Northwestern State Football Season Canceled, Coach Resigns After Player's Tragic Death

Northwestern State University has canceled its football team's season following a player's tragic death.

The school announced the move on Thursday ... just 14 days after junior safety Ronnie Caldwell was shot and killed near NSU's campus in Louisiana.

The university said in a statement "the mental health and wellbeing of its student-athletes" was the "primary reason" for the decision.

"While our instinct was to return to the field of play following [Caldwell's] death," NSU President Dr. Marcus Jones said, "we've since learned that the hurt on our team was too deep. Now it is in the best interest of our players, coaches, and staff to pause and to take this time to mourn, to heal, and to support Ronnie's family."

The team canceled its Oct. 14 game against Nicholls State immediately after Caldwell's death, but it suited up for its game against Southeastern Louisiana a week later. It lost the contest, 37-20, but players and coaches all honored Caldwell during the matchup.

The team had four more games remaining on its schedule before Thursday's decision to forego the rest of the year was made.

Meanwhile, NSU head coach Brad Laird revealed he was resigning from his position after holding it for the past six years ... saying he was heartbroken over Caldwell's passing.

"Due to the loss of Ronnie and the emotional burden it has caused me, I don't feel I can give my all to these players or this program," Laird said. "Any coach will tell you that their players become like family, so the loss of Ronnie was like losing a son. I love this program and this university and I know it will persevere and move forward with the competitive spirit that is at the core of our DNA."

Caldwell had appeared in 11 games last season for NSU, but hadn't suited up this season due to a preseason injury.

He was just 21 years old.

Pete Davidson and John Mulaney Postpone Comedy Gigs In Maine ... 'Devastated' By Mass Shooting

Pete Davidson and John Mulaney are pushing back the dates for their upcoming shows in Maine as residents deal with the fallout from a mass shooting.

The comedians just announced they are postponing their scheduled weekend shows in Bangor and Portland, roughly 30 miles from where Wednesday's deadly shooting took place.

In a statement on social media, John and Pete say they are "devastated" by the incident and "We are thinking of you all."

As you know ... a gunman went on a shooting rampage Wednesday night at a bowling alley and bar in Lewiston, Maine ... 18 people are dead and 13 more are injured.


The suspected shooter, Robert Card, is still on the loose ... and there's an ever-expanding manhunt.


Meanwhile, residents are being asked to shelter in place as law enforcement tries to find Card.

Folks are applauding Pete and John for postponing the shows ... and there's been no word on a rescheduled date.


Pete Davidson y John Mulaney están posponiendo las fechas de sus próximos espectáculos en Maine, ya que los residentes se están ocupando de las secuelas de un tiroteo masivo.

Los comediantes acaban de anunciar que están posponiendo sus shows programados para el fin de semana en Bangor y Portland, aproximadamente a 30 millas de donde tuvo lugar el tiroteo mortal del miércoles.

En un comunicado en las redes sociales de John y Pete dicen que están "devastados" por el incidente y "Estamos pensando en todos ustedes".

Como ustedes ya saben; un hombre armado fue el infame autor de un tiroteo la noche del miércoles en local de bolos y un bar en Lewiston, Maine. 18 personas han muerto y 13 resultaron heridas.

si ven algo por favor háganlo saber

El presunto tirador, Robert Card, sigue suelto y hay una persecución cada vez mayor.

buscando donde esconderse

Mientras tanto, a los residentes se les pide que se refugien en el lugar mientras las fuerzas del orden tratan de encontrar a Card.

La gente está aplaudiendo a Pete y John por posponer los espectáculos y no ha habido ninguna palabra sobre una fecha reprogramada.

Maine Mass Shooting Gunman Opens Fire At Bowling Alley & Bar ... 18 Dead, 13 Injured


10/26 -- 7:45 AM PT -- Officials just held another press conference, revealing 18 people were killed in Wednesday night's shooting and 13 were injured. 7 (1F, 6M) of the deceased were killed at the Just-In-Time Recreation Center, 8 (8M) were killed at Schemengees Bar and Grille ... and 3 people transferred to the hospital died.


