Floyd Mayweather Sending Private Jet To Israel ... To Deliver Supplies

Floyd Mayweather felt compelled to help after watching the Hamas terror attack, so the boxing legend arranged to send his private plane, chock-full of supplies, to the front lines in Israel.

TMZ Sports is told Floyd, who teamed up with a relief organization in Israel, arranged to send "Air Mayweather" to the Middle Eastern country this weekend ... and deliver supplies.

We're told they're planning to bring everything from food and water to bulletproof vests for the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and civilians.

Mayweather's pilots, AJ Ramey, Chris Javier, Sam Kniskern, and Freeman Blakney, will be flying the plane as they trek thousands of miles across the world.

It's not the first time Floyd's helped in a time of disaster. In fact, over the summer, he helped 70 families with food, shelter, and transportation after the Maui fires.

While many celebs and athletes have spoken out since the weekend's horrific attacks, Floyd's one of the most prominent.

Also, while some famous people have attempted to appease all sides, Mayweather has made it clear ... he's firmly with the Israelis.

"I stand with Israel against the Hamas terrorists. Hamas do not represent the people of Palestine but are a terrorist group that are attacking innocent lives! I stand for all humans and wish for the safe return of all Americans and Israelis and any human that were kidnapped as hostages during these horrific war crimes."


"This is not a time for politics. This is a time for safety first and foremost. God Bless America. God Bless Israel. God Bless Human Kind!"

In a follow-up post on social media, Mayweather again reiterated his support, and condemned terrorism.

"I stand with Israel and Jews all around the world. I condemn antisemitism at all cost. I stand for Peace. I stand for Human Rights! Terrorism Is Never The Answer!"

FLOYD MAYWEATHER Envía un avión privado a Israel Para entregar suministros

Floyd Mayweather se sintió obligado a ayudar después de ver el ataque terrorista de Hamás, por lo que la leyenda del boxeo decidió organizar el envío de su avión privado, repleto de suministros, a las líneas en el frente de Israel.

En TMZ Sportz nos han dicho que Floyd, que se asoció con una organización de ayuda en Israel, está organizando el envío del vuelo "Air Mayweather" al país de Medio Oriente este fin de semana, así como la entrega de suministros.

Nos dicen que están planeando llevar de todo, desde comida y agua hasta chalecos antibalas para las IDF (Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel) y los civiles.

Los pilotos de Mayweather, AJ Ramey, Chris Javier, Sam Kniskern y Freeman Blakney, pilotarán el avión mientras recorren miles de kilómetros por todo el mundo.

No es la primera vez que Floyd ayuda en una catástrofe. De hecho, durante el verano, le dio una mano a 70 familias con comida, refugio y transporte después de los incendios de Maui.

Aunque muchos famosos y deportistas se han pronunciado tras los terribles atentados del fin de semana, Floyd ha sido uno de los más destacados.

Mientras algunas celebridades han intentado apaciguar los ánimos entre todas las partes, Mayweather ha dejado claro que está firmemente con los israelíes.

"Estoy con Israel contra los terroristas de Hamás. Hamás no representa al pueblo de Palestina, pero es un grupo terrorista que atenta contra personas inocentes. Yo defiendo a todos los seres humanos y deseo el regreso sano y salvo de todos los estadounidenses e israelíes y de cualquier persona que haya sido secuestrada como rehén durante estos horribles crímenes de guerra."

"Este no es un momento para la política. Este es un momento para la seguridad ante todo. Dios bendiga a Estados Unidos. Dios bendiga a Israel. Dios bendiga a la humanidad".

En una publicación posterior en las redes sociales, Mayweather volvió a reiterar su apoyo y condenó el terrorismo.

"Apoyo a Israel y a los judíos de todo el mundo. Condeno el antisemitismo a toda costa. Defiendo la paz. Defiendo los derechos humanos. El terrorismo nunca es la respuesta".

YG Baby Mama Involved in Fatal Crash ... 89-Year-Old Woman Killed

YG's baby mama, Catelyn Sparks, was involved in an unfortunate accident, resulting in the death of an 89-year-old woman ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Sparks was driving her 2023 Tesla in L.A. Wednesday when the crash occurred. We're told the other woman -- driving a 1985 Cadillac -- made a U-turn in front of Catelyn's vehicle, and Catelyn struck the woman's driver-side door.

