Presentadora de noticias Pierde la vida tras ser atropellada por un tren Es declarado como suicidio

Emily Matson, una querida presentadora de noticias de Pensilvania, fue atropellada por un tren y ahora su muerte está siendo declarada como un suicidio.

La presentadora de "Erie News Now" fue atropellada por el tren la madrugada del lunes en Fairview Township, donde vivía. La Oficina del Forense del Condado de Erie investigó el incidente y determinó que el accidente fue un suicidio.

Emily fue parte del equipo de noticias por dos décadas y estuvo al aire por última vez el viernes por la noche. La estación dio la noticia de su trágica muerte con el director de noticias del programa, Scott MacDowell, diciendo: "Emily era una luz en nuestra sala de redacción. Entregaba las noticias con la pasión y el amor que tenía por la comunidad de Erie y el noroeste de Pensilvania".

Y añade: "Queríamos mucho a Emily y nuestros corazones están con la familia Matson y su marido Ryan en estos momentos".

La meteoróloga Sara Tonks fue uno de los muchos colegas que también expresó su dolor por la trágica pérdida. "No puedo contar el número de veces que me detenía junto a su escritorio para hablar con ella o simplemente escucharla hablar con los demás".

Emily tenía 42 años.

Que en paz descanse.

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PA News Anchor Struck and Killed By Train ... Death Ruled Suicide

Emily Matson, a beloved Pennsylvania news anchor, was struck and killed by a train ... and now her death is being ruled a suicide.

The "Erie News Now" anchor was hit by the train early Monday morning in Fairview Township, where she lived. The Erie County Coroner's Office investigated the incident and determined the fatal train strike was a suicide.

Emily was a part of the news team for 2 decades, and was last on the air Friday night. The station broke the news of her tragic death ... with the show's news director, Scott MacDowell, saying, "Emily was a shining light in our newsroom, delivering news with a passion and love she had for the Erie community and Northwest Pennsylvania."

He adds, "We loved Emily dearly and our hearts go out to the Matson family and her husband Ryan at this time."

Meteorologist Sara Tonks was one of her many colleagues who also expressed grief over the tragic loss ... saying, "I can't count the number of times that I would stop by her desk to talk to her or just listen to her talk to others."

Emily was 42.


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Viral Great-Grandmother TikToker Nanny Faye Dead at 98

Nanny Faye -- the viral great-grandmother who captured hearts on TikTok -- has died ... this according to her family.

The beloved senior's grandson broke the sad news on her favorite social media platform -- letting her nearly 240k followers (and everyone else) know she had passed peacefully in October from what sounds like natural causes.


Nanny had recently been battling some health issues, including cancer, and her grandson had been documenting her journey on TikTok ... noting a few months ago that she'd undergone 2 major surgeries and a minor procedure as well, and that was on the road to recovery.

However, in the wake of her operations ... Nanny came down with pneumonia, and it sounds like that might've been one of the ailments she was battling at the end. As her family member notes, though, NF was not afraid of the great beyond ... and seemed ready.


The reason that's notable, of course, is because she'd gone viral on TikTok earlier this year for sage, calm advice she'd given to a concerned TikTok user who was fretting about death.

In her own unique way, Nanny communicated ... there was nothing to fear, and from what her grandson says -- she maintained that same optimistic attitude right up to the end of her life.


Nanny Faye built a strong following for several tidbits of wisdom she dropped ... touching on faith, family and even grander philosophical topics. Obviously, she had a wealth of experience to relay to the new generation, and just about everybody loved hearing from her regularly.

Her grandson says she had personal writings that he plans to share with everyone in the near future, so there'll be a reason to continue following her for new content. She was 98.


Mama June Gets Custody of 1 of Chickadee's Kids

Mama June is taking over mama duties for one of her late daughter Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell's kids ... TMZ has learned.

