Jon Stewart Se emociona por la partida de su perro... Emotivo homenaje en "Daily Show"

Mi buen chico, Dipper
Comedy Central

Jon Stewart se quebró de emoción al referirse a la muerte de su perro en el programa de esta semana, con un homenaje del que apenas pudo contener las lágrimas.

El comediante estuvo de anfitrión el lunes en "Daily Show" y se tomó un momento para reconocer el fallecimiento de su perro de toda la vida, Dipper, quien murió recientemente.

Echa un vistazo, es increíblemente triste ver lo desconsolado que está Jon en frente de la audiencia. Incluso tuvo que parar varias veces mientras se secaba las lágrimas.

Durante el programa contó cómo Dipper llegó a su vida y a la de su familia, explicando que lo adoptaron de un refugio en Nueva York llamado Animal Haven. En el refugio les explicaron que tenían a un pitbull que había sido atropellado por un carro y que había perdido una de sus piernas.

Este acabó siendo el perrito de la familia de Jon y su recuerdo es conmovedor y emotivo. Como dice el propio Jon: "En un mundo de buenos chicos, él era el mejor".

No está claro cómo murió Dipper exactamente, pero parece que podría haber sido de viejo. Jon dice que el perro estaba preparado, pero él no y queda claro por lo triste que está.

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Que en paz descanse.

Jon Stewart Breaks Down Mourning His Dog ... Emotional 'DS' Tribute

Comedy Central

Jon Stewart was an emotional wreck on his comedy show this week -- breaking down over the death of his dog ... with a tribute he could hardly get through without sobbing.

The comedian was playing host again on Monday for the 'Daily Show,' and at one point during his time in the chair -- he took a moment to acknowledge the passing of his longtime pooch, Dipper, who he says recently passed away.

Check it out ... it's incredibly sad to watch, as Jon is pretty inconsolable here in front of an audience -- having to stop his train of thought several times as he chokes up and tears up.

He gives the backstory of how Dipper came into his and his family's life -- explaining that they adopted him from a no-kill shelter in NYC called Animal Haven ... and noting that they had a Brindle pit bull in their ranks who'd been hit by a car and who'd lost one of his legs.

That ended up being Jon's family doggo ... and his remembrance here is poignant and moving. As Jon says himself, "In a world of good boys, he was the best."


Unclear how exactly Dipper died, but it sounds like it might've been due to old age. Jon says the dog was ready, but he wasn't -- and that much is clear by how moving this is.

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Ole Anderson Wrestling Legend Dead At 81 ... Original Four Horsemen Member

Wrestling legend Ole Anderson -- who helped form The Four Horsemen in the 1980s -- has died at 81 years old.

The WWE confirmed the sad news Monday evening ... remembering him in a statement as "a prolific and decorated tag team wrestler" who had a "hard-nosed style and gruff demeanor."

"WWE extends its condolences to Anderson's family, friends, and fans," the org. added.

A cause of death was not revealed.

Anderson -- real name Alan Rogowski -- began his wrestling career in the '60s ... but really made his mark in the squared circle in the 1980s.

He, Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard created the heel stable The Four Horsemen .... and the quartet eventually went on to have legendary matches across multiple promotions against some of the most iconic wrestlers of all-time.

After news of his death broke, Flair said in a post on X that Ole helped launch his career.

"I Will Be Grateful Forever For You Giving Me The Opportunity To Become Who I Am Today," Flair wrote. "We Didn’t Always Agree With Each Other, But The Honest To God Truth Is You & Gene Started Me. Rest In Peace My Friend!"

In addition to his time on the mat, Anderson also worked as a manager, promoter and even an exec in the wrestling world.

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"AEW and the wrestling world mourn the passing of the legendary Ole Anderson," All Elite Wrestling officials said in a statement Monday night. "Our thoughts are with his family, his friends and his fans."



El juicio de Alec Baldwin por el tiroteo de "Rust" ha sido programado, y va a ser antes de lo esperado. Resulta que se ha fijado una fecha para mediados del verano, y se prolongará durante una semana o más.

