Michael Jackson Estate Settles Dispute Over Alleged $1M Stolen Property


5:28 PM PT -- Jonathan Steinsapir, counsel for the Co-Executors of the Estate of Michael Jackson tell TMZ ... "The litigation between the Estate of Michael Jackson and Jeffré Phillips has been amicably resolved without the need for a trial and without any findings or admissions of wrongdoing. Mr. Phillips has voluntarily returned Michael Jackson’s property to the Estate. All outstanding disputes between the parties have been settled on confidential terms. We wish Mr. Phillips well in his future endeavors. "

Michael Jackson's estate is no longer beefing with a man who allegedly stole $1 million worth of MJ property from the late singer's Carolwood estate ... the parties just told the court there's a settlement.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Michael's estate settled its legal dispute with Jeffré Phillips, who was accused of taking tons of Michael's belongings in 2009, after the singer died.

The terms of the settlement are confidential ... though it's worth noting Michael's estate had been asking a judge to help return the property.

TMZ broke the story ... Michael's estate claimed Phillips was engaged to one of MJ's siblings back in the day and used the chaos and sadness around Michael's 2009 death to swipe a bunch of private and personal property from MJ's Carolwood home.

The estate claimed Phillips was going to sell the items and was looking to prevent any such sale from going forward.

From there, Michael's estate sought to recover the property ... pegging the aggregate value at around $1 million.

Among the items MJ's estate claims Phillips stole from the home ... laptops, iPods, hard drives, DVDs and CDs believed to contain non-public MJ performances and unreleased concert footage.

According to the estate, the rest of the stuff included Michael's handwritten notes with song lyrics ... plus cassette tapes, personal computers, framed record awards, a Michael Jackson doll, and a photo album with MJ on the cover.

Originally Published -- 11:25 AM PT

Morgan State University Five People Shot On Campus ... Manhunt Underway For At Least One Gunman


An annual homecoming event at Morgan State University was marred by violence Tuesday after five people were shot and injured on campus -- and at least one gunman is still at large.

The bullets started flying in the evening after the crowning of Mister and Miss Morgan State, which happens every year at the historic Black college in Baltimore, Maryland, around this time.

Baltimore PD said officers were patrolling the grounds when they suddenly heard a burst of gunfire as attendees of the event were emptying out of an auditorium at the Murphy Arts Center to go to a coronation ball in another building nearby.

Cops warned there was an active shooter loose around the arts center and one of the dormitories -- and issued an order for everyone to shelter in place.

Moments later, officers responding to that area stumbled upon the shooting victims -- four men and one woman between the ages of 18 and 22.

The victims, four of whom were students, were rushed to a local hospital, where they were treated for non life-threatening injuries.

A SWAT team searched high and low for the gunman but came up empty-handed, as police officials noted there could be more than one assailant still on the run.

Cops also determined there was no longer an active shooter on campus and lifted the shelter in place order by early Wednesday morning.

The university canceled all classes today.

Morgan State University Cinco heridos deja un tiroteo en el campus

La policía en los dormitorios

Un evento anual de exalumnos en la Morgan State University se vio empañada por la violencia el martes, después de que cinco personas fueran baleadas y heridas en el campus. Al menos un tirador sigue en libertad.

Las balas comenzaron a escucharse tras la coronación de Mister y Miss Morgan State, que se celebra cada año por estas fechas en la histórica universidad de Baltimore (Maryland).

La policía de la ciudad dijo que los oficiales estaban patrullando los terrenos cuando escucharon una ráfaga de disparos y vieron a los asistentes vaciar el auditorio en Murphy Arts Center para dirigirse a otro baile en otro edificio cercano.

Los policías advirtieron que había un tirador activo suelto alrededor del centro de artes y uno de los dormitorios, y emitió una orden para que todos se refugiaran en su lugar.

Momentos después, los agentes que acudieron a la zona se toparon con las víctimas del tiroteo: cuatro hombres y una mujer de entre 18 y 22 años.

Las víctimas, cuatro de los cuales eran estudiantes, fueron trasladados a un hospital local, donde fueron tratados por lesiones que no ponen en peligro su vida.

