school Turner attended.

We're told the statue's gonna cost around $150k with the city making the initial deposit before public/private funds cover the rest. The fundraising is starting ASAP, but Rawls says he's not worried about puttin' together the cash.

Francis Ford Coppola's Wife Eleanor Coppola Dead at 87 ... Filmed 'Apocalypse Now' Documentary

Eleanor Coppola -- the filmmaker and wife of famed director Francis Ford Coppola -- has died ... according to a statement made by her family.

The matriarch of the famous film family passed away Friday at her home in Rutherford, CA ... a small town in Napa Valley. They did not give a cause of death.

Eleanor met Francis in 1962 while working as an assistant art director on his first movie, "Dementia 13" ... and the couple started dating.

Eleanor got pregnant shortly thereafter, married Coppola in Las Vegas and gave birth to their first son, Gian-Carlo.

Hermana de Kris Jenner Causa de muerte revelada

La hermana de Kris Jenner, Karen Houghton, falleció debido a problemas al corazón, de acuerdo con su certificado de defunción.

TMZ obtuvo una copia del documento que señala como causa oficial de muerte de Karen un paro cardíaco y una arritmia cardíaca repentina. También señala la diabetes tipo 2 como una causa secundaria subyacente.

Los documentos también dicen que Karen tenía trastorno bipolar y que fue incinerada después de su muerte el 19 de marzo. Ella tenía 65 años.


Kris Jenner's sister, Karen Houghton, passed away due to heart issues ... according to her death certificate.

TMZ obtained a copy of the document which lists Karen's official cause of death as cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac arrhythmia. It also notes Type 2 diabetes as a secondary underlying cause.

The docs also say Karen had bipolar disorder, and was cremated following her death on March 19. She was 65.

World's Oldest Conjoined Twins Lori & George Dead at 62

The world's oldest conjoined twins Lori & George Schappell have died -- according to online obituaries.

The twins passed at a hospital in Pennsylvania ... though the exact cause of their death, reportedly last Sunday, has not been disclosed.

Lori & George were born in 1961 ... fused partially at the skull, and sharing 30% of their brains, the parietal and frontal lobes.

Park Boram K-Pop Star Dead at 30

K-pop star Park Boram is dead, and multiple media outlets in Korea are reporting her death came after a night of heavy drinking with friends.

According to the Korea Herald, Park died Thursday at a hospital, but she had first collapsed while at a friend's house ... and might have suffered a cardiac arrest -- but the exact cause of death is still under investigation.

Another report, from AllKPop, says one of Park's friends found her unconscious and slouched over a bathroom sink -- and one of her friends then performed CPR, attempting to revive her.

Park Boram Estrella del K-Pop fallece a los 30 Según indican los reportes

La estrella del K-pop Park Boram ha muerto y varios medios de comunicación coreanos informan que su fallecimiento se produjo tras una noche de copas con sus amigos.

Según el Korea Herald, la cantante murió el jueves en un hospital, pero primero se habría derrumbado mientras estaba en la casa de un amigo y podría haber sufrido un paro cardíaco, aunque la causa exacta de muerte aún está bajo investigación.

Otro informe, de AllKPop, dice que uno de los amigos de Park la encontró inconsciente y encorvada sobre el lavabo de un baño y uno de sus amigos le realizó una reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) para tratar de revivirla.

Siameses más viejos del mundo Lori y George mueren a los 62

Los siameses más viejos del mundo, Lori y George Schappell han fallecido, de acuerdo a los obituarios en línea.

Los gemelos fallecieron en un hospital de Pennsylvania, aunque la causa exacta de su muerte, al parecer el domingo pasado, no ha sido revelada.

Lori y George nacieron en 1961, con sus cráneos parcialmente fusionados. Compartían el 30% de sus cerebros, los lóbulos parietal y frontal.

Roberto Cavalli El famoso diseñador muere a los 83 años

Roberto Cavalli, el famoso diseñador de moda italiano, ha muerto, de acuerdo con un post compartido por la propia empresa que fundó en sus redes sociales.

