'Rust' Armorer Mug Shot Released Post-Conviction ... Already Wearing Jumpsuit

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed is already behind bars as she awaits sentencing after being convicted in the shooting death of Halyna Hutchins -- and her mug shot's already out.

The former armorer -- who was working on the set of "Rust" when the tragedy occurred in 2021 -- was booked into the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility Wednesday and did what every inmate has to do when they're processed ... take a photo for the record.

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As you can see, Gutierrez-Reed didn't flash any smiles ... and her info is right there on the slate she's holding up. It's interesting, her mug is kinda old-timey, right down to the color grading.

As we reported, Hannah was remanded to custody immediately after the verdict was read aloud in court, where a jury returned a split verdict on two charges she was facing. She was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and not guilty of evidence tampering.

Hannah remained stoic throughout the proceeding, but her family was emotional behind her.

The trial lasted about 2 weeks, and prosecutors trotted out multiple witnesses who took the stand and testified against Hannah -- including producers who said, under oath, that she never requested additional armorer time on set (as she'd claimed), and she brushed off a logging system to make sure the weapons were being attended to properly during filming.

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Hannah's attorney argued the production itself was already an unsafe environment because of its shoestring budget, and she was overwhelmed with her duties ... but the jury didn't buy it.


Halyna's family released a statement in the aftermath, and they're happy with the result ... while also foreshadowing more justice might be coming when Alec Baldwin's trial begins.

He's pled not guilty to manslaughter charges as well.

'Rust' Armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed Guilty of Manslaughter In Death of Halyna Hutchins

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Court TV


7:34 PM PT -- Halyna Hutchins' parents and sister just reacted to the news of Hannah's conviction. Their attorneys, Gloria Allred and John Carpenter, say ... "Halyna’s parents and her sister have always wanted everyone who is responsible for Halyna’s death to be held accountable.Today was the first trial and conviction in the criminal justice process."

They add, "We are satisfied that the jury, based on the evidence, found Hannah Gutierrez-Reed guilty beyond a reasonable doubt for her part in the taking of Halyna’s life.We look forward to the justice system continuing to make sure that everyone else who is responsible for Halyna's death is required to face the legal consequences for their actions."

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed -- the armorer on "Rust" who was charged in connection to the death of Halyna Hutchins -- just lost her criminal trial ... 'cause a jury says she's guilty of a crime.

A verdict was just read in court Wednesday out in New Mexico, where Gutierrez-Reed has been on trial since the end of last month ... with prosecutors going after her on two different charges -- namely, involuntary manslaughter and evidence tampering.

She was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, but not guilty of the alleged tampering.

A slew of witnesses were trotted out by the prosecution ... including the first assistant director, a producer on the film, and a line producer as well -- all of whom testified against HGR.

The prosecution's case basically amounted to Hannah being careless on the set -- to the point that it amounted to negligence, they claimed -- and it sounds like the jurors agreed after about a 2 week-long trial.

Hannah was remanded to custody ... meaning she was taken to jail right there in the courthouse -- this despite the fact that her attorneys asked she remain free until sentencing. The judge denied that ... noting a death had occurred, and that she'd been found guilty.

Hannah's family was sitting behind her during all this, and once the decision was reached that she'd be going behind bars immediately ... her loved ones started to break down.

Hannah herself remained stoic throughout the proceeding, and she didn't put up a fight as deputies led her away. A sentencing date will be set later down the line. She was facing up to 3 years in prison if convicted on both counts ... now, it'll be a fraction of that -- just up to 18 months in prison and a $5,000 fine. Unclear how much time she'll end up serving.

As we reported ... some key people testified against Hannah -- with Ryan Winterstern (a producer) going under oath to refute Hannah's claim that she'd asked for more armorer time while they were shooting the flick, specifically as it related to Alec Baldwin's cross draw.

Another producer, Gabrielle Pickle, testified that Hannah had ignored her complaints about weapons being left unattended on the set ... and that she allegedly shot down a logging system to see who was handling the guns and when. That was just some of the evidence.

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Hannah's defense ended up basically boiling down to her being overworked by the production ... with her attorneys insisting Halyna being shot and killed wasn't on her whatsoever.


Clearly, a jury disagreed on that front ... but they didn't see enough evidence to convince them that Hannah had tampered with anything. No word on whether she'll appeal.

