Matthew Perry Will Leaves Over $1 Mil ... To Trust Named After Woody Allen

Matthew Perry's will is leaving his stuff in a trust he established that's named after a famous Woody Allen character ... TMZ has learned.

Per new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Matthew created a will in 2009 ... and he says he wants to leave a majority of his belongings to a trust -- and as it turns out, Matt must've been a big fan of "Annie Hall" ... 'cause he created a trust called the Alvy Singer Living Trust -- and the dough/assets he had on hand before he died are set to go into the trust.

The docs list the value of his personal property when he died at a little over $1 million. We should note ... this million bucks and change is what the executors found as additional assets that are not already in this private trust. In other words, it's not an accurate reflection of his net worth. Fact is ... Matthew probably had millions upon millions more ... this is just extra.

We don't know who the trustees are ... but Matt makes a distinction in his will that any kids he may have post-2009 are explicitly not entitled to his fortune. He never had children, BTW.

Two women named Lisa Ferguson and Robin Ruzan -- who's Mike Myers' ex-wife -- are listed as executors of his will. They'll be the ones in charge of making decision about how to divvy up and manage his property. Robin and Matt worked on the same game show called "Celebrity Liar" together back in the 2010s ... she was an EP and he was a contestant.

TMZ broke the story ... Matthew died in October after drowning in his personal hot tub at home -- and an autopsy later determined he had ketamine in his system when it happened.

His passing rocked Hollywood ... and his "Friends" costars have had a hard time. Matt was acknowledged in a sweet tribute at the Emmys earlier this year, courtesy of Charlie Puth. He was also honored during the in memoriam segment at the Oscars Sunday as Andrea Bocelli and his son Matteo sang "Time to Say Goodbye."

Kobe Bryant Typos Discovered On Statue ... Lakers Vow To Fix


12:06 PM -- The L.A. Lakers say they're already in the process of fixing the typos on Kobe Bryant's statue ... admitting to ABC News on Monday they've known of the issues "for a few weeks."

"We have been aware of this for a few weeks," a spokesperson said, "and are already working to get it corrected soon."

The statue erected to immortalize Kobe Bryant outside of Arena has multiple typos on it ... at least four, to be exact.

The flaws were discovered this week ... on the base of the monument where an image of a signed box score from Bryant's famed 2006, 81-point game was etched in.

You can see Von Wafer's name is mistakenly spelled "Vom Wafer." Jose Calderon's name is also incorrectly listed as "Jose Calderson." The word "decision" in two of the "Coach's Decision" portions of the statue is also wrongfully written as "decicion."

A copy of the box score sold at Goldin Auctions back in 2022 shows none of the errors were featured on the original document.

We've reached out to the Lakers for comment, but so far, we've yet to hear back.

The Bryant sculpture was first put up at the arena back on Feb. 8 ... at a star-studded event. Phil Jackson, Stu Lantz, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Derek Fisher and Lakers owner Jeanie Buss were all there ... as was Vanessa Bryant, who helped introduce it with an emotional and, at times, lighthearted speech.

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Spectrum SportsNet

"For the record," Vanessa said before the public saw the carving for the first time, "Kobe picked the pose you’re about to see. So if anyone has any issues with it, tough s***."

At the ceremony, it was also announced the Lakers would unveil two more tributes to Bryant at their arena at a later date.

Originally Published -- 10:00 AM PT

Boxer Besar Niman Gunned Down In Germany ... Dead At 38

Besar Nimani, a former boxing champion with only one loss in his career, was shot to death outside a restaurant in Germany.

Nimani was leaving the establishment in Bielefeld Saturday night around 6 PM, according to a report, when 10 shots were fired ... at least some striking Nimani, who was pronounced dead at the scene.

"One or more perpetrators approached and shot the victim," police said in a statement, adding, Nimani "died at the scene due to the great wounds he received."

Authorities are currently investigating -- a "major police operation" -- as they hunt for the person (or people) behind the shooting.

Cops have not commented on motive or the identity of any suspect(s).

Besar, an Albanian who was born in Kosovo in 1985, fled to Germany in the late '90s as the Kosovo War raged in the Southeastern European country.

