Florida Beach 5-Year-Old Girl Dies ... Buried By Sand in Collapsed Hole

The Scene of the Tragic Accident
CBS News Miami

A family outing at the beach turned into a tragic nightmare this week -- this after a little girl was buried alive by a collapsed hole dug on a beach in South Florida, which killed her.

CBS News Miami reports Pompano Fire Rescue responded to a call Tuesday just before 4 PM about a 7-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl who were trapped under a mountain of sand after a deep hole they were digging -- about 6 feet deep -- caved in on them.


Shocking cell phone footage -- aired on NBC6 -- seemingly caught the aftermath of the horrifying ordeal ... with beachgoers jumping to the kids' aid and attempting to dig them out.

People got down on their hands and knees to scoop the sand off the children while others tried to hold up the walls so the children didn't become further buried. A huge crowd of onlookers stared on in disbelief ... and support boards were used in the rescue effort.

The boy was reportedly buried up to his chest while the girl was totally submerged under the sand ... and CBS reports the boy was taken from the Lauderdale-by-the-Sea Beach to a hospital where he's recovering in stable condition, but the girl died before getting there.

It's unclear how long they were buried ... but it sounds like it took a while to get them out.

Local outlets say officials are investigating if the children are from the area or out of town as well as the children's relationship.

It might sound like a freak thing ... but these sand burials actually happen fairly often. Reports say the girl had stopped breathing by the time first responders were finally able to reach her.

TMZ Studios

They don't usually end with death, but clearly ... they're dangerous and can take people's lives. An investigation into this incident is ongoing.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Lyndell Mays admite haber hecho los primeros disparos ... dice la policía


2/21 5:51 AM -- Lyndell Mays fue dado de alta del hospital el martes por la noche y puesto bajo custodia, donde le tomaron una foto policial. Se puede ver que aún parecía tener un gran vendaje en la cara mientras pasaba por el proceso de registro.

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Caos total

Los oficiales de Kansas City aseguran que Lyndell Mays admitió haber disparado los primeros tiros en el desfile de los Chiefs tras su victoria en el Super Bowl la semana pasada, antes de supuestamente decir que "no debería haberlo hecho".

Según documentos judiciales, Mays hizo las sorprendentes declaraciones al Departamento de Policía de Kansas City el 16 de febrero, dos días después de que más de 20 personas fueran alcanzadas por los disparos mientras celebraban el último campeonato de Patrick Mahomes y Travis Kelce en Union Station.

En los documentos, un detective de KCPD escribió que Mays fue entrevistado en un hospital local después de sufrir una aparente herida de bala. Los documentos dicen que inicialmente le dijo a la policía que no le había disparado a nadie después de haber discutido con un grupo de individuos en el desfile. Aunque cuando fue confrontado por los oficiales con que tenían "videos de vigilancia del incidente", cambió su historia.

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Caóticas consecuencias
Jeremy Scherle

Según los policías, May les dijo que un grupo con el que estaba discutiendo le habría dicho: "Voy por ti", algo que aparentemente interpretó como: "Voy a matarte".

Mays les dijo entonces que disparó primero: "quizá dos veces". Sin embargo, según los documentos, dijo que inicialmente dudó en apretar el gatillo "porque sabía que había niños allí". Los docs también afirman que Mays no estaba apuntando específicamente a nadie cuando finalmente decidió disparar, porque "todos podrían haber tenido armas".

"Así que simplemente eligió al azar a qué individuo apuntar", escribieron los policías en los documentos. También señalaron que la persona a la que Mays finalmente le terminó disparando estaba huyendo de él.

"Cuando se le preguntó por qué Lyndell Mays avanzó sobre ellos para empezar, respondió: 'Stupid, man", escribieron los policías en los documentos. "'Saqué un arma y empecé a disparar. No debería haberlo hecho. Solo estaba siendo estúpido".

Los fiscales anunciaron el martes que después de las conversaciones con Mays, lo golpearon con cargos de asesinato en segundo grado, acción criminal armada y uso ilegal de un arma.

Cargos presentados

Los fiscales también revelaron que un hombre llamado Dominic Miller había sido acusado con los mismos cargos.

