Mark Dodson, el actor que le dio voz a algunas de las pequeñas criaturas en "Gremlins", ha muerto, TMZ ha indagado.

El actor de doblaje también dio vida a personajes de "Star Wars: El Retorno del Jedi", "El Día de los Muertos" e innumerables videojuegos, y todavía hacía apariciones en conferencias de fans. De hecho, la hija de Mark le dice a TMZ que murió mientras estaba en Evansville, Indiana, para asistir a Horror Con.

Ella dice que Mark había volado a Indiana para el evento y se registró en su hotel, que es donde sufrió un "ataque masivo al corazón" mientras dormía.

La primera gran oportunidad de Dodson en Hollywood llegó en 1983, cuando hizo la voz de Salacious Crumb, la pequeña criatura de voz aguda que siempre estaba sentado peligrosamente cerca de Jabba the Hut en "El Retorno del Jedi".

Al año siguiente, "La guerra de las galaxias" le abrió las puertas a otro papel icónico.

En "Gremlins", Mark fue la voz de Mogwai, y sin querer, hizo que los niños de todo el mundo en 1984 imitaran su voz.

Mark trabajó ininterrumpidamente durante varias décadas en cine, videojuegos, radio y anuncios publicitarios. Como nos dice su representante, Mark añadía "su voz y sonidos únicos a cada personaje y guion que tocaba".

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Su hija, Ciara, dijo: "Nunca dejó de hacerme sentir orgullosa" y sé que su legado perdurará a través de sus nietos y su trabajo.

Mark tenía 64 años. RIP

Richard Lewis Wife Joyce Thanks Supporters ... Following His Death

The wife of late actor-comedian Richard Lewis is breaking her silence and giving thanks to his flood of supporters and well-wishers.

Joyce Lapinsky posted a message on X, showing her gratitude to everyone who sent in "loving tributes" after Richard passed away this week at his L.A. home. On Friday, she said Richard would have been "beyond thrilled and so touched, as am I."

Joyce asked Richard's fans who want to make donations in his memory to send their money to the charity, Comedy Gives Back, or another non-profit of their choice.

As we reported ... The "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star died Tuesday night after suffering a heart attack. Music icon Bette Midler was one of the first people to go on social media to celebrate Richard's life and career. This was followed by a stream of other celebs, such as Ben Stiller, Albert Brooks and his 'Curb' costar Larry David.

Last year, Richard announced he was suffering from Parkinson's disease after he retired from doing stand-up comedy. He said his litany of other health issues culminated in his Parkinson's diagnosis and he was managing it all with medication.

The last time we saw Richard in public was 2021 and Joyce was right there beside him, guiding him as they walked around Beverly Hills.

Fashionista & Designer Iris Apfel ... Dead at 102

Fashion icon Iris Apfel -- famous for her quirky outfits and unique looks -- has died.

The style icon passed away Friday at her home in Palm Beach, Fla ... this according to her reps. An official cause of death wasn't announced -- but the assumption is that she died of old age via natural causes.

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A socialite from New York, Iris became a fashion icon in her 80s and 90s ... affectionately calling herself a "geriatric starlet." Iris' style was an eclectic mix ... combining haute couture, vintage hippy-inspired looks, bohemian styles and super bright colors.

Iris was a fixture on the fashion scene, often rubbing elbows with celebs at big-time events ... wearing her trademark circular glasses. She was also ever-present and always relevant ... considered one of the most photographed women in fashion history.

A jack of all trades, Iris was a professor, brand ambassador, interior designer, textile guru and, later in life, a social media star. She was quite accomplished too ... having done White House restoration work for nine presidents in her lifetime -- so yeah, she'd worked a lot.

Iris enjoyed a long and full life ... just yesterday, she celebrated her latest birthday, putting her a couple years over the 100-year mark.

Tommy Hilfiger is remembering Iris as "a world-famous fashion icon because of her incredible talent not only as an artist, but as an influencer."

