Rick Harrison de "Pawn Stars" Su hijo Adam había salido recién de la cárcel... Antes de la sobredosis

El hijo de Rick Harrison, Adam Harrison, parece haber estado mal los días previos a su muerte, al menos eso es lo que la gente que vivía a su alrededor le dijo a la policía.

De acuerdo con un nuevo informe de la policía obtenido por TMZ, los oficiales en Las Vegas respondieron a una llamada por una persona que no respondía el viernes, que resultó ser Adam. Los oficiales llegaron y confirmaron que había fallecido, y luego les contaron más sobre lo que aparentemente había sucedido en los días previos a esta tragedia.

Resulta que la policía se enteró de que Adam había estado alojado en una casa de huéspedes en esta propiedad y se percataron de que acababa de salir de la cárcel después de cumplir 3 meses tras las rejas, aunque no está claro por qué exactamente. El propietario dijo que necesitaba un lugar para quedarse después de la liberación y que le ofrecieron esta casa de huéspedes como una muestra de amabilidad.

TMZ investiga
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Sin embargo, cuando continuó estando fuera del radar a partir de entonces, los compañeros de cuarto le dijeron a la policía que trataron de llamar a su puerta, pero que nunca respondió. En ese momento, se involucró el propietario, quien abrió la unidad de Adán y lo encontró tumbado en su cama sin respuesta.

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Los compañeros de piso le dijeron a los agentes que si bien su estancia en la propiedad había sido breve, solo dos semanas más o menos, al parecer comentaron que percibían su comportamiento como errático y extraño, incluyendo que supuestamente se atrincherara en esta pequeña casa de huéspedes.

Los compañeros de piso también declararon a la policía que sospechaban que Adam había consumido drogas. Como informamos, Adam murió de una sobredosis de fentanilo, confirmado por su familia.

El propio Rick le dijo a TMZ: "El fentanilo convirtió a mi hijo en alguien que no era y eso conllevó malas decisiones y pasar tiempo en la cárcel". Adam solo tenía 39 años.

Que en paz descanse.

'Pawn Stars' Rick Harrison Son Adam Had Just Left Jail ... Before Overdose Death

Rick Harrison's son, Adam Harrison, seems to have been in a bad way in the days leading up to his death -- at least that's what people who were living around him told cops.

According to a new police report, obtained by TMZ, officers in Vegas responded to a call for service reporting an unresponsive person on Friday ... which turned out to be Adam. The responding officers arrived and confirmed he was deceased, and then were told more of the backstory of what apparently happened in the days leading up to this tragedy.

As it turns out, cops were told Adam had been staying in a guest house at this property -- and noted he had just been released from jail after serving 3 months behind bars ... although it's unclear what exactly for. The landlord said he needed a place to stay upon release, and they offered this guest house as somewhat of a kindness.

Officers interviewed a handful of roommates who had been living there as well ... and they said they hadn't seen Adam come by the main house in a few days. When they tried checking on him via social media, the roommates said they got a message back from him saying he was ill and quarantining.

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However, when he continued to be off the radar thereafter ... the roommates told police that they tried knocking on his door, but said he never answered. At that point, they got the landlord involved -- who opened up Adam's unit ... only to find him lying unresponsive on his bed.

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The roommates told officers that while his stay there at the property had been brief -- just two weeks or so, it seems -- they relayed behavior of his that they perceived as erratic and strange ... including allegedly barricading himself inside his little guest house there.

The roommates also claimed to cops that they suspected Adam had had a history of drug use too. As we reported ... Adam died of a fentanyl overdose, confirmed by his family.

Rick himself tells TMZ ... "Fentanyl turned my son into someone he wasn’t and that brought with it bad decisions and spending time in jail." Adam was only 39.


Hugh Hefner Ex-Wife Kimberly Defends Him ... Slams Crystal, Ex-GFs

Hugh Hefner's ex-wife Kimberly is defending the Playboy founder against an onslaught from his widow Crystal ... 'cause Kim suggests Crystal's just bashing Hef to make a buck.

