Sen. Dianne Feinstein Photo Taken Hours Before Death ... While Hosting at D.C. Home

Dianne Feinstein entertained a close friend at her house -- and posed for photos with her -- in the hours preceding her sudden death.

The esteemed, longtime Senator from California posed for a photo Thursday afternoon with former California congresswoman Jane Harman ... who told CNN she was likely the last person to see Dianne.

As we reported ... Dianne died Thursday night at her home in Washington D.C.

Dianne was 90 years old and needed a wheelchair to get around the Capitol earlier this month, but she was standing and smiling in Thursday's photo ... so her death was clearly unexpected, at least judging from the last pic she snapped.

In fact, Dianne was working right up until her death ... in addition to hosting Harman at home, Dianne cast her final vote Thursday on the Senate floor.

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Dianne needed help getting onto the floor to vote ... raising her hand and voting 'aye' in favor of short-term funding for the government.

Tributes have been pouring in all day since news of her death broke, and there's now a vase with white roses occupying Dianne's longtime Senate seat.

Adolescente muere Al golpear una viga de hormigón en aparcamiento ... Se habría atascado en el techo del carro

Un adolescente canadiense falleció después de ponerse de pie a través del techo de un carro y cruzar a través de un garaje de estacionamiento, trayecto en el que accidentalmente golpeó su cuerpo contra una viga de hormigón.

La Policía de Edmonton respondió a una llamada en el estacionamiento del West Edmonton Mall el jueves por la tarde, después de enterarse sobre las heridas del hombre de 18 años.

Los oficiales dicen que el carro se estaba moviendo bajo una rampa cuando el chico se levantó y se golpeó con la viga. Los paramédicos respondieron para intentar tratarlo, lo llevaron al hospital, pero murió a causa de sus heridas.

Según la policía, el conductor de 17 años de edad, de sexo masculino y un pasajero de 15 años de edad, no resultaron heridos, pero siguen investigando para obtener más detalles.

En este momento, la policía no cree que el exceso de velocidad, las drogas o el alcohol hayan jugado un papel en la colisión fatal.

El West Edmonton Mall ha tenido una mala racha este año. Este es el 2º centro comercial más grande de Norteamérica y fue también escenario de un tiroteo el mes pasado, que dejó a tres personas heridas.

Canadian Teen Dies Hits Concrete Beam in Parking Garage ... Stuck Himself Through Sunroof

A Canadian teenager is dead after standing up through a car sunroof, cruising through a parking garage ... and accidentally slamming his body into a concrete beam.

Edmonton Police responded to a call at the West Edmonton Mall's parking garage Thursday afternoon ... after getting the call about the 18-year-old man's injuries.

EPS says the car was moving under a ramp when the guy stood up and struck the beam. Paramedics responded to treat the guy and rushed him to the hospital, but he died from his injuries.

According to cops, the 17-year-old male driver and a 15-year-old passenger weren't injured -- but cops are still investigating to get more details.

At this point, the police don't think speeding, drugs or alcohol played a role in the fatal collision.

The West Edmonton Mall's had a bad run this year -- the 2nd largest shopping mall in North America was also the scene of a shooting last month, which left 3 people wounded.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein Dead At 90

Dianne Feinstein -- the esteemed, longtime Senator from California, has died.

A statement from Feinstein's team reveals she died Thursday night at her home in Washington D.C.. The statement reads, "Her passing is a great loss for so many, from those who loved and cared for her to the people of California that she dedicated her life to serving."

Feinstein was the longest-serving female member of the Senate in history -- spending more than three decades within the hallowed walls of the Senate. She was a staunch Democrat from San Francisco and a strong voice for gun control.

Before serving in the Senate, Feinstein cut her political teeth as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. She became Mayor of San Francisco in 1978 after Mayor George Moscone was assassinated, along with Supervisor Harvey Milk. She became a U.S. Senator in 1992.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has said in the event of a Senate vacancy he would appoint a Black woman to serve out Feinstein's term.