Los procedimientos judiciales para el juicio por homicidio involuntario del actor están programados para comenzar con la selección del jurado, la cual comenzará el 9 de julio. Después de eso, el juicio comienza al día siguiente -el 10 de julio- y las autoridades de Nuevo México dicen que va a estar en el banquillo durante los siguientes 9 días.

Se espera que el juicio se extienda por lo menos hasta el 19 de julio. Alec va a pasar una buena parte del verano allí en Santa Fe mientras los fiscales tratan de demostrar, más allá de toda duda razonable, que es legalmente responsable de la muerte de Halyna Hutchins. Alec se ha declarado formalmente inocente.

Va a haber un montón de mociones previas al juicio durante los meses previos a la fecha del mismo y mejor creer que Alec y sus abogados están preparando su mejor defensa.

NBC News

A propósito, la armera del set de la película también está actualmente en juicio y está siendo procesada por cargos de homicidio involuntario. Queda por ver cómo va a terminar todo este asunto.

Como hemos informado, esta es la segunda vez que Alec ha sido acusado de homicidio involuntario por el Estado, la primera vez terminaron retirando los cargos, pero los últimos meses se han desenterrado más pruebas que intentan probar que se trata de un crimen.

Un gran jurado dictó otra acusación en su contra a principios de este año, una decisión que muchos esperaban sobre la base de la forma en que los funcionarios estaban hablando sobre el caso en los últimos tiempos.

Alec ha insistido durante mucho tiempo que no tenía ni idea de que había una carga real en el arma que utilizó durante el ensayo y también ha dicho claramente que encargarse de la seguridad no era su responsabilidad.

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Vamos a ver qué pruebas tienen los fiscales para hacer su caso... esto se ha prolongado durante mucho tiempo.

Drake Fans Mother, Daughter Ran Over By Speeding Car ... After His St. Louis Concert

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Tragic Collision

Tragic new video shows the moment a mother and daughter leaving a Drake concert were killed by a car running a red light -- and you can see just how fast this person was driving.

The dramatic footage shows Laticha Bracero and her adult daughter, 21-year-old Alyssa Cordova, walking through a crosswalk on early Feb. 14 -- right after Drake's concert in St. Louis -- when, suddenly, a car comes flying into frame, blowing through a red light and sideswiping another car before running them over.

It all happens in a flash -- and we've stopped the video to avoid showing the gruesome moment of impact -- but make no mistake ... Bracero and Cordova were obliterated.

Obviously, the fatal incident is absolutely horrific -- and worse yet, it happened a few blocks away from the Enterprise Center in downtown St. Louis, where the women had just left a Drake show ... the 2nd night of his two-show performances there in town.

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department says the mother died at the scene and her daughter later died at a hospital.

Cops also claim the alleged driver, 22-year-old Monte Henderson, was running red lights for several blocks and speeding in a Jeep Cherokee before running over the women and injuring several other pedestrians. They ended up finding him and arresting him shortly after this.

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Henderson's been charged with two counts each of armed criminal action and involuntary manslaughter. Cops say he was speeding at over 70 MPH -- it's unclear why he might've been driving that fast ... but in any case, he has reportedly since bonded out of jail.

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According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch ... a judge overseeing his case denied a request from prosecutors to keep him locked up -- with them arguing he's a danger to the community -- and allowed to be freed on a $20,000 bail. He has since been released from custody.

The mother and daughter apparently weren't even from St. Louis -- word is, they'd traveled into town from Chicago just to catch Drizzy in person. A GoFundMe to help pay for funeral arrangements and other costs has been started in their name.


Alec Baldwin 'Rust' Trial Date Set for Summer ... Expected to Last 9 Days

Alec Baldwin's trial for the "Rust" shooting has been calendared -- and it's coming sooner than he might've expected ... a date's been set for mid-summer, and it'll go for a week-plus.

Court proceedings for the actor's manslaughter trial are scheduled to begin with jury selection, which will start on July 9. After that ... the trial kicks off the next day on July 10, and New Mexico officials say he'll be in the hot seat for the following 9 days.

The trial is expected to run through at least July 19 ... and that doesn't seem to factor deliberations afterward. All in all, Alec will be spending a good portion of his summer there in Santa Fe as prosecutors attempt to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was legally responsible for the death of Halyna Hutchins -- which Alec has pled not guilty to, formally.

