Alec Baldwin Reportedly Offered 'Rust' Plea Deal ... Lenient & Equal to Halls

Alec Baldwin could've walked away from the "Rust" shooting with no more than a slap on the wrist ... at least, if a new report is to be believed.

According to Variety, new court documents released Friday claim Baldwin was offered a lenient plea deal. However, according to them, the deal was taken off the table before AB could make up his mind.

The actor was reportedly offered a plea deal that was "identical to the petty misdemeanor deal accepted by Dave Halls."

Halls -- who served as first assistant director at the time of the shooting that resulted in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins -- received six months of unsupervised probation, a $500, 24 hours of community service and a mandatory firearm safety class.

Variety reports Baldwin was offered this deal October 5 and given until October 27 to decide ... but prosecutors allegedly took the deal away on October 17 and informed Baldwin's team they were going forward with a grand jury. Unclear what changed in that short window.


As we reported ... Baldwin and his attorney Alex Spiro filed to get the case dismissed Thursday claiming Santa Fe County D.A.'s office rigged the grand jury against Alec, pointing to biased witnesses and their alleged omission of relevant evidence that undermined the case against Baldwin.

His filing claims the D.A. didn't present the entirety of the testing the FBI did on his firearm ... which he claims would prove it could've been fired without him pulling the trigger.

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Court TV

Baldwin's case is set to go to trial in July, and he could serve up to 18 months in prison if found guilty. He's signaled he's going to fight the charges -- and, obviously is doing what he can to get them thrown out before he has to show up in court and defend himself.

Larry H. Parker Personal Injury Attorney Dead at 75

Larry H. Parker -- the famous auto accident and personal injury attorney known for his iconic commercials in the '80s and '90s -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

The famed attorney's longtime law firm partner, Ron Beck, confirmed to us Friday that Larry had passed away ... but wouldn't elaborate on details -- including where, when or under what circumstances.

Larry's daughter-in-law, Alissa, also told us the sad news was true -- but she wouldn't reveal more either ... telling us the family is considering their next steps.

We're hearing he may have died as recently as this week, although it's not 100% clear. In any case, it's a huge blow to the legal community ... as LHP was a titan in the industry.

People in and around Los Angeles -- and even in the greater Southern California area -- know Parker well ... if not for his TV ads, then for his many billboards all over the region. If you've been on the 405 in L.A., you've very likely passed by and seen Larry's face.

He's the founder of the Law Offices of Larry H. Parker -- which mostly specializes in taking cases for people who've been in car accidents, but which takes a variety of injury-related cases. His firm has been up and running for at least 50 years ... so he's an L.A. staple.

Larry opened his law office in the '70s, and it's gone on to become one of the biggest in America -- which now employs over 150 lawyers, all of whom work under Larry's brand.

His approach to promoting his services pierced pop culture and arguably served as the blueprint for many other attorneys (and spoofs) seeking to reach an audience. You could say that the spirit of his straightforward legal ads has gone on to inspire several iterations ... both fictional and real. The 'SNL' Green & Fazio sketch seems to have been inspired by Larry's work, and ditto for 'Better Call Saul.'

Of course, there are countless other real-life lawyers who've followed in his footprints all over the country ... buying up billboards, ad space and airtime to let people know they're ready to take a case and go to court for the public.

His slogan was "We'll Fight for You!" ... and safe to say, it's burned into the American psyche.

Larry was 75.



La estrella porno Sophia Leone murió a principios de este mes, y a pesar de que no hay pistas de agresión, la policía describe su muerte como una "situación única".

Los oficiales le informan a TMZ que el cuerpo de Leone fue encontrado el 1 de marzo en su casa, y mientras que una causa oficial de la muerte no se ha determinado, nos dicen que la policía está investigando su muerte como sospechosa, aunque también señalan que no había signos de trauma.

Su agencia de modelos afirmó que las circunstancias que rodearon su muerte implican un robo y homicidio, pero la policía dice que no es el caso.

Un representante del Departamento nos informa que el robo u homicidio no estaban en su radar... reiterando que calificaron el caso como una "muerte sospechosa". También enfatizaron que no serían capaces de determinar la causa de la muerte hasta que los resultados de toxicología estuvieran listos. Le preguntamos si parecía estar relacionado con las drogas, pero prefirieron no responder.