Un equipo SWAT buscó por todas partes al autor de los disparos, pero no encontró nada. Los agentes de policía señalaron que podría haber más de un agresor en fuga.

También determinó que ya no había un ningún tirador activo en el campus y levantó la orden de refugio a primera hora de la mañana del miércoles.

La universidad canceló todas las clases de hoy.

Accidente áreo en Oregón Video captura la caída del avión Dos muertos y otro severamente herido

Horrible accidente

Un dramático video capta el momento exacto en que un pequeño avión cayó del cielo en Oregón, estrellándose contra una casa y causando la muerte de dos personas. Un tercer pasajero se encuentra gravemente herido.

Echa un vistazo a las imágenes que muestran cómo la aeronave se precipita hacia la tierra en espiral el martes por la noche.

El hombre que graba el clip está claramente conmocionado y dice repetidamente: "¡¡¡Qué mier**!!!".

En un momento el avión monomotor desaparece de su vista y termina chocando en el techo de una casa en la ciudad de Newberg, a unas 25 millas al suroeste de Portland.

Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue dijo que tres personas se encontraban al interior del vuelo y que dos de ellas murieron en el lugar, mientras que el tercero fue trasladado por vía aérea a un hospital local con heridas graves. Todos los que estaban dentro de la casa al momento del choque fueron evacuados de forma segura.

Fox 12 Oregon informó que el avión despegó de la escuela Hillsboro Flight Academy a unas a 20 millas de distancia. Esta se dedica a formar pilotos profesionales de líneas aéreas.

La Administración Federal de Aviación está investigando la causa del accidente.

Oregon Plane Crash Video Captures Spiraling Aircraft ... Two Dead, One Severely Injured


Dramatic video captured the moment a small plane fell from the sky in Oregon, crashing into a home and killing two people onboard while seriously injuring a third.

Check out the footage ... which shows the aircraft plunging to the earth as it spirals through the air Tuesday night.

The man filming the clip is clearly shocked by what he's seeing, repeatedly saying, "Yo, what the f**k!!"

Eventually, the single-engine plane disappears from our view and ends up slicing through the roof of a house in the city of Newberg, about 25 miles southwest of Portland.

Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue says 3 people were on the flight and two died at the scene while the other was airlifted to a local hospital with severe injuries. Everyone inside the house was safely evacuated.

Fox 12 Oregon reported the plane took off from Hillsboro Flight Academy approximately 20 miles away. The school trains its students to become professional airline pilots.

The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the cause of the crash.

Nancy Pelosi Evicted from Capitol Office While in CA Mourning Sen. Feinstein

Rep. Nancy Pelosi says she's getting the boot from her Capitol office as a new pro tempore Speaker ascends to power -- and the eviction comes at a really inconvenient time.

The former Speaker of the House announced late Tuesday she'd gotten an email from Rep. Patrick McHenry's office -- this after he was named the GOP's interim Speaker following Kevin McCarthy's ousting -- which told her to beat it by Wednesday.

The email reportedly reads, "Going to reassign h-132 for speaker office use. Please vacate the space tomorrow." McHenry's camp is also apparently threatening to rekey the room.

The problem ... Pelosi isn't even in D.C. right now -- she's in Cali mourning the death of her close friend Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who just died last week. Pelosi's pretty peeved about being evicted, calling the move a "sharp departure from tradition" -- noting she'd given other ex-Speakers in the past their own office spaces for as long as they wanted.

She also notes she won't be able to retrieve her belongings in time seeing how she's on the West Coast and won't be back in D.C. for at least a couple days. Pelosi says this is petty.

She says, "Office space doesn’t matter to me, but it seems to be important to them. Now that the new Republican Leadership has settled this important matter, let’s hope they get to work on what’s truly important for the American people."

FWIW, Pelosi is among a select few members of Congress who had extra offices -- in addition to the one she's getting kicked out of ... she has a main one in the Cannon House office building, where the fire alarm got pulled over the weekend by a fellow Dem.

Nancy's stuff is already out in the hallway ... it'll be waiting for her when she's back.

Tupac Murder Case Outlawz Rapper Says ... Pac Wouldn't Want Keefe D In Jail

Tupac Shakur's former artist and Outlawz rapper Napoleon agrees with the narrative Duane Keith "Keefe D" Davis is only behind bars, and charged with Pac's murder, because he wouldn't stop running his mouth.

