Israel Music Festival Shani Louk Smiling & Dancing ... Before Fatal Kidnapping

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As videos continue to come out showing the terror in the middle east, another has surfaced highlighting the innocent people who were killed ... living and enjoying their lives before evil swept in.

Young music festivalgoer Shani Louk danced with a big smile on her face around friends near the Gaza Strip over the weekend without a care in the world. Of course, Shani had no idea only minutes later terrorists would attack, kill, and kidnap hundreds at the festival.

Louk was tragically taken by Hamas terrorists and murdered -- her naked body was then paraded through the streets in the back of a pickup truck, displaying her multiple broken bones as onlookers spat on her dead body.

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Her mother, Ricarda, has spoken out online after Louk's horrifying death made the rounds online ... pleading for anyone with info to come forward -- adding she's already seen the brutal video of her daughter.

Ricarda says her daughter -- who is German but grew up in Israel -- went to the festival with a group of tourists.


Louk reportedly often challenged the military and refused to enroll in the mandatory service that Israelis are required to complete ... and her death is among the hundreds of others who have lost their lives since the attacks first sparked over the weekend.


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horas antes de la tragedia

Ha aparecido un nuevo video en el que se muestra a personas asesinadas viviendo y disfrutando de su vida antes de que el mal se adueñara de ella.

La joven Shani Louk— que asistía a un festival de música— bailaba con una gran sonrisa junto a sus amigos cerca de la Franja de Gaza durante el fin de semana sin preocuparse por nada. Por supuesto, Shani no tenía ni idea de que solo unos minutos después los terroristas atacarían, matarían y secuestrarían a cientos de personas en el festival.

Louk fue trágicamente secuestrada por terroristas de Hamás y asesinada: su cuerpo desnudo fue paseado por las calles en la parte trasera de una camioneta, mostrando sus múltiples huesos rotos mientras los espectadores escupían sobre su cadáver.

Su madre, Ricarda, ha hablado en línea después de la horrible muerte de Louk, suplicando a cualquier persona con información para seguir adelante con la investigación, añadiendo que ya ha visto el video brutal de su hija.

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investigando los detalles

Ricarda dice que su hija es alemana, pero creció en Israel y fue al festival con un grupo de turistas.

Al parecer, Louk desafiaba a menudo a los militares y se negaba a alistarse en el servicio obligatorio que deben cumplir los israelíes y su muerte se cuenta entre los cientos de personas que han perdido la vida desde que se desencadenaron los atentados el fin de semana.


El ex futbolista profesional israelí Lior Asulin murió durante el brutal ataque de Hamás del fin de semana mientras celebraba su 43 cumpleaños.

Asulin estaba de fiesta en el festival de música "fiesta de la naturaleza" en un complejo turístico cerca del kibutz Re'im cuando hombres armados abrieron fuego, matando al futbolista y a muchas otras personas, según los informes.

Una superviviente le dijo al Canal 12 de Israel que vio a unos 50 terroristas vestidos con ropa militar llegar en furgonetas y comenzaron a dispararle a todo el que estaba a la vista.

"Dispararon ráfagas y llegamos a un punto en el que todos detuvieron sus vehículos y empezaron a correr", dijo la superviviente.

"Me metí en un árbol, un arbusto como este, y empezaron a dispararle a la gente. Vi masas de heridos tirados por ahí y yo en un árbol e intentando entender qué estaba pasando".

El equipo de fútbol Hapoel Tel Aviv —que firmó con Auslin un contrato de cuatro años en 2007— emitió un comunicado en X en el que afirmaba estar profundamente entristecido por su muerte.

Su antiguo entrenador en el Bnei Sakhnin, Eyal Lachman, también emitió un comunicado en el que afirmaba que Asulin era "un tipo con un corazón de oro, y esa era su característica más destacada".

"Siempre decían que su característica más destacada era devolver. Según mi experiencia, su característica más destacada era darle a sus amigos su alma".

Asulin jugó en varios equipos durante su carrera como futbolista profesional e incluso fue uno de los mejores delanteros de la liga nacional israelí en 2004.

