Según una demanda un robot quirúrgico le causó un agujero mortal A una mujer de Florida

Un robot quirúrgico hizo un agujero en el intestino delgado de una mujer de Florida durante la cirugía, hiriéndola, y finalmente causándole la muerte. Esto según una nueva demanda presentada por su marido.

Según los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Sandra Sultzer, nativa de Boca Ratón, falleció a la edad de 78 años en 2022 después de un procedimiento para tratar su cáncer de colon, el cual se realizó utilizando un robot "da Vinci", una máquina de 4 brazos activada por un médico que opera una cámara y un cirujano que dirige los brazos del robot utilizando un joystick y pedales.

El marido de Sultzer afirma que el robot está diseñado para cortar incisiones tan pequeñas como el tamaño de una moneda de diez centavos. Se supone que estos movimientos precisos minimizan la pérdida de sangre y el trauma del cuerpo en comparación a los cortes más grandes realizados durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos tradicionales.

La demanda alega algunas de las mangas de goma alrededor de los brazos tenían grietas que generaban corrientes eléctricas y la energía perdida esencialmente quemó tejidos del cuerpo de Sandra durante su procedimiento de septiembre de 2021.

Su esposo afirma que la quema de sus órganos internos ocurrió sin que el equipo quirúrgico siquiera supiera completamente lo que estaba sucediendo en ese momento.

La demanda alega que Intuitive Surgical Inc -la compañía que fabrica el robot da Vinci- no advirtió adecuadamente de estos riesgos, alegando que debería haber sabido de los riesgos de "miles de informes de lesiones y defectos" sobre el dispositivo".

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También afirma que el producto no fue diseñado de una manera segura, ni tampoco se sometió a las pruebas necesarias para evitar los riesgos de quemaduras.

El marido de Sultzer reclama daños y perjuicios no especificados.


A surgical robot burned a hole in a Florida woman's small intestine during surgery, injuring her and eventually causing her death -- this according new lawsuit filed by her husband.

According to the legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Boca Raton native Sandra Sultzer passed away at the age of 78 in 2022 following a procedure to treat her colon cancer ... which was performed using a 'da Vinci' robot -- a 4-armed machine activated by a doctor operating a camera and a surgeon steering the robot's arms using a joystick and foot pedals.

Sultzer's husband claims the robot is designed to cut incisions as small as the size of a dime ... and the precise movements are supposed to minimize blood loss and trauma to the body from larger cuts made during traditional surgical procedures.

The suit alleges some of the rubber sleeves around the arms had cracks which allowed electrical currents to escape ... and the stray energy essentially burned Sandra's body tissues during her September 2021 procedure.

Her husband claims the burning of her internal organs happened without the surgical team even fully knowing what was happening at the time.

The lawsuit alleges that Intuitive Surgical Inc. -- the company that makes the da Vinci robot -- failed to adequately warn of these risks ... claiming it should have known of the risks from "thousands of injury and defect reports" about the device.

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He also claims the product was not designed in a safe way or tested enough to avoid the burn risks.

Sultzer's husband is seeking unspecified damages, including punitives.


Henry Fambrough, the last original surviving member of the Michigan-based R&B group The Spinners, is dead of natural causes.

The acclaimed vocalist passed away Wednesday at his northern Virginia home after spending a month in hospice care ... according to the group's spokesperson, Tanisha Jackson, who spoke to the Detroit Free-Press.

Fambrough's last public appearance was in November 2023 at The Spinners' Rock N Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony. The honor came just a few months after Fambrough retired from the band after 7 decades of singing the baritone parts on hits like "The Rubberband Man," "Games People Play" and "Working My Way Back to You."

Jackson says, Henry "got to experience those accolades. He was able to bask in the accomplishment, and that was something he was really happy about."

Henry co-founded the vocal group in 1954 along with Pervis Jackson, Billy Henderson, Bobby Smith, and C.P. Spencer.

They enjoyed tremendous success through the 60s and 70s ... recording scores of top 40 hits, including their 1974 #1 smash with Dionne Warwick, "Then Came You."

Their first big Motown hit came in 1970 when "It's A Shame" peaked at No. 14 on Billboard's Hot 100 chart.