De acuerdo con los documentos judiciales, las autoridades hablaron con Miller sobre su presunto papel en el tiroteo del 16 de febrero, después de que lo identificaran a través de declaraciones de video y declaraciones de testigos presenciales que estuvieron involucrados en la discusión que precedió a los disparos.

Los policías dicen que Miller, que también estaba en un hospital local recuperándose de aparentes heridas de bala, inicialmente les dijo que corrió tras escuchar los disparos y fue golpeado en el abdomen mientras trataba de irse lejos. Sin embargo, los documentos afirman que cuando las autoridades les dijeron que sus acciones habían sido grabadas en video, admitió haber disparado su pistola Taurus G3 de 9 mm durante el altercado.

Según los documentos, Miller les dijo que después de escuchar los disparos, "observó a un hombre negro con rastas armado con un arma de fuego negro disparando contra él".

"Miller declaró que devolvió el fuego con su propia arma de fuego", escribieron los policías en los documentos. "Miller estimó que disparó 4-5 tiros y no estaba seguro de si golpeó al individuo al que estaba disparando".

Según los documentos, se recuperó una bala de calibre 38 del cuerpo de Lisa López-Galván, quien murió en medio del tiroteo. Los policías dicen que los detectives descubrieron que la bala fue disparada por la pistola Taurus G3 de 9 mm en posesión de Miller.

Tanto Miller como Mays, que tienen 23 años o menos, están actualmente detenidos bajo una fianza de un millón de dólares.

Anteriormente, los fiscales acusaron a dos menores de edad con otros cargos por su conexión con el tiroteo.

Tanto Kelce y Mahomes, por su parte, han ofrecido sus oraciones por las víctimas del incidente. Ambos han donado miles de dólares para ayudar en sus esfuerzos de recuperación.

Chiefs' Harrison Butker Connects With K.C. Shooting Victim's Family ... Gives Jersey For Burial

The woman who lost her life in the Super Bowl parade shooting last week will be laid to rest in a Harrison Butker jersey that the Chiefs star personally gave to her family himself.

Lisa Lopez-Galvan had considered the kicker her favorite player ... and when she was tragically shot and killed while celebrating his most recent championship at Kansas City's title parade on Feb. 14, she was actually wearing his white No. 7 uniform.

Her family said on social media they wanted to bury her in a new Butker jersey to pay homage to her fandom ... although they were apparently having some trouble finding the item ahead of her funeral services on Feb. 23 and Feb. 24.

Turns out, though, as soon as Butker was made aware of their request ... he jumped into action and got a fresh uniform delivered their way.

In a statement following his kind gesture, he said he was heartbroken over the situation ... and praying for her grieving family.

"Murder is a sin that cries out to God for vengeance and I pray the men involved in this tragedy will be brought to justice," said Butker, who made four key field goals in the Chiefs' Super Bowl win over the 49ers on Feb. 11.

"Hearing that she was a fan of my outspokenness for our shared Catholic Faith makes this even more personal. I am honored to provide a jersey to the family for her to wear. While the family is mourning their loss and grappling with their numerous injuries, I will continue to pray for their healing and the repose of Lisa's soul."

According to officials, Galvan was struck by stray gunfire after a violent argument between several groups of people broke out near where she was celebrating. Prosecutors have charged two adult males with murder in connection with her death.

She was just 43 years old.

Super Bowl Parade Shooting Lyndell Mays Admitted To Firing First Shots ... Cops Say


2/21 -- 5:51 AM PT -- Lyndell Mays was released from the hospital Tuesday evening and taken into custody ... where he took a mug shot. You can see he appeared to still have a large bandage on his face as he went through the booking process.

Police officers in Kansas City claim Lyndell Mays admitted he fired the first shots at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade last week ... before he allegedly said he "shouldn't have done that."

According to court documents, Mays made the stunning admissions to the Kansas City Police Department on Feb. 16 -- two days after more than 20 people were struck by gunfire while celebrating Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce's latest championship at Union Station.

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In the docs, a KCPD detective wrote that Mays was interviewed at a local hospital after suffering from an apparent gunshot wound. Initially, the docs state Mays told police he didn't shoot at anyone following a dispute with a group of individuals at the parade -- although when "Mays was confronted that we had surveillance video of the incident, he then changed his story."

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Jeremy Scherle

Mays, according to cops, said a group he was quarreling with had told him, "I'm going to get you" ... something that Mays apparently believed meant, "I'm going to kill you."