Family sources tell TMZ ... Mama June is currently in custody of Anna's 11-year-old daughter Kaitlyn.

Anna, who died Saturday after a difficult battle with cancer, had 2 daughters with 2 different men ... and our sources say the younger child, 8-year-old Kylee, is now living with her biological father, Michael.


We're told the family had a plan in place for Kylee to move in with her dad should something happen to Anna, who was diagnosed, back in January, with stage 4 cancer.

Our sources say Kaitlyn and Mama June have a very close bond -- she's June's first grandchild -- so, everyone in the family agrees, moving her to Grandma's house is the best situation for her. We're also told June plans to become Kaitlyn's legal guardian.

As we first told you, Anna secretly married her partner, Eldridge Toney, back in March after learning she had cancer.

We're told Eldridge has a very close relationship with both Kaitlyn and Kylee -- though he's not their biological father -- and he will continue to be involved in both their lives as well.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Our sources also say Kaitlyn and Kylee are close as well, and will continue to see each other.

Mama June se queda con la custodia de una de las hijas de Chickadee tras su muerte

Mama June se hace cargo de la custodia de una de las hijas de Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes familiares le dicen a TMZ que Mamá junio está en custodia de la hija de 11 años de Anna Kaitlyn.

Anna, que murió el sábado después de una difícil batalla contra el cáncer, tenía dos hijas con dos hombres diferentes y nuestras fuentes dicen Kylee de 8 años de edad, ahora está viviendo con su padre biológico, Michael.

Nos dicen que la familia tenía un plan en marcha para Kylee a vivir con su padre si algo le sucediera a Anna, que en enero fue diagnosticado con cáncer en etapa 4.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Kaitlyn y Mama June tienen un vínculo muy estrecho y mudarse a la casa de la abuela es la mejor situación para ella.

Fuimos los primeros en informar que Anna se casó en secreto con su pareja, Eldridge Toney, en marzo después de enterarse de que tenía cáncer. Nos dicen que Eldridge tiene una relación muy estrecha tanto con Kaitlyn como con Kylee, y que seguirá involucrado en la vida de ambas también.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Nuestras fuentes también dicen que Kaitlyn y Kylee están cerca y seguirán viéndose.

Un padre de Sandy Hook llama "sociópata" a Elon Musk por permitirle a Alex Jones volver a X

La decisión de Elon Musk de dejar al teórico de la conspiración Alex Jones volver a X es especialmente molesta para el padre de una víctima del tiroteo en la escuela Sandy Hook, y  tiene algunas palabras fuertes para el multimillonario.

David Wheeler, cuyo hijo, Benjamin, fue uno de los estudiantes de primer grado asesinados en la escuela primaria en 2012, le dice a TMZ que la llamada de Elon para dejar que Alex vuelva a la aplicación de medios sociales es una prueba más de que el tipo es un "sociópata".

Como era de esperar, se siente de la misma manera acerca de Jones, quien ha repetido atrozmente su teoría de que el tiroteo de Sandy Hook fue un engaño, por lo tanto, David piensa que Musk y Jones se merecen el uno al otro.

Él dice que no le sorprende que Elon reincorporade a Jones a la plataforma de redes sociales.

David dice que dejó de usar X/Twitter cuando Elon tomó las riendas y continúa diciendo que Elon y Alex no se preocupan por él, y esa es la forma en la que opera el mundo.

Como informamos, Elon puso una encuesta en su plataforma preguntándole a la gente si la cuenta de Jones debe o no ser restaurada y alrededor del 70 por ciento votó a favor de traerlo de vuelta.

Jones fue expulsado en 2018 mientras estaba hasta el cuello en demandas por difamación de las familias de las víctimas de Sandy Hook. Demandas que perdió y por las cuales terminó debiendo casi mil millones de dólares a los demandantes. En ese momento, Tuiter citó el comportamiento abusivo en su cuenta como la razón por la que lo estaban expulsando.