8:35 PM PT -- Cops just provided an update, saying the person of interest is 40-year-old Robert Card. Residents are advised to shelter in place, as he's still on the loose.

7:31 PM PT -- Reports now say at least 20 are dead ... and the suspect is still on the loose, allegedly seen driving a white Subaru.

A gunman went on a deadly shooting rampage at a bowling alley in Maine, killing at least 16 and injuring dozens more ... and the suspect is still on the loose.

The mass shooting went down Wednesday night in Lewiston, Maine ... and there are also reports of shots being fired at two other locations ... a local bar and a Walmart.

Maine State Police says it's an active shooter situation ... and folks are being asked to shelter in place.

There are images of a gunman in the bowling alley ... and he appears to be armed with an assault rifle.

Cops are also looking for a car believed to belong to the gunman.

Lewiston is the second largest city in Maine ... it's roughly 30 miles north of Portland.

Originally Published -- 10/25 6:47 PM PT

Tiroteo masivo en Maine Hombre armado abre fuego en un bowling... 18 muertos y 13 heridos


26/10 -- 7:45 AM PT -- Las autoridades acaban de dar otra conferencia de prensa, revelando que 18 personas murieron en el tiroteo del miércoles por la noche y 13 resultaron heridas.

Si ven algo, repórtenlo

8:35 PM PT -- La policía acaba de proporcionar una actualización, diciendo que la persona de interés es Robert Card y tiene 40 años de edad. También ha aconsejado a los residentes que se refugien en sus lugares, mientras el sospechoso sigue suelto.

7:31 PM PST -- Los informes dicen ahora que al menos 20 personas han muerto, y el sospechoso sigue suelto. Fue visto supuestamente conduciendo un Subaru blanco.

Un hombre armado inició un tiroteo mortal en un bowling en Maine, causando la muerte de al menos 16 personas e hiriendo a decenas más, y el sospechoso sigue suelto.

El tiroteo masivo se llevó a cabo la noche del miércoles en Lewiston, Maine, y también hay informes de disparos en otros dos lugares: un bar local y un Walmart.

La policía del estado de Maine dice que el estatus del tirador sigue activo y se le ha pedido  a la gente que se refugie en el lugar.

Hay imágenes de un hombre armado en el bowling, al parecer con un rifle de asalto.

Los policías también están buscando un carro que se cree que pertenece al sospechoso.

Lewiston es la segunda ciudad más grande de Maine y se ubica aproximadamente a 30 millas al norte de Portland.

Publicado originalmente -- 6:47 PM PT

Death Row Records OG Diamond Pendants 💎 Could Fetch $1M in Auction!!!

A pair of diamond-encrusted Death Row pendants Tupac Shakur and Snoop Dogg once dangled around their necks are going up on the auction block ... along with other hip hop treasures tied to Suge Knight's old empire. tells TMZ Hip Hop ... the consigner got their hands on the latest round of rap memorabilia from Reggie Wright Jr. -- the former head of Death Row security -- who's been sharing his recollection of the label's heyday for years.

We're told Suge commissioned separate sets of Death Row chains that he would loan to his artists -- the 14kt "Fully Iced" pendant was reserved for the big dogs like Pac and Snoop, and is expected to go for somewhere between $500K and $1 million. Some partial diamond pendants are estimated to go for $200K - $500K.

Tupac's 1996 SNL performance envelope and personalized ticket are also up on the auction block with an estimated value between $8K and $12K.

The online bidding starts today and will end November 10 in conjunction with Gotta Have Rock and Roll's celebration of hip hop's 50-year history.


Death Row Records' revival has been all the rage this year.

Snoop bought the label last year and Suge's been sharing his version of events with TMZ Hip Hop ... and will do even more on his 'Collect Call' podcast at the end of the month.

DEATH ROW RECORDS Colgantes de diamantes del sello OG 💎 A la venta

Un par de colgantes de Death Row con diamantes incrustados que alguna vez usó Tupac Shakur y Snoop Dogg están ahora en subasta, además de otros tesoros de el imperio creado por Suge Knight. le dice a TMZ Hip Hop que el consignador tiene en sus manos la última ronda de recuerdos de rap de Reggie White Jr, el ex jefe de seguridad de Death Row que ha estado intercambiando sus recuerdos desde hace años.