There's gonna be a bunch of pretrial motions that'll be heard in the months ahead of the trial date -- and best believe Alec and his lawyers will be preparing their best defense.

NBC News

Mind you, the on-set armorer for the doomed film is currently on trial herself -- and she, too, is being prosecuted on manslaughter charges. It remains to be seen how that'll shake out.

As we reported ... this is the 2nd time AB has been accused of manslaughter by the state -- the first time around, they ended up dropping the charges ... but in the months since, they've dug up more evidence that they believe implicates him in a crime and went after him anew.

A grand jury handed down another indictment against him earlier this year ... a decision that many were expecting based on the way officials were talking about the case of late.

Alec has long insisted ... he had no idea there was a live round in the gun he used during a rehearsal, and he's also said clearly -- making sure it was safe wasn't his responsibility.

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We'll see what evidence prosecutors have to make their case ... this thing's been dragging on for a long while now.


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trágico momento

Un nuevo y trágico video muestra el momento en que una madre y su hija -que salían de un concierto de Drake- mueren atropelladas por un carro que se salta un semáforo en rojo, y se puede ver a qué iba muy rápido.

Las dramáticas imágenes muestran a Laticha Bracero y su hija de 21 años de edad, Alyssa Cordova, caminando por un paso de peatones a principios del 14 de febrero -justo después del concierto de Drake en St. Louis- cuando, de repente, un carro viene volando pasándose una luz roja y les quita la vida

Todo sucede en un instante y hemos cortado el video para evitar mostrar el horrible momento del impacto, pero no se equivoquen, Bracero y Cordova fueron brutalmente golpeadas.

Obviamente, el incidente fatal es absolutamente horrible y lo que es peor, ocurrió a pocas cuadras del Enterprise Center en el centro de St. Louis, donde las mujeres acababan de salir de un espectáculo de Drake, la segunda noche de sus dos espectáculos allí en la ciudad.

El Departamento de Policía Metropolitana de St. Louis dice que la madre murió en la escena y su hija murió más tarde en un hospital.

Los policías también afirman que el presunto conductor, Monte Henderson, de 22 años, se saltó semáforos en rojo durante varias manzanas y circulaba a gran velocidad en un Jeep Cherokee antes de atropellar a las mujeres y herir a varios peatones más. Acabaron encontrándolo y arrestándolo poco después.

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Henderson ha sido acusado de dos cargos, cada uno de acción criminal armada y homicidio involuntario. Los policías dicen que iba a más de 70 MPH y no está claro por qué podría haber estado conduciendo tan rápido, pero en cualquier caso, según los informes, pero en cualquier caso, al parecer ya ha salido de la cárcel.

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De acuerdo con el St. Louis Post-Dispatch, un juez que supervisa su caso denegó una solicitud de los fiscales para mantenerlo encerrado. Argumentan que es un peligro para la comunidad y le permitieron ser liberado bajo fianza de $20.000. Desde entonces ha sido puesto en libertad.

La madre y la hija al parecer ni siquiera eran de St. Louis, se dice que habían viajado a la ciudad desde Chicago solo para ver a Drizzy en persona. Un GoFundMe para ayudar a pagar los arreglos funerarios y otros gastos se ha iniciado en su nombre.




The Air Force member who set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in D.C. in protest against Israel has died ... and video of the horrific incident has now surfaced.

Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old from San Antonio, was identified by the Metropolitan Police Department as the man who set himself ablaze Sunday ... and he actually live streamed the whole thing himself on Twitch just before 1 PM ET, which you can watch here -- but brace yourself, it's harrowing, to say the least.

It's a chilling image ... you can see Bushnell casually walking up to the gates of the Israeli Embassy, talking straight to the camera, saying he won't be complicit in genocide anymore. He adds how whatever protest he's about to engage in is nothing compared to what Palestinians have been going through at the hands of their colonizers.

He then positions his camera on the ground, douses himself in accelerant, and ignites the flames ... all while yelling, "Free Palestine!!"

Bushnell was extinguished by the United States Secret Service and was rushed to the hospital with his life-threatening injuries -- and we all now know he didn't make it.