Un agente dijo: "No sabemos en este momento si fue víctima de un delito, por lo que esta es una situación única". La policía dice que Sophia Leone era simplemente su nombre artístico y señaló que su familia era cautelosa acerca de llamar más la atención.

Aunque su familia no quiere discutir los detalles de la muerte de Sophia, han puesto en marcha un GoFundMe para cubrir los gastos de su funeral y memorial, una carga financiera que la familia no estaba dispuesta a cumplir. La familia ha fijado un objetivo de 12.000 dólares.

En el post de GFM, su padrastro Mike escribió: "Como su padrastro, quiero agradecerles personalmente su amabilidad y generosidad durante este difícil momento. Echaremos mucho de menos a Sophia, pero su recuerdo perdurará en los corazones de todos los que la querían. Que descanse en paz eterna".

Sophia se hizo un nombre en el mundo de los adultos, trabajando con varios estudios diferentes a lo largo de su carrera, incluyendo Brazzers, Evil Angel y Reality Kings. Tenía 26 años.


Jason Kelce Beloved Dog Dies ... 'Lost Part Of My Soul'

Jason Kelce's beloved dog, Winnie, has sadly passed away ... and the Kelce family is heartbroken over the loss, with his wife writing in an emotional social media post that she's "lost part of my soul."

It's unclear how the pooch passed ... but Kylie Kelce said on her Instagram page Thursday night the pup "is at peace" now.

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"When I was in high school I had a folder on my desktop labeled 'Gods gift to earth,'" Kylie said in an IG post. "It was images of Irish Wolfhounds that I had collected from Google. I had fallen in love with the breed when I was a young and never let my fascination with them fade. It all lead me to Winnie and holy s*** did she live up to the hype."

"I love you, Winn," she continued. "You will always be my first born child."

Travis Kelce sent out his condolences in the comment section, writing, "You [gave] Winn an amazing life Ky!!" The Chiefs star's ex, Kayla Nicole, sent her support with a comment too.

Winnie played a huge role in the Kelce family ... she was the "flower girl" at Jason and Kylie's 2018 wedding. She was also mentioned on Jason and Travis' "New Heights" podcast often ... in fact, the brothers just brought her up on a recent episode when comparing her to animals Travis had seen on his Australian zoo date with Taylor Swift.

Winnie and the Kelces' other dog even had their own Instagram page.

"She was everything I had hoped for in a wolfie," Kylie said in mourning the dog's passing, "and more."


PORN STAR SOPHIA LEONE Death Labeled 'Suspicious,' 'Unique' by Cops

Porn star Sophia Leone died earlier this month -- but it doesn't sound like cops are sure if foul play is afoot ... even though they're currently describing her death as a "unique situation."

Albuquerque PD tells TMZ ... Leone's body was found March 1 at her home ... and while an official cause of death hasn't been determined, we're told police are investigating her death as suspicious ... although they go out of their way to note there were no signs of trauma.

After word of Sophia's death made the rounds, her modeling agency claimed the circumstances surrounding her death involved a robbery and homicide ... but APD tells us that's not the case.

A rep for the Department tells us they never indicated robbery or homicide was on their radar ... reiterating they were looking at it as a "suspicious death." They also emphasized they wouldn't be able to determine the cause of death until toxicology results were in. We asked if it appeared to be drug-related -- cops wouldn't say one way or another.

An APD rep also said this ... "We do not know at this time if she is a victim of a crime so this is a unique situation." Police say Sophia Leone was simply her stage name and noted her family was wary about drawing more attention.

While her family might not want to discuss the details of Sophia's death, they have since launched a GoFundMe to cover the costs of her funeral and memorial -- a financial burden the family wasn't prepared to meet. The family has set a goal of $12,000.

In the GFM post, her Stepdad Mike wrote, "As her Stepfather, I want to personally thank you for your kindness and generosity during this difficult time. Sophia will be deeply missed but her memory will live on in the hearts of all who loved her. May she rest in eternal peace."

Sophia made a name for herself in the adult biz, working with several different studios throughout her career ... including Brazzers, Evil Angel and Reality Kings. She was 26.



Alec Baldwin quiere quedar libre de cargos en el caso de homicidio involuntario de "Rust", porque afirma que los fiscales manipularon la baraja en su contra con el Gran Jurado que lo acusó.