Hilfiger adds ... "She has had an amazing effect on so many people with her huge heart and magic touch with everyone she meets. She will go down in history as an innovator and a leader in the world of textiles, style and innovation!"

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Iris is survived by her caregivers, Jennifer and Juliet, her agent Lori Sale, her lawyer Emerson E. Burns and her friends and family. She was 102.


'Rust' Director Joel Souza Couldn't Believe He'd Been Shot ... X-Ray Confirmed Real Bullet

Court TV

Joel Souza recalled being rushed to the hospital after the "Rust" shooting ... and said he couldn't believe he'd been shot with a real bullet ... that is, until doctors showed him proof.

The director -- who was wounded in the same accidental shooting that killed Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust" back in 2021 -- testified Friday during Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's trial that he didn't understand he'd been shot even while standing in the hospital.

Souza explained he did understand something had hit him -- but he couldn't believe it at first when doctors told him a real, live bullet had hit him.

Joel said he told hospital workers repeatedly they didn't understand what happened, repeating often that the incident took place on a movie set -- so there's no way a live bullet could've struck him.


After much protesting, JS says docs showed him an X-ray of his back ... and a real bullet was right there nestled underneath his skin, and he finally accepted the truth.

Of course, all this and much more has come out during Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's involuntary manslaughter trial that kicked off last week.

A number of Hannah's former coworkers have testified on behalf of the prosecution ... with line producer Gabrielle Pickle even claiming she recommended a system to Hannah so she might keep track of the on-set guns better -- which she said Hannah turned down.

It's all part of the prosecution's argument that Hannah's sloppiness with guns and ammo on the set is to blame for the tragic incident.

For her part, Hannah's lawyers are claiming she was under an incredible amount of stress because she served as both armorer and prop assistant for the movie.

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It looks like the trial will continue into next week.

Stay tuned ...

'The Crow' OG Cast Member Slams Remake ... Bill Skarsgård, Yuck!!!

One of the OG main characters from "The Crow" is slamming the remake ... and she's mostly worried about how Bill Skarsgård will portray the late Brandon Lee's iconic character.

Rochelle Davis -- who plays Sarah in the 1994 goth cult classic -- tells TMZ … Bill's revamped Crow doesn't resemble anything about the true character, not even from the comic book, and her initial reaction to the first images of Bill in character was ... "yuck."

Even before the photos of Bill as Eric Draven came out this week, Rochelle says she wasn't expecting anything good to begin with ... and her suspicions were ultimately confirmed.

Rochelle's not bashing Bill's talent as an actor ... but she hates his "dingy, dirty, grungy" look and says producers made this version of Eric Draven look like the bad guys he's supposed to be fighting.

For Rochelle ... Eric Draven is supposed to be a good man with a good soul ... and the remake seems to be missing the mark here, at least from what she can see so far.

What's more, Rochelle wishes there was more diversity in the cast ... she says anyone other than a straight white male would be a better fit for replacing Brandon's character -- and she thinks producers should have cast someone who resembles Brandon out of respect.

Remember ... Brandon was shot and killed by a prop gun on "The Crow" set. Rochelle says the least Hollywood could do was give him some reverence and not remake his last flick.

With that said ... Rochelle gives filmmakers props for casting FKA Twigs as Shelly.

At this point it shouldn't come as a shock ... Rochelle tells us she does NOT plan on watching the remake, mainly out of respect for Brandon, and she's calling on other fans of the OG movie to boycott the new version.

There's been some fan outrage over Bill's look and Rochelle knows folks are going to watch regardless, at least for curiosity's sake, and she does find some joy in the remake introducing newer generations to "The Crow."

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Bottom line ... she ain't a fan of the new take.

Alexei Navalny Thousands Mourn His Death At Moscow Funeral ... Putin Fails To Stop Supporters

Alexei Navalny -- Russian President Vladimir Putin's chief political rival – certainly didn't die in vain as illustrated by these emotional images from his Friday funeral in Moscow.

