NBA's Mitchell Robinson Welcomes H.S. Coach To Live With Him ... After Wife's Death

Mitchell Robinson is a good NBA player, but he's an even better human being -- his high school coach just revealed he's been rooming with the New York Knicks center after his wife tragically passed away earlier this year.

Former Chalmette H.S. coach Butch Stockton shared the heartwarming story during the Knicks' win over the Pistons on Thursday ... when he spoke with a reporter about the 7'0", 240-pound big man's incredible gesture.

Stockton -- whose wife, Dawn, passed away in September after a cancer battle -- explained Robinson would visit them every day in the hospital prior to her death ... and he built a strong bond with the couple.

MSG Network

Coach said at Dawn's funeral, Robinson told everyone he was going to bring him to the Big Apple ... and he held up on that promise.

"He said, 'Coach, there’s no reason you stay down here in Louisiana anymore,'" Stockton said. "'You come to New York with and enjoy yourself and get your mind back straight because you know how much you loved your wife and I loved your wife.'"

"It's just been a great situation, to be honest with you."

Robinson -- who's averaging 6 points and 11 rebounds this season -- spoke about his roomie after the game ... saying they will continue to live together until the end of the 2023-24 campaign.

"He's a great guy," Robinson told the media. "He helped me get to where I'm at. Bringing him along with me after everything that happened over the summer. It works out for the best. I can help him out like he helped me."

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor First Woman on Supreme Court Dead at 93

Sandra Day O'Connor, the first female justice on the Supreme Court, has died.

Justice O'Connor passed away Friday morning in Phoenix, AZ ... the court announced her death in a statement, saying she died, "of complications related to advanced dementia, probably Alzheimer’s, and a respiratory illness."

O'Connor made history in 1981 when she was appointed to the High Court by President Ronald Reagan. She was considered a moderate conservative, and often made the difference on the 9-person Court when it came to momentous decisions.

The Stanford Law School grad tackled the biggest social issues in the country, including abortion, affirmative action, and even presidential elections. She voted in 2000 to stop the recount in Florida in the race between Al Gore and George W. Bush ... her vote was part of the majority that secured Bush's election.

After leaving the Court in 2006, she bemoaned how it had swung way to the right, undoing some of her decisions over her 24-year tenure.

Chief Justice John Roberts said of Justice O'Connor, "A daughter of the American Southwest, Sandra Day O’Connor blazed an historic trail as our Nation’s first female Justice. She met that challenge with undaunted determination, indisputable ability, and engaging candor.”

Five women have followed in O'Connor's footsteps ... Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Amy Coney Barrett and Ketanji Brown Jackson.

O'Connor was 93.



La casa de Tennessee de Kellie Pickler donde su marido —Kyle Jacobs— se disparó trágicamente a principios de este año, está en el mercado por $2.890.000, TMZ ha aprendido.

De acuerdo con los registros de propiedad, la exquisita casa hecha a medida de 4 dormitorios y 5 baños en Nashville fue puesta en el mercado el miércoles.

A través de 4.865 pies cuadrados, la morada de estilo Tudor, cuenta con un concepto de planta abierta de invitación con un techo de bóveda de cañón en el comedor y bodega en el nivel principal.

Hay 10x10 postes de cedro que le dan el toque final a la casa. La chimenea de dos pisos en la gran sala contribuye a la acogedora sensación de estar rodeado de bosques.

Por supuesto, hay una piscina en el patio trasero y algunos hermosos trabajos de carpintería en toda la propiedad para un toque elevado de lujo de celebridades.

Kellie es el objetivo de hacer un beneficio considerable en la venta después de comprar la almohadilla en febrero de 2010 por $1.435.000.

El listado se produce poco más de nueve meses después de que el marido de Kellie Jacob fue encontrado muerto por suicidio en el dormitorio de arriba, el cual era la oficina de la casa.

Kellie y Kyle se casaron en 2011, y ambos protagonizaron "I Love Kellie Pickler" durante tres temporadas a partir de 2015.