Kimberly -- who was married to Hef from 1989 to 2010 and had two kids with him -- tells TMZ ... Crystal, in her mind, has no credibility and goes on to claim it was actually her who was exploiting Hef while he was still alive, not the other way around.

As we've reported ... Crystal has a new memoir out about her marriage to Hef and their life at the Playboy Mansion, and she's taken a ton of shots at both ... ripping his bedroom skills, calling their relationship toxic and backward and saying she felt trapped/hypnotized.

But Kimberly's firing back on behalf of her ex-hubby, saying ... "As a few people speak their version of their idea of events in hopes of riding a wave of headline relevance, and making a quick buck, we should all ask ourselves whether we want to live in an environment where people refuse to take accountability and use words loosely like 'force' and 'survive' to describe choices they made willingly at a certain point in their own lives." Oof, talk about harsh!

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The way Kimberly sees it ... Crystal wasn't forced into marrying Hef or living at the Playboy Mansion Crystal now despises. Kimberly tells us Crystal made choices that gave her "notoriety, opportunity, and money."

Now that Crystal seems to have turned on Hef, who has been dead since 2017, Kimberly adds ... "We should be wary of those who try to destroy things because they are no longer benefiting from them."

Miss Understood with Rachel Uchitel Podcast

Remember ... Crystal's also told us she felt like she lost herself in her marriage with Hugh,  and she's said she wants to drop his famous last name because it's not clear if it's helping or hurting her these days.

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Kimberly says it's not fair Hef's not here to defend himself ... praising him as a "pioneer of free thought and expression" and a "leading voice behind some of the most significant social and cultural movements of our time, advocating for free speech, integrity, sexual freedoms, and civil rights."

Bottom line for Kimberly ... she doesn't appreciate Crystal's about-face, finishing by saying ... "If you want to talk about exploitation, this is exactly what these women have done with Hef in his later years and at the end of his life."

Hugh Hefner Su ex mujer Kimberly lo defiende... Critica a Crystal y a sus ex

La ex-esposa de Hugh Hefner, Kimberly, está defendiendo al fundador de Playboy de la embestida de su viuda Crystal, sugiriendo que solo lo está criticando para ganar dinero.

Kimberly, que estuvo casada con Hef desde 1989 hasta 2010 y tuvo dos hijos con él, le dice a TMZ que Crystal, desde su perspectiva, no tiene credibilidad y asegura que en realidad era ella quien estaba explotando a Hef mientras él aún estaba vivo y no al revés.

Como hemos informado, Crystal tiene un nuevo libro de memorias sobre su matrimonio con Hef y su vida en la Mansión Playboy, y ha lanzado un montón de dardos en contra de ambas experiencias, llamando a su relación tóxica y diciendo que se sentía atrapada.

Pero Kimberly está disparando en nombre de su ex-marido, diciendo: "Mientras unas cuantas personas dan su versión de los hechos con la esperanza de subirse a una ola de relevancia en los titulares y ganar dinero rápido, todos deberíamos preguntarnos si queremos vivir en un entorno en el que la gente se niega a asumir su responsabilidad y utiliza palabras vagas como "forzar" y "sobrevivir" para describir decisiones que fueron tomadas voluntariamente en un momento determinado de sus vidas". Uf, ¡qué duro!

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Para Kimberly, Crystal no fue forzada a casarse con Hef o a vivir en la mansión Playboy que ahora desprecia. Nos dice que Crystal tomó decisiones que le dieron "notoriedad, oportunidad y dinero".

Ahora que Crystal parece haberse vuelto en contra de Hef, que está muerto desde 2017, Kimberly añade: "Debemos tener cuidado con aquellos que intentan destruir las cosas porque ya no se benefician de ellas".

Miss Understood with Rachel Uchitel Podcast

Recuerden, Crystal también nos ha dicho que sintió que se perdió a sí misma en su matrimonio con Hugh, y ha dicho que quiere dejar su famoso apellido porque no está segura si la está ayudando o perjudicando en este momento.