Of course, Alec himself still has a looming trial that'll kick off later this summer. He's facing manslaughter charges as well ... which he's pled not guilty to.

Originally Published -- 3:29 PM PT

"RUST" HANNAH GUTIERREZ-REED CULPABLE Por la muerte de Halyna Hutchins

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Court TV

Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed -la armera en "Rust" que fue acusada de la muerte de Halyna Hutchins- acaba de perder el juicio.

Un veredicto se acaba de leer en el tribunal el miércoles en Nuevo México, donde Gutiérrez-Reed ha estado en juicio desde finales del mes pasado con los fiscales yendo tras ella en dos cargos diferentes: homicidio involuntario y manipulación de pruebas.

Fue declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario, pero no culpable de la supuesta manipulación.

Un montón de testigos fueron llamados por la fiscalía, incluyendo el primer asistente de dirección, un productor de la película y un productor de línea y todos testificaron en contra de Hannah.

El caso de la fiscalía básicamente acusa a Hannah ser descuidada en el set -hasta el punto de ser negligente- y parece que los miembros del jurado llegaron a un acuerdo después de un juicio de dos semanas de duración.

Hannah fue puesta en prisión preventiva, lo que significa que fue encarcelada en el mismo juzgado, a pesar de que sus abogados pidieron que permaneciera libre hasta la sentencia.

La familia de Hannah estuvo sentada detrás de ella durante todo el proceso, y una vez que se llegó a la decisión de que iba a ir tras las rejas, sus seres queridos comenzaron a romper en llanto.

La propia Hannah se mantuvo estoica durante todo el procedimiento y no opuso resistencia mientras los ayudantes del sheriff se la llevaban. Más adelante se fijará la fecha de la sentencia. Se enfrentaba a hasta 3 años de prisión si era declarada culpable de ambos cargos, ahora será una fracción de eso: tal vez 18 meses de prisión y una multa de 5.000 dólares... la verdad aún no está claro cuánto tiempo va a terminar cumpliendo.

Como informamos, algunas personas clave testificaron en contra de Hannah, con Ryan Winterstern (un productor) bajo juramento para refutar la afirmación de Hannah que había pedido más tiempo en su trabajo, específicamente en lo que respecta a la cruz de Alec Baldwin.

Otra productora, Gabrielle Pickle, testificó que Hannah había ignorado sus quejas sobre las armas que se dejaban sin supervisión en el set y que supuestamente derribó un sistema de registro para ver quién estaba manejando las armas y cuándo. Esas fueron solo algunas de las pruebas.

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negándose al registro
Court TV

La defensa de Hannah terminó básicamente reduciéndose a su exceso de trabajo por la producción, con sus abogados insistiendo que no tuvo nada que ver con lo que le ocurrió a Halyna.

Claramente, un jurado no estuvo de acuerdo, pero no vieron pruebas suficientes para convencerlos de que Hannah había manipulado nada. No se sabe si va a apelar.

Por supuesto, el propio Alec todavía tiene un juicio inminente que se iniciará a finales de este verano. Se enfrenta a cargos de homicidio involuntario, así que se ha declarado inocente.

Estrella de "Sister Wives" Últimos mensajes de Garrison alarmaron a Janelle... Antes del trágico suicidio

Antes de que Garrison Brown se quitara la vida esta semana, Janelle Brown había enviado a uno de sus hijos para chequear si su hermano estaba bien y la razón por la que lo hizo tuvo que ver con sus últimos mensajes de textos.

De acuerdo con el informe de la policía obtenido por TMZ, los policías dicen que hablaron con la estrella de "Sister Wives" el martes luego de enterarse de que Garrison se había disparado, y describieron lo que Janelle calificó como mensajes preocupantes de parte de Garrison, que había estado enviando a algunas personas el día anterior.

La policía explica que Janelle les dijo que Garrison había enviado mensajes de texto a un grupo de personas con las que trabajaba la familia Brown, presumiblemente como parte de su programa, y sus palabras fueron siniestras.

Según Janelle, a través de la policía, el texto que les envió decía: "Quiero odiarte por compartir los buenos momentos. Pero no puedo. Extraño esos días".