La compañía del mismo nombre anunció su muerte a través de Instagram el viernes, con gran tristeza y declaraciones del CEO de la compañía y su director creativo.

Roberto nació en Florencia, Italia, en 1940 y fundó su empresa de moda Roberto Cavalli en 1975, cuando su patentado estilo animal print realmente despegó. A lo largo de los años, ha vestido a innumerables celebridades.

Roberto Cavalli Famed Designer Dead at 83

Roberto Cavalli -- the famous Italian fashion designer -- has died ... according to a social media post by the company he founded.

Cavalli's self-titled company posted on Instagram Friday ... announcing his passing with great sadness, and shared statements from the company's CEO and its creative director.

Roberto was born in Florence, Italy in 1940 and founded his fashion company Roberto Cavalli in 1975 ... when his patented animal print styling really took off. Over the years, he's clothed myriad celebs in the style.


The last person known to have spoken to Riley Strain before he disappeared has finally given a statement to the cops ... and his family is hailing it as a "huge" development.


Chris Dingman, a spokesperson for Riley's devastated family, told NewsNation the new witness spoke with the family first, and then "told the detective his account of the story of what happened to Riley” -- all this 3 weeks after they found his body.

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Dingman didn't say who the witness was or share the specific details they provided about what happened to Riley ... before he disappeared and was later found dead.

Riley Strain La policía obtiene una declaración de la última persona que habló con él

La última persona que se sabe que habló con Riley Strain antes de que desapareciera ha declarado ante la policía y su familia lo está celebrando como un "gran" avance.

Todo se está alineando

Chris Dingman, un portavoz de la familia de Riley, dijo a NewsNation que el nuevo testigo habló con la familia primero y luego "le dijo al detective su versión de lo que le pasó a Riley". Todo esto, 3 semanas después de que su cuerpo fuera encontrado.

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Riley huyendo

Dingman no dijo quién era el testigo ni compartió detalles específicos sobre lo que le sucedió a Riley antes de que desapareciera y fuera encontrado muerto más tarde.

O.J. Simpson Dead at 76 After Cancer Battle


10:48 AM PT -- Kato Kaelin -- who was a key witness during the O.J. Simpson trial -- just posted a video responding to the news ... and he sends thoughts and prayers to O.J.'s children, as well as the families of the victims, including Nicole Brown Simpson.

Sending Love and Compassion

He doesn't say much else about O.J. himself.

O.J. Simpson Muere a los 76 Tras batalla contra el cáncer


10:48 AM PT -- Kato Kaelin, quien fue un testigo clave durante el juicio de O.J. Simpson, acaba de publicar un video respondiendo a la noticia y envió pensamientos y oraciones a los hijos de O.J., así como a las familias de las víctimas, incluyendo a Nicole Brown Simpson.

Enviando amor y compasión

No dijo mucho más sobre el propio O.J.

Ron Goldman's Father O.J. Simpson's Death Only Reminds Me ... Ron's Been Gone a Long Time

Ron Goldman's father says he's not focusing on O.J. Simpson today -- instead, he says he's remembering his son, and using today to think about how long he's been gone.

Fred Goldman spoke with People Thursday, hours after news of Simpson's death broke, and he told the outlet he's only thinking about how Ron died nearly 30 years ago ... and, not about how the man acquitted of his murder has finally died.

Goldman says he's focused on all of the pain he's dealt with over the years since his son died ... and, added the only important thing is remembering Ron and Nicole Brown Simpson today.

Padre de Ron Goldman La muerte de O.J. Simpson solo me recuerda a Ron

El padre de Ron Goldman dice que no se está pensando en O.J. Simpson hoy, en su lugar, está recordando a su hijo y todo el tiempo que ha estado ausente.

Fred Goldman habló con People el jueves, horas después de que se diera a conocer la noticia de su muerte y les dijo que solo está pensando en la partida de Ron hace casi 30 años y no en la muerte del hombre que resultó absuelto de su asesinato.

Goldman dice que se está centrado en el dolor con el que ha lidiado desde que su hijo murió y añadió que lo único importante es recordar a Ron y a Nicole Brown Simpson hoy.