On Tuesday, Napoleon spoke to The Art Of Dialogue -- one of the platforms, coincidentally, where Keefe blabbed about his role in the Tupac case -- and he has little sympathy for Keefe's situation.

Napoleon says he never mustered enough interest to watch a full Keefe interview, but thinks clout-chasing got the best of the man, as he was openly bragging about riding in the car involved in Tupac's murder.

Keefe turned 60 in June, and Napoleon says not only is he too old to be cyber-banging, but reliving the events around Tupac's murder nearly 30 years after the fact is also a bum move.

Despite Keefe's self-incrimination, Napoleon says if Tupac had survived the shooting, he wouldn't want Keefe to rot in prison -- a sentiment echoed by Suge Knight, who was driving the BMW when he and Pac were shot.


Suge called TMZ from prison this week, and triple-downed on his refusal to rat out Keefe in any instance, in addition to denying Keefe's relative, the late Orlando Anderson, pulled the trigger.


Orlando was Keefe's nephew, and has long been believed to be the shooter, but he was killed in a 1998 shooting. Suge and Keefe are the last men standing among the 6 people involved in the 1996 shooting.

Tupac's own father is also discrediting Orlando as the shooter with a dash of conspiracy theory ... he's claiming the gov't killed his son and Keefe's just a pawn.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Rapero de Outlawz Tupac no querría que Keefe D se pudra en la cárcel

El ex artista de Tupac Shakur y rapero de Outlawz, Napoleon, está de acuerdo con la narrativa de que Duane Keith "Keefe D" Davis está únicamente tras las rejas, y acusado del asesinato de Pac, por haber hablado más de la cuenta.

El martes Napoleon habló con The Art Of Dialogue, casualmente una de las plataformas donde Keefe cotorreó sobre su papel en el caso Tupac, y no tiene mucha simpatía con lo que le está pasando.

Napoleon dice que nunca reunió suficiente interés para ver una entrevista completa de Keefe, pero cree que las ganas de involucrarse en el chisme sacó lo mejor de él, ya que se jactó abiertamente de viajar en el carro implicado en el asesinato de Tupac.

Keefe cumplió 60 años en junio y Napoleón dice que no solo está demasiado viejo para andar provocando, sino que es una mala jugada revivir los acontecimientos en torno al asesinato de Tupac, casi 30 años después de los hechos.

A pesar de la auto-incriminación de Keefe, Napoleón dice que si Tupac hubiera sobrevivido al tiroteo, no le gustaría que Keefe se pudriera en la cárcel, un sentimiento del que hizo eco Suge Knight, que conducía el BMW cuando él y Pac fueron baleados.

Se niega a testificar

Suge llamó a TMZ desde la cárcel esta semana y triplicó su negativa a delatar a Keefe en cualquier instancia. Además de eso, negó que el pariente de Keefe, el fallecido Orlando Anderson, haya sido quien apretó el gatillo.

Afuera con las manos en alto

Orlando era sobrino de Keefe y por mucho tiempo se ha pensado que él fue el tirador, sin embargo, falleció en 1998 en otro tiroteo. Suge y Keefe son los últimos hombres en pie de las seis personas implicadas en el incidente de 1996.

El mismo padre de Tupac está desacreditando la idea de que Orlando era el tirador con una pizca de teoría conspirativa. Asegura que el gobierno mató a su hijo y que Keefe es solo un peón.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.


La compañera de DC Young Fly, Jacky Oh! murió por complicaciones de una cirugía estética, pero el médico que la operó no será acusado de ningún delito. TMZ ha indagado.

El Departamento de Policía de Miami le dice a TMZ que el médico forense dictaminó que la muerte de Jacky fue accidental y los detectives de homicidios NO iniciarán una investigación criminal.

Como hemos informado, Jacky voló a Miami en mayo para procedimientos cosméticos y se le recetó medicamentos después del procedimiento. Jacky entonces tuvo un dolor de cabeza y volvió al cirujano para una cita postoperatoria. Luego decidió recibir un masaje para aliviar su dolor y se le aconsejó cambiar algunas de las pastillas que estaba tomando.

