David Ortiz Mourns Wakefield's Death 'He's Like My Family'


David Ortiz is still mourning the death of Tim Wakefield ... telling TMZ Sports this week his former Red Sox teammate was a "great guy, man."

"Great guy," he repeated.

Ortiz opened up to us about Wakefield for a few moments while out in Los Angeles ... just days after the former Boston star pitcher died from brain cancer.

Big Papi said the knuckleballer was straight-up "like my family, man" ... and you can see in the clip, he's obviously still in pain over the passing.

Ortiz and Wakefield grew close during their time together at Fenway Park -- you'll recall, they shared a locker room with one another for nine seasons. And, the two formed such a strong bond ... Wakefield actually showed up to Cooperstown last year to watch Ortiz get inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Papi is hardly the only former Red Sox player to express heartbreak over Wakefield's death -- multiple former teammates sent thoughts and prayers on social media as well.


Tim was just 57 years old.


'Sandlot' Star Marty York Mother Murdered In Her Own Home ... Cops Hunt for Killer


10/16/23 12:45 PM PT -- Cops say they took Walter into custody over the weekend.

3:23 PM PT -- Marty York just broke his silence, posting a photo of Walter and writing, "This is the hardest post I'm ever going to have to write. Last night my mother was murdered by a man she was seeing. Right now there is a nationwide manhunt."

He continues, "If you've seen this man please call the police immediately. I can't even comprehend what is happening right now, but I feel if I find this person I'm going to physically maul him. I pray to God I don't find him because it will be a fate worse then hell."

Tragedy has struck the family of "The Sandlot" actor Marty York, his mother, a sheriff's deputy, was murdered in her own home ... and cops are on the hunt for the alleged killer.

Cops say Deanna Esmaeel was found dead Thursday inside her home in Crescent City, California. On Friday, the Del Norte County Sheriff's Office -- where Deanna is a deputy -- put out an alert to the public in hopes of tracking down Deanna's boyfriend, Daniel James Walter.

Investigators say Walter, who recently changed his name to Edward Patrick Davies, is the suspect in Deanna's murder ... though they don't say what happened.

According to the alert, deputies were able to locate Walter's vehicle, but the 54-year-old was nowhere to be found.

Sheriff Scott of the DNSO released a statement following Deputy Esmaeel's death, saying, "We are all deeply heartbroken with the loss of Deputy Esmaeel. Our hearts and prayers go out to her family, friends, and co-workers."

Marty York played "Yeah-Yeah" in the 1993 classic "The Sandlot" and has continued to act on various projects through the years. He has not yet publicly commented on his mother's murder.

Originally Published -- 3:02 PM PT


El lugar de descanso final de Aaron Carter ahora se encuentra adornado con un retrato del difunto cantante ... y su hermana gemela está invitando a los fanáticos a visitar su tumba.

La nueva lápida incluye un retrato ovalado de Aaron y reza ... "A la memoria de nuestro amado AARON CARTER, 1987-2022, querido hermano, hijo, amigo y padre de Prince Carter".

La gemela de Aaron, Angel, dice que el nuevo retrato fue instalado el viernes en el Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills ... y al parecer también dejó un ramo de flores frescas.

Angel dice de su difunto hermano, "Adoraba a sus admiradores, y se lo mucho que esto significaría para él, tener ahora un lugar de descanso final en el que todos podamos honrar su vida".

También está invitando a los admiradores de Aaron, compartir sus recuerdos y "nunca olvidar quién era Aaron en el fondo".

TMZ publicó la noticia ... Aaron fue encontrado muerto en su hogar el pasado noviembre y oficialmente la causa de muerte se dice que fue ahogamiento por encontrarse bajo los efectos del alcohol.

Aaron Carter Gets Gravestone Portrait ... In Famed Cemetery

Aaron Carter's final resting place is now adorned with a portrait of the late singer ... and his twin sister is inviting fans to visit his grave.

The new headstone includes an oval portrait of Aaron and reads ... "In Loving Memory AARON CARTER 1987-2022 Beloved Brother, Son, Friend & Father Of Prince Carter."

Aaron's twin, Angel, says the new portrait was installed Friday at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills ... and it looks like she also left a fresh bouquet of flowers.

Angel says of her late brother, "He adored his fans, and I know how much this would mean to him now having a final resting place where we could all celebrate his life."

She's also inviting Aaron's fans to visit, share their memories and "never forget who Aaron was deep down."

