Savannah Chrisley's Ex-Fiancé Nic Kerdiles Dies in Motorcycle Crash ... Savannah Breaks Silence


3:47 PM PT -- Savannah just further discussed Nic's passing, posting a photo of them holding hands. She writes, "Heaven gained the most beautiful angel today ... I miss you and I love you."


She adds, "I'll forever save our last messages of 'I love you.' please send me a sign that you're ok." SC goes on to list some of Nic's favorite things -- including food, which appears to carry some significant meaning to her.


Savannah ends with ... "We loved hard ... and I can't wait to ride bikes with you along the beaches of heaven one day."


Savannah addressed Nic's death on social media, posting a clip of the two of them kissing and writing ... "I'm still hoping you respond to my text."

Savannah Chrisley's ex-fiancé, Nic Kerdiles, died in a motorcycle crash this week ... TMZ has learned.

Nashville PD tells us Kerdiles passed away early Saturday morning as a result of injuries sustained following an accident around 3:30 AM ... when they say he ran through a stop sign in a residential area north of central Nashville.

Cops say he struck the driver's side of a BMW with his Indian Motorcycle. We're told the other driver stopped immediately -- and that Kerdiles was transported to a local hospital ... where he later died. The police note ... there were no signs of impairment from either driver.

We've confirmed Kerdiles' DOB with police. Tragically, NK also posted a photo of himself on his IG story last night that shows him cruising around on his Indian bike. A caption attached reads "Night rider."

Kerdiles had been engaged to Todd and Julie Chrisley's second daughter, Savannah, for a bit between 2018 and 2020 ... when she called it off and broke up with Nic. They'd been dating since 2017, and he was even featured on her parents' reality show, "Chrisley Knows Best."

Of the breakup, Savannah has said ... "When we got engaged, I feel like it was for all the wrong reasons. When he proposed, I knew it shouldn't have been happening. It was filmed, it was on TV. His family was there, my family was there. It was not the way I would want it to go down, ever."

She went on to say ... "Everything was just wrong at the time. Granted, I loved him, I was in love with him. It was just, there was so much more work that needed to be done before you got married."

Nic comes from a hockey background, having played at the college level for a while ... before a brief stint professionally with the Anaheim Ducks in the 2010s. He bounced around for a little bit before hanging up his hockey career in 2018 ... having played for a total of 4 years.

Most recently, Nic had been working as real estate broker in the Nashville area. He had no children of his own -- but most certainly was close to his family ... including his nieces and nephews -- with whom he just posted a bunch of sweet pictures earlier this month.

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One of Nic's last posts is heartbreaking to read. At the time he wrote, "Getting to go home this past weekend and seeing my family was something that I need more than I knew."

Nic adds, "Time in this life goes by quicker and quicker each day. I will never again take the these days with them for granted and my advice is the same for everyone else. Love is unconditional, and it’s rare to find in this world. I’m so thankful that I have parents, siblings, nieces and nephews that love me back the way they do. I’ve already booked my next trip back home and I cannot wait to see them again soon! Love you guys all so much!"

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We've reached out to Nic's family for comment, but haven't been able to connect. We've also reached out to Savannah's rep ... so far, no word back.

Nic was only 29. RIP

Originally Published -- 10:33 AM PT

Ex prometido de Savannah Chrisley Nic Kerdiles muere en accidente de moto

El ex-prometido de Savannah Chrisley, Nic Kerdiles, murió en un accidente de moto esta semana, según ha indagado TMZ.

Policías de Nashville dicen que Kerdiles falleció la madrugada del sábado como resultado de las lesiones sufridas en un accidente a las 3:30 AM aproximadamente, cuando pasó por una señal de stop en una zona residencial al norte del centro de Nashville.

La policía dice que chocó el lado del conductor de un BMW con su motocicleta Indian. Nos dicen que el otro conductor se detuvo de inmediato y que Kerdiles fue trasladado a un hospital local, donde falleció más tarde. La policía puntualiza que no había señales de herida en el otro conductor.

Hemos confirmado la fecha de nacimiento de Kerdiles con la policía. Trágicamente, Nic también publicó una foto suya anoche en sus historias de Instagram, que lo muestra paseando en su moto. Un pie de foto adjunto dice: "conductor nocturno (night rider)".

