Campbellsville University 18-Yr-Old Wrestler Strangled To Death ... Allegedly By Teammate

A Campbellsville University wrestler was been tragically killed after his teammate allegedly strangled him to death in their dorm, according to police.

The fatal incident happened over the weekend at the central Kentucky campus when Campbellsville Police say they responded to a call for an unresponsive male in the school's living quarters.

The call was for 18-year-old freshman wrestler Josiah Kilman ... who despite rescuers' efforts, was pronounced dead at a local hospital.

Shortly after Kilman passed away, officials got an arrest warrant for Charles Escalera ... for murder. Escalera was also a wrestler on the Tigers team.

The 21-year-old Oklahoma native wasn't on the loose for long ... he was captured after police received a call of a suspicious male inside a barn near the Taylor County line several hours later.

"Escalera was taken into custody by Kentucky State Police without incident," CPD said.

Escalera, who is being charged with second-degree murder and burglary, is currently being held at Taylor County Detention Center. His bond was set at $2 million.

Kilman's family set up a GoFundMe to raise money to help transport the wrestler back to his home state of Montana for a proper burial which they say will cost over $10K.

People have responded with generous donations for the hurting family ... they've already amassed over $68K.

"Our family will be eternally grateful for any assistance that you may be able to provide," a Kilman family spokesperson said.

"Thank you for helping them in their time of need."

VIRGIL Leyenda de la WWE Muere a los 61 años

La leyenda de la WWE Virgil -famoso por ser el guardaespaldas personal y asistente del "Hombre del Millón de Dólares" Ted DiBiase- ha muerto, anunció su familia el miércoles. Solo tenía 61 años.

Virgil, cuyo nombre real era Michael Jones, tuvo graves problemas de salud en los últimos años, entre ellos varios derrames cerebrales y un diagnóstico de demencia.

Jones hizo su debut en la lucha libre en 1985 y llegó a competir en la Championship Wrestling Association, donde ganó el título de peso pesado, así como el campeonato por equipos con Rocky Johnson.

Luego se trasladó a la WWE, donde ganó popularidad junto a DiBiase, a menudo llevando su dinero y protegiéndolo de sus oponentes, antes de volverse contra él en Summerslam 1991 y derrotándolo en WrestleMania VII.

Tras un breve paso por la National Wrestling Conference, Jones debutó en la WCW con el nombre de Vincent, convirtiéndose en miembro de nWo como jefe de seguridad.

Siguió trabajando con Hulk Hogan y otras estrellas notables antes de su marcha en 1999.

Jones regresó brevemente a la WWE en 2010 como guardaespaldas de Ted DiBiase Jr y pasó a hacer varias apariciones como Soul Train Jones en AEW.

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Las personas cercanas a Jones dicen que falleció en paz en el hospital.

WWE emitió un comunicado sobre la muerte de Jones diciendo: "WWE se entristece al saber que Michael Jones, conocido por los fans de la WWE como Virgil, ha fallecido".

"WWE extiende sus condolencias a la familia, amigos y fans de Jones".


'Good Time' Actor Buddy Duress Dead at 38 ... Brother Points to Drugs

Buddy Duress, best known for starring opposite Robert Pattinson in the Safdie Brothers hit "Good Time," has died ... according to his brother.

Christopher Stathis confirmed the news to People Tuesday saying Buddy died back in November ... a death Christopher attributes to cardiac arrest brought on by drugs.

Duress has several credits on IMDb including "Person to Person," "The Great Darkened Days," "Beware of Dog," "Flinch," "Funny Pages" and "Heaven Knows What."

Buddy dealt with drug abuse and legal issues for much of his adult life it seems. He met director Josh Safdie after his release from NYC's Rikers Island prison -- where he did time for drug charges -- and filmed his part in "Heaven Knows What."

After that, he was rearrested for not going to rehab.

Josh and his brother Benny Safdie asked Buddy to journal his experiences in prison -- which partly served as a basis for "Good Time" according to the Los Angeles Times.

