David Gail Death Investigated As Possible OD

David Gail's sudden death is under investigation ... and cops tell us they are looking into the possibility of a fatal drug overdose.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... no foul play is suspected in David's case but police are waiting for toxicology tests to determine an official cause of death. With that said, we're told an OD is what police suspect might've gone down here. No word on what type of substances are on cops' radar just yet.

As we reported ... David's sister, Katie Colmenares, announced his death Saturday in a social media post -- leaving a sweet and touching remembrance in confirming his passing.

His sibling did not give a cause of death for her brother -- but did say she would "hold you so tight every day in my heart." She also said she'll miss David "every second of every day forever."

Remember ... David famously appeared in 7 episodes of 'BH: 90210' as Stuart Carson, the fiancé of Shannen Doherty's character. DG was also big in the soap opera world ... he's in 216 episodes of the "General Hospital" spin-off "Port Charles."

TMZ Studios

His other acting credits include ... "Matlock," "Murder, She Wrote," "The Round Table," "Doogie Howser, M.D.," "Perfect Opposites" and "Growing Pains." On the big screen, David starred alongside Bradley Cooper in the 2002 rom-com "Bending All The Rules."

David was only 58.

El hijo de Rick Harrison murió por fentanilo Y culpa a la crisis fronteriza

El hijo de Rick Harrison murió trágicamente por una sobredosis de fentanilo, TMZ ha indagado.

La estrella de "Pawn Stars", a través de su representante, le dice a TMZ: "Sí, puedo confirmar que Adam murió de una sobredosis de fentanilo. La crisis del fentanilo en este país debe ser tomada más en serio. Parece que simplemente está fluyendo a través de las fronteras y no se está haciendo nada al respecto. Debemos hacerlo mejor".

TMZ publicó la historia, la familia Harrison se enteró el viernes que Adam murió de una sobredosis fatal. En ese momento, las circunstancias que rodearon la muerte no estaban claras y La Policía de Las Vegas nos dijo que estaban investigando el caso.

La familia Harrison nos dijo: "Nuestra familia está muy triste por la muerte de Adam. Pedimos privacidad mientras lloramos su pérdida".

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Rick más tarde publicó un emotivo homenaje a Adam en su Instagram, diciendo: "¡Siempre estarás en mi corazón! Te quiero Adam. 💔"

Adam es uno de los tres hijos de Rick - y su segundo hijo con su primera esposa, Kim. Él había sido en su mayoría fuera del radar en términos de espectáculo de Rick y la tienda ... al parecer, después de haber optado por no aparecer en ninguno de los episodios.

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Debido a que nunca estuvo involucrado en el programa, no se sabía mucho sobre él, pero oímos que trabajaba profesionalmente en algún tipo de comercio.

Adam solo tenía 39 años.

director de Jesucristo Superstar Muere a los 97 años

Norman Jewison, el director conocido por "Jesucristo Superstar" y otros éxitos, ha muerto.

El afamado cineasta falleció en paz en su casa el sábado, según informó su equipo. No se ha descubierto la causa exacta del fallecimiento.

Mientras que su mayor éxito fue el musical de 1973 -adaptación de la famosa obra de Broadway- Norman tiene toneladas de películas como director, incluyendo "Moonstruck", "En el calor de la noche" y "El huracán", solo para nombrar unos pocos.

Otras películas que dirigió a lo largo de su carrera: "El violinista en el tejado", "The Cincinnati Kid", "Rollerball", "Y justicia para todos", "Mejores amigos", "F.I.S.T.", "Historia de un soldado", "Agnes of God", "En el campo", "Solo tú", "Cena con amigos"... y muchas más.

Por supuesto, mientras que la carrera cinematográfica de Norman fue ciertamente prolífica, en realidad comenzó en la televisión, sirviendo como director en episodios de grandes programas como "The Big Party", "The Chevy Showroom Starring Andy Williams", "Your Hit Parade", "The Revlon Revue" y otros.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Norman también produjo para programas como "The Judy Garland Show".

