Kurt Cobain Fotos inéditas con Courtney Love ... A 30 años de su muerte

Han pasado exactamente 30 años desde que perdimos a Kurt Cobain y aun con todo el tiempo que ha pasado hay algunas fotos del fallecido rockero que no has visto, incluyendo estas imágenes con Courtney Love.

Para conmemorar las 3 décadas desde su muerte, un matrimonio llamado Constance Hansen y Russell Peacock, que forman el dúo de fotógrafos conocido como Guzman, publicaron un nuevo conjunto de imágenes que capturan a la leyenda de Nirvana en sus alegrías cotidianas junto a su esposa de entonces.

Las imágenes son de su icónica sesión de fotos "Family Values" de 1992 para la revista Spin!. De las 100 fotos tomadas solo se usaron 5 imágenes, incluyendo algunas de su hija Frances Bean con solo 5 semanas. Ahora podemos ver el resto y son fascinantes.


It's been exactly 30 years since we lost Kurt Cobain -- and even all this time later, there are some photos of the late rocker you haven't seen ... including these ones with Courtney Love.

To mark 3 decades since his death, a husband and wife named Constance Hansen and Russell Peacock -- who form the photog duo known as Guzman -- have released a new set of images capturing the Nirvana legend in the simple joys of everyday life with his then-wife.

The images are from their iconic 1992 "Family Values" photoshoot for Spin! magazine, where only 5 images -- including some with their 5-week-old daughter Frances Bean -- were used out of the 100 taken. Now, we're getting a look at all the rest ... and they're fascinating.

Angie Harmon's Deceased Dog Instacart Worker Insists He Was Bitten ... So Say Cops


9:49 AM PT -- Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD is clarifying the deliveryman only told them he had bite marks from the dog. As for whether officers actually saw those bite marks, the cops won't say -- they'll only reiterate they didn't have enough evidence to charge the deliveryman.

Angie Harmon's deceased dog was not as innocent as she claims ... at least according to the cops.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD tells TMZ … they are standing by their decision to not press charges against the Instacart shopper who shot and killed Angie's dog Oliver over Easter weekend.

While the cops will not say how they determined the shopper acted in self-defense, they insist the deliveryman, Christopher, did have bite marks on him from the dog.

Adrian Schiller Estrella de "Victoria" y "Last Kingdom" muere a los 60 años

El actor inglés Adrian Schiller ha fallecido. Así lo confirmó el jueves, su agencia de talentos desde hace mucho tiempo, Scott Marshall Partners.

En un comunicado a People, el equipo de Adrian compartió que el actor había fallecido el miércoles y describieron su muerte como "repentina e inesperada".

La agencia agregó: "Ha muerto demasiado pronto, y nosotros, su familia y amigos cercanos estamos devastados por su pérdida".

Adrian Schiller 'Victoria,' 'Last Kingdom' Star Dead at 60

English actor Adrian Schiller has died ... his longtime talent agency, Scott Marshall Partners, confirmed Thursday.

In a statement released to People ... Adrian's team shared the actor passed away on Wednesday, describing his death as "sudden and unexpected."

The agency added, "He has died far too soon, and we, his family and close friends are devastated by the loss."

STEPHEN COLBERT FIGHTS BACK TEARS ... As 'Late Show' Mourns Staffer's Death


Stephen Colbert was choked up as he mourned the loss of his longtime executive assistant, Amy Cole.

The heartbreaking news came at the end of Monday's episode of 'The Late Show' ... and you can see Stephen struggling to talk, and looking somber as he walked off stage before a black title card popped up, saying, "Dedicated to our dear friend Amy Cole, 1970-2024."

LateNighter reports audience members who were at the taping mentioned the show started with the usual fun and games. But then, out of nowhere, things took a serious turn.

Vernon Davis On Vontae Davis' Death ... I Believe He Passed Following Sauna Session

Ex-NFL star Vernon Davis says it's still a mystery as to how exactly his brother, Vontae Davis, died earlier this week ... although he said Monday he believes the former Colts cornerback passed away following a session in a sauna.

The ex-San Francisco 49ers tight end broke his silence on his little bro's death during an interview with The Daily Mail on Wednesday ... just two days after Vontae was found deceased inside a gym at his Southwest Ranches, Fla. home.

Vernon says he believes his brother either collapsed or slipped after spending time soaking in steam -- but outside of that, he really is unsure of how the former NFLer passed at just 35 years old.

Kate Kaufling Kentucky Wildcats Dancer Dead At 20 ... After Battle With Cancer

Tragic news from the University of Kentucky ... a member of its dance team, Kate Kaufling, has passed away after battling cancer. She was only 20.

The Wildcats athletic department released a statement this week ... saying the sophomore student-athlete died on Sunday, just months after finishing chemotherapy for osteosarcoma, an aggressive form of bone cancer.

She was diagnosed in June 2023 ... after discovering lumps and swollen lymph nodes.

African Safari Woman Killed in Elephant Attack ... Flips Truck on Video

the terrifying footage

An elderly woman was killed in Africa during a safari trip -- this after an elephant charged her party's vehicle ... and flipped it over, which left her fatally wounded.

