Taylor Swift Puts On Dazzling Performance In Brazil ... After Tragic Death Of Fan

Taylor Swift was back to herself during a Friday concert in Brazil after mourning the death of a fan just one week ago.

TS hit the stage to perform in front of a packed crowd in São Paulo last evening -- and she appeared to be in great spirits, wearing a glittering silver and blue bodysuit with matching knee-high boots.

The pop superstar was beaming as she pranced around the stage strumming her guitar -- and even stopped at one point to flex her arm muscles.

Taylor treated the audience to two surprise tunes -- "Now That We Don't Talk" from "1989 (Taylor's Version)" and "Innocent" from "Speak Now (Taylor's Version)." This marked Taylor's first of three nights of sold-out performances at Allianz Parque stadium in São Paulo.

The positive vibes stood in stark contrast to the dark atmosphere that hung over her Rio de Janeiro concert the previous Friday when one of her fans died.

Just before Taylor went on stage, Ana Clara Benevides Machado fell ill amid the city's oppressive heat and was rushed to a hospital, where she passed away. Brazilian authorities are looking into the cause of her death while investigating the organizers of the concert to determine if they committed any wrongdoing.

After the show, Taylor posted a heartfelt message on Instagram, saying she was "devastated" by Ana's death. She also postponed her Saturday concert in Rio due to the high temps, but then returned for her Sunday performance, honoring Ana with one of her songs.

Derek Chauvin George Floyd Cop Stabbed In Prison ... Hospitalized In Stable Condition

Infamous ex-cop Derek Chauvin -- who was convicted of murdering George Floyd in Minneapolis -- was stabbed in federal prison and rushed to a hospital, but his injuries were not considered life-threatening, TMZ has confirmed.

A rep for Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison tells TMZ ... Chauvin was listed in stable condition after he was assaulted Friday at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson, Arizona.

In a statement, Ellison said, "I am sad to hear that Derek Chauvin was the target of violence. He was duly convicted of his crimes and, like any incarcerated individual, he should be able to serve his sentence without fear of retaliation or violence."

Ellison prosecuted Chauvin in the state murder case after Floyd's 2020 death.

The Bureau of Prisons also issued a statement without naming Chauvin, saying an "incarcerated person" was attacked at the prison around 12:30 PM yesterday. It was unclear who the suspect was, but the Associated Press reported it was another inmate.

Prison staff responded and brought the situation under control while performing "life-saving measures" on the victim, the BOP said, adding that no employees were injured.

The victim was taken to the hospital, where doctors were treating and evaluating him.

As we previously reported, Chauvin was convicted of Floyd's slaying in a Minnesota state court and sentenced to more than 22 years in prison. He also pleaded guilty to a separate federal charge of violating Floyd's civil rights and was given a 20-year term, which he's currently serving at the Arizona prison.

The murder of Floyd was recorded on cell phone video, which was circulated around the world, shocking the public consciousness.

Minneapolis Police 5/25/20
Facebook/ Darnella Frazier

The disturbing nine-and-a-half-minute clip showed Chauvin pressing his knee against the neck of Floyd as he lay helpless on the ground in Minneapolis. Floyd repeatedly cried out that he couldn't breathe, but Chauvin refused to take away his knee until it was too late.

Chauvin was originally called to the scene after Floyd was suspected of passing phony bills at a nearby convenience store. A 19-year veteran officer, Chauvin was fired from the Minneapolis PD following the Floyd murder.

Rob Base 'It Takes Two,' You & Your Doc ... Get Tested For Kidney Disease!!!


Hip hop pioneer Rob Base is switching up the lyrics to his classic jam, "It Takes Two," for an undeniably great cause ... raising awareness for diabetes.

The proud NYC native recently partnered with 2 pharmaceutical giants, Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly and Company, to update his 1988 hit with lyrics like, "People with no symptoms to show, could have kidney disease -- and not know!!!"

According to research, more than 35 million American adults are suffering from chronic kidney disease, and up to 90% of them are totally unaware they're even affected. 😬

Rob famously earned his hip hop stripes operating as a duo alongside his trusted DJ E-Z Rock, who passed away from diabetic complications in 2014, when he was just 46.

