N3ON es detenido por vehículo robado Pero parece que fue un error...

Un video de N3on siendo detenido se ha vuelto viral en línea, pero TMZ ha descubierto qué fue lo que exactamente llevó a los oficiales del sheriff a detener a la estrella de redes sociales... y es increíble

N3on -que es un streamer y YouTuber popular entre los Gen-Z- apareció recientemente en un video que muestra a la joven estrella de internet de 19 años de edad con su séquito de siendo detenido por los oficiales en West Hollywood.

empeorando las cosas

Echa un vistazo a la vid ... N3on abre la puerta y comienza a gritar preguntas a los policías acerca de por qué están esposando a su socio - antes de que los oficiales les dijeron que no se movieran y luego le ordenó a él ya sus amigos a poner las manos en los reposacabezas delante de ellos.

Un miembro del entorno de N3on se puede escuchar gritando desde fuera del coche ... un movimiento uno de los oficiales dijo que es "empeorar las cosas". Es dramático - y finalmente llegamos al fondo de lo que diablos pasó aquí ... y es bastante tonto, porque básicamente equivale a un error administrativo.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen ... N3on y su equipo fueron detenidos porque su vehículo fue aparentemente reportado como robado, que los lectores de placas en el coche de policía recogido en y marcado.

Se nos dice que los oficiales ordenaron N3on fuera del coche a punta de pistola como parte de una parada de coche delito grave - procedimiento operativo estándar - y fue entonces cuando N3on dijo a los oficiales que el coche había sido robado recientemente y luego recuperado por la policía de Los Ángeles. En otras palabras, fue robado y encontrado antes de que fueran conscientes de la actualización.

perdiendo el tiempo

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que los oficiales verificaron la historia de N3on y se enteraron de que el carro simplemente no había sido sacado del sistema. Nos han dicho que se lo explicaron a N3on -que, según nuestras fuentes, se mostró comprensivo- y lo dejaron en libertad sin más incidentes.

El video publicado por N3on parece confirmar esta versión, aunque, según nos han dicho, los agentes dejaron claro que su seguridad agravó la situación al interferir mientras intentaban hacer su trabajo. N3on hizo una broma al final, una que vamos a dejar que escuches por ti mismo.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Parece que N3on y los policías se separaron en buenos términos, esto podría haber terminado como un gran problema.

YouTuber N3on Pulled Over in 'Stolen' Vehicle But Just A Clerical Error?!?

A video of N3on getting pulled over has gone viral online ... but TMZ has learned what exactly led sheriff's deputies to stop the social media star mid-stream -- and it's wild.

N3on -- who's a streamer/YouTuber popular with the Gen-Z crowd -- was recently featured in a video posted to Kick ... which shows the internet-famous 19-year-old and his entourage getting stopped by deputies in West Hollywood.

Making It Worse

Check out the vid ... N3on opens the door and starts shouting questions at the cops about why they're handcuffing his associate -- before officers told them not to move and then commanded him and his friends to put their hands on the headrests in front of them.

A member of N3on's entourage can be heard yelling from outside the car ... a move one of the officers said is "making it worse." It's dramatic -- and we finally got to the bottom of what the hell happened here ... and it's pretty silly, 'cause it basically amounts to a clerical error.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... N3on and his crew were pulled over because their vehicle was apparently reported stolen, which plate-readers in the cop car picked up on and flagged.

We're told Officers ordered N3on out of the car at gunpoint as part of a felony car stop -- standard operating procedure -- and that's when N3on told officers the car had recently been stolen and then recovered by LAPD. In other words, it was jacked and found before they were aware of the update.


Our sources tell us deputies verified N3on's story and found out the car just hadn't been taken out of the system. We're told they explained this to N3on -- who our sources say was understanding -- and released him without further incident.

Video N3on posted seems to confirm this account ... although, we're told officers made clear his security inflamed the sitch by interfering while they were trying to do their jobs. N3on cracked an NSFW joke at the end too -- one we'll let you listen to for yourself.

TMZ Studios

Seem like N3on and the cops parted on good terms ... this after a little mistake could've ended as a huge problem.

Red Bull's Christian Horner Under Investigation ... For Alleged Inappropriate Behavior

Red Bull team principal Christian Horner is at the center of an investigation ... after a staffer within the Formula One organization accused the longtime boss of alleged inappropriate behavior.