El actor y su abogado, Alex Spiro, presentaron nuevos documentos legales -obtenidos por TMZ- donde se busca argumentar que el proceso del gran jurado fue completamente manipulado por la oficina del Condado de Santa Fe, alegando que los 7 testigos estaban increíblemente manipulados.

En concreto, Alec dice que tres de los testigos estaban en la "nómina" del fiscal, dos de ellos eran de la Oficina del Sheriff de Santa Fe, uno ya lo estaba demandando en un caso civil separado, y otro públicamente culpó a Baldwin por la muerte de Halyna Hutchins días después... a pesar de que Alec dice que esta persona no estaba trabajando en la producción en ese momento.

Otra alegación en los documentos se refiere a las pruebas del FBI de la pistola utilizada en la escena. Alec afirma que el fiscal no presentó todas las pruebas y que, según alega, demostró que el revólver se disparó sin apretar el gatillo cuando los 6 cartuchos estaban cargados, igual que el día de la tragedia.

"no quiero disparar hacia ti"
NBC News

Recordemos que hasta ahora habíamos oído lo contrario. Básicamente que las pruebas del FBI demostraron que sin lugar a dudas el arma solo se podía disparar si se aprieta el gatillo. Esto es crucial, porque Alec siempre ha mantenido que no apretó el gatillo.

Por todas estas razones, Alec le está pidiendo al juez que retire el cargo de homicidio involuntario. Como informamos, él ya se declaró inocente... esto después de que el D.A. desestimó sus cargos la primera vez.

Alec está actualmente programado para ir a juicio en julio.

RJ Barrett Younger Brother Passes Away ... Will Not Play Friday

The basketball community is rallying around Toronto Raptors player RJ Barrett ... after it was revealed his brother, Nathan, recently passed away.

Nathan's former youth basketball coach, Chris Stewart, confirmed the tragic news on Thursday ... saying the athlete was special to the program.

"Nathan was only with us for a short time in grade 7 before he moved to Florida but whenever he was back in Mississauga the boys connected," Stewart said.

"No parent should ever have to bury a child, hug your kids today a little longer. You will be missed Nathan, RIP ❤️🏀🙏🕊️"

Details surrounding his death have not been revealed at this time.

Nathan -- a 6-foot-1 guard -- played at Montverde Academy, just like RJ. He had dreams of becoming a pilot.

"In my family, we’re very competitive," RJ told SLAM in 2018. "Everyone is always trying to beat each other. Everyone is an athlete, so that’s where I get all my competitive drive."

RJ spent one season at Duke University before going 3rd overall in the 2019 NBA Draft. He played for the Knicks until he was traded to the Raptors in December.

Barrett -- who did not play in Wednesday's game against the Detroit Pistons -- has been ruled out of Friday night's contest against the Orlando Magic ... and understandably, it is unclear when he will return to the court.

The Barrett family released a statement on Nathan's death ... saying he passed away surrounded by his loved ones.

"While our family is devastated by this great loss, we will continue to cherish the memories and time spent together. Nathan was a God-fearing young man of strong character. He was thoughtful, kind, loving, compassionate, creative, admirable and driven."

"Though his time with us was brief, he will live forever in our hearts."



The father of Michigan high school shooter Ethan Crumbley, has been found guilty on all 4 counts of involuntary manslaughter ... just weeks after his wife Jennifer saw the same verdict.

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FOX 2 Detroit

The jury reached the decision for James Crumbley Thursday after 1 day of deliberations. His sentencing is scheduled for April 9, the same date as his wife.

With this verdict, Crumbley was found to be negligent for disregarding warning signs exhibited by his son that could have potentially prevented the devastating event. Prosecutors said he even purchased a gun for his son just days before he used it to open fire at Oxford High School in the Detroit suburb of Oxford Township, MI, in November 2021, killing 4 students.

The verdict comes a few weeks after his wife Jennifer's conviction -- which marked an historic moment, as it's unprecedented for a parent to be criminally charged in connection with their child's involvement in a mass shooting.

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Jennifer's testimony during her trial had shed light on the role she says her husband, James, played in the tragic events ... saying he had purchased the gun their son used in the shooting and was the one responsible for hiding it.

She also testified she was aware her son was struggling but had no inkling he was capable of carrying out a mass shooting ... saying if she had known, she'd done the whole thing differently.