Norman fue un director condecorado, habiendo sido nominado a tres premios Óscar en tres décadas distintas. También ha recibido muchos otros galardones, como un BAFTA y premios a la trayectoria profesional de varias organizaciones.

Tenía 97 años.


'Pawn Stars' Rick Harrison Son Overdosed on Fentanyl ... He Blames the Border Crisis

Rick Harrison's son tragically died from overdosing on fentanyl ... TMZ has learned.

The "Pawn Stars" star, through his rep, tells TMZ ... "Yes, I can confirm Adam died from a fentanyl overdose. The fentanyl crisis in this country must be taken more seriously.  It seems it is just flowing over the borders and nothing is being done about it. We must do better."

TMZ broke the story ... the Harrison family found out on Friday that Adam died from a fatal overdose. At the time, the circumstances surrounding the death were unclear and Las Vegas Metro PD told us they were investigating the case.

The Harrison family told us ... "Our family is extremely saddened by the death of Adam. We ask for privacy as we grieve his loss."

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Rick later posted an emotional tribute to Adam on his IG, saying: "You will always be in my heart! I love you Adam. 💔"

TMZ Studios

Adam is one of Rick's three kids -- and his second son with his first wife, Kim. He'd mostly been off the radar in terms of Rick's show and store ... seemingly having chosen not to appear in any of the episodes.

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Because he was never involved in the show, not too much was known about him ... but we heard he worked professionally in some type of trade.

Adam was only 39.

'Jesus Christ Superstar' Director Norman Jewison Dead at 97

Norman Jewison -- the director known for 'Jesus Christ Superstar' and other hits -- has died.

The famed filmmaker passed away peacefully at home Saturday -- this according to his team. An exact cause of death wasn't provided.

While his biggest claim to fame is, perhaps, the 1973 musical -- adapted from the famed Broadway play -- Norman has tons of notable films under his directorial belt from over the years ... including 'Moonstruck,' 'In the Heat of the Night' and 'The Hurricane,' just to name a few.

Other movies he directed throughout his career ... 'Fiddler on the Roof,' 'The Cincinnati Kid,' 'Rollerball,' 'And Justice for All,' 'Best Friends,' 'F.I.S.T.,' 'A Soldier's Story,' 'Agnes of God,' 'In Country,' 'Only You,' 'Dinner with Friends' ... and many more.

Of course, while Norman's film career was most certainly prolific -- he actually got his start in television ... serving as the director on episodes for huge shows like 'The Big Party,' 'The Chevy Showroom Starring Andy Williams,' 'Your Hit Parade,' 'The Revlon Revue' and others.

TMZ Studios

NJ also produced for shows like 'The Judy Garland Show.'

Norman was a decorated director ... having been nominated for 3 Oscars in three separate decades. He's earned many other accolades as well, including a BAFTA and Lifetime Achievement Awards from a handful of orgs.

He was 97.


Dexter Scott King, hijo menor de MLK muere a los 62 años de cáncer de próstata

Dexter Scott King, el hijo menor de Martin Luther King Jr. ha fallecido tras una batalla contra el cáncer.

El King Center anunció la triste noticia el lunes, señalando que Dexter sucumbió a un cáncer de próstata con el que parece haber estado lidiando en privado. La organización añadió que su esposa, Leah Weber King, estuvo con él durante su muerte y dijo: "Él transición pacíficamente en su sueño en casa conmigo en Malibú".

No está claro cuando Dexter fue diagnosticado, pero es el segundo hijo de MLK que ha fallecido desde que su padre fue asesinado en 1968.

Yolanda King fue la primera de los hijos en morir -falleció en 2007 como resultado de un cáncer de ovario, entre otras dolencias- y ahora, Dexter también ha fallecido. El resto de los hijos vivos son Martin Luther King III (el mayor) y Bernice King (el más joven de todos ellos).

