Matthew Perry's Stepfather Morrison Speaks on Death He Thought He Was Beating Addiction

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Making Space with Hoda Kotb

Keith Morrison says his stepson Matthew Perry thought he was overcoming his addiction before his sudden death ... but in reality, says he knew he really wasn't.

In his first interview since Matthew's passing in October, the "Dateline" correspondent -- who's married to Matt's mother, Suzanne -- recently revealed on Hoda Kotb's podcast that the beloved actor felt he was beating his addiction and in a good place ... happy, even.

Keith also acknowledged that Matt had a particularly tough struggle with alcohol and drugs -- something we all knew. He described Matthew's addiction battle as "virulent" ... noting the disease went after him relentlessly over the years.

With this in mind, Keith says he wasn't totally surprised by Matt's untimely ending. Still, he added ... "He didn't get to have his third act, and that's not fair." It's a somber conversation.

As we reported ... Mathew's autopsy noted he'd been clean for 19 months ... but his death was ruled an accident having been caused by the acute effects of ketamine.

MP had been using ketamine infusion therapy to treat his depression and anxiety -- and his last treatment came a week before his death, which TMZ broke at the time.

Matthew was found unresponsive in his jacuzzi ... drowning and coronary artery disease were later highlighted as additional factors on his official cause of death.

Keith admitted that he's still struggling with grief over Matthew's death ... but confessed his wife/Matt's mom is having a harder time with it all, even all these months later.  According to Keith, Matthew and Suzanne were closer than ever just before the actor's passing.

Of course, Keith was also one of the first family members on the scene of Matt's death.

'Sister Wives' Janelle Brown Brought to Tears Over Cat Donations Honoring Late Son Garrison

Janelle Brown says she's overwhelmed by emotion after fans honored her late son, Garrison, by donating to animal shelters in his name ... all as a way to highlight his pet cats.

The "Sister Wives" star shared photos of Garrison and his cats on Instagram Tuesday ... saying she was brought to tears after learning High Country Humane and Ark Cat Sanctuary in Garrison's hometown of Flagstaff received several donations in the wake of his passing.

Janelle -- who shared Garrison, as well as five other kids, with her ex-husband Kody Brown -- made it clear that this was the perfect way to honor Garrison ... who she said loved being a cat dad."

She adds, "The cats he adopted from both agencies were so important to him."

Remember, Garrison had rescued a nine-year-old cat -- which he named Ms. Buttons -- just before his death earlier this month. At the time, Garrison shared that the cat was "on the line for euthanasia" before he intervened.

We broke the story ... Garrison passed away in an apparent suicide last week. As we noted, cops say his brother Gabriel was the one who discovered Garrison deceased in his home.

Janelle later confirmed the heartbreaking news ... issuing a statement on behalf of herself and her ex-husband, Kody. She wrote ... "His loss will leave such a big hole in our lives that it takes our breath away."

Other tributes from the Brown family -- who documented their once polygamist life for 18 seasons -- soon poured in for Garrison as well.

He was only 25.


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Dead Beached Whale Beachgoers Cheer at Grim Sight ... Carcass Ripped, Removed


Some ovations defy explanation -- like this crowd on the beach in Venice, Florida watching the gruesome removal of a beached sperm whale, yet erupting in cheers ... all captured on video.

Check out the new footage we obtained showing the massive whale's body being mutilated by an excavator -- definitely not for the faint of heart or stomach -- but a group of beachgoers found reason to hoot, holler and celebrate the process.

The removal was coordinated earlier this week by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration -- also known as NOAA -- along with a local marine lab.

The beached whale was first spotted Sunday evening, and reportedly still alive before dying the next morning, when officials quickly attempted to move the decaying corpse.


This video gives you a closer look at the initial attempt to move the massive mammal, as several onlookers record the scene.

Not surprisingly, some locals were disturbed by the crowd's reaction, and a rep for PETA tells TMZ ... "With the planet’s oceans being trawled barren, the death of any aquatic animal is a high-stakes tragedy, and PETA urges everyone upset at the sight of this beached whale to throw all sealife a lifeline by going vegan."

However, as graphic as the removal is, PETA has no issue with NOAA's process ... telling us it's "standard operating procedure."

The city of Venice was forced to issue a no-swim advisory at the beach due to the carcass -- which might be one reason for the cheers.