It appears Buddy still has 2 more projects set to be released posthumously ... "Mass State Lottery" and a short film called "Skull" should be coming out over the course of the next year.

He is survived by Christopher and his mother Jo-Anne.

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Buddy was 38.


Gary Sinise Su hijo Mac muere a los 33 años ... Luego de una batalla contra el cáncer

Gary Sinise está llorando la pérdida de su hijo después de una batalla contra una rara forma de cáncer y el homenaje que ha compartido de su hijo es más que conmovedor.

La estrella de "Forrest Gump", que interpretó al teniente Dan, publicó un mensaje para su hijo Mac, que murió el 5 de enero pasado tras luchar contra un cordoma, un tipo de cáncer que afecta a la columna vertebral.

Gary dice que Mac fue diagnosticado con este cáncer en 2018, el mismo año en que su esposa Moira fue diagnosticada con cáncer de mama en etapa 3. Afortunadamente, ella se ha recuperado desde entonces y está en remisión.

Gary publicó fotos junto a su hijo, incluyendo una toma en la que aparece en una silla de ruedas. También señala que Mac estaba muy involucrado en su fundación y tenía un gran amor por la música, tanto que incluso ayudó a crear un álbum con composiciones originales.

Gary escribió: "Compartiendo nuestra historia, esperamos encender un poco de luz en lo que ha sido un momento difícil para nosotros, Mac fue realmente una luz para todos nosotros".

Gary añade: "Una increíble inspiración para quienes lo conocían y lo querían, afrontó su batalla con gracia, valentía y amor. Incluso con un revés tras otro, nunca dejó de vivir y aprender, crear, dar y amar. Amaba a toda nuestra familia".

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Termina su post diciendo: "Gracias, Mac. Lo hiciste. Resurrection & Revival vivirán. Y tú también. En nuestros corazones para siempre. Tuvimos la bendición de tenerte en nuestras vidas como hijo, hermano y amigo y te echaremos de menos y te querremos por toda la eternidad".

Mac solo tenía 33 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Gary Sinise Son Mac Dead at 33 ... After Cancer Battle

Gary Sinise is mourning the loss of his son after a battle with a rare form of cancer -- and his obituary for his boy is beyond moving.

The "Forrest Gump" star -- who played Lieutenant Dan -- posted a tribute Tuesday to his son, Mac, who he revealed died last month. Gary says Mac passed away on Jan. 5 and was laid to rest on Jan. 23 ... this after he succumbed to chordoma, which affects the spine.

Gary says Mac was diagnosed with this cancer in 2018 ... the same year his wife, Moira, was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Luckily, she's recovered since and is in remission.

Gary posted photos of himself and Mac together -- including a shot that features his son in a wheelchair. He also notes Mac was heavily involved in his foundation, and had a love for music -- noting he even helped create an album with original compositions.

He writes of his son, "In sharing our story, we hope to shine a little bit of light on what has been a difficult time for us as Mac was truly a light for all of us."

Gary adds, "An incredible inspiration to those who knew and loved him, he faced his battle with grace, courage, and love. Even with one setback after another, he never stopped living and learning, creating, and giving, and loving. He loved all our family."

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He ends his tribute post with this ... "Thank you, Mac. You did it. Resurrection & Revival will live on. And so will you. In our hearts forever. We were blessed to have you in our lives as son, brother, and friend...and we will miss you and love you for eternity."

Mac was only 33.


Jam Master Jay Two Suspects GUILTY Of Murder

Two men have now been convicted of murdering Run-DMC's Jam Master Jay ... bringing an end to one of hip hop's longest-running cold cases.

The jury in Brooklyn Federal Court found both defendants Ronald Washington and Karl Jordan Jr. guilty Tuesday, just a little under a month after the trial began.

Jay was gunned down more than 21 years ago on the evening of October 30, 2002 ... where prosecutors argued Washington and Jordan both ambushed him at his studio over a failed drug deal, with Jordan executing him at close range with multiple shots to the head.

