Roberto Clemente Game-Used Bat Set To Hit Auction ... Could Fetch $250K!!!

If you're a baseball fan with a quarter of a million dollars lyin' around -- you're in luck ... 'cause an ultra-rare bat that Hall of Famer Roberto Clemente once used and signed is about to go on sale!!

TMZ Sports has learned ... the Hillerich & Bradsby signature model U1 bat that Clemente swung during the 1971 season is hitting Heritage Auctions in February -- and it's awesome.

The 36-inch, 35.5-ounce relic has been photo-matched ... and it's also been autographed by Clemente himself.

The inscription -- which Clemente made out to famed memorabilia collector Carey Diab -- reads, "To my friend Carey, Best Wishes Always, Roberto Clemente." It also has the No. 21 written on the knob.

Experts at Heritage Auctions expect it to go for $250K when it ultimately sells ... explaining, "It is one of a tiny handful of known photo-matched Clemente gamers."

Clemente was the first Caribbean and Latin-American MLB player to be inducted into the Hall of Fame after playing 18 seasons in the pros. In his career, he logged 3,000 hits and 240 home runs.

He also won two World Series with the Pittsburgh Pirates and became a 15-time All-Star, a four-time NL batting champ, and an NL MVP. Clemente also won 12 Gold Gloves.

Tragically, Clemente was killed in a plane crash that was en route to deliver emergency aid to Nicaragua earthquake victims in 1972. He was only 38.

'Mean Streets' Star Richard Romanus Dead at 80

Richard Romanus -- famous from his memorable role in "Mean Streets" -- has died.

The actor's son, Robert, broke the sad news this weekend, telling THR his father had passed away Dec. 23 at a private hospital in Volos, Greece. The exact circumstances of his death remain unclear, and an official cause has yet to be announced.

Romanus hadn't acted in much since the early 2000s, with his last credited role being in Disney's "The Young Black Stallion" from 2003. Still, his career was noteworthy ... especially his turn as the villain in one of Scorsese's first films.

Of course, he played Michael the loan shark in 'MS' ... his character grows impatient with Robert De Niro's Johnny Boy after constantly ducking/dodging him on a fat debt owed.

Fans might also remember him for playing Richard La Penna in a few episodes of "The Sopranos" ... not to mention roles in other big shows like "Tenspeed and Brown Shoe," "Foul Play," "Strike Force," "Hill Street Blues," "The A-Team," "Cagney & Lacey," "Johnny Bago" and more.

Outside of "Mean Streets," Romanus' movie credits include ... "Wizards," "Sitting Ducks," "Heavy Metal," "Pandemonium," "Strangers Kiss," "Protocol," "Murphy's Law," "Oscar" and many others.

He's survived by his son, his wife and his famous younger brother, Robert. Romanus was 80.


Richard Romanus protagonista de "Mean Streets" muere a los 80 años

Richard Romanus -famoso por su memorable papel en "Mean Streets"- ha muerto.

El hijo del actor, Robert, dio la triste noticia este fin de semana, diciendole a THR que su padre había fallecido el 23 de diciembre en un hospital privado de Volos, Grecia. Las circunstancias exactas de su muerte aún no están claras y una causa oficial aún no ha sido anunciada.

Romanus no había actuado mucho desde principios de la década de 2000. Su último papel acreditado fue en la película de Disney "The Young Black Stallion" de 2003. Aun así, su carrera fue notable, especialmente su papel de villano en una de las primeras películas de Scorsese.

Por supuesto, interpretó a Michael, el usurero, en "Mean Streets". Su personaje se impacienta con el Johnny Boy de Robert De Niro después de eludirle constantemente el pago de una cuantiosa deuda.

Los fans también podrían recordarlo por interpretar a Richard La Penna en algunos episodios de "Los Soprano", por no mencionar papeles en otras grandes series como "Tenspeed and Brown Shoe", "Foul Play", "Strike Force", "Hill Street Blues", "The A-Team", "Cagney & Lacey", "Johnny Bago" y más.