Marcó 88 goles y ganó la Copa de Israel 2004 con el Bnei Sakhnin.

Asulin cumplió 43 años el sábado.


Ex-Israeli Soccer Player Lior Asulin Killed By Hamas While Celebrating Birthday

Former Israeli pro soccer player Lior Asulin was killed during the brutal Hamas attack over the weekend while celebrating his 43rd birthday.

Auslin, a striker, was partying at a "nature party" music festival at a resort near Kibbutz Re’im when gunmen opened fire, killing the footballer and many others, according to reports.

One survivor told Israel's Channel 12 she saw about 50 terrorists in military gear arrive in vans and started shooting at anyone in sight.

"They fired bursts, and we reached a point where everyone stopped their vehicles and started running," the survivor said.

"I went into a tree, a bush like this, and they just started spraying people. I saw masses of wounded people thrown around and I'm in a tree and trying to understand what's going on."

The Hapoel Tel Aviv soccer team -- who signed Auslin to a four-year contract in 2007 -- released a statement on X that they're deeply saddened by his death.

His former Bnei Sakhnin coach Eyal Lachman also released a statement, saying Asulin was "a guy with a heart of gold, that was his most outstanding characteristic."

"They always said that his most outstanding characteristic was to give back, I saw that the most outstanding characteristic was to give his friends his soul."

Auslin played for several teams during his pro soccer career ... and was even one of the top strikers in the Israeli domestic league in 2004.

He scored 88 goals and won the 2004 Israeli Cup with Bnei Sakhnin.

Asulin's 43rd birthday was Saturday.


Hamas Sneak Attack Concertgoers Hid In Bushes Recorded Messages To Loved Ones


Horrified concertgoers dove into an underbrush to try and save their lives at the Israeli festival where Hamas terrorists slaughtered 260 innocent people.

Two attendees -- a man and a woman -- recorded the harrowing images with their cell phones and posted the footage on social media.

The clips show the two hiding in bushes and whispering messages to family and friends in case they don't make it out alive.


In the background, you hear artillery fire and bombs exploding during Saturday's bloodbath at the Supernova Festival.

Survivors stayed hunkered down for up to 5 hours until Israeli soldiers came in to bring them to safety.

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The Palestinian militant group crashed through barriers separating Israel from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip to carry out the sneak attack around dawn.

Gunmen rolled up in trucks to the venue where fans were listening to music all night and opened fire into the crowd, killing hundreds of people.

At the same time, Hamas launched surprise assaults in other parts of Israel, leaving more than 700 dead. Videos posted online show kidnappings and rockets blowing up buildings.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared war on Hamas, vowing to unleash "mighty vengeance" on the terror organization.

ATAQUE SORPRESA en HAMáS ASISTENTES A un CONCIERTO SE ESCONDen envían mensajes a sus seres queridos

entre los arbustos

Los asistentes a un concierto tuvieron que esconderse entre los matorrales para salvar sus vidas en un festival israelí donde los terroristas de Hamás masacraron a 260 inocentes.

Dos asistentes —un hombre y una mujer— grabaron las angustiosas imágenes con sus teléfonos móviles y las publicaron en redes sociales.

En los clips se los ve a ambos escondidos entre los arbustos y susurrando mensajes a familiares y amigos en caso de no salir con vida.

escapando del festival

De fondo, se oyen disparos de artillería y explosiones de bombas durante la devastación del sábado en el Festival Supernova.

Los supervivientes permanecieron agazapados hasta 5 horas hasta que los soldados israelíes entraron para ponerlos a salvo.

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las explosiones

El grupo militante palestino atravesó las barreras que separan Israel de la Franja de Gaza, gobernada por Hamás, para llevar a cabo el ataque sorpresa hacia el amanecer.

Los hombres armados llegaron en camiones al lugar donde los aficionados habían estado escuchando música toda la noche y abrieron fuego contra la multitud, matando a cientos de personas.

Al mismo tiempo, Hamás lanzó ataques sorpresa en otras partes de Israel, dejando más de 700 muertos. Circulan videos en Internet que muestran secuestros y cohetes lanzados contra edificios.

El primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, le ha declarado la guerra a Hamás, prometiendo desatar una "poderosa venganza" contra la organización terrorista.


Michael Chiarello, un famoso chef, murió repentinamente este fin de semana.

La ex estrella de "Food Network" falleció el sábado mientras recibía tratamiento en el Queen of the Valley Medical Center en Napa, California y, por lo que sabemos, su hospitalización fue el resultado de un ataque de alergia fatal, esto de acuerdo con su propia empresa.

Gruppo Chiarello anunció el domingo lo que llevó a la muerte de su fundador, diciendo que una reacción alérgica aguda dio lugar a un shock anafiláctico. También dicen que estuvo rodeado de amigos y familiares en sus últimos momentos. No está claro si la reacción alérgica estuvo relacionada con la comida.

El equipo añade: "Lamentamos profundamente la pérdida de nuestro querido patriarca Michael", dijo la familia Chiarello en un comunicado. "Su brillantez culinaria, su creatividad sin límites y su inquebrantable compromiso con la familia eran la esencia de su ser. Unía a la gente a través de la alegría de las comidas, fomentando recuerdos duraderos alrededor de la mesa".

El Gruppo Chiarello concluye diciendo: "Mientras afrontamos esta profunda pérdida, guardamos con cariño los momentos que disfrutamos con él, tanto en sus cocinas como en nuestros corazones. Su legado vivirá para siempre en el amor que vertía en cada plato y en la pasión que nos inculcó a todos para saborear los sabores de la vida".

El chef estrella tuvo una larga carrera en televisión, con su programa "Easy Entertaining With Michael Chiarello" emitido durante 10 temporadas en FN. También participó en series de éxito como "Top Chef", "Chopped" y "The Next Iron Chef", entre otras, por no hablar de sus apariciones en otros programas de entrevistas.

Le sobreviven su esposa, Eileen, y sus cuatro hijos. Michael tenía 61 años.


'Food Network' Chef Michael Chiarello Dead at 61 ... Following Allergic Reaction

Michael Chiarello, a celebrity chef, died this weekend ... and it was apparently sudden.

The former "Food Network" star passed away Saturday while being treated at the Queen of the Valley Medical Center in Napa, CA -- and, as it turns out, his hospitalization is the result of a fatal allergy attack ... this according to his own company.

Gruppo Chiarello announced Sunday what led up to their founder's death, saying an acute allergic reaction resulted in anaphylactic shock. They also say he was surrounded by friends and family in his final moments. It's unclear if the allergic reaction was food-related.

The team adds, "We deeply mourn the loss of our beloved patriarch Michael," the Chiarello family said in a statement. "His culinary brilliance, boundless creativity, and unwavering commitment to family were at the core of his being. He brought people together through the joy of shared meals, fostering lasting memories around the table."

Gruppo Chiarello finishes by saying, "As we navigate this profound loss, we hold dear the moments we cherished with him, both in his kitchens and in our hearts. His legacy will forever live on in the love he poured into every dish and the passion he instilled in all of us to savor life's flavors."

The star chef had a long run on TV, with his show "Easy Entertaining With Michael Chiarello" airing for 10 seasons on FN. He was also featured on hit series like "Top Chef," "Chopped," "The Next Iron Chef" and others ... not to mention appearances on other talk shows.

He's survived by his wife, Eileen, and his four children. Michael was 61.


ATAQUE DE HAMÁS ISRAEL CONTRAATACA Cientos de muertos en el conflicto

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buscando refugio

Israel ha reaccionado con rapidez al mayor ataque sufrido por el país en 50 años, bombardeando zonas de Gaza en represalia por el ataque de Hamás que, según los informes, ha causado ya más de 500 muertos israelíes.

Se ve a la gente corriendo para protegerse mientras los edificios se derrumban tras los bombardeos.

Israel ha declarado estado de guerra y está tomando represalias rápidamente por el ataque que escapó completamente a la inteligencia militar, tanto en Israel como en los EE.UU.


