Drew Carey Ex-Fiancee's Murderer ... Sentenced to Life in Prison

The man convicted in the murder of Drew Carey's ex-fiancee was just sentenced to spend the rest of his days behind bars ... more than 3 years after she fell to her death.

Gareth Pursehouse was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole Wednesday after he was convicted of killing Dr. Amie Harwick ... where a jury found him guilty of first-degree murder with a special circumstance allegation after a trial in September.

Prosecutors alleged he broke into Harwick's home in February of 2020 and waited for her to return before attacking ... and ultimately threw her off a third-story balcony.

The prosecution said his crime stemmed from not being able to get over their prior relationship -- which had ended years ago. Interestingly, Harwick had apparently expressed fear to friends and confidantes over Pursehouse not long before she died.

Pursehouse's defense team acknowledged in court he had, in fact, illegally entered Harwick's house that night -- but argued that he never intended to kill her ... claiming Harwick might've climbed over the balcony herself and fell on her own, noting the prosecution hadn't definitively proven their client was the one who threw her off. Obviously, the jury disagreed.

TMZ broke the story ... Pursehouse was arrested quickly after Harwick's death, and investigators pinpointed him as the prime suspect with the help of surveillance video.

As for Drew, he and Hawick had been engaged in 2018 but ended their relationship less than a year later. Still, he was devastated by her murder -- and attended her wake.

El asesino de la ex prometida de Drew Carey condenado a cadena perpetua

El hombre condenado por el asesinato de la ex prometida de Drew Carey, acaba de ser sentenciado a pasar el resto de sus días entre rejas. Esto ocurre tres años después del terrible incidente.

Gareth Pursehouse fue condenado a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional el miércoles después de ser declarado culpable de matar a la doctora Amie Harwick. Un jurado lo declaró culpable de asesinato en primer grado con una alegación de circunstancia especial después de un juicio en septiembre.

Los fiscales alegaron que irrumpió en la casa de Harwick en febrero de 2020 y esperó a que ella regresara antes de atacar. Finalmente, la arrojó por un balcón del tercer piso.

La fiscalía dijo que su crimen se derivó de no poder superar su relación anterior, que había terminado hace años. Curiosamente, Harwick aparentemente había expresado su temor a amigos y confidentes sobre Pursehouse no mucho antes de su muerte.

El equipo de defensa de Pursehouse reconoció en la corte que, de hecho, había entrado ilegalmente en la casa de Harwick esa noche, pero argumentó que nunca tuvo la intención de matarla, alegando que Harwick podría haber subido por el balcón por sí misma y cayó por su cuenta, señalando que la fiscalía no había demostrado definitivamente que su cliente fue quien la arrojó. Obviamente, el jurado no estuvo de acuerdo.

TMZ publicó la historia, Pursehouse fue arrestado rápidamente luego de la muerte de Harwick y los investigadores lo señalaron como el principal sospechoso con la ayuda de un video de vigilancia.

En cuanto a Drew, él y Hawick se habían comprometido en 2018 pero terminaron su relación menos de un año después. Aun así, estaba devastado por su asesinato y asistió a su funeral.

Norman Lear muere a los 101 años

Norman Lear, el icono de la televisión que tuvo un impacto sísmico en la cultura estadounidense y el cambio social, ha muerto.

Lear murió en su casa de Los Ángeles el martes por causas naturales, según su publicista.

No hay manera de exagerar la importancia de Lear en los medios de comunicación y más allá. Él creó "All in the Family" y fue más que innovador cuando se estrenó en 1971 ... un espectáculo sobre un intolerante, tipo de cuello azul con una familia que no se alinean con sus puntos de vista. El personaje que creó, Archie Bunker, era a la vez despreciable y, en ocasiones, adorable.

La serie abordó temas nunca antes tocados en televisión... como la homosexualidad, el racismo, la guerra de Vietnam, el racismo y los derechos de la mujer. Archie se enemistó con George Jefferson, que se hizo tan popular que Lear creó otro éxito monstruoso: "Los Jefferson". Asimismo, otro personaje, Maude, interpretado por Bea Arthur, se convirtió en otro spinoff de éxito.

Esa es sólo una pequeña lista de los éxitos de Lear... otros incluyen "Sanford and Son", "Good Times", "One Day at a Time" y "Diff'rent Strokes".

Lear tenía un don único para crear humor en torno a temas sociales y políticos delicados. En resumen, cambió la televisión y la cultura estadounidense.