The energy drink giant released a statement on Monday ... saying,  "After being made aware of certain recent allegations, the company launched an independent investigation."

Red Bull added the probe is being conducted by an outside party ... and it takes the situation "extremely seriously."

Horner -- who has been with the organization since it joined the grid in 2005 -- has denied the allegations ... although the nature of the claims was not revealed.

Horner is by far the most successful team principal in the sport today -- winning the constructors championship six times at the helm ... and overseeing six drivers championships, most recently with Max Verstappen.

Outside of F1, he's also famously married to Geri Halliwell ... AKA Ginger Spice.

It's unclear if this will have any effect on the upcoming F1 schedule ... as the first race of the season kicks off with the Bahrain Grand Prix in March.

Story developing ...

Lewis Hamilton Leaving Mercedes For Ferrari ... In 2025

A huge shakeup is coming on the Formula One grid ... with seven-time champion Lewis Hamilton leaving Mercedes -- his home since 2013 -- for Ferrari next year.

Ferrari announced the massive news just minutes ago ... saying, "Scuderia Ferrari is pleased to announce that Lewis Hamilton will be joining the team in 2025, on a multi-year contract."

39-year-old Hamilton is one of the most dominant drivers in F1 history -- he won six titles with Mercedes from 2014 to 2020 ... after securing his first championship with McLaren in 2008.

There had been rumors connecting Hamilton and Ferrari for a while ... but Sir Lewis temporarily put an end to the speculation when he agreed to a massive, two-year deal with Mercedes in 2024.

According to reports, Hamilton is eligible to opt out of the contract after the 2024 campaign ... which would pave the way for him to join Ferrari -- which currently seats drivers Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz.

Leclerc recently inked a long-term contract with Ferrari, and Sainz will keep the seat warm for Hamilton until this season comes to a close in November.

Hamilton hasn't shied away from his love for Ferrari in the past -- he told ESPN last year he always wondered what it would be like to drive in the team's iconic red.

Ferrari is a historic team in the sport, but has failed to live up to its own standards in recent years.

Fans are certainly hoping adding someone like Lewis to the mix will help turn things around.

'RHOM' STAR JULIA LEMIGOVA Ride Like 'The Real Housewives' ... Classic Mustang For Sale

Julia Lemigova is trading in the horsepower in her classic Mustang for goat power ... and one lucky buyer -- with a whole lot of cash -- can benefit from a sweet new ride.

"The Real Housewives of Miami" star is selling her vintage 1966 Ford Mustang 2+2 Fastback ... a car decked out in gorgeous maroon paint with a heck of a lot of features and just 12,486 miles on it.

The car's got a 289 V8 engine, vintage air conditioning, custom aluminum wheels -- that look just like the OGs -- and a custom grill, parchment pony interior, wood steering wheel, retro sound custom stereo and fold-down rear seat ... talk about a blast from the past!

Of course, another major selling point is its previous owner ... JL's got the car up for $42,500, and she doesn't really wanna part with it -- but she tells TMZ she needs the space for hay and animal food now that her goat, Elvis, is staying with her a few nights a week.

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Julia tells us she loved the idea of riding around South Beach with her wife, tennis legend Martina Navratilova, in the passenger seat ... but found she's more of a pickup truck girl instead.

Not only is she not getting enough miles out of it, but Lemigova says it's taking up space -- space she needs to store Elvis' hay and animal food since he's staying with the couple a few nights a week now ... he used to stay full-time at their farm but apparently he's more of a house goat now.

Don't worry animal lovers ... JL and MN have arranged temporary accommodations for their happy friends while they unload the car -- so he's not out wandering the streets of Miami.

Potential owners beware -- the car's got a manual transmission which Julia tells us she learned to drive while still living in Europe -- so you'd better know how to drive a stick!!!

Sounds like a fantastic deal for one lucky driver ... one might even say the Greatest Of All Time 🐐.

Playboi Carti 2022 Arrest Speeding 133 MPH Ended Without Legal Drama For Rapper

Playboi Carti had his spot blown this week ... body cam footage of the enigmatic rapper being arrested in September 2022 for driving over 133 miles per hour on Atlanta's I-75/85 Southbound Expressway leaked online.

TMZ Hip Hop obtained the police report from the incident ... Carti was slapped with multiple traffic violations, including reckless driving ... a case he tried to plead with the arresting officer to no avail.