And, the boxer eventually made his mark in his new country ... becoming a successful pro pugilist. In fact, Besar was 26-1 with 22 knockouts ... and once held the IBF European Super Welterweight title. Nimani retired in 2019 after winning his last fight by TKO.

Nimani's brother, Berati, paid tribute to his late sibling on social media ... "My brother Besar Nimani was killed today in an ambush in Bielefeld, Germany."

He added ... "May God join us in heaven with him. I will forever be proud of you, I love you."


Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle Hacen una visita sorpresa a familia de Uvalde

El Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle están teniendo un momento íntimo en el corazón de Texas, tras hacer una parada no anunciada a la familia de Irma García, la maestra que fue asesinada durante el tiroteo en la escuela de Uvalde.

Los Sussexes se dirigieron a Uvalde el sábado para pasar un tiempo con la familia de Irma. Se recordarán que la historia de Irma fue aún más trágica, pues su marido Joe murió 2 días después del tiroteo de un ataque al corazón.

Los García estaban encantados con la visita sorpresa. Su sobrino John Martínez escribió en X: "¡Meghan Markle y el príncipe Harry vinieron a mi casa! Son una pareja tan hermosa y soy tan afortunado, ¡qué bueno que vinieron a ver cómo está la familia!".

Feliz cumpleaños
TikTok/ @fuhknjo

Martínez también habló de lo cariñoso y solidario que fueron Harry y Meghan con sus primos y compartió un clip de la pareja cantando "feliz cumpleaños" a su mamá.

Como se puede ver, Harry y Meghan también posaron para unas fotos y conversaron con los García, convirtiéndose prácticamente en parte de la familia por un día.

Meghan conectó por primera vez con los García unos días después del trágico tiroteo en 2022, mientras estuvo en Uvalde para honrar a los profesores y estudiantes asesinados.

Meghan fue fotografiada afuera del Uvalde County Courthouse en su momento, dejando un ramo de rosas blancas en un improvisado monumento.

Palabras cariñosas
X/ @fuhknjo

Semanas más tarde, se puso en contacto con la hermana de Irma para saber cómo estaba la familia, especialmente los 4 niños que perdieron a su madre y a su padre en circunstancias desgarradoras.

Irma fue una de las dos profesoras y 19 niños asesinados a tiros el 24 de mayo en la escuela primaria Robb, en Uvalde, Texas.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are having a moment deep in the heart of Texas -- they made an unannounced stop to see the family of Irma Garcia ... a teacher killed during the Uvalde school shooting.

The Sussexes headed to Uvalde Saturday to spend some QT with Irma's family. You might recall, her story was even more tragic, because her husband Joe died 2 days after the mass shooting from a heart attack.

The Garcias were delighted by the surprise visit, with her nephew John Martinez writing on X: "Meghan Markle and Prince Harry came to my house! They're such a beautiful couple and I'm so blessed - so glad they came to check up on the family!"

TikTok/ @fuhknjo

Martinez also gushed about how loving and supportive H&M were to his cousins ... and also shared a clip of the pair singing "Happy Birthday" to his mom.

As you can see, Harry and Meghan also posed for snaps and chatted with the Garcias ... virtually becoming part of the family for the day.

Meghan first connected with the Garcias a few days after the tragic 2022 shooting ... while she was in Uvalde to honor the slain teachers and students.

MM was pictured visiting outside the nearby Uvalde County Courthouse at the time ... leaving a bouquet of white roses at a makeshift memorial.

X/ @fuhknjo

Weeks later, she reached out to Irma's sister to check on the family's wellbeing, especially the 4 children who lost both their mom and dad under heart-wrenching circumstances.

Irma was one of 2 teachers and 19 children gunned down on May 24 at Robb Elementary, in Uvalde, Texas.

Treat Williams' Death Other Driver in Fatal Crash Strikes Plea Deal ... Won't Do Jail Time

The Vermont man who crashed into Treat Williams -- resulting in the beloved actor's death -- is pleading guilty to a reduced charge, and, as a result, he will not go to prison.

