Taylor Swift $100k to Family of Woman Killed ... In Kansas City Shooting

Taylor Swift opened up her wallet to help the family of the woman who was killed during the Kansas City parade shooting -- forking out six figures as she started her Australia shows.

A GoFundMe had been set up Thursday for Elizabeth "Lisa" Lopez-Galvan -- specifically, to assist her loved ones in setting up a proper memorial for her, as well as general financial assistance. She left behind a husband and two kids ... and the goal set was $75,000.

Taylor gave an assist and then some -- chipping in a total of $100,000 just from herself alone -- which came in the form of two different $50k contributions, which she put in her name.

She also left a sweet note along with her donations, writing ... "Sending my deepest sympathies and condolences in the wake of your devastating loss. With love, Taylor Swift."

The cash offerings generated overnight, just ahead of Taylor's first concert in Melbourne -- where she's been the past couple days to prepare for a string of shows there as her "Eras" tour ramps up again. Taylor did not address the shooting during her performance.

Still, this donation speaks volumes ... and makes clear, she's well aware of what happened.

Taylor has proven to be incredibly sensitive to tragedies -- including ones that have happened at her own shows. Remember, a young fan died at one of her performances in Brazil back in November -- and TS ended up canceling the very next concert, recognizing the loss.

Kansas City Shooting New Video Shows Injured Kids Flee ... 40 Shots Fired, AR-Style Pistol

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New video of the Kansas City shooting shows some of the injured children trying to escape the horrific scene -- and we've learned new info about what sort of weapon police believe the shooter used.

TMZ obtained this never-before-seen footage ... a new angle of Wednesday's shooting as the Chiefs Super Bowl celebration wrapped, and now you can see exactly where the shooting started ... and how the injured -- including a handful of kids -- reacted.

Police have said 9 minors were among the 23 victims who suffered gunshot wounds yesterday, and here you can see a few of them hobbling away -- but heroically, also helping each other -- immediately after the barrage of gunfire outside Union Station.

You can also hear someone yelling, "It's fireworks!" -- a mistake several witnesses have said people were making amid the chaos and confusion immediately following the shots.

Remember, cops have come out and said this didn't appear to be a terroristic act, but rather, a possible dispute between parties ... which killed at least one person.

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As for the investigation ... cops have only said they have 3 persons of interest in custody, and 2 of them are juveniles -- but our sources, with direct knowledge of the investigation, say cops also know there were an estimated 40 shots discharged on the scene.

We're also told cops recovered at least 3 weapons -- one of them is an AR-style pistol, and 2 others are handguns with extended magazines. It's unclear if all those weapons were fired during the shooting.

Our sources say cops believe the violence was set off by a confrontation between 2 males and one female -- and it's possible there was more than one person who opened fire in the dense crowd.

As of now, no one's been charged in the mass shooting ... and we're told the 3 persons of interest are being held in separate jails while police question them and gather more information.

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Time will tell if/when more info comes to light ... but for now, we have this intel.

BTW, vigils are going on in Kansas City Thursday night to honor the victims of the shooting -- and a lot of public officials are out there ... as are citizens to pay their respects, as well as to send their prayers.

Tough time in the city, no doubt.

Tiroteo en Kansas City Nuevo video muestra a niños heridos huyendo...

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La terrible escena

Un nuevo video del tiroteo en Kansas City muestra a algunos de los niños heridos tratando de escapar del lugar y junto con eso hemos averiguado nueva información sobre el tipo de arma que la policía cree que utilizó el tirador.

TMZ obtuvo este material, que es un nuevo ángulo del tiroteo ocurrido el miércoles en medio de la celebración del Super Bowl de los Chiefs, y ahora se sabe exactamente dónde comenzó el tiroteo y cómo reaccionaron los heridos, incluyendo un puñado de niños.

La policía ha dicho que 9 menores estaban entre las 23 víctimas que sufrieron heridas de bala, y en este video se puede ver incluso a algunos de ellos cojeando, pero heroicamente y ayudándose unos con otros. Esto ocurrió inmediatamente después de que estallaran los disparos afuera de Union Station.

