Savannah Chrisley Ex Nic Kerdiles Had Alcohol in System At Time of Crash Death

Savannah Chrisley's ex-fiancé, Nic Kerdiles, had alcohol in his system when he died earlier this year after a fatal motorcycle crash ... this according to the medical examiner.

According to the autopsy report, obtained by TMZ, the ME in Nashville found evidence of ethanol in Kerdiles' bloodstream after toxicology tests were done ... and they estimate his BAC at about 0.124, well over the legal limit.

Officials note Kerdiles' body was pretty banged up as a result of the accident -- including multiple broken bones, bruising of the brain and other abrasions. The Medical Examiner found the cause of death to be multiple blunt traumatic injuries ... ruling it as accidental. Radar Online was the first to report the news.

TMZ broke the story ... Kerdiles -- a former NHL player for the Anaheim Ducks -- collided with a car while riding late at night one weekend back in September, when cops say he blew past a stop sign and struck the side of a crossing BMW.

It was an absolute tragedy, especially considering his last official photo on social media -- which literally showed him riding his bike, and labeling himself a "Night rider."

Savannah, who'd been engaged to Nic between 2018 and 2020, was devastated by the news ... and posted a tribute to Nic in the aftermath, writing -- "Heaven gained the most beautiful angel today ... I miss you and I love you," while adding, "We loved hard ... and I can't wait to ride bikes with you along the beaches of heaven one day."

Before they ended their relationship, Nic had been featured on her family's show, "Chrisley Knows Best" ... and his proposal to her was even captured on camera.

He was only 29.

Estrella de "Extreme Weight Loss" Brandi Mallory murió en un estacionamiento ... Tras comprar en Chipotle

Brandi Mallory murió de una forma extraña, la que por ahora sigue siendo un total misterio. Pero una pieza del rompecabezas acaba de ser respondida y es que Mallory murió después de haber ido a comprar algo para cenar.

TMZ obtuvo el informe policial relativo a la muerte de la estrella de "Extreme Weight Loss" y es bastante impactante ver lo que los policías dicen que precedió a su repentina muerte. De acuerdo al papeleo de la policía de Atlanta, Mallory fue vista por última vez con vida mientras compraba algo de comida en un Chipotle de la zona.

El informe dice que el vehículo de Mallory fue visto en el estacionamiento de un centro comercial temprano el 9 de noviembre. El propietario de una tienda de delicatessen que estaba solo en su negocio se dio cuenta de ello.

El dueño del negocio le dijo a la policía que también vio a una mujer al interior del vehículo que parecía estar dormida, pero las alarmas se activaron cuando vio el carro allí mismo mucho más tarde en el día, lo que le hizo pensar que algo andaba mal. Como resultó siendo ... Brandi Mallory fue encontrada sin vida.

El informe dice que los policías revisaron las imágenes de vigilancia que muestran a Mallory estacionando en el lote la noche anterior, alrededor de las 5:53 PM, momento en el cual, ella entró a un Chipotle, salió con su comida y luego entró en el vehículo. Pero nunca se fue o salió del carro después de eso.

Los policías señalan que no hay signos de crimen violento y que su causa de muerte exacta todavía está bajo investigación. Debemos señalar que no hay evidencia de que la comida que compró en Chipotle haya tenido algo que ver con su muerte.

Como informamos, Mallory compitió en el programa "Extreme Weight Loss" de ABC en 2014, y todavía estaba haciendo apariciones para ellos. La fecha más reciente había sido en 2018. Solo tenía 40 años.

'Extreme Weight Loss' Star Brandi Mallory Died After Fast-Food Run

Brandi Mallory died in a bizarre manner that, for now, remains a total mystery -- although one piece of the puzzle has been answered ... she died after a dinnertime food run, though there's no evidence her Chipotle meal had anything to do with her death.

TMZ has obtained the police report pertaining to the "Extreme Weight Loss" star's death -- and it's fairly shocking to see what cops say preceded her sudden passing. Per the Atlanta PD paperwork, Mallory was last seen alive while buying some grub from a local Chipotle.

The report notes that Mallory's vehicle was spotted in the parking lot of a strip mall early on Nov. 9 -- this while the owner of an adjacent deli noticed it just sitting there all by itself.