Este dramático video muestra a una reportera haciendo una toma en vivo en Gaza cuando cayó una bomba, los sonidos de la explosión la inquietan, pero ella resiste y continúa su reportaje.

En el momento del ataque, había un festival de música lleno de gente cerca de la Franja de Gaza y se ve el terror y el pánico cuando los terroristas lanzan cohetes y abren fuego contra la multitud

Algunos de los asistentes al festival fueron tomados como rehenes por hombres armados. Se llevan a una mujer en moto mientras grita: "¡No me matéis! No, no, no".

Decenas de personas han sido tomadas como rehenes y se encuentran ahora en algún lugar de la Franja de Gaza, lo que dificulta las represalias del ejército israelí. Es probable que algunos de los rehenes se encuentren en túneles que albergan a algunos de los terroristas, así como artillería militar y de otro tipo.

Al menos 1.500 personas resultaron heridas en el atentado del sábado y se espera que aumente tanto el número de muertos como el de heridos.

El Primer Ministro Benjamin Netanyahu, que dijo: "Estamos en guerra", prometió que Hamás "pagará un precio muy alto".

Oriente Medio está sufriendo terribles momentos de violencia... se desconoce si otros países que rodean a Israel se unirán al conflicto.

Funcionarios estadounidenses creen que el ataque de Hamás fue alimentado y organizado por Irán.

Hamas Attack Israel Strikes Back with Force ... Hundreds Dead in Conflict

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Israel has reacted swiftly to the biggest attack on the country in 50 years, bombing areas of Gaza in retaliation for the Hamas attack that now reportedly killed more than 500 Israelis.

You see people running for cover as buildings collapse after the bombings.

Israel has declared a state of war and is swiftly retaliating for the attack that completely escaped military intel -- both in Israel and the U.S.


This dramatic video shows a reporter doing a live shot in Gaza when a bomb hit ... the sounds from the explosion unnerve her but she toughs it out and continues her reporting.

At the time of the attack, there was a crowded music festival near the Gaza Strip and you see the terror and panic as terrorists launched rockets and opened fire into the crowd

Some of the people at the festival were taken hostage by gunmen. One woman is taken away on a motorcycle as she screams, "Don't kill me! No, no no!"

Dozens, and many more, have reportedly been taken hostage and are now somewhere in the Gaza Strip, making retaliation by the Israeli military problematic. It's likely some of the hostages are in tunnels which house some of the terrorists as well as military and other artillery.

At least 1,500 people were injured in Saturday's attack and both the death toll and toll of those injured is expected to climb.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said, "We are at war," vowed that Hamas "would pay a price it has never known."

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The Middle East is a powder keg of violence ... it's unknown if other countries surrounding Israel will join the conflict.

U.S. officials believe the Hamas attack was fueled and organized by Iran.

British Filmmaker Terence Davies Dead at 77

Terence Davies -- a staple director in modern British cinema -- has died.

His own social media account made the sad announcement Saturday, posting a photo of Davies and writing ... "It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Terence Davies, who died peacefully at home after a short illness, today on 7th October 2023."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

There are a couple of axioms/poems attached as well touching on the fleeting nature of life. In his IG Story, there's a touching obit attached, noting him as a filmmaker of poignant films.

Davies is perhaps best known for his slice-of-life aesthetic -- which was always infused in his films depicting Brits throughout different time periods ... especially the working class. The one film he'll for sure be remembered for is 'Distant Voices, Still Lives' -- a famed 2-parter.

He's got several other standout films ... like 'Benediction,' 'A Quiet Passion,' 'The Deep Blue Sea,' 'The Long Day Closes,' 'Sunset Song' and 'House of Mirth,' among others.

Davies' movies were often nominated for international awards, including BAFTAs, and he tended to do well at film festivals overseas as well. He'd worked alongside some big time actors over the years -- Cynthia Nixon, Dan Aykroyd, Laura Linney, Rachel Weisz, Tom Hiddleston, Mark Bonnar, Gillian Anderson, Emma Bell, Pete Postlethwaite and more.

He was 77.