Kimberly dice que no es justo que Hef no esté aquí para defenderse y lo elogia como un "pionero del libre pensamiento y expresión" y una "voz líder detrás de algunos de los movimientos sociales y culturales más significativos de nuestro tiempo, abogando por la libertad de expresión, la integridad, las libertades sexuales y los derechos civiles".

En pocas palabras, a Kimberly no le gusta el cambio que ha tenido Crystal, diciendo para concluir: "Si quieres hablar de explotación, esto es exactamente lo que estas mujeres han hecho con Hef en sus últimos años y al final de su vida".

DJ de Memphis Slick Rick Es encontrado decapitado en su casa... La policía está investigando

Un DJ local de Memphis, que da la casualidad que tiene el mismo apodo que un rapero muy famoso, al parecer fue asesinado de una manera brutal en su casa.

Rick Buchanan, también conocido como "Slick Rick" en la zona y sin ninguna afiliación con THE Slick Rick, fue encontrado muerto el miércoles por su hermano, quien le dijo a FOX13 que entró en la casa de su hermano y descubrió que había sido decapitado.

El hermano de Buchanan, John, relató el horrible incidente diciendo: "Entré y lo encontré, y llamé al 911". Luego, este describe exactamente cómo lo encontró.

John añade: "Pensé que su abrigo estaba sobre su cabeza como si tuviera frío o algo así. Salí corriendo y volví a entrar. Y entonces me di cuenta de que era algo peor". El hermano de Rick continúa explicando que este todavía estaba sosteniendo sus llaves y que sus pantalones estaban abajo. También dice que su puerta trasera estaba entreabierta, por lo que decir que esto es sospechoso, es un eufemismo.

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"Casi me muero"
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Otra cosa. Rick fue baleado durante un robo en Memphis en 2014, del cual sobrevivió entonces, pero John dice que nunca fue el mismo después de eso.

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Dice que se había vuelto difícil encontrar trabajo para él y que se volvió un poco ermitaño, a pesar de haber sido una gran personalidad en la comunidad durante años, pues era muy bueno actuando. Ahora, John y su familia están tratando de reconstruir exactamente lo que pasó, y por supuesto, hacer los arreglos funerarios, etc.

La pregunta obvia es, ¿qué están diciendo los policías? FOX13 dice que la policía de Memphis está investigando. A primera vista, suena como una masacre y carnicería absoluta.

Memphis DJ 'Slick Rick' Found Decapitated at Home ... Police Investigating


10:08 AM PT -- Memphis PD says a cause of death for Rick Buchanan has yet to be determined, and more interestingly ... that there's no sign of foul play in terms of how he died. Of course, they say they're still investigating.

A local DJ in Memphis, who just so happens to have the same moniker as a very famous rapper, appears to have been murdered in gruesome fashion ... via beheading.

Rick Buchanan -- otherwise known as "Slick Rick" in the area, no affiliation to THE Slick Rick -- was found dead Wednesday by his brother -- who told FOX13 reporter Walter Murphy that he walked into his sibling's home and discovered he'd been decapitated.

Buchanan's sibling, John, relayed the horrifying incident to the outlet, saying ... "I walked in and found him, and I just called 911." He goes on to describe exactly how he found him.

John adds, "I thought his coat was up over his head like it was cold or something. I ran out and then I ran back in. And, then I realized it was something worse." Rick's brother goes on to explain Rick was still holding his keys in this state, and that his pants were pulled down. He also says his back door was ajar ... so, to say this is suspicious is an understatement.

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Action News 5

One other thing ... Rick was actually shot during a robbery in Memphis back in 2014, which he survived at the time -- but John says he was never the same after that.

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He says it had become hard for Rick to find work, and that he became a bit of a recluse -- this despite being a huge personality known in the community for years ... who was big on performing. Now, John and the extended family say they're trying to piece things together on what exactly happened to Rick -- and, of course, making funeral arrangements, etc.

The obvious question ... what are cops saying? FOX13 cites Memphis PD as only saying they're investigating. On its face, it sounds like an outright slaughter and butchering.