Researchers cut into the whale's corpse on Monday, causing blood to leak into the water. Translation: the bloody scene could've attracted sharks to shore, endangering swimmers.

BTW, this whale tale isn't nearly as gruesome as a similar situation that went down back in 1970 ... when a Pacific gray whale washed ashore in Florence, OR. That carcass was blown to smithereens with dynamite, and the end result was beyond explosive.

That was jarring then, and this is just as jarring now. No matter the motivation behind the cheers ... it's brutal to see.


maquinaria pesada

Algunas ovaciones no tienen explicación, como la de esta multitud en la playa de Venice -Florida- que observa la espantosa extracción de un cachalote varado y, sin embargo, se ponen felices y lo graban en video.

Échale un vistazo a las nuevas imágenes que hemos obtenido en las que se ve cómo una excavadora mutila el enorme cuerpo de la ballena -algo no apto para cardíacos ni estómagos débiles- mientras un grupo de bañistas encontró motivos para gritar y celebrar el proceso.

La retirada fue coordinada a principios de esta semana por la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA) y un laboratorio marino local.

La ballena varada fue avistada por primera vez el domingo por la noche, y al parecer seguía viva antes de morir a la mañana siguiente, cuando las autoridades intentaron rápidamente trasladar el cadáver en descomposición.

todos mirando

En este video se puede ver de cerca el intento inicial de trasladar al enorme mamífero, mientras varios curiosos graban la escena.

No es sorprendente que algunos lugareños se molestaron por la reacción de la multitud, y un representante de PETA le dice a TMZ: "Con los océanos del planeta siendo arrastrados, la muerte de cualquier animal acuático es una tragedia, y PETA insta a todo el mundo molesto por lo ocurrido a esta ballena varada a hacerse vegano".

Sin embargo, tan gráfica como es la eliminación, PETA no tiene ningún problema con el proceso de la NOAA, diciéndonos que es el "procedimiento estándar".

La ciudad de Venice se vio obligada a emitir un aviso de no nadar en la playa debido al cadáver, lo que podría ser una de las razones de los vítores.

Los investigadores cortaron en el cadáver de la ballena el lunes, causando una gran fuga de sangre en el agua... la sangrienta escena podría haber atraído a los tiburones a la orilla, poniendo en peligro a los nadadores.

No importa la motivación detrás de los vítores... fue un espectáculo estremecedor


Anthony Walker, miembro de "The Gap Band" -mejor conocido como Baby Gap- ha muerto... TMZ ha indagado.

El Dr. Eric Walker, hermano menor de Anthony, le dice a TMZ que el cantante y músico falleció en un hospital de Ohio el pasado lunes, después de experimentar complicaciones en su cirugía de cuello.

No está claro exactamente cuál es el procedimiento médico por el que tuvo que pasar, o lo que salió mal, pero nos dicen que Anthony murió como resultado. Su hermano nos dice que la vida del artista se celebrará en su ciudad natal de Chicago a finales de esta semana.

La familia de Anthony nos dice que le agradecen a los fans por su amor y apoyo durante este trágico momento.

Anthony se unió a la famosa banda de R&B y funk en 1979, contribuyendo al grupo como bailarín, coreógrafo y compositor. A pesar de su incorporación tardía al grupo -que se formó en 1967-, Anthony siguió actuando con "The Gap Band" durante los 23 años siguientes como miembro principal.

La banda apareció en "Dick Clark's American Bandstand", "Don Cornelius' Soul Train" y "Solid Gold". Anthony incluso hizo un poco de moonwalking para el propio Dick en su día, y él le mostró cómo hacer el movimiento fresco que Michael Jackson había popularizado en el momento.

En 1985, Anthony tuvo una gran victoria musical gracias a una colaboración con Charlie Wilson -el cantante de "The Gap Band"- y su compañero de banda Billy Young, ya que produjeron juntos el álbum "Billy & Baby Gap". No solo fue el primer álbum publicado como parte de una colaboración entre miembros de una banda, sino que su sencillo "Rock the Nation" alcanzó el nº 3 en las listas de éxitos.

Durante su dilatada carrera, Anthony también colaboró con leyendas de la música como Rick James y George Clinton. Incluso podrás escuchar las habilidades de percusión de Anthony en el single de Snoop Dogg "Snoop's Upside Ya Head".