The same year, Philippé Wynne joined the band, and they went on to sign with Atlantic Records. Over the years, the Spinners saw several new members come and go.

The band earned 6 Grammy noms and 18 platinum and gold albums during their career span.

Fambrough was the last original member who remained in the group up until his retirement last year.

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Henry is survived by his wife, Norma. He was 85.


Brett Favre I Spoke With Toby Keith Days Before Death ... 'He Was Just Tired'

TMZ Sport

Brett Favre says he was concerned for his good pal Toby Keith in the days leading up to the country music star's death ... telling TMZ Sports that after speaking recently with the musician, he could tell the guy was simply exhausted.

The former Green Bay Packers quarterback said he gave Keith a ring just two weeks ago to check in on him ... after he noticed the 62-year-old didn't look so hot following some December performances in Las Vegas.

Favre -- who told us he would call Keith every three-or-so months following his stomach cancer diagnosis -- said the "Red Solo Cup" crooner complained about the damage chemotherapy had done to his body during ... before adding that Keith seemed fatigued.

"I think in the end," Favre said, "he was just tired."

"He did say that to me when we had our conversation," the Hall of Famer continued. "He said, 'Brett, whatever happens, I'm OK with it.'"

Keith ended up passing away days later, on Feb. 5, while surrounded by his family.

Favre -- who first befriended Keith at a concert near Lambeau Field back in the 90s -- was heartbroken over the news ... though he was clearly proud of how Keith battled in his final days.

"He handled it with grace and faith and family," Favre said, "and stood up to the cancer about as good as you can."

Favre then recalled some of his favorite memories with Keith -- which included several fun trips around golf courses.

"I can't remember a good or a bad shot he hit," Favre said of one of their outings, "I can just remember him smiling, and had everyone hooting and hollering and having a lot of fun."

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"He was an entertainer," Favre added. "He was the best."

Toby Keith OU Honors Late Country Star ... At Men's Basketball Game

Toby Keith was honored by his beloved Oklahoma Sooners men's basketball team Tuesday night in the best way possible ... with some meaningful courtside tributes -- and a big win.

The country star's favorite squad set out a guitar, a red solo cup and an OU ball cap just before tip-off against No. 21-ranked BYU ... to remember the musician in the wake of his passing.

The team also held a moment of silence for Keith inside Lloyd Noble Center in Norman ... before it went out and put on one of its best performances of the season.

The Sooners trounced the Cougars, 82-66 ... and then they kept the homages to Keith flowing in the postgame.

Head coach Porter Moser brought a red cup to his meeting with media members ... and said some kind words about Keith in a cheers to the "Should've Been A Cowboy" crooner.

Oklahoma Sooners

Later, Moser's entire team raised a cup high for Keith in the locker room as well.

Keith, of course, would have loved it all ... he was seen supporting the Sooners throughout his life -- showing up for almost every big sporting event the school had.

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In fact, he was such a notable fan ... the university released a statement following his death that read, in part, "We thank him for the unwavering support he always gave, his generosity as a human being and the countless smiles and memories he created here in Oklahoma and around the world."

As we reported, Keith died peacefully on Monday while surrounded by his family after a battle with stomach cancer. He was 62 years old.




One of Toby Keith's final concerts before his death was a special one ... with his mom Carolyn making a hilarious appearance on-stage, much to the surprise of delighted fans.

TMZ has obtained footage showing the late country icon in great spirits during a Sin City show on December 12 at the Park MGM Las Vegas ... which sadly ended up being one of his last. His last concert ended up being a couple days later at the same exact venue.

In the video, you can see him bring his mom, Carolyn, onstage -- joking around with her and encouraging her to tell audience members to "go to hell" -- which she did, no questions asked. Everyone got a big laugh out of it, and it certainly served as a sweet moment.

Carolyn was waving and rolling with the punches while sharing the spotlight with her son ... with the bond between them evidently strong. No doubt, it must've been a cherished memory for Toby ... who did, in fact, look a little frail in the clip ... but, for the most part, delivered an epic show with his signature vocals. His fans must have loved this too.

As we've reported ... Toby passed away Monday night while surrounded by his family, according to a statement posted to his Facebook page.