Navalny was celebrated by thousands of people – some holding flowers – as his body was laid in a closed coffin and carried inside the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God Soothe My Sorrows, where they opened it up for people to see him.

 His line of supporters was truly extraordinary, stretching several blocks.


Many of the mourners defied orders from Russian authorities to not take photos of the procession or the service. Someone posted a picture on Navalny's YouTube channel showing his body in repose shrouded by flowers inside the church.

His parents were present, carrying lit candles. But his widow, Yulia Navalnaya, and his two children, Daria and Zakhar, did not attend the funeral, likely for security reasons.


Meanwhile, four hundred people have been detained by Putin's police force, including some for merely displaying flowers at Navalny's various memorial sites

As you know, Navalny died February 16 while imprisoned in a penal colony north of the Arctic Circle. During a walk, Navalny suddenly felt sick and collapsed unconscious. Paramedics responded and gave him medical assistance, but they were unable to revive him.

His official cause of death has not been disclosed, but his mother, Lyudmila, was told by prison officials Navalny suffered "'sudden death syndrome." The condition causes heart problems that can lead to sudden cardiac arrest and death.

Yet, most people believe Putin was responsible for Navalny's passing. The Russian dictator jailed Navalny – his most vocal and ardent political opponent.

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Putin also refused to turn over Navalny's body to his family for weeks after his death despite their repeated demands for his remains.

Drake Rinde homenaje a las fans que fueron asesinadas tras su concierto

Drake está rindiendo homenaje a la madre y la hija que murieron trágicamente después de un reciente show en St. Louis, al mismo tiempo que está haciendo otro gesto dulce con una fanática que está luchando contra el cáncer.

Durante su concierto en Buffalo, Nueva York, la noche del miércoles en el KeyBank Center, Drake se tomó el tiempo para compartir un emotivo mensaje con la multitud, a quienes les dijo: "Nunca sabes cómo será la realidad de la otra persona cuando salga de este edificio".

Homenaje en el show

También animó a los fans a mostrarle su amor a un total desconocido, lo que hicieron.

La mente y el corazón de Drake estaban apenados, ya que se refería claramente a Laticha Bracero y su hija de 21 años de edad, Alyssa Cordova. El rapero añadió: "Que descansen en paz esa joven madre y su hija".

El trágico momento fue grabado en video: el dúo madre e hija salían del concierto de Drake y J. Cole en St. Louis la madrugada del 14 de febrero cuando un carro las golpeó a gran velocidad.

La policía dice que el hombre que presuntamente conducía el vehículo, Monte Henderson, se saltó varios semáforos en rojo antes de la colisión y acusó al joven de 22 años de dos cargos de homicidio involuntario y dos cargos de acción criminal armada.

Pese a esta triste noticia, el primero de los 2 conciertos de Drake en Buffalo no fue del todo sombrío. Un fan se asomó entre la multitud agitando un cartel que decía "Beat stage four cancer just in time for Drake #godsplan".

El rapero hizo que la ida al concierto valiera la pena para la mujer. La bendijo con $25k al igual que lo hizo en el video real de "God's Plan".

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Muy buen momento de Drizzy, en ambos frentes.

Drake Cancer Survivor Gets $25K Honors Fans Killed After His Show

Drake's honoring the mother and daughter who died tragically after a recent show in St. Louis ... while also making another sweet gesture to somebody battling cancer.

During his Buffalo, NY concert Wednesday night at KeyBank Center, Drake took time to share an emotional message with the crowd, saying ... "You never know what somebody else's reality will be when they walk out of this building,"

Show Some Love

He also encouraged fans in the audience to show love to a total stranger, which people did.

Drake's mind and heart were heavy as he was clearly referring to Laticha Bracero and her daughter, 21-year-old Alyssa Cordova, adding …"Rest in peace to that young mother and her child."

The tragic moment was caught on video ... the mother/daughter duo were leaving Drake and J. Cole's St. Louis concert on the early morning of February 14 when a car struck them at a high rate of speed.