Según el informe del forense, Jacky empezó entonces a sentir que la cabeza le "ardía" y tenía dificultades para hablar. Un miembro de la familia llamó al 911, pero Jacky no respondía antes de que llegaran los primeros socorristas y finalmente fue declarada muerta en un hospital.

El informe de la autopsia señaló Jacky tenía hinchazón en el cerebro y extensa hemorragia de la piel alrededor de su torso.

En un post en las redes sociales antes de su muerte, Jacky afirmó que estaba en Miami para un "cambio de imagen de mamá" con el Dr. Zachary Okhah.

El Dr. Okhah emitió un comunicado poco después de la muerte de Jacky, aunque no se refirió directamente a la situación. Dijo que su oficina "sigue dedicada a la atención médica de la más alta calidad".

El doc añadió: "Todos los procedimientos estéticos se realizan en un ambiente higiénicamente seguro a las normas médicas universalmente reconocidas".

Hubo algunas dudas en cuanto a si alguien sería acusado de la muerte de Jacky, pero la policía dice que no va a suceder.

JACKY OH! Dr. Won't Face Criminal Probe In Cosmetic Surgery Death

DC Young Fly's partner Jacky Oh! died from cosmetic surgery complications, but the doctor who operated on her won't be charged with any crimes ... TMZ has learned.

The Miami Police Department tells TMZ ... the medical examiner ruled Jacky's death accidental, and homicide detectives will not launch a criminal investigation.

As we reported ... Jacky flew to Miami back in May for cosmetic procedures, and she was prescribed medications after the procedure. Jacky then got a headache, went back to the surgeon for a post-operative appointment, decided to get a massage to alleviate her pain and was advised to swap some of the pills she was taking.

According to the ME report, Jacky then began to feel her head "burning" and she had difficulty speaking. A family member called 911 but Jacky was unresponsive before first responders arrived, and she was ultimately pronounced dead at a hospital.

The autopsy report noted Jacky had swelling in her brain and extensive bleeding of the skin around her torso.

In a since-deleted social media post before her death, Jacky said she was in Miami for a "mommy makeover" with Dr. Zachary Okhah.

Dr. Okhah released a statement shortly after Jacky's death, though he didn't directly address the situation ... instead saying his office "remains devoted to the highest quality medical care."

The doc added ... "All aesthetic procedures are performed in a hygienically safe environment to universally recognized medical standards."

There was some question as to whether anyone would be charged in Jacky's death ... but on the heels of the Medical Examiner's findings, cops say that won't happen.

Suge Knight Hell No, I Won't Testify Against Keefe D!!! Insists Cops Still Don't Know Who Shot Tupac


Suge Knight is surprised there's finally an arrest in the murder of Tupac Shakur, and even though he was an eyewitness in the case ... he says he'll refuse if called to testify against the suspect, Duane "Keefe D" Davis.

TMZ spoke exclusively with the Death Row Records founder on Monday ... and he insists cops and prosecutors are barking up the wrong tree with their arrest of Davis. Even further, he refutes the long-held belief Davis' late nephew, Orlando Anderson, was the shooter.

Of course, Suge was in the BMW that 1996 night in Las Vegas when both he and Tupac were shot. During the phone call from a CA state prison, he told us regardless of what Davis has confessed to in interviews, or to police ... Suge himself won't ever say a bad word about the man.


He also said prosecutors can forget about getting him on the stand during Davis' murder trial. In a nutshell, Suge says he's not ratting out anyone. Keep in mind, of the 6 people involved in the shooting -- 4 were in the shooter's car -- Suge and Davis are the only 2 still alive.

As you know ... Davis was arrested last week in Las Vegas after a grand jury indicted him -- but the whole bust was a huge surprise to Suge.

092923_orlando_anderson_kal SEPTEMBER 1996

Cops say Keefe D was in on Tupac's murder and supplied the gun used in the fatal shooting ... which went down shortly after Tupac's crew beat the crap out of Orlando inside the MGM Grand following a Mike Tyson fight.

While Suge made it clear he'll never say who did open fire on Pac and him ... he says he knows it wasn't Anderson, and he insinuated Keefe D doesn't belong behind bars either.