Curiosamente, hace aproximadamente un año, Musk —después de comprar Tuiter— juró que no reincorporaría a Jones, porque habiendo perdido él mismo a un hijo, no tenía "piedad con nadie que utilizara la muerte de niños para obtener beneficios, política o fama".

David nos dice que el hecho de que Elon diera marcha atrás sobre el estatus X de Jones "basándose en las opiniones de los usuarios y no en sus propias convicciones, me dice que no tiene convicciones".

Recomienda a los usuarios de X que cierren sus cuentas y borren la aplicación ya que Alex es libre de empezar a publicar de nuevo.

Elon Musk 'Sociopath' for Letting Alex Jones on X ... Says Sandy Hook Parent

Elon Musk's decision to welcome conspiracy theorist Alex Jones back on X is especially upsetting to the parent of a Sandy Hook school shooting victim, who now has some strong words for the billionaire.

David Wheeler, whose son, Benjamin, was one of the first graders murdered at the elementary school in 2012, tells TMZ ... Elon's call to let Alex back on the social media app is further proof the guy is a "sociopath."

As you'd expect, he feels the same way about Jones -- who's heinously repeated his theory the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax -- so, David thinks Musk and Jones deserve each other.

For that reason, he says he's not at all shocked Elon reinstated Jones on the social media platform.

David says he stopped using X/Twitter when Elon took the reins ... and goes on to say Elon and Alex don't care about him, and that's just how they operate in the world.

As we reported, Elon put up a poll on his platform, asking folks whether or not Jones' account should be restored ... and about 70 percent voted in favor of bringing him back.

Jones was given the boot in 2018 while neck-deep in defamation lawsuits from families of the Sandy Hook victims -- which he lost and owes nearly $1 billion to the plaintiffs. At the time, Twitter cited abusive behavior on his account as the reason it was 86'ing him.

Interestingly, about a year ago, Musk -- after buying Twitter -- vowed he would not reinstate Jones because, having lost a child himself, he had "no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame."

David tells us the fact Elon reversed field on Jones' X status "based on the opinions of users and not his own convictions, tells me that he has no convictions."

He recommends X users close their accounts and delete the app ... as Alex is free to start posting again.

La familia de Mama June repartirá las cenizas de Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell

Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, la hija mayor de Mama June, será incinerada, TMZ ha indagado, y nos dicen que todos en la familia recibirán una parte de sus cenizas.

Fuentes de la familia le dicen a TMZ que después de los servicios conmemorativos de Anna esta semana, será la cremación, y planean dividir sus restos entre los miembros de la familia. Nos dicen que se ha hablado de hacer joyas especiales o cristales con sus cenizas en el interior.

Nos dicen que la funeraria también está tomando las huellas dactilares de Anna como un recuerdo y la familia también está considerando la posibilidad de hacerse tatuajes de sus huellas.

Las fuentes dicen que Anna pidió un funeral con ataúd abierto y quería que sus fans pudieran asistir al memorial, diciéndonos que estaba cerca de ellos y quería asegurarse de que eran parte de los servicios para tener una oportunidad de cierre.

La familia de Anna también está planeando conseguir un banco conmemorativo en su honor, como un lugar para ir y hablar con ella cuando quieran, aunque la ubicación exacta aún no se ha determinado.

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dando las malas noticias
Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Como informamos, Anna falleció el sábado por la noche debido a complicaciones de su batalla contra el cáncer, como recordarás, ella sufría de carcinoma suprarrenal en estadio 4. Los médicos le habían dicho que era terminal.

Mama June dio la triste noticia a sus fans en redes sociales, diciendo emocionalmente que murió en paz con su familia a su alrededor. June también estaba en línea pidiendo oraciones el día antes de la muerte de Anna, afirmando que el tiempo de su hija estaba llegando a su fin.

Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell Mama June's Fam Will Divide Ashes After Open-Casket Funeral

Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, the eldest daughter of Mama June, will be cremated ... TMZ has learned, and we're told everyone in the family will get a portion of her ashes.

Family sources tell TMZ ... after Anna's memorial services this week, her family will be cremating her, and they plan to split her remains amongst family members. We're told there's been talk about making special jewelry or crystals with her ashes inside.

We're told the funeral home is also fingerprinting Anna as a keepsake, too ... and the family is also considering getting tattoos of her prints.

Sources say Anna requested an open-casket funeral and wanted her fans to be able to attend the memorial -- telling us she was close with them and wanted to make sure they were a part of the services to have a chance at closure.


Anna's family is also planning to get a memorial bench in her honor, as a place to go and talk with her when they want ... although the exact location has yet to be determined.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

As we reported, Anna passed away Saturday night due to complications from her cancer battle -- you'll recall, she was suffering from stage 4 adrenal carcinoma, which doctors had told her was terminal.

Mama June broke the sad news to fans on social media, emotionally saying she died peacefully with her family around her. June was also online asking for prayers the day before Anna's death, claiming her daughter's time was coming to an end.

La hija de Mama June se casó en secreto tras ser diagnosticada de cáncer

La difunta hija de Mama June, Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, se casó después de enterarse de que tenía cáncer en etapa cuatro, TMZ ha indagado.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que la estrella de telerrealidad expresó el deseo de casarse con su pareja, Eldridge Toney, en enero, después de haber sido diagnosticada con carcinoma suprarrenal en estadio 4.

Nos dicen que Anna dejó claro que quería tener su boda mientras todavía se sentía lo suficientemente bien como para participar de una ceremonia.

Según el certificado de matrimonio obtenido por TMZ, Anna y Eldridge ataron el nudo el 4 de marzo en el condado de Wilkinson, Georgia. Además, el marido de la hermana de Anna, Pumpkin, fue el oficiante.

Recordemos que Anna también recibió quimioterapia en marzo, el mismo mes que se casó.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la boda incluyó a familiares cercanos y un equipo de cámaras grabando imágenes para su reality show de WE tv, "Mama June: From Not to Hot".

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Como informamos, Anna murió el sábado después de su difícil batalla contra el cáncer, un poco más de nueve meses después de que ella caminó hacia el altar.

La pareja no tenía hijos en común, pero Anna tenía dos hijos de relaciones anteriores.

MAMA JUNE'S DAUGHTER CHICKADEE Secretly Married After Cancer Diagnosis

Mama June's late daughter, Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, got hitched after finding out she had stage 4 cancer ... TMZ has learned.

Our sources tell us the reality TV star expressed her desire to get married to her partner, Eldridge Toney, back in January ... after being diagnosed with stage 4 adrenal carcinoma.

We're told Anna made it clear she wanted to have her wedding while she was still feeling well enough to go through a ceremony.

According to the marriage certificate, obtained by TMZ, Anna and Eldridge tied the knot March 4 in Wilkinson County, Georgia. What's more, Anna's sister, Pumpkin's husband was the officiant.

Remember ... Anna was also undergoing chemotherapy in March, the same month she got married.

Our sources say the wedding included close family and a camera crew recording footage for their WE tv reality show, "Mama June: From Not to Hot."

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

As we reported ... Anna died Saturday after her difficult cancer battle, a little over 9 months after she walked down the aisle.


The couple did not have any children together, but Anna had 2 children from previous relationships.

Mama June's Daughter Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell Dead at 29 ... After Cancer Battle

Mama June's eldest daughter -- Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell -- has died after a difficult cancer battle.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Cardwell passed away Saturday night due to complications from her stage 4 adrenal carcinoma, which had previously been described as terminal. Mama June broke the sad news online, writing ... "With the breaking heart, we are announcing that @annamarie35 is no longer with us. She passed away in my home last night peacefully at 11:12 PM."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

MJ adds, "She gave one hell of a fight for 10 months she passed away with her family around her like she won’t and we will will be updating y’all with more information as we get it today. We love y’all and continued prayers and thoughts for our family doing this difficult time."