Fue un activista hasta su muerte... un liberal acérrimo que en su día se enfrentó a la conservadora Mayoría Moral. Fue un crítico acérrimo de Donald Trump.

Su familia dijo en un comunicado: "Gracias por la conmovedora efusión de amor y apoyo en honor de nuestro maravilloso esposo, padre y abuelo. Norman vivió una vida de creatividad, tenacidad y empatía".

recordando a una leyenda
Courtesy Act III Productions

Amaba profundamente a nuestro país y pasó toda su vida ayudando a preservar sus ideales fundacionales de justicia e igualdad para todos. Conocerle y quererle ha sido el mayor regalo".

Lear deja atrás a su tercera esposa, Lyn Davis, seis hijos y cuatro nietos.

una noticia impactante

Lear tenía 101 años y los vivió bien.


'All in the Family' Creator Norman Lear Dead at 101

Norman Lear, the TV icon who had a seismic impact on American culture and social change, has died.

Lear died at his home in L.A. Tuesday of natural causes, according to his publicist.

There is no way to overstate Lear's importance in media and beyond. He created "All in the Family" and it was more than groundbreaking when it debuted in 1971 ... a show about a bigoted, blue-collar dude with a family that did not align with his views. The character he created, Archie Bunker, was both despicable and, at times, loveable.

The show tackled issues never touched before on TV ... including homosexuality, racism, the Vietnam War, racism and women's rights. Archie became frenemies with George Jefferson, who became so popular Lear created another monster hit -- "The Jeffersons." Likewise, another character, Maude, played by Bea Arthur, became yet another hit spinoff.

That's just a short list of Lear's hits ... others include "Sanford and Son," "Good Times," "One Day at a Time," and "Diff'rent Strokes."

Lear had a unique knack for creating humor around touchy social and political issues. In short, he changed TV and American culture.

He was an activist until he died ... a staunch liberal who once took on the conservative Moral Majority. He was a die-hard critic of Donald Trump.

His family said in a statement, "Thank you for the moving outpouring of love and support in honor of our wonderful husband, father and grandfather. Norman lived a life of creativity, tenacity, and empathy.

Courtesy Act III Productions

They continued, "He deeply loved our country and spent a lifetime helping to preserve its founding ideals of justice and equality for all. Knowing and loving him has been the greatest gift."

Lear leaves behind his third wife, Lyn Davis, six kids and four grandkids.


Lear was 101 and lived those years well.


Se revela la causa de muerte de Brandi Mallory estrella de "Pérdida de peso extrema"

Brandi Mallory murió de complicaciones debido a la obesidad, esto de acuerdo a su informe oficial de la autopsia.

TMZ obtuvo el documento del médico forense del condado de Fulton, y no arroja demasiados detalles sobre lo que fue lo que sucedió exactamente para causar la muerte de la estrella "Extreme Weight Loss". El hecho fue muy repentino y se cita su peso como el factor principal.

El papeleo dice que no había señales de una lesión reciente y no había razón para sospechar de juego sucio tampoco. El informe señala que había rastros de marihuana y alcohol en su sistema, pero el forense dice que no tuvieron implicancia en su muerte.

Esto es lo que dicen en la autopsia: "Es mi opinión que Brandi E. Mallory murió de complicaciones relacionadas con la obesidad, la cual se consideró una condición significativa respecto a su muerte". También enumera su muerte como natural cuando se trata de la forma.

TMZ publicó la historia, Mallory fue encontrado muerto en un estacionamiento del centro comercial de Atlanta después de una carrera de comida rápida de la noche anterior. Ella entró en el establecimiento, salió con su comida, y luego entró a su vehículo, pero nunca volvió a salir después de eso.

Un transeúnte preocupado llamó al 911 y dijo que sospechaba que había un cuerpo en el carro, ya que se dio cuenta de que no se había movido durante mucho tiempo.

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audio del 911

Mallory concursó en la cuarta temporada de la serie de ABC allá por 2014 y participó en el programa hasta 2018.

Solo tenía 40 años.

'Extreme Weight Loss' Star Brandi Mallory Cause of Death Revealed ... Obesity Complications

Brandi Mallory died from complications due to obesity -- this according to her official autopsy report.

TMZ obtained the document from the Fulton County Medical Examiner, citing the "Extreme Weight Loss" star's weight, an enlarged heart, and some elevated blood indicators suggestive of prediabetes all as factors in her overall health.

The paperwork says there was no sign of a recent injury and there was no reason to suspect foul play either. The report does note there were trace amounts of marijuana and alcohol in her system ... but the coroner says neither played a role in her death.