Dexter continuó el legado de su padre en la lucha por los derechos civiles en el siglo 21, pero fue notable por enfrentarse a James Earl Ray -el hombre condenado y encarcelado por asesinar al Dr. King- y le preguntó a quemarropa si lo hizo, solo para recibir un "no".

En aquel momento, dijo que le creía a James... y lanzó teorías conspirativas sobre quién orquestó realmente el asesinato de su padre, sugiriendo que el gobierno federal estaba implicado.

Dexter también interpretó a su padre en un telefilme de 2002, "La historia de Rosa Parks", no está de más decir que siempre se habló de su parecido con el Dr. King.

Solo tenía 62 años.


MLK's Youngest Son Dexter Scott King Dead at 62 ... Prostate Cancer Battle

Dexter Scott King -- the youngest son of Martin Luther King Jr. -- has died after a battle with cancer.

The King Center announced the sad news Monday -- noting Dexter succumbed to prostate cancer ... which he seems to have been dealing with privately behind the scenes. The org added his wife, Leah Weber King, was with him during his death ... and she said, "He transitioned peacefully in his sleep at home with me in Malibu."

It's unclear when Dexter was diagnosed -- but he is now the second child of MLK to have passed since their father was assassinated in 1968.

Yolanda King was the first of the children to die -- she passed in '07 as a result of complications from ovarian cancer, among other ailments -- and now ... Dexter has passed on too. The remaining living kids are Martin Luther King III (the eldest) and Bernice King (the youngest out of all of them).

Dexter continued his father's legacy in fighting for civil rights into the 21st century -- but he was notable for confronting James Earl Ray -- the man convicted and imprisoned for actually assassinating Dr. King -- and asking him point blank if he did it ... only to receive a "no."

TMZ Studios

At the time, DSK said he actually believed James ... and floated conspiracy theories about who really orchestrated his father's murder, suggesting the federal government was involved.

Dexter also portrayed his dad in a 2002 TV movie, 'The Rosa Parks Story' -- it goes without saying, his resemblance to Dr. King was something that was always talked about.

He was only 62.


David Gail '90210', Soap Star Dead at 58

David Gail -- a soap opera star who acted in several episodes of "Beverly Hills, 90210" has died ... according to his sister.

The actor's sister, Katie Colmenares, shared the tragic news on Instagram Saturday  ... saying she'd "hold you so tight every day in my heart" and she'd miss him "every second of every day forever" -- she did not give a cause of death.

Peter Ferriero, host of a "Beverly Hills, 90210" rewatch podcast confirmed the death as well.

Gail's got numerous credits -- including seven appearances as 'BH: 90210' where he played Shannen Doherty's character's fiancé, Stuart Carson -- but he's best known for his work in the soap opera world.

David appeared on 216 episodes of the "General Hospital" spin-off Port Charles where he played Dr. Joe Scanlon #2, according to IMDb.

A few of Gail's other credits ... "Matlock," "Murder, She Wrote," "The Round Table," "Doogie Howser, M.D.," "Perfect Opposites" and "Growing Pains." He even starred alongside Bradley Cooper in the 2002 rom-com "Bending All The Rules."

Gail was 58.


Yo Gotti Back Performing ... Days After Brother's Shooting Death

X / @ElliottWilson

Yo Gotti's already back onstage ... surprising fans at 42 Dugg's concert -- less than a week after his brother Big Jook was killed in Memphis.

The rapper pulled up at Little Caesars Arena on Friday night and dapped up 42 ... before performing his hit song "F-U" for the packed crowd.

Check out the vid ... Gotti's looking iced out with the chains and an angelic, all-white 'fit -- going about his business despite the very public tragedy he's coping with.

As we previously reported ... the Tennessee-born rapper's big brother was shot and killed Saturday, Jan. 13 outside a restaurant in Memphis -- he was just 47 years old.