A third defendant, Jay Bryant, will be tried at a later date after he was implicated in the murder.

Investigators say Bryant left an article containing his DNA at the scene as he's said to have been the point man allowing Washington and Jordan access to the studio to murder the hip hop icon.

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Ahead of the trial, Attorney General Merrick Garland took the death penalty off the table but both men are staring at a minimum of 20 years in prison, each.


Dos hombres han sido declarados culpables de asesinar a Jam Master Jay de Run-DMC, dándole fin a uno de los casos más antiguos del hip hop.

El jurado en el Tribunal Federal de Brooklyn declaró culpables a los acusados Ronald Washington y Karl Jordan Jr. el martes, poco menos de un mes después de que comenzara el juicio.

Jay fue asesinado a tiros hace más de 21 años la noche del 30 de octubre de 2002. Los fiscales argumentaron que Washington y Jordan le tendieron una emboscada en su estudio sobre un acuerdo de drogas fallido, lo que terminó con Jordan ejecutándolo a quemarropa con múltiples disparos en la cabeza.

Un tercer acusado, Jay Bryant, será juzgado en una fecha posterior después de haber sido implicado en el asesinato.

Los investigadores dicen que Bryant dejó un artículo que contiene su ADN en la escena, ya que se dice que fue el hombre clave que le permitió a Washington y Jordan acceder al estudio para asesinar al icono del hip hop.

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Antes del juicio, el Fiscal General Merrick Garland retiró la pena de muerte de la mesa, pero ambos hombres se enfrentan a un mínimo de 20 años de prisión cada uno.

Andy Reid Honors K.C. Shooting Victim Lisa Lopez-Galvan ... 'Very Good Human Being'


Chiefs head coach Andy Reid gave a brief eulogy for the woman who lost her life in the Kansas City parade shooting on Tuesday ... praising Lisa Lopez-Galvan as someone who had a positive impact on so many people.

The three-time Super Bowl-winning coach met with the media at the NFL Combine in Indianapolis minutes ago ... but before he started talking football, he wanted to address the tragedy that resulted in the local DJ's death -- and injuries to 22 others.

"I want to share my condolences for the Galvan and Lopez family for their loss of Lisa, and for the people of Kansas City," Reid told reporters.

"She was a personality there, and a very good human being, first of all. We'll all miss her, as I know her family will."

Reid said the shooting is not what Kansas City stands for as a whole ... and he called on the next generation to take action and be a part of the solution.

"You're our future," he added, "and as great as we can make this place, we want to do that. So we can turn this, which was a negative, into a real positive. With just a little togetherness and love we can fix a lot of problems."

As we previously reported, the Chiefs launched a fundraiser for those affected by the incident ... with Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce and Patrick and Brittany Mahomes donating to the cause.

Harrison Butker -- whose jersey Lopez-Galvan was wearing at the celebration -- also donated one of his own tops to the family for her funeral services.

Two men -- Lyndell Mays and Dominic Miller -- currently face charges for their involvement in the shooting.


La cuenta de X de Mathew Perry fue hackeada por estafadores que intentaban llevar a cabo un esquema de donación de criptomonedas a través de un sitio web fraudulento... esto según la misma fundación.

Un enlace que se anunció recientemente cuado la dirección de los posibles donantes para hacer contribuciones a la fundación del actor fallecido, en realidad los llevaba a un sitio falso, pero la Fundación de Matthew Perry no ha perdido el tiempo llamando a la estafa como totalmente falso, mientras que obtener el control de sus redes sociales de nuevo.

Escribieron en Insta el lunes: "Hemos recibido informes de que la página oficial X de Matthew ha sido hackeada y está dirigiendo a los usuarios a un sitio fraudulento que solicita donaciones a través de criptomoneda". Esto a modo de aviso para que la gente no caiga en la trampa.

También aclararon que era el único sitio legítimo asociado con la fundación y que NO se debe confiar o donar a ningún otro.