Ryan Koss pled guilty on Friday to negligent driving with death resulting. Koss was turning into a parking lot last June when he collided with Treat, who was riding his motorcycle. Although he was wearing a helmet, and was airlifted to a hospital for treatment, Treat did not survive his injuries.

In exchange for his plea, Koss is getting a one-year deferred sentence, probation and his license is revoked for a year. In addition, he'll have to complete a community restorative justice program for the misdemeanor charge.

Prosecutors say Koss has fully cooperated, and been accountable for the tragedy from the start, and even called Treat's wife from the scene of the accident to tell her what had happened.

During Friday's hearing, he said, “I’m here to apologize and take responsibility for this tragic accident.” Interestingly, Treat's family was not interested in pressing charges or seeing Koss do time.

Treat's son, Gill, was in court and told Koss, “I do forgive you, and I hope that you forgive yourself." Treat's wife, Pam, expressed a similar sentiment in a statement that was read in court ... but she added, “Our lives will never be the same, our family has been torn apart and there is a huge hole that can’t possibly be filled."

Koss had originally been facing up to 15 years in prison ... as he'd been charged with gross negligent operation with death resulting, a felony. He pled not guilty to that charge, before copping a plea for the reduced misdemeanor charge.

Treat famously starred in the movie, "Hair" and the CW TV series, "Everwood."

'Sister Wives' Janelle Brown Shares Last Family Photo Taken ... Before Son Garrison's Death

Janelle Brown is remembering happier times in the wake of her son, Garrison Brown's death -- posting a photo of the last time her whole brood was together.

Just a couple days after reflecting on Garrison's passing -- which occurred earlier this week -- the "Sister Wives" star shared a sweet family memory ... throwing up a pic on her social media that featured all six of her kids, whom she shares with her ex, Kody Brown,

The picture, Janelle says, was from Christmas ... and she wrote, "I had all my children together last Christmas. It was amazing as it's hard with everyone's busy lives to coordinate time like this. I am extremely grateful now that we had pictures taken."

The holiday allowed for Janelle to snap a pic of herself with her kids and grandkids -- the image marking the last full family photo for the reality star ... and obviously more poignant now in the wake of Garrison's passing.

The new upload marks Janelle's return to social media after announcing Garrison's death, who died by suicide on Tuesday -- this after she confirmed that her son had passed away.

We broke the story ... Garrison -- who appeared alongside Janelle and Kody on "Sisters Wives" -- took his own life at his home in Flagstaff, AZ. Flagstaff PD told us that Garrison's brother Gabriel was the first to discover him.

While we're told that Garrison died by a self-inflicted gunshot wound ... an investigation is still reportedly underway. Cops spoke with Janelle the day he died -- and she alerted them to alarming texts he'd sent to people they'd worked with before, and that raised red flags.

Garrison is survived by several family members -- as the Browns were famous polygamists before Kody's respective splits from wives Meri, Christine and Janelle over the last couple years. He was only 25.


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Wolfgang Van Halen Fires Back at David Lee Roth Over Rant Taking Out Anger on Me!!!

Wolfgang Van Halen is breaking his silence after David Lee Roth attacked him in an angry viral rant 2 months ago ... firing back with some shots of his own.

In a new interview with a local radio station out of Atlanta, the late Eddie Van Halen's son says he's been born into the family drama and feels like David's targeting him now since his dad is no longer alive ... and the guy still seems to have gripes he wants to get off his chest.

Back in January, David Lee Roth erupted on Wolfgang in a bizarre YouTube video, suggesting the only reason WVH was the Van Halen bassist was through nepotism, and accusing Wolfgang of complaining David wasn't paying him enough attention on stage.

DLR said, "This f***ing kid, he's complaining the entire tour like I'm not paying enough attention to him on stage. Like Santa Claus coming down the chimney and popping out on Christmas with nobody paying attention."

Wolfgang now says he's honored David thinks about him enough to make a YouTube video about him ... adding DLR is full of crap for suggesting he wrote Eddie's solos and came up with Eddie's famous Frankenstein guitar.

David also accused Wolfgang of trying to teach him a lesson by getting two of his female guests kicked out of a show at the Hollywood Bowl ... but Wolfgang says folks should take everything David says with a grain of salt.