Kerdiles había estado comprometido por un tiempo con la segunda hija de Todd y Julie Chrisley, Savannah, entre 2018 y 2020, hasta que ella terminó con él. Llevaban saliendo desde 2017, e incluso Nic apareció en el reality de los padres de ella, 'Chrisley Knows Best'.

Sobre la ruptura, Savannah ha dicho: "Cuando nos comprometimos, creo que fue por todas las razones equivocadas. Cuando me lo propuso, sabía que no debería haber pasado. Lo filmaron, salió en la tele. Su familia estaba allí, mi familia estaba allí. No era la forma en que me gustaría que sucediera, nunca".

Continuó diciendo: "Todo estaba mal en ese momento. Por supuesto, yo lo amaba, yo estaba enamorada de él. Pero había mucho trabajo por hacer antes de casarnos".

Nic viene del mundo del hockey. Jugó a nivel universitario por un tiempo y después tuvo un breve paso profesional con los Anaheim Ducks en el 2010. Luego de pensárselo un poco, decidió terminar su carrera en 2018, habiendo jugado un total de cuatro años.

Más recientemente, Nic había estado trabajando como corredor de bienes raíces en el área de Nashville. No tenía hijos, pero estaba cerca de su familia, incluyendo sus sobrinas y sobrinos con los que acababa de publicar un montón de fotos a principios de este mes.

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Uno de los últimos post de Nic resulta desgarrador de leer. En ese momento escribió: "Llegar a casa el fin de semana pasado y ver a mi familia era algo que necesitaba más de lo que pensaba".

Y añadía: "El tiempo en esta vida pasa cada día más rápido. Nunca volveré a dar por sentados estos días con ellos y mi consejo es el mismo para todos los demás. El amor es incondicional, y es raro encontrarlo en este mundo. Estoy muy agradecido de tener padres, hermanos, sobrinas y sobrinos que me quieren como lo hacen. Ya he reservado mi próximo viaje a casa y estoy deseando volver a verlos pronto. Los quiero muchísimo".

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la familia de Nic para hacer comentarios, pero no hemos podido contactarlos. También intentamos conversar con el representante de Savannah, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido ninguna palabra de vuelta.

Nic sólo tenía 29 años. Que en paz descanses.

Alligator Hell 14-Foot Reptile Chows Down On Human Torso ... Freaks Out Florida Neighborhood

A real-life monster tale unfolded in Florida Friday ... after a 14-foot alligator was found with a dead body in its mouth.

The super scary incident occurred yesterday afternoon in the city of Largo, where the hungry reptile was slithering around the neighborhood -- freaking out residents.

One local was on his way to a job interview when he spotted the creature biting down on what appeared to be a portion of a mannequin.

But then Jamarcus Bullard got a better look, believing it could be a human torso in the jaws of the alligator.

Bullard told Fox13 News he reported the grisly find to the fire department, which quickly responded and confirmed it was a human part.


Pinellas County Sheriff's deputies said additional remains from an unidentified adult were found nearby. No one else was injured.

The alligator was humanely killed.

Infierno en Florida Caimán de 4 metros devora un torso humano

Una historia de monstruos, pero real, se desarrolló en Florida este viernes, después de que un caimán de 4 metros fuera encontrado con un cadáver en la boca.

El incidente súper aterrador ocurrió ayer por la tarde en la ciudad de Largo, donde el reptil estuvo caminando y deslizándose por el barrio, asustando a los residentes.

Una persona de la zona iba camino a una entrevista de trabajo cuando vio a la criatura mordiendo lo que parecía ser una parte de un maniquí.

Pero tras conseguir una mejor visión, a Jamarcus Bullard le pareció ver lo que se cree era un torso humano en las fauces del caimán.

Bullard dijo a Fox13 News que informó del espeluznante hallazgo a los bomberos, que rápidamente respondieron y confirmaron que era una parte humana.

El caimán versus las chicas

Diputados del Sheriff del Condado de Pinellas dijeron que restos adicionales de un adulto no identificado fueron encontrados cerca. Nadie más resultó herido.

El caimán fue sacrificado humanitariamente.