Cops say Mays then told them he shot first -- "maybe two times." However, according to the docs, Mays said he initially hesitated to pull the trigger "because he knew there were kids there." The docs also state Mays wasn't specifically targeting anyone when he ultimately decided to fire, because "they all could have had guns."

"So he just randomly picked one of the individuals to target," cops wrote in the documents.

Cops also noted in the docs that the person Mays ended up shooting at was actually running away from him.

"When asked why Lyndell Mays advanced on them to begin with, he replied, 'Stupid, man,'" cops wrote in the documents. "'Just pulled a gun out and started shooting. I shouldn't have done that. Just being stupid.'"

Prosecutors announced Tuesday that following officers' talks with Mays, they hit him with charges of murder in the second degree, armed criminal action, and unlawful use of a weapon.


Prosecutors also revealed Tuesday a man named Dominic Miller had been hit with the same charges as well.

According to court documents, authorities spoke with Miller over his alleged role in the shooting on Feb. 16 after they say they identified through video and eyewitness statements that he was involved in the argument that preceded the gunfire.

Cops say Miller -- who was also at a local hospital recovering from apparent gunshot wounds -- initially told them he ran after hearing gunshots, and was struck in the abdomen as he was trying to hightail it away from the area. However, the docs state when authorities told them his actions were filmed on video -- he admitted to firing his Taurus G3 9mm handgun during the altercation.

According to the docs, Miller told them that after he heard gunshots, "he observed a black male with dreads armed with a black handgun shooting at him."

"Miller stated he returned fire with his own firearm," cops wrote in the docs. "Miller estimated he fired 4-5 shots and was uncertain if he struck the individual he was shooting at."

According to the docs, a .38 caliber class bullet was recovered from the body of Lisa Lopez-Galvan, who died amid the shooting. Cops say detectives later discovered the bullet was fired from the Taurus G3 9mm gun that Miller had acknowledged that he possessed and shot.

Both Miller and Mays -- who are 23 years old or younger -- are now currently being held on a $1 million bond.

Previously, prosecutors hit two juveniles with charges over their connection to the shooting as well.

Both Kelce and Mahomes, meanwhile, have offered their prayers for the victims of the shooting ... with each donating thousands to help in recovery efforts.

Originally Published -- 2/20 -- 2:29 PM PT

Compton Pit Bull Attack All Dogs Involved in Mauling Death Euthanized ... By L.A. Animal Control Dept.

The dogs involved in the deadly mauling attack in Compton last week are now dead themselves -- because the county put them down, every last one ... TMZ has confirmed.

A rep for the Los Angeles County Dept. of Animal Care and Control tells us all the pit bulls found at the scene of a home in South L.A. Friday -- where the owner of the dogs had been discovered dead in the backyard after getting mangled -- have now been euthanized.

We're told this decision was not made lightly, but deemed necessary ... as there was evidence linking them to the fatal attack, and due to a potential threat to the community in possibly releasing them after this ... we're told the county chose to have them killed.

In other words ... it was a safety issue, and this result isn't all that surprising big picture -- although, it is certainly sad.

Fox 11 Los Angeles

The DACC also clarified to us ... all thirteen dogs on the premises were euthanized, including several puppies. Remember, there were only 5 fully grown pit bulls found to be in the mix.

County officials say part of the attack last week was caught on surveillance video -- and based on what they saw, they believe the owner was feeding the pooches when things went south. DACC says some of the pitties started fighting each other and then turned on him.

Not much is known about the man who died -- other than he lived alone and appeared to be in the business of breeding and selling pits ... per investigators. His girlfriend is reported to have discovered the next morning and called police.

When first responders arrived, a woman who was at the property and trying to escape the dogs out back needed rescuing -- something filmed by news choppers -- although, unclear what her relationship to the victim was, and whether she was the one who called 911.

TMZ Studios

The man who died was only 35. An investigation is ongoing.


Los perros implicados en el ataque mortal en Compton de la semana pasada han sido sacrificados... TMZ ha confirmado.

Un representante de Los Angeles County Dept. of Animal Care and Control, nos dice que todos los pitbulls encontrados en la escena de una casa en el sur de L.A. el viernes -donde el dueño de los perros había sido descubierto muerto en el patio trasero después de ser destrozado- ahora han sido sometidos a eutanasia.