Parece que Janelle se enteró de este mensaje a través del grupo, donde al parecer no estaba incluida, y le dijo a la policía que luego le envió un mensaje de texto directamente a Garrison y tuvieron una breve conversación antes de que dejara de responderle.

Luego Janelle se puso en contacto con sus otros hijos para ver quién podía ir a verlo y su hermano Gabriel se ofreció a hacerlo. Lamentablemente, en el momento en que llegó a Flagstaff, su hermano estaba muerto.

Esto es lo más loco de todo: los policías entrevistaron a 3 de los compañeros de cuarto de Garrison con quienes vivía en ese momento, y algunos de ellos dijeron que escucharon un estallido la noche del lunes, pero no creyeron que fuera un disparo y ninguno de ellos fue a chequear con Garrison si algo había pasado.

No fue hasta que Gabriel llegó a la escena el martes que descubrió a su hermano muerto y sosteniendo un arma de fuego. Llamó al 911, y fue entonces cuando los compañeros de cuarto dicen que se dieron cuenta de que Garrison se había quitado la vida.

Los compañeros de cuarto dicen que Garrison era conocido en la casa por batallar con el alcohol. Gabriel, por su parte, dijo que no se dio cuenta de que algo andaba mal con su hermano, señalando que recientemente había aceptado un nuevo trabajo en un centro médico y parecía estar bien por su cuenta.

Una última cosa, Janelle le dijo a la policía que Garrison estaba distanciado de su padre, Kody. Fuimos los primeros en contarles: Garrison murió el martes a causa de una herida de bala autoinfligida. Tenía 25 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llame o texto 988 o chat 988lifeline.org.

'Sister Wives' Star Garrison Brown Last Texts Alarmed Mom Janelle ... Before Tragic Suicide Death

Janelle Brown sent one of her sons to check on his brother before Garrison Brown took his own life this week -- and the reason she did that had to do with his final texts.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, cops say they spoke with the "Sister Wives" star Tuesday upon word that Garrison had shot himself ... and they describe what Janelle says were troubling messages Garrison had been sending to some people the day prior.

The police explain that Janelle told them Garrison had texted a group of people that the Brown family works with -- presumably as part of their show -- and his words were ominous.

According to Janelle, via the police, his text to them read ... "I want to hate you for sharing the good times. But I can't. I miss these days."

It sounds like Janelle caught wind of this message to the group -- which doesn't appear to have included her -- and she told police she then texted Garrison himself ... at which point she says they had a brief conversation for a few minutes before he stopped responding.

Janelle then contacted her other kids to see who could go check on Garrison, and his brother Gabriel volunteered. Sadly, by the time he arrived to Flagstaff ... his brother had died.

Here's the craziest part ... cops interviewed 3 of Garrison's roommates with whom he was living at the time -- and some of them said they heard a pop on Monday night ... but didn't think it was a gunshot, and none of them even checked on Garrison to see what happened.

As it turns out, it wasn't until Gabriel arrived on the scene Tuesday that he discovered his brother was dead -- and that he was holding a handgun. He called 911, and that's when the roommates say they realized Garrison had taken his own life.

The roommates say Garrison was known in the household to struggle with alcohol. Gabriel, meanwhile, said he didn't realize something was amiss with this sibling -- noting he'd recently taken on a new job at a medical facility and seemed to be doing okay on his own.

One last thing ... Janelle told cops Garrison was estranged from his father, Kody. We broke the story ... Garrison died Tuesday from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was 25.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Masuimi Max Modelo de Playboy y Maxim murió de una sobredosis de fentanilo

La modelo de Playboy y Maxim Masuimi Max murió a causa de una sobredosis accidental de cocaína y fentanilo, según ha podido averiguar TMZ.

La muerte ha sido oficialmente declarada como un accidente más de un mes después de su impactante muerte. Tal como nos comentó la policía previamente, Masuimi, que también era actriz, fue descubierta sin vida en su casa de Las Vegas el 25 de enero.

En ese momento, las autoridades dijeron que no sospechaban de crimen violento, pero se puso en marcha una investigación.

La carrera de la modelo comenzó a principios de la década del 2000 y la llevó a aparecer en varias publicaciones importantes como Playboy, Maxim, Alt Magazine y Bizarre Magazine, entre otras. Aunque Masuimi nunca alcanzó el estatus de estrella de la actuación, en su página de IMDB figuran varios créditos en películas como "Cornman: American Vegetable Hero" y "Giantess Battle Attack".