En cuanto a los estafadores detrás del post fraudulento, su identidad sigue siendo un misterio y tampoco se sabe en este momento cuántas personas podrían haber donado a través del enlace y cuánto podrían haber perdido. El post en cuestión ha sido retirado de X.

La Fundación Matthew Perry fue creada para proporcionar apoyo a aquellos que luchan contra la adicción, una causa que estaba cerca del corazón del difunto actor.

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Compartió con valentía sus propias luchas contra el alcohol y la adicción a los opioides, incluso documentando con franqueza su propio viaje de sobriedad en sus memorias de 2022, "Amigos, amantes y la gran cosa terrible".

TMZ publicó la historia. Perry murió el pasado mes de octubre después de que su asistente encontró su cuerpo flotando en una bañera de hidromasaje en su casa del área de Los Ángeles.

El forense realizó una autopsia, concluyendo Perry murió de los "efectos agudos de la ketamina", un anestésico utilizado para tratar la depresión. El ahogamiento figuraba en el informe de la autopsia como causa secundaria de la muerte.


Mathew Perry's X account was hacked by scammers trying to pull off a sneaky crypto donation scheme through a fraudulent website ... this according to his foundation.

A link that was recently advertised as directing would-be donors to make contributions to the late actor's foundation actually led them to a copycat site -- but The Matthew Perry Foundation has wasted no time calling out the scam as totally bogus, while gaining control of his socials again.

They wrote on IG Monday ... "We have received reports that Matthew's official X page has been hacked and is directing users to a fraudulent site soliciting donations via cryptocurrency" ... going on to urge people not to fall for the trap by sharing the fake social media post.

They also clarified that was the only legitimate site associated with the foundation -- and that any others should NOT be trusted or donated to.

As for the scammers behind the fraudulent post, their identity remains a mystery for now ... and it's also not known at this point how many people might've donated through the bunk link and how much they might've lost. The post in question has been taken down from X.

The Matthew Perry Foundation was set up in MP's name to provide support to those battling addiction, a cause that was close to the late actor's heart.

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He bravely shared his own struggles with alcohol and opioid addiction, even candidly documenting his own sobriety journey in his 2022 memoir, "Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing."

TMZ broke the story ... "Friends" star Perry died last October after his assistant found his body floating in a hot tub at his L.A. area home.

The coroner performed an autopsy, concluding Perry died from the "acute effects of ketamine," an anesthetic used to treat depression. Drowning was listed on the autopsy report as a secondary cause of death.

Jon Stewart Se emociona por la partida de su perro... Emotivo homenaje en "Daily Show"

Mi buen chico, Dipper
Comedy Central

Jon Stewart se quebró de emoción al referirse a la muerte de su perro en el programa de esta semana, con un homenaje del que apenas pudo contener las lágrimas.

El comediante estuvo de anfitrión el lunes en "Daily Show" y se tomó un momento para reconocer el fallecimiento de su perro de toda la vida, Dipper, quien murió recientemente.

Echa un vistazo, es increíblemente triste ver lo desconsolado que está Jon en frente de la audiencia. Incluso tuvo que parar varias veces mientras se secaba las lágrimas.

Durante el programa contó cómo Dipper llegó a su vida y a la de su familia, explicando que lo adoptaron de un refugio en Nueva York llamado Animal Haven. En el refugio les explicaron que tenían a un pitbull que había sido atropellado por un carro y que había perdido una de sus piernas.

Este acabó siendo el perrito de la familia de Jon y su recuerdo es conmovedor y emotivo. Como dice el propio Jon: "En un mundo de buenos chicos, él era el mejor".

No está claro cómo murió Dipper exactamente, pero parece que podría haber sido de viejo. Jon dice que el perro estaba preparado, pero él no y queda claro por lo triste que está.

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Que en paz descanse.