17-year-old Ethan was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole back in December.

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Ethan told the court he was "a really bad person" before he was handed his hefty sentence ... adding, "I have done terrible things that no one should ever do."

Alec Baldwin Claims Prosecutor Rigged Grand Jury ... Wants Manslaughter Charge Dismissed

Alec Baldwin wants to be let off the hook in the "Rust" manslaughter case, because he claims prosecutors stacked the deck against him with the Grand Jury that indicted him.

The actor and his attorney Alex Spiro filed new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, where he seeks to have his criminal case completely tossed ... arguing the grand jury process was completely rigged by the Santa Fe County D.A.'s office -- alleging they trotted out 7 witnesses who were incredibly biased.

Specifically, Alec says 3 of the witnesses were on the D.A.'s "payroll," 2 of them were from the Santa Fe Sheriff's Office, one was already suing him in a separate civil case -- and yet another publicly blamed Baldwin for Halyna Hutchins' death days afterward ... even though Alec says this person wasn't working on the production at the time.

Another eye-popping allegation in the docs involves the FBI testing of the pistol used in the scene. Alec claims the D.A. failed to present all the evidence from that testing ... which he alleges showed the revolver did, in fact, fire without the trigger being pulled when all 6 rounds were loaded, just as they were on the day of the tragedy.

NBC News

Remember, up until now ... we'd heard the opposite -- that the FBI testing proved without a doubt the gun could only fire if the trigger was pulled. This is crucial, because Alec has always maintained he did not pull the trigger.


For all these reasons, Alec's asking a judge to drop the involuntary manslaughter charge. As we reported, he already pled not guilty in this second go-around ... this after the D.A. dismissed their charges the first time.

Alec is currently scheduled to go to trial in July.

Regina King Se abre sobre la muerte de su hijo Ian... y se emociona

El duelo es un viaje

Regina King finalmente se está abriendo sobre el suicidio de su hijo Ian, diciendo entre lágrimas que respeta su decisión y también compartiendo su propia experiencia con el dolor.

La actriz y directora se sentó a conversar con "Good Morning America", donde profundizó sobre la trágica muerte de Ian en 2022, y tocó el difícil viaje que ha vivido desde entonces.

Regina King piensa que el dolor es como el amor que no encuentra un lugar hacia donde ir, y que está tratando de celebrar a su hijo por todo lo que es. Ella incluso utiliza el tiempo presente para referirse a él, pues dice que Ian está siempre con ella. King añade que realmente no ha tenido tiempo de meditar sobre la decisión de Ian, la que dice que entiende, porque es claro para ella que él ya no quería estar aquí.

Regina dice que lo que más le gustaba de sí misma era ser la mamá de Ian, y que al final, simplemente tiene que respetar el proceso a pesar de que también se pregunta sobre lo que posiblemente podría haber hecho mejor como madre.

Como informamos, Ian Alexander Jr., el único hijo de King y su ex marido Ian Alexander Sr., se quitó la vida en enero de 2022 en su cumpleaños número 26.

En ese momento, Regina dijo: "Nuestra familia está devastada en lo más profundo por la pérdida de Ian. Él es una luz tan brillante que se preocupaba profundamente por la felicidad de los demás. Nuestra familia pide consideración y respeto durante este momento privado. Gracias".

Ian era un invitado habitual de Regina en la alfombra roja e incluso la llamó "Super mamá" en la alfombra roja de los Globos de Oro en 2019 y publicó un sentido homenaje para ella cuando cumplió 50 años en 2021.

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Parece que Regina está dando el siguiente gran paso en su viaje, aunque claramente Ian nunca está lejos de su mente.

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Regina King Opens Up About Son Ian's Death ... Gets Emotional in Interview


Regina King is finally opening up about her son Ian's suicide ... saying through tears she respects his choice to take his own life and touching on her own experience with grief.

The actress/director sat down for an interview on "Good Morning America" where she delved into Ian's tragic 2022 death ... and touched on her difficult journey in the aftermath.

RK says she thinks of grief as love without anywhere to go, and she's trying to celebrate her son for everything he is -- she even uses the present tense because she says Ian is always with her. King adds she hasn't really had time to simply sit with Ian's decision ... which she says she understands -- because it's clear to her he didn't want to be here anymore.