The 90-year-old senator has suffered from various ailments in the last few years. She had a long absence recently because of shingles and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, along with encephalitis. There were calls for her resignation but Feinstein decided to tough it out.


The senator was born in 1933 in San Francisco, going to an all girls' high school and participating in things like ballet, athletics, and the glee club. She went on to attend Stanford University, graduating in 1955 with a Bachelor of Arts in history.

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She was 90.


Senadora Dianne Feinstein Muere a los 90

Dianne Feinstein, la estimada senadora por largo tiempo en California, ha muerto.

Un comunicado de su equipo revela que falleció el jueves por la noche en su casa de Washington D.C. El comunicado dice: "Su fallecimiento es una gran pérdida para muchos, desde los que la querían y cuidaban hasta el pueblo de California al que dedicó su vida a servir".

Feinstein fue la mujer que más tiempo ocupó un escaño en el Congreso, más de tres décadas en el Senado. Era una demócrata incondicional de San Francisco y una firme defensora del control de armas.

Antes de trabajar en el Senado, Feinstein se inició en la política como miembro de la Junta de Supervisores de San Francisco. En 1978 fue nombrada alcaldesa de la ciudad tras el asesinato del alcalde George Moscone, junto con el supervisor Harvey Milk. En 1992 se convirtió en Senadora de los Estados Unidos.

El gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, ha declarado que en caso de que se produzca una vacante en el Senado, nombraría a una mujer de raza negra para completar el mandato de Feinstein.

La senadora de 90 años había sufrido diversas dolencias en los últimos años. Recientemente, estuvo mucho tiempo de baja debido a herpes y al síndrome de Ramsay Hunt, además de una encefalitis. Hubo peticiones de dimisión, pero Feinstein decidió permanecer.

REcordando a Dianne

Dianne Feinstein nació en 1933 en San Francisco, donde asistió a un instituto femenino y participó en actividades como ballet, atletismo y coro. Estudió en Stanford y se licenció en Historia en 1955.

Tenía 90 años.

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La última vez que la vimos

Que en paz descanse.

Iraqi Wedding Tragedy Video Shows Venue Go Up in Flames ... As Guests Run for Cover

New video from inside the horrific fire at a wedding in Iraq shows how quickly the flames spread in only seconds before over 100 people were killed.

The clips show the happy couple dancing inside the Al Haithem wedding hall near the village of Qaraqosh also known as Al-Hamdaniya Tuesday night. A series of sparklers goes off around them, starting the blaze and sending guests into a panic.


Flowers hanging from a massive truss above the couple seem to act as fuel to the flames, going up almost immediately as embers fall to the ground.

After most had evacuated the main room, huge beams -- completely on fire -- crashed to the ground. Footage after the fatal incident shows the intense destruction caused to the building.

The bride and groom reportedly made it out alive, but Reuters says 113 people have been confirmed dead, and another 150 suffered injuries. Iraq's Interior Ministry has allegedly issued arrest warrants for the owners of the wedding hall, with 1 already in cuffs as of Thursday.

Survivors from the wedding fire claim the place wasn't equipped for a disaster like this ... and one woman told the outlet, "This was not a wedding. This was hell," while crying and hitting herself after losing her 27-year-old daughter and 3 grandkids in the fire -- one of whom was just 8 months old.

Grieving family members held a massive gathering outside a morgue in the nearby city of Mosul, crying out in pain.

Tragedia en una boda Video muestra el lugar en llamas ... Un invitado corre para protegerse

Un nuevo video al interior de una boda en Irak muestra la rapidez con que se propagaron las llamas, solo segundos antes de que un horrible incendio matara a más de 100 personas.

Los clips muestran a la feliz pareja bailando dentro del salón de bodas Al Haithem cerca del pueblo de Qaraqosh, también conocido como Al-Hamdaniya, el martes por la noche. A continuación se ve que una serie de bengalas estallan a su alrededor, provocando el incendio y sembrando el pánico entre los invitados.

Completamente en llamas

Las flores que colgaban de un enorme soporte que estaba encima de la pareja parecieron actuar como combustible para el fuego, pues las llamas treparon casi de inmediato.