También se puede escuchar a alguien gritando: "¡Son fuegos artificiales!", un error que varios testigos escucharon a la gente decir en medio del caos y la confusión después del tiroteo.

Recuerden, los policías han dicho que esto no parece ser un acto terrorista, sino más bien una posible disputa entre las partes que terminó cobrando la vida de una persona.

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Estallan los disparos

En cuanto a la investigación, los policías solo han dicho que tienen a tres personas de interés en custodia. Dos de ellas son menores de edad, pero nuestras fuentes, quienes tienen conocimiento directo de la investigación, dicen que los policías también saben que se efectuaron alrededor de 40 disparos en la escena.

También nos han dicho que la policía recuperó al menos tres armas: una de ellas era una pistola AR y otras dos contaban con cargadores de gran capacidad. No está claro si todas esas armas fueron disparadas durante el tiroteo.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la policía cree que la violencia fue provocada por un enfrentamiento entre dos hombres y una mujer, y es posible que hubiera más de una persona abriendo el fuego entre la densa multitud.

Por ahora, nadie ha sido acusado y nos dicen que las 3 personas de interés están detenidas en cárceles separadas, mientras la policía los interroga y reúne más información.

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Caos total

El tiempo dirá si sale más información a la luz, por ahora, contamos con esto.

Por cierto, se realizaron varias vigilias en Kansas City el jueves por la noche para honrar a las víctimas del tiroteo. Un montón de funcionarios públicos estuvieron ahí, al igual que los ciudadanos quienes quisieron presentar sus respetos y enviar sus oraciones.

Es un momento duro para la ciudad, sin duda.

Chiefs Parade Shooting Kansas Mom Dies From Gunshot Wound

There's now a name, family and story to one of the fatalities in the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade shooting -- a mother of 2 has been identified as a victim.

Lisa Lopez-Galvan, a Chiefs fan from Kansas, is confirmed dead from a gunshot wound ... according to The Kansas City Star.

The news outlet reports ... Lopez-Galvan died during abdominal surgery for the gunshot wound she suffered while attending Wednesday's parade in Kansas City.

Lisa was big in the KC community -- she worked as a disc jockey and host at a community radio station, and lots of folks hired her to DJ their weddings. She was in her 40s, and is survived by 2 children and her husband.

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Folks who knew her are leaving emotional messages on her Facebook page ... sending prayers to her family.

Other notes make it sound like at least one of Lisa's sons and other relatives also suffered gunshot wounds in the mass shooting.

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A loyal Chiefs fan, Lisa was fired up after they won Super Bowl LVIII, and she was really looking forward to Wednesday's parade celebration.

The people who knew her describe Lisa as a happy person with a beautiful family.

Fox 4 Kansas City

As we reported ... video shows the moment a barrage of gunshots rang out toward the end of the Chiefs championship rally, sparking panic and sending people running in a frenzy.

Officials say there are at least 22 gunshot wound victims and at least one death. It's unclear right now if Lisa is the fatality cops are referencing ... it's also possible she's the second victim to die.

Meanwhile, police have detained at least 3 people in connection with the shooting.

YouTuber muere a los 23 años Se investiga una posible sobredosis

Muudea Sedik -un popular YouTuber- ha muerto... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que la personalidad de Internet -que tiene millones de seguidores a través de sus diversos canales- fue encontrado inconsciente la noche del martes en su casa de Los Ángeles, esto después de que alguien llamara a los médicos.

Nos informan que el chico estaba desaparecido e incluso faltó a algunas citas. Como resultado, la policía fue a verificar a su casa y fue entonces cuando encontraron su cuerpo, aunque no está claro cuánto tiempo había estado en ese estado.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que había parafernalia de drogas en la escena y el caso está siendo investigado como una posible sobredosis.

Twomad había causado preocupación entre su base de fans las últimas semanas, incluyendo algunos tuits extraños que publicó la semana pasada, por no hablar de un montón de fotos de armas de fuego.