Incluso actuó junto a Samuel L. Jackson e Ice Cube, después de haber jugado un papel no acreditado en la película de acción de 2005 "xXx: State of the Union". Por si no lo saben, se puede ver a Masuimi en la película como la novia del rapero Xzibit.

Su crédito más reciente fue en 2023 para una película de terror indie, titulada "Protege Moi", en la que interpretó al personaje de Mercel.

Antes de su fallecimiento, Masuimi se convirtió en una influencer. Había adquirido más de 300K seguidores en Instagram. También publicó videos de burlesque inspirados en el horror y tutoriales de maquillaje en YouTube, que permanecen en línea luego de su muerte.

Masuimi Max Playboy/Maxim Model Died of Fentanyl Overdose

Playboy and Maxim model Masuimi Max died from an accidental overdose of cocaine and fentanyl, TMZ has learned.

The death has officially been ruled an accident more than a month after her shocking death. As law enforcement sources previously told TMZ ... Masuimi -- who was also an actress -- was discovered dead in her Las Vegas-area home on January 25.

At the time, authorities said they did not suspect foul play ... but an investigation was set to be conducted.

Masuimi's modeling career began back in the early 2000s and led to appearances in several big publications, including Playboy, Maxim, Alt Magazine, Bizarre Magazine, and others. While Masuimi never rose to A-list status while pursuing an acting career ... she did have several credits on her IMDB page -- including "Cornman: American Vegetable Hero" and "Giantess Battle Attack."

She even acted opposite Samuel L. Jackson and Ice Cube, having played an uncredited role in the 2005 action flick "xXx: State of the Union." ICYMI ... you can see Masuimi in the movie as rapper Xzibit's character's girlfriend.

Her most recent credit was in 2023 for an indie horror movie, titled "Protege Moi" -- in which she played the character Mercel.

Prior to her passing, Masuimi became an influencer online -- having acquired more than 300K followers on Instagram. She also posted horror-inspired burlesque videos and makeup tutorials on YouTube ... which remain online in the wake of her death.

Janelle Brown, de "Sister Wives" Su hijo Garrison muere a los 25... Después de un aparente suicidio


2:34 PM PT -- Janelle Brown acaba de abordar la muerte de su hijo Garrison en redes sociales, donde publicó una foto de su hijo con el mensaje: "Kody y yo estamos profundamente tristes de anunciar la pérdida de nuestro hermoso niño Robert Garrison Brown. Él era una luz en la vida de todos los que lo conocían".

Y añade: "Su pérdida dejará un hueco tan grande en nuestras vidas que nos deja sin aliento. Les pedimos que por favor respeten nuestra privacidad y se unan a nosotros para honrar su memoria".

El hijo de Janelle Brown, Garrison, ha muerto y parece que su muerte se debe a un aparente suicidio, según ha averiguado TMZ.

La estrella de "Sister Wives", que ha aparecido junto a su madre y su padre, Kody Brown, en la exitosa serie de TLC en los últimos años, falleció el martes en Flagstaff, Arizona, donde tenía su propia casa después de haberse alejado de su familia.

La policía de Flagstaff nos dice que los oficiales llegaron a la casa de Garrison el martes por la mañana debido a una muerte y cuando llegaron lo descubrieron sin vida en la escena. Nos dicen que Garrison parece haber sufrido una herida de bala autoinfligida.

Nos dicen que no se sospecha de crimen violento y por ahora la policía está investigando el suceso como un aparente suicidio. La policía de la ciudad dice que el hermano de Garrison, Gabriel, llegó a la casa y lo encontró allí. No se sabe si dejó una nota, una investigación está en marcha.

Garrison ha aparecido en "Sister Wives" desde que se emitió por primera vez en 2010, cuando era solo un niño. La serie narra el estilo de vida polígamo de su padre Kody, quien tiene múltiples esposas. Janelle fue una de ellas hasta que se divorciaron el año pasado.

En cuanto a Garrison, él es uno de los muchos hijos de Kody, y tiene varios hermanos y medios hermanos, muchos de los cuales también aparecen en el programa. En total, es el cuarto hijo de Kody y Janelle. Tiene 5 hermanos directos y otros dos hermanastros de diferentes matrimonios.