Carti told the officer he was driving like greased lightning because of an emergency getting to the airport, to which the officer informed him that driving 133 MPH in a 55-mile-per-hour zone, was a hazard in itself and placed him in the back of his vehicle.

According to the docs, a search of his car also found a Glock handgun on the passenger seat, along with an extended mag in the weapon but no round was chambered.

The firearm was legally registered to Carti and his background check revealed he was not a convicted felon ... his uncle later arrived on the scene and took possession of the weapon at Cart's request.

A somewhat funny moment also occurred when Carti was booked ... a fan recognized him through his face mask and openly admitted Carti was his fav rapper in the whole wide world!!!

We checked the records and Carti emerged with a clean slate from the incident ... which wasn't the case that following December.

His next challenge to overcome is getting his album and tour to the public after numerous delays.

L.A. POLICE CHASE Dog Thrown From Car Staying With Vets ... Animal Cruelty Charges Added

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The poor dog thrown out of a moving car during a police pursuit in Los Angeles is not being returned to its owner for the time being ... instead, it'll be staying with a local humane society.

Daniel Pena -- the animal control supervisor at the Inland Valley Humane Society & SPCA -- tells TMZ ... the pooch will remain in their care, for now, while an investigation into Thursday's incident plays out.

As we reported ... the dog was tossed out of the window of some scumbag's truck Thursday as the driver was leading police on a high-speed chase.

Cops tell us the suspect is a 47-year-old man named Robin Luna and the chase started with a reported vandalism.

The guy was initially charged with felony evading but now we're told prosecutors are going to tack on animal cruelty charges.

As a result, the SPCA says the dog will remain in protective custody with them until further notice.

Fortunately, the dog survived and appears to have avoided life-threatening injuries ... although it's a good bet the pup is shaken up.

El Range Rover 2022 de Kim Kardashian está a la venta en Carfax... y parece bastante golpeado

El Range Rover de Kim Kardashian de hace un año y medio está a la venta en todo el país y parece que ha sufrido un accidente.

El anuncio de su antiguo carro, un modelo de plata 2022 que fue enchulado con llantas personalizadas y todo, apareció en un listado de Carfax esta semana ... y como se puede ver, está bastante magullado. Los parachoques están fuera y los airbags están desplegados.

Aparte de ser similar al carro Kim una vez condujo, la matrícula real coincide y TMZ ha comprobado los registros en DMV y aparece ella como propietario anterior.

Ahora, se está vendiendo todo el camino en la Florida por una empresa llamada Elite Motor Cars de Miami - que está utilizando Carfax para descargar esta cosa (dañado y todo) y que están pidiendo un paquete ... listado por poco menos de $100k. Así es... ¡puedes llevártelo por ese precio!

Ahora, en cuanto a cómo es que el carro terminó en un lote en Miami... tenemos respuestas para eso también. Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que el vehículo había sido conducido por un ex empleado de Kim que tuvo un accidente en algún momento del año pasado... conduciendo solo.

Nos dicen que nadie resultó herido, pero que a raíz de eso Kim y compañía lo vendieron a un tercero que se hizo cargo y que ahora están aparentemente tratando de darle la vuelta.

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siempre con estilo

Recordemos que Kim ha conducido esta cosa por todo Los Ángeles durante todo el año pasado. Ella lo recibió como regalo de cumpleaños de su madre, Kris Jenner, en octubre de 2022 y luego lo personalizó en un lugar de la ciudad llamado Platinum Motorsports.

En ese momento, los informes tenían el carro por el valor de $125k. Parece que todavía vale mucho, incluso después de ser destrozado, al menos eso es lo que los nuevos propietarios sienten.

Veremos si alguien suelta el dinero, mientras tanto, conduzcan con cuidado.

Kim Kardashian 2022 Range Rover For Sale on Carfax ... Looks a Lil' Banged Up

Kim Kardashian's Range Rover from about a year and a half ago is all of a sudden hitting the open market all the way across the country -- and it looks like it's been in an accident.

The listing featuring her old ride -- a silver 2022 model that was pimped out with custom rims and all -- popped up on a Carfax listing this week ... and as you can see, it's pretty smashed up from front to back. The bumpers are off, and the airbags are deployed.

Aside from the similar look to the car Kim once drove, the actual license plate matches up too ... and TMZ checked DMV records as well on this, and she's listed as a previous owner.