Final Moments
NJ Ford and Sons Funeral Home

Remember, video started circulating online of Jook's final hours ... where he grieved with close friends and family at his uncle's funeral. The shooting happened just hours after he left the event.

BJ worked with Yo Gotti closely at his label Collective Music Group though more on the business/promotion side than as an artist.

Cops still aren't sure exactly who killed Jook or why though they have a pretty big lead in the case ... posting pics of a white Ford Explorer they say may have carried his killers and offering the public a cash reward for information.

TMZ Studios

Bottom line ... we're sorry for your loss Gotti -- and happy to see you back doing what you love.

Yo Gotti vuelve a los escenarios Después de la muerte de su hermano

volviendo al escenario
X / @ElliottWilson

Yo Gotti ya está de vuelta en el escenario, sorprendiendo a los fans en el concierto de 42 Dugg a menos de una semana de que su hermano -Big Jook- fuera asesinado en Memphis.

El rapero se detuvo en Little Caesars Arena la noche del viernes y se unió a 42 antes de realizar su exitosa canción "F-U" para la multitud.

Échale un vistazo al video, Gotti se ve muy confiado con las cadenas y un angelical atuendo blanco, y la gente se vuelve loca.

Como informamos anteriormente, el hermano mayor del rapero nacido en Tennessee fue asesinado a tiros el sábado 13 de enero fuera de un restaurante en Memphis, tenía solo 47 años.

momentos finales
NJ Ford and Sons Funeral Home

Recuerde que el video comenzó a circular en línea las últimas, donde se le veía afligido con amigos cercanos y familiares en el funeral de su tío. El tiroteo ocurrió apenas unas horas después de salir del evento.

Big Jook trabajó con Yo Gotti estrechamente en su sello Collective Music Group, aunque más en el lado de los negocios.

Los policias todavia no están seguros exactamente quién mato a Jook o por qué, aunque tienen una pista bastante grande... la publicacion de fotos de un Ford Explorer blanco que dicen que puede haber llevado a sus asesinos y ofreciendo al público una recompensa en efectivo por información.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

En pocas palabras, sentimos mucho la pérdida de Gotti y estamos felices de verlo de vuelta haciendo lo que amas.

Marlena Shaw 'California Soul' Singer Dead At 81

Marlena Shaw -- best known for her song "California Soul" -- has died ... according to her daughter.

The legendary jazz and R&B singer passed away Friday afternoon Marlena's daughter Marla said in a video she posted to Facebook. She did not give a cause of death.

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MS' most famous track is "California Soul" -- a song originally performed by The Messengers, but one she covered and made famous ... that's had a lasting impact on hip hop and popular culture at large.

A few of the hit properties that featured the songs ... "The Italian Job," "The Lincoln Lawyer," "All Things Must Pass," "Pixie," the TV series "Bad Sisters" and video game "Grand Theft Auto V."

It's also taken on a second life in the world of hip hop sampling ... Gang Starr, The Game and Jay Rock, Elzhi, Quasimoto, Jay Electronica, Laika and Xzhibit are just a few of the stars who've sampled the song in one form or another.

"California Soul" is her most enduring classic, but Shaw had a number of other hits too including "Feel Like Making Love," "Loving You Was Like A Party," "Go Away Little Boy" and "Is You or Is You Ain't My Baby" -- another song she covered that bagged her a Grammy nod back in 1990.

Marlena was 81.


'Pawn Stars' Rick Harrison Son Adam Dead at 39 After Overdose


1/20 10:23 AM PT -- Rick Harrison posted a tribute to Adam on his Instagram saying "You will always be in my heart! I love you Adam. 💔"

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Fans and celebs left supportive comments on his post, including Donald Trump Jr., who stated "I'm so sorry man."

And, his brother Corey also took to Insta to post a sweet message with a pic of the two in the tub together as kids.

6:46 PM PT -- The Harrison family tells TMZ ... "Our family is extremely saddened by the death of Adam. We ask for privacy as we grieve his loss."