The Air Force said in a statement Monday: "The individual involved in yesterday's incident succumbed to his injuries and passed away last night."

On top of everything else, the Metropolitan Police Department's bomb squad got called in to check out a suspicious vehicle in the area. Thankfully, they determined that the vehicle didn't contain any hazardous material.

The massive protest against the conflict between Israel and Hamas kicked off when Hamas agents attacked a music festival -- killing hundreds and taking more hostage on October 7, 2023.

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Israel responded by launching an all-out war against Hamas in Gaza, and tensions between the two sides have been raging since.

Beyoncé Uncle Butch Dead At 77

Tragedy has hit Beyoncé's family ... the megastar's uncle has passed away.

Bey's mom, Tina Knowles, delivered the news on Instagram just hours ago, revealing her brother, Rowland Martin Buyince, who went by Butch, died over the weekend. No word yet on how what happened.

Tina uploaded a black and white photo of Butch in a United States Air Force uniform with a caption honoring his memory.

She called Butch her "Beautiful big brother" who was now with God in heaven, while expressing she'll miss him "so much."

She described Butch as a handsome "career Airforce man” who had a passion for riding motorcycles and was a black belt in karate.

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Tina noted Butch's "beautiful green eyes," while emphasizing that he was a "great story teller" and was beloved by his incredible wife Jeanette, daughter Dana, and two grandchildren Yvette and Roland.

So far, Bey has not commented on Butch's passing ... but we expect something from her to down the pike.

As you know, Bey's been making headlines lately with her recent pivot to country music, releasing the hit country song, "Texas Hold 'Em."

Butch was 77.


'Once Upon A Time' Actor Chris Gauthier Dead at 48

Chris Gauthier -- known for shows like "Once Upon A Time" and "Smallville" -- has died ... his agency confirmed in a statement.

The actor reportedly passed away suddenly Friday after recently falling ill with TriStar Appearances/Event Horizon Talent lamenting his loss to TVLine.

Tristar's Chad Colvin wrote in a Facebook post that Gauthier was the very definition of a character actor ... not an actor with a name one might know, but one whose sheer presence in a show or movie could pique the interest of any audience.

Gauthier appeared in a number of popular projects over the years including "A Series of Unfortunate Events," "iZombie," "Psych," "Supernatural," "Smallville," "Watchmen," "Agent Cody Banks," "Little Man," "Freddy vs. Jason" -- and a whole lot more.

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He was perhaps best known for his role in the TV show science-fiction show "Eureka" where he played gourmet chef Vincent in 67 episodes, and later as Mr. Smee -- Captain Hook's first mate in the ABC drama "Once Upon A Time."

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In fact, his 'OUAT' costar Colin O'Donoghue, who played Captain Hook in the series, also posted a touching tribute to Chris ... saying he was the real captain all along.

Chris is survived by his wife Erin and their two children.

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He was 48.


ACTOR DE "STAR TREK" Y MARVEL FALLECE A LOS 49 AÑOS Sufría de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica

Kenneth Mitchell -que protagonizó una serie de televisión de "Star Trek" y una película de Marvel- ha muerto, según un comunicado de su familia.

La familia anunció a través de su cuenta de Instagram que el actor falleció el sábado, recordándolo no solo como un actor condecorado, sino también como un dedicado hombre de familia.

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Su familia dice que falleció después de una batalla contra la ELA que comenzó hace más de cinco años diciendo que creía que cada día era un regalo a pesar de las dificultades que enfrentó con su enfermedad.

Mitchell apareció en varias películas y programas de televisión a lo largo de los años, incluyendo "Nancy Drew", "The Astronauts Wives Club", "NCIS", "Castle", "Criminal Minds" y "Grey's Anatomy".

Su papel más destacado llegó en 2006, cuando obtuvo un papel protagónico en la serie "Jericho". Mitchell apareció en 27 de los 29 episodios de la serie durante sus dos temporadas.

Más recientemente, Mitchell dio el salto al reino de la ciencia ficción, apareciendo como Joe -el padre de Carol Danvers- en el éxito de Marvel de 2019 "Captain Marvel" y apareciendo en una serie de papeles para el original de Paramount + "Star Trek: Discovery".