The legacy of bad blood continues.

Creador de "Dragon Ball" Akira Toriyama... Muere a los 68 años

Akira Toriyama, el artista que creó "Dragon Ball" y otras series icónicas de manga, ha fallecido.

Su compañía, Bird Studio, confirmó la triste noticia el jueves, anunciando que el legendario ilustrador y escritor falleció el 1 de marzo como resultado de un hematoma subdural agudo, que es cuando la sangre se acumula entre el cerebro y el cráneo.

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No hay información sobre dónde murió exactamente, o en qué circunstancias específicas, pero suena como que hay asuntos pendientes. La compañía escribió: "Nuestro profundo pesar es que él todavía tenía varios proyectos a mitad de creación con gran entusiasmo. Además, le quedaban muchas cosas por realizar".

Bird Studio añadió: "Sin embargo, le ha dejado muchos títulos de manga y obras de arte a este mundo. Gracias al apoyo de tantas personas de todo el mundo, ha podido continuar con sus actividades creativas durante más de 45 años. Esperamos que el único mundo de creación de Akira Toriyama siga siendo amado por todos durante mucho tiempo."

La empresa de Toriyama continuó diciendo que ya se ha celebrado un servicio funerario y que solo asistieron unos pocos familiares y seres queridos. La organización también dice que los regalos de condolencias son apreciados, pero no serán aceptados en su nombre. Además, pidieron privacidad.

En cuanto a un funeral público, la compañía dice que no están seguros si sucederá por el momento.

Esto solo habla del enorme impacto que Akira tuvo en Japón, pero también en todo el mundo. Su original serie de cómics "Dragon Ball" de los años 80 no solo dio lugar a múltiples series de televisión de anime -que se han convertido en series idolatradas y muy populares a lo largo de los años-, sino que también en una montaña de productos y objetos de colección que los fans de todas las edades siguen disfrutando hasta hoy.

Aunque "Dragon Ball" fue el logro que lo llevó a la fama, y el mérito de sus numerosos spinoffs, Toriyama también inició otras series de manga como "Dr. Slump", "Cowa!", "Kajika" y "Sand Land", entre otras. Es famoso por su estilo visual único, que influyó en innumerables mangas y series de anime posteriores: un pionero en todos los sentidos.

Tenía 68 años.

Que en paz descanse.

'Dragon Ball' Creator Akira Toriyama ... Dead at 68

Akira Toriyama -- the artist who created "Dragon Ball" and other iconic manga series -- has died.

His company, Bird Studio, confirmed the sad news Thursday -- announcing the legendary illustrator and writer passed away on March 1 as a result of acute subdural hematoma ... which is when blood collects between the brain and the skull.

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No word on where exactly he died -- or under what specific circumstances -- but his org was clearly crushed, as it sounds like there is unfinished business of his. They wrote, "It's our deep regret that he still had several works in the middle of creation with great enthusiasm. Also, he would have many more things to achieve."

Bird Studio added, "However, he has left many manga titles and works of art to this world. Thanks to the support of so many people around the world, he has been able to continue his creative activities for over 45 years. We hope that Akira Toriyama's unique world of creation continues to be loved by everyone for a long time to come."

Toriyama's company went on to say that a funeral service was already held, and that only a few relatives and loved ones were in attendance. The org also says that gifts of condolences are appreciated, but will not be accepted on his behalf ... going on to ask for privacy.

In terms of a public memorial ... the company says they're not sure if it'll happen just yet.

This just speaks to the massive impact Akira had in Japan, but also ... around the world. His OG "Dragon Ball" comic series from the '80s spurred not only multiple anime TV shows -- which have become idolized and wildly popular throughout the years -- but a mountain of merch and collectibles that fans of all ages continue to enjoy today.

While his biggest claim to fame is creating "Dragon Ball" -- and getting credit for the many spinoffs as well -- Toriyama started other manga series as well, including "Dr. Slump," "Cowa!," "Kajika," "Sand Land" and others. He's renowned for his unique visual style -- which went on to influence countless other mangas and anime shows thereafter ... a trailblazer in every sense.