TMZ broke the story ... Aaron was found dead in his home last November and the official cause of death was drowning as a result of being under the influence.

Hamas Attacks Israeli Soldiers Capture Palestine Militant ... Caught On Camera

Fox News

A Palestinian militant was captured by Israeli troops during a news broadcast ... then blindfolded and whisked away while the cameras rolled on the intense situation.

Fox News correspondent Trey Yingst was with members of the Israeli forces on Thursday in Israel -- close to the grounds of the gruesome Supernova music festival massacre where 260 innocent people were murdered.

While reporting, gunshots ring out -- as Yingst and his camera crew ducked for cover, soldiers surrounded a man on the ground who was stripped down to his underwear.

They blindfolded him and escorted him away from the festival grounds ...  a senior commander confirmed with Yingst that the nearly-naked man was a Palestinian militant who either came into the area from Gaza or had been hiding out in the area since Saturday's killings and kidnappings.


He says he'll likely end up being questioned ... which could shed even more light on the tragic Supernova incident.

As you know, Hamas terrorists hit Israel hard starting on Saturday, including a brutal attack on the festival ... where people like 22-year-old Shani Louk were kidnapped -- you'll recall, she was stripped naked and paraded by Hamas while her body was spat on.

Over 2,600 confirmed deaths have been reported since the fight broke out, including 27 Americans ... not to mention countless examples of destruction playing out.

Ronnie Caldwell NSU Football Player Dead At 21 ... Shot & Killed In Louisiana

College football player Ronnie Caldwell -- a junior safety at Northwestern State University -- was shot and killed on Thursday morning in Louisiana, police said.

He was just 21 years old.

According to the Natchitoches Police Department, the tragic incident happened near NSU's campus -- which is about three hours away from New Orleans -- at around 1:08 a.m.

Police say they were dispatched to a street near the university after 911 callers reported gunshots in the area. When officers arrived, they say they found Caldwell suffering from gunshot wounds ... and he was later pronounced deceased.

Cops say an investigation into the shooting is still ongoing.

The Northwestern State football team, meanwhile, canceled its Saturday game against Nicholls State after learning of the heartbreaking news.

"Ronnie Caldwell was a young man who had a bright future ahead of him on or off the football field," Demons head coach Brad Laird said on Thursday. "He was our voice in the locker room."

"Our hearts are broken and ache for Ronnie's family and friends. His loss will be felt here at Northwestern State, in Natchitoches and in his home."

Caldwell -- who transferred from Tyler Junior College after the 2021 season -- appeared in 11 games last season and finished seventh on the team in tackles. He did not play yet this season due to an injury he suffered in the preseason.

The Texas native was also a business administration major who helped coach a local youth baseball team over the summer.

Police are asking anyone with information on Caldwell's death to call cops at 318-357-3914.

Ataques a Hamás Soldados israelíes capturan a militante palestino ... Captado por una cámara

Arresto captado en vivo
Fox News

Un militante palestino fue capturado por las tropas israelíes durante una emisión de noticias. Luego fue vendado y llevado a otro sitio mientras las cámaras grababan la intensa situación.

El corresponsal de Fox News, Trey Yingst, estaba con miembros de las fuerzas israelíes el jueves en Israel, cerca de donde se produjo la espantosa masacre del festival de música Supernova, en la que 260 personas inocentes fueron asesinadas.

Mientras estaban en vivo, se escucharon algunos disparos, motivo por el cual Yingst y su equipo de cámara se agacharon para protegerse. Los soldados rodearon a un hombre que estaba en el suelo y al que le habían quitado su ropa interior.

Le vendaron los ojos y lo escoltaron fuera del recinto del festival. Un alto mando confirmó a Yingst que el hombre casi desnudo era un militante palestino que había llegado a la zona desde Gaza o que se había estado escondiendo en la zona desde los asesinatos y secuestros del sábado.

Dice que probablemente acabará siendo interrogado, lo que podría arrojar aún más luz sobre el trágico incidente de Supernova.

Como ustedes saben, los terroristas de Hamás atacaron fuertemente a Israel a partir del sábado, con ataques que incluyeron un brutal asalto en el festival donde personas como Shani Louk, de 22 años, fueron secuestradas -como recordarán, ella fue desnudada por Hamás y obligada a desfilar mientras su cuerpo era escupido.