Keefe's been outspoken for years about his alleged involvement in Tupac's murder, giving interviews and even writing a book about it -- and cops say that played a big part in reinvigorating the investigation.

Suge, who is currently serving out a 28-year sentence for voluntary manslaughter, won't say whether Keefe D was involved at all in the shooting -- but he was sure of one thing, telling us he'd never wish prison time on anyone.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

2Pac Murder Case Keefe D Panicked About Going to Jail ... Feared Incriminating Himself in Interview

Tupac Shakur murder suspect Duane Keith "Keefe D" Davis only has himself to blame for cops re-opening the nearly 3 decades-old investigation -- he knew he was close to self-incrimination during at least one interview.

Keefe spoke openly, several times, with platforms VladTV and The Art of Dialogue leading up to Las Vegas Police raiding his home in July, and arresting him last week. 'Dialogue' reminded folks of that Monday by reposting one of its clips where Keefe was sweating bullets.

In the interview, conducted a couple months ago, he admits riding in the car that contained Tupac's shooter, but wouldn't elaborate whether it was his nephew Orlando Anderson or another man, "Big Dre," who pulled the trigger.

In the tense conversation, Keefe says he wasn't trying to go back to jail for speaking his peace ... which is exactly what happened anyway.

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Vegas PD swooped in on Keefe on September 29 and charged him with murder, 27 years after Pac was gunned down on the strip.

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Tupac's brother Mopreme Shakur tells TMZ the entire series of events has been a traumatic experience for him and the family, and he says various changeups in LVPD staffing haven't helped matters.

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Keefe's dozens of hours speaking with VladTV were also of interest to police, but the veteran DJ says he's no snitch.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Ex-NFL TE Russ Francis Dies In Plane Crash ... At 70 Years Old

Former New England Patriots Pro Bowl tight end Russ Francis, along with another man, were killed Sunday when the small plane they were flying in crashed in Lake Placid.

Francis was 70 years old.

The crash, according to police, occurred a few minutes after 4 PM near Lake Placid Airport in New York.

The plane was a Cessna 177 Cardinal ... a light, single-engine aircraft that was first introduced in the late '60s. The Cessna "experienced an emergency after takeoff" and "attempted to return to the airport but failed to make the runway," according to the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA).

The second passenger who died alongside Francis was Richard McSpadden, a Senior Vice President for the AOPA. McSpadden was a very accomplished pilot, commanding the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds during his military career.

It's unclear if Francis, also a pilot, or McSpadden were flying at the time of the crash.

On the football field, Francis was one of the best at his position.

Russ was drafted with the 16th overall pick in the 1975 NFL Draft by the New England Patriots after starring at Oregon. He played 13 total seasons with the Pats and San Francisco 49ers, making 3 Pro Bowls and 2 All-Pro teams. Francis played in 167 games, catching 393 balls for 5,262 yards and 40 yards.

The Patriots released a statement on Francis' death.

"On behalf of the entire New England Patriots organization, we extend our sincerest sympathies to the family of Russ Francis, who tragically passed away yesterday," said Patriots Chairman and CEO Robert Kraft in a prepared statement.


Smash Mouth Singer Steve Harwell Cremated ... Memorial Open to Public

Smash Mouth's lead singer Steve Harwell has been cremated following his death earlier this month ... and we're told the late artist's memorial will be open for all fans to attend.

Steve's manager, Robert Hayes, tells TMZ ... the ashes will be buried at Los Gatos Memorial Park in San Jose, CA -- and his loved ones want Steve to have a headstone marker they can continue to visit and leave flowers at.

We're told he was supposed to be laid to rest next to his mother in San Jose's Oak Hill Memorial Park, but, unfortunately, there was no space available close to her ... so they opted for Los Gatos instead.

Steve's memorial will be open to the public on October 7 at Los Gatos -- over 300 folks have already confirmed they'll be attending, including his Smash Mouth bandmates. A private reception for family and close friends will follow.

TMZ broke the story, Steve passed away on September 4 due to liver failure -- he was surrounded by friends and family at his home in Boise.

The group's longtime frontman was in hospice care when doctors told him he only had a few days to live.