El tipo era un personaje interesante... además de sketches, comentarios sobre videojuegos y retransmisiones en directo, estaba muy metido en la cultura de Internet y tenía una base masiva de fans. Como hemos dicho, millones de seguidores y sus videos también recibían un número significativo de visitas.

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Un meme, en particular, que se le atribuye es el llamado "Goodnight Girl, I'll See You Tomorrow". En él aparece un Twomad sin camiseta caminando hacia la cámara y diciéndole a una chica imaginaria que la verá mañana... solo para resbalar y caer de forma caricaturesca.

También hizo una colaboración con la modelo Belle Delphine OnlyFans.

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TMZ Studios

Twomad se había visto envuelto en una polémica los últimos meses y parece haber estado fuera del radar el úlltimo tiempo, sin publicar contenido. Su último video en sus 3 canales fue hace 5 meses y ciertamente parecía estar de buen humor en él.

Solo tenía 23 años.


YouTuber Twomad Dead at 23 ... Investigated as Possible OD


2:07 PM PT -- An eerie fact about one of the last things Twomad appears to have been doing before he passed -- according to his Discord page, he was playing 'Overwatch' ... and seems to have not changed his active status for nearly a week.

Twomad was an avid gamer, and on the platform ... you can let people know what you're up to and what you're actively playing -- in the wake of his death, people quickly noticed he's still showing up as playing the game. Even now, it pops up as him still playing.

Muudea Sedik -- a popular YouTuber who goes by Twomad online -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the internet personality -- who has millions of followers across his various YT channels and social pages -- was found unresponsive Tuesday night at his Los Angeles-area home ... this after somebody called in to ask for a welfare check.

We're told Twomad hadn't been heard from in several days by concerned parties -- and he even missed some appointments. As a result, the LADP was sent to check on him ... and that's when they found his body, although it's unclear how long he'd been in that state.

Our sources say there was drug paraphernalia found on the scene, and at this point ... we're told this is being investigated as a possible overdose. No foul play is suspected in the death.

Twomad had caused concern among his fanbase in recent weeks -- including some strange, one-off tweets he was posting last week ... not to mention a bunch of photos of firearms.

The guy was an interesting character ... in addition to skits, gaming commentary, and live streams, he was just very into internet culture -- and had a massive fan base. Like we said, millions of followers ... but his videos would also get a significant number of views.

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One meme, in particular, that he's credited with is the one called "Goodnight Girl, I'll See You Tomorrow." It features a shirtless Twomad walking up to the camera and telling some imaginary chick that he'll see her tomorrow ... only to slip and fall in cartoonish fashion.

He also made a splash by once collaborating with OnlyFans model Belle Delphine.

TMZ Studios

Twomad was embroiled in controversy of late -- and he seems to have been off the radar in recent months when it came to his content creation. His last video across all 3 of his channels was 5 months ago ... and he certainly seemed to be in good spirits in it.

He was only 23.


For more viral news, check out TMZ Verified available on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 2:07 PM PT

Selena Traveled with Yolanda After She Allegedly Stole $$$ ... Saldívar Family Claims

Selena Quintanilla didn't cut Yolanda Saldívar out of her life after her father accused Yolanda of embezzling from Selena's clothing boutique ... because they jetted to Mexico together.

That's what Yolanda's family is claiming, saying they have airplane tickets showing Selena and the woman who would later kill her flew first class to Monterrey only a week after Abraham Quintanilla confronted Yolanda about missing funds.

Why Continue???
Oxygen True Crime

The shocking allegation is featured in the upcoming Oxygen docuseries, "Selena & Yolanda: The Secrets Between Them."

In a clip from the series, obtained by TMZ, Yolanda's family discovers first-class United Airlines tickets for Selena and Yolanda on March 17, 1995 ... only 8 days after Yolanda was accused of embezzlement.

Yolanda's family says the previously unknown trip raises new questions -- like, why would Selena continue her business relationship with Yolanda after her pops made serious allegations?