Aparte de "Mean Streets", los créditos cinematográficos de Romanus incluyen, "Wizards", "Sitting Ducks", "Heavy Metal", "Pandemonium", "Strangers Kiss", "Protocol", "Murphy's Law", "Oscar" y muchas otras.

Le sobreviven su hijo, su esposa y su famoso hermano menor, Robert. Romanus tenía 80 años.


El actor británico Tom Wilkinson Muere a los 75 'Full Monty,' 'Clayton,' Etc.

Tom Wilkinson, uno de los actores británicos más conocidos de los últimos tiempos, ha fallecido.

Sus seres queridos dieron la noticia a la BBC el sábado, con un comunicado de la familia que decía: "Es con gran tristeza que la familia de Tom Wilkinson anuncia que este murió repentinamente en su casa el 30 de diciembre. Su mujer y su familia estaban con él".

Las circunstancias exactas de su muerte no quedaron claras inmediatamente, ya que no se dieron más detalles. En cualquier caso, es un duro golpe para la comunidad cinematográfica, en la que era muy querido.

A Wilkinson se le recordará sobre todo por su papel de Gerald en "The Full Monty", una popular comedia de los 90 sobre un grupo de hombres de mediana edad que abría un local de striptease solo para hombres. Pero lo cierto es que Wilkinson participó en muchas otras películas igual de buenas a lo largo de los años.

Interpretó a Arthur Edens junto a George Clooney en "Michael Clayton", así como a Matt Fowler en "In the Bedroom" de 2001, y al autor en "The Grand Budapest Hotel" de Wes Anderson.

Wilkinson protagonizó otras innumerables películas a lo largo de los años, incluyendo "Batman Begins", "Shakespeare in Love", "Rush Hour", "Wilde", "El fantasma y la oscuridad", "El patriota", "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", "Valkyrie", "Mission: Imposible - Protocolo Fantasma", "El Llanero Solitario", "Selma", "Snowden", "El Titán", "El Samaritano"... y muchas, muchas más.

En total, tenía 129 créditos como actor y 2 proyectos en espera. Uno ya estaba en postproducción, por lo que presumiblemente será su último papel antes de morir. Wilkinson tenía 75 años.

Que en paz descanse.

British Actor Tom Wilkinson Dead at 75 ... 'Full Monty,' 'Clayton,' Etc.

Tom Wilkinson -- one of the most recognizable British actors in recent memory -- has died.

His loved ones broke the news to the BBC Saturday, with a statement from the family reading, "It is with great sadness that the family of Tom Wilkinson announce that he died suddenly at home on December 30. His wife and family were with him."

The exact circumstances of his death weren't immediately clear, as no further details were provided. In any case, it's a huge blow to the film community, in which he was beloved.

Wilkinson will likely best be remembered for his role as Gerald in "The Full Monty" -- a popular '90s comedy about a bunch of middle-aged men starting an all-male strip joint. Fact is, though ... he'd been in plenty of other films over the years that were equally as great.

He played Arthur Edens opposite George Clooney in "Michael Clayton," as well as Matt Fowler in 2001's "In the Bedroom" ... plus, the author in Wes Anderson's "The Grand Budapest Hotel."

Wilkinson starred in countless other films over the years, including ... "Batman Begins," "Shakespeare in Love," "Rush Hour," "Wilde," "The Ghost and the Darkness," "The Patriot," "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," "Valkyrie," "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol," "The Lone Ranger," "Selma," "Snowden," "The Titan," "The Samaritan" ... and many, many more.

All told, he had 129 acting credits to his name ... and 2 projects on standby, with one already in post-production -- presumably his last role before he died. Wilkinson was 75.


Racing Legend Gil de Ferran Dead at 56 Suffers Heart Attack While Racing Son

Racing legend Gil de Ferran, who won the Indy 500 back in 2003, has died.

Gil was racing his son Luke at Florida's Concourse Club when he had a heart attack. According to another driver, Gil had pulled over because he wasn't feeling well and then the massive heart attack struck.

Efforts made to revive him were unsuccessful.