The unidentified woman 80-year-old was on a safari Saturday in Zambia at the Kafue National Park -- and at one point in the excursion, a bull elephant charges their truck ... and rams into it head-on, all of which was captured in a dramatic video.

The elephant tips over the vehicle, and you can hear panicked screams from the tour guide as well as the patrons -- including what sounds like the woman who actually died.

Safari en África Una mujer muere tras sufrir ataque de un elefante La camioneta se vuelca...

Aterrador registro

Una mujer de 80 años falleció en África durante una excursión de safari, esto después de que un elefante se abalanzara sobre el vehículo hasta volcarlo.

La mujer, que aún no ha sido identificada, estaba en un safari el sábado en Zambia en el Parque Nacional de Kafue, cuando en un momento de la excursión, un elefante atacó la camioneta al embestir de frente, lo que quedó capturado en un dramático video.

El elefante volcó el vehículo y al hacerlo se pueden escuchar los gritos de pánico del guía turístico, así como de los pasajeros, incluyendo la mujer que presumiblemente falleció.

Terremoto en Taiwán Presentadora de noticias ni se inmuta ante la violenta sacudida

Manteniendo la calma

El terremoto más poderoso en Taiwán en un cuarto de siglo no logró perturbar a una presentadora de televisión, que siguió adelante mientras el estudio se movía violentamente.

SET News estaba en directo poco antes de las 8 de la mañana del miércoles, cuando se produjo el sismo de 7,4 grados de magnitud. La emisora se encuentra en la capital de Taiwán, Taipei, y mientras la mayoría de la gente iba a buscar refugio, dondequiera que estuviesen, la presentadora no parecía estar intimidada en absoluto.

En el video se pueden ver trozos del techo cayendo al suelo, la cámara inestable y las luces balanceándose como si estuvieran al aire libre en un día ventoso. La reportera parecía algo inestable, pero mantuvo la compostura mientras se aferraba al monitor de TV.

Taiwan Earthquake News Anchor Unfazed As Studio Violently Shook


The most powerful earthquake in Taiwan in a quarter century did not upend a national newscast, as the anchor plowed ahead as the studio was violently shaking.

The video is crazy ... SET News was on the set live just before 8 AM Wednesday when the 7.4 magnitude quake struck. The station is in Taiwan's capital, Taipei, as most people scrambled for safety ... wherever that might be. Not so with the anchor, who did not seem daunted at all as the earth moved.

You see pieces of the ceiling crashing to the ground, the camera unsteady and the lights swaying as if they were outside on a windy day. The reporter seemed unsteady on her feet but kept it together as she clung to the TV monitor.

Terremoto en Taiwán El mayor sismo en 25 años sacude a la isla ... Aumenta el número de muertos y heridos

Intenso remezón

Taiwán se convirtió en un infierno la mañana del miércoles, cuando un fuerte terremoto sacudió a la isla frente a China, provocando la muerte de al menos 9 personas e hiriendo a más de 900, mientras dejaba a decenas de personas atrapadas.

Las autoridades locales informaron que el temblor fue de 7,4 grados en la escala de Richter, lo que lo convierte en el más potente en 25 años en el país, con casi 24 millones de habitantes. Los temblores también se sintieron en la capital, Taipéi.

Pero el condado de Hualien, situado en la costa este de la isla, pareció ser el más afectado por el sismo, afectando incluso la infraestructura de la ciudad.

Taiwan Earthquake Biggest quake In 25 Years To Hit Island ... Rising Death Toll And Injuries


Taiwan turned into hell on Earth Wednesday morning as a massive earthquake rocked the island off China, killing at least 9 people and injuring over 900 more, while leaving dozens trapped.

Local Taiwanese officials said the tremors registered 7.4 on the Richter scale, making it the most powerful quake to hit the island in 25 years with its nearly 24 million residents. The shocks were also felt in the capital of Taipei.

But Hualien County – located on the island's east coast -- appeared to be hardest hit by the quake, decimating the county's infrastructure.

Vontae Davis Found Dead In Home Gym Area ... 911 Caller Says


A 911 caller told dispatch she found Vontae Davis dead in the area of a gym in his home ... this according to police audio obtained by TMZ Sports.

In the call, the unidentified woman can be heard saying she discovered the former NFL star's body after initially not being able to find him at his Southwest Ranches residence.

Dispatch attempted to get the woman to obtain a defibrillator ... though it's unclear if the woman or any others retrieved it or attempted to use it on Davis. The call was heavily redacted by authorities.


audio del 911

Una llamada al 911 informó que encontró a Vontae Davis muerto en el área de un gimnasio en su casa... esto de acuerdo con el audio de la policía obtenido por TMZ Sports.

En la llamada, la mujer no identificada se puede escuchar diciendo que descubrió el cuerpo de la ex estrella de la NFL después de no ser inicialmente capaz de encontrarlo en su residencia Southwest Ranches.

El despacho intentó que la mujer obtuviera un desfibrilador, aunque no está claro si la mujer o cualquier otra persona lo recuperó o intentó utilizarlo en Davis. La llamada fue redactada en gran medida por las autoridades.