Regina says her favorite part of herself was being Ian's mom, and ultimately she simply has to respect the journey despite also asking herself questions about what she possibly could've done better as a parent.

As we reported ... Ian Alexander Jr. -- the only son of King and her ex-husband Ian Alexander Sr. -- took his life back in January 2022 on his 26th birthday.

At the time, Regina said, "Our family is devastated at the deepest level by the loss of Ian. He is such a bright light who cared so deeply about the happiness of others. Our family asks for respectful consideration during this private time. Thank you."

Ian was a regular guest of Regina on the red carpet, even calling King a "Super Mom" on the 2019 Golden Globes red carpet and posting a heartfelt tribute to her on her 50th birthday in 2021.

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It seems Regina is taking the next big step in her journey ... although Ian is clearly never far from her mind.

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'Sister Wives' Fans Honoring Garrison with Donations ... Thousands to Cat Shelters

Garrison Brown's legacy as a cat dad will never be forgotten, as "Sister Wives" fans give buckets of money to the cause near and dear to the late TLC personality ... TMZ has learned.

Liz Olson of High Country Humane tells TMZ ... people from all over the world have donated to the animal shelter in the week since Garrison died by suicide. The cat org received donations totaling more than $13K ... and counting!

She confirms she's the one who alerted Garrison's mother, Janelle Brown, to the outpouring of support ... and then, Janelle shared her emotional reaction this week to that uplifting news.

Garrison and High Country Humane knew each other well -- Liz tells us he adopted 3 of his cats -- including new addition Ms. Buttons -- from the shelter in the last 2 years.

In response to the generosity displayed by Garrison's followers, HCH has launched an initiative in his name that will help cats get adopted throughout the month of March.

Specifically, the money will cover adoption fees for any of the cats rescued during this effort.

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The tributes don't stop there ... Liz tells us the org also plans to rename its cat adoption room in his honor. There will be a plaque unveiling and everything at their 5-year anniversary celebration this month.

Ark Cat Sanctuary is also getting monetary support after Garrison's passing. Cat Roberts, yes that's really her name, tells TMZ ... the org's  received more than $500 in donations from people all over the globe, including some in Australia and Scotland.

Cat believes the support from Garrison's fans will help them stay open this year ... after receiving $30K less in grant money for 2024. She says the biggest help has been people purchasing items like wet food and kitten milk replacement from the sanctuary's Amazon wish list.

It's a small silver lining on an otherwise tragic story.

BTW, if you're wondering what's happening with Garrison's cats -- we're told his siblings are taking custody of them..


Robyn Bernard -famosa por su trabajo en "Hospital General"- ha muerto... TMZ ha indagado.

El forense del condado de Riverside le dice a TMZ que identificaron el cuerpo de la actriz usando sus huellas dactilares después de que los agentes respondieron a una llamada de investigación de muerte ayer en la ciudad de San Jacinto, California. Nos dicen que el cuerpo de Robyn fue encontrado las primeras horas de la mañana del 12 de marzo.

El forense del condado de Riverside dice que aún no se ha determinado la causa de muerte. Una autopsia está programada para el miércoles, pero la toxicología tomará varias semanas.

Robyn nació en Gladewater, Texas, y con el tiempo se labró una carrera como actriz con pequeños papeles en series de televisión de los 80 como "Diva", "The Facts Of Life", "Simon & Simon" y "Tour of Duty".

Su gran oportunidad llegó en 1984 en la telenovela "General Hospital", interpretando el papel de Terry Brock durante 145 episodios hasta 1990.

Su último papel como actriz acreditada llegó en 2002, cuando interpretó a una psicóloga en la película "Voces del instituto".

Desde que abandonó el mundo de la interpretación, Robyn mantuvo una vida relativamente privada y alejada de los focos.

Tenía 64 años.


Robyn Bernard 'General Hospital' Star DEAD AT 64

Robyn Bernard -- famous for her work on "General Hospital" -- is dead ... TMZ has learned.

Riverside County Coroner tells TMZ they identified the actress' body using her fingerprints after deputies responded to a death investigation call yesterday in the town of San Jacinto, CA. We're told Robyn's body was found in the early morning hours of March 12.

The Riverside County Coroner says no cause of death has been determined yet. An autopsy is scheduled to be performed on Wednesday, but toxicology will take several weeks.