Se nos dice que esta decisión no fue tomada a la ligera, pero se consideró necesario ya que había pruebas que los vinculan con el ataque fatal y debido a una amenaza potencial para la comunidad en la posible liberación de ellos después de esto, se nos dice que el condado optó por matarlos.

En otras palabras, se trataba de una cuestión de seguridad, y este resultado no es tan sorprendente, aunque ciertamente es bastante triste.

un terrible ataque
Fox 11 Los Angeles

El DACC también nos aclaró que los trece perros en las instalaciones fueron sometidos a eutanasia, incluyendo varios cachorros. Recuerde, solo había cinco pitbulls adultos encontrados en el lugar.

Los funcionarios del condado dicen que parte del ataque de la semana pasada fue capturado en video de vigilancia, y en base a lo que vieron, creen que el propietario estaba alimentando a los perros cuando las cosas se salieron de control. DACC dice que algunos de los perros comenzaron a pelear entre sí y luego se volvieron contra él.

No se sabe mucho sobre el hombre que murió, aparte de que vivía solo y parecía estar en el negocio de la cría y venta de pits. Al parecer, su novia lo descubrió a la mañana siguiente y llamó a la policía.

Cuando los socorristas llegaron, una mujer que estaba en la propiedad y tratando de escapar de los perros en la parte trasera necesitaba rescate. Algo de esto fue filmado por helicópteros de noticias, aunque no está claro cuál era su relación con la víctima y si ella era la que llamó al 911.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

El hombre que murió tenía solo 35 años. Hay una investigación en curso.

Houston Rockets Former Star Robert Reid Dead At 68 ... Scored Over 10,000 Pts

Former Houston Rockets guard Robert Reid, an NBA star who spent 13 years in the league, died earlier this week following a battle with cancer.

Reid was 68 years old ... and had been battling an illness, according to the Houston Chronicle.

The Rockets announced the sad news on Tuesday, writing, "The Fertitta Family and the Houston Rockets are deeply saddened by the passing of former player, Robert Reid, whose contributions were instrumental in guiding the Houston Rockets to their first two NBA Finals appearances in 1980-81 and 1985-86."

Reid, a 6'8" guard/forward who was a second-round draft pick in 1977, averaged 11.4 points, 4.5 rebounds, 2.7 assists, and 1.1 blocks a game during his NBA career -- 10 seasons of which were spent in Houston, just a few hours from where he grew up in San Antonio, TX.

He also played for the Charlotte Hornets, Portland Trail Blazers, and Philadelphia 76ers.

Reid, who was teammates with the legendary Moses Malone, scored 10,448 points in 919 NBA games.

TMZ Studios

Current Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta also reacted to news of Reid's death, saying ... "It is with great sorrow that my family and I received the news of the passing of Rockets legend, Robert Reid. I have had the privilege of knowing Robert for over 40 years, and his presence always brought joy and positivity to any room he entered."

Reid was 68.


'Porky's' Star Tony Ganios Dead at 64 ... Heart Attack After Surgery

Tony Ganios -- famous from "Porky's" and a ton of other cult classic films -- has died.

The actor's fiancée, Amanda, tells us Tony passed away Sunday at a NY hospital -- this after he was taken in on Saturday and was found to have been suffering a severe spinal cord infection. We're told he went into surgery, but suffered a fatal heart attack the following day as he was recovering.

Amanda says Tony was on his way to a dialysis treatment Sunday morning when he went into cardiac arrest ... and we're told he was experiencing organ failure too. Amanda says his death came so suddenly, and she's absolutely shattered right now ... explaining they were just planning their wedding last week. They'd been together for a couple for at least 9 years.

She posted a sweet tribute to Tony online, writing ... "The last words we said to each other were "I love you." Love is an understatement. You are everything to me.  My heart, my soul and my best friend. #I love you #tonyganios."

Tony will best be remembered for his lead role in the 1981 film, which went down as a fan-fave sex comedy flick and developed a cult following. "Porky's" also went on to churn out several sequels ... including "Porky's II: The Next Day" and "Porky's Revenge!" -- both of which he starred in.

