Presunto asesino de Tupac Muy peligroso para ser liberado antes del juicio... Fiscales no quieren fianza

El estado de Nevada está tratando de evitar la solicitud de Duane "Keefe D" Davis de salir de la cárcel antes del juicio, pues insisten en que el presunto asesino de Tupac Shakur es demasiado peligroso.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, los abogados de Keefe D le pidieron a un juez la semana pasada que lo liberara de la custodia en su propio reconocimiento antes del juicio, que actualmente está programado para comenzar en junio, y si el tribunal no lo permite, están pidiendo en su lugar establecer una fianza no superior a los $100k.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos obtenidos por TMZ, los fiscales dicen que la solicitud de Keefe D es absurda y entregan varias razones de por qué no debería estar en libertad antes de su juicio. Por ejemplo, dicen que es un ex miembro de alto rango de la South Side Compton Crips y que ha confesado en varias ocasiones su participación en el asesinato de Tupac en los últimos años.

Los fiscales también afirman que Keefe le hizo amenazas creíbles a los testigos mientras estaba encerrado.

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Capturado durante un paseo

También aseguran que tienen montañas de pruebas, incluyendo las propias palabras de Keefe D, que apuntan a Keefe como la persona que orquestó el asesinato de Tupac en 1996, a pesar de que Keefe se ha distanciado de esas antiguas declaraciones.

El estado le está pidiendo a la corte que lo mantenga tras las rejas hasta la fecha del juicio en junio, y cree que hay razones más que suficientes para hacerlo.

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Breve audiencia

Como informamos, Keefe D se declaró no culpable el mes pasado por el cargo que enfrenta actualmente de asesinato. Esto, después de aparecer dos veces en la corte previamente, aparentemente sin que su abogado se presentara.

Tupac's Alleged Killer Too Dangerous to Free Pre-Trial ... Prosecutors Want No Bail

The state of Nevada is pushing back on Duane "Keefe D" Davis' request to be let out of jail ahead of the trial ... because they insist Tupac Shakur's alleged killer is just too dangerous.

For those unaware, Keefe D's lawyers asked a judge last week to release him from custody on his own recognizance before his trial, which is currently set to start in June ... and if the court wouldn't allow it, asking instead to set his bail no higher than $100k.

According to new docs, obtained by TMZ, prosecutors say Keefe D's request is absurd, and they provide several reasons why he shouldn't get to walk free until his trial. For instance, they claim he's a former high-ranking member of the South Side Compton Crips, and has confessed multiple times to involvement in the Tupac murder over the years.

Prosecutors also claim Keefe's made credible threats to witnesses while being locked up.

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They also continue to claim they have mountains of evidence -- including Keefe D's own words -- pointing to Keefe orchestrating Tupac's murder back in 1996 ... despite Keefe now distancing himself from those previous statements.

The state's asking the court to keep him behind bars until his trial date ... and believes there are more than enough reasons to do so.

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As we reported, Keefe D pled not guilty last month for the murder charge he's currently facing ... after appearing in court 2 times before with his attorney apparently being a no-show.

'Parasite' Star Lee Sun-kyun Wife Breaks Down at Funeral

The death of "Parasite" star Lee Sun-kyun is hitting his family and friends hard as they lay the South Korean actor to rest.

Lee's funeral was held Friday in Seoul, where a large congregation followed as his coffin was placed in the hearse. His wife broke down in tears during the ceremony and the procession.

As we reported, Lee was found dead in his car Wednesday ... after an apparent suicide -- and his attorney says he'd been under an intense police investigation for a drug blackmail plot. He claimed he'd been tricked into smoking marijuana, and then extorted by the man and woman who allegedly tricked him.

Detectives in the Seoul suburb of Incheon had questioned him last week after detaining the actor for 19 hours. His attorney says Lee begged police not to go public with the investigation.

Lee was best known in America for his role as the father in the Oscar-winning film "Parasite."

The 2 suspects in the plot were arrested the day before Lee was found dead.

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Lee Sun-kyun de "Parásito" Su esposa se derrumba en el funeral

La muerte de la estrella de "Parásito" Lee Sun-kyun está golpeando duramente a su familia y amigos mientras el actor surcoreano es velado.