Israel 'At War' After Hamas Attacks ... Brutality Along Gaza Strip

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Terrorists unleashed a surprise attack in Israel this weekend that has left scores of people dead -- marking what's sure to be the start of a prolonged bloodbath in the Middle East.

The radical group known as Hamas swarmed Israeli territory along the Gaza Strip and surrounding areas early Saturday morning -- this after launching countless rockets at civilian buildings and going around to wreak havoc on the streets thereafter in armed convoys.


There are several videos surfacing from Israel that capture the sheer brutality and horror of what's happening on the ground ... and most of them are far too graphic for publication.

What we can show, however, are key clips of Israelis being taken hostage in this hellish ordeal -- including lots of women and children who are being wrangled by Hamas members and thrown into the backs of their trucks ... getting tossed and thrashed and mistreated.

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As of this writing, the official body count on Israel's side is upwards of 150 ... and it continues to soar as the government scours through the wreckage and aftermath. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel is "at war" following the Hamas incursion -- and promised to retaliate with everything in his power to send a message of deterrence.

Israel has already begun to do that ... firing its own rockets and destroying buildings that are believed to be affiliated with Hamas militants -- and there are aerial strikes happening as well.

The fighting has only escalated since the initial onslaught ... the latest reports say a new wave of rockets have been fired from the Gaza region and are headed toward central Israel, including Tel Aviv. The U.S. is already on its toes in the wake of all this ugly news.

President Biden says he's monitoring the situation closely and prepared to help Israel with as much support as it needs -- while going on to condemn the terror attacks from Hamas.

TUPAC SHAKUR Ex detective testifica en el caso Ve relación con el asesinato de Biggie Smalls

El tiroteo que acabó con la vida de Tupac Shakur en 1996 estaría relacionado con el asesinato de su compañero Biggie Smalls al año siguiente, según el testimonio de un ex detective.

El detective retirado de la Policía Metropolitana de Las Vegas, Clifford Mugg, testificó ante el gran jurado del condado de Clark en el caso Tupac el mes pasado después de la reciente detención de Duane "Keefe D" Davis por el asesinato de la estrella del hip hop, informó CNN.

Mugg, uno de los investigadores del caso Tupac, declaró que personas "relacionadas con ambos asesinatos estaban involucradas", y añadió que la "teoría de que estaban relacionados era acertada".

No reveló los detalles de la teoría, pero admitió que hubo diferentes agresores en cada ataque, dando a Davis un pase en el asesinato de Biggie.

El fiscal Marc DiGiacomo preguntó: "Cuando dices que estaban relacionados, ¿no estás diciendo que fueron perpetrados por los mismos individuos?". Mogg respondió: "Eso es correcto". Davis fue detenido a finales de septiembre y acusado del asesinato de Tupac.

Mogg dijo que Davis se abrió camino a la cárcel por haber concedido numerosas entrevistas a lo largo de los años y por haber hablado abiertamente de su presunta implicación en el asesinato de Tupac. Según el testimonio de Mogg, Davis solo hablaba para que le pagaran por la historia.

Shakur fue asesinado a tiros en un vehículo conducido por el entonces director ejecutivo de Death Row Records, Suge Knight, mientras se encontraban en Las Vegas para ver una pelea de boxeo en septiembre de 1996. Suge resultó herido, pero sobrevivió.

En marzo de 1997, Smalls fue asesinado en un tiroteo en Los Ángeles.

Tupac Shakur Retired Detective Testifies In Murder Case ... Sees Link With Biggie Smalls Slaying

Tupac Shakur's fatal 1996 shooting was related to the murder of fellow rapper Biggie Smalls the following year, according to grand jury testimony from a former detective.

Retired Las Vegas Metro Police Detective Clifford Mugg testified before the Clark County grand jury in the Tupac case last month after the recent arrest of Duane "Keefe D" Davis for the hip hop star's murder, CNN reported.

Mugg, one of the investigators in the Tupac case, testified people "associated with both murders were involved," adding that the “theory was accurate that they were related.”

He didn't reveal the theory but admitted there were different assailants in each attack, giving Davis a pass on the Biggie murder.