Angus Cloud Causa de muerte revelada... Sobredosis de fentanilo, cocaína y más

Angus Cloud murió a causa de una combinación letal de fentanilo, cocaína, metanfetamina y otras sustancias, en lo que se está dictaminando como una sobredosis accidental, según ha indagado TMZ.

Según el forense del condado de Alameda, la estrella de "Euphoria" sufrió una intoxicación aguda por la combinación de drogas que también incluía benzodiazepina.

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audio del 911

TMZ dio la noticia, Angus murió en su casa familiar en Oakland el 31 de julio. La policía y los bomberos respondieron después de que su madre, Lisa, informara de una "posible sobredosis", diciendo que no tenía pulso.

Una fuente cercana a la familia nos dijo que Angus había estado lidiando con pensamientos suicidas graves después de enterrar a su padre en Irlanda. Angus se estaba quedando con su familia, intentando contener y superar su dolor ... aunque su madre niega que su hijo haya tenido pensamientos suicidas.

Como informamos, el padre de Angus, Conor, falleció en mayo después de una corta batalla contra el cáncer, que Lisa dijo "avanzó rápidamente lo que fue devastador para todos los que lo amaban."

Angus había ido a una fiesta de lanzamiento de un disco solo unos días antes de su muerte. Parecía estar de buen humor en ese momento, mientras compartía con un montón de gente.

A raíz de su muerte, los amigos de Angus se reunieron para pintar un mural en Oakland, que desde entonces se ha convertido en un lugar de reunión para las personas que lo quieren recordar.

recordando a angus
@madebydarin / @kalonstadamonsta / @danirose.a

El mural fue incluso un lugar de encuentro para velarlo, y la obra de arte capturó la atención de la coprotagonista de "Euphoria", Zendaya, quien publicó al respecto en las redes sociales.

Zendaya también ha estado entre las celebridades que han compartido homenajes a Angus. La actriz ha dicho que va a apreciar cada momento que compartieron.

Angus Cloud Cause Of Death Revealed ... Combo of Fentanyl, Cocaine & More

Angus Cloud died from a lethal combination of fentanyl, cocaine, methamphetamine and more in what's being ruled an accidental overdose ... TMZ has learned.

According to the Alameda County Coroner, the "Euphoria" star suffered acute intoxication from the combination of drugs which also included benzodiazepine.

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TMZ broke the story, Angus died at his family home in Oakland July 31 -- police and the fire dept. responded after his mother, Lisa, reported a "possible overdose," saying he didn't have a pulse.

A source close to the family told us Angus had been battling severe suicidal thoughts after burying his father in Ireland the week before. Angus was staying with his family, trying to work through overcoming his grief ... though his mom denies her son was suicidal.

As we reported, Angus' father, Conor, passed away in May after a short battle with cancer, which Lisa said "moved quickly which was devastating to all who loved him."

Angus attended an album release party just a few days before his death ... appearing to be in good spirits at the time while partying it up with a bunch of people.

In the wake of his death, Angus' friends came together to paint a mural in Oakland ... which has since become a gathering place for people wanting to remember him.

@madebydarin / @kalonstadamonsta / @danirose.a

The mural was even the site of a candlelight vigil ... and the artwork captured the attention of Angus' "Euphoria" costar Zendaya, who posted about it on social media.

Zendaya's also been among the celebs sharing tributes to Angus ... she says she will cherish every moment they shared.

We covered Angus' death on a previous episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Bob Ross First Painting From TV Show Up For Sale ... Nearly $10 Million!

An iconic piece of art from Bob Ross' past is up for sale 4 decades after it was made ... and it ain't gonna come cheap.

Bob's painting is titled, "A Walk in the Woods," painted on the first episode of his hit show, "The Joy of Painting" -- where many first discovered his talent.

The piece has Bob's signature in the bottom corner and is listed on Modern Artifact for $9,850,000. People interested can make another offer if they'd like ... but we're assuming it'll sell in that ballpark, given its significance.

Fans of the show know it didn't take Bob long to craft the incredibly detailed oil painting -- his inaugural episode is only 28 minutes long -- but that just goes to show how talented he really was.