Police say the man they allege was operating the vehicle, Monte Henderson, ran several red lights before the collision and charged the 22-year-old with two counts of involuntary manslaughter and two counts of armed criminal action.

Drake's first of his 2 Buffalo shows wasn't all somber though ... he peeped a fan in the crowd waving a sign that said “Beat stage four cancer just in time for Drake #godsplan.”

The rapper made the concert trip worth the woman's while -- he blessed her with $25k just like he did in the actual "God's Plan" video.

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Pretty cool moment from Drizzy, on both fronts.

'Pawn Stars' Rick Harrison Son Adam's Cause of Death Confirmed ... Fentanyl Overdose

Rick Harrison's son, Adam Harrison, died from an accidental overdose of fentanyl and methamphetamine ... TMZ has learned.

The Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner tells us that the cause of death has been ruled an accident for the "Pawn Stars" personality's son, who died in Las Vegas last month.

TMZ was the first to report Adam's passing ... after a rep for RH shared that Adam had died from a fatal OD. The Harrison family told TMZ shortly after his passing ... "Our family is extremely saddened by the death of Adam. We ask for privacy as we grieve his loss." At the time -- the Las Vegas Metro PD told us they were investigating the case.

As we reported ... Adam was struggling in the days leading up to his death -- with former roommates telling cops that AH was displaying erratic and strange behavior before allegedly barricading himself inside a guest house where he was staying. He reportedly had just been released from jail after serving 3 months behind bars -- although we don't know the cause for his incarceration.

Adam -- one of Rick's three boys -- kept mostly out of the limelight ... having stepped away from helping out at the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop. Adam is Rick's kid from his first marriage to ex-wife Kim, with whom he also shares son Corey.

The "Pawn Stars" leading man later welcomed son Jake with his second wife, Tracy. Corey and Jake are regulars on his reality show -- but Adam did not appear on camera.

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On losing his son, Rick shared on Instagram, "You will always be in my heart! I love you Adam."

Adam was 39.


Jon Stewart Helps NYC Animal Shelter Raise $25K After Tribute to Dipper

Jon Stewart tugged at heartstrings when he tearfully talked about his dog dying, and folks opened up their wallets ... donating 5 figures to the animal shelter he shouted out during the emotional 'Daily Show' segment.

The comedian got emotional Monday, breaking down over the death of Dipper, his Brindle pit bull, and viewers were so moved they started sending money to Animal Haven, the NYC no-kill animal shelter where Jon first met the pup.

Comedy Central

Tiffany Lacey, the shelter's executive director, tells TMZ ... Animal Haven has raised almost $25,000 in donations since Jon mentioned the shelter in his tribute to Dipper.

We're told the money's pouring in from more than 500 new donors ... and the funds will help the shelter pay for general care of their animals, plus operating support, vet care, food, staff time, and dog walks.

Remember ... Jon said he got Dipper from Animal Haven about 12 years ago when his kids were raising money for the shelter ... adopting the dog on the spot after being introduced. The pup was missing a leg after being hit by a car in Brooklyn.

Tiffany tells us the wave of donations is coming at just the right time for Animal Haven ... she says the shelter is at full capacity with more than 100 rescue animals in their care, including 3 dog moms who recently gave birth to 20 puppies.


In addition to financial commitments, we're told Jon's monologue has spurred some folks to inquire about adoptions ... and Animal Haven is so grateful for everyone reaching out.

Tiffany says Animal Haven's reached out to Jon too, thanking him and offering their sympathies and condolences as he grieves his beloved companion.

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Jon's tribute was pretty moving ... and Tiffany tells us folks are also helping out by purchasing items off Animal Haven's Amazon Wishlist, buying stuff like dog treats and blankets.

NFL's Giovani Bernard Heartbroken Over Newborn's Death ... 'Our Little Warrior'

Retired NFL running back Giovani Bernard's family experienced a devastating tragedy this month ... revealing their newborn son passed away.

32-year-old Bernard announced the heartbreaking news on Wednesday ... sharing his grief with an emotional message to his child.