Kyle trabajó como compositor de música country, con créditos vinculados a estrellas como Tim McGraw, Kelly Clarkson, Darius Rucker, Garth Brooks y otros. Tenía 49 años.

KELLIE PICKLER Grim House Listing ... Site of Husband's Suicide Now for Sale

Kellie Pickler's ready to put a painful memory behind her -- the longtime Tennessee home where her husband, Kyle Jacobs, fatally shot himself is now on the market for $2,890,000 ... TMZ has learned.

According to property records, the 4 bed, 5 bath custom-built home in Nashville was listed Wednesday.

The sprawling Tudor-style abode boasts 4,865 sq. feet and includes an inviting open floor plan, a barrel vault ceiling in the dining room and wine cellar on the main level.

Architecturally, it features 10x10 cedar posts throughout the home ... and the two-story fireplace in the great room makes for a super cozy, cabin-in-the-woods feel.

Of course, there's a pool nestled in the backyard and some beautiful millwork throughout the property for an elevated touch of celeb luxury.

Kellie purchased the pad in February 2010 for $1,435,000 -- so, depending on how much cash she put into it over the last 13 years, she stands to make a handsome profit.

The listing comes nearly 10 months after Kellie's husband was found dead by suicide in the upstairs bedroom/office at the home.

If you're wondering, Tennessee law does NOT require a seller to disclose a death in a house to potential buyers.

Kellie and Kyle married in 2011, and both starred on "I Love Kellie Pickler" for 3 seasons starting in 2015. Kyle was a songwriter, penning tracks for Tim McGraw, Kelly Clarkson, Darius Rucker, Garth Brooks and others.

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Reed Ryan UMD To Honor Late Football Player ... W/ Moment of Silence, Ribbons & Decal

The University of Minnesota Duluth community is devastated over the sudden death of football player Reed Ryan ... and TMZ Sports has learned the athletic department will honor the 22-year-old this weekend with ribbons, decals, and a moment of silence.

As we previously reported, Ryan -- a defensive end for the Bulldogs -- passed away Tuesday after collapsing during a workout earlier this month.

To honor his memory, we're told all Bulldogs sports teams will pay tribute this weekend ... starting with a moment of silence for Reed before their home games.

The volleyball team will wear ribbons with his jersey number, 99, when they play Wayne State College in the NCAA II Central Regional tournament game on Thursday.

We're also told that the hockey team may wear #99 decals.

"It’s on the minds of every staff member and student-athlete right now," a UMD Athletics spokesperson told us, "and the tributes will be on going through their seasons."

The redshirt senior joined the Bulldogs this season and had eight total tackles and one sack. Before UMD, he played four seasons at the North Dakota State University ... who gave him a full scholarship out of Waunakee High School.

Reed was a double major in professional sales and marketing.

Funeral services for Ryan will be held on Saturday in Middleton, Wisconsin.

Shane MacGowan The Pogues Singer Dead at 65

Shane MacGowan, founder and frontman for The Pogues, is dead ... according to his wife, Victoria Mary Clarke.

Victoria announced Shane's death early Thursday morning. Although she hasn't mentioned a cause of death, Shane had reportedly been recently diagnosed with encephalitis and discharged from a Dublin hospital.

Shane formed The Pogues in 1982, amid London's punk scene, with fellow members Peter "Spider" Stacy, Jem Finer and James Fearnley. The original band name was Pogue Mahone, a Celtic phrase that translates to "kiss my arse" -- as the name portends, they played Celtic folk music, but with a punk attitude.

The band first gained popularity opening for The Clash in 1984, and eventually worked with Elvis Costello ... who produced some of their early records. The Pogues' biggest mainstream success came with their hit, "Fairytale of New York" in 1987.

The Christmas-themed track has become a holiday staple -- especially in the UK -- so, there's something poetic about Shane passing at this time of year.

He was actually kicked out of the band in 1991, following a legendarily chaotic live performance at a festival in Japan -- and, after recording one more album, The Pogues broke up.