Después de que la mayoría hubiera evacuado la sala principal, unas enormes vigas, completamente en llamas, se estrellaron contra el suelo. Las imágenes posteriores al fatal incidente muestran la intensa destrucción causada en el edificio.

Aparentemente, los novios salieron con vida, pero Reuters afirma que se ha confirmado la muerte de 113 personas y que otras 150 sufrieron heridas. Al parecer, el Ministerio del Interior de Irak emitió órdenes de detención en contra de los propietarios del salón de bodas, uno de los cuales ya estaba esposado desde el jueves.

Los sobrevivientes del incendio afirman que el lugar no estaba equipado para un desastre como este y una mujer dijo a la salida: "Esto no era una boda. Esto fue un infierno", mientras lloraba y se golpeaba a sí misma tras perder en el incendio a su hija de 27 años y a sus tres nietos, uno de los cuales tenía solo 8 meses.

Los familiares en duelo se reunieron afuera de una morgue en la cercana ciudad de Mosul, en donde lloraron su terrible dolor.

'Harry Potter' Actor Michael Gambon Dead at 82 ... After Bout With Pneumonia

Actor Michael Gambon -- best known for his role as Albus Dumbledore in the 'Harry Potter' films -- has died from pneumonia.

In a statement released Thursday, Gambon's publicist said he passed away peacefully in a hospital surrounded by his wife Anne and son Fergus.

The rep also said Gambon's family is "devastated" and requested privacy "at this painful time."

The esteemed Hollywood actor was cast in his most memorable role as Dumbledore in 6 out of the 8 'Harry Potter' films after the death of his predecessor, Richard Harris, in 2002.

Gambon also starred in dozens of other movies, including "Gosford Park," "The King's Speech" and the animated family flick "Paddington." His work spanned TV, theater and radio, as well.

Gambon was 82.



El actor Michael Gambon, más conocido por su papel de Albus Dumbledore en las películas de Harry Potter, ha fallecido a causa de una neumonía.

En un comunicado emitido el jueves, el publicista de Gambon dijo que falleció en paz en un hospital acompañado de su esposa Anne y su hijo Fergus.

El representante también dijo que la familia de Gambon está "devastada" y pidió privacidad "en este momento doloroso."

El estimado actor de Hollywood fue elegido en su papel más memorable como Dumbledore en 6 de las 8 películas de "Harry Potter" después de la muerte de su predecesor, Richard Harris, en 2002.

Gambon también protagonizó docenas de otras películas, entre ellas "Gosford Park", "El discurso del Rey" y la película familiar de animación "Paddington". También trabajó en televisión, teatro y radio.

Gambon tenía 82 años.


Asesinatos en Gilgo Beach ADN del presunto asesino coincide con el de pizza ... Dicen los fiscales

El presunto asesino en serie de Gilgo Beach es casi seguramente el que las autoridades han estado buscando durante años, esto de acuerdo con los fiscales, que ahora dicen que la prueba estaría en la pizza.

Rex Heuermann apareció en la corte el miércoles para una audiencia de estado y los fiscales anunciaron un par de grandes avances en el caso, incluyendo la afirmación de que una reciente muestra de ADN de Heuermann (obtenida de su mejilla) coincide con el ADN que encontraron en los restos de una pizza, que era la clave para descifrar el asunto.

Como recordatorio, los policías decidieron investigar la basura de Heuermann en busca de ADN. Lo encontraron en algunos restos de pizza y más tarde llegaron a la conclusión de que coincidía con el ADN de un folículo piloso descubierto en una bolsa de arpillera que contenía restos de una de las 4 víctimas.

Ahora, a raíz de estas nuevas pruebas, la oficina del fiscal dice que no hay duda de que el ADN que encontraron en la pizza pertenece a Heuermann. En otras palabras, están diciendo que lo atraparon.

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tmz investiga

Mientras los fiscales insisten en que el ADN de la pizza coincide, el equipo de defensa de Heuermann hizo hincapié en la corte que el ADN del folículo piloso no es tan claro, argumentando que el pelo podría pertenecer a otras personas, a pesar de que la ley ha alegado que con seguridad no coincide con el 99,96% de la población de América del Norte.