Cardwell's passing comes not long after her mother asked the public for prayers on Friday ... when she signaled Anna would be leaving this world soon.

Instagram / @mamajune

June had told her followers in a video that the family was going through a transition, and that while Anna was still technically with them ... her life was in God's hands.

Anna had been diagnosed with cancer in January -- this after doctors did tests and found her lung, liver and kidney had been affected. She's said to have undergone chemotherapy in March, and was documenting her journey as recently as October on social media.

It sounds like things took a turn for the worse, though ... and Mama June's family is gutted.

Anna was a big part of their popularity in reality TV -- she'd appeared in several episodes of their hit shows "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" and "Toddlers & Tiaras." She was very much so online, and had a fair amount of followers of her own ... upwards of nearly 250,000, in fact.

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The last time we saw Anna was on the TMZ Tour, where she was riding like a normie and bantering with our camera person ... spitballing on what nickname she'd give Harvey Levin.


Anna is survived by her mother, June; her husband Eldridge, her two children, Kaitlyn and Kylee; and her three sisters: Lauryn, Alana and Jessica. She was only 29 years old.


Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell fallece a los 29

La hija mayor de Mama June, Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, ha muerto tras una difícil batalla contra el cáncer.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Cardwell falleció el sábado por la noche debido a complicaciones de su carcinoma suprarrenal en estadio 4, que previamente había sido descrito como terminal. Mama June dio la triste noticia en línea, escribiendo: "Con el corazón roto, anunciamos que @annamarie35 ya no está con nosotros. Ella falleció en mi casa anoche pacíficamente a las 11:12 PM".

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Añade: "Ella dio una gran lucha durante diez meses hasta que falleció con su familia a su alrededor como ella quería y estaremos actualizandolos con más información a medida que transucrra el día. Los queremos a todos y seguimos rezando y pensando en nuestra familia en estos momentos tan difíciles".

El fallecimiento de Cardwell se produce no mucho después de que su madre le pidiera al público oraciones el viernes, cuando señaló que Anna estaría dejando este mundo pronto.

recen por nosotros
Instagram / @mamajune

June le había dicho a sus seguidores en un video que la familia estaba pasando por una transición y que mientras Anna todavía estaba técnicamente con ellos, su vida estaba en manos de Dios.

Anna había sido diagnosticada de cáncer en enero, después de que los médicos le hicieran pruebas y descubrieran que tenía afectados los pulmones, el hígado y los riñones. Se dice que se sometió a quimioterapia en marzo y documentó su viaje en octubre en las redes sociales.

Parece que las cosas han empeorado y la familia de Mama June está destrozada.

Anna era una gran parte de su popularidad en la televisión realidad - que había aparecido en varios episodios de sus programas de éxito "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" y "Toddlers & Tiaras". Ella era mucho en línea, y tenía una buena cantidad de seguidores de su propia ... más de casi 250.000, de hecho.

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La última vez que vimos a Anna fue en el TMZ Tour, donde ella estaba montando como un normie y bromeando con nuestra persona de la cámara ... escupir en qué apodo le daría Harvey Levin.

A Anna le sobreviven su madre, June; sus dos hijas, Kaitlyn y Kylie; y sus tres hermanas: Lauryn, Alana y Jessica. Sólo tenía 29 años.


Alex Jones Reinstated on X ... After Elon Musk Poll

Alex Jones is back on X (formerly Twitter) after Elon Musk randomly decided to leave it to a vote among users to see how they felt about it ... and as they say, the people have spoken.

The notorious conspiracy theorist -- who infamously questioned the legitimacy of the Sandy Hook shooting, and got taken to court over it -- regained control of his account again late Saturday after being removed from the platform years ago.