Jon Stewart Breaks Down Mourning His Dog ... Emotional 'DS' Tribute

Comedy Central

Jon Stewart was an emotional wreck on his comedy show this week -- breaking down over the death of his dog ... with a tribute he could hardly get through without sobbing.

The comedian was playing host again on Monday for the 'Daily Show,' and at one point during his time in the chair -- he took a moment to acknowledge the passing of his longtime pooch, Dipper, who he says recently passed away.

Check it out ... it's incredibly sad to watch, as Jon is pretty inconsolable here in front of an audience -- having to stop his train of thought several times as he chokes up and tears up.

He gives the backstory of how Dipper came into his and his family's life -- explaining that they adopted him from a no-kill shelter in NYC called Animal Haven ... and noting that they had a Brindle pit bull in their ranks who'd been hit by a car and who'd lost one of his legs.

That ended up being Jon's family doggo ... and his remembrance here is poignant and moving. As Jon says himself, "In a world of good boys, he was the best."


Unclear how exactly Dipper died, but it sounds like it might've been due to old age. Jon says the dog was ready, but he wasn't -- and that much is clear by how moving this is.

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Ole Anderson Wrestling Legend Dead At 81 ... Original Four Horsemen Member

Wrestling legend Ole Anderson -- who helped form The Four Horsemen in the 1980s -- has died at 81 years old.

The WWE confirmed the sad news Monday evening ... remembering him in a statement as "a prolific and decorated tag team wrestler" who had a "hard-nosed style and gruff demeanor."

"WWE extends its condolences to Anderson's family, friends, and fans," the org. added.

A cause of death was not revealed.

Anderson -- real name Alan Rogowski -- began his wrestling career in the '60s ... but really made his mark in the squared circle in the 1980s.

He, Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard created the heel stable The Four Horsemen .... and the quartet eventually went on to have legendary matches across multiple promotions against some of the most iconic wrestlers of all-time.

After news of his death broke, Flair said in a post on X that Ole helped launch his career.

"I Will Be Grateful Forever For You Giving Me The Opportunity To Become Who I Am Today," Flair wrote. "We Didn’t Always Agree With Each Other, But The Honest To God Truth Is You & Gene Started Me. Rest In Peace My Friend!"

In addition to his time on the mat, Anderson also worked as a manager, promoter and even an exec in the wrestling world.

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"AEW and the wrestling world mourn the passing of the legendary Ole Anderson," All Elite Wrestling officials said in a statement Monday night. "Our thoughts are with his family, his friends and his fans."



El juicio de Alec Baldwin por el tiroteo de "Rust" ha sido programado, y va a ser antes de lo esperado. Resulta que se ha fijado una fecha para mediados del verano, y se prolongará durante una semana o más.

Los procedimientos judiciales para el juicio por homicidio involuntario del actor están programados para comenzar con la selección del jurado, la cual comenzará el 9 de julio. Después de eso, el juicio comienza al día siguiente -el 10 de julio- y las autoridades de Nuevo México dicen que va a estar en el banquillo durante los siguientes 9 días.

Se espera que el juicio se extienda por lo menos hasta el 19 de julio. Alec va a pasar una buena parte del verano allí en Santa Fe mientras los fiscales tratan de demostrar, más allá de toda duda razonable, que es legalmente responsable de la muerte de Halyna Hutchins. Alec se ha declarado formalmente inocente.

Va a haber un montón de mociones previas al juicio durante los meses previos a la fecha del mismo y mejor creer que Alec y sus abogados están preparando su mejor defensa.

NBC News

A propósito, la armera del set de la película también está actualmente en juicio y está siendo procesada por cargos de homicidio involuntario. Queda por ver cómo va a terminar todo este asunto.

Como hemos informado, esta es la segunda vez que Alec ha sido acusado de homicidio involuntario por el Estado, la primera vez terminaron retirando los cargos, pero los últimos meses se han desenterrado más pruebas que intentan probar que se trata de un crimen.