Gil raced for Team Penske, and the Chairman of the Penske Corp., said, "We are terribly saddened to hear about today’s tragic passing of Gil de Ferran. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Angela, Anna, Luke and the entire de Ferran family. Gil defined class as a driver and as a gentleman. As an IndyCar Champion and an Indianapolis 500 winner, Gil accomplished so much during his career, both on and off the track."

The Chairman went on ... “Gil was beloved by so many. He was a great friend to the Team Penske and IndyCar family, as well as the entire international motorsports community. Gil’s passing is a terrible loss and he will be deeply missed.”

Gil was an accomplished driver who also scored titles in 2000 and 2001.

And there's this distinction ... he holds the closed-course land speed record, clocking in at 241.428 mph.

Gil is survived by his wife, Angela, son Luke and daughter Anna.

He was 56.


Laura Lynch de Dixie Chicks Posibles cargos penales para el conductor que la atropelló

El conductor que estaba al volante del camión que atropelló fatalmente a Laura Lynch,  una de las fundadoras de The Dixie Chicks, la semana pasada está siendo investigado por posibles cargos criminales.

El sargento Eliot Torres, del departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas, le dice a TMZ que debido a que se perdió una vida, están trabajando para determinar si el conductor estaba bajo la influencia de alguna sustancia en el momento del accidente.

Escena del choque
TikTok / @mavmoto182

Nos confirman que el conductor se hizo exámenes de sangre en el hospital para las pruebas de drogas y alcohol y que los resultados solo se darán a conocer por el hospital una vez que un juez firme la citación elaborada por los investigadores.

Si los resultados son positivos en drogas y/o alcohol, los investigadores potencialmente presentarían cargos contra el otro conductor.

El conductor también podría ser acusado de otros delitos como la conducción temeraria o arriesgado cambio de carril después de analizar la escena y hablar con los testigos, pero todo depende de lo que la investigación arroje.

Como hemos informado, un testigo ocular ya habló y detalló el momento en que el camión entró en el carril de Laura para intentar adelantar otros 2 carros. En esa maniobra, golpeó su vehículo de frente en la carretera 62 a las afueras de El Paso.

Su relato coincide con la descripción de los oficiales sobre el accidente, cuyas consecuencias se pueden ver en las angustiosas imágenes del carro de Laura, que quedó muy destrozado.


The driver behind the wheel of the truck that fatally struck Dixie Chicks founding member Laura Lynch last week is being investigated for potential criminal charges.

Texas Department of Public Safety PIO Sgt. Eliot Torres tells TMZ that because a life was lost, they're working to determine whether the driver was under the influence at the time of the accident.

TikTok / @mavmoto182

They confirm the driver had their blood drawn at the hospital for drug and alcohol testing ... and the results will only be released by the hospital once a judge signs off on the subpoena drawn up by investigators.

If the results come back positive for drugs and/or alcohol, investigators will potentially seek charges against the other driver.

The driver could also be charged with other offenses like reckless driving or unsafe lane change after scene analysis and speaking to witnesses -- but it all depends on what the investigation yields.

As we've reported ... an eye witness has already spoken out ... detailing the moment the truck entered Laura's lane while trying to go around 2 other cars and struck her vehicle head-on on Highway 62 outside of El Paso.

His account was consistent with the way law enforcement described the crash ... the aftermath which can be seen in distressing snaps of Laura's heavily mangled car.

Muertes de celebridades en 2023 Matthew Perry, Angus Cloud, Sinead O'Connor ... Cáncer, Drogas y suicidio se llevó a varias estrellas

2023 fue un año de altos y bajos ... y, por desgracia, algunos de los puntos más bajos vinieron de la mano de algunas de las estrellas más grandes del mundo que perdieron trágicamente su vida, muchos demasiado pronto.

Matthew Perry conmocionó al mundo cuando fue encontrado inconsciente en su jacuzzi en octubre, al igual que Sinead O'Connor, quien fue hallada en su piso al sur de Londres a finales de julio.

Angus Cloud, la estrella de "Euphoria" de 25 años, fue encontrado sin vida en la casa de su familia en Oakland, California, también a finales de julio. Esto, poco después de que el actor perdiera a su padre. El forense dijo que el actor murió de una sobredosis accidental de fentanilo, cocaína y metanfetamina.