This all happened back in 2018 when tech companies banned him en masse. At the time, he was embroiled in defamation lawsuits from the families of the Sandy Hook victims ... but that controversy, in and of itself, wasn't why he got banned -- different orgs. cited different reasons, but it all boiled down to what they said were violations of their policies.

For Twitter -- the last social media company to ban him -- they ended up citing abusive behavior by Jones and his account ... similar to what the other companies ended up saying.

In any case, Musk reversed the decision with a poll. He wrote, "Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform? Vox Populi, Vox Dei." After leaving the poll up for a full day, the results came in -- and out of nearly 2 million people that participated, 70% said he oughta be brought back.

Once the poll wrapped, EM wrote ... "The people have spoken and so it shall be." He also responded to some concerned users who felt Jones could potentially pose a threat on X -- but Elon clarified, "He cannot break the law." So, it sounds like AJ will be monitored.

Jones hasn't tweeted any new original content after being reinstated, but he has retweeted a few people who are celebrating his return -- including Andrew Tate, who wrote ... "To show respect to Alex Jones for his triumphant return and to show respect to Elon being a hero -  tell a globalist to get f****d today." Jones has retweeted other far-right figures too.

Jones continues to run his InfoWars website and channel, and broadcasts his program from there daily -- but, he doesn't have mainstream distribution on social media or otherwise.

He remains controversial for many reasons, some of which he addressed in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson ... who sat down with Jones for a wide-ranging interview.

Now that he has a big platform again, we'll see what he says ... and if he goes too far for Elon's taste. These days, the guy seems to be embracing a wide range of speech, period.

Fiery Death Video Brazilian Woman Sets Husband Ablaze ... Runs Around Like Human Torch


A woman in Brazil took domestic violence to a whole new level ... showering her husband in a flammable liquid before setting him on fire -- and ultimately killing him.

The shocking incident was recorded on surveillance video at a store in Rio de Janeiro last Monday ... showing every moment of the horror as it unfolded.

Check it out ... Ana Maria Paixao walks into the stock room holding a bottle of fluid as she approaches her husband, Andre Chapeta, sitting at a table.

She first douses Chapeta with the liquid and then uses a lighter to set him ablaze, causing him to jump up from the table and dash out of the room.

Chapeta makes his way out to the street, where he runs around like a human torch before he collapses to the ground.

He was eventually brought to a local hospital, where he died Friday after being treated for severe burns over 92 percent of his body.

On Thursday, Paixao was taken into police custody, but she was later released on a technicality after a judge failed to sign the arrest warrant.

G1, a Brazilian news outlet, reported that Paixao appeared to be motivated by "jealousy."

Impactante video Mujer brasileña le prende fuego a su marido... Él corre como una antorcha

Brutal ataque

Una mujer de Brasil llevó la violencia doméstica a un nivel completamente nuevo, al rociar a su marido con un líquido inflamable, prenderle fuego y provocarle, en última instancia, la muerte.

El impactante incidente quedó capturado en un video de vigilancia en una tienda de Río de Janeiro el pasado lunes. Este muestra cada momento del horroroso incidente.

Echa un vistazo, Ana Maria Paixao entra en el almacén con una botella de líquido y se acerca a su marido, Andre Chapeta, sentado en una mesa.

Primero rocía a Chapeta y luego utiliza un mechero para prenderle fuego, haciéndole saltar de la mesa y salir corriendo de la habitación.

Chapeta sale a la calle, donde corre como una antorcha humana antes de desplomarse.

Finalmente, fue trasladado a un hospital local, donde falleció el viernes tras ser tratado de graves quemaduras en el 92% de su cuerpo.

El jueves, Paixao fue puesta bajo custodia policial, pero fue liberada más tarde por un tecnicismo, ya que un juez no firmó su orden de detención.

G1, un medio de noticias brasileño, informó que el incidente habría estado motivado por "celos" de Paixao.