He was 68.


Alec Baldwin May Call Celeb Witnesses ... For Defense at 'Rust' Trial

Alec Baldwin may look to enlist the help of other celebs when his manslaughter trial over Halyna Hutchins' death gears up this summer -- but there's a catch ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with knowledge of the case tell TMZ ... the actor's team is considering putting together a list of famous people to potentially testify on Alec's behalf during his trial in July -- but we're told these stars would be people who've already spoken out in Alec's defense.

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Specifically, we're told Alec and his team would possibly be eyeing public figures who've weighed into the issue of whether an actor can be held responsible for weapons on set.

Worth noting ... our sources say this potential witness list hasn't come to fruition just yet -- remember, the trial is still months away -- and we're told nothing is set in stone either.

Still ... if this comes to pass, it'd be major news -- especially with the potential names.

So far ... Alec has received public support from a number of stars, all of whom have taken a firm stance -- namely, that it's crazy to go after Alec for something he wasn't tasked with checking in an acting capacity. Some of those names include Debra Messing, Mickey Rourke, DJ Qualls, Frances Fisher (who also starred in "Rust") and others.

Interesting to note ... some of these actors have already committed to being available in court if Alec should come to call on them -- including Mickey ... who tells us he's game to testify.

Mickey tells TMZ ... "Whatever Alec needs I’ll be there 100%. The armorer is 100% responsible for any gun handed to an actor. Especially, to an actor who didn't have experience with guns."

Rourke adds ... nobody from Alec's legal team has reached out to him yet.

As we reported ... Alec pled not guilty to an involuntary manslaughter charge in January ... over two years after he held the prop gun that went off and killed Halyna during a "Rust" rehearsal. Director Joel Souza was also injured at the time.


The armorer on set, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, was just convicted of involuntary manslaughter herself -- and while some feel that doesn't bode well for AB ... others disagree, arguing it only cements that the person responsible for weapons on set was found criminally liable.

We reached out to Alec's attorney, Alex Spiro, for comment -- but no word back yet.

Steve and Eydie Steve Lawrence muere a los 88 años

Steve Lawrence, la mitad del icónico dúo musical Steve and Eydie, que solía ser telonero de Frank Sinatra y aparecer en un montón de programas de variedades, ha muerto.

Steve falleció el jueves como consecuencia de complicaciones derivadas del Alzheimer, según informó su hijo, David. David hizo pública una declaración tras la muerte de su padre que dice: "Mi padre fue una inspiración para mucha gente. Pero, para mí, solo era un tipo encantador, guapo e histéricamente divertido, que cantaba mucho. A veces solo y a veces con su increíblemente talentosa esposa".

Y añadió: "Tengo mucha suerte de haberlo tenido como padre y estoy muy orgulloso de ser su hijo. Mi esperanza es que sus contribuciones a la industria del entretenimiento sean recordadas por muchos años".

Con su esposa Eydie Gorme, Steve formó parte de uno de los dúos de cantantes más queridos del país en su momento. Steve and Eydie comenzaron en la década de 1950 y actuaron juntos hasta 2009, cuando ella se retiró.

Steve and Eydie cantaron en muchos programas de variedades y late-night shows, como "The Judy Garland Show", "The Julie Andrews Hour", "Night Gallery", "The Danny Kaye Show", "The Tonight Show" y muchos otros.

Él y su esposa también actuaron en clubes nocturnos de Las Vegas y, en la década de 1980, en el Carnegie Hall. Steve fue incluso telonero de Ol' Blue Eyes durante su gira "Diamond Jubilee", así que sí, en aquellos tiempos solía tocar con los mejores.

La canción más exitosa de Steve durante su carrera en solitario fue su sencillo de 1962 "Go Away, Little Girl", que alcanzó el número 1 en las listas de éxitos.

Como actor, obtuvo una nominación al Tony por su trabajo en el musical de Broadway "What Makes Sammy Run?". También protagonizó junto a Eydie el musical "Golden Rainbow".