Rob, now 56, and having lived through the loss of his friend and musical partner, is urging everyone not to wait for signs and get their kidneys tested immediately.

Once he got the call to participate in the health initiative, Rob says he began to educate himself and deemed it a no-brainer to do the remix in honor of E-Z Rock.

SRA. DOUBTFIRE Un documental sería un placer ... Me encantaría participar, dice la actriz Lisa Jakub

Sí, querida, ya han pasado 30 años desde que la señora Doubtfire se instaló en nuestros hogares y una de sus estrellas, Lisa Jakub, está cruzando los dedos para que las conversaciones sobre un posible documental se concreten.

Lisa tenía solo 14 años cuando interpretó a Lydia, la mayor de los tres niños Hillard en la comedia junto al gran Robin Williams, quien interpretó a un reciente padre divorciado que se transformaba en una niñera británica excéntrica para pasar más tiempo con sus hijos.

Y Lisa ahora le dice a TMZ que después de enterarse de que el director de la película Chris Columbus habló sobre hacer un posible documental para celebrar el clásico de 1993, ella estaría totalmente dispuesta a compartir sus experiencias en el set y contribuir con un poco de nostalgia si la invitan a participar.

Por ahora, Lisa no ha oído hablar directamente del propio Chris. Nos dijo que solo se enteró de la producción en ciernes cuando un amigo le envió un mensaje de texto al respecto, pero ella está dispuesta a sumarse por lo significativa que es la película para tanta gente.

Si el documental sigue adelante, habrá un montón de material que no se ha visto que se puede utilizar. Lisa cuenta que las cámaras filmaron más de lo habitual debido al hilarante talento que tenía Robin para la improvisación y su incapacidad para mantenerse serio.

También reflexiona sobre las lecciones de vida que le dejó Robin, haciendo alusión a que la animó a estar presente en el momento en lugar de esperar su turno para hablar, consejo que ha mejorado su trabajo como profesora de yoga certificada y defensora de la salud mental.

Esto viene después de que el director discutiera sus planes de hacer un posible documental a Business Insider a principios de esta semana. Comentó que tiene sus ojos puestos en 972 cajas de material de archivo que quedaron en la sala de edición, con el anhelo de que muestren lo "especial" y "mágico" que fue el trabajo de Robin.

¡Esperamos que esté diciendo que es hora de desempolvar esos rollos!

MRS. DOUBTFIRE DOC WOULD BE A JOY! ... Love To Be Involved, Says Actress Lisa Jakub

Yes, dear ... it really has been 30 years since Mrs. Doubtfire made herself comfortable in our homes ... and one of its stars, Lisa Jakub, is crossing her fingers hoping that talks of a doc will break cover.

Lisa was only 14 years old when she portrayed Lydia -- the eldest of the three Hillard kiddos -- in the comedy alongside the late and great Robin Williams ... who played a recent divorcee morphing into an eccentric British nanny to spend more time with his kids.

And Lisa now tells TMZ that after catching wind of the flick's director, Chris Columbus, spilling the tea on a potential doc celebrating the 1993 classic, she'd be totally down to share her experiences on set and contribute some nostalgic joy if invited to be involved.

As for now, Lisa hasn't heard directly from Chris himself -- adding to us she only found out about the budding doc when a pal texted her about it ... but she's keen on taking a trip down memory lane -- especially as the movie is meaningful for so many people.

If the doc goes ahead, there'll be plenty of unseen footage to use -- nearly 2 million feet worth -- as Lisa says cameras rolled more than usual... due to Robin's hilarious knack for improv and her inability to keep a straight face.

She also reflects on Robin's life lessons, telling us he encouraged her to be present in the moment rather than waiting for her turn to talk -- advice that's bettered her job as a certified yoga teacher and mental health advocate.

This comes after Dir. Chris discussed plans for the potential doc ... telling Business Insider earlier this week that he's got his eye on 972 boxes of footage left on the cutting room floor ... hoping it'll show the "special" and "magical" way Robin went about his work.