Shane eventually got the band back together for a successful reunion tour in 2001.

Victoria said of Shane, "I am blessed beyond words to have met him and to have loved him and to have been so endlessly and unconditionally loved by him.”

Shane was 65.


Henry Kissinger Dead at 100

Henry Kissinger, one of the most powerful and influential Secretaries of State in U.S. history ... the man who helped shape foreign policy in the United States for decades, is dead.

The famous statesman, diplomat, author and scholar died Wednesday at his home in Connecticut. The cause of death is unclear.

Kissinger was widely considered the most powerful secretary of state since World War II, serving as a top advisor for presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

During the 1970s, Kissinger negotiated America's exit from the war in Vietnam, helped open the U.S. to China, stabilized relations between Israel and Arab countries in the Middle East and eased tensions with the Soviet Union. He won the Nobel Prize for his Vietnam peace efforts, but critics say Kissinger saw the handwriting on the wall -- maintaining a democracy in Vietnam was a losing battle -- and negotiated the peace agreement as a face-saver.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for democracy to fail. Critics think the peace deal was a way of getting some space before democracy fell, so the U.S. wouldn't look bad.

He was always controversial -- both revered and reviled. He was praised for opening up China and resetting U.S. relations with Russia, but he also engineered the secret carpet-bombing of Cambodia. And he was central to the effort to topple the democratically-elected president of Chile.

When Kissinger wasn't shaping U.S. foreign policy, he was cultivating a playboy image in Hollywood ... dating movie stars like Candice Bergen, Shirley MacLaine, Jill St. John and Liv Ullman.

Kissinger was born in Germany and fled to the U.S. with other Jewish immigrants as a teenager way back in 1938 ... studying at Harvard before climbing the ranks in Washington D.C.

Despite leaving the federal government in 1977, Kissinger remained a prominent influence on foreign policy and business ... though his legacy is celebrated by some and despised by others.

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Kissinger was 100.


Henry Kissinger Muere a los 100 años

Henry Kissinger, uno de los más poderosos e influyentes Secretarios de Estado en la historia de Estados Unidos, el hombre que ayudó a dar forma a la política exterior del país durante décadas, ha muerto.

El famoso estadista, diplomático, escritor y académico falleció el miércoles en su casa de Connecticut. La causa de muerte aún no está clara.

Kissinger fue ampliamente considerado como el Secretario de Estado más poderoso desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial y fue uno de los principales asesores de los presidentes Richard Nixon y Gerald Ford.

Durante la década de 1970, Kissinger negoció la salida de Estados Unidos de la guerra de Vietnam, ayudó a abrir Estados Unidos a China, estabilizó las relaciones entre Israel y los países árabes de Oriente Próximo y alivió las tensiones con la Unión Soviética. Ganó el Premio Nobel por sus esfuerzos en favor de la paz en Vietnam, pero los críticos dicen que Kissinger se dio cuenta de que mantener la democracia en Vietnam era una batalla perdida y negoció el acuerdo de paz para salvar la situación.

Sin embargo, la democracia no tardó en fracasar. Los críticos creen que el acuerdo de paz fue una forma de conseguir algo de espacio antes de que la democracia cayera, para que Estados Unidos no quedara mal.

Siempre fue controvertido, venerado y vilipendiado a la vez. Fue elogiado por abrir China y restablecer las relaciones de Estados Unidos con Rusia, pero también organizó el bombardeo secreto de Camboya. Y fue uno de los principales responsables de derrocar al presidente democráticamente elegido de Chile.

Cuando Kissinger no estaba dando forma a la política exterior de Estados Unidos, estaba cultivando una imagen de playboy en Hollywood. Salió con estrellas de cine como Candice Bergen, Shirley MacLaine, Jill St. John y Liv Ullman.

Kissinger nació en Alemania y huyó a Estados Unidos con otros inmigrantes judíos cuando era adolescente, allá por 1938. Estudió en Harvard antes de escalar posiciones en Washington D.C.