Now, it's being sold all the way over in Florida by a company called Elite Motor Cars of Miami -- which is using Carfax to unload this thing (damaged and all) and they're asking for a bundle ... listing it for just under $100k. That's right ... you can take it as is for that price!

Now, as for how the hell KK's whip ended up on some random lot in Miami -- we have answers for that too. Sources with direct knowledge tell us the vehicle had been driven by a former Kim K staffer who got into an accident at some point last year ... driving solo.


We're told nobody was hurt, but that in the aftermath of that ... Kim and co. sold it to a 3rd party who took it over -- and who is now apparently trying to flip it.

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Remember, Kim has driven this thing pretty consistently all over L.A. throughout the past year and change. She received it as a birthday gift from her mom, Kris Jenner, in Oct. 2022 ... and then got it customized by a place here in town called Platinum Motorsports.

At the time, reports had this thing pegged in value at about $125k. Looks like it's still worth quite a lot even after getting wrecked -- at least that's how the new owners feel, anyway.

We'll see if anyone coughs up that kinda dough for this. In the meantime -- drive safe, y'all.

Guenther Steiner Out At Haas ... After 10 Years

The Haas Formula One team will have a new leader in charge in 2024 -- longtime team principal Guenther Steiner has shockingly left his position after 10 years, the organization announced Wednesday.

Steiner -- a star on Netflix's 'Drive To Survive' -- held the role since Haas joined the grid in 2016, reaching as high as fifth in the Constuctor Standings in 2018.

It was a rough 2023 campaign, though ... as Haas finished last with just 12 points.

According to F1, Steiner met with team owner Gene Haas following the 2023 season ... and it was decided they would go their separate ways.

Haas' director of engineering, Ayao Komatsu, will take over as team principal.

"I’d like to start by extending my thanks to Guenther Steiner for all his hard work over the past decade and I wish him well for the future," Haas said in a statement.

"Moving forward as an organization, it was clear we need to improve our on-track performances. In appointing Ayao Komatsu as Team Principal we fundamentally have engineering at the heart of our management."

"We have had some successes, but we need to be consistent in delivering results that help us reach our wider goals as an organization," he added. "We need to be efficient with the resources we have but improving our design and engineering capability is key to our success as a team."

Haas driver Kevin Magnussen wished his former boss farewell on social media ... saying, "Thanks for taking me on the journey in 2017 and thanks for bringing me on board again in 2022. It has been both fun and tremendously challenging – but never boring. So long and all the best."

Pee-wee Herman Famous Bike Outside Auction House ... After Selling For Big $$$


An iconic piece of Paul Reubens' past is heading home to a lucky bidder -- the bicycle he rode as Pee-wee Herman was sitting outside an auction house after it sold for 6-figures.

We spotted the 1953 Schwinn DX Cruiser in the back of a truck Monday afternoon while the TMZ Celebrity Tour was taking some lucky guests around Hollywood. Normally, we spot celebs, but this time we found this memorable celeb ride outside Bonhams auction house on Sunset Blvd.

Bonhams is known for its unique auctions, with sales of everything from Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol art to Rush drummer Neil Peart's drumkit -- and everything in between.

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The auction house had its Pop Culture: Then & Now auction last month, with the whimsical bicycle from "Pee-wee's Big Adventure" fetching $140,000 ... so it seems the sweet ride was about to be shipped to the winning bidder.

As we reported, Paul died back in July after a private battle with cancer.

That's one iconic piece of cinema history right there ... so, here's hoping it's going to someone who will cherish it BIG time.

Boxing Star Jarrell Miller Arrested In Florida Allegedly Body Slammed Car Dealership Employee, Stole Truck

Boxing star Jarrell "Big Baby" Miller was arrested on Tuesday ... after he was accused of body-slamming a car dealership employee before stealing a truck.

According to the Hollywood Police Department in Florida, the incident took place at Haims Motors -- a used car lot located about half an hour north of Miami.

Cops say an employee at the dealership told them a woman had approached him and complained that she had left a phone in a truck that the establishment had recently repossessed.

Police say when the employee went to grab the keys to help her get the device back ... Miller grabbed him, put him in a chokehold -- and insisted he fork over the keys.

HPD officers say the employee told them Miller then threw him to the ground, nabbed the keys and jacked the truck.