Basically, we hope he's saying it's time to dust off those wigs!

Oscar Pistorius Consigue libertad condicional ... Tras matar a su novia

Oscar Pistorius pronto será un hombre libre. Esto, después de que consiguiera la libertad condicional dos años antes de lo esperado por el asesinato de su novia, Reeva Steenkamp, en 2013.

El ex velocista olímpico y asesino convicto fue condenado a 13 años y cinco meses en 2016 por disparar y asesinar a la joven de 29 años, pero después de ganar su audiencia el viernes, el Departamento de Servicios Correccionales de Sudáfrica le concedió la libertad condicional, la que será efectiva a partir del 5 de enero de 2024.

Los términos de su libertad condicional establecen que permanecerá y vivirá en la zona de Pretoria y que requiere permiso de las autoridades para salir.

También tendrá que unirse a un programa de manejo de la ira ordenada por la corte y hacer servicio comunitario. Todas estas condiciones asociadas a su libertad condicional se mantendrán durante cinco años.

La desolada madre de Reeva, June Steenkamp, no asistió a la audiencia. Dijo que no pudo "reunir la energía para enfrentarse a él de nuevo en esta etapa". Sí estuvo presente para la primera vez que solicitó su libertad anticipada en marzo, la que terminó siendo denegada.

Según Sky News, la madre de Steenkamp le dijo a los periodistas en ese entonces que creía que él no estaba arrepentido y que debía estar tras las rejas.

Por su parte, Pistorius, quien posee dos amputaciones y es apodado "Blade Runner", ha dicho en repetidas ocasiones que nunca tuvo la intención de dispararle a su pareja, diciendo que pensaba que era un intruso.

En última instancia, fue condenado por homicidio culposo, cargo que posteriormente se elevó a asesinato.


Oscar Pistorius will soon be a free man ... after being granted parole 2 years earlier than expected for the murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, in 2013.

The ex-Olympic sprinter and convicted killer was sentenced to 13 years and five months in 2016 for shooting and murdering the 29-year-old -- but after winning his parole board hearing Friday, the Department of Correctional Services in South Africa has granted him parole, effective January 5, 2024.

The terms of his parole state he'll stay and live in the area of Pretoria ... requiring permission from authorities to leave.

He'll also have to join a court-ordered anger management program and do community service -- and the parole conditions will remain in place for 5 years.

Reeva's devasted mother, June Steenkamp, didn't attend the hearing ... saying she "cannot muster the energy to face him again at this stage" .. though she was present at his first request for early release in March, which was denied.

According to Sky News, Steenkamp's mom told reporters outside of the venue at the time she believed he wasn't remorseful and belonged behind bars.

On his end, Pistorius, a double-amputee nicknamed "Blade Runner," has repeatedly claimed he never meant to shoot his partner ... saying he thought she was an intruder.

He was ultimately convicted of culpable homicide, effectively manslaughter, a charge that was later upgraded to murder.

Asesinato de JFK Cuero manchado con sangre de la limosina se vendió en 46.000 dólares

John F. Kennedy fue asesinado hace 60 años, e incluso con todos los años que han pasado la gente sigue fascinada por la historia y algunos están dispuestos a pagar mucho dinero por algunos recuerdos morbosos del suceso.

Algunos objetos relacionados con el caso salieron recientemente a subasta a través de RR Auction, y un puñado de ellos se vendieron por mucho dinero, estamos hablando de cinco cifras. Un objeto en particular se vendió por mucho e incluía muestras de cuero manchado con sangre de la limusina de JFK.

De hecho, dos grandes parches que fueron cortados directamente desde el interior del carro donde fue baleado el presidente Kennedy, y que estaban cubiertos de sus fluidos corporales, terminó vendiéndose por una tonelada de dinero. La cantidad final... ¡46.865 dólares!

Hubo otros recuerdos que se fueron por una buena suma, como el revólver de propiedad personal de Lee Harvey Oswald ($31k) e incluso la bala con que Jack Ruby le disparó a Lee Harvey Oswald ($18k).