Se han confirmado más de 2.600 muertes desde que estalló la guerra, entre ellos 27 estadounidenses, por no hablar de los innumerables ejemplos de destrucción.

Rudolph Isley Fundador de los Isley Brothers muere a los 84 años

Rudolph Isley, el cantante conocido por ser uno de los fundadores de The Isley Brothers, ha muerto.

El icónico cantante falleció el miércoles en Illinois, según ha indagado TMZ. La causa de muerte aún no está clara, aunque una persona involucrada nos dice que se piensa que sufrió un ataque al corazón.

Rudolph comenzó a cantar desde muy joven en su iglesia local y creó The Isley Brothers junto a sus hermanos Ronald, O'Kelly y Vernon cuando era apenas un adolescente.

Después de que Vernon fuera trágicamente atropellado por un carro mientras andaba en bicicleta en 1995, con solo 13 años, los otros hermanos se trasladaron a Nueva York para grabar música. Firmaron con RCA Records unos años más tarde y debutaron con su primera canción, "Shout", posiblemente uno de sus temas más significativos.

Mientras el grupo aún estaba en pañales, Rudolph se casó con Elaine Jasper en 1958 y tuvieron una vida de casados mientras los hermanos seguían cosechando éxitos con temas como "Twist & Shout", "This Old Heart of Mine" y "It's Your Thing".

A pesar de que Ronnie solía llevar la voz cantante en el grupo, Rudolph también grabó algunas canciones.

Con el paso de los años, The Isley Brothers creció y en 1971 sumó a los hermanos Ernie y Marvin y al cuñado de Rudolph, Chris Jasper.

Rudolph dejó el grupo en 1989 para cumplir su objetivo de ser ministro cristiano, pero se reunió con ellos a lo largo de los años. Incluso fueron incluidos en el Salón de la Fama del Rock and Roll en 1992, y el premio se los dio su compañero y leyenda, Little Richard.

El grupo ha estado produciendo canciones durante más de medio siglo, algo a lo que muchos grupos no pueden acercarse. Sus canciones más recientes después de que Rudolph se fuera son "Busted" y "Contagious".

También estuvieron en algunos éxitos del rap. Fueron sampleados en "It Was a Good Day" de Ice Cube y "Big Poppa" de Notorious B.I.G.

Rudolph tenía 84 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Rudolph Isley Isley Brothers Founder Dead At 84

Rudolph Isley, the singer known as one of the founding members of The Isley Brothers, has died.

The iconic singer passed away Wednesday in Illinois, TMZ has learned. The cause of Rudolph's death is currently unclear, though one person involved tells us it's believed he suffered a heart attack.

Rudolph started singing at a young age in his local church and created The Isley Brothers with his siblings Ronald, O'Kelly, and Vernon when he was just a teenager.

After Vernon was tragically hit by a car while riding his bike at just 13 years old in 1955, the brothers moved to New York to record music ... signing with RCA Records a few years later and debuting with their first song, "Shout" -- arguably one of their most significant tracks.

While the group was still in its infancy, Rudolph married Elaine Jasper in 1958 ... living the married life while the Brothers all went on to garner success with tracks like "Twist & Shout," "This Old Heart of Mine," and "It's Your Thing."

Despite Ronnie often taking the lead in the group, Rudolph got to record lead vocals for some of their songs, too.

As the years went on, The Isley Brothers grew -- adding younger brothers Ernie and Marvin and Rudolph's brother-in-law Chris Jasper into the mix in 1971.

Rudolph left the group in 1989 to carry out his goal of being a Christian minister, but he reunited with the group over the years. They were even inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1992 ... being given the award by fellow music legend Little Richard.

The group has been cranking out tracks for over half a century -- something many groups can't come close to -- with more recent songs like "Busted" and "Contagious" after Rudolph left.

They also made it into some popular rap hits ... being sampled in Ice Cube's "It Was a Good Day" and Notorious B.I.G.'s "Big Poppa."

Rudolph was 84.


New England Patriots Cops Want Charges For Three Men ... After Fan's Death At Game

Police are looking to charge three men who they say played a role in an altercation at a Patriots game last month that ended in the death of one fan.

The Foxborough Police Department tells TMZ Sports ... it has submitted criminal complaints to prosecutors seeking assault and battery and disorderly conduct charges against a trio of Rhode Island men.

While cops did not reveal the names of the men nor any further details of the evidence ... they did say they believe the men were somehow involved in the altercation that resulted in Dale Mooney's death at the Pats vs. Dolphins game at Gillette Stadium.