He'd been battling stomach cancer ... which he was diagnosed with in 2021. Toby announced the diagnosis in June 2022 ... adding at the time he was receiving chemo and radiation therapy, and had also undergone surgery.

Toby's passing has been a massive loss for the country music world ... during his 3-decade career, he released 24 studio and compilation albums and 2 Christmas records, generating $40 mil in worldwide music sales.

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Last September, he also won the Country Music Icon Award at the People's Choice Country Awards 2023 -- a major feat for any country artist.

Toby was just 62.


La madre del autor de un tiroteo es culpable de homicidio involuntario

Es un fallo histórico -el primero en su tipo- la madre del tirador de la escuela secundaria de Michigan -Ethan Crumbley- ha sido declarada culpable de homicidio involuntario, y podría ser condenada a 15 años en prisión.

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Jennifer Crumbley fue condenada por negligencia grave al no impedir que su hijo Ethan Crumbley matara a 4 estudiantes en Oxford High School en noviembre de 2021.

El jurado llegó al veredicto unánime en el segundo día de deliberaciones.

Nunca antes se había acusado penalmente a un padre de un niño que cometió un tiroteo masivo. El marido de Jennifer, James, también se enfrenta a cargos de homicidio involuntario y será juzgado el mes que viene. Él fue quien compró el arma.

Jennifer testificó en su juicio que James fue el responsable de esconder el arma que su hijo utilizó en el tiroteo.

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Jennifer también testificó que sabía que su hijo estaba pasando por un mal momento, pero no tenía idea de que era capaz de cometer un tiroteo masivo. Ella nunca puso a su hijo Ethan en terapia y dijo que si tuviera que hacerlo de nuevo no habría hecho nada diferente.

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Ethan, de 17 años, fue condenado a cadena perpetua. En cuanto a Jennifer, será sentenciada en abril, presumiblemente después del juicio de su marido.

Un miembro del equipo de Marvel muere en el Radford Studio Center De Los Ángeles

Un miembro del equipo falleció en un conocido estudio de cine de Los Ángeles y pasó mientras se preparaba para un espectáculo de Marvel... TMZ ha confirmado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que los socorristas fueron enviados al Radford Studio Center en Studio City el Martes a las afueras del centro de Los Ángeles en respuesta a un accidente.

Nos informan que los paramédicos llegaron al lote y se encontraron con un hombre de mediana edad que fue declarado muerto. Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que el hombre parece haber caído de la zona de las vigas en el escenario de sonido temprano en la mañana.

Según Deadline, se trataba de un trabajador que estaba preparando el set para la serie de televisión de Marvel "Wonder Man", cuya producción no está prevista que comience hasta el próximo mes. Un representante de Marvel dice: "Nuestros pensamientos y más profundas condolencias están con su familia y amigos y nuestro apoyo está detrás de la investigación sobre las circunstancias de este accidente".

"Wonder Man" está protagonizada por Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, y Destin Daniel Cretton se encargará de la producción de la serie que se estrenará en Disney+. El hombre que murió estaba encargado de la creación de luces para el set.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que hay una investigación federal en proceso... OSHA está investigando.

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La identidad de la persona aún no ha sido revelada.


Michigan High School Shooter Mother Guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter

It's a landmark ruling, the first of its kind ... the mother of Michigan high school shooter Ethan Crumbley has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter ... and she could be sentenced to 15 years in prison.

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Jennifer Crumbley was convicted of being grossly negligent by not stopping her son Ethan Crumbley from killing 4 students at Oxford High School in November, 2021.

The jury reached the unanimous verdict on the second day of deliberations.

Never before has a parent been criminally charged with a child who committed a mass shooting. Jennifer's husband, James, is also facing manslaughter charges and will stand trial next month. He's the one who purchased the gun.

Jennifer testified in her trial James was responsible for hiding the gun their son used in the shooting.

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Jennifer also testified she knew her son was struggling but had no idea he was capable of committing a mass shooting. She never put her son Ethan in therapy and said if she had it to do over again she would have done nothing differently.

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17-year-old Ethan was sentenced to life in prison. As for Jennifer, she'll be sentenced in April --- presumably after her husband's trial.