The 89-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene ... and Catelyn was transported to a local hospital with minor injuries.

Our law enforcement sources tell us Catelyn did not commit a crime, no drugs or alcohol were involved, and the crash was the result of an accident.

It's not totally clear if YG and Catelyn are currently together, they've got 2 kids, but their relationship has had it's ups and downs. It was back in May when the rapper and Saweetie were spotted on a romantic trip down in Cabo ... locking lips in the pool.

Shortly after the photos went public, Catelyn posted a cryptic message on social media, writing, "Just because we got the same blood don't make us family & just because we got kids don't make us family, cuz with 'family' like mine? I rather not have any."

We reached out to a rep for YG ... so far, no word back.

Titan Sub More Wreckage & Human Remains Found Months After Implosion

The remaining chunks from the Titan sub are still being picked up from the ocean floor, even months after it imploded and killed all passengers aboard.

More material from the tragedy was recovered last week, but just got announced Tuesday by the U.S. Coast Guard -- which says their marine safety engineers have scooped additional pieces of the submersible from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

As far as what exactly they recovered ... the sub's titanium endcap, among other unidentified parts. The Coast Guard says it also found more "presumed human remains." The remains are going to be transported for further analysis.

This marks the second plunge the U.S. Coast Guard has undertaken ... the first was done way back in June, when the 5 people inside were confirmed to have perished. During that initial outing, much of the submersible was found ... and it looked awfully crumpled.

Remember, the whole point of the mission -- through private company, OceanGate -- was to take tourists down to see the famous sunken ship. While it had completed successful dives in the past ... this one proved to be ill-fated and deadly.

OceanGate's CEO, Stockton Rush, was among those onboard. The other passengers who died included Paul Henri-Nargeolet, Hamish Hardin, Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman.

It's unclear if any more voyages are going to happen to look for any outstanding pieces of wreckage -- but at some point ... the Coast Guard is expected to hold a press conference to address all their findings.

Israel Americans Go Missing After Hamas Attacks

There's at least half a dozen American citizens who are unaccounted for in Israel following deadly attacks from Hamas ... including a mother and daughter visiting from Illinois.

President Joe Biden says 14 Americans have already died in the Hamas terrorist attack, with the death toll already standing at 1,700 and counting.

Joe Biden

It's unclear if the six Americans reported missing in Gaza are dead or alive, but their families are holding out hope for a safe return ... and Biden says more Americans are likely among those who have been taken hostage by terrorists.

In addition to the Illinois mother and her teen daughter, there's also a 23-year-old who was at the music festival where Hamas attacked and took hostages; a soldier with the Israeli Defense Force; a 35-year-old father of two; and a 66-year-old grandmother.

Judith Tai Raanan and Natalie Raanan traveled from their Chicago-area suburb to Israel last month to visit relatives, and they were reported missing during Saturday's attack and are feared to have been kidnapped by Palestinian gunmen, their family told ABC 7 Chicago.

Natalie graduated from high school this past spring and their Illinois synagogue is praying she and her mother are safe.

Hersch Goldberg-Polin was at the desert music festival that became a target for Hamas terrorists ... and his parents told the Jerusalem Post he texted them Saturday morning saying "I love you" and "I'm sorry" before going radio silent.

Hersch was born in Berkley, CA before moving to Israel with his family in 2008 ... he had just celebrated a birthday before going to the rave, where Hamas killed hundreds of festivalgoers.

Itay Chen's a 19-year-old dual citizen serving in the IDF and he's been "missing in action" from his post in Gaza since Saturday, his father told CNN.

Chen's father says his son basically vanished along with his military unit and the family is hopeful he surfaces in time to make it to his younger brother's upcoming Bar Mitzvah in Italy.

Adrienne Neta, a mother of four and grandmother of seven, is thought to have been taken hostage by Hamas ... her family told Fox News they think she was kidnapped from her home, where she's lived for decades since moving from Fresno, Calif.

Neta's family says they were on the phone with her when terrorists entered her home ... and they heard her screaming.

Sagui Dekel-Chen, a father of two with another baby on the way, was among those in his neighborhood who fought back against a terrorist onslaught before going missing.