Originally Published -- 6:50 AM PT

Alabama Nitrogen Execution Kenneth Eugene Smith Suffers Pain And Misery ... As Horrified Family Watches

Convicted killer Kenneth Eugene Smith was executed Thursday by the state of Alabama using a new deadly procedure, as his wife and pastor looked on in absolute horror at his excruciatingly painful reaction.

Smith was ushered inside the execution chamber at the William C. Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore, where prison staff put him in restraints and fitted a gas mask over his face to suffocate him with nitrogen hypoxia. He became the first ever inmate to be put to death utilizing this method.

Before the execution began at 8:07 PM CST, Smith made a heart sign with his left hand to his family who was present before saying his final words through his mask: "Tonight Alabama causes humanity to take a step backwards... I’m leaving with love, peace, and light."


The next 18 minutes turned into a nightmare for Smith and his two closest confidantes -- namely his wife, Deanna, and his spiritual guide, Jeff Hood, both of whom were in the witness box.

Hood later told the Daily Mail ... the execution was the "worst thing" he had ever seen, even causing prison officials to gasp while Smith died much slower than anticipated.

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The pastor also said Smith started convulsing with his body popping up on the gurney after correctional officers pumped his mask full of nitrogen hypoxia, forcing him to inhale high concentrations of the gas.

At one point, Deanna cried out for her dying husband as he grabbed at his restraints, taking his last breaths before he suffocated. Smith was sentenced to death in 1996 for killing a preacher's wife, Elizabeth Sennett, as part of a $1,000 murder-for-hire plot.

He was pronounced dead at 8:25 PM CST.

Smith was 58.

Ejecución en Alabama Kenneth Eugene Smith sufre dolor y miseria... Mientras su familia observa

El asesino convicto Kenneth Eugene Smith fue ejecutado el jueves por el estado de Alabama utilizando un nuevo procedimiento mortal. Todo esto, mientras su esposa y su pastor miraban con horror absoluto su reacción al insoportable dolor.

Smith fue introducido en la cámara de ejecución del centro penitenciario William C. Holman de Atmore, donde el personal penitenciario lo inmovilizó y le colocó una máscara de gas en la cara para asfixiarlo con hipoxia de nitrógeno. Se convirtió así en el primer recluso condenado a muerte por este método.

Antes de que comenzara la ejecución a las 8:07 PM CST, Smith hizo una señal de corazón con su mano izquierda a su familia que estaba presente antes de decir sus últimas palabras a través de su máscara: "Esta noche Alabama hace que la humanidad dé un paso atrás... Me voy con amor, paz y luz".

Los 18 minutos siguientes se convirtieron en una pesadilla para Smith y sus dos confidentes más cercanos: su esposa Deanna y su guía espiritual Jeff Hood, quienes estaban presentes.

Hood dijo más tarde al Daily Mail que la ejecución fue lo "peor'" que había visto nunca, e incluso causó el impacto de algunos funcionarios de la prisión mientras Smith fallecía, mucho más lento de lo previsto.

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El pastor también dijo que Smith comenzó a convulsionar en la camilla después de que los funcionarios le pusieron la máscara de hipoxia de nitrógeno y lo obligaron a inhalar altas concentraciones del gas.

En un momento dado, Deanna gritó por su marido mientras este se agarraba a sus ataduras, dando sus últimas bocanadas de aire antes de asfixiarse. Smith fue condenado a muerte en 1996 por matar a la esposa de un predicador, Elizabeth Bennett, como parte de un complot de asesinato por encargo valorado en 1.000 dólares

Fue declarado muerto a las 8:25 PM CST.

Smith tenía 58 años.

'Pawn Stars' Rick Harrison Trump Family Sends Condolences ... After Son's Fatal OD

Rick Harrison got a call from 2 of Donald Trump's sons after his own son, Adam Harrison, died from a fentanyl overdose.

A rep for the "Pawn Stars" patriarch tells TMZ ... Donald Jr. and Eric Trump reached out to Rick after learning of Adam's death. We're told the Trumps spoke to Rick on the phone to offer their condolences.

The Trump and Harrison families have a long relationship. Rick's been a vocal supporter of the former president for years -- at one point referring to himself as a "Trump guy."