Here's how they put it in the autopsy ... "It is my opinion that Brandi E. Mallory died of complications of obesity was considered a significant condition contributing to the death." It also lists her death as natural when it comes to the manner.

TMZ broke the story ... Mallory was found dead in an Atlanta strip mall parking lot after being seen entering her car the night before. A concerned bystander called 911 and said he suspected there was a body in the car, as he noticed it hadn't moved for a long time.

Brandi-Mallory-audio-1 November 2023

Mallory competed on Season 4 of the ABC series back in 2014, and had been involved with the program as recently as 2018.

She was only 40.


Padre de Jeffrey Dahmer Lionel Dahmer muere a los 87 años

El padre de Jeffrey Dahmer, Lionel Dahmer, cuya relación con su hijo fue diseccionada en una reciente serie de Netflix, ha muerto de acuerdo con un nuevo informe.

Lionel falleció el martes mientras estaba en cuidados paliativos en el condado de Medina, Ohio, según The Sun, que dio la noticia. Las circunstancias exactas de su muerte son desconocidas.

Lionel es conocido por su relación con el famoso asesino en serie, quien mató, descuartizó y canibalizó a más de 17 hombres entre 1978 y 1991.

Una vez que los crímenes de Dahmer salieron a la luz, Lionel fue una de las únicas personas que lo defendió e hizo innumerables entrevistas tratando de explicar y justificar por qué su hijo había hecho lo que hizo. Lionel atribuyó los asesinatos de Jeffrey a su problemática educación y a una enfermedad mental.

Incluso apareció junto a Jeffrey en una entrevista en MSNBC cuando este ya estaba tras las rejas. Lionel dijo que, a pesar de todo, seguía queriendo a su hijo y que estaría a su lado.

Jeffery fue asesinado en la cárcel en 1994, algo que Lionel condenó y resintió.

La relación de Lionel con su hijo fue retratada con gran detalle en la serie de Netflix del año 2022, "Monster: La historia de Jeffrey Dahmer", que tenía a Evan Peters interpretando a Jeffrey y Richard Jenkins interpretando a Lionel.

El espectáculo ciertamente representó a Lionel como un padre cariñoso con su hijo, pero también algo ausente de su vida y en varios momentos el personaje ignoró los intentos de Jeffery por decirle acerca de sus fechorías.

Lionel tenía 87 años.

Jeffrey Dahmer's Father Lionel Dahmer Dead at 87

Jeffrey Dahmer's father, Lionel Dahmer -- whose relationship with his son was dissected in a recent Netflix series -- has died ... this according to a new report.

Lionel passed away Tuesday while in hospice care in Medina County, Ohio ... according to The Sun, which broke the news. The exact circumstances of his death are unknown.

The guy is obviously famous for his relation to the notorious serial killer ... who murdered, dismembered and cannibalized upwards of 17 men between 1978 and 1991.

Once Dahmer's crimes came to light ... Lionel was one of the only people who defended him, and did countless interviews trying to explain and justify why his son had done what he did. Lionel chalked up Jeffery's murders to his troubled upbringing and mental illness.

He even appeared alongside Jeffrey for one MSNBC interview when the killer was already behind bars. Lionel said he still loved his son regardless and would stick by him.

Of course, Jeffery was murdered in prison in 1994 ... something Lionel decried and resented.

Lionel and his son's relationship was portrayed in great detail in the 2022 Netflix limited series, "Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story" ... which had Evan Peters playing Jeffrey and Richard Jenkins playing Lionel.

The show certainly depicted Lionel as caring for his kid ... but also, somewhat absent from his life -- and at several different points, the character brushed aside Jeffery's attempts to tell his dad about his misdeeds.

Lionel was 87.

Shaun Davis Ex Mr. Universo muere a los 57 años

La tragedia ha golpeado al mundo del fisicoculturismo nuevamente. El ex Mr. Universo, Shaun 'Dinosaurio' Davis, acaba de fallecer a la edad de 57 años.

La causa de muerte es desconocida por el momento.

El amigo de Davis, Kuldeep Bhardwaj, confirmó los informes sobre su muerte en Facebook, tras compartir una foto del culturista británico.

"Estoy absolutamente devastado", dijo Bhardwaj en su post.

"Descansa en paz, amigo mío, fuiste una verdadera inspiración desde el día en que te conocí en la escuela, a través de tus increíbles años de culturismo y después. Vamos a extrañar tu sonrisa y tu risa".