"You were loved from the moment we learned of your presence, spoken too [sic] daily and prayed for by many," the former Bengals and Buccaneers player said. "Your heart was strong and you were so playful from the moment we were able to lay eyes on you."

"We are grateful to have held you and had our little time together," he added. "The moment was brief but filled with a whirlwind of emotions. From pure joy to seeing you for the first time to uncontrollable sadness."

Gabriel was the second child for Giovani and Chloe, who got married back in 2019. They welcomed their first son, Julian, in 2021.

Bernard continued ... "Mama, papa and Julz love you very and you will always be our little warrior. We love you Gabriel."

Gio also acknowledged his strong wife ... saying, "You are more than what I could’ve imagined in a spouse, mother, and partner. You truly are remarkable. Our story together continues."

"🖤 2/8/24"

Tim Wakefield Widow Dies Months After MLB Pitcher ... Following Cancer Battle

Stacy Wakefield -- the widow of former Red Sox great Tim Wakefield -- has tragically passed away after a battle with pancreatic cancer, the team announced Wednesday.

She was surrounded by her family, friends, caretakers and nurses at her home in Massachusetts.

The news comes less than five months after the longtime MLB pitcher died from brain cancer at 57 years old ... a loss that rocked the sports world.

The family released a statement on Stacy's passing ... saying, "Our hearts are beyond broken."

"We will remember Stacy as a strong, loving, thoughtful and kind person, who was as down-to-earth as they come. We feel so lucky to have had her in our lives, and we take comfort in the fact that she will be reunited with Tim, the love of her life."

The Wakefields also shined a light on those who took care of Stacy -- doctors, nurses and caretakers -- who were by her side since her diagnosis.

"We are eternally grateful for your unmatched care and support. And to all of you who have sent well wishes over these last several months, we truly appreciate your kindness."

Tim -- a two-time World Series champion and Red Sox Hall of Famer -- and Stacy got married in November 2002.

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Stacy and Tim are survived by two children, Trevor and Brianna.


Richard Lewis, actor de "Curb Your Enthusiasm", ha muerto... TMZ ha confirmado.

El comediante y actor -que protagonizó junto a Larry David el exitoso programa de HBO- falleció el martes por la noche, con Bette Midler siendo una de las primeras personas que lo señaló el miércoles. Ella no dio muchos detalles, simplemente escribió: "En una nota triste, el gran Richard Lewis ha muerto".

Según su representante, murió de un ataque al corazón en su casa de Los Ángeles.

Es un giro impactante para los fans de la querida estrella ya que había estado luchando públicamente con la enfermedad de Parkinson, la cual anunció el año pasado.

En su anuncio, Richard señaló que en realidad había planeado retirarse de la comedia hace unos años debido a una serie de problemas de salud - que culminaron con su diagnóstico de Parkinson. En aquel momento dijo que se encontraba bien y que estaba tomando la medicación adecuada para controlarlo.

Parecía estar relativamente bien de salud a pesar de su diagnóstico de Parkinson. La enfermedad no había llegado a un punto en el que fuera visiblemente un obstáculo para él o su capacidad para actuar, incluido su papel recurrente como su yo ficticio en "CYE". No está claro si el diagnóstico influyó en su fallecimiento.

Richard fue un habitual de la serie desde el principio, interpretando al mejor amigo de Larry, con quien a menudo discutía. Por supuesto, Richard también fue un cómico condecorado.

La última vez que Richard fue visto en público fue junto a su esposa, Joyce Lapinsky. Ella parecía estar ayudándole a caminar, mientras paseaban por Beverly Hills.

Le sobrevive su esposa. Richard tenía 76 años.

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'Curb Your Enthusiasm' Richard Lewis Dead at 76

Richard Lewis, famous from "Curb Your Enthusiasm," has died ... TMZ has confirmed.

The comedian and actor -- who starred opposite Larry David on his hit HBO show -- passed away Tuesday night ... with Bette Midler being one of the first people who noted it Wednesday. She didn't provide much detail, simply writing, "On a sad note, the great Richard Lewis has died."