Al principio, él y su familia vivieron en Utah, pero con el tiempo se trasladaron a Las Vegas, y cuando llegó a la mayoría de edad mostró interés en alistarse en las fuerzas armadas. Aunque quería alistarse en el Ejército, acabó haciéndolo en la Guardia Nacional.

Garrison se fue de la casa de sus padres hace unos años, durante la pandemia, en medio de una gran disputa familiar sobre el COVID y las estrictas normas que Kody imponía.

Al final, Garrison terminó comprando su propia casa en Arizona y ha vivido allí desde 2021. El tipo era bastante activo en las redes sociales, documentando su vida y sus mascotas.

Su última publicación en Instagram lo mostraba con un nuevo gato al que había dado la bienvenida en su casa, un felino que llamó Sra. Buttons. La describió de esta manera: "La nueva incorporación de mi hogar, la Sra. Buttons. Tiene 9 años y estaba en la fila de la eutanasia, pero mi complejo de salvador no pudo ser suficiente".

Es una tragedia absoluta para sus seres queridos, especialmente para Janelle, que acaba de anunciar que recientemente experimentó un susto de cáncer y tuvo que someterse a la extirpación de dos manchas precancerosas.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

A Garrison le sobreviven muchos familiares y seres queridos. Solo tenía 25 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llame o texto 988 o chat 988lifeline.org.

Publicado originalmente -- 1:34 PM PT

'Sister Wives' Star Janelle Brown Son Garrison Dead at 25 ... After Apparent Suicide


2:34 PM PT -- Janelle Brown just addressed Garrison's death, taking to social media to post a photo of her boy and writing ... "Kody and I are deeply saddened to announce the loss of our beautiful boy Robert Garrison Brown. He was a bright spot in the lives of all who knew him."

She adds, "His loss will leave such a big hole in our lives that it takes our breath away. We ask that you please respect our privacy and join us in honoring his memory."

Janelle Brown's son, Garrison, has died ... and it appears his death is a suicide, TMZ has learned.

The "Sister Wives" star -- who's appeared alongside his mother and father, Kody Brown, on the hit TLC series over the years -- passed away Tuesday in Flagstaff, AZ ... where he had his own home after having moved away from his family.

Flagstaff PD tells us ... officers responded to Garrison's home Tuesday morning on a report of a death, and when they arrived -- they discovered him dead at the scene. We're told Garrison appears to have suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

We're told no foul play is suspected, and for now ... police are looking into this as an apparent suicide. FPD says Garrison's brother Gabriel arrived at the house and found him there. No word on whether a note was left behind ... we're told an investigation is underway.

Garrison has appeared on "Sister Wives" since it first aired on the network way back in 2010 -- when he was just a kid. The series chronicles his dad's polygamous lifestyle in Utah, where Kody has multiple wives ... Janelle was one of them until they got divorced last year.

As for Garrison ... he's one of Kody's many children, and has several siblings and half-siblings -- many of whom are also featured on the show. All in all, he's Kody and Janelle's fourth child. He has 5 direct siblings, and two other half-siblings from different marriages.

While he and his family lived in Utah at first, they eventually moved to Vegas -- and as he came of age, Garrison showed an interest in enlisting in the armed services. While he wanted to join the Army ... Garrison ended up signing up for the National Guard.

Garrison moved out of his parents' house a few years ago during the pandemic -- this amid a massive feud within the family over COVID and the strict rules Kody was enforcing.

In the end, Garrison ended up buying his own home in Arizona and has lived there since 2021. The guy was pretty active on social media as well ... documenting his life and pets.

His last post on Instagram features him with a new cat he said he'd welcomed into the household ... a feline he called Ms. Buttons. He described the cat this way, "Newest edition to my home, Ms Buttons. She’s 9 years old and was on the line for euthanasia but my savior complex couldn’t suffice."

It's an absolute tragedy for his loved ones -- especially for Janelle, who just announced she recently experienced a cancer scare and had to have two pre-cancerous spots removed.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Garrison is survived by many family members and loved ones. He was only 25.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Originally Published -- 1:34 PM PT

ESTRELLA DE "16 AND PREGNANT" SEAN GARINGER MUERE A LOS 20... Tras accidente en Carolina del Norte

Sean Garinger de "16 and Pregnant" ha muerto después de un terrible accidente.