Of course, fans know him as Meat Tuperello ... one of the guys trying to lose their V-cards at a brothel, and who ended up playing peeping Toms. The shower scene from the movie is probably one of the most iconic in the raunchy comedy category of movies.

While "Porky's" was arguably his biggest flick/franchise ... Tony was in a handful of other memorable films as well -- including 1979's "The Wanderers," in which he played Perry.

Other movies of his include "Back Roads," "Continental Divide," "Body Rock," "Die Hard 2," "Rising Sun," "The Taking of Beverly Hills" and more. TG had been in shows as well -- such as "The Ring of the Musketeers," "Wiseguy," "The Equalizer" and "Scarecrow and Mrs. King."

He appears to have left showbiz behind in the '90s ... but he certainly left his mark on pop culture. In fact, film producer Sean Clark had some kind words for Tony upon hearing about his passing.

SC wrote, "Sad to hear of the passing of Tony Gainos aka Meat from Porky's This photo is from 20 years ago with Tony and Porky's co-star Scott Colomby Although I had many business conversations with him over the years I would not say he was a friend."

He adds, "I did not know him well at all. However he was a nice guy and it's a shame he passed just 2 weeks away from the big Porky's reunion at Cult Classics Weekend in Bastrop TX in which he was supposed to attend. So with that said I'm sorry for OUR loss."

TMZ Studios

Amanda tells TMZ Tony had been working and active in the final years of his life. He was 64.


DC Young Fly Need My Stolen Bag Back... Jacky Oh!'s Death Cert Was In There!!!

DC Young Fly is graciously asking the person responsible for swiping his bookbag to return it pronto ... because its sentimental value outweighs the financial gain in this caper.

Apparently, DC had a gig at the Hollywood Improv last night but discovered his bag had gone missing following the let-out of the show -- and he suspects it got taken by a thief.


The comedian/actor hoped on IG this morning with a passionate plea for the bag to be returned to him ... and it's incredibly sad, because he says there was something inside that was of the utmost importance to him.

According to DC, no cash or jewels were taken but, as it turns out, the backpack actually contained the death certificate of his girlfriend, Jacky Oh!, with whom he had 3 children.

As we reported ...Jacky died last May due to complications from cosmetic surgery and like we told you, no foul play was suspected in her death. It was just a tragic accident.

DC's not asking for anything crazy here ... he literally just wants his bag back, and is hoping his message reaches the right people and that they'll do the right thing and return it.

TMZ Studios

His fellow comedians D.L. Hughley and Earthquake have since joined him on IG in spreading awareness for the stolen property.

DC YOUNG FLY Necesito que me devuelvan mi bolso robado... ¡El certificado de defunción de Jacky Oh estaba ahí!

DC Young Fly le está pidiendo amablemente a la persona responsable del robo de su bolso que se lo devuelva pronto, porque su valor sentimental es mayor que la ganancia financiera.

Al parecer, DC tenía un show en el Hollywood Improv anoche, y descubrió que su bolso había desaparecido a la salida del espectáculo y sospecha que se lo llevó un ladrón.

"devuelvan el bolso"

El comediante y actor apareció en Insta esta mañana pidiendo de manera muy sentida que le devuelvan el bolso, y es increíblemente triste, porque dice que había algo dentro que era de suma importancia para él.

Según DC, no se llevaron dinero ni joyas, pero resulta que la mochila en realidad contenía el certificado de defunción de su novia, Jacky Oh!, con la que tuvo tres hijos.

Como ya informamos, Jacky falleció el pasado mes de mayo debido a complicaciones derivadas de una cirugía estética y como ya dijimos, no hubo rastros de actividad sospechosa, fue solo un trágico accidente.

DC no está pidiendo nada raro, literalmente solo quiere que su bolso de vuelta y está esperando que su mensaje llegue a las personas adecuadas y que van a hacer lo correcto y lo devolverán.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Sus compañeros comediantes D.L. Hughley y Earthquake se han unido a él en Insta en la difusión de la conciencia de la propiedad robada.

Porn Star Kagney Linn Karter Gruesome Suicide ... Killed Herself w/ Shotgun in Mouth


11:14 AM PT -- Parma PD tells TMZ ... Kagney Linn Karter's mother is the one who called in to report the suicide, and we're told there was a note left at the home where this occurred -- although, cops say they don't know the contents of it.