Un gran jurado dictó otra acusación en su contra a principios de este año, una decisión que muchos esperaban sobre la base de la forma en que los funcionarios estaban hablando sobre el caso en los últimos tiempos.

Alec ha insistido durante mucho tiempo que no tenía ni idea de que había una carga real en el arma que utilizó durante el ensayo y también ha dicho claramente que encargarse de la seguridad no era su responsabilidad.

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Vamos a ver qué pruebas tienen los fiscales para hacer su caso... esto se ha prolongado durante mucho tiempo.

Drake Fans Mother, Daughter Ran Over By Speeding Car ... After His St. Louis Concert

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Tragic Collision

Tragic new video shows the moment a mother and daughter leaving a Drake concert were killed by a car running a red light -- and you can see just how fast this person was driving.

The dramatic footage shows Laticha Bracero and her adult daughter, 21-year-old Alyssa Cordova, walking through a crosswalk on early Feb. 14 -- right after Drake's concert in St. Louis -- when, suddenly, a car comes flying into frame, blowing through a red light and sideswiping another car before running them over.

It all happens in a flash -- and we've stopped the video to avoid showing the gruesome moment of impact -- but make no mistake ... Bracero and Cordova were obliterated.

Obviously, the fatal incident is absolutely horrific -- and worse yet, it happened a few blocks away from the Enterprise Center in downtown St. Louis, where the women had just left a Drake show ... the 2nd night of his two-show performances there in town.

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department says the mother died at the scene and her daughter later died at a hospital.

Cops also claim the alleged driver, 22-year-old Monte Henderson, was running red lights for several blocks and speeding in a Jeep Cherokee before running over the women and injuring several other pedestrians. They ended up finding him and arresting him shortly after this.

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Henderson's been charged with two counts each of armed criminal action and involuntary manslaughter. Cops say he was speeding at over 70 MPH -- it's unclear why he might've been driving that fast ... but in any case, he has reportedly since bonded out of jail.

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According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch ... a judge overseeing his case denied a request from prosecutors to keep him locked up -- with them arguing he's a danger to the community -- and allowed to be freed on a $20,000 bail. He has since been released from custody.

The mother and daughter apparently weren't even from St. Louis -- word is, they'd traveled into town from Chicago just to catch Drizzy in person. A GoFundMe to help pay for funeral arrangements and other costs has been started in their name.


Alec Baldwin 'Rust' Trial Date Set for Summer ... Expected to Last 9 Days

Alec Baldwin's trial for the "Rust" shooting has been calendared -- and it's coming sooner than he might've expected ... a date's been set for mid-summer, and it'll go for a week-plus.

Court proceedings for the actor's manslaughter trial are scheduled to begin with jury selection, which will start on July 9. After that ... the trial kicks off the next day on July 10, and New Mexico officials say he'll be in the hot seat for the following 9 days.

The trial is expected to run through at least July 19 ... and that doesn't seem to factor deliberations afterward. All in all, Alec will be spending a good portion of his summer there in Santa Fe as prosecutors attempt to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was legally responsible for the death of Halyna Hutchins -- which Alec has pled not guilty to, formally.

There's gonna be a bunch of pretrial motions that'll be heard in the months ahead of the trial date -- and best believe Alec and his lawyers will be preparing their best defense.

NBC News

Mind you, the on-set armorer for the doomed film is currently on trial herself -- and she, too, is being prosecuted on manslaughter charges. It remains to be seen how that'll shake out.

As we reported ... this is the 2nd time AB has been accused of manslaughter by the state -- the first time around, they ended up dropping the charges ... but in the months since, they've dug up more evidence that they believe implicates him in a crime and went after him anew.

A grand jury handed down another indictment against him earlier this year ... a decision that many were expecting based on the way officials were talking about the case of late.

Alec has long insisted ... he had no idea there was a live round in the gun he used during a rehearsal, and he's also said clearly -- making sure it was safe wasn't his responsibility.

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We'll see what evidence prosecutors have to make their case ... this thing's been dragging on for a long while now.

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