La estrella de telerrealidad -que apareció en la sexta temporada de la exitosa serie de MTV emitida durante la pandemia- falleció a finales del mes pasado en su casa en Carolina del Norte durante un trabajo de rutina de estacionamiento, esto de acuerdo a su madre, Mary, que habló con The Sun.

La descripción de lo que sucedió es absolutamente trágica. Mary explica que Sean estaba simplemente moviendo uno de sus vehículos todoterreno de un estacionamiento en su propiedad a otra para que pudiera tirar de su propio carro, y mientras conducía, el suelo debajo cedió.

Mary dice que los cimientos del suelo habían erosionado debido al barro y la lluvia y cuando se hundió debajo de él, hizo que el quad en el que iba se volcara y fue entonces que Mary dice que quedó atrapado, se golpeó la cabeza y terminó con su cráneo aplastado.

Continúa diciendo que intentó pedir ayuda para quitarle el todoterreno de encima, pero cuando volvió para ver cómo estaba... se dio cuenta de que ya no respondía.

Mary dice que se tumbó junto a su hijo hasta que llegó una ambulancia y añade: "Una gran parte de mi corazón murió con mi hijo el miércoles. Era mi único hijo, mi roca, mi fuerza cuando ya no me quedaba ninguna".

Sean compartió dos niños pequeños con su ex, Selena Gutiérrez, que apareció en el programa con él. Ella no parece haber abordado su fallecimiento por el momento.

Solo tenía 20 años.


'16 and Pregnant' Star Sean Garinger Dead at 20 ... After ATV Accident in NC

Sean Garinger of "16 and Pregnant" has died after a horrific freak accident involving an ATV -- and it sounds like the elements might be to blame for this.

The reality star -- who appeared on Season 6 of the hit MTV show, which aired during the pandemic -- passed away late last month at his home in North Carolina during a routine parking job ... this according to his mother, Mary, who spoke to The Sun.

The description of what happened here is absolutely tragic -- Mary explains that Sean was simply moving one of their ATVs from one parking spot on their property to another so that she could pull her own car in ... and while he was driving, the ground underneath gave in.

Mary says the foundation of the ground there had been eroded due to the mud and rain -- and when it caved in from under him, it caused the ATV he was on to flip ... with Mary saying he got pinned. She says it made contact with his head, and crushed his skull.

She goes on to say that she tried calling for help to get the ATV off of him, but by the time she came back to check on him ... she says she realized he wasn't responsive anymore.

Mary says that she laid next to her son until an ambulance arrived, adding ... "There was a huge part of my heart that died with my son on Wednesday. He was my only son, my rock, my strength when I had none left."

Sean shared two young children with his ex, Selena Gutierrez ... who appeared on the show with him. She doesn't appear to have addressed his passing just yet.

He was only 20.


Nashville Nightmare Plane Turns Into Fireball On Video ... Crash Kills 5 People


A plane turned into a fireball after it crashed near a busy Tennessee highway Monday, killing five people on board as the terrifying scene was captured on video.

The small aircraft was flying from Kentucky to Nashville last evening when the pilot made a radio call to a nearby control tower, requesting an emergency landing after the single-engine had failed and all the power had gone down.

Air traffic controllers gave the go-ahead for the plane to land on Runway 2 at John C. Tune Airport in Nashville. But, moments later, the pilot got back on the radio to report they were not going to make it to the runway.

What happened next was filmed by highway security cameras. Check it out ... the jet cuts across the packed interstate, exploding in flames behind a Costco store. The pilot and four passengers were instantly killed.

Nashville Fire Department trucks raced to the scene and put out the flames without damaging critical evidence for the investigation.

The National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration are now probing the crash to determine the cause.

Local officials, meanwhile, shut down the eastbound lanes of I-40 while investigators sifted through the wreckage, with some of the lanes reopening for Tuesday morning rush hour.

Nashville Mayor Freddie O'Connell offered his condolences to the victims' families and praised the work of the fire department.

Six Flags Over Georgia Teen Shot on Opening Day


Chaos reigned at the grand opening of Six Flags Over Georgia ... with mobs of unruly teenagers fighting inside the theme park, escalating to a massive police response and an officer-involved shooting.

Cops in Georgia say there were 500 to 600 youth running amok in the park Saturday night, getting out of control and leading to a huge brawl and panic among park guests.