Rick Harrison's son Adam has died under tragic circumstances ... TMZ has learned.

A rep for the 'Pawn Stars' reality star tells us Adam recently died from a fatal overdose ... and we're told the family only just found out today. At this time, it's unclear where Adam was exactly when he passed -- and the specific circumstances are also unknown at this time.

Las Vegas Metro PD tells us they're investigating the case.

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Adam is one of Rick's three kids -- all boys -- and he's been mostly off the radar in terms of Rick's show and store. Word is ... Adam helped out at the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop once upon a time -- but has since stepped away to do his own thing.

He doesn't appear to have been featured in any of the episodes from what we can see.

Rick had two kids with his first wife Kim ... Corey and Adam -- and he also had a son, Jake, with his second wife, Tracy.

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While Rick's oldest son Corey is heavily involved in "Pawn Stars," first appearing on the reality show way back in 2009, Adam mostly remained out of the spotlight.

With Adam never really getting involved on the show, there's not a lot known about him ... though some folks have claimed he made a living as a plumber. We've heard he worked professionally in some kind of trade, but no word on what kind of job specifically.

Adam was only 39.


Originally Published -- 1/19 6:19 PM PT

Rick Harrison de 'Pawn Stars' Su hijo Adam muere a los 39 años de una sobredosis


6:46 PM PT -- La familia Harrison le dice a TMZ: "Nuestra familia está muy triste por la muerte de Adán. Pedimos privacidad mientras lloramos su pérdida".

El hijo de Rick Harrison, Adam, ha muerto en trágicas circunstancias ... TMZ ha averiguado.

Un representante de la estrella del reality 'Pawn Stars' nos dice que Adam murió recientemente de una sobredosis fatal y que la familia acaba de enterarse hoy. En este momento, no está claro dónde estaba Adam exactamente cuando murió y las circunstancias específicas también son desconocidas por ahora.

Las Vegas Metro PD nos dice que están investigando el caso.

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Adán es uno de los tres hijos de Rick, todos hombres, y ha estado en su mayoría fuera del radar en términos del espectáculo de Rick y su tienda. Se dice que Adam ayudó en el World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop alguna vez, pero desde entonces se había alejado para hacer sus propios proyectos.

No parece haber aparecido en ninguno de los episodios por lo que podemos ver.

Rick tuvo dos hijos con su primera esposa Kim, Corey y Adam, y también tuvo un hijo, Jake, con su segunda esposa Tracy.

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El hijo mayor de Rick, Corey, ha estado muy involucrado en "Pawn Stars". Su primera aparición  en el reality show fue en 2009. Pero Adam se mantuvo siempre fuera de los focos.

Como nunca se involucró realmente involucrarse con el programa, no hay mucha información sobre su vida, aunque algunas personas han afirmado que se ganaba la vida como plomero. Hemos oído que trabajó profesionalmente en algún tipo de comercio, pero no se sabe qué tipo de trabajo en concreto.

Adam solo tenía 39 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Publicado originalmente -- 6:19 PM PT

Michael Jackson Estate Beefing With Vegas Tribute Show


2:27 PM PT -- Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... The Micheal Jackson estate hasn't tried to shutdown "MJ Live" during its run in Nevada due to state laws protecting impersonator shows. However, Michael's estate is now taking action because they view the show as low class and don't want it running in states like California, New York and others. Plus, the estate is already behind "MJ: The Musical" which is currently on Broadway.

A Michael Jackson tribute show in Las Vegas says the late singer's estate is trying to shut down their show ... and now they're duking it out in court.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the folks behind the "MJ Live" show at the Tropicana claim the Michael Jackson estate recently began sending cease and desist letters threatening them with legal action over the show, claiming it's using the estate's trademarks without permission.

Thing is ... "MJ Live" claims they've been doing their thing for well over a decade -- performing for over 2.5 million people -- and the estate has only recently started making legal threats. In other words, they're suggesting this came out of nowhere ... unjustly.