Otro detalle que salió a la luz durante la comparecencia del miércoles es que Heuermann ha estado dedicando entre 2 a 3 horas al día en promedio, para revisar los materiales proporcionados por la fiscalía, según le dijo al juez.

Los fiscales dicen que tienen al menos 10 terabytes de información sobre Heuermann y su equipo legal, por lo que hay mucho que estudiar detenidamente y puede haber más.

La próxima comparecencia ante el tribunal está prevista para el 15 de noviembre.

Gilgo Beach Murders Suspected Killer's DNA Matches Pizza ... Prosecutors Say

The suspected Gilgo Beach serial killer is almost certainly the one authorities have been seeking for years -- this according to prosecutors, who now say the proof is in the pizza.

Rex Heuermann appeared in court Wednesday for a status hearing ... and prosecutors announced a couple of big developments in the case -- including their claim Heuermann's recently collected DNA (via cheek swab) does in fact match the DNA profile they found on a discarded pizza crust ... which was the key to cracking this whole thing.

As a refresher ... cops went through Heuermann's trash in search of DNA and say they found some on the pizza which they later concluded matched DNA from a hair follicle discovered in a burlap sack that contained remains from one of the 4 victims.

Now, in the wake of further testing ... the D.A.'s office is saying there's no doubt the DNA they found on the pizza belongs to Heuermann. Essentially, they're declaring they have their man.

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While prosecutors insist the pizza DNA matches ... Heuermann's defense team made sure to emphasize in court the hair follicle DNA isn't quite so clear ... arguing that the hair could belong to other people, even though law enforcement has alleged 99.96% of the North American population can safely be excluded as a match.


Another nugget of info that surfaced during Wednesday's appearance ... Heuermann told the judge he'd been going over evidence in his jail cell -- explaining he'd been dedicating 2-3 hours a day, on average, to review materials provided by the prosecution.

Prosecutors say they've forked over at least 10 terabytes worth of info to Heuermann and his legal team -- so there's a lot to pore over, and there may be more to come.

The next court appearance is set for November 15.

Brooks Robinson Hall of Famer Dead At 86

Baseball Hall of Famer Brooks Robinson -- one of the greatest third basemen in MLB history -- has passed away, the Baltimore Orioles announced Tuesday.

He was 86 years old.

The O's released a statement on the tragic news ... saying, "We are deeply saddened to share the news of the passing of Brooks Robinson. An integral part of our Orioles Family since 1955, he will continue to leave a lasting impact on our club, our community, and the sport of baseball."

Robinson -- who earned the nicknames "Mr. Hoover" and "The Human Vacuum Cleaner" as a result of his defensive playmaking abilities -- spent his entire career in Baltimore from 1955-1977 ... winning the World Series in 1966 and 1970, and being named the Most Valuable Player during his second championship.

Robinson had stellar longevity -- he was an 18-time All-Star and 16-time Gold Glove winner and won the 1964 MVP.

While he turned heads on the field, he was also a force in the batter's box -- recording 2,848 hits, 268 homers and 1,357 RBI.

Robinson was a shoo-in for the Hall of Fame -- he was inducted in his first year of eligibility in 1983, which had never happened before for a third baseman.

His No. 5 jersey was retired by the organization.

The legend remained close to the franchise over the years -- the O's honored him on the 45th anniversary of his retirement in 2022 ... where he rode on the field and greeted fans before a game.


'8 Mile' Actor Nashawn Breedlove Dead at 46

Nashawn Breedlove, famous for battle-rapping Eminem in the movie "8 Mile," is dead.

A family member tells TMZ ... Nashawn died in his sleep Sunday at his home in New Jersey. We're told his loved ones do not yet know the cause of death.

Nashawn played Lotto in the 2002 movie, which is loosely based on Eminem's life ... and he's known for a scene where his character takes on Em's B-Rabbit in a rap battle.

In his movie rap, Nashawn sings ... "I feel bad I gotta murder that dude from 'Leave it to Beaver'" ... and the crowd goes nuts, though he eventually loses the showdown.