El funeral de Lee se celebró el viernes en Seúl y reunió a una gran congregación que siguió su ataúd mientras avanzaba en el coche fúnebre. Su esposa rompió en llanto durante la ceremonia y la procesión.

Como informamos, Lee fue encontrado sin vida en su carro el miércoles, después de un aparente suicidio, y su abogado dice que había estado bajo una intensa investigación policial por una trama de chantaje de drogas. Afirmó que había sido engañado para fumar marihuana y luego extorsionado por el hombre y la mujer que supuestamente lo engañó.

Los detectives del suburbio de Incheon, en Seúl, lo habían interrogado la semana pasada tras haber detenido al actor por 19 horas. Su abogado dice que Lee le rogó a la policía que no hiciera pública la investigación.

Lee era conocido en Estados Unidos por su papel de padre en la película ganadora del Oscar "Parásito".

Los dos sospechosos de la trama fueron detenidos el día antes de que Lee fuera encontrado muerto.

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Kurtis 'Mad Kurt' Chapman Wrestling Star Dead At 26

Pro wrestling star Kurtis Chapman -- also known as "Mad Kurt" -- tragically died this week at the age of 26.

British wrestling promotion Revolution Pro announced the sad news Friday on Instagram, saying it's heartbroken over the "loss of our dear friend."

A cause of death was not made immediately available.

"We watched Kurtis grow from a child to a young man who loved professional wrestling and continued to excel in all aspects of his life," RevPro said.

"One of the most gifted technical wrestlers, charismatic characters and magnetic personalities. He will never be forgotten."

Chapman launched his wrestling career in 2014 with RevPro ... and instantly became a star thanks to his comedic escapades in the ring.

He won the RevPro Wrestling British Cruiserweight Title in 2017 and held onto the belt until May 2018. His last appearance was this summer ... when he successfully defended his Resurgence Arthouse title.

He also wrestled in Progress, IPW and other promotions.

TikTok / @themadkurt

Fans of Mad Kurt flooded social media with tributes following the news of his passing ... including wrestler Suge De La Geto, who said Chapman's personality made him different.

"Kurtis Chapman's sense of humor was so unique, so frustrating, he somehow made you love him and hate him at the same time," De La Geto said on X.

"Just a big kid that was never going to grow up; always out to get the reaction or the laugh.  I can't believe he's gone. Crazy to wake up to."


Un surfista muere atacado por un tiburón delante de su padre en Australia

Un surfista adolescente murió trágicamente el jueves tras ser atacado por un tiburón en el sur de Australia y un testigo dice que el horrible incidente ocurrió justo en frente a su padre.

La policía de Australia Meridional informó en un comunicado de que había recibido el aviso del ataque sobre las 13:30 horas en la playa de Ethel, en el Parque Nacional de Innes, pero cuando los médicos llegaron al lugar, dijeron que lamentablemente el niño había fallecido.

Un transeúnte le dijo al Adelaide Advertiser que el adolescente había estado en el agua con su padre jugando con las olas cuando un tiburón de repente tomó su pierna.

"Otro chico salió corriendo, saltó sobre su tabla y remó para ayudarle", le dijo el testigo al medio.

"El tiburón los estaba rodeando mientras el chico sacaba al niño del agua. Había mucha sangre. Lo llevó a la orilla, pero creo que ya era demasiado tarde".

Trágicamente, éste es el quinto ataque de tiburón que se registra este año en Australia Meridional y los avistamientos de estas criaturas marinas han sido frecuentes en la zona recientemente.

De hecho, en mayo, un profesor fue asesinado por un tiburón en Walkers Rock, justo al oeste de donde murió el adolescente el jueves.

Teenage Australian Surfer Killed In Shark Attack In Front Of Dad

A teenage surfer tragically died on Thursday after he was mauled by a shark in South Australia ... and a witness says the horrifying incident all went down right in front of the boy's father.

South Australia Police said in a statement they received reports of the attack at around 1:30 PM at Ethel Beach in the Innes National Park ... but, sadly, when medics arrived on the scene, they said the boy had passed.

A bystander at the beach told the Adelaide Advertiser ... the teen had been out in the water with his father catching waves -- when a shark suddenly took his leg.

"Another local guy ran out, jumped on his board, and paddled out to help him," the witness told the outlet.