Anthony no solo tuvo éxito con Gap Band, también formó un grupo de break-dance, conocido como "Tidal Wave", en los años 70. En una ocasión llegaron a vencer en una competición a los famosos New York City Breakers, además de ganar otros premios durante su carrera.

No hay duda de que el baile desempeñó un papel muy importante en la carrera de Anthony. Dio clases en el estudio de baile de John Travolta a principios de los 80 e incluso llegó a trabajar como coreógrafo para Disney.

Antes de su fallecimiento, Anthony dedicaba su tiempo a actuar con "GapX", un grupo formado por otros antiguos miembros de "The Gap Band". Tenía 60 años.


Anthony 'Baby Gap' Walker Dead at 60

Gap Band member Anthony Walker -- famously known as "Baby Gap" -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

Dr. Eric Walker, Anthony’s younger brother, tells TMZ ... the singer and musician passed away at an Ohio hospital last Monday -- this after he experienced complications from a neck surgery he was undergoing.

Unclear what exactly the procedure was meant to correct, or what went wrong -- but we're told Anthony died as a result. His sibling tells us the artist's life will be celebrated in his hometown of Chicago later this week.

Anthony's family tells us they thank his fans for their love and support during this tragic time.

Anthony joined the famed R&B/Funk band in 1979 ... contributing to the group as a dancer, choreographer and songwriter. Despite his late addition to the group -- which formed in 1967 -- Anthony went on to perform with GAP Band for the next 23 years as a core member.

The Gap Band notably appeared on "Dick Clark's American Bandstand," "Don Cornelius' Soul Train" and "Solid Gold." Anthony even did some moonwalking for Dick himself back in the day ... and he showed him how to do the cool move that Michael Jackson has popularized at the time.

In 1985, Anthony had a major music win thanks to a collaboration with Charlie Wilson -- the GAP Band's lead singer -- and bandmate Billy Young ... as they produced together the album "Billy & Baby Gap." Not only was it the first album released as part of a band member collab, but their single "Rock the Nation" hit No. 3 on the charts.

During his lengthy career, Anthony also collaborated with music legends Rick James and George Clinton. You'll even hear Anthony's percussion skills on Snoop Dogg's single "Snoop's Upside Ya Head."

Anthony didn't just make a splash with GAP Band ... he famously formed a break-dancing group, known as "Tidal Wave," in the '70s. They once even beat out the famed New York City Breakers in competition  ... in addition to nabbing several other awards during their run.

There's no doubt dance played a huge role in Anthony's career ... he taught at John Travolta's dance studio in the early '80s and even went on to work as a choreographer for Disney.

Prior to his passing, Anthony was spending his time performing with GapX ... a group formed by other former members of the Gap Band. He was 60.



Los abogados del denunciante del Boeing dicen que no parecía suicida antes del incidente, y es por eso que piensan que su muerte es increíblemente sospechosa y están pidiendo respuestas de inmediato.

Robert Turkewitz y Brian Knowles -que estuvieron con John Barnett en una demanda por represalias contra Boeing- le dicen a TMZ que Barnett estaba en medio de las deposiciones de su caso civil, un proceso que aseguran estaba a punto de terminar.

Nos dicen que Barnett estaba de buen humor y listo para seguir adelante. Y añaden: "No vimos ningún indicio de que fuera a quitarse la vida. Nadie puede creerlo".

Y añaden: "Todos estamos desolados. Necesitamos más información sobre lo que le ocurrió a John. La policía de Charleston tiene que investigar esto a fondo y con precisión y contarle al público lo que averigüen. No se puede dejar ningún detalle sin investigar".

Los abogados explican que Barnett había presentado la demanda, porque sentía que Boeing tomó represalias contra él después de tratar de hacer sonar la alarma, debido a que él creía que estaban haciendo la vista gorda a las cuestiones de seguridad, y alegó en su demanda que habían fomentado un ambiente de trabajo hostil.

Como hemos dicho, el caso de Barnett parecía estar terminando, y Barnett se quitó la vida repentinamente en medio de todo el drama. Su equipo legal asegura que hay gato encerrado. Knowles incluso fue citado, llamando "presunta" a la herida autoinfligida que se le atribuye a su cliente.

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Como hemos informado, Barnett estuvo hablando sobre los problemas que el Boeing había experimentado últimamente, incluso llegando a nuestro propio programa, "TMZ Live".

Explicó por qué sentía que conseguir la luz verde para volver a surcar los cielos tan pronto luego del incidente de Alaska Airlines era dudosa, alegando que esto le recordaba su propia experiencia con Boeing como gerente de calidad. Período durante el cual alegó que vio muchos problemas.

A raíz de nuestra charla con Barnett, los aviones de Boeing han seguido experimentando problemas. Hubo un caso muy dramático justo esta semana, con un vuelo de Australia a Nueva Zelanda que cayó del cielo después de un aparente fallo del equipo.

Boeing Whistleblower Attorneys No Signs Client Was Suicidal ... Want Answers Amid Death


2:03 PM PT -- John Barnett's family released a statement on their loved one's passing, and they reiterated his cause of shining a light on safety concerns that he was raising while at Boeing -- noting he was deeply affected by the lawsuit he was embroiled in, which they say was going to trial in June. His family says they believe his experience at Boeing contributed to his death.

The Boeing whistleblower's attorneys say he didn't appear suicidal before he died -- which is why they think his death is incredibly suspicious ... and are calling for answers immediately.

Robert Turkewitz and Brian Knowles -- who were repping John Barnett in a retaliation lawsuit against Boeing, which was well underway -- tell TMZ ... Barnett was in the middle of depositions last week in his civil case, a process they say was nearing an end soon.

We're told Barnett was in good spirits and very much so looking forward to putting this whole saga behind him, ready to move on. They add, "We didn't see any indication he would take his own life. No one can believe it."

They add, "We are all devastated. We need more information about what happened to John. The Charleston police need to investigate this fully and accurately and tell the public what they find out. No detail can be left unturned."

The attorneys explain that Barnett had filed suit because he felt Boeing had retaliated against him after he tried sounding the alarm on what he believed was them turning a blind eye to safety issues ... and alleged in his lawsuit they'd fostered a hostile work environment.

Like we said ... Barnett's case seemed to be wrapping up -- and amid reports Barnett took his own life in the middle of all this, it's safe to say his legal team is incredulous. Knowles was even quoted as calling the self-inflicted wound being attributed to his client "alleged."

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As we reported ... Barnett had been going around and speaking very publicly about the issues Boeing had been experiencing lately -- even coming onto our own show, "TMZ Live."

He explained why he felt them getting the green light to hit the skies again so soon after the Alaska Airlines incident was dubious -- claiming this was in line with his own experience with Boeing as a quality manager ... a period during which he alleged he saw many lapses.

In the aftermath of our chat with Barnett, Boeing planes have continued to experience problems -- including something dramatic just this week ... with a flight from Australia to New Zealand beginning to drop out of the sky after apparent massive equipment failure.

Originally Published -- 2:03 PM PT

Estrella de TikTok Leah Smith Muere a los 22 años Tras batalla contra el cáncer

La estrella de TikTok Leah Smith ha muerto después de luchar contra el cáncer de hueso en etapa 4 y los fans que han seguido su viaje a través de sus redes están devastados.

Su novio Andrew anunció la triste noticia el lunes con una actualización a sus más de 500.000 seguidores en la que reveló que la creadora de contenido falleció esta mañana.

Descansa en Paz

En el video, que ya ha acumulado millones de visitas, Andrew agradeció a los fans por todo su amor y apoyo durante toda la lucha de Leah contra el cáncer, la que ella documentó ampliamente. Otros TikTokers como Katylee Bailey, Issey Moloney, Miah Carter y Ami Charlize han expresado sus condolencias a los seres queridos de Leah.

A principios de 2024, Leah, que a menudo documentaba su viaje contra el cáncer, compartió que estaba pasando por un momento difícil en medio de su batalla de salud, ya que la enfermedad la había vuelto a dejar postrada en cama. En febrero, la estrella de las redes sociales volvió a ser ingresada al hospital debido al dolor extremo.

En ese momento compartió: "Ni siquiera puedo moverme para ir al baño".

Poco después de esta actualización, Leah confirmó que su cáncer se había extendido y que nuevos tumores habían crecido.

En la medida que su salud seguía empeorando, Leah insinuó que estaba llegando al final de su viaje, detallando el aplastante dolor que estaba experimentando desde que sus medicamentos habían dejado de funcionar.

El hermano de Leah, Liam, y su amiga Vikki se habían hecho cargo de las publicaciones de la estrella en las últimas semanas. De hecho, hace solo 3 días, la última actualización decía que Leah estaba "todavía aquí y luchando".

Desde entonces, Vikki ha confirmado que la página de Leah no será desactivada, sino que permanecerá en TikTok para preservar el legado de la estrella. Solo tenía 22 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Para más noticias de influencers echa un vistazo a TMZ Verified, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

TikTok Star Leah Smith Dead at 22 ... After Cancer Battle

TikTok star Leah Smith has died after battling stage 4 bone cancer ... and her fans who've followed her journey on the app are devastated.

The content creator's boyfriend, Andrew, announced the sad news Monday -- posting an update to Leah's 500,000-plus followers ... revealing she passed away earlier that morning.


In his video -- which has already amassed millions of views -- Andrew thanked her fans for all their love and support throughout Leah's tough fight with cancer ... which she documented extensively. Fellow TikTokers Katylee Bailey, Issey Moloney, Miah Carter and Ami Charlize have all expressed their condolences to Leah's loved ones.

At the start of 2024, Leah, who often documented her cancer journey, shared that she was struggling amid her health battle ... as her sickness had left her bedridden. By February, the social media star had reentered the hospital due to extreme pain.

She shared at the time ... "I can’t even move to go to the toilet."

Shortly after this update, Leah confirmed that her cancer had spread and that new tumors had grown.

As her health continued to worsen, Leah hinted that she was reaching the end of her journey ... detailing the crushing pain she was experiencing since her meds had stopped working.

Leah's brother Liam and friend Vikki took over posting for the star in recent weeks. In fact, just 3 days ago, the latest update read that Leah was "still here and fighting."

Vikki has since confirmed that Leah's page will not be deactivated ... but will remain on TikTok to preserve the star's legacy. She was only 22.


For more influencer news check out TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms.

Rapera Bo$$ Muere a los 54 años

Bo$$, quien se hizo famosa por ser la primera rapera en firmar con Def Jam, ha muerto.

El rapero Bun B anunció la noticia el lunes por la noche, rindiendo homenaje a Bo$$, cuyo verdadero nombre era Lichelle Marie Laws. Bun publicó una foto de Bo$$, y escribió: "Descanse en paz mi hermana mayor Lichelle Laws AKA Boss. Una de las mejores MCs femeninas y una querida amiga".

El anuncio de Bun provocó una gran reacción del mundo del hip hop. Jermaine Dupri, Jadakiss, 9th Wonder, Ed Lover, Lloyd Banks, Slim Thug y muchos otros rindieron homenaje a la pionera maestra de ceremonias AKA rapera.

DJ Premier también intervino, elogiando a Bo$$ como una talentosa leyenda e hizo una petición pública para que Def Jam publicara una colaboración que grabó con ella en 1993.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

DJ Battlecat recordó a Bo$$ por liderar el camino de las mujeres en el gangsta rap y añadió: "Descansa en Detroit Queen".

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Bo$$ nació y se crio en Detroit, pero se mudó a Los Ángeles poco después de graduarse. Se integró a la escena musical local y llamó la atención de uno de los socios de DJ Quik.

Según cuenta la historia, Russell Simmons fue quien la fichó para Def Jam y en 1993 lanzó su primer (y único) álbum de estudio "Born Gangstaz". Tuvo cierto éxito en las listas con "Deeper", que llegó al Hot 100.

No hay noticias sobre las circunstancias que rodearon su muerte, o una causa oficial, pero Bo$$ había luchado contra una enfermedad renal que se le diagnosticó por primera vez en 2011. También se había creado un GoFundMe en su nombre después de que un derrame cerebral y una convulsión en 2017 la dejaran en necesidad de acceder a "costosos" cuidados, incluyendo un posible trasplante de riñón.

Tenía 54 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Rapper Bo$$ Dead at 54

Bo$$, who famously was the first female rapper signed to Def Jam, has died.