As you know, Bob's show debuted in 1983 with this painting, the show aired over 400 episodes on PBS and lasted until 1994, the year before he died due to complications from lymphoma.

His legacy is up there with some of the greats in the world of art, partially thanks to his internet fame long after his death so it's no doubt his first televised painting will make a killing.

In Bob's words, "Let's get crazy."


Una obra de arte icónica del pasado de Bob Ross está a la venta 4 décadas después de que se hizo y no va a ser barata.

La pintura de Bob se titula, "Un paseo por el bosque", pintado en el primer episodio de su exitoso programa, "La alegría de la pintura" donde muchos descubrieron por primera vez su talento.

La pieza tiene la firma de Bob en la esquina inferior y está listada en Modern Artifact por 9.850.000 de dólares. Las personas interesadas pueden hacer otra oferta si lo desean.

Los fans de la serie saben que no le tomó mucho tiempo a Bob para elaborar la pintura al óleo increíblemente detallada. Su episodio inaugural es de sólo 28 minutos de duración y prueba lo talentoso que era Ross.

Como ustedes saben, el programa de Bob debutó en 1983 con esta pintura, el programa se emitió más de 400 episodios en PBS y duró hasta 1994, un año antes de su muerte debido a complicaciones de linfoma.

Su legado está a la altura de algunos de los grandes del mundo del arte, en parte gracias a su fama en Internet mucho después de su muerte, así que no cabe duda de que su primer cuadro televisado hará fortuna.

En palabras de Bob: "Vamos a volvernos locos".

Quavo Ridin' For Takeoff with Congress Members ... Addresses Gun Violence

Quavo stormed Capitol Hill Wednesday morning on behalf of his Rocket Foundation, and he arrived with the clear-cut agenda of tackling gun violence ... TMZ Hip Hop has learned.

The ex-Migos frontman was joined by his mother and his older sister, Takeoff's mother, as part of the 52nd Annual Legislative Conference.

Quavo met with House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Senator Cory Booker, Representatives Lucy McBath, Steven Horsford, Lisa Blunt Rochester, Robin Kelly, Maxwell Frost and community organizer Greg Jackson to voice his complaints.

Quavo's Rocket Foundation was established to bring awareness for gun violence prevention on both a state and federal level.

Several of the Congress members have an active "Break the Cycle of Violence Act" campaign, and we're told all parties were working Wednesday on viable solutions in a closed-door meeting.

Takeoff was shot and killed in November 2022, and Quavo hasn't stopped honoring his legacy.

Sources tell us Quavo is deeply committed to eradicating gun violence conditions in Black and Brown communities, and will also be helming a community conversation later today in the nation's capital.

Quavo Honra a Takeoff en el Congreso Abordando la violencia por armas de fuego

Quavo irrumpió en el Capitol Hill este miércoles por la mañana, en representación de su Fundación Rocket, y llegó con el propósito claro de hacer frente a la violencia por armas de fuego, según ha indagado TMZ Hip Hop.

El ex frontman de Migos fue acompañado por su madre, su hermana mayor y la madre de Takeoff, como parte de la 52ª Conferencia Legislativa Anual.

Quavo se reunió con el líder demócrata de la Cámara de Representantes, Hakeem Jeffries, el senador Cory Booker, los representantes Nikema Williams, Steven Horsford, Lisa Blunt Rochester, Robin Kelly, Maxwell Frost y el organizador comunitario Greg Jackson para expresar sus quejas.

La Fundación Rocket de Quavo se creó con el fin de generar conciencia sobre prevención de la violencia armada, tanto a nivel estatal como federal.

Varios de los congresistas han sido activos en la campaña "Break the Cycle of Violence Act", y nos cuentan que todas las partes estuvieron trabajando en soluciones viables, en una reunión a puerta cerrada este miércoles.

Takeoff fue asesinado a tiros en noviembre de 2022, y Quavo no ha dejado de honrar su legado.

Fuentes nos dicen que Quavo está profundamente comprometido con la erradicación de la violencia armada en las comunidades negras y morenas, y también estará conduciendo una conversación con la comunidad más tarde hoy en la capital de la nación.

New England Patriots Officials Reviewing Video Of Fight ... Prior To Fan's Death

The fan who died at the Patriots game on Sunday was involved in a physical altercation prior to his death, and now officials are reviewing video footage of the incident to determine what happened.