According to the FPD, officers came to the conclusion after interviewing witnesses at the game as well as reviewing videos of the incident.

As we reported, Mooney was involved in the scuffle at some point during the Sept. 16 contest ... and he collapsed and later died. Officials did say, however, that they believe a medical issue -- not a traumatic injury -- led to the death.

A medical examiner's investigation into the final cause and manner of death remains ongoing.

Mooney -- described as a Patriots super fan -- was 53 years old.

NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS La policía quiere cargos para tres hombres ... Tras la muerte de un fanático en un partido

La policía está buscando acusar a tres hombres, que según ellos, jugaron un papel en el partido de los Patriotas el mes pasado que terminó con la muerte de un fan.

El Departamento de Policía de Foxborough le dice a TMZ Sports que ha presentado denuncias penales a los fiscales por asalto y agresión y cargos de conducta desordenada contra un trío de hombres de Rhode Island.

Aunque no revelaron los nombres ni mayores detalles de las pruebas, dijeron que piensan que estos estuvieron involucrados en el altercado que resultó en la muerte de Dale Mooney en el partido contra los Dolphins en el Gillette Stadium.

Los oficiales llegaron a esa conclusión luego de entrevistar a diversos asistentes al juego y de revisar videos del incidente, según cuenta el departamento de Policía.

Como informamos, Mooney estuvo involucrado en la pelea en algún momento durante el encuentro del 16 de septiembre, y se derrumbó y falleció minutos más tarde. Las autoridades dijeron, sin embargo, que creían que su muerte se había debido a un problema médico y no a una lesión traumática.

La investigación del médico forense sobre la causa final sigue en curso.

Mooney, descrito como un gran fan de los Patriots, tenía 53 años.

Dick Butkus Family Thanks Fans For Support ... After NFL Legend's Death

Dick Butkus' loved ones are speaking out following his tragic death ... thanking his supporters for reaching out and sharing their fondest memories of the Chicago Bears legend over the past week.

"Dick lived an extraordinary life representing the heart and soul of Chicago, both on and off the field," Butkus' son, Matt, and his family members said in a statement.

"We want to thank you all for the outpouring of support. All the messages, notes and memories you shared during this difficult time. Each has meant the world to us."

One of the greatest to ever step foot on the gridiron, Dick was honored with a moment of silence prior to the Bears' Thursday Night Football matchup against the Washington Commanders last week ... and received tributes from notable figures throughout the country -- including President Barack Obama.

"In Chicago, Dick Butkus was football," Obama said following the Hall of Famer's death. "Thinking of his family today, and all the Bears fans who loved watching one of the best to ever play the game."

New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick also shared kind words ... saying Butkus was "the prototype middle linebacker."

"From his playing style, to the look, to his ads. He was a Chicago Bear if there ever was one."

TMZ Sports broke the story ... 80-year-old Butkus died peacefully in his sleep at his California home on Oct. 5.


KISS legends Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley are being dragged to court over the COVID death of one of their longtime guitar techs ... and his family say it all started with Paul.

According to a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, the family of late KISS guitar tech Francis Stueber says he died a couple days after contracting COVID while on tour with the band back in October 2021.

The family says COVID started spreading amongst tour personnel in August 2021 when Paul contracted the virus ... and they say COVID kept spreading due to lax safety policies on the tour.

In the suit, Francis' family says anyone on tour who came down with COVID was instructed to quarantine in a hotel room in whichever city the band was in ... but they say the protocols offered little else.

Francis, the suit says, got COVID while in Detroit and was told to hole up in a Sheraton hotel ... and the family says KISS longtime manager Doc McGhee failed to arrange for medical personnel to visit and examine Francis at the hotel, despite Doc promising to do so.

It's pretty sad ... the docs say Doc asked another tour member to check on Francis at the hotel but Francis was dead when the person arrived, dying only 2 days after testing positive for the virus.

Francis' family is going after Gene, Paul, Doc, Marriott hotels and Live Nation for damages.

We reached out to reps for KISS ... so far no word back.


Kim Kardashian, al igual que la mayor parte del mundo que observa con temor, dice que su corazón se parte al ver las imágenes de bebés, familias y personas inocentes asesinadas y aterrorizadas en Israel, Palestina e incluso Armenia, una causa por la que ha estado tratando de crear conciencia durante años.