The huge crowd of fighting teens overwhelmed theme park security, who called police.

When cops got there, officers say they followed the group out of Six Flags onto a nearby service road ... where gunshots started ringing out.

Police say several suspects fired at officers, with cops returning fire. One person was shot, reported to be a 15-year-old ... who's said to be in critical condition.

Six Flags Over Georgia confirmed a shooting outside the grounds and told FOX 5 Atlanta ... "It is incredibly disappointing that our community is disrupted at public events throughout the region by groups of underaged youth."

The park adds ... "We won't put up with that type of activity here."

Meanwhile, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is investigating the officer-involved shooting.

Chris Mortensen Legendary NFL Analyst Dead at 72

NFL reporter Chris Mortensen, who covered football for decades and was one of the most recognizable reporters on TV, is dead.

Chris died Sunday morning according to his longtime employer, ESPN. The cause of death is unclear.

Mortensen was a staple of ESPN's coverage of the NFL for decades ... most famous for his TV segments, dubbed the Mort Report.

Chris was often featured on ESPN's "Sunday NFL Countdown," "SportsCenter" and "Monday Night Football" ... in addition to writing and doing radio hits at ESPN.

Mortensen had to step away from TV in 2016, when he revealed he was battling stage 4 throat cancer. He ultimately returned to work at ESPN, but in September 2023 he retired from the network.

"Mort was widely respected as an industry pioneer and universally beloved as a supportive, hard-working teammate," ESPN chairman Jimmy Pitaro says. "He covered the NFL with extraordinary skill and passion, and was at the top of his field for decades. He will truly be missed by colleagues and fans, and our hearts and thoughts are with his loved ones."

Chris was 72.



El reportero de la NFL Chris Mortensen -que cubrió el fútbol americano durante décadas y fue uno de los reporteros más reconocidos de la televisión- ha muerto.

Chris falleció el domingo por la mañana, según informó su antiguo empleador, ESPN. La causa de muerte no está clara.

Mortensen fue un elemento básico de la cobertura de ESPN de la NFL durante décadas, más famoso por sus segmentos de televisión, apodado el Informe Mort.

Chris apareció a menudo en ESPN "Sunday NFL Countdown", "SportsCenter" y "Monday Night Football", además de escribir y hacer éxitos de radio en ESPN.

Mortensen tuvo que alejarse de la televisión en 2016, cuando reveló que estaba luchando contra un cáncer de garganta en fase cuatro. Finalmente, volvió a trabajar en ESPN, pero en septiembre de 2023 se retiró de la cadena.

"Mort era ampliamente respetado como un pionero de la industria y universalmente querido como un compañero de equipo solidario y trabajador", dice el presidente de ESPN, Jimmy Pitaro, y agrega: "Cubrió la NFL con extraordinaria habilidad y pasión, y estuvo en la cima de su campo durante décadas. Sus colegas y aficionados le echarán mucho de menos, y nuestros corazones y pensamientos están con sus seres queridos".

Chris tenía 72 años.


Mark Dodson 'Gremlins' Voice Dead at 64

Mark Dodson, the actor who gave voice to some of the little creatures in "Gremlins," has died ... TMZ has learned.

The voice actor also brought to life characters for "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi," "Day of the Dead" and countless video games -- and still made appearances at fan conferences. In fact, Mark's daughter tells TMZ he died while in Evansville, Indiana, to attend Horror Con.

She says Mark had flown to Indiana for the event, and checked into his hotel ... and that's where he suffered a "massive heart attack" while sleeping.

Dodson's first big break in Hollywood came in 1983 -- he was the voice of Salacious Crumb, the little creature with the high-pitched voice that was always seated dangerously close to Jabba the Hut in 'Return of the Jedi.'

And, as it turned out, 'Star Wars' opened the door for another iconic role the next year.

In "Gremlins," Mark was the voice of Mogwai ... and, inadvertently, had kids everywhere -- who saw the movie in 1984 -- imitating his voice.

Mark worked continuously for several decades in film, video games, radio and commercials. As his rep tells us, Mark added "his unique voice and sound to each character and script he touched."

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His daughter, Ciara, says Mark "never ceased making me proud" and his legacy will live on through his grandchildren and her.

Mark was 64. RIP

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