In the docs, "MJ Live" says the act is going on the road and Michael's estate is trying to shut down shows scheduled at venues in California, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Meanwhile, the tribute show points out the estate is starting up a tour of its new Broadway show, "MJ: The Musical" ... suggesting the timing of the legal beef may be related to the estate trying to cash in with their own MJ show.

They even go so far as to claim that the MJ estate is actually the one infringing on their own intellectual property with "MJ: the Musical" ... basically arguing, they were their first doing their own thing -- and that their brand as "MJ Live" has established its own reputation/brand.

Anyway, the "MJ Live" producers want a judge to declare that the art they use to promote their show doesn't infringe on the estate's trademarks because their artwork is distinct and causes no confusion to the public.

A rep for MJ's estate tells TMZ, "This lawsuit -- including the claim that this impersonator show somehow owns a ‘trademark’ in ‘MJ,’ a trademark owned by Michael Jackson’s Estate and long associated with Michael and his Estate -- is beyond frivolous. The Estate, as always, will vigorously defend all intellectual property rights of Michael Jackson."

Originally Published -- 1:27 PM PT

Elisabeth Moss Father Ron Dead at 79

Elisabeth Moss' dad, Ron Moss, has died ... TMZ has learned.

The actress's father passed away Thursday night in Clearwater, FL after a brief battle with an infection -- this according to his grandson, Max, the executor of Ron's estate. We're told he was surrounded by family, and that his death was peaceful.

Max writes of his granddad ... "Ron made so many friends throughout his rich life and we want everyone to know that you all meant so much to him. Thank you for everything that any of you did for him throughout his life."

Ron was a professional musician, and was a trained trombone player who played in jazz bands throughout his life ... including gigging with none other than the father of Scientology leader David Miscavige. Yes, Ron was also a Scientologist himself ... as is Elisabeth.

He actually served as a manager for some big stars over the years too -- including Chick Corea, Isaac Hayes and others. Chick is Elisabeth's godfather, interestingly enough.

While he was born and raised across the pond, he and his ex-wife, Linda, raised Elisabeth and her brother Derek here in the States ... Los Angeles specifically. While Elisabeth has posed for some shots with her dad ... it doesn't appear they were that close of late.

Unclear if Elisabeth is aware of her father's death at this point -- we've reached out to her camp for comment ... but so far, no word back. Ron was 79.


Elisabeth Moss Su padre Ron muere a los 79

El padre de Elisabeth Moss, Ron Moss, ha muerto ... TMZ ha averiguado.

El padre de la actriz falleció el jueves por la noche en Clearwater, Florida, después de una breve batalla contra una infección. Esto, de acuerdo a su nieto, Max, el albacea de la herencia de Ron. Nos dicen que estaba rodeado de su familia y que su muerte fue pacífica.

Max escribe de su abuelo: "Ron hizo tantos amigos a lo largo de su rica vida y queremos que todos sepan que significaban mucho para él. Gracias por todo lo que cualquiera de ustedes hizo por él a lo largo de su vida".

Ron era músico profesional y trombonista de formación, y tocó en bandas de jazz durante toda su vida, incluyendo actuaciones con nada menos que el padre del líder de la Cienciología, David Miscavige. Sí, Ron también era un cienciólogo, al igual que Elisabeth.

En realidad sirvió como manager de algunas grandes estrellas en los últimos años también, incluyendo Chick Corea, Isaac Hayes y otros. Chick es el padrino de Elisabeth, curiosamente.

Aunque nació y creció al otro lado del charco, él y su ex mujer Linda criaron a Elisabeth y a su hermano Derek en Estados Unidos, concretamente en Los Ángeles. Aunque Elisabeth ha posado para algunas fotos con su padre no parece que fueran tan cercanos últimamente.

No está claro si Elisabeth es consciente de la muerte de su padre en este momento. Nos pusimos en contacto con su equipo para que hicieran comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta. Ron tenía 79 años.

Que en paz descanse.