The Norfolk District Attorney's office tells TMZ Sports "Our investigation has included numerous law enforcement interviews and the examination of multiple angles of video capturing the scuffle prior to Mr. Dale Mooney's collapse during the Sunday night game at Gillette Stadium."

Officials tell us they conducted a preliminary autopsy which pointed to a medical issue, as opposed to a traumatic injury as a possible factor in the death. A final determination hasn't yet been made.

As we previously reported, 53-year-old Dale Mooney, who was at the Patriots vs. Dolphins game, was rushed to a local hospital after what was initially classified as an "apparent medical event."

He was pronounced dead at the medical facility.

Following the tragic news, videos of the incident surfaced online appearing to show a man in a Dolphins jersey striking a fellow spectator, presumed to be Mooney.

A GoFundMe was launched for Mooney's family ... which raised $13k as of Wednesday. Dale's survived by his wife of 20+ years and two kids.

New England Patriots Autoridades revisan video de la pelea previa a muerte de hincha

El hincha que murió en el juego de los Patriotas el domingo pasado estuvo involucrado en un altercado físico antes de su muerte, y ahora los funcionarios están revisando las imágenes del incidente para determinar que sucedió exactamente.

La oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Norfolk le dijo a TMZ Sports: "Nuestra investigación ha incluido numerosas entrevistas con las fuerzas del orden y el examen de múltiples ángulos de video que capturan la pelea antes del colapso del Sr. Dale Mooney durante el partido del domingo por la noche en el Gillette Stadium".

Los funcionarios nos dicen que llevaron a cabo una autopsia preliminar que apunta a un problema médico, en lugar de una lesión traumática como posible factor de muerte. Aún no se ha tomado una decisión definitiva.

Como informamos anteriormente, Dale Mooney, de 53 años, que estaba en el partido de los Patriots contra los Dolphins, fue trasladado a un hospital local después de lo que fue clasificado inicialmente como un "aparente evento médico".

Fue declarado muerto en el centro médico.

Tras la trágica noticia, aparecieron videos del incidente que parecían mostrar a un hombre con una camiseta de los Dolphins golpeando a un espectador, presumiblemente, Mooney.

Se puso en marcha un GoFundMe para la familia de Mooney, que recaudó $13k hasta el miércoles. Dale deja a su esposa de más de 20 años y a sus dos hijos.

Darmouth Coach Buddy Teevens Dead At 66 ... After March Bike Crash

Dartmouth football head coach Buddy Teevens has tragically passed away from injuries he suffered in a bicycle accident six months ago, his family announced Tuesday.

He was 66 years old.

"Our family is heartbroken to inform you that our beloved 'coach' has peacefully passed away surrounded by family," Teevens' loved ones said in a statement. "We are confident and take comfort in the fact that he passed away knowing how much he was loved and admired."

Teevens -- the winningest coach in Big Green history -- was hit by a pickup truck in Florida back in March ... and the collision was so bad, doctors had to amputate his right leg. His family said he also suffered spinal cord injuries in the crash as well.

Assistant Sammy McCorkle was named interim head coach while Teevens attempted to recover.

"This is tragic news for Dartmouth and the entire football world," Dartmouth leaders said in a statement Tuesday night. "Buddy not only was synonymous with Dartmouth football, he was a beloved coach and an innovative, inspirational leader who helped shape the lives of generations of students."

The school added that McCorkle informed the football team of Teevens' passing Tuesday evening and ensured players "that they have the support and resources they need as they process such devastating news."

Teevens -- who played quarterback at Dartmouth in the late 1970s -- was first named Big Green head coach in 1987 ... and following five years on the Dartmouth sidelines, he took gigs at Tulane, Illinois, Florida and Stanford, before returning to his alma mater in 2005.

Teevens went on to pile up a 117-101-2 career record at the school ... gaining fame nationally for his efforts to limit his players' risk for concussions.

Teevens opted to do away with full-contact practices to keep his players safe ... and he also played a pivotal role in the creation of the Mobile Virtual Player, a bot college and NFL teams use to hone their tackling craft.