Radford Studio Center Crew Member Falls to His Death in L.A. While Working on the Lot

A crew member fell to his death at a well-known movie studio in Los Angeles -- and it was while preparing for a show for none other than Marvel ... TMZ has confirmed.

Law enforcement sources tell us first responders were dispatched to Radford Studio Center in Studio City, CA Tuesday -- just outside of central L.A. -- in response to an apparent accident on a set there.

We're told paramedics arrived to sound stage 3 on the lot and came upon a middle-aged man, who was pronounced dead at the scene. Our sources tell us the man appears to have fallen from the rafters area in the sound stage ... and it happened early in the morning.

According to Deadline, it was actually a worker who was prepping a set for Marvel's "Wonder Man" TV show -- which isn't set to go into production until next month. A Marvel rep says ... "Our thoughts and deepest condolences are with his family and friends, and our support is behind the investigation into the circumstances of this accident."

"Wonder Man" is set to star Yahya Abdul-Mateen II -- with Destin Daniel Cretton set to develop the show -- which will eventually debut on Disney+. The man who died was reportedly a rigger ... somebody who deals with setting up lights on set.

Our sources tell us there's no foul play suspected at this point in the police investigation -- but we're told this has actually triggered a federal probe ... OSHA's now looking into it.

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The identity of the individual who perished has yet to be revealed.


Los Angeles Lakers Wearing 'Black Mamba' Uniforms To Honor Kobe Bryant

A special week for Lakers fans just got better ... the same night the purple and gold unveil the Kobe Bryant statue outside Arena, LeBron James and Co. will rock Mamba uniforms, designed by the late legend himself!

The Lakers made the announcement Tuesday morning, saying the squad would wear their Black Mamba uniforms vs. the Denver Nuggets on February 8, the same night the team will introduce Bryant's bronze statue in Star Plaza outside of the arena.

Aside from the jerseys looking fresh, they're extra special because Kobe actually helped create them back in 2017 ... borrowing elements from the Lakers uniform he wore during his rookie season in 1996-1997.

The Mamba unis, which the team will wear on 2/8/24 (another nod to the legend), feature a black, snakeskin-like print ... and also include "LA 24" on the belt, with Kobe's number 8 and 24 stitched on the leg of the shorts.

It won't be the first time the Lakers have worn the uniforms ... they debuted them in January 2018. They also wore them again during the 2020 championship season following Bryant's tragic death.

As cool as the uniforms are, the statue is also a huge honor.

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In fact, with the team's rich history, Kobe's just the 7th Laker to be honored with a statue, joining Elgin Baylor, Shaquille O’Neal, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Jerry West and Chick Hearn.

Los Angeles Lakers Vestirán uniformes Black Mamba Para honrar a Kobe Bryant

Una semana especial para los fans de los Lakers acaba de mejorar. La misma noche que el equipo inaugure la estatua de Kobe Bryant afuera del Arena, LeBron James y compañía lucirán uniformes Mamba, ¡diseñados por la propia leyenda!

Los Lakers hicieron el anuncio el martes por la mañana, diciendo que el equipo usaría sus uniformes Black Mamba contra los Denver Nuggets el 8 de febrero, la misma noche en que el equipo presentará la estatua de bronce de Bryant en Star Plaza afuera de la arena.

Además de que las camisetas se ven frescas, son extra especiales porque Kobe ayudó a crearlas en 2017, tomando prestados elementos del uniforme de los Lakers que usó durante su temporada de novato entre 1996-1997.

Las Mamba unis, que el equipo usará el 8 de febrero de 2024 (otro guiño a la leyenda), cuentan con una impresión negra, similar a la piel de serpiente, y también incluyen "LA 24" en el cinturón, con el número 8 y 24 de Kobe cosido en la pierna de los pantalones cortos.

Esta no sería la primera vez que los Lakers usan estos uniformes. El equipo los estrenó en enero de 2018 y los volvieron a usar durante la temporada 2020 del campeonato, después de la trágica muerte de Bryant.

Igual de genial que usar estos uniformes, es la estatua, qu también es un gran honor.