Steve ganó un Primetime Emmy por un especial de televisión que celebraba a Irving Berlin y tenía un montón de otros créditos de televisión, en programas como "La niñera" y "Hot in Cleveland".

Lawrence tenía 88 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Steve and Eydie Steve Lawrence Dead at 88

Steve Lawrence -- one half of the iconic music duo Steve and Eydie, who used to open for Frank Sinatra and be featured on tons of variety shows -- has died

Steve passed away Thursday as a result of complications from Alzheimer's disease ... this according to his son, David. He released a statement in the aftermath of his father's death -- saying, "My Dad was an inspiration to so many people. But, to me, he was just this charming, handsome, hysterically funny guy who sang a lot. Sometimes alone and sometimes with his insanely talented wife."

He added, "I am so lucky to have had him as a father and so proud to be his son. My hope is that his contributions to the entertainment industry will be remembered for many years to come."

With his wife Eydie Gorme, Steve was part of one of the country's most beloved singing duos way back in the day ... Steve and Eydie got their start in the 1950s and performed together until 2009, when she retired.

Steve and Eydie sang on lots of variety and late-night shows, including "The Judy Garland Show," "The Julie Andrews Hour," "Night Gallery," "The Danny Kaye Show," 'The Tonight Show,' and lots of others.

He and his wife also played Las Vegas nightclubs -- and in the 1980s ... they played sold-out shows at Carnegie Hall as well. Steve even opened for Ol' Blue Eyes during his 'Diamond Jubilee' tour ... so yeah, he used to roll with the best of them in those days.

Steve's biggest hit song from his solo career ... his 1962 single, "Go Away, Little Girl," which hit No. 1 on the charts.

As an actor, Steve earned a Tony nomination for his work in the Broadway musical "What Makes Sammy Run?" He also starred alongside Eydie in another musical, "Golden Rainbow."

Steve won a Primetime Emmy for a TV special celebrating Irving Berlin, and he had a bunch of other TV credits, on shows like "The Nanny" and "Hot in Cleveland."

Lawrence was 88.


Estrella de "16 and Pregnant" Primer vistazo al lugar donde murió Sean...

Sean Garinger murió tristemente en la propiedad de su madre después de que su ATV se volcara sobre él, y ahora su familia está honrando el espacio como tierra sagrada.

Echa un vistazo a estas imágenes obtenidas por TMZ, que muestran el pedazo de tierra que se derrumbó cuando la estrella de "16 and Pregnant" quedó clavado por culpa de su ATV, el que aplastó su cabeza y le quitó la vida antes de que pudiera recibir ayuda.

Como se puede ver, hay un mini-deslizamiento de tierra en la ladera de una colina junto a un camino de tierra. Aquí es donde la madre de Sean, Mary Hobbs, dice que estaba aparcando el ATV para hacer espacio para su carro cuando ocurrió el accidente. Ahora, hay un altar improvisado que tiene flores y carteles que dicen: "Te queremos Squishy". Nos dicen que ese era el apodo de Sean.

María nos dice que están planeando hacer un monumento permanente.

Su padrastro Dan Wolfe está construyendo el monumento y le dice a TMZ que habrá un muro de piedra con un grabado láser de la foto de Sean, además de una urna personalizada hecha de madera de cerezo negro, grabado con láser con la huella del pulgar de Sean. Esto, además de su foto, fecha de nacimiento y muerte.

También habrá un jardín que rodeará el monumento cuando todo esté listo.

María dice que su hijo creció montando ATVs, motos de cross, vehículos de cuatro ruedas, etc y que no estaba haciendo nada imprudente cuando murió. Solo fue una tragedia absoluta.

Sean estaba en la temporada 6 de la serie con su ex, Selena Gutiérrez y ahora sus dos hijos pequeños crecerán sin su padre, algo por lo que Selena está agonizando.

Últimos momentos juntos

Selena le dice a TMZ que sus dos hijas, Dareli, de 3 años y Esmi y 19 meses son demasiado jóvenes para entender lo que le pasó a su padre. Pero está contenta de que hayan podido pasar tiempo con él unas semanas antes de su muerte.