Kim utilizó sus redes sociales el miércoles para referirse por primera vez a las monstruosidades que están ocurriendo en Israel. En un largo post, Kim dice: "Un mensaje a mis amigos judíos y familia. Los quiero. Los apoyo. He oído hablar de lo asustados que se sienten en este momento y quiero que sepan que no están solos en esto."

Y continúa: "Como seres humanos con corazón, ¿cómo puede alguien no sentirse devastado por estas horribles imágenes que nunca podremos dejar de ver? El brutal terrorismo ha cobrado vidas inocentes y ahora tanto civiles israelíes como palestinos están sufriendo y pagando el precio más alto que existe".

Kim lleva años llamando la atención sobre el genocidio armenio y ha puesto énfasis en la "mínima cobertura mediática" que tienen estos temas, sin ningún apoyo externo para el pueblo que sufre una "limpieza étnica" en Artsaj.

Sacados de los escombros

La madre de 4 niños dice que no debería importar del lado que estés, "nuestros corazones siempre deben tener espacio para la compasión hacia las víctimas inocentes atrapadas en el punto de mira de la guerra por el poder, la política, la religión, la raza y la etnia".

Kim dice que entiende que no hay nada que pueda hacer para librarse del dolor que todos están sufriendo alrededor del mundo, pero dice que ella y su familia están orando para que los rehenes sean devueltos, las víctimas, sus familias, por la paz para los inocentes y justicia para aquellos que merecen pagar por sus acciones.

Para terminar, Kim pide a todos los que lean su mensaje que se pongan en contacto con "amigos, colegas y personas de su comunidad, aquellos que están sufriendo, no importa de qué lado estén, compruébenlo y díganles que los quieren".

Termina diciendo "oraciones y paz siempre".

Kim Kardashian Urges Compassion for Innocent Kids & Lives Lost ... Amid Conflict in Israel, Palestine & Armenia

Kim Kardashian, like most of the world looking on in fear, says her heart breaks seeing the images of babies, families and innocent people murdered and terrorized in Israel, Palestine and even Armenia ... a cause she's been trying to bring awareness to for years.

Kim took to social media Wednesday with a lengthy post that first spoke to the monstrosities in Israel. Kim says, "A message to my Jewish friends and family. I love you. I support you. I have heard about how scared you feel during this time and I want you to know you are not alone in this."

She continues, "As human beings with a heart, how can anyone not be devastated by these horrific images that we will never be able to unsee? Brutal terrorism has taken innocent lives and now both Israeli and Palestinian civilians are suffering and paying the greatest price there is.

Kim has, for years, been a voice in bringing attention to the Armenian Genocide and points out the "minimal media coverage" without external support for the people suffering through an "ethnic cleansing" in Artsakh.


The mother of 4 says it shouldn't matter whose side you might be on ... "our hearts should always have room for compassion towards innocent victims caught in the cross hairs of warring over power, politics, religion, race and ethnicity."

Kim says she understands there's nothing she can do to get rid of the pain people around the world are suffering ... but says she and her family are praying for hostages to be returned, the victims, their families, for peace for the innocent and justice to those who deserve to pay for their actions.


In closing, Kim asks anyone reading her message to reach out to, "friends, colleagues and those in your community, those who are hurting, no matter what side they are on, check in on them and tell them you love them."

She finishes with "Prayers and Peace always."

Keefe D Backed Out of New 2Pac Sit-Down ... DJ Vlad Says He Took Money and Ran!!!

Weeks before Keefe D's arrest for the murder of Tupac Shakur, he was ready to talk about the July raid on his home -- but according to DJ Vlad, Keefe got cold feet and made off with stacks of Vlad's cash!!!


We reported at the time how investigators collected several electronic items such as a hard drive, laptops and USBs during the raid ... and police say that ultimately led to last month's stunning arrest of Keefe.

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Now, Vlad tells Faizon Love ... Keefe actually reached out to him to do another sit-down, and Vlad agreed. He said he even paid Keefe an initial deposit to secure the interview.

As it turns out, Vlad says he learned Keefe was fielding offers -- and collecting deposits -- from other outlets too, but was unable to make the interview happen before he got busted.

Vlad says he's yet to see any sort of refund of his money and doesn't sound like he's holding his breath for one.

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While it's possible Keefe was playing media outlets just to make some quick money ... Tupac's brother Mopreme is far from amused by his actions over the last several years, and want to see justice dealt.