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De hecho, con la rica historia del equipo, Kobe es solo el séptimo Laker en ser honrado con una estatua, uniéndose a Elgin Baylor, Shaquille O'Neal, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Jerry West y Chick Hearn.

Toby Keith Dead At 62 ... After Stomach Cancer Diagnosis

Toby Keith -- the iconic country music singer -- has died after a battle with stomach cancer.

Keith passed away Monday night while surrounded by his family, according to a statement posted to his Facebook page.

"He fought his fight with grace and courage," the message read, alluding to his serious health issues.

In June 2022, Keith announced he had been diagnosed with cancer the previous fall and was receiving chemo and radiation therapy, as well as having surgery.

At the time, he said he was doing well, but he needed time to "breathe, recover and relax."

As you know, Keith was one of the biggest names in country music. Throughout his three-decade career, he released 24 studio and compilation albums and 2 Christmas records, generating $40 million in worldwide music sales.

Keith also produced 61 tracks that appeared on the Billboard Hot Country Songs, with 20 of them hitting number one and 22 others landing in the top ten.

Some of his most recognizable tunes were "Who's Your Daddy?," "Made In America," "Should Have Been A Cowboy," "As Good As I Once Was," and "Beer for My Horses," a 2005 duet with Willie Nelson.

Born in Oklahoma, Keith landed his first record deal in 1993 after being employed as a rodeo hand, a roughneck and playing semiprofessional football. He worked around the clock, once telling former TV news anchor, Dan Rather, "I didn't take many vacations the first 20 years of my adult life."

Using his intense work ethic, Keith cranked out album after album and became a household name in 2002, when he released a controversial song, "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)." He wrote the tune in response to the 9/11 attacks and the death of his disabled veteran father in a vehicle accident the same year.

Keith went on to perform numerous shows for US military officers who served in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as three former American presidents, namely Donald Trump, Barack Obama and George W. Bush. At his performances, Keith was known to dole out gifts to wheelchair-bound veterans wounded in combat.

In 2021, then-President Trump honored Keith with the National Medal of Arts award, which is "the highest award given to artists and arts patrons by the United States government," according to the National Endowment for the Arts.


Last September, Keith took home the Country Music Icon Award at the People's Choice Country Awards 2023. After accepting the statue, he gave a speech that brought some levity to his cancer diagnosis and stunning weight loss, saying, "Bet you thought you'd never see me in skinny jeans."

Fun fact for Swifties -- Taylor Swift was actually a huge fan of Toby's, and he played a big role in getting her career in country music started. Per reports, he helped sign her to her first record label, Big Machine Records, and was partially responsible for launching her career.

There's an old interview showing Taylor gush about Toby ... and how she'd always be star-struck by him.

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Toby is survived by his wife, Tricia, and three children, Shelley, Krystal and Stelen. He was 62.


Toby Keith Muere a los 62... Tras ser diagnosticado de cáncer estomacal

Toby Keith, el icónico cantante de música country, ha fallecido después de una batalla contra el cáncer de estómago.

Keith falleció el lunes por la noche mientras estaba rodeado de su familia, según un comunicado publicado en su página de Facebook.

"Peleó su batalla con gracia y coraje", rezaba el mensaje, en alusión a sus graves problemas de salud.

En junio de 2022, Keith anunció que había sido diagnosticado de cáncer el otoño anterior y que estaba recibiendo quimio y radioterapia, además de someterse a cirugía.

En ese momento, dijo que estaba bien, pero que necesitaba tiempo para "respirar, recuperarse y relajarse".

Como saben, Keith fue uno de los nombres más grandes de la música country. A lo largo de sus tres décadas de carrera, lanzó 24 álbumes de estudio y recopilatorios y dos discos de Navidad, generando 40 millones de dólares en ventas en todo el mundo.

Keith también produjo 61 canciones que aparecieron en la lista Billboard Hot Country Songs, 20 de ellas en el número uno y otras 22 entre las diez primeras.

Algunas de sus canciones más conocidas son "Who's Your Daddy?", "Made In America", "Should Have Been A Cowboy", "As Good As I Once Was" y "Beer for My Horses", un dúo de 2005 con Willie Nelson.