TMZ también obtuvo algunas fotos de la familia y videos de su última visita con sus hijos, donde Sean aparece amorosamente interactuando con sus hijos. Selena dice que era "un padre increíble que amaba a sus hijas" y su madre dice que sus hijas eran todo su mundo.

Sean solo tenía 20 años.

Que en paz descanse.

'16 and Pregnant' Star First Look at Sean's Death Site ... To Be Permanent Memorial

Sean Garinger sadly died on his mother's property after an ATV flipped over on him -- and now, his family is marking the space as hallowed ground ... and TMZ has the first look at it.

Check out these photos, obtained by TMZ, that show the patch of ground that caved in as the "16 and Pregnant" star was driving his ATV, causing the off-road vehicle to pin him underneath ... crushing his skull in the process and taking his life before help arrived.

As you can see, there's a mini-landslide on a slope of a hill next to a dirt road ... this is where Sean's mother, Mary Hobbs, says he was parking the ATV to make room for her car when the accident happened. Now, there's a makeshift memorial where Sean died ... with flowers and signs that say, "We Love You Squishy." We're told that was Sean's nickname.

Mary tells us they're planning a permanent memorial here ... which is currently in the works.

His stepdad, Dan Wolfe, is building the memorial -- and he tells TMZ ... there will be a stone wall with a laser engraving of Sean's picture, plus a custom urn made from black cherry wood, laser engraved with Sean's thumbprint, picture, birth date and death date. A garden will also surround the memorial when it's all said and done.

Mary says her son grew up riding ATVs, dirt bikes, four-wheelers, etc. ... and he wasn't doing anything reckless when he died ... it was a freak thing, and an absolute tragedy.

Of course, Sean was on Season 6 of the show with his ex, Selena Gutierrez ... and now -- their two young children will grow up without their father, something Selena is agonizing over.


Selena tells TMZ ... their two daughters, 3-year-old Dareli and 19-month-old Esmi, are too young to understand what happened to their father at the moment ... but she's glad they got to spend time with him a few weeks before he died.

TMZ also obtained some family photos and videos of his last visit with his children ... showing Sean lovingly interacting with his kids. Selena says he was "an amazing father who loved his girls" and his mom says Sean's daughters were his whole world.

Sean was only 20.


Armadora de "Rust" Se libera su foto policial tras la condena... Vistiendo el uniforme

Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed ya está tras las rejas a la espera de su sentencia luego de ser condenada por la muerte de Halyna Hutchins producto de un disparo y su foto ya fue liberada.

La ex armera, que estaba trabajando en el set de "Rust" cuando ocurrió la tragedia en 2021, fue ingresada en el Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility el miércoles e hizo lo que cada preso tiene que hacer cuando es procesado: tomarse una foto para el registro.

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Escuchando el veredicto
Court TV

Como se puede ver, Hannah no mostró ninguna sonrisa sosteniendo su pizarra. Es interesante, su foto se ve algo anticuada, hasta la clasificación de color.

Como informamos, Hannah fue puesta en custodia inmediatamente después de que se leyera su veredicto en la corte, donde un jurado emitió una sentencia dividida por dos cargos. Fue declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario y no culpable de manipulación de pruebas.

Hannah se mantuvo estoica durante todo el proceso, pero su familia la apoyó con emoción.

El caso duró alrededor de 2 semanas y los fiscales interrogaron a múltiples testigos que subieron al estrado y declararon en contra de Hannah, incluyendo los productores que dijeron, bajo juramento, que nunca le pidieron tiempo adicional al armero en el set (como ella había afirmado) y que descartó el sistema de registro para asegurarse de que las armas estaban siendo atendidas adecuadamente durante la filmación.

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Declinó usar el sistema de registro
Court TV

El abogado de Hannah argumentó que la producción en sí ya era un ambiente inseguro por su reducido presupuesto y que ella estaba abrumada con sus deberes, aunque el jurado no le creyó.

La familia de Halyna emitió un comunicado tras el veredicto y dicen que están contentos con el resultado, aunque también presagiaron que se podría venir más justicia cuando comience el juicio de Alec Baldwin.

El actor también se ha declarado inocente de los cargos de homicidio involuntario.

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