"The shark was circling them as the guy pulled the boy out of the water. There was a lot of blood. He brought him to shore but I think it was too late by then."

Tragically, this is the fifth reported shark attack this year in South Australia ... and sightings of the sea creatures have been common in the area recently.

In fact, a teacher was just killed by a shark at Walkers Rock in May -- which is just west of where the teen died Thursday.

Actor de Parásito Lee Sun-Kyun Le rogó a la policía que no revelara su investigación sobre drogas ... Días antes de su muerte

La estrella de "Parásito", Lee Sun-kyun, le había suplicado a la policía que no anunciara públicamente que estaba siendo investigado por consumir drogas ilegales, solo cuatro días antes de su aparente suicidio.

Funcionarios de la policía confirmaron el jueves que el abogado de Sun-kyun le pidió a los policías que cerraran la última ronda de preguntas de la prensa el sábado, pero se negaron.

Un día antes de que se encontrara el cuerpo de Sun-kyun, su abogado añadió que el actor esperaba que cualquier interrogatorio futuro se realizara en privado, ya que estaba agobiado de hablar de las acusaciones en público, pues la cobertura mediática había sido intensa.

Aunque el jefe de la policía metropolitana de Incheon, Kim Hui-jung, expresó su profundo pesar por el fallecimiento de Sun-kyun, se mantuvo firme respecto a la línea de interrogatorio, añadiendo que se había hecho con su consentimiento.

Como ya informamos, el actor surcoreano fue encontrado sin vida, a los 48 años, en su carro el miércoles en la capital, Seúl. Esto, después de que su representante denunciara su desaparición a la policía.

Estaba siendo investigado por una trama de chantaje con drogas. Estaba acusado de consumir marihuana y otras sustancias en casa de una azafata de un bar local, aunque él decía que ella lo había engañado para que consumiera las drogas e intentó chantajearlo.

Fue interrogado por última vez por la policía el 23 de diciembre y fue detenido durante 19 horas antes de ser puesto en libertad.

Dos sospechosos, un hombre y una mujer, fueron detenidos en relación con la investigación de narcóticos y un día antes de que Lee fuera encontrado muerto, pidió a través de su abogado que la policía le hiciera una prueba del detector de mentiras a él y a los otros dos.

No está claro si se les hizo la prueba del polígrafo o no.


'Parasite' star Lee Sun-kyun had begged police not to publicly announce he was under investigation for using illegal drugs ... 4 days before his apparent suicide.

Police officials confirmed Thursday that Sun-kyun's lawyer requested cops to close the latest questioning round to the press on Saturday ... but they declined.

A day before Sun-kyun's body was found, his lawyer added the actor was hopeful any future interrogation would be in private ... explaining he felt burdened discussing the allegations in a public setting as the media coverage had been intense.

While the Incheon Metropolitan Police Chief, Kim Hui-jung, expressed deep regret over Sun-kyun's passing ... he stuck by their tough line of questioning -- adding it had been done with his consent.

As we reported, the South Korean actor was found dead, aged 48, in his car Wednesday in the capital city of Seoul ... after his manager reported him missing to the police.

He was under investigation for a drug blackmail plot ... accused of using marijuana and other substances at the home of a hostess from the local bar -- though he claimed she deceived him into taking the drugs and tried to blackmail him.

He was last questioned by police on Dec 23 ... and was detained for 19 hours before being released.

Two suspects – a man and a woman – were arrested in connection with the narcotics investigation ... and a day before Lee was found dead, he requested through his attorney that police administer a lie detector test to him and the two others.

It's not clear if they were given the polygraph exam.

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Cher Files For Conservatorship Over Son Elijah He's Not Competent to Manage His finances

Cher doesn't seem to trust her son Elijah to make sound financial decisions right now ... so the singer-songwriter has filed for a conservatorship to control access to his money.

In documents filed Wednesday, Cher claims her 47-year-old son is "substantially unable to manage his own financial resources due to severe mental health and substance abuse issues."

The documents state Elijah is entitled to regular payouts from a trust set up by his late father, legendary musician Gregg Allman, but Cher is concerned the money will immediately go toward drugs rather than basic living necessities.

The 77-year-old singer argues that she, as Elijah's mother, is in the best position to serve as conservator and also notes two of Elijah's siblings have nominated her to fill the role.