We're told there's no sign of foul play, and no signs of drugs were found at the scene. It's unclear who the shotgun that was used belonged to.

Kagney Linn Karter's suicide was as horrific as one could imagine -- involving a self-inflicted gunshot wound ... from one of the most high-powered firearms around.

According to Cuyahoga County officials, the former porn star died by suicide last week -- and her official cause of death is listed as an intraoral shotgun wound. What that means in layman's terms ... she put a shotgun in her mouth and pulled the trigger.

No other details about her death have surfaced just yet ... but Parma PD is investigating.

The gruesome update is absolutely gut-wrenching for her loved ones and fans, no doubt -- and it appears to have come out of nowhere ... especially when you consider she'd posted a happy photo from a beach in Florida just a few days prior to the incident.

Of course, since leaving the porn biz behind ... Kagney had moved to Ohio, where she opened a pole dancing studio and had become friends with other people in the community.

Her friends started a GoFundMe for her mother, who's handling funeral arrangements.

In the GFM description, Kagney's inner circle claims she'd battled mental health issues for years -- something her immediate family hasn't commented on or confirmed. If true, though ... it would certainly help explain the tragedy. On the face of things, she seemed OK.

On a grim note, word of Kagney's suicide happens to fall on a noteworthy date. Tuesday marks what would've been Kurt Cobain's 57th birthday ... and he, too, died by suicide under similar circumstances. Kurt took his own life, and also used a shotgun to the head.

A purported autopsy report circulated last month claiming to have the full gory details of Kurt's death scene. We haven't been able to confirm the authenticity of it, but it looks real.

In any case ... it's absolutely terrible to hear, and counts as yet another high-profile suicide.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Originally Published -- 8:50 AM PT

La estrella porno Kagney Linn Karter se suicidó Con una escopeta

El suicidio de Kagney Linn Karter fue tan horrible como uno podría imaginar... con una herida de bala autoinfligida con una de las armas de fuego más potentes que existen.

Según las autoridades del condado de Cuyahoga, la ex estrella porno se suicidó la semana pasada y la causa oficial de su muerte es una herida intraoral de escopeta. Lo que significa en términos simples que se puso una escopeta en la boca y apretó el gatillo.

No hay más detalles sobre su muerte todavía, pero la Policía está investigando.

La espantosa actualización es absolutamente desgarradora para sus seres queridos y fans, y parece que nadie lo vio venir, sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta que había publicado una foto feliz de una playa en Florida solo unos días antes del incidente.

Por supuesto, desde que dejó el negocio del porno, Kagney se mudó a Ohio, donde abrió un estudio de baile en barra y se había hecho amiga de otras personas de la comunidad.

Sus amigos comenzaron un GoFundMe para su madre, que está manejando los arreglos funerarios.

En la descripción de GFM, el círculo íntimo de Kagney afirma que había luchado contra problemas de salud mental durante años - algo que su familia inmediata no ha comentado o confirmado. De ser cierto, ayudaría a explicar la tragedia. A primera vista, parecía estar bien.

En una nota sombría, la noticia del suicidio de Kagney cae en una fecha digna de mención. El martes es el 57 cumpleaños de Kurt Cobain, que también se suicidó en circunstancias similares. Kurt se quitó la vida, y también utilizó una escopeta en la cabeza.

El mes pasado circuló un supuesto informe de la autopsia que afirmaba tener todos los detalles de la escena de la muerte de Kurt. No hemos podido confirmar su autenticidad, pero parece real.

En cualquier caso, es absolutamente terrible de escuchar, y cuenta como otro suicidio de alto perfil.


Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatea con 988lifeline.org.

La estrella del porno Kagney Linn Karter Muere a los 36 años

Kagney Linn Karter -una famosa estrella porno- ha muerto por suicidio... TMZ ha indagado.

La actriz de cine para adultos -que se inició en la industria de vuelta a mediados de la década de 2000, falleció el jueves en el condado de Cuyahoga, esto de acuerdo a los registros en línea que confirman su cuerpo fue recibido por la oficina del médico forense ese día de Parma, OH.

Un representante del Departamento de Policía de Parma le dice a TMZ que Kagney se quitó la vida, algo confirmado por amigos de ella que ahora han iniciado un GoFundMe en nombre de su madre, Tina.