Tina Turner, conocida como la "Reina del Rock 'n' Roll", murió a los 83 años en mayo después de luchar contra una "larga enfermedad" en sus riñones. La cantante se había lamentado de no haber cuidado mejor sus riñones apenas unos meses antes de su muerte.

Jerry Springer, de 79 años, murió en su casa de Illinois en abril después de una batalla contra el cáncer de páncreas, algo que lo mantuvo fuera del ojo público. Un representante de la familia de Springer nos dijo que estaba enfermo desde hace meses y que mantuvo la enfermedad entre sus cercanos para no preocupar a los demás.

Paul Reubens, conocido por muchos como Pee-wee Herman, murió a los 70 años en julio y también luchó en privado contra el cáncer por años. En una disculpa a sus fans escrita antes de morir, Paul dijo: "Los he querido mucho a todos y he disfrutado haciendo arte para ustedes".

Otros que ya no están, pero que desde luego no han sido olvidados, son Jacky Oh!, Bob Barker, Jimmy Buffett, Raquel Welch, Heather Armstrong, Alan Arkin, Andrea Evans, Tony Bennett, Clarence Avant y Diane Feinstein.

Que en paz descansen.

Si tú o alguien que conoces tiene dificultades o está en crisis, hay ayuda disponible. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatea con

Celebrity Deaths In 2023 Matthew Perry, Angus Cloud, Sinead O'Connor ... Cancer, Drugs, & Suicide Take Several Stars

2023 was a year of highs and lows ... and unfortunately, some of the lowest points came from the world's biggest stars tragically losing their lives -- many of whom died way too soon.

Matthew Perry shocked the globe when he was found unresponsive in his hot tub in October ... as did Sinead O'Connor, who was found at her flat in South London at the end of July.

25-year-old "Euphoria" star Angus Cloud was found dead at his family's home in Oakland, CA, also at the end of July ... not long after the actor lost his father. The coroner said he died of an accidental overdose of fentanyl, cocaine, and methamphetamine.

Tina Turner, known as the "Queen of Rock 'n' Roll," died at 83 years old back in May after battling a "long illness" regarding her kidneys ... and the singer opened up about regretting not taking better care of her kidneys in the months before she passed.

79-year-old Jerry Springer died at his Illinois home in April after his battle with pancreatic cancer -- something he kept out of the public eye. A rep for Springer's family told us he was sick for months, and kept the illness close to not worry others.

Paul Reubens, known to so many as Pee-wee Herman, died at the age of 70 in July ... and he also privately battled cancer for years. In an apology to fans written before he died, Paul said, "I have loved you all so much and enjoyed making art for you."

Others who are gone but certainly not forgotten include Jacky Oh!, Bob Barker, Jimmy Buffett, Raquel Welch, Heather Armstrong, Alan Arkin, Andrea Evans, Tony Bennett, Clarence Avant, and Diane Feinstein.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Slipknot es demandado Supuestamente se quedó con las cosas del difunto baterista Para lucrar con su muerte

Slipknot está siendo llevado a los tribunales por su fallecido baterista Joey Jordison. La empresa que gestiona su patrimonio afirma que la banda está sacando provecho de las pertenencias de Joey, exponiéndolas en un museo itinerante.

Según los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, la empresa que gestiona la herencia de Joey está demandando a la banda, alegando que utilizó la muerte de Jordison en 2021 para aumentar las ventas de su álbum "The End, So Far", de 2022.

La demanda afirma que el álbum no se estaba vendiendo tan bien después de la muerte de Joey en 2021, por lo que los miembros del grupo, Corey Taylor y Michael Shawn Crahan le dijeron a los fans que el álbum estaba dedicado a Joey y que la "toma de conciencia de que Jordison realmente había fallecido 'se coló' mientras lo hacían".

Es más, la compañía afirma que Corey y Michael mintieron cuando dijeron a los fans que se pusieron en contacto con la familia de Joey para expresar sus condolencias tras su muerte.