His tactics were so innovative, Roger Goodell recognized him as "a leader in making our game safer through breakthrough innovations" at the 2023 NFL Draft.

Teevens will be honored with a moment of silence before Dartmouth's game Saturday against Lehigh.


Fatal Vegas Hit-And-Run Cops Arrest Passenger ... Who Filmed & Laughed During Attack

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The passenger who was filming and cackling while his buddy struck and killed a man riding his bike has been arrested.

The unnamed suspect was taken into custody Tuesday in Clark County -- this according to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, which says they have their man. His identity has yet to be revealed ... he's also a minor -- just like his alleged accomplice.

The DAs said on Tuesday the 2 males are expected to be tried as adults, however. It was also revealed a student at a local school showed the shocking video to an officer on campus, which was how the department first learned of it.

Andreas Probst's daughter, Taylor, spoke about the loss of her father at the press conference ... saying her family is "devastated by the senseless murder" that took place last month, saying the death is a direct result of "society's decayed family values" and the effects of social media.

Remember, these two are who cops say is featured in a now notorious video that circulated online ... graphically depicting the murder of 64-year-old Probst, who was simply riding his bicycle down the street when the two guys in the stolen car opted to hit him.

You can hear them talking about it right before they hit the accelerator -- the guy driving asks his passenger if he should go for it ... and the passenger encourages him to do it.

Probst went flying into the air and was left for dead on the road. The two teenagers in the car can be heard laughing it up as they drive away.

Mind you ... right before they ran over Probst, the two had gotten into a separate road rage incident -- where they slammed into another car -- literally just moments beforehand.

However, authorities now say there was a third incident that went down roughly 30 minutes before all of this ... where the 2 teens hit another person on a bike, claiming the passenger was the one behind the wheel this time.

They say the other cyclist and the alleged road rage victim suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

The video has drawn widespread outrage and condemnation ... and Vegas PD has since publicly pleaded for help in ID'ing the other dude. Now, police say they have them both.

It remains to be seen if the passenger will face similar charges as the driver -- who's being prosecuted for hit-and-run as well as murder.

Michoacán, México Dos personas mueren tras impacto de un rayo Espeluznante video

Horrible incidente

Dos personas han fallecido tras ser alcanzadas por un rayo en una playa de México, y el espeluznante incidente fue grabado en video.

El terrible suceso ocurrió en Michoacán este lunes, ubicado en la costa del Pacífico, cuando el clima se puso muy complicado. En el video se puede ver a alguien recogiendo un quitasol, justo antes de que caiga el rayo.

Después de que la primera persona es golpeada, se puede ver cómo el rayo parece viajar por la arena hasta alcanzar a la segundo. Ambos colapsaron tras recibir el impacto, causando gritos de horror en las personas que estaban en el lugar.

Según el medio español MARCA, las víctimas eran un hombre y una mujer. Uno vendedor de hamacas y el otro turista. La mujer murió en el acto, mientras que el hombre falleció en el hospital mientras recibía tratamiento.

Las probabilidades de que una persona sea alcanzada por un rayo son escasas, aproximadamente de 1 entre 15.300.

Una media de 2.000 personas son golpeadas por un rayo cada año en todo el mundo, y aunque el 10% de ellos mueren, el 90% restante puede quedar con secuelas a largo plazo, como pérdida de memoria y convulsiones.

Mexico Beach 2 Killed by Lightning Strike ... Terrifying Clip


2 people are reportedly dead after being hit by a bolt of lightning on a beach in Mexico ... and the horrifying incident was caught on video.

The ordeal went down in Michoacán Monday, along the country's Pacific coast -- as the weather got super nasty. You can see someone packing up an umbrella, just before the strike.

After the first person is hit, you can see the lightning appear to travel along the sand to the other person ... both of them collapse, causing nearby folks to scream in horror.

According to Spanish outlet MARCA, the victims were a man and a woman -- one was a tourist, and the other sold hammocks. The outlet says the woman was killed instantly at the scene, and the man later died at the hospital while receiving treatment.

Odds for a person to get hit by lightning are rare, at about 1 in 15,300.

An average of 2,000 people are struck worldwide every year, and while 10% of those who get hit are killed, the other 90% could be left with long-term effects like memory loss and seizures.