The deli owner told cops he also saw a female inside who appeared to be asleep -- but the alarm bells started ringing when he says he saw the car there much later in the day ... which signaled to him something was wrong. As it turns out, there was ... BM was found deceased.

The police report says cops reviewed surveillance footage that showed Mallory pulling into the lot the night prior around 5:53 PM ... at which point, she went into the Chipotle, came out with her food, and then went into her vehicle -- but never left or came out after that.

The cops note there's no sign of foul play, and her exact cause of death is still under investigation.

As we reported ... Mallory competed on ABC's 'EWL' show back in 2014, and was still making appearances for them as recently as 2018. She was only 40 years old.

ALEC BALDWIN Nuevas tomas muestran al actor advirtiendo a Halyna Hutchins

"No quiero disparar contra ti"
NBC News

Alec Baldwin llevaba la voz cantante en el set de "Rust" y le había advertido a la mujer que accidentalmente disparó y mató que se saliera del camino mientras disparaba una pistola de utilería, como se ve en este nuevo video.

El actor está claramente tomando las riendas del set mientras ensaya una escena, que requiere que dispare su pistola falsa. En un momento dado, muestra preocupación por la directora de fotografía Halyna Hutchins, diciéndole que se aparte de su objetivo: "No quiero disparar hacia ti. Quiero disparar cerca de ti".

También se oye a una mujer pidiéndole a la gente que se aleje. No está claro si la voz es la de Hutchins o de la mujer encargada de las armas, Hannah Gutiérrez-Reed.

Las tomas, obtenidas por NBC News, fueron filmadas apenas unos días antes de que Baldwin disparara sin saber una bala real que alcanzó y mató a Hutchins e hirió al director.

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Minutos después...

Baldwin fue acusado de homicidio involuntario, pero los cargos fueron retirados más tarde. El fiscal de Santa Fe está considerando volver a presentar uno o más cargos contra Baldwin.

Baldwin fue productor ejecutivo de la película, aunque la percepción general era que este título era una cuestión más de vanidad que de alguien que está a cargo de la producción día a día. Sin embargo, en las tomas falsas, Baldwin parece estar a cargo de la acción. Un momento después de que el director dice "corten", él dispara otro tiro.

Los fiscales han indicado que presentarán el caso, junto con nueva información, a un gran jurado que podría volver a acusar al actor.

Baldwin llegó a un acuerdo civil con la familia de Hutchins. Parte del acuerdo incluía la incorporación de su viudo, Matthew Hutchins, como productor ejecutivo.

Alec Baldwin New 'Rust' Outtakes Show Actor Warning Halyna Hutchins ... 'I Don't Want to Shoot Toward You'

NBC News

Alec Baldwin was calling the shots on the "Rust" set -- telling the woman he accidentally shot and killed to get out of the way while he fired a prop gun ... as seen in new video.

The actor is clearly taking charge of the set as he rehearses a scene, which requires him to fire his prop gun. At one point, he shows concern for director of photography Halyna Hutchins, telling her to go stand clear of his aim, saying, "I don't want to shoot toward you. I want to shoot close to you."

You hear a woman asking people to move away ... it's unclear if the voice is that of Hutchins or the armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed.

The outtakes -- obtained by NBC News -- were shot just days before Baldwin unknowingly fired a live round that hit and killed Hutchins and wounded the director.

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Baldwin was charged with involuntary manslaughter but the charges were later dropped. The Santa Fe D.A. is considering re-filing one or more charges against Baldwin.

Baldwin was an executive producer on the film -- although, the thought was it was more of a vanity title than someone who was in charge of day-to-day production. However, in the outtakes, Baldwin seems in charge of the action, at at one point after the director calls "cut," he fires another shot.

Prosecutors have indicated they will present the case, along with new information, to a grand jury ... which could reindict the actor.

Baldwin settled a civil suit with Hutchins' family. Part of the settlement included bringing her widower, Matthew Hutchins, on as executive producer.



Kevin Turen, famoso por producir programas de HBO como "Euphoria" y "El Ídolo", murió después de sufrir una emergencia médica mientras conducía por una autopista de California... TMZ ha indagado.

El padre del productor fallecido, Edward Turen, y un amigo cercano, Michael Heller, le dicen a TMZ que Kevin estaba llevando a su hijo de 10 años de edad a casa desde un torneo de tenis el domingo cuando ocurrió la tragedia.