A pesar de dejar el gobierno federal en 1977, Kissinger siguió siendo una influencia prominente en la política exterior y los negocios. Aunque su legado es celebrado por algunos y despreciado por otros.

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La última vez que lo vimos

Kissinger cumplió 100 años.

Que en paz descanse.

'World's Saddest Elephant' Dies at Manila Zoo

Mali, the "world's saddest elephant," has passed away following health complications after decades of confinement at Manila Zoo in the Philippines ... where she spent most of her life alone in a pen.

The announcement was made Wednesday by the city's mayor, Honey Lacuna, during a news conference -- a day after the zoo's chief veterinarian, Dr Heinrich Patrick Peña-Domingo, confirmed the captive elephant had cancer in some of her organs and a blockage in her aorta.

The diagnosis came after Mali was seen Friday repeatedly rubbing her trunk against a wall -- an indicator she was in pain -- and then laying on her side and breathing heavily Tuesday, passing away later in the day.

At only 11 months old, Mali, whose full name was Vishwamali, was gifted to former Philippines first lady Imelda Marcos by the Sri Lankan government in 1981.

In her early years, she lived at Manila Zoo alongside another elephant, Shiva, who died in 1990 after arriving in 1977.

Since then, Mali had been the zoo's only elephant and lived in solitary until her death.

Animal rights activists have long criticized the conditions of Manila Zoo ... blasting the keepers for being ill-equipped to provide the animals with proper care.

In 2013, Paul McCartney wrote to Philippine President Benigno Aquino III begging for Mali to be moved to an animal sanctuary to "bring an end to her suffering," ... while animal welfare group PETA added at the time that Mali "endures intense confinement, loneliness, boredom and isolation" at the zoo.

Pamela Anderson and Dr. Jane Goodall have backed the "Free Mali" movement.

The efforts never amounted to anything ... with PETA expressing their devastation over the tragic news, writing on X: "One of the world's saddest elephants has passed away. We're so sorry, Mali. You deserved better."

La elefanta más triste del mundo Muere en un zoológico de Manila

Mali, la "elefanta más triste del mundo", ha fallecido tras complicaciones de salud después de décadas de confinamiento en el zoológico de Manila en Filipinas, donde pasó la mayor parte de su vida sola en un corral.

El anuncio fue hecho el miércoles por el alcalde de la ciudad, Honey Lacuna, durante una conferencia de prensa. Esto, un día después de que el veterinario en jefe del zoológico, el Dr. Heinrich Patrick Peña-Domingo, confirmara que la elefanta tenía cáncer en algunos de sus órganos y una obstrucción en la aorta.

El diagnóstico se produjo después de que se viera a Mali frotando repetidamente su trompa contra una pared el viernes, una señal de que estaba sintiendo dolor, y se tumbara de lado y respirara con dificultad el martes, falleciendo más tarde ese mismo día.

Cuando Mali tenía 11 años de vida fue regalada a la ex primera dama filipina Imelda Marcos por el gobierno de Sri Lanka en 1981.

En sus primeros años de vida, estuvo en el zoológico de Manila junto a otro elefante, Shiva, quien murió en 1990. Este había llegado en 1977.

Desde entonces, Mali fue la única elefanta del zoológico y vivió sola hasta su muerte.

Los activistas por los derechos de los animales llevaban mucho tiempo criticando las condiciones del cautiverio de Manila, especialmente a los cuidadores por estar mal equipados para entregarle a los animales el cuidado debido.

En 2013, Paul McCartney le escribió al presidente filipino Benigno Aquino III rogando que Mali fuera trasladada a un santuario de animales para "poner fin a su sufrimiento". El grupo de bienestar animal PETA agregó en ese momento que Mali "soporta un intenso confinamiento, soledad, aburrimiento y aislamiento" en el zoológico.

Pamela Anderson y la doctora Jane Goodall habían apoyado el movimiento "Liberen a Mali".