While some of his neighbors were seen being led away by Hamas, his father says Dekel-Chen was not among the hostages and vanished without a trace ... though his wife and kids survived the attack.

UFC's Natan Levy Hunkered Down in Israel Near Hamas Attacks ... 'These Are War Crimes'


UFC fighter Natan Levy says he's currently around 25-30 miles away from the heinous attacks Hamas is unleashing on his native Israel ... and the scene is horrifying.

The 32-year-old flew to Israel just a few days before the weekend wave of terror began ... and simply intended to spend time with his family at a cousin's wedding.

But, Tuesday on "TMZ Live," he told us about the moment all their plans changed, and they went into survival mode.

Natan said he and his family fled to a bunker as soon as they heard sirens in the area, but thought it was "just missiles" ... something that's, sadly, fairly common. Initially, they didn't realize the terrorists were invading on foot and killing civilians.

He adds, "What's happening -- it's not far from here. It's a war zone, and it's just by the hand of God I'm not there inside the war zone."

Citing the reports of Hamas beheading babies and burning others alive ... Natan said he's hoping Israel's severe retaliation continues.


"I think we're going to have to attack -- they've left us no choice," he said. "Hopefully the least amount of civilians get hurt, but all of the blood is on their hands."

Thinking of the hundreds of hostages, Natan added ... "We've got to strike back. And we've got to get out as much people as we can out of there as fast as possible. Because the way they hold people hostage, it's not humane. It's crimes against humanity."

Alec Baldwin Safety Role on 'Rust' Set Under Microscope ... New Charges Possible

Alec Baldwin might not be out of the woods in the 'Rust' criminal case, because the possibility of prosecutors refiling charges is still looming ... depending on what they learn about docs related to the movie's preproduction planning.

A judge recently made a major ruling after prosecutors in New Mexico asked for documents to be turned over tied to any contracts between Baldwin and the production companies working on the movie. Those docs could shed light on how the production dealt with weapons training and safety on the set, and whether any corners were cut to save money.


Hizzoner weighed in on the matter and decided the records needed to be forked over to the D.A.'s office.

The movie's armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed -- who's still facing an involuntary manslaughter charge -- has been arguing the production companies basically hamstrung her and prevented her from doing her job properly. She's claimed she was denied additional firearm training ... saying producers cited a tight budget as the reason.

Depending on what's found in the handed over docs, it could possibly spell new trouble for Baldwin.

Remember, he was initially charged with involuntary manslaughter, but in April that was dropped. Now, it's possible he could be charged again.

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The victim, Halyna Hutchins, was shot and killed during a rehearsal ... with Baldwin's gun going off and striking her. Baldwin has insisted he never pulled the trigger.

104-Year-Old Dorothy Hoffner Dies Days After Skydiving ... Set World Record Last Wk

Dorothy Hoffner, the 104-year-old Chicago woman who set the record for the oldest tandem skydive, died in her sleep just days after the monumental jump.

Hoffner made worldwide news just 10 days ago on October 1, when she became the oldest living person to jump out of a plane ... when she went skydiving at Skydive Chicago.

The record is still being confirmed by Guinness, but Dorothy toppled the previous record held by a 103-year-old Swedish woman who jumped in 2022.


As far as the timing, it appears to be nothing more than a coincidence. Dorothy died in her sleep.

In fact, Hoffner was over the moon after the jump, telling local media ... “Skydiving is a wonderful experience, and it’s nothing to be afraid of. Just do it!”

Skydive Chicago even released a statement on Dorothy's passing ... and they believe there's a lesson to be learned here about living.

“We are deeply saddened by Dorothy’s passing, and feel honored to have been part of making her world record skydive a reality,” the company said.

“Skydiving is an activity that many of us safely tuck away in our bucket lists. But Dorothy reminds us that it’s never too late to take the thrill of a lifetime.”

Israel Ciudadanos de Estados Unidos desaparecidos en ataques de Hamás

Hay al menos media docena de ciudadanos estadounidenses cuyo paradero en Israel aún es desconocido en Israel después de los ataques mortales de Hamás, incluyendo una madre y su hija de visita desde Illinois.

El presidente Joe Biden dice que 14 estadounidenses ya han muerto en el ataque terrorista de Hamás, con un total de muertes que ya se eleva a las 1.700 y contando.