Nos dicen que el Tesla de Kevin estaba en piloto automático cuando sufrió una emergencia médica y su hijo fue capaz de conducir el coche a un lado de la autopista antes de llamar al 911.

Kevin fue trasladado a un hospital... donde murió.

Mientras que el padre y el amigo de Kevin dicen que las drogas y el alcohol NO estaban involucrados, se nos dice que las autoridades todavía están tratando de determinar la causa oficial de la muerte y averiguar qué es exactamente lo que pasó.

Jay Penske, un amigo cercano de Kevin y el CEO de Penske Media Corporation, está recordando a Kevin como un hombre de familia.

Jay emitió un comunicado diciendo: "A pesar de sus muchos logros en Hollywood, la mayor pasión de Kevin era su familia y amigos. Estaba muy orgulloso de sus hijos. Él y su esposa, Evelina estaban decididos a que sus hijos crecieran con grandes valores y se aseguraron de que marcarán la diferencia en el mundo en general".

Kevin tenía 44 años.


'Euphoria' Producer Kevin Turen Died After Medical Emergency While Driving His Tesla

Kevin Turen, famous for producing HBO shows like "Euphoria" and "The Idol," died after suffering a medical emergency while driving down a California freeway ... TMZ has learned.

The late producer's father, Edward Turen, and close friend, Michael Heller, tell TMZ ... Kevin was driving his 10-year-old son home from a tennis tournament Sunday when the tragedy happened.

We're told Kevin's Tesla was on autopilot when he suffered a medical emergency, and his son was able to navigate the car over to the side of the freeway before calling 911.

Although he was rushed to a hospital, Kevin was eventually pronounced dead there.

While Kevin's father and friend say investigators have concluded drugs and alcohol were NOT involved, we're told authorities are still trying to determine an official cause of death.

Jay Penske, a close friend of Kevin's and CEO of Penske Media Corporation, remembers Kevin as a family man.

Jay released a statement saying ... "Despite his many achievements in Hollywood, Kevin's greatest passion was his family and friends. He was so proud of his children. He and his wife, Evelina, were resolved that their children grow up with great values and ensured they make a difference in the broader world."

Kevin was 44.



Facebook / Kelly Schissel

Una terrible tragedia azotó a un bote que transportaba pasajeros a la isla Blue Lagoon en las Bahamas. El bote comenzó a hundirse en aguas agitadas, cobrando finalmente la vida de una mujer norteamericana.

Las aterradoras imágenes capturadas por la cámara muestran a los pasajeros en pánico, intentando aferrarse a lo que sea para salvar sus vidas. El bote se inclinó peligrosamente a un lado.

un momento aterrador
Facebook / Kelly Schissel

En las terribles imágenes, se puede ver a los turistas sumergirse en el océano turbulento para alejarse del bote mientras se hunde. La policía informó la desaortunada muerte de una mujer de 75 años de edad oriunda de Colorado.

El nombre de la mujer no ha sido expuesto ni se conoce la causa exacta de su muerte.

En un TikTok compartido poco después del desastre, una turista estadounidense llamada Kelly Schissel se refirió a los acontecimientos, diciendo que cuando un miembro de la tripulación corrió a cubierta para conseguir un chaleco salvavidas se dieron cuenta de que algo estaba mal.

De hecho, los miembros de la tripulación estaban en tal histeria que no podían darle instrucciones a los pasajeros sobre qué hacer, pero Kelly dijo que todos se las arreglaron para ponerse sus chalecos salvavidas y pasar al nivel superior de la embarcación.

Cuando vieron a una persona saltar a las aguas agitadas, todos siguieron su ejemplo. Algunos lucharon por mantener la cabeza fuera del agua, incluso con sus chalecos salvavidas puestos.

Los barcos de rescate llegaron pronto para reunirlos a todos, con Kelly entrando al barco de un pescador que ¡acababa de pasar! Eso sí es estár en el lugar correcto en el momento adecuado.

aguas peligrosas
TikTok / @kellyswitz

Una vez en la Laguna Azul, Kelly dijo que tomó el asunto en sus propias manos, dirigiéndolos a todos a un pabellón cercano para hacer un recuento.

Al parecer, otros dos pasajeros fueron trasladados a un hospital para recibir tratamiento.