Parece que la disputa se remonta bastante lejos aquí. La compañía afirma que los compañeros de banda de Joey abruptamente lo echaron del grupo a través de un correo electrónico mientras él estaba luchando contra la mielitis transversa aguda, una condición que le hizo perder el uso de su pierna izquierda.

Según la demanda, Joey y Slipknot acordaron posteriormente devolver todas las propiedades de Joey, incluyendo su equipo musical, pero la compañía afirma que eso nunca sucedió, diciendo que "al menos 22 artículos" permanecen en posesión del grupo, incluyendo cosas como las máscaras de Joey, su icónica batería Pearl y sus zapatillas Adidas.

La demanda dice que algunos de esos artículos son parte de la exposición en el museo itinerante de la banda, conocido como Knotfest.

Tras la presentación de la demanda, Slipknot respondió con sus propios documentos legales, negando las afirmaciones y pidiendo al tribunal que desestimara a demanda.

Como informamos, Joey murió mientras dormía en 2021, según su familia, y la llamada al 911 obtenida por TMZ, reveló a una mujer que decía ser la ex de Joey, que estaba emocionada mientras le contaba a los operadores sobre las señales de advertencia que apuntaban a su muerte.

Slipknot Sued Allegedly Kept Late Drummer's Stuff To Profit Off His Death

Slipknot is being hauled into court over its late drummer Joey Jordison -- the company managing his estate claims the band's cashing in off Joey's belongings by displaying them in a traveling museum.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, the company running Joey's estate is suing the band, claiming it used Jordison's death in 2021 to boost sales for their 2022 album, "The End, So Far."

The lawsuit claims the album wasn't selling as well following Joey's 2021 death, so band members Corey Taylor and Michael Shawn Crahan told fans the album was dedicated to Joey and the "realization that Jordison had passed away really 'crept in' while making" it.

What's more, the company claims Corey and Michael lied when they told fans they contacted Joey's family to express condolences in the wake of his death.

It looks like the beef goes back pretty far here -- the company claims Joey's bandmates abruptly booted him from the group via email while he was struggling with acute transverse myelitis -- a condition that caused him to lose the use of his left leg.

According to the suit, Joey and Slipknot subsequently agreed to return all of Joey's property, including his musical gear and equipment -- but the company claims that never happened, saying "at least 22 items" remain in the group's possession, including things like Joey's masks, his iconic Pearl drum set and his Adidas sneakers.

The lawsuit says some of those items are part of the display in the band's traveling museum, known as Knotfest.

After the complaint was filed, Slipknot responded with its own legal docs ... denying the claims and asking the court to dismiss the lawsuit.

As we reported, Joey died in his sleep in 2021, according to his family ... and the 911 call, obtained by TMZ, revealed a woman who said she was Joey's ex getting emotional while telling dispatch about the warning signs that pointed to his death.

Presunto asesino de Tupac Muy peligroso para ser liberado antes del juicio... Fiscales no quieren fianza

El estado de Nevada está tratando de evitar la solicitud de Duane "Keefe D" Davis de salir de la cárcel antes del juicio, pues insisten en que el presunto asesino de Tupac Shakur es demasiado peligroso.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, los abogados de Keefe D le pidieron a un juez la semana pasada que lo liberara de la custodia en su propio reconocimiento antes del juicio, que actualmente está programado para comenzar en junio, y si el tribunal no lo permite, están pidiendo en su lugar establecer una fianza no superior a los $100k.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos obtenidos por TMZ, los fiscales dicen que la solicitud de Keefe D es absurda y entregan varias razones de por qué no debería estar en libertad antes de su juicio. Por ejemplo, dicen que es un ex miembro de alto rango de la South Side Compton Crips y que ha confesado en varias ocasiones su participación en el asesinato de Tupac en los últimos años.

Los fiscales también afirman que Keefe le hizo amenazas creíbles a los testigos mientras estaba encerrado.