Joe Biden
Esto es terrorismo

No está claro si los seis estadounidenses dados por desaparecidos en Gaza están vivos o muertos, pero sus familias mantienen la esperanza de que puedan volver seguros a casa. Biden ha comentado que es probable que haya más estadounidenses entre los que han sido tomados como rehenes por los terroristas.

Además de la madre de Illinois y su hija adolescente, también hay un joven de 23 años, que estaba en el festival de música donde Hamas atacó y tomó rehenes, un soldado de la Fuerza de Defensa de Israel, un hombre de 35 años, padre de dos hijos y una abuela de 66 años.

Judith Tai Raanan y Natalie Raanan viajaron el mes pasado desde su barrio de Chicago a Israel para visitar a unos parientes y fueron dadas por desaparecidas durante el ataque del sábado. Se teme que ambas fueron secuestradas por pistoleros palestinos, dijo su familia a ABC 7 Chicago.

Natalie se graduó de la escuela secundaria en la primavera pasada y su sinagoga de Illinois está orando para que ella y su madre estén a salvo.

Hersch Goldberg-Polin estaba en el festival de música que se convirtió en un objetivo para los terroristas de Hamás. Sus padres dijeron al Jerusalem Post que les envió un mensaje de texto el sábado por la mañana diciendo "Te amo" y "Lo siento" antes de desaparecer.

Hersch nació en Berkley, California. Luego se mudó con su familia a Israel en 2008 y recientemente había celebrado su cumpleaños antes de ir al festival, donde Hamás mató a cientos de asistentes.

Itay Chen es un joven de 19 años con doble nacionalidad que sirve en las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel y se encuentra "desaparecido en combate" de su puesto en Gaza desde el sábado, dijo su padre a CNN.

El padre de Chen dice que su hijo desapareció junto a su unidad militar y la familia tiene la esperanza de que salga a la superficie a tiempo para llegar al próximo Bar Mitzvah de su hermano menor en Italia.

Adrienne Neta, madre de cuatro hijos y abuela de siete, se cree que ha sido tomada como rehén por Hamás. Su familia dijo a Fox News que piensan que fue secuestrada de su casa, donde ha vivido por décadas desde que se mudó de Fresno, California.

La familia de Neta dice que estaban al teléfono con ella cuando los terroristas entraron en su casa y la oyeron gritar.

Sagui Dekel-Chen es padre de dos hijos y tiene otro bebé en camino. Él fue una de las personas que se defendió del ataque terrorista en su barrio antes de desaparecer.

Mientras que algunos vecinos fueron vistos siendo llevados por Hamás, su padre dice que Dekel-Chen no estaba entre los rehenes y desapareció sin dejar rastro, aunque su esposa e hijos sobrevivieron al ataque.


crímenes terribles

Hay noticias de bebés asesinados en medio del caos en Israel, incluidas descripciones gráficas de terroristas de Hamás que entran y decapitan bebés.

Nicole Zedek, de i24News, realizó un reportaje en directo esta semana junto a soldados israelíes cerca de la frontera de Gaza y ha informado que se han encontrado bebés muertos.

Los soldados han revisado los hogares de las personas atacadas durante el fin de semana y dicen que se han encontrado pruebas de infanticidio... incluyendo decapitaciones.

Algunas imágenes que muestran las aparentes secuelas de estos brutales asesinatos también están apareciendo en línea y parecen mostrar exactamente lo que i24News informa. Se puede ver la sangre salpicada en cunas y habitaciones de los bebés dentro de las casas residenciales.

Hay fotos adicionales que muestran sillas de coches cubiertas de sangre; una prueba más de que los más pequeños no se han librado de esta ofensiva de Hamás. El horror ha quedado claro en las imágenes. Hay otro viral que muestra cómo le disparan a un perro en un campo habierto.

No está demás decir que estos avistamientos son profundamente perturbadores y una prueba más del horror que están viviendo las víctimas de la guerra.

En medio de las represalias contra Gaza, incluidos los bombardeos en curso, hay un video viral que muestra el cuerpo de un bebé siendo rescatado de entre los escombros.

de entre los escombros

No se ve un final en el futuro cercano y la destrucción sigue aumentando día a día.