El barco de propiedad privada —parte de un paquete turístico para las líneas de cruceros que llegan a las Bahamas— zarpó de Paradise Island en Nassau a las 9:20 AM, cuando comenzó a encontrar olas inesperadas menos de dos horas más tarde.

Tourist Dies BAHAMAS BOAT EXCURSION SINKS ... Choppy Ordeal Caught On Camera!

Facebook / Kelly Schissel

Tragedy's struck as a ferry carrying cruise ship passengers to Blue Lagoon Island in the Bahamas began to sink in choppy waters ... ultimately claiming the life of an elderly American woman.

Terrifying footage caught on camera shows panic-stricken passengers clinging on to the two-decker for dear life on Tuesday as it perilously tilted to one side ... with some people appearing to have fallen to one side of the lopsided vessel.

Facebook / Kelly Schissel

In harrowing scenes, tourists were also seen plunging into the turbulent ocean to get away from the sinking ferry ... and police say that led to the death of a 75-year-old woman from Colorado.

The woman's name hasn't been released, nor has her cause of death.

In a TikTok shared soon after the disaster, fellow American tourist Kelly Schissel rehashed the events ... saying it was only when a bawling crew member ran up on deck for a life jacket they realized something was amiss.

In fact, crew members were in such hysterics that they couldn't instruct passengers on what to do -- but Kelly said they all managed to put on their life jackets and move to the boat's top level.

It was when they saw one person jump into the wavy waters, they all followed suit ... but some struggled to keep their heads above water even with their life jackets.

Rescue boats soon arrived to gather everyone to safety ... with Kelly getting into a fisherman's boat that just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

TikTok / @kellyswitz

Once at the Blue Lagoon, Kelly said she took matters into her own hands, directing everyone to a nearby pavilion for a head count.

Two other passengers were reportedly taken to a hospital to get treatment.

The privately-owned boat -- part of a tour operator's package for cruise lines docking in the Bahamas -- set sail from Paradise Island in Nassau at 9:20 AM when it started encountering unexpected waves less than 2 hours later.

Jennifer Aniston, David Schwimmer Break Silence On Matthew Perry ... Lisa Kudrow Too


11:37 AM PT -- Lisa Kudrow just posted her tribute to Matthew Perry, remembering their time on the "Friends" pilot and thanking him for the decade they spent working together on set.

In her social media post, Lisa says ... "Thank you for showing up at work when you weren't well and then, being completely brilliant. Thank you for the best 10 years a person gets to have."

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Lisa adds ... "Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for all I learned about GRACE and LOVE through knowing you. Thank you for the time I got to have with you, Matthew."

Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer are following their fellow "Friends" costars in honoring the death of their pal, Matthew Perry ... saying the loss is one that cuts incredibly deep.

The 2 shared their emotional thoughts on Instagram Wednesday morning -- Jennifer says she's been experiencing an "insane wave of emotions" since losing her friend ... adding, "We loved him deeply. He was such a part of our DNA."

She says Matthew loved making others laugh, and shared a screenshot from a conversation they had over text ... in which Matthew sent Jennifer a throwback photo of them on set, with her laughing while they talked -- writing to her, "Making you laugh just made my day."

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Jennifer ends her post, saying "I love you so much and I know you are now completely at peace and out of any pain. I talk to you every day… sometimes I can almost hear you saying 'could you BE any crazier?' Rest little brother. You always made my day ..."

David shared similar thoughts about the late actor -- writing, "You had heart. Which you were generous with, and shared with us, so we could create a family out of six strangers."

He says Matthew's comedic timing and delivery were unmatched ... claiming he could bend a simple line of dialogue and turn it into "something so entirely original and unexpectedly funny it still astonishes."

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As we reported, Courteney Cox opened up about Matthew on Tuesday, saying she's "grateful for every moment I had with you Matty and I miss you every day."

Matt LeBlanc did much of the same ... writing, "It was an honor to share the stage with you and to call you my friend. I will always smile when I think of you and I'll never forget you. Never."

The entire "Friends" gang was in attendance at Matthew's funeral service earlier this month ... saying goodbye to one of their closest people.

We discussed Matthew's legacy on a recent episode of Last Days, available on all podcast platforms.