También se subastaron objetos un poco más extravagantes, como por ejemplo, una sección de la valla que estaba alineada con el infame montículo de hierba que ha estado en el centro de las teorías conspirativas del asesinato de JFK... y estos viejos palos alcanzaron la suculenta suma de $13.740.

Otro punto a destacar, el recibo de la llamada telefónica de Oswald desde la cárcel de Dallas que ocurrió después del suceso. Este muestra que trató de llamar a un abogado en Nueva York, con el que nunca pudo contactarse. Luego, recibió un disparo y murió.

El archivo del caso sigue dando, y no faltan los fanáticos obsesionados con todas las cosas de JFK. Nos queda claro con estos precios de venta.

JFk Assassination Bloody Limo Leather Sells for $46,000

John F. Kennedy was assassinated 60 years ago, and even all these years later -- folks are fascinated by the story ... and some are willing to pay big bucks for morbid memorabilia.

Some items tied to the case recently hit the auction block through RR Auction, and a handful of 'em went for a pretty penny -- we're talking five figures here. One particular JFK collectible that sold for a helluva lot included swatches of bloodstained leather ... from the limo.

Indeed ... 2 large patches that were cut straight from inside the car where President Kennedy was shot -- and which were covered in his bodily fluids -- ended up going for a ton of dough. The final amount ... $46,865!

There were other keepsakes that went for a high dollar amount ... like Lee Harvey Oswald's personally-owned revolver ($31k) and even the bullet Jack Ruby fired at LHO ($18k).

Some other standouts, however, are a little quirkier -- such as a section of the picket fence that was lining the infamous grassy knoll that's been at the center of JFK assassination conspiracy theories for years ... and these old sticks fetched a whopping $13,740.

Another highlight ... Oswald's jail phone call receipt from the Dallas jail he was held at in the aftermath. It shows he he was trying to call an attorney in New York, but was never able to reach him -- something he actually paid for before getting shot and killed.

It's the case file that keeps on giving ... and there's no shortage of super fans obsessed with all things JFK. That much is clear with these final sales prices.

TikTok Star Cooper Noriega Alleged Drug Dealers Arrested In Connection With Fatal OD

The people who allegedly supplied TikTok star Cooper Noriega with the illicit drugs that caused his fatal overdose have been arrested in connection with his death.

The feds say a California man who allegedly ran a drug trafficking operation providing same-day delivery of cocaine and fentanyl-laced pills has been arrested and arraigned on federal narcotics charges ... and he's accused of supplying the drugs in a fatal fentanyl overdose.

Prosecutors say the victim at the heart of the case is "C.N." and Cooper's dad says the victim is Cooper.

Prosecutors say Erick Oved Estrada ran an illegal drug operation out of his Calabasas home ... with one of his associates delivering fentanyl-laced oxycodone to C.N., which ultimately caused a fatal overdose.

TMZ broke the story ... back in June, Cooper was found dead in a mall parking lot outside Los Angeles. Subsequent reports revealed he died from an accidental drug overdose.

The feds say Estrada sold fentanyl-laced pills to Arian Alani ... and Alani sold them to C.N., who ingested them and died of an OD.

Prosecutors allege Alani texted Estrada, "my boy just died yesterday," in reference to C.N. ... and that Estrada "shouldn't be selling (expletive) with fentanyl."

The feds say Estrada and Alani are each charged with one count of distribution of fentanyl resulting in death, among other charges.

Cooper's dad, Harold Noriega, says in a statement he's grateful a law enforcement investigation led to arrests and charges and the "family is very happy" with the result.

Estrella de TikTok Detienen a presuntos traficantes relacionados con fatal sobredosis

Las personas que presuntamente le suministraron las drogas ilícitas a la estrella de TikTok Cooper Noriega, que luego causaron su sobredosis fatal, han sido arrestadas.