Hasta el momento, Israel estima que más de 1.000 de sus civiles han muerto. En el otro lado, funcionarios palestinos dicen que al menos 830 han muerto sumando un sinnúmero de heridos entre ambas partes.

Israel Reports of Hamas Beheading Babies


There are reports of babies being killed amid the chaos in Israel -- including graphic descriptions of Hamas terrorists going in and beheading infants.

One particular news story is making rounds -- coming from i24News's Nicole Zedek, who did a live shot this week alongside Israeli soldiers near the Gaza border ... and she says different military members have told her about dead babies being found in the aftermath.

As these soldiers have gone through the homes of people attacked over the weekend, they're now saying they're finding evidence of infanticide ... including beheadings.

Some images showing the apparent aftermath of these brutal killings are also surfacing online -- and they seem to show exactly what i24News is talking about ... namely, blood splattered across cribs and baby rooms inside of residential homes.

There are extra photos that show car seats covered in blood as well ... further proving that little ones have not been spared in this offensive from Hamas. That much has been clear in additional footage as well -- including one viral clip showing a dog being shot in a yard.

It goes without saying ... these sightings are deeply disturbing -- and just further evidence speaking to the sheer ugliness and horror of what's happening on the ground there.

BTW, young lives are being taken on both sides now -- amid retaliation on Gaza, including ongoing bombings, there's a viral video showing a baby's body being lifted from the rubble.


There's no end in sight at this point ... and the destruction continues to mount day by day.

Thus far, Israel estimates over 1,000 of its civilians have been killed. Across the way, Palestinian officials say at least 830 are dead -- and countless are injured between both parties.

Brendan Malone Longtime NBA Coach Dead At 81

Tragic news in the basketball community -- longtime NBA coach Brendan Malone has passed away, the Denver Nuggets announced Tuesday. He was 81 years old.

"It is with tremendous sadness that we share the passing of longtime NBA coach Brendan Malone, who holds a special place amongst the organization and will be a Denver Nugget forever," the team said in a statement.

After several years at the high school and college level, Malone served as an assistant with the New York Knicks, Detroit Pistons, Indiana Pacers and Orlando Magic over the span of four decades.

Malone -- who helped orchestrate the famous "Jordan Rules" used to beat the Chicago Bulls -- was on staff for the Bad Boy Detroit Pistons teams that won the Finals in 1989 and 1990.

He was the first head coach in franchise history for the Toronto Raptors in the 1995-96 season. Malone also led the bench as interim head coach for the LeBron James-led Cleveland Cavaliers during the 2004-05 campaign.

Brendan is the father of current Nuggets coach Michael Malone, who helped bring the franchise its first NBA title this past season.

"Coach Brendan Malone was a great man who left behind a great legacy in the word for basketball, but he will be remembered even more for the amazing husband, father, son, and grandfather that he was and the profound impact he had on the friends, family and colleagues who were lucky enough to know him," the Nuggets continued.

"Our thoughts are with the entire Malone family and all of Brendan's loved ones who are feeling this loss today."


Slain Israeli Grandma Gruesome Footage Of Dead Body Posted On Her Facebook Page By Hamas

An Israeli grandmother is one of hundreds dead at the hands of Hamas aggressors ... and her death was made public after a terrorist shared footage of her slain body on her own Facebook page.

Mor Bayder

Mor Bayder shared the horrifying way she found out her grandma was dead as a result of the Hamas attacks ... saying she logged onto the social media site and saw gruesome footage of her dead grandmother in her Nir Oz home.


Mor broke down in tears while recalling seeing the alarming footage ... saying her mom couldn't even open the app herself, with Mor claiming she saw her grandmother lying dead on the floor, with blood covering the ground below.

The footage making it on her grandma's page means the Hamas terrorists must've filmed it from her personal phone and uploaded it from there -- a disgusting way to discover a family member has been killed.

As you know, Hamas first attacked Israel over the weekend, and it's been an all-out war ever since ... with reportedly over 900 Israelis dead since Saturday's attack. Nearly 700 Palestinians are also reportedly dead in the days since the killings began.

We covered it all on a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Asesinato de una abuela israelí Truculentas imágenes de su cuerpo... Publicadas en Facebook

Una abuela israelí es una de las cientos de víctimas que ha fallecido a manos de los agresores de Hamás, y su muerte se hizo pública después de que un terrorista compartiera imágenes de su cuerpo en su propia página de Facebook.