Los organizadores dicen que el dinero recaudado se destinará a los gastos de Tina para darle un buen entierro a su hija, incluyendo los servicios conmemorativos. El objetivo es recaudar $8.000, y ya ha recaudado poco menos de $6k. Ha dichop que utilizará cualquier dinero sobrante y lo donará a una organización benéfica local de rescate de animales... algo que sus amigos dicen que ella hubiera querido.

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Las dos mujeres detrás del GoFundMe dicen que son propietarias de estudios de fitness que Kagney aparentemente frecuentaba en el área de Cleveland, y dicen que ella había comenzado uno propio también en Akron, señalando que fue el primer estudio de polo de su tipo por allí.

El GoFundMe tiene palabras amables, escribiendo: "Kagney era una mujer que tenía muchas facetas: Era artista, cantante, bailarina, hija y amiga. Llegó por primera vez a nuestro estudio de Cleveland en noviembre de 2019, recién mudada de Los Ángeles y lista para subirse al pole, en una comunidad completamente nueva donde no conocía a nadie y nadie la conocía".

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Las dos mujeres que organizan el GoFundMe continúan afirmando que Kagney también tenía problemas personales, diciendo: "Desafortunadamente, a pesar de todos sus muchos logros y talentos impresionantes, Kagney luchó con problemas de salud mental a medida que pasaban los años".

"Sin embargo, incluso en sus días más oscuros, seguía acudiendo al estudio, siempre dispuesta a aprender, a contribuir y a superarse a sí misma. Por muy sola que se sintiera, sin duda, dentro de los confines de su propia cabeza, seguía esforzándose por atender a sus amigos y a la comunidad que se preocupaba por ella. Luchó en sus propias batallas con la misma tenacidad y empuje que mostró en todas las demás áreas de su vida, con toda la fuerza que pudo".

Kagney protagonizó innumerables películas para adultos y programas a lo largo de su carrera y era un artista condecorada en el negocio del porno. Siendo ganadora de premios AVN y otros elogios por su trabajo. Además del porno, también fue modelo, incluso para Penthouse, y bailó en clubes exóticos.

Uno de sus últimos posts la muestra recientemente de vacaciones en Florida, donde parecía estar de buen humor. Kagney solo tenía 36 años.


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Porn Star Kagney Linn Karter Dead at 36 ... After Suicide

Kagney Linn Karter -- a famous porn star -- has died by suicide ... TMZ has learned.

The adult film actress -- who got her start in the industry way back in the mid-2000s -- passed away Thursday in Cuyahoga County ... this according to online records that confirm her body was received by the Medical Examiner's office that day from Parma, OH.

A rep for the Parma Police Department tells TMZ ... Kagney appears to have taken her own life -- something confirmed by friends of hers who've now started a GoFundMe on behalf of her mom, Tina.

The organizers of the GFM say the cash raised will go toward costs Tina has incurred in properly laying KLK to rest, including memorial services. The GFM -- which has a goal of $8,000, and has raised just less than $6k at this point -- will use any leftover cash and donate it to a local animal rescue charity ... something her friends say she would've wanted.

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The two women behind the GoFundMe say they're fitness studio owners -- ones that Kagney would apparently frequent in the Cleveland, OH area -- and they say she had started one of her own as well in Akron ... noting it was the first pole studio of its kind around there.

The GFM has kind words to share, writing ... "Kagney was a woman who wore many hats; she was a performer, a singer, a dancer, a daughter and a friend. She first came to our Cleveland studio in November of 2019, freshly moved out of L.A., rearing and ready to jump back in to pole, in a brand new community where she knew no one and no one knew her."

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The 2 women organizing the GFM go on to claim Kagney had personal problems too, saying ... "Unfortunately, despite all of her many impressive accomplishments and talents, Kagney struggled with mental health issues as the years passed by."

They continue ... "Even in her darkest days, however, she still showed up to the studio, always ready to learn, contribute, better herself in whatever small way she could manage. As alone as she undoubtedly felt within the confines of her own head, she continued to make an effort to show up for her friends and the community who cared about her. She fought her own battles with the same tenacity and drive she showed in every other area of her life, with as much strength as she could."

Kagney had starred in countless adult films and programs throughout her lengthy career -- and she was a decorated performer in the porn biz ... having won AVN awards and other accolades for her work. In addition to porn, she also modeled a lot -- including for Penthouse -- and danced at exotic clubs as well.

One of her last posts shows her recently vacationing in Florida, where seemed to be in good spirits. Kagney was only 36.


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Los fans de Matthew Perry arremeten contra los BAFTA Por desaire al fallecido actor

Los fans de Matthew Perry arremetieron contra los premios BAFTA por su desaire al fallecido actor, lo que llevó a los ejecutivos del programa a responder a todas las reacciones.

La furia comenzó el domingo por la noche después de que los Premios de Cine de la Academia Británica 2024 emitieran un segmento In Memoriam de cuatro minutos en el que se mostraban imágenes de actores fallecidos en el último año, entre ellos Carl Weathers, Tina Turner, Chaim Topol, Michael Gambon y Richard Roundtree.

Mientras las fotos parpadeaban en la pantalla, la actriz Hannah Waddingham actuó en el escenario, cantando una versión de "Time After Time" de Cyndi Lauper.

Fue una celebración maravillosa de estas personas famosas y con talento... el único problema fue que Perry no estaba entre los homenajeados.

Sus fans estaban molestos, expresando sus frustraciones en X.

Una persona echó humo: "¡¿Ninguna mención a Matthew Perry en el memorial de los #BAFTA?! Mala gestión".

Otro escribió: "La voz de Hannah Waddingham es tan hermosa. Es una pena que los BAFTA hayan dejado a Matthew Perry fuera de la lista".

Un tercero dijo: "¿Nada de Matthew Perry en el memorial de los #BAFTA? Me parece una falta de respeto. ¿Se les ha olvidado?".

Otros seguidores de Perry señalaron que el actor no solo era conocido por su papel en la comedia de televisión "Friends", sino que también tenía una larga y exitosa carrera cinematográfica.

Los directivos de los BAFTA respondieron a un usuario X enfadado, escribiendo: "Matthew Perry será recordado en la ceremonia de los premios de televisión de este año". También adjuntaron un enlace al homenaje de Perry en el sitio web de los BAFTA, destacando su trabajo en televisión y cine.

TMZ publicó la historia, el asistente de Perry encontró su cuerpo el pasado mes de octubre flotando en una bañera de hidromasaje en su casa del área de Los Ángeles. El forense realizó una autopsia, concluyendo Perry murió de los "efectos agudos de la ketamina", un anestésico utilizado para tratar la depresión. El ahogamiento figuraba en el informe de la autopsia como causa secundaria de la muerte.

Perry tenía 54 años.

Matthew Perry Fans Bash BAFTA Awards For Ignoring Actor ... Show's Executives Respond

Fans of Matthew Perry slammed the BAFTA Awards over their perceived snub of the late actor, prompting the show's executives to respond to all the backlash.

The fury began Sunday night after the 2024 British Academy Film Awards aired a four-minute In Memoriam segment showing images of actors who passed away over the last year, including Carl Weathers, Tina Turner, Chaim Topol, Michael Gambon and Richard Roundtree.

As the photos flashed on screen, actress Hannah Waddingham performed onstage, singing a rendition of Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time."

It was a wonderful celebration of these famous and talented people ... the only problem was Perry was not among those honored.

His fans were upset, expressing their frustrations on the social media app, X.

One person fumed, “No mention of Matthew Perry in the #BAFTAs memorial?! Bad form."

Another wrote, "Hannah Waddingham's voice is so beautiful. It's a shame BAFTA left Matthew Perry off the list though."

A third grumbled, "No Matthew Perry in the #BAFTAs memorium?? Feels a tad disrespectful. Did they just forget?"

Other Perry supporters noted the actor was not just known for his role on the TV sitcom, "Friends," but he also had a long and successful movie career.

BAFTA senior execs responded to one angry X user, writing, “Matthew Perry will be remembered in this year’s TV Awards ceremony.” They also attached a link to Perry's tribute on the BAFTA website, highlighting his TV and film work.

TMZ broke the story ... Perry's assistant found his body last October floating in a hot tub at his L.A. area home. The coroner performed an autopsy, concluding Perry died from the "acute effects of ketamine," an anesthetic used to treat depression. Drowning was listed on the autopsy report as a secondary cause of death.

Perry was 54.

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