Nos dicen que Suge encargó conjuntos separados de cadenas de Death Row que prestaría a los artistas. El colgante 14kt "Fully Iced" estaba reservado para los grandes como Pac y Snoop y se espera que se venda entre los $500K y $1M mientras que los colgantes de diamantes parciales entre $200K y $500K.

El sobre de la actuación de Tupac en el SNL de 1996 y la entrada personalizada también salen a subasta con un valor estimado de entre 8.000 y 12.000 dólares.

La subasta comienza hoy y finalizará el 10 de noviembre, coincidiendo con la celebración de los 50 años de historia del hip hop por parte de GHRock.

uniendo los cabos sueltos

El renacimiento de Death Row Records ha estado de moda este año. Snoop compró el sello el año pasado y Suge ha estado compartiendo su versión de los hechos con TMZ Hip Hop y hará aún más en su podcast 'Collect Call' a finales de mes.

Adolescentes acusados Se ríen y sonríen a la familia de la víctima en la corte Tras presunto asesinato de un jefe de policía

Causando Lío en el tribunal

Los adolescentes acusados de atropellar y causarle la muerte a un jefe de policía retirado con un carro robado se rieron en la corte este martes, le sonrieron a la familia e incluso le exhibieron el dedo del medio cuando se estaban yendo del tribunal.

Jesús Ayala, de 18 años, y Jzamir Keys, de 16, aparecieron para una audiencia por la mañana en un tribunal de Las Vegas después de que fueran acusados de asesinar al ex policía Andreas Probst, además de otros delitos graves.

Un equipo de cámaras de 8NewsNow filmó a los sospechosos en sus uniformes azules de la cárcel, sonriendo y riendo mientras estaban sentados viendo los procedimientos judiciales.

En un momento dado, la pareja se cubrió la cara con las manos para protegerse de las cámaras. Mientras eran conducidos fuera de la sala, sonrieron con suficiencia a la esposa e hija de Probst y les hicieron el gesto ofensivo.

Completamente irrespetuoso

Después de la audiencia, la hija de Probst, Taylor, criticó a los adolescentes, diciendo a KSNV: "Estos chicos no respetaron el tribunal en absoluto. Estuvieron haciendo el tonto todo el tiempo".

Continuó: "Nos estaban sacando de quicio. ¿Cómo puedes sentarte ahí después de quitarle la vida a un hombre y actuar como un idiota con tanto derecho?".

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La horrible huida

El 14 de agosto, los sospechosos supuestamente conducían en un carro robado por una calle de Las Vegas cuando embistieron intencionadamente la parte trasera de Probst, de 66 años, mientras montaba en bicicleta, causándole la muerte.

Anteriormente, ese mismo día, habían hecho lo mismo estrellando el vehículo contra otro ciclista, que afortunadamente solo sufrió heridas leves, según la policía.

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Nuevo video revela otro incidente

En ambos casos, los delincuentes grabaron videos de sus ataques, mientras se reían. Las imágenes de vigilancia recientemente publicadas los muestran huyendo de la policía. Uno de ellos llevaba una máscara facial.

Ambos están detenidos sin fianza en el Centro de Detención del Condado de Clark.

Accused Teen Murderers Laugh In Court, Grin At Victim's Family ... After Allegedly Killing Ex-Police Chief


The teens accused of fatally mowing down a retired police chief with a stolen car giggled in court Tuesday -- smirking at the victim's family and flipping them the bird.

Jesus Ayala, 18, and Jzamir Keys, 16, appeared for a morning hearing in a Las Vegas courtroom after they were indicted on charges of murdering former top cop Andreas Probst and other serious felonies.

An 8NewsNow camera crew filmed the suspects in their blue jail uniforms, smiling and laughing as they sat watching the court proceedings.

At one point, the pair covered their faces with their hands to shield themselves from the cameras. As they were led out of the courtroom, they grinned smugly at Probst's wife and daughter -- and made the offensive gesture at them.


After the hearing, Probst's daughter, Taylor, blasted the teens, telling KSNV, "These guys did not respect the court whatsoever. They were just dicking around the entire time."