Davis, que pesaba 334 libras, tuvo una gran carrera. Ganó varias competencias, incluyendo el prestigioso título de Mr. Universo en 1996.

También ganó Mr. Reino Unido, Mr. Europa, Mr. Pro Universo y Mr. Gran Bretaña, entre otros.

Davis se vio obligado a retirarse después de luchar contra problemas renales. Incluso recibió un trasplante en 2009 después de tres años de diálisis.

Los aficionados están inundando las redes sociales con homenajes hacia el fisicoculturista. Uno de ellos lo describió como una "persona maravillosa e inspiradora".

Lamentablemente, varios culturistas han fallecido este año, entre ellos la pionera Lisa Lyon, Neil Currey, Gustavo 'The Freakin Rican' Badell y Bill Graham.

A Davis le sobreviven su pareja, Helen Burrows, y su hija, Harley.

Shaun Davis Former Mr. Universe Dead At 57

Tragedy has again struck the bodybuilding world ... former Mr. Universe, Shaun 'Dinosaur' Davis, has passed away at the age of 57.

The cause of death is unknown at this time.

Davis's friend, Kuldeep Bhardwaj, confirmed the reports of Davis' death on Facebook, sharing a photo of the British bodybuilder.

"I’m absolutely devastated," Bhardwaj said in the FB post.

"Rest in Peace my friend you was a true inspiration right from the day I met you at school, through your amazing bodybuilding years and after. Your smile and laughter will be missed."

Davis, a massive man at 334 lbs., had a great career, winning several competitions including the prestigious Mr. Universe title in 1996.

He also won Mr. UK, Mr. Europe, Mr. Pro Universe and Mr. Britain, among others.

Davis was forced to retire after battling kidney issues ... and even received a transplant in 2009 after three years of dialysis.

Tributes from fans are flooding social media, with fans sharing stories about the larger-than-life man who someone described as a "wonderful, inspirational person."

Sadly, several bodybuilders have passed away this year including pioneer Lisa Lyon, Neil Currey, Gustavo 'The Freakin Rican' Badell, and Bill Graham.

Davis is survived by his partner, Helen Burrows, and their daughter, Harley.

Kings Vs. Pelicans Fan Dies At Game

A man at Monday night's Sacramento Kings vs. New Orleans Pelicans game tragically lost his life while inside the arena ... after officials say he suffered a medical emergency.

The Kings wrote in a statement that the fan needed medical attention at some point during the first quarter of the NBA contest at the Golden 1 Center in Northern California.

"EMS immediately responded and administered CPR," the team said. "Tragically, these efforts were unsuccessful and the guest passed away."

"The organization offers its deepest condolences to the guest's family and loved ones."

The Sacramento Fire Department told FOX40 following the tragedy that the fan was "a 30's aged male" who they administered CPR to for 20 minutes to no avail.


After the game -- which the Kings lost, 127-117 -- Sacramento forward Keegan Murray told media members the players on the court were not made aware of the incident in the stands during the matchup.

"As a team, we give our condolences to the passing," Murray added. "Obviously I want to tell all of our guys that. Hopefully the family is being taken care of."

Deathbed Confession Dad Tells Daughter ... I Was a Bank Fugitive, Hun

A woman dished all on her father's shocking deathbed confession ... saying her life changed when she discovered he had been a wanted man for most of his life following an old bank heist.


Ashley Randele came on "TMZ Live" Monday to tell her tale -- saying her father, Tom Randele, came clean with an estimated 6 weeks to live following a lung cancer diagnosis ... suddenly off-loading the decades-long secret as they watched NCIS.

The 71-year-old explained to Ashley and her mom that he had to change his real name ... and they ought to finally know in case it came up after his passing ... because authorities "were probably still looking for him."

Ashley says she pressed him for more info the next day after realizing it wasn't a "terrible dad joke" -- adding it was vital for her to know her dad's real name: Ted Conrad.

Ignoring his pleas not to look into it, Ashley later found herself searching his name online ... yielding various "vault teller robs bank" headlines ... and recent articles stating the 50-year hunt was still active.

The revelation left her stunned ... after all, she had just learned the man she always perceived as an average suburban dad stole $215,000 --- the equivalent of $1.8M today -- while working as a vault teller at the Society National Bank in Cleveland, Ohio, on Friday, July 11, 1969, as a 20-year-old college dropout.

He fled to Washington, D.C., that night ... and when bank bosses discovered the theft on Monday, the FBI was called, and Conrad became a wanted man.