A Mitchell le sobreviven su esposa Susan, sus hijos Lilah y Kallum, sus padres, hermanos y numerosas sobrinas y sobrinos. La familia le está pidiendo a la gente que done a la investigación de la ELA en su memoria.

Kenneth tenía 49 años.


'Star Trek' & Marvel Actor Kenneth Mitchell Dead at 49 ... Lengthy Battle w/ ALS

Kenneth Mitchell -- who starred in a 'Star Trek' television show and Marvel movie -- has died, according to a statement from his family.

The actor passed away Saturday his family announced via his Instagram account ... remembering him as not only a decorated actor but also a dedicated family man.

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His family says he passed away after a battle with ALS that began more than five years ago saying he believed each day was a gift despite the difficulties he faced with his illness.

Mitchell appeared in a number of movies and television shows over the years including "Nancy Drew," "The Astronauts Wives Club," "NCIS," "Castle," "Criminal Minds," and "Grey's Anatomy."

His breakout role came back in 2006 when he received a starring part in the show "Jericho." Mitchell appeared in 27 of the show's 29 episodes during its two-season run.

More recently, Mitchell made the jump into the science-fiction realm ... appearing as Carol Danvers' father Joe in the 2019 Marvel hit "Captain Marvel" and appearing in a number of roles for the Paramount+ original "Star Trek: Discovery."

Mitchell is survived by his wife Susan, kids Lilah and Kallum, his parents, siblings and numerous nieces and nephews. The family's asking people to donate to ALS research in his memory.

Kenneth was 49.



Rick Harrison's late son Adam won't be discussed on the new season of "Pawn Stars" ... TMZ has learned.

A Harrison family spokesperson tells us ... with Rick personally addressing Adam's tragic passing last month, there will be no further comment in future episodes. Also, Adam wasn't a cast member of the show.

We're told the Harrison family are keeping themselves busy amid the unfathomable tragedy ... and have started filming new episodes this month.

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Adam -- one of Rick's three boys -- helped out at the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop back in the day, despite not being featured on the show.

TMZ broke the story ... Adam died from a fentanyl overdose last month, with Rick posting an emotional IG tribute saying, "You will always be in my heart! I love you Adam. 💔"

Rick attributed his son's death to fentanyl freely flowing across the border, emphasizing to us the urgent need to address this crisis in our country.

The Harrison family has since established an education fund for Adam's son ... after being inundated with pleas from people asking how they can show support.

TMZ Studios

As for now, "Pawn Stars" will stick to business as usual, as the Harrison family copes during this difficult time.

Rick Harrison de "Pawn Stars" La serie no abordará la muerte de su hijo

La muerte del hijo de Rick Harrison, Adam, no será tratada en la nueva temporada de "Pawn Stars", según ha indagado TMZ.

Un portavoz de la familia Harrison nos dice que luego de que Rick abordara personalmente el trágico fallecimiento de Adam el mes pasado, no habrá más comentarios en futuros episodios. Además, él no era un miembro del elenco de la serie.

Nos dicen que la familia Harrison se mantiene ocupada en medio de la inconmensurable tragedia y ha comenzado a filmar nuevos episodios este mes.

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Adam, uno de los tres hijos de Rick, ayudó en el World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop en su momento, a pesar de que no aparecía en el programa.

TMZ dio a conocer la noticia: Adam murió de una sobredosis de fentanilo el mes pasado. Rick publicó un emotivo homenaje en IG diciendo: "¡Siempre estarás en mi corazón! Te quiero Adam. 💔"

Rick atribuyó la muerte de su hijo al libre tránsito del fentanilo en la frontera y enfatizó en la urgente necesidad de abordar esta crisis en nuestro país.

La familia Harrison estableció desde entonces un fondo de educación para el hijo de Adam, después de ser inundado con súplicas de personas que querían demostrar su apoyo.

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Mientras tanto, "Pawn Stars" se mantendrá como de costumbre, en la medida que la familia Harrison hace frente a este difícil momento.