When DT was in the White House, he and Rick met in September 2018 ... snapping a photo together with Rick's youngest son, Jake.

Even before the phone call, Don. Jr commented on Rick's tribute post to Adam, "I'm so sorry man."

TMZ broke the story ... Adam died last week from a drug overdose.

Rick told us fentanyl killed his 39-year-old son and added, "The fentanyl crisis in this country must be taken more seriously. It seems it is just flowing over the borders and nothing is being done about it. We must do better."

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We're told the Harrison family held a private funeral Wednesday in Las Vegas with close friends.

Rick Harrison recibe una llamada de la familia Trump Tras la muerte de su hijo

Rick Harrison recibió una llamada de dos de los hijos de Donald Trump después de que su propio hijo, Adam Harrison, falleciera de una sobredosis de fentanilo.

Un representante del patriarca del "El Precio de la Historia", le dice TMZ que Donald Jr. y Eric Trump llegaron a Rick después de enterarse de la muerte de Adam. Se nos dice que los Trumps hablaron con Rick por teléfono para ofrecer sus condolencias.

Las familias Trump y Harrison tienen una larga relación. Rick ha sido un partidario vocal del ex presidente durante años y en un momento se refirió a sí mismo como un "tipo Trump".

Cuando Donald estaba en la Casa Blanca, él y Rick se reunieron en septiembre de 2018 y se tomaron una foto juntos con el hijo menor de Rick, Jake.

Incluso antes de la llamada telefónica, Don. Jr comentó en el post de homenaje de Rick a Adam: "Lo siento mucho hombre".

TMZ publicó la historia, Adam murió la semana pasada de una sobredosis de drogas.

Rick nos dijo que el fentanilo mató a su hijo de 39 años de edad, y agregó: "La crisis de fentanilo en este país debe ser tomada más en serio. Parece que simplemente fluye por las fronteras y no se hace nada al respecto. Debemos hacerlo mejor".

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Nos dicen que la familia Harrison celebró un funeral privado el miércoles en Las Vegas con amigos cercanos.

Harry Connick Jr. Father Dead at 97 ... Controversial New Orleans D.A.

The father of singer-actor Harry Connick Jr. has died in Louisiana, according to the Associated Press.

Harry Connick Sr. passed away peacefully in his New Orleans home Thursday, the AP reported, although his cause of death was not disclosed. He was surrounded by his wife, Londa and two children, daughter Suzanna and his famous son Harry.

Connick Sr. was the New Orleans District Attorney for three decades, winning his first election in 1973 and unseating incumbent prosecutor Jim Garrison. He stayed as the city's D.A. for many years, getting reelected four times by developing biracial support among the city's politically powerful African American base.

After his retirement in 2003, Connick Sr. faced harsh criticism for allegedly hiding evidence that could have tipped the scales in favor of several defendants, who later had their convictions overturned.

In one case, John Thompson was exonerated for a murder he did not commit after 14 years on Louisiana's Death Row.

Thompson filed a lawsuit in state court against the New Orleans D.A.'s Office, accusing Connick Sr. of withholding key evidence that would have found him innocent at trial. The judge awarded Thompson $14 million, but the U.S. Supreme Court later overturned the decision by a 5-4 vote.

In 2014, Connick Sr. again came under scrutiny when a judge tossed out the 1990 murder conviction of Reginald Adams.

Adams was released from prison after serving 34 years. His attorneys proved that Connick Sr. kept vital evidence under wraps during his trial.

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Later, Adams sued the D.A.'s Office, agreeing to a $1.25 million settlement.

Over the years, Connick Sr. kept silent about his controversial reign as D.A., but he finally defended his legacy in a 2012 interview with The Times-Picayune.

He was 97.


Masuimi Max muere a los 45 años

Masuimi Max -una actriz y modelo que apareció en grandes publicaciones como Playboy y Maxim- ha muerto... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que recibieron una llamada justo antes de las 8:30 AM esta mañana y respondieron a la casa de Max en el área de Las Vegas, donde encontraron a Max. Nos dicen que una investigación a fondo se llevará a cabo.

No hay más detalles sobre las circunstancias de su muerte por el momento.