She went on, "They were flipping us off. How can you sit there after taking a man's life and act like such an entitled punk?"

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On August 14, the suspects were allegedly driving in a stolen car down a Las Vegas street -- when they intentionally rammed into the back of the 66-year-old Probst while he was riding his bicycle, killing him.

Earlier that day, they did the same thing, crashing the vehicle into another cyclist, who fortunately suffered only minor injuries, according to police.

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In both cases, the offenders shot videos of their deliberate attacks -- while they were chuckling. Newly released surveillance footage shows them running away from police -- and one of them wearing a face mask.

Both are being held without bail in the Clark County Detention Center.

Natalee Holloway Brother Doubts Van Der Sloot's Changed ... 'Gonna Whoop His Ass'

Natalee Holloway's brother has serious doubts Joran van der Sloot has found God after killing his sister ... and he's ready to hand the murdering monster a beatdown if he ever walks free.


Matt Holloway has been a correctional officer in the past, and while he tells us his experience is that many inmates turn to religion ... he also thinks van der Sloot is lying through his teeth about making that change.

He thinks van der Sloot was only honest about Natalee's death for selfish reasons -- the fact is, he struck a plea deal -- and Matt promises he will "whoop his ass" the day the killer is a free man.

That could happen in about 22 years. Van der Sloot got a 20-year sentence last week in Alabama when he pled guilty to extortion and wire fraud and confessed to killing Natalee. However, he'll serve that sentence concurrent to the 22 years he has left to serve in Peru for murdering a woman and drug trafficking down there.

Right now his scheduled release date is June 2045, when he'll be 57.


We also talked with Matt about why he thought it was practically impossible to nail van der Sloot for Natalee's killing all those years ago -- and he feels van der Sloot's father being a high-profile attorney in Aruba interfered in the investigation.


Matt says he's certain corruption was at play in van der Sloot dodging authorities for over a decade ... and he's calling out Aruba for, in his eyes, purposely dropping the ball. He is also calling for the Aruban government to look into any potential charges it could bring against van der Sloot now that he's copped to killing Natalee and misleading police.


In his chilling confession, van der Sloot said he took a cinder block and smashed Natalee's head in on the beach in 2005 -- this after she denied his sexual advances by kneeing him in the groin.

Matt tells us he spoke to his mom, Beth, yesterday and she told him she can finally rest for the first time in almost 2 decades.

NATALEE HOLLOWAY HERMANO DUDA QUE VAN DER SLOOT HAYA CAMBIADO dice que le hará daño a Joran van der Sloot si sale libre

El hermano de Natalee Holloway tiene serias dudas de que Joran van der Sloot haya encontrado a Dios después de matar a su hermana y está dispuesto a darle una paliza al monstruo asesino si alguna vez sale libre.

él se lo está ganando

Matt Holloway ha sido un oficial de correccional en el pasado, y a pesar de que nos dice que ha visto que muchos reclusos se vuelven a la religión, también piensa van der Sloot está mintiendo al respecto.

El piensa que van der Sloot solo fue honesto acerca de la muerte de Natalee por razones egoístas. El hecho es que llegó a un acuerdo y Matt promete que le "pateara el culo" si el asesino es alguna vez un hombre libre.

Eso podría ocurrir dentro de unos 22 años. Van der Sloot obtuvo una condena de 20 años la semana pasada en Alabama cuando se declaró culpable de extorsión y fraude electrónico y confesó haber matado a Natalee. Sin embargo, cumplirá esa condena junto con otros 22 años que le quedan por cumplir en Perú por asesinar a una mujer y traficar con drogas allí.

En estos momentos, su fecha prevista de puesta en libertad es junio de 2045, cuando tenga 57 años.

totalmente corrupto

También hablamos con Matt acerca de por qué pensaba que era prácticamente imposible atrapar a van der Sloot por el asesinato de Natalee hace tantos años - y cree que el padre de van der Sloot siendo un abogado de alto perfil en Aruba causó interferencia en la investigación.