Los federales dicen que un hombre de California que supuestamente dirigía una operación de tráfico de drogas y proporcionaba entregas de cocaína y píldoras de fentanilo el mismo día fue arrestado y procesado por cargos federales de narcóticos y está acusado de haberle suministrado las drogas que le causaron una sobredosis fatal de fentanilo.

Los fiscales dicen que la víctima en el centro del caso es "C.N.". El padre de Cooper dice que la víctima es Cooper.

Los fiscales dicen que Erick Oved Estrada tenía una operación ilegal de drogas afuera de su casa en Calabasas, y uno de sus socios fue el que le entregó oxicodona con fentanilo a C.N., que en última instancia causó una sobredosis.

TMZ fue el primero en informar la noticia, en junio, Cooper fue encontrado sin vida en un estacionamiento de un centro comercial afuera de Los Ángeles. Los informes posteriores revelaron que murió de una sobredosis accidental de drogas.

Los federales dicen que Estrada le vendió píldoras con fentanilo a Arian Alani, y este se las vendió a C.N., quien las ingirió y murió de una sobredosis.

Los fiscales alegan que Alani envió un mensaje de texto a Estrada diciendo, "mi chico acaba de morir ayer", en referencia a C.N. y que Estrada "no debería estar vendiendo (improperios) con fentanilo".

Los federales dicen que Estrada y Alani están acusados cada uno de un cargo de distribución de fentanilo con resultado de muerte, entre otros cargos.

El padre de Cooper, Harold Noriega, dice en un comunicado que está agradecido de que la investigación policial condujera a arrestos y cargos y que la "familia está muy feliz" con el resultado.

Taylor Swift Police Launch Investigation ... After Fan Dies at Rio Concert

Police in Brazil have reportedly opened a probe into the organizers of last Friday’s oppressively hot Taylor Swift concert that left one fan dead and the pop star gasping for air.

A rep for Rio de Janeiro’s Civil Police Department said they launched an investigation into Time4Fun, the company that arranged the event at Estádio Olímpico Nilton Santos on November 17, according to NBC News.

Investigators from the consumer delegations department are specifically looking into whether Time4Fun committed the “crime of endangering the life and health” of the show’s attendees, the spokesperson said. The rep added that company execs will also be called to testify.

As you know, Ana Clara Benevides Machado fell unconscious before Taylor hit the stage during the record-breaking heat that night.

Ana later passed away at a hospital, and prosecutors announced they would investigate her cause of death, which has not been disclosed.

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As for Taylor, she was filmed seemingly struggling to breathe onstage during her performance. Fans took to social media and expressed their concern for her well-being.

They also demanded Time4Fun supply more water to fans at Taylor’s next 2 shows in Rio, although one was subsequently postponed due to the heat.


On Thursday, company execs issued a statement, apologizing to concertgoers and admitting they had made mistakes, saying they “did not economize in our efforts or resources to follow the best global practices in our industry to guarantee the comfort and safety of all.”

The company previously released a statement addressing fans’ concerns over the lack of water, promising to provide more H20 at Taylor’s two specified concerts.

Rainbow Bridge Crash New Video Shows Bentley Airborne, Crashing, Exploding

X / @CBP

New video has surfaced of the horrific car crash at the U.S.-Canadian border that left 2 people dead and authorities scrambling for answers.

The video provides a clearer look at the Bentley that went airborne ... then crashed and exploded into a guard post at the border, killing both occupants inside -- a husband and wife.


The car was traveling at an extremely high rate of speed ... and it's unclear why. There have been reports the driver may have suffered a medical emergency.


The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol released the video. The Agency is investigating the crash, to determine if it was accidental or intentional.

The Bentley crashed on the U.S. side of the bridge crossing. The couple was on their way to the KISS concert in Toronto, but when that concert was canceled they decided to go to a casino instead.

NY Gov Kathy Hochul said Wednesday there's no indication this was a terrorist attack. The U.S. Attorney for NY doubled down, saying the prelim investigation shows terrorism was not involved.

Henry Ruggs Getting Thanksgiving Meal In Prison ... Turkey, Potatoes & Pie

Henry Ruggs will be able to have a Thanksgiving meal during his first major holiday behind bars if he wants it ... 'cause TMZ Sports has learned the ex-NFL star is being offered a full turkey dinner in prison Thursday.