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Max comenzó a modelar el año 2000 según su LinkedIn, y a lo largo de los años apareció en numerosas publicaciones como Maxim, Alt Magazine, Bizarre Magazine y una serie de otros puntos de venta en los últimos años.

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Los aficionados pueden recordarla por las veces que posó para Playboy. Además participó en muchos eventos en la Mansión Playboy a finales de 2000 y principios de 2010.

Tiene algunos créditos en IMDb, aunque en su mayoría películas de serie B como "Cornman: American Vegetable Hero" y "Giantess Battle Attack". Tuvo un papel no acreditado en "xXx: State of the Union" protagonizada por Samuel L. Jackson y Ice Cube donde interpretó a la novia de Zeke, el papel del rapero Xzibit en la película.

Los últimos años se ha dedicado sobre todo al modelaje alternativo... gravitando hacia espectáculos de terror/cabaret cargados de maquillaje y videos de YouTube. Había acumulado una sólida base de fans en línea, con más de 300k seguidores en Instagram.

Masuimi tenía 45 años.


Kurt Cobain Se filtra supuesta autopsia... Con detalles del suicidio

Kurt Cobain murió hace casi 30 años, pero un hombre ha estado siguiendo el caso desde entonces, y publicó lo que él dice corresponde al informe oficial de su autopsia, la que no se ha visto públicamente hasta ahora.

Un investigador privado llamado Tom Grant publicó este PDF en su cuenta de Twitter el miércoles, escribiendo: "Descarga una copia gratuita del informe de la autopsia de Kurt Cobain en: http://cobaincase.com/Cobain Autopsy.pdf  Copia y pega el link completo, incluyendo 'Autopsy.pdf' en tu navegador. Esta es la primera vez que este informe se hace público".

Por lo que parece, Tom tiene su propio sitio en el que ha ido registrando a modo de crónica su investigación sobre la muerte de Kurt Cobain, la que se remonta a 1994 cuando se quitó la vida. Parece que Tom Grant ha llegado a sus propias conclusiones sobre el asunto, pero lo más importante aquí es este documento que ha publicado.

Él dice que es el verdadero, aunque no explica cómo lo obtuvo. La autopsia de Kurt nunca fue publicada en su momento, debido a unas leyes del estado de Washington que impiden la divulgación de ese tipo de información. Aunque liberaron estos documentos a la familia.

De todos modos, puedes echar un vistazo al supuesto informe porque, vamos a admitir, si es real, sin duda es una lectura interesante para los fans de Nirvana o de otro tipo.

No vamos a entrar en el meollo del asunto porque es bastante gráfico, pero lo que vamos a decir es que el supuesto informe pretende confirmar lo que casi todo el mundo ha sabido acerca de su muerte durante año. Es decir, que murió trágicamente a causa de un suicidio y que utilizó una escopeta para ello.

También hay información sobre lo que los profesionales médicos encontraron en su cuerpo en el momento, y parece que había una mezcla de diferentes sustancias. Hemos tratado de verificar la autenticidad de este informe, pero los funcionarios del Condado de King no quisieron hacer comentarios y citaron nuevamente la ley de Washington.

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Kurt dejó a su esposa, Courtney Love, y a su hija Frances Bean. Solo tenía 27 años.

Si tú o alguien que conoces está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatea con 988lifeline.org.

Kurt Cobain Purported Autopsy Leaks Details About Suicide Death

Kurt Cobain died nearly 30 years ago -- but one man has been following the case since, and published what he claims is the official autopsy report ... unviewed publicly until now.

A private investigator named Tom Grant threw up this PDF on his Twitter account Wednesday -- writing ... "Download link for a free copy of the Kurt Cobain Autopsy Report at: http://cobaincase.com/Cobain Autopsy.pdf  Copy/paste the entire link, including 'Autopsy.pdf' into your browser window). This is the first time this report has been made public."

From the looks of it ... Tom has his own site that's been chronicling his investigation into the death case -- dating back to when Kurt took his own life in 1994 -- and it seems TG's come to his own conclusions about it all ... but the bigger point is this document he's published.