Originally Published -- 7:34 AM PT

JENNIFER ANISTON, DAVID SCHWIMMER Rompen el silencio sobre Matthew Perry ... Lisa Kudrow también


11:37 AM PT -- Lisa Kudrow acaba de publicar su homenaje personal a Matthew Perry, recordando su tiempo en el piloto de "Friends" y dándole las gracias por la década que pasaron trabajando juntos en el set.

En su post, Lisa dice: "Gracias por aparecer en el trabajo cuando no estabas bien y luego, ser completamente brillante. Gracias por los mejores 10 años que una persona puede tener".

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Añade: "Gracias por confiar en mí. Gracias por todo lo que aprendí sobre la GRACIA y el AMOR al conocerte. Gracias por el tiempo que pude pasar contigo, Matthew".

Jennifer Aniston y David Schwimmer están siguiendo a sus compañeros de "Friends". Los actores también están rindiendo homenaje a su amigo Matthew Perry, diciendo que su pérdida es una que duele profundamente.

Los dos compartieron sus emotivos pensamientos en Instagram el miércoles. Jennifer dice que ha estado viviendo una "ola de emociones" desde la pérdida de su amigo y agregó: "Lo amábamos profundamente. Él era una parte de nuestro ADN".

Dice que Matthew amaba hacer reír a los demás y compartió una captura de pantalla de una conversación que tuvieron por mensaje de texto, en la que Matthew le envió una foto de ellos en el set, escribiéndole: "Hacerte reír, simplemente me hizo el día."

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Jennifer termina su post, diciendo: "Te amo tanto y sé que ahora estás completamente en paz y fuera de cualquier dolor. Hablo contigo todos los días, a veces casi puedo oírte decir '¿podrías ESTAR más loca?". Descansa hermanito. Siempre me alegraste el día..."

David compartió pensamientos similares. Dice: "Tenías corazón. Con el que fuiste generoso y compartiste con nosotros para que pudiéramos crear una familia de seis extraños".

Dice que su talento para la comedia y su entrega eran inigualables, afirmando que podía tomar una simple línea de diálogo y convertirla en "algo completamente original e inesperadamente divertido que todavía asombra".

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Como informamos, Courteney Cox se abrió sobre Matthew el martes, diciendo que está "agradecida por cada momento que tuvo" con Matty y que "lo extraña todos los días".

Matt LeBlanc hizo lo mismo, escribiendo: "Fue un honor compartir el escenario contigo y llamarte mi amigo. Siempre sonreiré cuando piense en ti y nunca te olvidaré. Nunca".

Toda la pandilla de "Friends" estuvo presente en el funeral de Matthew a principios de este mes para despedir a uno de sus seres más queridos.

Travis Scott Habla sobre el "devastador" caos de Astroworld Siempre pienso en ello...

Travis Scott se está abriendo sobre la tragedia del Festival Astroworld en 2021, la que dejó a diez muertos y cientos de heridos. Asegura que nunca olvidará esa "devastadora" noche.

El rapero compartió sus pensamientos sobre el horrible incidente en una entrevista con GQ diciendo: "Ese momento para las familias, para la ciudad, ya sabes, fue devastador".

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Caos en el concierto

"Siempre pienso en ello. Esos fans eran como mi familia. Ya sabes, amo a mis fans ... Lo sientes por esa gente. Y sus familias", dijo.

También le preguntaron si las pistas que hizo en el estudio tras la tragedia en Houston, Texas, reflejan sus pensamientos sobre el terrible suceso. Él parece pensar que sí, diciendo que su música siempre trata sobre las cosas que ocurren en su vida.

Travis Scott dice que volver a la música después de Astroworld fue "terapéutico" y que fue "capaz de canalizar parte de la energía en la producción y los sonidos y terminarlos".

Como ustedes saben, Travis lanzó su álbum Utopía en julio, marcando el primer álbum que lanza el rapero desde su gira Astroworld. En una de las pistas llamada "My Eyes" se sumerge profundamente en su perspectiva del horrible evento.

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Navegando entre la multitud

Dice que esta representa "las cosas con las que trata en el día a día, y el hecho de cómo podría ser malinterpretado, y las luchas de la vida y todos los aspectos de la vida. El peso constante que se pone".

Travis Scott Speaks On 'Devastating' Astroworld Chaos ... 'Always Think About It'

Travis Scott is opening up about the Astroworld Festival tragedy back in 2021, which left 10 dead and hundreds injured ... he says that "devastating" night is one he'll never forget.