Rapper Bun B announced the news Monday evening, paying tribute to Bo$$ ... whose real name was Lichelle Marie Laws. Bun posted a pic of Bo$$, and wrote, “Rest in peace to my big sis Lichelle Laws AKA Boss. One of the best female MCs and a dear friend."

Bun's announcement sparked quite a huge reaction from the hip hop world ... as Jermaine Dupri, Jadakiss, 9th Wonder, Ed Lover, Lloyd Banks, Slim Thug and many others all paid tribute to the pioneering MC.

DJ Premier also weighed in, praising Bo$$ as a talented legend, and made a public plea for Def Jam to release a collab he'd recorded with her in 1993.

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DJ Battlecat remembered Bo$$ for leading the way for women in gangsta rap ... and added, "Rest in Detroit Queen."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Bo$$ was born and raised in Detroit, but moved to L.A. shortly after graduating high school. She integrated herself into the local music scene, catching the eye of one of DJ Quik‘s associates.

As the story goes, Russell Simmons was the one to sign her to Def Jam, and by 1993 she dropped her first (and only) studio album, "Born Gangstaz." She found some success on the charts with "Deeper" making the Hot 100.

No word on circumstances surrounding her death, or an official cause of death ... but Bo$$ had battled renal disease, which she was first diagnosed with in 2011. A GoFundMe was also set up in her name after a 2017 stroke and seizure left her needing "costly" care ... including a possible kidney transplant.

She was 54.


Eric Carmen Raspberries Lead Singer ... Dead at 74

Eric Carmen -- famous for being the frontman of the Raspberries, and for multiple solo hits through the '70s and '80s, including "All By Myself" -- has died ... this according to his family.

The sad news was posted to the singer's own website, with a message posted from none other than his wife, Amy. It reads, "It is with tremendous sadness that we share the heartbreaking news of the passing of Eric Carmen."

It goes on ... "Our sweet, loving and talented Eric passed away in his sleep, over the weekend. It brought him great joy to know, that for decades, his music touched so many and will be his lasting legacy."

Amy adds, "Please respect the family’s privacy as we mourn our enormous loss." No further details were shared about the circumstances of his death ... Eric had no known or reported ailments of late.

Obviously, it's a huge blow to the music industry -- as Eric was a staple in pop culture in the late 20th century. Not only was his hit 'ABM' a massive success ... but he went on to churn out several others well into the next decade ... including "Never Gonna Fall in Love Again," "She Did It," ''Hungry Eyes" (from the "Dirty Dancing" soundtrack), and "Make Me Lose Control."

Other great songs of his included ... "Go All the Way," "Love Is All That Matters," "I'm Through With Love," "It Hurts Too Much," "The Way We Used to Be," "I Wanna Hear It From Your Lips" ... and many, many more.

In addition to 4 albums he put out as the lead singer of the Raspberries, Eric released 6 studio albums solo ... and he went on to become a phenomenon in the music biz. He's survived by his wife and two children. Eric was 74.


Boeing Whistleblower Dies by Suicide ... Amid Involvement in Lawsuit Against Co.

A whistleblower who was at war with Boeing died last week -- and investigators say it appears he took his own life, this while he was embroiled in a lawsuit against the company.

John Barnett was discovered dead on Saturday out in Charleston, SC -- where cops say his body was found in his truck in a hotel parking lot ... with him suffering an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. No word on if foul play is suspected -- but police are investigating.

Barnett's attorney, Brian Knowles, called the passing of his client "tragic" ... and went on to express explicit doubt about the circumstances of his death, making sure to call the self-inflicted gunshot wound cops are citing as "alleged."

What's more startling is Barnett was literally in the midst of a whistleblower lawsuit against Boeing -- his former employer of 32 years -- as he was alleging retaliation for sounding the alarm on what he characterized as cutting corners on assembly lines for their planes.

This is a drum Barnett had been beating for a long time -- and he even came on "TMZ Live" recently to address issues that Boeing's 737 Max aircraft had been experiencing lately.

Of course, the one incident that comes to mind is a door blowing off a 737 flight mid-air in January ... which left the passengers clinging to dear life as the plane tried to land safely.

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Barnett -- a former quality manager at Boeing -- spoke with us and said he wasn't surprised by the mishap ... alleging he'd seen Boeing turn a blind eye to safety concerns for years. He also told us that Boeing's 737 Max aircraft being given the green light to fly again so soon after the Alaska Airlines incident was alarming ... suggesting it might've been unsafe.