University Of Wyoming 3 Swim Team Members Killed ... In Horrific Car Crash


4:16 PM PT -- Colorado State Police tell TMZ Sports that "excessive speed" is being investigated for the fatal crash of the three UW swim team members.

"The vehicle was southbound on Highway 287 and swerved to miss a vehicle in front of them stopped to make a left turn on to Larimer CR 37," CSP said.

"No alcohol or drugs suspected as casual factors."

Three members of the University of Wyoming swim team were tragically killed on Thursday after a horrific, single-car crash in northern Colorado.

According to the Colorado State Police, five passengers were traveling in a Toyota RAV4 around 2:44 PM when the vehicle swerved off the road, and rolled over, ejecting two people, and leaving the SUV mangled.

Sadly, three victims, ages ranging from 18 to 21, were pronounced dead at the scene, according to the Denver Post ... and they were members of the UW swim and diving team.

The two surviving victims are also members of the swim team.

"My thoughts and prayers are with our swimming and diving student-athletes, coaches, families and friends," UW Director of Athletics Tom Burman said in a statement.

"It is difficult to lose members of our University of Wyoming family, and we mourn the loss of these student-athletes."

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The crash is under investigation ... and it is not yet known if speed, or any other factors played a role in the crash.

This isn't the first time UW Athletics has seen such devastation ... in 2001, eight runners from the track team were killed when a drunk driver crashed into their Jeep on the same highway.


Originally Published -- 7:51 AM PT

ataque de pitbull PROPIETARIO MUTILADO NO TENÍA por QUé MORIR La tragedia deja señales de alarma...

El hombre trágicamente asesinado por pit bulls en Compton podría haber sido capaz de evitar la muerte si hubiera seguido algunas técnicas útiles, esto de acuerdo a un gran criador local.

El hombre que fue mutilado hasta la muerte por sus propios pitbulls en Compton -California- el pasado jueves, fue encontrado muerto el viernes.

Big Gemini Kennels -un criador de pit popular con un gran seguimiento en la comunidad canina de Los Ángeles- le dice a TMZ que la víctima de este horrible incidente parece haber tratado de manejar a demasiados perros al mismo tiempo. Esa es la opinión del experto al menos.

Big Gemini nos dice que tratar de manejar a 13 perros -incluso con algunos de ellos siendo cachorros- es demasiado. No solo eso, los informes del Condado dicen que este hombre estaba alimentando a todos los perros cuando murió, y esto destaca como otra bandera roja.

el terrible ataque
Fox 11 Los Angeles

Al momento de comer, los perros entran en un frenesí.

Cabe señalar que Big Gemini no tiene toda la información que tienen los investigadores y basa sus conclusiones en informes de prensa y otra información disponible al público. Dicho esto, la compañía está bastante segura de que había unos cuantos perros de más aquí.

BGK nos dice que la alimentación de tantos perros a la vez puede conducir a una mayor agresión y teorizan que dos perros adultos probablemente estaban luchando por algo de comida cuando el criador trató de separarlos (es algo muy común). En ese momento, sospechan que todos los perros podrían haberse vuelto contra él.

En lugar de alojar a todos los perros en un solo lugar en su patio trasero - entre una variedad de perreras - Big Gemini perreras dice que este hombre debería haber considerado la división de los cachorros ... la alimentación de solo dos o tres a la vez en lugar de todos los 13.

Los perros desde entonces han sido sometidos a eutanasia, un movimiento que Big Gemini dice que es necesario porque podrían haber ido a atacar a sus futuras familias. BGK nos dice que creen que los cachorros podrían haber sido rehabilitados, pero también señalan que podría no haber valido la pena el riesgo de que estos perros lastimen a otra persona. Así es como el Condado de Los Ángeles se sentía al respecto.

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Big Gemini continúa diciéndonos que la gente ha estado preguntando sobre los riesgos de que los pit bulls ataquen a las personas a raíz de esta nueva historia viral ... pero hacen hincapié en que las personas deben temer a las personas más que a los propios perros - como señalan, todo se trata de cómo se crían los perros.

Big Gemini Kennels quiere dejar claro que la pérdida de vidas es trágica y esperan sinceramente que nada como esto vuelva a suceder.