Matt dice que está seguro de que hay corrupción en el ecaso, puesto que las autoridades han hecho la vista gorda durante más de una década y está tratando de comunicarse con Aruba para conseguir respuestas. También le está pidiendo al gobierno de Aruba que estudie los posibles cargos que podría presentar contra van der Sloot ahora que ha admitido haber matado a Natalee y engañado a la policía.

una terrible confesión

En su escalofriante confesión, van der Sloot dijo que tomó un bloque de hormigón y rompió la cabeza de Natalee en la playa en 2005, esto después de que ella rechazara repetidos intentos sexuales, dándole un rodillazo en la ingle.

Matt nos dice que habló con su madre, Beth, ayer y ella le dijo que finalmente puede descansar por primera vez en casi 2 décadas.

'Shaft' Star Richard Roundtree Dead at 81

Richard Roundtree, famous for playing the lead role in "Shaft," is dead after a battle with cancer.

The actor died Monday as a result of pancreatic cancer, according to his manager Patrick McMinn. We're told Richard was diagnosed two months ago, and his family was with him when he died at his home in Los Angeles.

Richard is best known for playing detective John Shaft in the original 'Shaft' movie franchise ... including the 1971 OG film, "Shaft," the 1972 sequel "Shaft's Big Score!" and the 1973 trilogy, "Shaft In Africa."

RR was regarded as the first Black action hero in Hollywood ... and his breakthrough performance in "Shaft" saw him nominated for New Star of the Year at the Golden Globe Awards.

The face of the 'Shaft' franchise, Richard also starred in the 1973 'Shaft' TV series.

When 'Shaft' got a remake in 2000, Richard reprised his role as John Shaft alongside Samuel L Jackson, who plays Shaft's nephew. He also plays the character in the 2019 version.

Richard also had a role in the famous "Roots" miniseries ... playing the role of Sam Bennett.

More recently, Richard played Gabrielle Union's father in the drama series "Being Mary Jane."

Gabrielle says working with Richard "was a dream" ... and she's remembering him as "the coolest man in the room with the BEST vibes." She says folks "literally run over to come see him...we all loved him."

102423_richard_roundtree_last_time_kal FEBRUARY 2018

The last time we talked to Richard was in 2018 when he told us about filming 'Shaft' reboots with Samuel L.

Richard was 81.



Richard Roundtree, famoso por interpretar el papel protagonista en "Shaft", ha muerto tras una batalla contra el cáncer.

El actor falleció el lunes como consecuencia de un cáncer de páncreas, según informó su representante Patrick McMinn. Nos dicen que Richard fue diagnosticado hace dos meses y que su familia estaba con él cuando murió en su casa de Los Ángeles.

Richard es mejor conocido por interpretar al detective John Shaft en la franquicia original de películas "Shaft" incluyendo la película OG de 1971, "Shaft", la secuela de 1972 "Shaft's Big Score!", y la trilogía de 1973, "Shaft In Africa".

Richard fue considerado como el primer héroe de acción negro en Hollywood y su actuación en "Shaft" lo vio nominado a Nueva Estrella del Año en los Premios Globo de Oro.

Richard, el rostro de la franquicia "Shaft", también protagonizó la serie de televisión "Shaft" en 1973.

Cuando "Shaft" tuvo un remake en 2000, Richard retomó su papel de John Shaft junto a Samuel L. Jackson, que interpreta al sobrino de Shaft. También interpreta al personaje en la versión de 2019.

Richard también tuvo un papel en la famosa miniserie "Roots", interpretando el papel de Sam Bennett.

Más recientemente, Richard interpretó al padre de Gabrielle Union en la serie dramática "Being Mary Jane".

Gabrielle dice que trabajar con Richard "fue un sueño" y ella lo recuerda como "el hombre más cool en la habitación con las MEJORES vibraciones". Dice que la gente "literalmente corría para venir a verlo, todos lo amábamos".

102423_richard_roundtree_last_time_kal FEBRUARY 2018
la última vez que lo vimos

La última vez que hablamos con Richard fue en 2018, cuando nos habló del rodaje de los reboots de "Shaft" con Samuel L.

Richard tenía 81 años.


Giggling Teen Suspects Ran Over Bicyclist In Las Vegas ... Before Allegedly Killing Retired Police Chief

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The two teens accused of fatally mowing down a retired police chief were also caught on video running over another bicyclist earlier in the day.