El cantante de Smash Mouth, Steve Harwell, ha sido incinerado tras su muerte a principios de este mes y nos informan dice que el memorial del difunto artista estará abierto para que todos los fans puedan asistir.

El manager de Steve, Robert Hayes, nos informa que las cenizas serán enterradas en Los Gatos Memorial Park en San José California y sus seres queridos quieren que Steve tenga una lápida que puedan seguir visitando para dejar flores.

Nos comentan que supuestamente iba a ser enterrado junto a su madre en Oak Hill Memorial Park de San José, pero por desgracia no había espacio disponible cerca de ella, así que optó por Los Gatos en su lugar.

El memorial de Steve estará abierto al público el 7 de octubre en Los Gatos. Más de 300 personas ya han confirmado que asistirán incluyendo a sus compañeros de banda. Además, habrá una recepción privada para familiares y amigos cercanos.

Como informó TMZ, Steve falleció el 4 de septiembre debido a una insuficiencia hepática, rodeado de amigos y familiares en su casa de Boise.

El frontman del grupo estaba en cuidados paliativos cuando los médicos le dijeron que solo le quedaban unos días de vida.

TIM WAKEFIELD FALLECE A LOS 57 Días después de que Schilling revelara su diagnóstico

El lanzador de Tim Wakefield, dos veces campeón de la Serie Mundial, ha fallecido a la edad de 57 años. Solo unos días después de que su excompañero de equipo, Curt Schilling, revelara que el veterano lanzador estaba luchando contra el cáncer cerebral.

Los Boston Red Sox, el equipo de Wakefield durante casi todas sus 19 temporadas en las Grandes Ligas (pasó sus primeros días con los Pirates), anunciaron la devastadora noticia en redes sociales.

"Nuestros corazones están destrozados por la pérdida de Tim Wakefield", escribieron los Red Sox.

"Wake personificaba la verdadera bondad; un esposo, padre y compañero de equipo dedicado. Además de ser un querido locutor y el líder definitivo de la comunidad. Dio mucho al juego y a toda la Nación de los Red Sox".

"Nuestro amor más profundo y nuestros pensamientos están con Stacy, Trevor, Brianna y la familia Wakefield".

En el montículo, Wakefield era casi imbatible gracias a su knuckleball. Ganó 200 juegos y se retiró con una efectividad de 4.41. Tim ponchó a más de 2,100 bateadores y fue seleccionado para el Juego de Estrellas en 2009.

Ganó dos Series Mundiales en 2004 y 2007.

Wakefield se retiró en 2011 y más tarde fue incluido en el Salón de la Fama de los Red Sox.

Por supuesto, no se sabía públicamente que el ex All-Star estaba enfermo hasta que Schilling, en su podcast la semana pasada, reveló que Tim estaba luchando contra el cáncer y peleando por su vida, aparentemente en contra de los deseos de la familia Wakefield.

pidiendo oraciónes
The Curt Schilling Baseball Show

Curt incluso reconoció: "Ni siquiera sé si él quiere que se comparta", pero explicó que era cristiano y comentó: "He visto que la oración funciona así que voy a hablar de ello".

Schilling catalogó la enfermedad como "una forma muy grave y muy agresiva de cáncer cerebral".

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una total falta de consideración

Muchos se indignaron por las acciones de Schilling. La esposa de Jason Varitek, Catherine, criticó al ganador de la Serie Mundial. Los Red Sox también condenaron a Curt, diciendo: "La salud es un asunto profundamente personal que tenían la intención de mantener en privado mientras navegan por el tratamiento y trabajan para combatir esta enfermedad".

El equipo de las Grandes Ligas agregó que los Wakefield estaban pidiendo "privacidad en este momento".

Lamentablemente, tan solo tres días después, el legendario lanzador de knuckleball (tipo de lanzamiento en el que la pelota se mueve de manera irregular para dificultar al bateador) y padre de dos hijos falleció.

Muchos miembros de la comunidad del béisbol han comenzado a reaccionar ante esta terrible noticia, con el excompañero de equipo de Tim, Kevin Youkilis, resumiendo perfectamente a Wakefield.

"Fue un gran compañero de equipo y simplemente un gran amigo".

Descansa en paz.