She also takes a dig at Elijah's estranged wife, Marieangela King, who she says is undermining Elijah's attempts at getting the mental health and substance abuse help he needs.

As we previously reported ... Marieangela accused Cher of kidnapping Elijah to force him into rehab last year, a claim Cher has unequivocally denied.

The court set a hearing date for March 6, 2024, to determine whether Cher will become conservator of his estate.

Cher Solicita la tutela de su hijo Elijah No es competente para administrar sus finanzas

Cher no parece confiar en la capacidad de su hijo Elijah para tomar decisiones financieras en este momento, por lo que la cantante y compositora ha decidido solicitar una tutela para controlar el acceso a su dinero.

En los documentos presentados el miércoles, Cher afirma que su hijo de 47 años es "sustancialmente incapaz de administrar sus propios recursos financieros debido a graves problemas de salud mental y abuso de sustancias".

Los documentos afirman que Elijah tiene derecho a pagos regulares de un fideicomiso creado por su difunto padre, el legendario músico Gregg Allman, pero Cher teme que el dinero se destine a las drogas en lugar de a las necesidades básicas de la vida.

La cantante de 77 años argumenta que ella, como madre de Elijah, está en una mejor posición para servir como conservadora. También señala que dos de los hermanos de Elijah la han nominado para desempeñar ese papel.

También se burla de la esposa de Elijah, Marieangela King, de quien dice que está socavando los intentos de Elijah para obtener la ayuda que necesita para abordar sus problemas de salud mental y abuso de sustancias.

Como informamos anteriormente, Marieangela acusó a Cher de secuestrar a Elijah para obligarlo a rehabilitarse el año pasado, una afirmación que Cher ha negado inequívocamente.

El tribunal fijó una fecha de audiencia para el 6 de marzo de 2024, para determinar si Cher se convertirá en curador de su patrimonio.

Un video muestra el carro destrozado de laura lynch luego del accidente

la escena del choque
TikTok / @mavmoto182

El video del accidente de que se cobró la vida de Laura Lynch, miembro fundadora de las Dixie Chicks, muestra lo destrozado que quedó el carro.

El vehículo que aparece en el video es un camión Ford, aunque es casi imposible distinguirlo. Según el informe del accidente, Laura conducía un F-150 en el momento del accidente.

TikTok / @mavmoto182

Según un testigo, Laura conducía por la autopista 62 a las afueras de El Paso cuando un camión entró en el carril de Laura al tratar de pasar alrededor de otros 2 carros y golpeó su vehículo de frente. Su relato es coherente con la forma en que la policía describió el accidente.

Los conductores que presenciaron el choque se detuvieron para ver cómo estaba Laura y alguien la sacó del camión cortándole el cinturón de seguridad, pero ya no tenía pulso.

El conductor que atropelló a Laura fue llevado al hospital con lesiones que no amenazan su vida.

El primo de Laura, Mick Lynch, nos informó de su fallecimiento el viernes, diciendo que se dirigía a Dell City, donde creció.

Fan de Taylor Swift muere agotada por el calor en concierto en Brasil

El agotamiento por calor fue la causa de la muerte de una fan brasileña en el concierto de Taylor Swift, así lo confirma un informe forense.

Ana Clara Benevides Machado se desmayó durante el concierto de Taylor en Río de Janeiro el 17 de noviembre en medio del calor agobiante de la ciudad -105 grados- y fue declarada muerta horas más tarde en el hospital.

El Instituto Médico Legal de Río de Janeiro revela que la exposición al calor provocó un "compromiso grave de sus pulmones y muerte súbita", en términos médicos, sufrió un paro cardiorrespiratorio.

El informe señala que no tenía ninguna condición preexistente o problemas de abuso de sustancias que podrían haber contribuido a su muerte.

El fiscal de Río de Janeiro ha abierto una investigación penal sobre la muerte de Ana Clara, y en un comunicado emitido el miércoles se informa de que representantes de la empresa Time4Fun, organizadora del concierto, serán llamados a declarar tras un análisis en profundidad del informe.

Poco después de que se produjera el trágico incidente en el Estadio Olímpico Nilton Santos, los fans le exigieron a los organizadores que suministraran más agua en los siguientes conciertos ya que no se les permitía entrar en el recinto.