Prosecutor Marc DiGiacomo asked, “When you say they were related, you’re not saying perpetrated by the same individuals?” Mogg replied, “That’s correct.” Davis was busted in late September and charged with Tupac's murder.

Mogg testified Davis talked his way right into jail by granting so many interviews over the years and talking openly about his alleged involvement in the Tupac murder. Davis was only speaking out to get paid for the salacious story, according to Mogg's testimony.

Shakur was shot to death in a vehicle driven by then-Death Row Records CEO Suge Knight while they were in Vegas for a boxing match in September 1996. Suge was wounded, but survived.

In March 1997, Smalls was killed in a drive-by shooting in Los Angeles.

'RHOC' Alum Alexis Bellino Check Out My New Underboob Tat ... Honoring My Late Mom

Alexis Bellino is remembering her late mother ... by getting a passage from her mom's journal tattooed near her boobs.

The 'Real Housewives of Orange County' alum tells TMZ ... her new ink reads "dying is a different way to live" ... it's something her mom once wrote in a diary.

Alexis Bellino

Alexis tells us her mom, Penelope, died from a rare brain disease in August ... and 5 days before she died, the family found Penelope's personal journal and went through it.

One passage stuck out to Alexis ... her mom's thoughts about death.

The journal excerpt reads ... "Why is death feared? Is it any different than going to bed at night and then waking up in the morning? Close your eyes one minute and open them the next to a different reality. We so trust waking up. We trust waking to the same reality. But everything changes ... could dying be a different way to live? Dying is a different way to live."

Alexis says when she read the "dying is a different way to live" concept, it felt like her mom was speaking to her directly ... and she wanted it somewhere on her body.

Well, Alexis followed through ... she went to a tattoo parlor Wednesday and got the phrase inked over her ribcage, just below her boob.

Alexis says a friend recommended tattoo artist Dillon Giarraffa, and she's thrilled with the outcome ... telling us he nailed her mom's handwriting. She says the whole process took about 2 1/2 hours and she could feel her mom's energy while she was getting inked.

AB tells us she and her mom are soulmates and while she's still in mourning, the tattoo makes her feel like her mother is with her all the time.

Alexis Bellino, ex de 'RHOC' Miren mi nuevo y sexy tatuaje En honor a mi madre...

Alexis Bellino está recordando a su difunta madre, inscribiendo cerca de su pecho un tatuaje de un pasaje de su diario de vida.

La ex estrella de 'Real Housewives of Orange County' dice a TMZ que su nuevo tatuaje dice: "morir es una manera diferente de vivir" y es algo que escribió su madre alguna vez.

Alexis Bellino
Todo sea por ella

Alexis nos dice que su madre Penélope murió de una rara enfermedad cerebral en agosto y 5 días antes de morir, la familia encontró su diario personal y le dio un vistazo.

Un pasaje se le quedó en la mente y es este donde habla sobre la muerte.

El extracto del diario dice: "¿Por qué es temida la muerte? ¿Es diferente de ir a la cama por la noche y luego despertar por la mañana? Cerrar los ojos un minuto y abrirlos al día siguiente en una realidad diferente. Confiamos tanto en despertarnos. Confiamos en despertarnos en esa misma realidad. Pero todo cambia, ¿morir podría ser una forma diferente de vivir? Morir es una forma diferente de vivir".

Alexis dice que cuando leyó el concepto de "morir es una manera diferente de vivir", se sintió como si su madre le hablara directamente y quiso atesorarlo en su propio cuerpo.

Y siguió adelante con la idea... Fue a un salón de tatuajes el miércoles y ya tiene la frase entintada sobre su caja torácica, justo debajo de su pecho.

Alexis dice que un amigo le recomendó al tatuador Dillon Giarraffa, y está encantada con el resultado. El tatuaje tiene la misma letra de su madre. Todo el proceso duró unas dos horas y media y durante todo el tiempo pudo sentir la energía de su madre presente.

AB nos cuenta que ella y su madre eran almas gemelas y que, aunque todavía está de luto, el tatuaje le hace sentir que su madre está con ella todo el tiempo.