According to his rep -- he died from a heart attack at his home in L.A.

It's a shocking turn of events for fans of the beloved 'Curb' star -- as he'd been publicly battling with Parkinson's disease lately ... which he announced he'd been diagnosed with last year.

In his announcement, Richard noted that he'd actually planned on retiring from comedy a few years ago due to a number of health issues -- which all culminated with his Parkinson's diagnosis. He said at the time he was okay and was taking the right medication to manage it.

He appeared relatively okay health-wise despite his Parkinson's diagnosis. The disease hadn't reached a point where it was visibly hindering him or his ability to perform, including his recurring role as his fictional self on 'CYE.' It's unclear if his diagnosis played any part in his passing.

Richard was a regular on the long-running series since the beginning ... playing Larry's best friend, with whom he'd often squabble. Of course, Richard was also a decorated comic.

The last time Richard was seen out in public was actually alongside his wife, Joyce Lapinsky. She appeared to be helping him walk -- as they were out and about in Beverly Hills.

He's survived by his wife. Richard was 76.

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Tim Wakefield Muere su viuda meses después del lanzador de la MLB

Stacy Wakefield, la viuda del ex jugador de los Red Sox, Tim Wakefield, falleció trágicamente tras una batalla contra el cáncer de páncreas, anunció el equipo el miércoles.

Stacy estaba rodeada de su familia, amigos, cuidadores y enfermeras en su casa de Massachusetts.

La noticia llega menos de cinco meses después de que el lanzador de la MLB de larga data falleciera de cáncer cerebral a los 57 años, una pérdida que sacudió al mundo del deporte.

La familia emitió un comunicado sobre el fallecimiento de Stacy, que dice: "Nuestros corazones están más que rotos".

"Recordaremos a Stacy como una persona fuerte, cariñosa, atenta y amable, con los pies bien en la tierra. Nos sentimos muy afortunados de haberla tenido en nuestras vidas y nos consuela el hecho de que se reunirá con Tim, el amor de su vida".

Los Wakefield también arrojaron luz sobre aquellos que cuidaron de Stacy: médicos, enfermeras y cuidadores, que estuvieron a su lado desde su diagnóstico.

"Estamos eternamente agradecidos por su inigualable cuidado y apoyo. Y a todos los que han enviado buenos deseos durante estos últimos meses, apreciamos de verdad su amabilidad".

Tim, dos veces campeón de la Serie Mundial y miembro del Salón de la Fama de los Red Sox, y Stacy se casaron en noviembre de 2002.

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A Stacy y Tim les sobreviven sus dos hijos, Trevor y Brianna.

Virgil WWE Legend Dead At 61

WWE legend Virgil -- famous for being the "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase's personal bodyguard and assistant -- has died, his family announced Wednesday. He was just 61 years old.

Virgil -- real name Michael Jones -- dealt with serious health issues in recent years ... including several strokes and a dementia diagnosis.

Jones made his wrestling debut in 1985 ... and would go on to compete for promotions like Championship Wrestling Association, where he won the heavyweight title, as well as tag team championship with Rocky Johnson.

He then moved to the WWE, where he gained popularity alongside DiBiase ... often carrying his money and protecting him from opponents -- before eventually turning on him at Summerslam 1991 and defeating him at WrestleMania VII.

After a brief stint with the National Wrestling Conference, Jones debuted with WCW under the name Vincent, becoming a member of nWo as the head of security.

He'd continue to work with Hulk Hogan and other notable stars before his departure in 1999.

Jones briefly returned to WWE in 2010 as Ted DiBiase Jr.'s bodyguard ... and went on to make several appearances as Soul Train Jones in AEW.

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Those close to Jones say he passed away peacefully at the hospital.

WWE released a statement on Jones' death ... saying, "WWE is saddened to learn that Michael Jones, known to WWE fans as Virgil, has passed away."

"WWE extends its condolences to Jones' family, friends and fans."


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