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Capturado durante un paseo

También aseguran que tienen montañas de pruebas, incluyendo las propias palabras de Keefe D, que apuntan a Keefe como la persona que orquestó el asesinato de Tupac en 1996, a pesar de que Keefe se ha distanciado de esas antiguas declaraciones.

El estado le está pidiendo a la corte que lo mantenga tras las rejas hasta la fecha del juicio en junio, y cree que hay razones más que suficientes para hacerlo.

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Breve audiencia

Como informamos, Keefe D se declaró no culpable el mes pasado por el cargo que enfrenta actualmente de asesinato. Esto, después de aparecer dos veces en la corte previamente, aparentemente sin que su abogado se presentara.

Tupac's Alleged Killer Too Dangerous to Free Pre-Trial ... Prosecutors Want No Bail

The state of Nevada is pushing back on Duane "Keefe D" Davis' request to be let out of jail ahead of the trial ... because they insist Tupac Shakur's alleged killer is just too dangerous.

For those unaware, Keefe D's lawyers asked a judge last week to release him from custody on his own recognizance before his trial, which is currently set to start in June ... and if the court wouldn't allow it, asking instead to set his bail no higher than $100k.

According to new docs, obtained by TMZ, prosecutors say Keefe D's request is absurd, and they provide several reasons why he shouldn't get to walk free until his trial. For instance, they claim he's a former high-ranking member of the South Side Compton Crips, and has confessed multiple times to involvement in the Tupac murder over the years.

Prosecutors also claim Keefe's made credible threats to witnesses while being locked up.

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They also continue to claim they have mountains of evidence -- including Keefe D's own words -- pointing to Keefe orchestrating Tupac's murder back in 1996 ... despite Keefe now distancing himself from those previous statements.

The state's asking the court to keep him behind bars until his trial date ... and believes there are more than enough reasons to do so.

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As we reported, Keefe D pled not guilty last month for the murder charge he's currently facing ... after appearing in court 2 times before with his attorney apparently being a no-show.

'Parasite' Star Lee Sun-kyun Wife Breaks Down at Funeral

The death of "Parasite" star Lee Sun-kyun is hitting his family and friends hard as they lay the South Korean actor to rest.

Lee's funeral was held Friday in Seoul, where a large congregation followed as his coffin was placed in the hearse. His wife broke down in tears during the ceremony and the procession.

As we reported, Lee was found dead in his car Wednesday ... after an apparent suicide -- and his attorney says he'd been under an intense police investigation for a drug blackmail plot. He claimed he'd been tricked into smoking marijuana, and then extorted by the man and woman who allegedly tricked him.

Detectives in the Seoul suburb of Incheon had questioned him last week after detaining the actor for 19 hours. His attorney says Lee begged police not to go public with the investigation.

Lee was best known in America for his role as the father in the Oscar-winning film "Parasite."

The 2 suspects in the plot were arrested the day before Lee was found dead.

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Lee Sun-kyun de "Parásito" Su esposa se derrumba en el funeral

La muerte de la estrella de "Parásito" Lee Sun-kyun está golpeando duramente a su familia y amigos mientras el actor surcoreano es velado.

El funeral de Lee se celebró el viernes en Seúl y reunió a una gran congregación que siguió su ataúd mientras avanzaba en el coche fúnebre. Su esposa rompió en llanto durante la ceremonia y la procesión.

Como informamos, Lee fue encontrado sin vida en su carro el miércoles, después de un aparente suicidio, y su abogado dice que había estado bajo una intensa investigación policial por una trama de chantaje de drogas. Afirmó que había sido engañado para fumar marihuana y luego extorsionado por el hombre y la mujer que supuestamente lo engañó.

Los detectives del suburbio de Incheon, en Seúl, lo habían interrogado la semana pasada tras haber detenido al actor por 19 horas. Su abogado dice que Lee le rogó a la policía que no hiciera pública la investigación.

Lee era conocido en Estados Unidos por su papel de padre en la película ganadora del Oscar "Parásito".

Los dos sospechosos de la trama fueron detenidos el día antes de que Lee fuera encontrado muerto.

Si tú o alguien que conoces tiene problemas o está en crisis, hay ayuda disponible. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatea con