Selena Gomez Says She's Deleting Her Instagram ... After Taking Heat For Israel-Palestine Post

Selena Gomez says she needs a break from Instagram and is going to delete her account ... after being blasted for her comments about the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Selena posted and then deleted an IG story Thursday where she revealed her plans to get off IG, explaining ... "I'm done. I do not support any of what's going on."

The decision came only days after Selena posted about the Gaza war and then got dragged.


As we reported ... Selena spoke out Monday about the war in the Middle East, condemning murder and torture and saying, "That's what makes me sick. I wish I could change the world. But a post won't."

Selena's Israel-Palestine post was met with tons of hate online ... with folks accusing her of not doing all she can to help those in need, dragging her for trying to be a victim and blasting her for claiming her platform was useless.

As we've reported ... other celebs have faced backlash for their takes on the ongoing conflict ... former adult film star Mia Khalifa lost her gig with Playboy after defending Hamas, and the entire Hadid family is getting death threats.

But, Selena seems to be the only one threatening to delete her account.

'Mushroom Murders' Woman Allegedly Poisoned Ex-Husband's Family ... With Death Cap Mushrooms

An Australian woman accused of poisoning her ex-husband's family with death cap mushrooms has been charged with murder ... after officials say her deadly meal killed three of the four people who ate it.

According to reports, Erin Patterson hosted the ill-fated lunch July 29 at her home in Victoria, Australia ... serving a beef Wellington dish she cooked, which is alleged to have contained deadly death cap mushrooms.

Patterson allegedly served the poisonous food to her ex-husband's parents, sister and brother-in-law ... three of them died within a week of the lunch from symptoms police say are consistent with mushroom poisoning.

Meanwhile, the ex-husband's dad was hospitalized for nearly two months with a severe illness.

On Thursday, over three months after the meal in question, Patterson was charged with three counts of murder. She was arrested Wednesday, and on Friday she's expected to appear in an Australian court.

Death cap mushroom is one of the deadliest varieties of mushroom ... and it's found in Victoria, where Patterson lives and where she served the food.

For her part, Patterson has denied any foul play ... she told cops she prepared the beef Wellington dish using fresh mushrooms from a local supermarket and dried mushrooms from an Asian grocery store in Melbourne, about 85 miles from her home.

Patterson claims she also ate the dish and served it to her two kids the next day ... though she says her kids did not want the mushrooms and she scraped them off their plates. She claims she was hospitalized after eating the dish too, with diarrhea and stomach pains.

Steve Alford, Ex-Indiana Star Mourns Bob Knight ... 'Mentor & Father Figure'


"I think people don't get to see how caring he was, how loving he was. He loved his players. he loved his team. He loved his school. And he was always giving back."

That's former Indiana University star turned college basketball head coach Steve Alford joining Babcock on the TMZ Sports TV show (airs weeknights on FS1) ... opening up on the death of his coach and longtime friend, Bob Knight.

Alford played for the legendary figure in Bloomington between 1983 and 1987 ... winning an NCAA National Championship as a senior. Steve averaged 19.5 points per game over his standout college career and graduated as Indiana's all-time leading scorer (Calbert Cheaney later surpassed SA atop the list).

Knight's accomplishments on the court are nearly unmatched ... he led his team to 3 National Championships, 5 Final Fours, and 11 Big Ten titles. He was named the AP Coach of the Year 3 times, and Big Ten COY 8 times. He was also inducted into both the Basketball and College Basketball Hall of Fame. Coach Knight won 902 games over 42 seasons.

For all his accolades, Alford says Bobby did just as much for the players away from the hardwood.

"[Coach Knight] was a mentor, he was a father figure. He taught us about life as much as he did about playing the game of basketball, which was immense. He was as good as it got on the court," Alford said.

Steve also told the story of Bobby's recruitment of him ... when he was Indiana's Mr. Basketball in high school in 1983.

"When he made his home visit to our home in Newcastle, he only gave me 4 promises," Alford told us.

"He said 'you'll play with great teammates.' I have incredible teammates. 'You'll play for championships.' That happened, both conferences and nationally. 'You're gonna get your degree.' That happened in 4 years, and 'you're gonna have a friend for life.' Those were the promises coach made."

Knight (as well as Steve's dad, who was a coach) left a huge impression on him ... so much so Alford obviously because a head coach, too. Alford, who was previously the head coach at UCLA, is now the HC at Nevada.

The General's family announced the sad news Tuesday afternoon.

"It is with heavy hearts that we share that Coach Bob Knight passed away at his home in Bloomington surrounded by family. We are grateful for all the thoughts and prayers and appreciate the continued respect for our privacy as Coach requested a private family gathering, which is being honored."

Check out the full interview with Coach Alford ... and R.I.P. to a legend.

Surfer Israel Barona Olympic Hopeful Dead At 34 ... After Seizures In Hotel Room

Israel Barona, a surfing star in Ecuador and Olympic hopeful, passed away following a medical emergency in his hotel room in Central America this week.

He was only 34.

The National Civil Police (PNC) reported the death of Barona on Tuesday, announcing the young surfer suffered seizures in his hotel in El Zonte, La Libertad.

"He was taken to a hospital, however he was already deceased," PNC said on X.

"Homicide is ruled out" ... indicating there was no foul play.

The Ecuadorian Olympic Committee confirmed the sad news, saying the surf champ was in El Salvador for a competition when he died.

"The Olympic Movement extends its heartfelt condolences to the Barona Matute family, following the death of the great athlete of Team Ecuador Surf, Israel Barona Matute," the committee said on Tuesday.

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"Rest in peace, champion."

Barona's surfing career started when he was 10 years old ... and he won several national championships. He repped Ecuador at the World Surfing and Bolivarian Games.

Israel also coached the sport with his sister Dominic Barona who is one of the best female surfers in Latin America.

Fans and fellow surfers paid tribute to Barona on social media, including Rafael Romero who called him "a great friend and mentor of the ocean ❤️."


Surfista Israel Barona Promesa olímpica muere a los 34 ... Tras sufrir convulsiones en habitación de hotel

Israel Barona, estrella del surf en Ecuador y aspirante olímpico, falleció tras una emergencia médica en su habitación de hotel en Centroamérica esta semana.

Solo tenía 34 años.

La Policía Nacional Civil (PNC) informó de la muerte de Barona el martes, anunciando que el joven surfista sufrió convulsiones en su hotel en El Zonte, El Salvador.

"Fue trasladado a un hospital; sin embargo, ya había fallecido", dijo la policía en X.

"Se descarta homicidio", indicando que no hubo juego sucio.

El Comité Olímpico Ecuatoriano confirmó la triste noticia, diciendo que el campeón de surf estaba en El Salvador para una competencia cuando murió.

"El Movimiento Olímpico extiende sus más sentidas condolencias a la familia Barona Matute, tras el fallecimiento del gran deportista del Team Ecuador Surf, Israel Barona Matute", dijo el comité el martes.

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"Descansa en paz, campeón".

La carrera de Barona en el surf empezó cuando tenía 10 años y ganó varios campeonatos nacionales. Representó a Ecuador en el Mundial de Surf y en los Juegos Bolivarianos.

Israel también fue entrenador de este deporte junto a su hermana Dominic Barona, quien es una de las mejores surfistas femeninas de Latinoamérica.

Fanáticos y compañeros surfistas rindieron homenaje al deportista en las redes sociales, entre ellos Rafael Romero, quien lo llamó "un gran amigo y mentor del océano ❤️."

Que descanse en paz.

Tupac Shakur Presunto asesino Keefe D en el tribunal para lectura de cargos

Duane "Keefe D" Davis, el hombre presuntamente responsable del asesinato de Tupac Shakur hace más de 25 años, finalmente tuvo su día en la corte después de dos retrasos.

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Keefe D estuvo presente y esposado el jueves por la mañana en un tribunal del Condado de Clark, en Las Vegas, para hacer frente a su cargo de asesinato, del cual se declaró no culpable después de que le designaran a un defensor público.

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Como informamos, el sospechoso de 60 años de edad se presentó por primera vez en la corte a principios de octubre, pero su abogado nunca apareció retrasando la lectura de cargos un par de semanas. La segunda audiencia se retrasó por el mismo motivo.

Después de la audiencia inicial, el fiscal del distrito Steve Wolfson dijo que se esperaba que Keefe se declarara no culpable del cargo de asesinato con uso de un arma mortal.

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Captado durante un paseo

Recuerden, Keefe D fue detenido a fines de septiembre y las imágenes captadas en cámara lo muestran bastante calmado mientras es llevado a la parte trasera del carro policial.

Keefe había sido muy abierto en entrevistas sobre su participación en el asesinato de Tupac, lo que en última instancia llevó a los investigadores a reabrir el caso, que ya tiene 27 años.

Ryan Leaf Matthew Perry Helped My Sobriety ... He Was 'Instrumental'

The Straight Line / PointsBet

Ex-NFL quarterback Ryan Leaf believes he wouldn't be where he is today if it weren't for Matthew Perry ... crediting the late "Friends" star with playing a pivotal role in his sobriety.

Leaf -- who's approaching 12 years clean after battling drug and alcohol addiction in the past -- poured his heart out about his friend on his "Straight Line" podcast with PointsBet this week ... just days after 54-year-old Perry was found dead at his L.A.-area home.

The former No. 2-overall pick kicked off his tribute by stating Perry was "instrumental in my recovery" ... before going into detail about how the actor offered his support without hesitation over a decade ago.

"I got out of prison and when I got to Los Angeles, Matt put his arm around me immediately," Leaf said. "And he carried me for like, the first six months probably in Los Angeles, trying to learn how to be a sober person really in a public platform."

"I don't know if I’m here right now, being able to do stuff like this -- or anything -- if it weren’t for him, and him sharing his story and making me understand that you can be a guy in the public eye that everyone knows and still be sober, be humble and be about helping other people."

Leaf explained even as Perry dealt with his own drug, alcohol and mental health issues over the years, he didn't ever leave his side and continued to assist in the athlete's sobriety.

The 47-year-old said his takeaway from the tragedy is Perry was so much more than a TV star -- he was a guy who wanted to help others, and that's how he will remember him.

"There's a lot of people that I owe for the life I now have, get to live ... and he's certainly at the top of that," Leaf said.


"Matt, we'll miss you. I'll miss you. I hope you are finally at peace because I just don't know if you ever truly were."

Tupac Shakur Alleged Killer Keefe D In Court ... For Arraignment on Murder Charge

Duane "Keefe D" Davis, the man who's allegedly responsible for the murder of Tupac Shakur over 25 years ago finally got his day in court after 2 delays.

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Keefe D was present and in handcuffs Thursday morning at a Clark County courtroom in Las Vegas to face his murder charge ... he pled not guilty after being appointed a public defender.

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As we reported, the 60-year-old suspect first showed up in court at the beginning of October, but his lawyer never appeared ... delaying the arraignment a couple of weeks. The second hearing was again delayed for the same issue.

After the initial hearing, Clark County D.A. Steve Wolfson said Keefe was expected to plead not guilty to the charge of murder with the use of a deadly weapon.

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Remember, Keefe D was arrested near the end of September -- and the body cam footage of the arrest showed him acting pretty calmly while being put in the back of the cop car.

Keefe had been outspoken in interviews about being involved with Tupac's killing ... which played a big role in ultimately leading investigators to crack open the 27-year-old case.


Las recientes publicaciones de Matthew Perry en "Matman" antes de su muerte no eran una señal de que estuviera pidiendo ayuda, esto según la mujer con la que cenó el día antes de su fallecimiento.

Athenna Crosby, la morena misteriosa vista cenando con Matthew antes de morir, le dice a TMZ que la estrella de "Friends" estaba realmente en Batman - incluso llamándose a sí mismo "Matman" y su paseo en el Batmobile.

Era muy feliz

Ella dice que era un tipo juguetón durante los meses que lo conoció y los que piensan que sus comentarios de superhéroes en línea eran mensajes subliminales acerca de su seguridad están muy equivocados.

Athenna califica sus mensajes como los de un nerd y un fan apasionado de los superéroes.

de buen ánimo

Como informamos, la modelo de 25 años de edad y reportera de entretenimiento se juntó a cenar con Matthew el pasado viernes en el Hotel Bel-Air y dijo que estaba devastada al enterarse de su muerte solo un día después de verlo.

Athenna reafirma en lo que ya nos han dicho. Básicamente que el actor estaba muy optimista y de buen humor antes de su muerte e incluso tenía proyectos.

De hecho, Athenna nos dice que ha habido un montón de especulaciones en torno a la muerte de Matthew los días que falleció. Ella solo puede hablar de su experiencia y está segura de su muerte prematura fue un trágico accidente.

Para más información, consulta el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Matthew Perry 'Mattman' Posts Weren't Sign Of Struggle Despite Conspiracy Theory

There's a wild conspiracy theory floating around that Matthew Perry's recent "Mattman" posts before his death were a cry for help ... but the woman he dined with the day before he passed says that theory couldn't be further from the truth.

Athenna Crosby, the mystery brunette spotted grabbing a meal with Matthew before he died, tells TMZ ... the "Friends" star was really into Batman -- even calling himself "Mattman" and his ride the Batmobile.


She says he was a playful guy in the months that she knew him ... and the conspiracy theory he was pushing subliminal messages about his safety by using the superhero reference is way off.

Athenna playfully chalks the "Mattman" posts up to Perry being a nerd and says fans jumping on the conspiracy train are definitely getting carried away.


As we reported, the 25-year-old model and entertainment reporter grabbed a bite to eat with Matthew last Friday at the Hotel Bel-Air ... and said she was devastated to learn of his death just a day after seeing him.

Athenna doubles down on what we've been told already -- the actor was extremely optimistic and in great spirits leading up to his death ... and he even had projects lined up.

In fact, Athenna tells us there's been a lot of speculation surrounding Matthew's death in the days since he passed away ... and while she can only speak from her experience, she's certain his untimely death was a tragic accident.

For more check out the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Bob Knight Hall Of Fame Coach Dead At 83

Legendary college basketball coach Bob Knight has passed away, his family announced Wednesday. He was 83 years old.

"It is with heavy hearts that we share that Coach Bob Knight passed away at his home in Bloomington surrounded by his family," a statement by Knight's loved ones said. "We are grateful for all the thoughts and prayers, and appreciate the continued respect for our privacy as Coach requested a private family gathering, which is being honored."

"We will continue to celebrate his life and remember him, today and forever as a beloved Husband, Father, Coach, and Friend."

Knight -- AKA "The General" -- is one of the most successful coaches in NCAA history with 902 Division I wins ... leading the bench for three programs (Army, Indiana and Texas Tech) from 1963-2008.

Knight was a three-time champion as the Hoosiers' head coach ... winning it all in 1976, 1981 and 1987. He also went to the Final Four five times during his time in Bloomington.

Before becoming a coach, Knight played at Ohio State, where he helped the Buckeyes win a national championship in 1961.

At 24 years old, Knight took over at Army ... where he would coach future Duke Blue Devils legend Mike Krzyzewski. Coach K also served as Knight's assistant before going to Duke.

Knight became the Hoosiers' head coach in 1971 ... spending 29 seasons with the program, including 24 NCAA tournament appearances and 22 20-win seasons.

The Hoosiers went a perfect 32-0 en route to a national title in the 1976 season ... the most recent team to ever do so.

Knight also coached Team USA to an Olympic gold medal in 1984.

Knight -- known for his hot temper -- infamously got ejected during a game against Purdue in 1985 after getting angry over a foul call.

Knight's time in Bloomington ended in controversy -- after he was captured on video choking former player Neil Reed in 1997, the school implemented a zero-tolerance policy toward the coach ... and he was fired after student Kent Harvey accused Bobby of grabbing him by the arm for referring to him as "Knight."

Knight was hired as the Texas Tech head coach in 2001 ... where he would lead the Red Raiders to a Sweet 16 appearance in 2005.

He retired from Texas Tech in 2008 ... and his son, Pat, took the reins.

Knight coached several future NBA stars during his career ... including Isiah Thomas and Mike Woodson.

After retirement, Bobby worked for ESPN as an analyst until 2015.

Knight was inducted into the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame in 1991 ... and the College Basketball Hall of Fame in 2006.

Knight was hospitalized back in April with an "acute illness" ... and the Indiana program asked his supporters to pray for him.


Bob Knight legendario entrenador de baloncesto fallece a los 83 años

El legendario entrenador de baloncesto universitario Bob Knight ha fallecido, anunció su familia el miércoles. Tenía 83 años.

"Es con el corazón encogido que compartimos que el entrenador Bob Knight falleció en su casa de Bloomington rodeado de su familia", decía un comunicado de los seres queridos de Knight. "Estamos agradecidos por todos los pensamientos y oraciones, y apreciamos el continuo respeto a nuestra privacidad, ya que el Coach solicitó una reunión familiar privada, la cual está siendo honrada".

"Seguiremos celebrando su vida y recordándole, hoy y siempre como un querido Esposo, Padre, Entrenador y Amigo".

Knight  —AKA "The General"— es uno de los entrenadores más exitosos en la historia de la NCAA con 902 victorias en la División I, liderando el banquillo de tres programas (Army, Indiana y Texas Tech) de 1963-2008.

Knight fue tres veces campeón como entrenador jefe de los Hoosiers, ganándolo todo en 1976, 1981 y 1987. También fue a la Final Four cinco veces durante su tiempo en Bloomington.

Antes de convertirse en entrenador, Knight jugó en Ohio State, donde ayudó a los Buckeyes a ganar un campeonato nacional en 1961.

A los 24 años, Knight se hizo cargo del Arm, donde entrenaría a la futura leyenda de los Blue Devils de Duke, Mike Krzyzewski. El entrenador K también sirvió como asistente de Knight antes de ir a Duke.

Knight se convirtió en el entrenador en jefe de los Hoosiers en 1971, pasando 29, incluyendo 24 apariciones en el torneo de la NCAA y 22 temporadas de 20 victorias.

Los Hoosiers lograron un perfecto 32-0 en su camino hacia el título nacional en la temporada de 1976, el equipo más reciente en lograrlo.

Knight también entrenó al equipo de Estados Unidos que ganó la medalla de oro olímpica en 1984.

Knight, conocido por su temperamento, fue expulsado durante un partido contra Purdue en 1985 tras enfadarse por una falta.

El tiempo de Knight en Bloomington terminó en controversia luego de que fue capturado en video estrangulando al ex jugador Neil Reed en 1997, la escuela implementó una política de tolerancia cero hacia el entrenador y fue despedido después de que el estudiante Kent Harvey acusó a Bobby de agarrarlo por el brazo por referirse a él como "Knight".

Knight fue contratado como entrenador en jefe de Texas Tech en 2001, donde llevaría a los Red Raiders a una aparición Sweet 16 en 2005.

Se retiró de Texas Tech en 2008 y su hijo, Pat, tomó las riendas.

Knight entrenó a varias futuras estrellas de la NBA durante su carrera, incluyendo Isiah Thomas y Mike Woodson.

Tras su retirada, Bobby trabajó para ESPN como analista hasta 2015.

Knight fue incluido en el Salón de la Fama del Baloncesto en 1991 y en el Salón de la Fama del Baloncesto Universitario en 2006.

Knight fue hospitalizado en abril con una "enfermedad aguda" y el programa de Indiana pidió a sus seguidores que rezaran por él.


JUSTIN TRUDEAU Slammed FOR SON'S 'BEHEADED' COSTUME 'Tone Deaf' Amid Israel & Palestine Conflict

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has come under fire for his son's "insensitive" headless Halloween costume ... with followers pointing out how tone-deaf the PM is given the situation in the Middle East.

In snaps shared to Instagram Tuesday, the PM gleefully posed with his nine-year-old son Hadrien, whose head pops out of his black robe to give the illusion of him carrying his own severed head in his hands.

Justin joked about nothing stopping Hadrien from trick-or-treating, even though he "seems to have misplaced something," -- but users on the platform argue it's Justin whose forgotten something -- that a few weeks back, babies and others were beheaded.

Political commentator Tyler Popp labeled Justin's post as "tone-deaf," while Toronto-based Saba Khan, who runs the page @fictionallyflawless, said online that her "heart says this is the most tone deaf thing he can do at a time when children are getting their heads blown off in Palestine."

Others branded Justin's Halloween snaps as "disgusting, insensitive and disrespectful" as well as "mightily inappropriate" and "callousness is beyond belief."

Some folks weren't as disapproving ... criticizing those who turned Hadrien's Halloween costume into something political.

This isn't the first time Justin has come under fire for an insensitive costume. We all remember his apology tour in 2019 when snaps emerged of him sporting a darkened complexion in an Aladdin costume back in 2001.

Maybe he should sit Halloween out next year.

OFFSET & QUAVO Riden tributo a Takeoff en el aniversario de su muerte

Offset y Quavo están honrando a su hermano caído de Migos, Takeoff, en el primer aniversario de su muerte, compartiendo una mirada retrospectiva de sus mejores días juntos.

Offset publicó sobre Takeoff el miércoles, justo a un año de que le dispararan afuera de un bowling en Houston. Él escribió: "Los tiempos que pasamos no tienen precio, lo que construimos en este juego, nunca quisieron darnos las flores que influimos en el mundo."

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Junto con el conmovedor video, Offset agregó: "Te amo Take, sigues aquí con nosotros, estoy seguro que sí!!!! Migo 4Life!!!!!!"

Quavo también honró a su difunto compañero de banda y pariente, con una foto de Takeoff y el comentario "No puedo olvidarlo, no lo olvidaré, NUNCA lo olvidaré 🚀♾️ ¡Recuerdo!"

También ha compartido obras de arte suyas en sus historias de Instagram.

Recuerden, el presunto asesino de Takeoff, Patrick Xavier Clark, fue acusado de asesinato en mayo. Su juicio aún no comienza, pero él ya se ha declarado inocente y está programado que regrese al tribunal en enero.

Offset & Quavo Paying Tribute To Takeoff On Anniversary of Death

Offset and Quavo are honoring their fallen Migos brother, Takeoff, on the one-year anniversary of his fatal shooting ... sharing a look back at their better days together.

Offset posted about Takeoff Wednesday, which marks a year since he was shot outside a bowling alley in Houston. He wrote, "The times we spent is priceless what we built in this game they never wanted to give us our flowers we influenced the world."

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Along with the touching video, Offset added, "I Love you Take you still here with us I just know you are!!!! Migo 4Life!!!!!!"

Quavo also honored his late bandmate and relative -- sharing a pic of Takeoff with the caption, "Can’t forget it won’t Forget It NEVER Forget it 🚀♾️ I Remember!"

He's also been reposting artwork of the guy on his IG story.

Remember, Takeoff's alleged killer -- Patrick Xavier Clark -- was indicted for murder back in May. His trial hasn't started yet, but he's pled not guilty ... and is scheduled to be back in court in January.

MATTHEW PERRY mujer misteriosa da declaraciones "estaba feliz y vibrante"

La mujer con la que Matthew Perry fue visto por última vez en público ha sido identificada y ella dice que el difunto actor estaba de buen humor durante su charla el día antes de fallecer.

Athenna Crosby, una modelo de 25 años y reportera de entretenimiento, se ha presentado como la morena misteriosa con la que Matthew salió el pasado viernes en el Hotel Bel-Air, revelando que "tuvo el honor de conocer a Matthew personalmente".

Athenna escribe: "Estoy tan devastada por su muerte, pero sentí que era de mal gusto hablar de ello públicamente ya que la atención no debe estar en mí, sino más bien en él y su legado. Él era una persona extremadamente reservada y siempre respeté eso en nuestra amistad".

Ella dice que Matthew estaba de "muy buen humor" cuando cenaron juntos, añadiendo que habló con ella "con entusiasmo sobre las cosas que tenía por delante en su vida. Estaba tan feliz y vibrante".

Mientras que algunos pueden especular que esta cita fue romántica, Athenna nos asegura que no lo fue, diciéndole a TMZ que solo eran amigos y se conocieron a través de un amigo en común hace unos meses.

Ella también nos dice Matthew fue muy positivo durante la charla, emocionado de perder peso y con ganas de dirigirse a la cancha de pickleball el sábado. Como ustedes saben, fue encontrado sin respuesta en su jacuzzi después de pasar horas en la cancha.

Athenna compartió un vistazo a la copia firmada que tiene de las memorias de Matthew, "Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing", en la que él la llamó "la chica número 1".