In the new footage, Jesus Ayala, 18, and Jzamir Keys, 16, are seen driving in a stolen car down the street and coming up fast behind the helmet-wearing cyclist. One of the teens starts giggling while repeatedly saying, "Bump him."

Moments later, the car intentionally crashes into the biker, knocking him to the ground, according to the Las Vegas Review Journal. Luckily, the 72-year-old victim was not seriously hurt, suffering only a knee injury.

The clip then cuts to images of the suspects -- one of whom is wearing a face mask -- running from the cops in marked police vehicles.

Another part of the footage shows a police officer talking with one of the suspects sitting in the backseat of a moving patrol car after he's been captured.

The cop informs the teen they have tons of evidence against him, citing surveillance footage while mentioning his accomplice ratted him out.

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As we reported ... Ayala and Keys were arrested August 14 after they fatally ran over retired police chief Andreas Probst who was on his bicycle, police said. The pair recorded themselves deliberately striking 66-year-old Probst after they seemingly filmed their role in the non-fatal hit-and-run earlier in the day.


A grand jury has indicted them on charges of murder, attempted murder, failing to stop at a scene of a crash and grand larceny of a vehicle.

Adolescentes sospechosos Atropellaron a un ciclista en Las Vegas... Antes de supuestamente matar a un jefe de policía

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A La Fuga

Los dos adolescentes acusados de acribillar mortalmente a un jefe de policía retirado fueron atrapados atropellando a otro ciclista más temprano y todo está capturado en video.

En las nuevas imágenes, Jesús Ayala, de 18 años, y Jzamir Keys, de 16, aparecen conduciendo un carro robado y acercándose rápidamente por detrás del ciclista que llevaba casco. Uno de los adolescentes empieza a reírse mientras dice repetidamente: "Chócalo".

Momentos después, el carro choca intencionadamente contra el ciclista, tirándolo al suelo, según informa Las Vegas Review Journal. Por suerte, la víctima de 72 años no resultó herida de gravedad y solo sufrió una lesión en la rodilla.

El video muestra imágenes de los sospechosos, uno de los cuales lleva una máscara facial, mientras huye de los agentes policiales.

Otra parte de la grabación muestra a oficial hablando con uno de los sospechosos, que está sentado en el asiento trasero de un carro patrulla después de haber sido capturado.

El policía informa que el adolescente tiene un montón de pruebas en su contra, como las imágenes de vigilancia y el hecho de que su cómplice lo delató.

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La horrible escapada

Como hemos informado, Ayala y Keys fueron detenidos el 14 de agosto después de atropellar mortalmente al jefe de policía retirado Andreas Probst, que estaba en su bicicleta, dijo la policía. La pareja se grabó deliberadamente golpeando a Probst de 66 años, luego de que aparentemente filmaran su papel en el atropello y fuga más temprano.

Audios del 911

Un gran jurado los ha acusado de cargos de asesinato, intento de asesinato, no detenerse en la escena de un accidente y hurto mayor de un vehículo.

B-Rock and the Bizz Paul Costict Dead at 57

Paul Costict, one of the original members of the rap group B-Rock and The Bizz -- famous for the single "My Baby Daddy" -- is dead ... TMZ has learned.

Paul died unexpectedly Saturday at his home in Norfolk, VA ... according to a family member. The cause of death is unclear.

While it's unclear exactly how he died, the family member tells us they spoke to Paul Wednesday, he seemed to be in good spirits ... but mentioned recently being sick.

As hip hop fans may know ... B-Rock and The Bizz are a one-hit wonder, thanks to their 1997 single, "My Baby Daddy," which peaked at No. 10 on the Billboard charts back in the day.

The song earned gold certification and Paul eventually ended up in a bitter dispute over his gold album with his ex-wife, Lasancious ... the exes fought over his plaque in a TV episode of "Divorce Court."

In addition to being a member of the band, we're told Paul was also the group's road manager.

Fellow band member Thaddeus "T-Bird" Maye grew up with Paul in Alabama and is remembering him as "a very funny and Kool brother."

Paul was 57.