Selena's dad fired Yolanda on March 9, 1995, after accusing her of embezzling money from the Tejano star's clothing company, which was planning to open a boutique in Monterrey.

Yolanda ended up shooting and killing Selena 2 weeks after their flight to Mexico ... and now she's serving a life sentence, though she's eligible for parole on March 30, 2025.

In an interview from prison, Yolanda claims Selena would not accept her resignation and wanted to keep her around to run the clothing line and oversee things down in Mexico.

Selena's father has blasted the doc, telling us it's a slap in the face to his family. He also says Yolanda's story is packed with lies.

TMZ Studios

The first part of the docuseries drops on February 17, and this clip is from the second part, which airs on February 18.

Selena viajó con Yolanda Saldívar Tras las acusaciones de desfalco

Selena Quintanilla no sacó a Yolanda Saldívar de su vida después de que su padre acusara a Yolanda de malversar fondos de la boutique de ropa de Selena, porque viajaron juntas a México.

Eso es lo que afirma la familia de Yolanda, diciendo que tienen billetes de avión que muestran que Selena y a la mujer que más tarde la mataría volaron en primera clase a Monterrey solo una semana después de Abraham Quintanilla se enfrentó a Yolanda sobre los fondos que faltan.

¿para qué continuar?
Oxygen True Crime

La impactante acusación aparece en la próxima docuserie de Oxygen, "Selena & Yolanda: The Secrets Between Them".

En un clip de la serie, obtenido por TMZ, la familia de Yolanda descubre billetes de primera clase de United Airlines para Selena y Yolanda el 17 de marzo de 1995, solo 8 días después de que Yolanda fuera acusada de malversación de fondos.

La familia de Yolanda dice que el viaje previamente desconocido plantea nuevas preguntas, como, ¿por qué Selena continúa su relación de negocios con Yolanda después de que su papá hizo graves acusaciones?

El padre de Selena despidió a Yolanda el 9 de marzo de 1995, tras acusarla de malversar dinero de la empresa de ropa de la estrella tejana que planeaba abrir una boutique en Monterrey.

Yolanda le terminó disparando y matando a Selena dos semanas después de su vuelo a México y ahora está cumpliendo una cadena perpetua, aunque es elegible para libertad condicional el 30 de marzo de 2025.

En una entrevista desde la cárcel, Yolanda afirma que Selena no aceptó su renuncia y quería mantenerla cerca para ejecutar la línea de ropa y supervisar las cosas en México.

El padre de Selena ha criticado el documento, diciéndonos que es una bofetada en la cara a su familia. También dice que la historia de Yolanda está llena de mentiras.

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TMZ Studios

La primera parte de la docuserie se estrena el 17 de febrero y este clip es de la segunda parte, que se emitirá el 18 de febrero.

NICK & AARON CARTER Sister Bobbie Jean Died From Overdose

Nick and Aaron Carter's late sister, Bobbie Jean Carter, died from a fatal drug overdose ... TMZ has learned.

Bobbie's official cause of death is intoxication by the combined effects of fentanyl and methamphetamine ... according to the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner in Florida.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the M.E. ruled Bobbie's death accidental.

As we first told you ... Bobbie Jean died two days before Christmas 2023, when she was found unresponsive in her bathroom while on probation on a drug-related charge.

The Medical Examiner's report says Bobbie Jean's roommate had contact with her at 6:30 AM on Dec. 23 ... but shortly after, around 7 AM, the roommate found Bobbie Jean unresponsive on the bathroom floor and called 911.

The docs say first responders tried life-saving measures on Bobbie Jean but they were unsuccessful and she was transported to a Tampa hospital, where, at 8:02 AM, she was pronounced dead.

TMZ Studios

Bobbie's since been buried in Florida. She was 41.

Nick y Aaron Carter Su hermana Bobbie Jean murió de una sobredosis

La hermana de Nick y Aaron Carter, Bobbie Jean Carter, murió de una sobredosis de drogas, según ha averiguado TMZ.