Los ejecutivos de la empresa reconocieron su error poco después, diciendo que "no economizar en nuestros esfuerzos o recursos para seguir las mejores prácticas globales en nuestra industria para garantizar la comodidad y la seguridad de todos".

La tragedia devastó a Taylor, quien escribió una sentida carta diciendo que su corazón estaba destrozado.

Dixie Chicks' Laura Lynch Video Shows Mangled Vehicles After Fatal Car Crash

TikTok / @mavmoto182

Video of the car crash that took the life of Dixie Chicks founding member Laura Lynch shows a mangled mess that hardly even resembles a motor vehicle.

The mangled vehicle in the video is a Ford truck, although it's almost impossible to make out. According to the crash report, Laura was driving an F-150 at the time of the crash.

TikTok / @mavmoto182

According to an eyewitness, Laura was driving on Highway 62 outside of El Paso when a truck entered Laura's lane while trying to go around 2 other cars and struck her vehicle head-on. His account is consistent with the way law enforcement described the crash.

Drivers who witnessed the crash stopped to check on Laura ... and someone got her out of the truck by cutting her seatbelt but she may have already passed ... she had no pulse.

The driver who hit Laura was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Laura's cousin, Mick Lynch, told us about her passing on Friday, saying she was heading to Dell City, where she grew up.


Heat exhaustion was the cause of death of a Brazilian fan at Taylor Swift's concert ... a forensic report confirms.

Ana Clara Benevides Machado passed out during Taylor's Rio de Janeiro concert Nov. 17 amid the city's oppressive heat -- 105 degrees -- and was pronounced dead hours later at the hospital.

Rio's Forensic Medical Institute now reveals heat exposure led to a "serious compromise of her lungs and sudden death" -- basically, in medical terms, she suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest.

The report notes she didn't have any preexisting conditions or substance abuse issues that could have contributed to her death.

Rio's public prosecutor has now opened a criminal investigation of her death ... saying in a statement Wednesday representatives of the concert's organizers, Time4Fun, will be called to testify following an in-depth analysis of the report.

Soon after the tragic incident unfolded at Estádio Olímpico Nilton Santos ... fans demanded the organizers supply more water at the following shows because they weren't allowed to take any into the venue themselves.

The company execs acknowledged their mistake shortly after ... saying they "did not economize in our efforts or resources to follow the best global practices in our industry to guarantee the comfort and safety of all."

The tragedy devastated Taylor ... she penned a heartfelt letter saying her heart was shattered.

The Smothers Brothers Tom Smothers Dead at 86

Tom Smothers -- one half of the famous singing comedy team the "Smothers Brothers" -- has died.

In a statement released Wednesday, Dick Smothers announced his brother's passing, saying Tom died at home as a result of cancer.

Dick went on to say “Tom was not only the loving older brother that everyone would want in their life, he was a one-of-a-kind creative partner."

Continuing, Dick said, “I am forever grateful to have spent a lifetime together with him, on and off stage, for over 60 years."

Dick ended with, "Our relationship was like a good marriage – the longer we were together, the more we loved and respected one another. We were truly blessed.”

In the late '50s, early 1960s, Tom and Dick often appeared on TV variety shows and released popular albums of their stage performances. In 1967, they finally landed their own variety show, "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour," which instantly became one of the most hotly debated TV programs during the Vietnam War period.

The "Smothers Brothers" got canceled decades before cancellation became a thing. Tommy became super political when the show was in its second season, railing with satire against the Vietnam War. The Bros were especially critical of then-President Lyndon B. Johnson.

On one show Tommy looked straight into the camera and said, "Okay, all you guys in Vietnam, come on home."

During one episode, Harry Belafonte sang, "Don't Stop the Carnival," and the backdrop on stage were images of the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, where then-Mayor Richard Daley ordered law enforcement to beat Vietnam protesters in the streets.

They took on other issues as well, but it was too hot for CBS. The network pulled the plug in 1969 at the end of season 3. People in the anti-war movement, along with free speech advocates, were outraged.

Tommy and Dick sued CBS for breach of contract and they eventually got $775,000. The 'SBCH' came back for a short-lived revival in 1988 but ended after one season

Think Dixie Chicks, but 40 years earlier.

Tommy was 86. RIP.