Before his big break on '8 Mile' Nashawn was rapping under his stage name OX ... with a feature on the soundtrack for the 2001 movie "The Wash" with Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg.

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Rapper Mickey Factz was first to report Nashawn's death, remembering him for his "tenacity and aggressiveness" as a battle rapper.

Nashawn was 46.


Actor de '8 Mile' Nashawn Breedlove Muere a los 46 años

Nashawn Breedlove, famoso por su rapeo con Eminem en la película "8 Mile", ha muerto.

Un miembro de la familia le dice a TMZ que Nashawn murió mientras dormía el domingo en su casa de Nueva Jersey. Sus seres queridos aún no saben la causa de muerte.

Nashawn interpretó el papel de Lotto en la película de 2002, que se basa libremente en la vida de Eminem, y es especialmente conocido por una escena en la que su personaje se enfrenta a B-Rabbit de Em en una batalla de rap.

En la película, Nashawn canta: "Me siento mal tengo que asesinar a ese tipo de 'Leave it to Beaver'", y la multitud se vuelve loca, aunque finalmente pierde el enfrentamiento.

Antes de su gran oportunidad en '8 Mile', Nashawn rapeaba bajo su nombre artístico OX, y tuvo una participación en la banda sonora de la película de 2001, "The Wash", con Dr. Dre y Snoop Dogg.

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El rapero Mickey Factz fue el primero en informar de la muerte de Nashawn, recordándolo por su "tenacidad y agresividad" como rapero de batalla.

Nashawn tenía 46 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Cyclist Hit-And-Run Commotion Heard In The Streets ... 911 Audio Reveals


There was a lot of commotion in the moments after the Las Vegas cyclist was intentionally struck and killed ... panic you can hear play out on the 911 call, made by the man's Apple Watch.

In the audio, obtained by TMZ, you can hear 64-year-old Andreas Probst's watch letting the 911 operator know he suffered a hard fall and was unresponsive.

What's more terrifying is the growing panic and chaos that can be heard in the background during the call, the retired police chief was later pronounced dead at the hospital.

That wasn't the only call from that day, however -- remember, cops believe the 2 suspects also hit another cyclist about half an hour before Probst. In that 911 call, you can hear the 72-year-old man tell dispatch the attack was intentional ... saying he could've been killed.

As we reported, 18-year-old Jesus Ayala, who was 17 at the time of the incidents, is now facing 18 counts, including murder ... this after cops say he was the one behind the wheel when Probst was killed.

Footage from the Probst incident was filmed by 16-year-old Jzamir Keys, and it sparked serious outrage after going viral. Officers had a hard time tracking down Keys a month after Probst's death, but he was eventually located and taken into custody, too.

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Officials say Keys was behind the wheel during the non-fatal hit-and-run with the separate cyclist earlier in the day.

Cops say the video shows the hit was intentional ... with Keys encouraging Ayala to hit Probst, and the 2 laugh it off as he lies in the street behind them.

'NCIS' Actor David McCallum Dead at 90

Veteran actor David McCallum, most famous for playing medical examiner Dr. Donald 'Ducky' Mallard on the hit TV show "NCIS," is dead.

David died Monday at New York Presbyterian Hospital, the result of natural causes ... according to a statement from CBS.

The network is remembering David as "a gifted actor and author, and beloved by many around the world."

CBS also says of David ... "He led an incredible life, and his legacy will forever live on through his family and the countless hours on film and television that will never go away."

David appeared in more than 400 episodes of "NCIS" on CBS ... and he was also known for his work on the 1960s TV show "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." ... earning nominations for Emmys and Golden Globes.

In addition to his work in TV, David also landed roles in movies ... including "The Great Escape," "A Night to Remember," "Mosquito Squadron," "Freud," and "The Greatest Story Ever Told."

David is survived by his wife of 56 years, his three sons, his daughter, and his eight grandkids.

CBS says an upcoming 20th anniversary "NCIS" marathon will add an "In Memoriam" for David.

He was 90.