De acuerdo con el Médico Forense del Condado de Hillsborough en Florida, su causa oficial de muerte fue la intoxicación por los efectos combinados del fentanilo y la metanfetamina

Según los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, el forense dictaminó que la muerte de Bobbie fue accidental.

Como les contamos por primera vez, Bobbie Jean murió dos días antes de la Navidad de 2023, cuando fue encontrada sin respuesta en su baño mientras estaba en libertad condicional por un cargo relacionado con las drogas.

El informe del médico forense dice que su compañero de cuarto tuvo contacto con ella a las 6:30 AM del 23 de diciembre, pero poco después, alrededor de las 7 AM, encontró a Bobbie Jean sin respuesta en el piso del baño y llamó al 911.

Los documentos dicen que los primeros auxilios intentaron salvarle la vida, pero no tuvieron éxito y fue trasladada a un hospital de Tampa donde fue declarada muerta a las 8:02 AM.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Luego de ello, Bobbie fue enterrada en Florida. Tenía 41 años.

Steve Kerr Attends Milojević's Funeral In Serbia ... Will Miss Warriors Game

Golden State Warriors assistant coach Dejan Milojević was laid to rest on Monday ... and hundreds paid tribute to the beloved figure at his funeral in Serbia, including Steve Kerr.

The GSW head coach was spotted in the rain at a Belgrade cemetery almost a month after Milojević suffered a fatal heart attack while dining out with the team in Salt Lake City.

You can see the 58-year-old Kerr standing amongst mourners, wearing a DM tribute pin on his black blazer.

Former Warriors players Zaza Pachulia and Mike Dunleavy Jr., who is currently the Warriors general manager, were also in attendance.

Kerr will miss the Warriors game tonight against the Jazz in Utah.

Milojević -- known as Deky -- became a Warriors assistant coach in 2021 ... after a career coaching and playing in Serbia.

The NBA was devastated by Deky's shocking death ... with commissioner Adam Silver calling Milojević "a beloved colleague and dear friend to so many in the global basketball community."

"Our heartfelt condolences go out to his wife, Natasa, their children, Nikola and Masa, and the Warriors organization during this tragic time."

The Warriors paid tribute to Deky in a bunch of different ways, including wearing the beloved coach's initials on their jerseys.

Salute to Kerr for paying respect in Serbia.

Muere un futbolista al caerle un rayo durante un partido

Un jugador de fútbol indonesio murió trágicamente tras caerle un rayo en el campo durante un partido y el aterrador momento quedó grabado en video.

El incidente mortal ocurrió el sábado en el estadio Siliwangi, cuando Septain Raharja, que jugaba un amistoso con el FBI Subang, se desplomó repentinamente tras ser alcanzado por el rayo. Compañeros de equipo y otras personas se acercaron corriendo para ayudar.

Rahajra, que sufrió quemaduras graves, aún respiraba tras el golpe y fue trasladado a un hospital local, pero más tarde falleció.

Varios equipos rindieron homenaje a Raharja tras su trágica muerte... guardando un minuto de silencio y compartiendo condolencias en el Instagram de su equipo, entre ellos el futbolista estrella Cristian González.

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Esta es la segunda vez que un jugador de fútbol es alcanzado por un rayo en Indonesia en el último año, también ocurrió durante la Copa Soeratin Sub-13, cuando un joven atleta fue golpeado.

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TMZ Studios

Afortunadamente, sobrevivió.

R.I.P. Septain.

Soccer Player Killed By Lightning Strike During Game

A soccer player in Indonesia tragically died after a lightning bolt struck the 35-year-old on the pitch during a match ... and the terrifying moment was caught on video.

The deadly incident occurred Saturday at the Siliwangi Stadium ... when Septain Raharja, playing in a friendly for FBI Subang, suddenly collapsed after being struck. Teammates and others came rushing over to help.

Rahajra, who suffered a severe burn, was still breathing after the strike and was transported to a local hospital, according to a local report, but later died.