Robyn was born in Gladewater, Texas, and eventually carved out an acting career for herself with small parts in '80s TV shows like "Diva," "The Facts Of Life," "Simon & Simon," and "Tour of Duty."

Her big break came in 1984 on the soap opera "General Hospital" ... playing the role of Terry Brock for 145 episodes until 1990.

Her final credited acting role came in 2002, when she played a psychologist in the movie, "Voices From the High School."

Since exiting the acting scene, Robyn kept a relatively private life, out of the spotlight.

She was 64.


EL PADRASTRO DE MATTHEW PERRY habla sobre su muerte "Él creía que estaba venciendo su adicción"

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ganando la batalla
Making Space with Hoda Kotb

Keith Morrison dice que su hijastro Matthew Perry pensó que estaba superando su adicción antes de su repentina muerte, pero en realidad, no era así.

En su primera entrevista desde el fallecimiento de Matthew en octubre, el corresponsal de "Dateline", que está casado con la madre de Matt -Suzanne- reveló recientemente en el pódcast de Hoda Kotb que el querido actor sentía que estaba superando su adicción e incluso se le veía feliz.

Keith reconoció que Matt tuvo una lucha particularmente dura con el alcohol y las drogas, algo que todos sabíamos. Describió la batalla de Matthew contra la adicción como "virulenta", señalando que la enfermedad lo persiguió sin descanso durante años.

Con esto en mente, Keith dice que no estaba totalmente sorprendido por el final prematuro de Matt. Aún así, añadió: "Él no llegó a tener su tercer acto, y eso no es justo". Es una conversación muy triste.

Como informamos, la autopsia de Mathew señaló que había estado limpio durante 19 meses, pero su muerte fue un accidente causado por los efectos agudos de la ketamina.

Perry se había sometido a una terapia de infusión de ketamina para tratar su depresión y la ansiedad, y su último tratamiento fue una semana antes de su muerte, la cual TMZ cubrió en su momento.

Matthew fue encontrado sin respuesta en su jacuzzi... el ahogamiento y la enfermedad de la arteria coronaria se destacaron más tarde como factores adicionales en su causa oficial de muerte.

Keith admitió que todavía está luchando con el dolor por la muerte de Matthew, pero confesó que su esposa (la madre de Matt) está pasándolo aún peor, incluso tantos meses después.  Según Keith, Matthew y Suzanne estaban más unidos que nunca justo antes del fallecimiento del actor.

Por supuesto, Keith también fue uno de los primeros familiares en llegar al lugar de la muerte de Matt.

Janelle Brown, de "Sister Wives" Llora por las donaciones a refugios de gatos Homenaje a su hijo Garrison

Janelle Brown dice que está conmovida por la emoción después de que los fans honraran a su difunto hijo Garrison, donando dinero a refugios de animales en su nombre, y todo como una forma de destacar su pasión por sus gatos.

La estrella de "Sister Wives" compartió fotos de Garrison y sus gatos en Instagram el martes, diciendo que le saltaron las lágrimas cuando supo que High Country Humane y Ark Cat Sanctuary en Flagstaff, la ciudad natal de Garrison, habían recibido varias donaciones a raíz de su fallecimiento.

Janelle, que tuvo a Garrison y a otros cinco niños con su ex marido Kody Brown, dejó claro que esta era la manera perfecta de honrar a Garrison, quien amaba ser un "papá gato".

Y añadió: "Los gatos que adoptó de ambas agencias eran muy importantes para él".

Recuerden, Garrison había rescatado a un gato de nueve años al que llamó Ms. Buttons justo antes de su muerte a principios de este mes. En ese momento, Garrison compartió que el gato estaba "en la línea para la eutanasia" antes de que él interviniera.

Fuimos los primeros en contarles que Garrison falleció de un aparente suicidio la semana pasada. Como señalamos, la policía dice que su hermano Gabriel fue quien descubrió a Garrison sin vida en su casa.

Más tarde, Janelle confirmó la desgarradora noticia a través de un comunicado a nombre de ella y su ex marido Kody que decía: "Su pérdida dejará un agujero tan grande en nuestras vidas que nos quita el aliento".

Otros homenajes de la familia Brown, que documentó su alguna vez polígamo estilo de vida durante 18 temporadas, también llovieron sobre Garrison.

Solo tenía 25 años.

Que en paz descanse.

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