He ended up in Boston ... assuming a new identity and resuming normalcy despite his picture plastered across headlines.

Whether the heist was worth it or not would have been a question for Ted, AKA, Tom ... as Ashley says, most of the stolen money was blown on ritzy digs and at least one bad investment ... reaching the point of her loaning her parents 10K before they filed for bankruptcy in 2014.

Ashley goes in depth about her story on her podcast, "Smoke Screen: My Fugitive Dad."


She adds to us her dad never Googled himself ... refusing to believe that, after all this time, people cared about his crime. He passed away 2 months after his confession.

Mexico Bloodbath Mom Dies After Shark Bites Off Leg ... Young Daughter Saved

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the bloody aftermath ...

A mother in Mexico died after her leg got bitten off by a shark in the ocean -- this as she attempted to save her daughter ... who ultimately survived.

The shocking aftermath of the shark attack in Melaque was caught on video that made the rounds this weekend -- and it's incredibly brutal. You can see 26-year-old Maria Fernandez Martinez Jimenez being carried to shore by a group of bystanders ... and her limb's missing.

People scream in terror as those nearby rush over to help and flag down first responders -- but, sadly, Jimenez ended up losing her life after a massive amount of blood loss.

Per local officials, Jimenez was in the water with her 5-year-old when she noticed a shark swimming close by, about 75 feet from shore. The mother quickly hoisted her daughter up onto a floating play platform ... however, the animal ended up going after her instead.

The child is said to have been uninjured in the episode, but it's an absolute tragedy ... because she lost her mom. Law enforcement shut down the beach in the aftermath, including surrounding seaside areas as a precautionary measure.

It's unclear what species of shark may have been responsible. Jimenez is reported to have been a former marine biology student at the University of Guadalajara, and lived in Jalisco.

Little Gloria In 'Wait Until Dark' 'Memba Her?!

New York native Julie Herrod was only a young teen when she was cast as the troubled teen next door Gloria -- who turns into the hero to her blind neighbor -- in the classic 1967 thriller "Wait Until Dark."

Julie shared her big-screen debut with some of the some of the most iconic actors at the time including Alan Arkin as the wig-wearing manipulator on a mission, Roat ... and of course Audrey Hepburn as the blind damsel in distress Susy Hendrix.

Herrod only has two other credits to her name ... episodes of the TV shows "The Doctors And Nurses" and "NET Playhouse."

Guess what she looks like almost 50 years later!

Susan Sarandon Apologizes For Anti-Jewish Remarks At Rally

Susan Sarandon is now walking back antisemitic remarks she delivered at a pro-Palestinian rally in NYC last month ... offering her apologies to anyone she offended.

The actress posted a lengthy statement on Instagram Friday night, explaining that she made a "terrible mistake" when she said Jews are “getting a taste of what it is like to be Muslim in this country, so often subjected to violence.”

Susan uttered the words in front of a large crowd at the November 17 rally in Manhattan's Union Square.

The demonstrators were protesting against the Israel-Hamas war, which broke out after the terrorist group invaded the Jewish state on October 7. Hamas militants, who rule over the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, slaughtered some 1,400 Jews, including babies.

In her IG post, Susan said she was invited to the event, but was not supposed to speak, yet ended up on stage with a mic in her hand, trying to communicate concerns about a rise in hate crimes throughout the country.

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She pointed out the controversial phrasing she used falsely implied that Jews have not faced persecution. She then highlighted centuries of Jewish oppression and genocide in Europe, as well as the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh, PA.

Susan went on to say she "deeply regrets diminishing the reality" and for voicing her hurtful remarks.

The Oscar-winner was dropped by her Hollywood talent agency following the incident.


Kevin Turen, famous for producing HBO shows like "Euphoria" and "The Idol," died as a result of multiple heart issues ... TMZ has learned.

The producer's official cause of death is acute cardiac dysfunction and hypertrophic heart disease ... according to the medical examiner, who also lists coronary artery disease as another significant factor.

As we first told you ... Kevin suffered a medical emergency while driving his Tesla down a California freeway earlier this month, when his 10-year-old son was in the car.

Kevin's family told us the son was able to navigate the car to the side of the road, calling 911. Kevin was rushed to a hospital, where he ultimately died.

Remember ... we were told investigators quickly ruled out drugs and alcohol as a factor ... and now we know it was a fatal heart issue.

Kevin was only 44 years old, and he's been remembered in Hollywood as a family man who was more proud of his children than his work in showbiz.