Los esfuerzos nunca llegaron a nada, y PETA expresó su devastación por la trágica noticia, escribiendo en X: "Uno de los elefantes más tristes del mundo ha fallecido. Lo sentimos mucho, Mali. Te merecías algo mejor".

Reed Ryan College Football Player Dead At 22 ... After Collapsing During Workout

University of Minnesota Duluth football player Reed Ryan tragically died on Tuesday ... after collapsing during a workout earlier this month, his family announced.

He was just 22 years old.

According to an obituary written by family members, the 6-foot-3, 241-pound defensive end was training in a weight room on Nov. 21 "doing what he loved" ... when he suddenly went into cardiac arrest.

The family says school officials began life-saving measures ... and after they regained the football player's pulse, he was rushed to the ICU. Sadly, he passed away seven days later.

Ryan's family explained in their obituary the medical emergency was all due to "an undetected genetic heart condition and a large, loving heart."

"Reed had a contagious smile and lived life to the fullest in his short years," Reed's family wrote. "Reed loved people, he could talk to anyone and prided himself on being surrounded by friends, family, mentors, and being part of a team."

Reed starred at Waunakee High School in Wisconsin before he accepted a full-ride to North Dakota State University. He played four seasons for the Bison before he transferred to the University of Minnesota Duluth. In his one year for the Bulldogs, Ryan logged eight total tackles and one sack.

"Our staff and players are devastated about Reed's passing," UMD head football coach Curt Wiese said in a statement. "Reed aspired to be better every day at whatever task was at hand. He helped bring out the best in others with his positive attitude, infectious smile, and genuine care for the people around him."

NDSU football added in a statement on X on Wednesday that Ryan was "the ultimate teammate, a constant source of joy, a genuine selfless spirit, and a beloved friend."

"We'll miss you, Reed," the Bison wrote. "Your legacy will live on."



Former child star Evan Ellingson's official cause of death has been revealed ... and fentanyl is to blame.

The San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department finished its investigation, telling TMZ the late actor died from an accidental fentanyl overdose.

We broke the story ... Evan was found dead Nov. 5 at a sober-living home in San Bernardino County, officials said there was no foul play involved and law enforcement found drug paraphernalia at the scene.

Cops looked at the case as a possible OD ... and Ellingson's autopsy and toxicology report revealed fentanyl as the culprit.

While Ellingson struggled with drugs in the past, his father Michael told us he was doing better as of late.

Evan is best remembered starring opposite Cameron Diaz in the 2009 movie, "My Sister's Keeper," where he plays her teenage son. Ellingson was also famous for his recurring role as Kyle Harmon on "CSI: Miami" ... appearing in 18 episodes over 3 years.

Despite getting his Hollywood career started at 13, Evan died at 35 and did not have any acting credits since 2010.

Evan Ellingson Muere de una sobredosis de fentanilo ... La muerte fue accidental

La causa oficial de muerte de la ex estrella infantil Evan Ellingson ha sido revelada y el culpable es el fentanilo.

El Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de San Bernardino terminó su investigación y le dijo a TMZ que el fallecido actor murió de una sobredosis accidental de fentanilo.

Fuimos los primeros en contar la historia, Evan fue encontrado sin vida el 5 de noviembre en una casa para personas que lidian con la adicción al alcohol en el condado de San Bernardino. Las autoridades dijeron que no había delitos violentos involucrados y la policía encontró parafernalia de drogas en la escena.

Los policías miraron el caso como una posible sobredosis y la autopsia de Ellingson y el informe toxicológico reveló que el fentanilo fue el responsable.

Aunque Ellingson había estado luchando con las drogas en el pasado, su padre Michael nos dijo que estaba mucho mejor en el último tiempo.

Evan es mejor recordado por la película junto a Cameron Diaz, "My Sister's Keeper", de 2009, en donde interpreta a su hijo adolescente. Ellingson también fue famoso por su papel como Kyle Harmon en "CSI: Miami". Apareció en 18 episodios en 3 años.