Mor Bayder compartió la horrible manera en que se enteró de que su abuela estaba muerta como resultado de los ataques de Hamás, diciendo que se conectó al sitio y vio imágenes horripilantes del cuerpo de su abuela en su casa de Nir Oz.

Mor Bayder
Abuela brutalmente asesinada

Mor rompió en llanto al recordar las imágenes. Contó que su madre ni siquiera pudo abrir la página. En las fotos, su abuela aparece en el suelo, cubierta de sangre.

El hecho de que las imágenes aparecieran en la página de su abuela significa que los terroristas de Hamás debieron filmarlas desde su teléfono personal y subirlas desde allí, una forma repugnante de descubrir que un miembro de la familia ha sido asesinado.

Como ustedes saben, Hamás atacó por primera vez Israel el fin de semana y ha sido una guerra sin tregua desde entonces. Se estima que más de 900 israelíes han muerto desde el ataque del sábado, y cerca de 700 palestinos en los días posteriores al primer ataque.

New Dash Cam Footage Hamas Lunatics Fatally Shoot Victim In Ditch ... Violently Kidnap Others


More nightmarish images have emerged showing the Hamas-led massacre of concertgoers at the Supernova Festival in Israel.

Dash cam video from a car at the event captured footage of the terrorist group carrying out Saturday's sneak attack that left 260 people brutally murdered.

The clip starts with a Hamas militant holding a terrified man from behind with his hands raised and marching him away to an almost certain death.

Another terrorist -- armed with a machine gun -- sees one of the festival attendees hiding in a ditch near the trunk of a second car. He rushes over and pumps bullets into the pit, apparently killing the person.

The video then cuts to several other terrorists yanking a helpless woman from the backseat of the second car and escorting her away.

One of the terrorists then removes luggage from the trunk of a third vehicle and rummages through the bag, throwing clothes on the ground before the clip ends.

As you already know, Hamas terrorists launched a full-scale assault on Israel around dawn Saturday.


The terrorists broke through barriers separating the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip from the Jewish state, putting the festival under siege for hours. They moved on to other parts of Israel, leveling buildings with rockets and going house to house to fatally shoot men, women and children.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promptly declared war against Hamas, and the two sides have been battling each other for days now.

So far, the overall death toll has reached upwards of 1500 with at least 11 Americans slain.

Nuevas grabaciones Lunáticos de Hamás disparan hasta dar muerte a víctima Secuestran a otros...

Perturbadoras grabaciones

Más imágenes de pesadilla han aparecido en las últimas horas, las que muestran la masacre dirigida por Hamás contra los asistentes a un concierto en el Festival Supernova de Israel.

El video registrado por la cámara de un carro que se encontraba en el evento captó imágenes del grupo terrorista llevando a cabo el furtivo ataque este sábado, que dejó a 260 personas brutalmente asesinadas.

El video comienza cuando un militante de Hamás sujeta por la espalda a un hombre aterrorizado y se lo lleva hacia lo que casi seguramente será su muerte.

Otro terrorista armado con una ametralladora ve a uno de los asistentes al festival escondido en una zanja cerca del maletero de un segundo carro. Luego se acerca corriendo y dispara contra el foso, aparentemente matando a la persona.

A continuación, el video muestra cómo otros terroristas sacan a una mujer indefensa del asiento trasero del segundo carro y se la llevan.

A continuación, uno de los terroristas saca el equipaje del maletero de un tercer vehículo y rebusca en la bolsa, tirando la ropa al suelo antes de que termine el clip.

Como ya saben, el grupo terrorista Hamás lanzó un asalto a gran escala contra Israel en la madrugada del sábado.

Huyendo del festival

Los terroristas rompieron las barreras que separan la Franja de Gaza, gobernada por Hamás, del Estado judío, y sitiaron el festival durante horas. Se desplazaron a otras partes de Israel, arrasando edificios con cohetes y yendo casa por casa para disparar mortalmente a hombres, mujeres y niños.

El Primer Ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, no tardó en declarar la guerra a Hamás y ambos bandos llevan días enfrentándose.

Hasta el momento, el número total de muertos asciende a más de 1.500 y al menos 11 estadounidenses han sido asesinados.