A spokesperson for the Nevada Department of Corrections tells us ... inmates throughout the state -- including Ruggs -- will be offered roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing and more in celebration of the November holiday.

No out-of-the-ordinary activities, however, will be offered.

"Normal operations and special meal," the spokesperson said.

Thanksgiving will be the first big holiday for Ruggs since he was sentenced to prison back in August over the 2021 car crash that resulted in the death of 23-year-old Tina Tintor and her dog.

Ruggs, who will turn 25 years old in January, will have to spend at least two more Thanksgivings in a cell as part of his sentencing ... as the former Las Vegas Raiders player was ordered to spend 3-to-10 years behind bars after cutting a deal with prosecutors in the case.

For his part, Ruggs took responsibility at the sentencing hearing three months ago ... apologizing to the Tintor family -- before adding there was "no excuse" for his actions.


la empatía es lo primero

El rapero israelí-estadounidense Kosha Dillz ha instado a tomar una posición pública sobre el conflicto Israel-Palestina a mostrar empatía por los que sufren... israelíes, palestinos, judíos y musulmanes.

Kosha le dice a TMZ que el hecho de que Susan Sarandon y la estrella de "Scream" Melissa Barrera hayan perdido sus trabajos en Hollywood como consecuencia de hablar sobre la agitación no es nada en comparación a los directamente afectados por la guerra.

Como informamos, Melissa se unió a Susan como la última víctima de Hollywood, siendo expulsada de "Scream VII" después de compartir declaraciones polémicas, incluyendo una historia de instagram donde aparentemente aludió a un video de larga data sobre los judíos que controlan los medios de comunicación.

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Según los ejemplos de famosos, Kosha añade: "Esto demuestra que algunas de las personas que dicen cosas no tienen ninguna piel en el conflicto ... porque sienten la necesidad de decir algo, pero no están directamente involucrados".

Sin embargo, Kosha señala que la sociedad ha hecho aceptable que la gente alabe a la organización terrorista Hamás como "luchadores por la libertad", añadiendo que le sorprendieron las opiniones de las personas a las que entrevistó tanto en mítines pro-Israel como pro-Palestina.

Conoció a alguien que en realidad era de Gaza, elogiándolo como la "persona más amable" que había encontrado.

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"Necesitamos una voz para los sin voz, pero no todas las voces son para los sin voz", afirma.

Kosha utiliza regularmente su plataforma para destacar historias de guerra, denunciando el antisemitismo y pidiendo el regreso de los rehenes en su single "Bring The Family Home", lanzado días después de los ataques de Hamás contra Israel.



Israeli-American rapper Kosha Dillz has urged those determined to take a public stand on the Israel-Palestine conflict to show empathy for those suffering -- namely, Israelis, Palestinians, Jews, and Muslims.

Kosha tells TMZ ... Susan Sarandon and "Scream" star Melissa Barrera losing Hollywood gigs as a consequence of speaking out about the turmoil is nothing compared to those directly affected by the war.

As we reported, Melissa joined Susan as the latest Hollywood casualty ... being 86'd from "Scream VII" after sharing controversial statements, including an IG Story where she seemingly alluded to a longstanding trope about Jews controlling the media.

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As per the celeb examples ... Kosha adds: "It goes to show some of the people saying things don't have any skin in the conflict ... because they feel the need to say something, but they're not directly involved."

However, Kosha notes that society has made it acceptable for people to praise the terrorist organization Hamas as "freedom fighters," ... adding he was shocked at the opinions of those he interviewed at both pro-Israel and pro-Palestine rallies.

He met someone who was actually from Gaza ... praising him as the "kindest person" he had encountered.

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"We need a voice for the voiceless ... but not all voices are for the voiceless," he says.

Kosha regularly uses his platform to highlight stories from the war ... denouncing antisemitism and calling for the return of hostages in his single, "Bring The Family Home" ... released days after the Hamas attacks on Israel.