Nacido en Oklahoma, Keith consiguió su primer contrato discográfico en 1993, después de trabajar como peón de rodeo, en un pozo petrolífero y jugador semiprofesional de fútbol americano. Trabajaba sin descanso y una vez le dijo al ex presentador de televisión, Dan Rather: "No me tomé muchas vacaciones los primeros 20 años de mi vida adulta".

Gracias a su intensa ética de trabajo, Keith produjo un álbum tras otro y se convirtió en un nombre muy conocido en 2002, cuando lanzó una controvertida canción, "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)". Esta canción la escribió en respuesta a los atentados del 11 de septiembre y a la muerte de su padre, un veterano discapacitado, en un accidente vehicular ese mismo año.

Keith ofreció numerosos conciertos para militares estadounidenses que sirvieron en Afganistán e Irak, así como para tres ex presidentes de Estados Unidos: Donald Trump, Barack Obama y George W. Bush. En sus actuaciones, Keith era conocido por repartir regalos a veteranos en silla de ruedas heridos en combate.

En 2021, el entonces presidente Trump honró a Keith con el premio Medalla Nacional de las Artes, que es "el más alto galardón otorgado a artistas y mecenas de las artes por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos", según la Fundación Nacional de las Artes.

Dios los bendiga a todos

El pasado mes de septiembre, Keith se llevó a casa el premio Icono de la Música Country en los People's Choice Country Awards 2023. Después de aceptar la estatuilla, dio un discurso para alivianar el peso de su diagnóstico de cáncer y su impresionante pérdida de peso: "Apuesto a que pensabas que nunca me verías en jeans ajustados".

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A Toby le sobreviven su esposa Tricia y sus tres hijos Shelley, Krystal y Stelen. Tenía 62 años.

Que en paz descanse.


Steve Harwell and C-Knight's omissions from the Grammys' "In Memoriam" segment Sunday was rude and disrespectful ... according to their nearest and dearest.

Robert Hayes, a rep for Smash Mouth's late lead singer, is hurt over the snub ... though he tells TMZ it didn't surprise him because the Recording Academy never acknowledged Steve when he was alive ... so why would they honor him when he passed?

Smash Mouth was nominated for a Grammy once, in 2000, but didn't win.

His remarks were cutting ... asking who even bothered to watch the Grammys anymore -- and expressing his belief the award ceremony hadn't been good in more than 20 years.

Steve left a lasting influence in the music industry before he passed away in Sept 2023 ... and only 2 months later, fellow artist C-Knight also died, having been taken off life support following complications from diabetes.

C-Knight's brother George Lee Blount echoed similar feelings of hurt and outrage over the "In Memoriam" exclusion.

George tells TMZ ... while C-Knight and his band The Dove Shack never scooped a Grammy, their impact on G-funk and hip hop is undeniable -- adding he was a hip hop legend, and the least they could've done was give him a mention.

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George is hoping the same mistake doesn't happen again, urging the Grammys to do more research into artists to understand the hard work and sacrifice they put into their music careers.

For a fair system, he urges Grammys to be more like the BET Awards ... noting they have a better understanding of Black artists and, therefore, can appropriately award artists who've made an impact in music.

Sylvester Stallone Addresses Carl Weathers' Death ... Emotional Tribute

Sylvester Stallone is speaking on Carl Weathers' sudden death -- and it couldn't be more emotional and heartfelt .... yeah, this one's a tear-jerker.

The actor posted a video Friday just hours after news broke that his 'Rocky' costar had passed away the day prior -- and you can tell Sly is absolutely torn up about it ... fighting back tears as he honors his longtime friend and companion in the ring.

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Sly says he owes so much of his career and success to Carl ... noting the man had a magnetism and energy about him that made him so special -- especially for the 'Rocky' franchise. SS recounts first meeting Carl ... and knowing right away, this guy's a star.

This video was actually filmed with Sly standing in front of the famous painting that was commissioned to recreate the end of 'Rocky III,' where they face off in the ring anew.

Sylvester ends his gut-wrenching remarks here with a special message for his good friend -- "Apollo, keep punching."

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He also adds this of the late Weathers ... "We lost a legend yesterday. My life was forever changed for the better the day I met Carl Weathers. Rest in power."

We couldn't have said it better ourselves.


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