Fast-forward to last week ... when Barnett was in the middle of depositions in his case against Boeing. The company released a statement and said it was saddened by his death.

010624_alaska_airlines-kal JANUARY 2024

He was 62.


SUZANNE SOMERS' Husband Okay w/ Oscars 'In Memoriam' Snub ... I Respect It!!!

Suzanne Somers' omission from the Oscars' "in memoriam" main segment left many fans livid ... but her husband is saying he's all good with the Academy's decision to leave her out.

Alan Hamel explains his POV to TMZ ... saying, "Last time I checked, we still had a First Amendment. I respect the Academy's decision to not include Suzanne In Memoriam. Frankly, the outpouring from millions of her fans, was the kind of In Memoriam Suzanne would have lovingly embraced."

He adds, "She adored and respected her Fans and similarly enjoyed a beautiful relationship with the Media and Paparazzi who elevated her career to heights rarely seen. She debuted on Carson in 1973 with her first of 27 books and remained active and relevant until her passing. God bless Suzanne Somers."

In addition to Somers, actors Lance Reddick, Treat Williams, Ron Cephas Jones, and Burt Young were also overlooked during the main event ... as were screenwriter Norman Lear and British filmmaker Terence Davies.

Suzanne's name was only included in the last slide of the segment, but it was written in a small font along with the names of other late stars. She wasn't shown as one of the main stars who were honored with their faces shown.

As we reported ... Suzanne -- famous from "Three's Company" and a bunch of other TV shows/movies -- passed away after a long battle with cancer at her home in October.

The legendary actress was first diagnosed with melanoma in 2000 ... and developed breast cancer shortly after which she battled on and off for years. It fully returned in the summer of 2023 ... months before her tragic death.

Suzanne was also well-known for TV roles in "Starsky and Hutch" and "Hollywood Wives" and her movie roles included "American Graffiti", "The Nutty Professor," "Say It Isn't So" and more.

MATTHEW PERRY deja más de $1 millón a un fideicomiso Bajo el nombre de un personaje de Annie Hall

El testamento de Matthew Perry establece que sus pertenencias se dejarán en un fideicomiso que él creó con el nombre de un famoso personaje de Woody Allen.

Según nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Matthew creó un testamento en 2009 y expresó su deseo de dejar la mayoría de sus pertenencias en un fideicomiso. Resulta que Matthew debió de ser un gran admirador de "Annie Hall", ya que creó un fideicomiso llamado Alvy Singer Living Trust, y el dinero que tenía en su poder antes de su fallecimiento se destinarán a este fideicomiso.

Los documentos enumeran el valor de sus propiedades personales en poco más de $1 millón al momento de su fallecimiento. Cabe destacar que este millón de dólares es lo que los ejecutores encontraron como activos adicionales que aún no están en este fideicomiso privado. En otras palabras, no refleja con precisión su patrimonio neto. De hecho, es probable que Matthew tuviera muchos millones más; esto es simplemente adicional.

No sabemos quiénes son los fiduciarios, pero Matthew especifica en su testamento que cualquier hijo que pueda haber tenido después de 2009 no tiene derecho explícito a su fortuna. Por cierto, nunca tuvo hijos.

Dos mujeres llamadas Lisa Ferguson y Robin Ruzan, quien es la exesposa de Mike Myers, figuran como las ejecutoras de su testamento. Serán las encargadas de tomar decisiones sobre cómo repartir y gestionar sus propiedades. Robin y Matthew trabajaron juntos en el mismo programa llamado "Celebrity Liar" a principios de la década de 2010: ella era la productora ejecutiva y él era un concursante.

Como informó TMZ, Matthew falleció en octubre después de ahogarse en su jacuzzi personal en casa, y una autopsia determinó que tenía ketamina en su sistema en ese momento.

Su fallecimiento conmocionó a Hollywood, y sus compañeros de "Friends" lo han pasado mal. Matt fue reconocido en un emotivo homenaje en los Emmy de este año, cortesía de Charlie Puth. También fue honrado durante el segmento in memoriam en los Oscar el domingo, mientras Andrea Bocelli y su hijo Matteo cantaban "Time to Say Goodbye".

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