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The rapper broke down his thoughts about the horrific incident in an interview with GQ -- saying, "That moment for families, for the city, you know, it was devastating."

It's always on his mind, too ... saying, “I always think about it. Those fans were like my family. You know, I love my fans ... You just feel for those people. And their families.”


He was asked if the tracks he made in the studio after the horrors in Houston, Texas reflected his thoughts about the tragic event ... he appears to think so, saying his music is always about dialing in on things that happen in his life.

TS says getting back into music after Astroworld was "therapeutic" -- adding he was "able to channel some of the energy into production and sounds and finishing it.”

As you know, Travis dropped his album, Utopia, in July, marking the first album he released since his Astroworld tour ... and one of the tracks on it -- "My Eyes" -- dives deep into his perspective of the horrific event.

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He says it represents "the things I deal with on a day-to-day basis and the fact of how it could be misunderstood and the struggles of life and all aspects of life. The constant weight that’s put on."

Estrella de "Extreme Weight Loss" Brandi Mallory muere a los 40

Brandi Mallory, ex participante del programa de televisión "Extreme Weight Loss" ha muerto en Georgia.

Mallory falleció en Atlanta el 9 de noviembre, según la Oficina del Médico Forense del Condado de Fulton.  No se ha revelado la causa de su muerte.

La ex estrella de realities hizo su aparición en 2014 en la cuarta temporada de la serie de ABC. En una entrevista de 2018 reveló por qué se unió a "Extreme Weight Loss".

Mallory le dijo al periodista que estaba motivada por perder kilos después de que su compañera de hermandad, que también tenía sobrepeso, muriera a los 29 años.

Dijo que también se le pasó por la mente que podía morir si no hacía algo con sus 329 libras.

La maquilladora dijo que fue a un casting para "The Biggest Loser", pero fue rechazada, sin embargo, los productores la ayudaron a ganar un lugar en "Extreme Weight Loss".

El programa mostraba el viaje que atravesaban diversas personas con obesidad por perder peso, siguiendo una dieta saludable y una rutina de ejercicios.

Mallory tenía 40 años.

Que en paz descanse.

'Extreme Weight Loss' Star Brandi Mallory Dead At 40

Brandi Mallory -- a former cast member on the TV show "Extreme Weight Loss" -- has died in Georgia.

Mallory passed away in Atlanta on November 9, according to the Fulton County Medical Examiner's Office.  Her cause of death has not been disclosed.

The ex-reality star made her 2014 appearance on season 4 of the ABC series. She revealed why she joined "Extreme Weight Loss" during a 2018 interview uploaded to YouTube.

Mallory told a journalist she was motivated to shed pounds after her overweight sorority sister died at age 29.

She said it played on her mind that she could die too if she didn't do something about her 329-pound frame.

The makeup artist said she went on a casting call for "The Biggest Loser," but was rejected, yet the producers helped her win a spot on "Extreme Weight Loss."

That show featured obese people on their journey to shed weight with a healthy diet and workout routine.

Mallory was 40.


Jonathan Lewis Death 8 Arrested in Vegas Teen's Fatal Beating

Eight high school students in Las Vegas are facing murder charges after being arrested in connection with the fatal beating of fellow student Jonathan Lewis.

The 17-year-old died earlier this month as a result of blunt force trauma injuries suffered in a beatdown near Rancho High School ... and the Clark County coroner's office listed the manner of death as a homicide, leading to a slew of arrests.

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Cops in Sin City announced Tuesday all 8 arrested are between the ages of 13 and 17 ... and they're students at Rancho High.

With the assistance of the FBI, cops took all 8 students into custody Tuesday morning ... and law enforcement is still working to identify 2 more teens believed to be involved in the fatal beatdown.

The incident happened Nov. 1 after school let out, and video shows Jonathan getting beaten by a bunch of students. Police say the fight started over stolen wireless headphones and possibly a stolen vape pen ... with everyone agreeing to meet in an alley and fight over it.

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While the video appears to show Jonathan, who is white, getting swarmed by mostly Black kids ... cops say the incident is not being considered a hate crime -- but note the beating was "void of humanity."

Because the students are minors, police are not releasing their names ... though they will be prosecuted as adults.