He claims it's the real deal, although ... he doesn't explain how he obtained it. Kurt's autopsy was never released back then -- and it all had to with some Washington state laws that prevent the disclosure of that type of info. They do release these docs to family though.

Anyway, you can take a look at the purported report yourself if you want ... because, we'll admit, if it is real -- it most certainly is an interesting read, for Nirvana fans or otherwise.

We won't get into the nitty-gritty of it all, because it's quite graphic ... but what we will say is that the alleged report purports to confirm what most everyone has known about his death for years -- namely, that he tragically died by suicide, and that he used to a shotgun on himself.

There's also info in here about what medical professionals say was found to be in Kurt's system at the time -- and it looks like there was a mix of substances. We've attempted to verify the authenticity of this report ... but King County officials wouldn't comment, and again cited the Washington law.

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Kurt left behind his wife, Courtney Love, and his daughter Frances Bean. He was only 27.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Masuimi Max Playboy & Maxim Model Dead at 45

Masuimi Max -- an actress and model who appeared in big publications like Playboy and Maxim -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... cops got a call just before 8:30 AM PT this morning and responded to Max's Las Vegas-area home where they found Max. We're told no foul play is immediately suspected ... though a thorough investigation will be conducted.

No further details about the circumstances of her death were immediately available.

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Max started modeling back in 2000, according to her LinkedIn ... over the years she appeared in numerous publications like Maxim, Alt Magazine, Bizarre Magazine and a number of other outlets over the years.

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Fans may remember her from the times she posed for Playboy -- MM also hit up events at the Playboy Mansion throughout the late 2000s/early 2010s.

She's got some credits on IMDb ... though mostly B-movies like "Cornman: American Vegetable Hero" and "Giantess Battle Attack." She did have an uncredited role in "xXx: State of the Union" starring Samuel L. Jackson and Ice Cube ... where she played the girlfriend of Zeke -- rapper Xzibit's role in the movie.

She's mostly been into alternative modeling in recent years ... gravitating toward make-up-heavy horror/cabaret shows and YouTube videos. She'd amassed a solid fanbase online, with more than 300k dedicated IG followers.

Masuimi was 45.


Porn Star Jesse Jane Dead at 43 After Apparent OD ... Cops Find Her, BF During Welfare Check

Jesse Jane -- a well-known porn star from the 2000s -- has died alongside her boyfriend, who also passed away, and it sounds like their death is drug-related ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the famed adult film actress was found dead at a home Wednesday in Moore, OK -- where we're told police responded to this residence on a welfare check ... and when they got there, our sources say officers discovered both Jesse and her boyfriend, Brett Hasenmueller, deceased.

We're told the welfare check request was actually placed by Brett's employer, who hadn't heard from him in a few days. At the moment, we're told this appears to have been a drug overdose of some sort.

Unclear how long exactly Jesse and Brett might've been dead at the house, and an exact cause of death isn't known at this point either. An investigation is underway, and the Medical Examiner will make a final determination.

Jesse was one of the biggest porn stars in her day -- she started out with Digital Playground in 2002 ... and shortly thereafter, started to make appearances on Showtime's 'Family Business' -- and from there, her career in the industry took off.

She starred in a number of well-known adult films and adult film series -- including the 'Pirates' flicks ... notably the sequel in "Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge," which reportedly cost around $8 million to make and is considered one of the most expensive pornos to date.

Eventually, Jesse made her way over to Playboy ... serving as a host for a popular live show called 'Night Calls,' and even hosting Playboy TV's 'Naughty Amateur Home Videos.'

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Jesse became a huge fixture in the porn world -- she hosted several award shows, including the AVN Awards multiple times, and she launched successful sex toy lines as well.

Outside of adult entertainment ... Jesse made some appearances in mainstream films as well, including 'Starsky & Hutch,' a guest role on 'Entourage,' and even an appearance on 'The Bad Girls Club.' In 2009, she was part of a CNBC doc called 'Porn: Business of Pleasure' -- which showed what her life was like behind the scenes, and away from cameras.

She survived by her one son. Jesse was 43.