A pesar de haber logrado una temprana carrera en Hollywood, a los 13 años, Evan murió a los 35 y no tenía ningún crédito de actuación desde 2010.


En un trágico incidente en alta mar, un joven pasajero perdió la vida a bordo de un crucero de Royal Caribbean.

TMZ recibió informes de un testigo que relató que un chico de 16 años falleció luego de caer desde un balcón hasta la cubierta, el pasado sábado. El incidente ocurrió mientras el barco 'Allure of the Seas' se dirigía desde Port Canaveral en Florida hacia Nassau, Bahamas, a primera hora. No está claro si la caída fue accidental.

Nos informan que se realizaron esfuerzos exhaustivos para salvar su vida… con un anuncio instando a los pasajeros a donar sangre en la tienda médica.

Sin embargo, una fuente con conocimiento nos dice que el joven falleció más tarde en el hospital, no en el barco.

Las fotos que obtuvimos también muestran las secuelas de la escena devastadora… con cinta de precaución en el balcón y una carpa en la cubierta visible.

Un representante de Royal Caribbean le comentó a TMZ "Lamentamos enterarnos del fallecimiento de un pasajero y enviamos nuestras condolencias a la familia. Por respeto a ellos, no proporcionaremos más comentarios".


Tragedy struck on the high seas as a passenger tragically died aboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship.

A passenger tells TMZ that a 16-year-old boy lost his life after falling from the balcony to the deck Saturday ... as the 'Allure of the Seas' vessel headed from Port Canaveral in Florida to Nassau, Bahamas, in the early hours. It’s unclear if the fall was accidental.

We're told extensive efforts were made to save his life ... with an announcement urging passengers to donate blood at the medical tent.

However, a source with knowledge tells us the boy passed away later at the hospital ... not on the ship.

Photos we obtained also show the aftermath of the devastating scene ... with caution tape on the balcony and a tent on the deck visible.

A rep from Royal Caribbean tells TMZ, "We are saddened to learn of the passing of a guest, and our hearts go out to the family. Out of respect for them, we won't provide any further comment."

WWE Legend Tammy Sytch Sentenced To 17 Years In Prison ... For Fatal Car Crash


WWE legend Tammy Sytch has been ordered to spend roughly the next decade and a half in prison for her role in a 2022 car crash that killed a 75-year-old man.

Sytch learned her fate inside of a Volusia County courtroom on Monday morning ... three months after she pled no contest to, among other charges, one felony count of DUI causing death.

Sytch -- wearing an orange jumpsuit and shackles on her wrists -- addressed the courtroom for a few minutes during the hearing, which lasted several hours and featured testimonies from people affiliated with the case, including a medical expert who evaluated the former wrestling personality in the spring.


Sytch broke down in tears during her speech and apologized for her actions. At one point, the 50-year-old also turned to the victim's family and said, "I know my words are not enough but please know that I think about you every day."

When the judge ultimately sentenced her to 17 years in prison, Sytch appeared stoic -- before she was taken out of the courtroom by officials.

Sytch -- also known as "Sunny" in the ring -- has been locked behind bars since May 2022 ... after prosecutors claimed she drunkenly slammed her car into Julian Lasseter's, killing him during a horrific March 2022 crash in Florida.

According to authorities, Sytch barreled into Lasseter while he was stopped at a traffic light. They alleged that at the time of the wreck, she had a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher.

Sytch was hit with eight total charges over the incident ... and, at first, she pled not guilty to all of the charges, though she changed her pleas in August after reaching an agreement with prosecutors.

Following the plea deal, she had been facing a prison sentence of up to 25 years.

The judge also said during Tuesday's proceedings that Sytch will be required to serve 8 years of probation following her prison sentence ... and her driver's license has been permanently revoked.

The case was not the first time Sytch -- who was elected into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2011 -- had been accused of drinking and driving ... she had previously been arrested at least six times prior for impaired driving.