Several teams paid tribute to Raharja following his tragic death ... taking a moment of silence, and sharing condolences on his team's Instagram, including star soccer player Cristian Gonzalez.

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This is the second time a soccer player was struck by lightning in Indonesia in the last year ... it also happened during the Soeratin U-13 Cup, when a young athlete was hit.

TMZ Studios

Thankfully, he survived.

R.I.P. Septain.

Davido Late Son Immortalized With $250K Chain... Contains 8000 Stones!!!


Davido has a sparkling new pendant to honor his three-year-old son who died from an accidental drowning in 2022 ... and like his guardian angel, it's a one of one!!!

Celebrity jeweler Gabriel Jacobs presented Davido with the completed chain earlier this week, a shimmering replica of his son Ifeanyi's face wearing a crown of flowers, and tells TMZ Hip Hop the piece contains an astounding 8,000 stones in total ...  natural brown, champagne, and black diamonds, oh my!

TMZ Studios

Gabe says the entire piece weighs 60 carats in total and cost him $250,000 in full but the details found craftsmanship is priceless.

The headwrap adorning Ifeanyi is made from even more diamonds, opal, topaz, and citrine ... the birthstones of the late toddler, in addition to Davido and his wife Chioma.


Davido told TMZ Hip Hop he was hoping to cash in on at least one of his 3 Grammys at this year's awards but came up empty-handed at last Sunday's ceremony.

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None the matter, fans will get a chain to see Davido's new swangin' when he hits the stage as the headliner for the upcoming Raha Fest in Kenya!!!

Plane Crazy Video Jet Crashes, Explodes In Flames ... During Emergency Landing


A small plane carrying five passengers crashed into a vehicle on a Florida highway as it was making an emergency landing – killing two people and creating a massive fireball.

Friday afternoon's disaster was partly captured on video and air traffic control audio as the aircraft flew from Columbus, Ohio to Naples, Florida, but lost both of its engines.

As a result, the pilot radioed one of the control towers near the Naples airport, saying they needed to make an emergency landing.

The terrifying audio

In the chilling audio ... the air traffic controller told the pilot that he was cleared to make the emergency landing on a specific runway.

The pilot replied the plane was not going to make it due to its engine troubles.

Minutes later, the Bombardier Challenger 600 jet took a nosedive into Interstate 75 in Collier County, colliding with the vehicle and exploding into flames.

Witnesses shot cell phone footage of the fiery aftermath ... showing the airliner burning on the shoulder of the highway with black smoke billowing out of the wreckage.

The Collier County Sheriff's Office confirmed there were two deaths, but it was not clear if they were people on the ground or jet passengers. Three victims from the airliner survived and were taken to the hospital, although their conditions were not known.

TMZ Studios

The Federal Aviation Administration has launched an investigation with the National Transportation Safety Board.

Nike To Vanessa Bryant Gifts 'Tough S***' Hoodie ... After Viral Quote At Kobe Statue Unveiling

Nike's "Just Do it" days are gone ... the Swoosh has a new and improved tagline, "TOUGH S***"

Okay, not exactly ... but this is pretty cool.

The day after Kobe Bryant was honored at Crypto.com Arena with just the 7th statue in the organization's ridiculously rich history, the sportswear giant hooked Vanessa Bryant up with a hoodie bearing her quote from the emotional ceremony.

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Spectrum SportsNet

Remember, Vanessa warned fans who might be thinking about complaining about the statue, saying, "Kobe picked the pose you’re about to see, so if anybody has any issue with it, tough s***."

The clip went viral ... and on Friday, Nike sent Bryant a 1-of-1 hoodie with the phrase.

"Lol. Thx for my new hoodie @nike 😃💜💛," Bryant said in the IG caption on Friday, posting a photo of the garment.

It's unclear if Nike plans to sell the design ... wouldn't be a bad idea -- they'd sell like crazy.

rest in peace

As for the statue, fans can now see it at the Star Plaza in downtown Los Angeles!

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