Cops say that while Miller fled the scene, he was unaware that there was a tracking device in the ride -- and a short time later, officers found him, arrested him, and booked him on charges of carjacking without a firearm or weapon and burglary with assault or battery.

Miller appeared in court on Wednesday ... and during the proceedings, prosecutors said they believed Miller had planned the attack.

"It would appear that Mr. Miller," one official said in the courtroom, "he knew what the plan was going to this business to get his car back."

Miller, however, pled not guilty to the charges ... though jail records show that as of Thursday morning, he's still behind bars in Broward County.

Miller just fought Daniel Dubois on DAZN's huge Day of Reckoning undercard in Saudi Arabia two weeks ago ... but he lost, moving his pro record to 26-1-1.

Ian Ziering Street Fight Was Unprovoked!!! So Claim Minibikers

The video of Ian Ziering brawling with a group of bikers in Hollywood tells the whole story -- at least according to one of the bikers who tells TMZ ... the whole incident was completely unprovoked by the motor crew.


We spoke to 2 men Wednesday on "TMZ Live" who sometimes ride with the 605 Minibike Gang, but are not members of the gang. They say Ian went from 0 to 100 all on his own, without any altercation prior to the video we've seen.

The 2 riders here go by Roy and Nocturnal. Nocturnal is the guy who was there on Sunday, and even recorded the video shot from behind Ian's SUV.

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New Angle, New Truth?

Nocturnal insists the group's first encounter with Ian was right there on Hollywood Blvd when the video starts.

He says 2 of his fellow minibikers were doing a legal lane split, and Ian purposely tried to prevent them from getting in front of his car ... even though they had every right to do so.


They say it appears Ian didn't like that ... and go on to allege he hopped out of his car to start a physical fight all on his own. If there was any incidental contact -- Nocturnal and Roy insist it was Ian's own doing ... and that he was the one who invited an ugly clash.

Nocturnal and Roy say they don't know why Ian might've escalated things the way he did -- especially with his young daughter right there with him -- but they theorize he was having a really bad day ... and let out his frustrations on the bikers.

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As we first reported, LAPD is investigating the incident for felony vandalism -- for the bashing of Ian's windshield with a helmet -- and misdemeanor battery for the fight.

Ian, for his part, has suggested the bikers were at fault here ... and blamed cops for allowing "lawlessness" to take place. He hasn't responded to our calls to get his side of what set him off that day.

Ian Ziering La riña callejera no fue provocada Reclama uno de los ciclistas

El video de Ian Ziering peleando con un grupo de motociclistas en Hollywood cuenta toda la historia, al menos de acuerdo con uno de los motociclistas, quien dice a TMZ que todo el incidente fue completamente no provocado por parte del grupo de ciclistas.

Sin compromiso previo

Hablamos con 2 hombres el miércoles en "TMZ Live" que a veces andan con el grupo 605 Minibike Gang, pero no son miembros. Ellos dicen que Ian fue de 0 a 100 por su propia cuenta, sin un altercado previo del video que hemos visto.

Los dos pilotos con los que hablamos van por Roy y Nocturnal. Nocturnal es el tipo que estuvo allí el domingo e incluso grabó el video tomado desde detrás del todoterreno de Ian.

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nuevo ángulo, ¿Nueva verdad?

Nocturnal insiste en que el primer encuentro del grupo con Ian se produjo justo en Hollywood Blvd cuando comienza el video.

Dice que 2 de sus compañeros del grupo de ciclistas estaban haciendo una maniobra de carril legal e Ian trató a propósito de evitar que se pusieran delante de su carro, a pesar de que tenían todo el derecho a hacerlo.

Ataque despiadado

Parece que Ian no le gustó eso, dicen ellos y dicen que luego saltó de su carro para iniciar una pelea física por su cuenta. Si hubo algún contacto incidental, Nocturnal y Roy insisten en que fue cosa de Ian y que él fue quien dio pie a un enfrentamiento feo.

Nocturnal y Roy dicen que no saben por qué Ian podría haber escalado las cosas de la manera que lo hizo, especialmente con su hija pequeña allí, pero sugieren que estaba teniendo un día muy malo y que descargó sus frustraciones en los propios ciclistas.

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Riña con unos ciclistas

Como informamos, la policía de Los Ángeles está investigando el incidente por delito grave de vandalismo -por el golpe en el parabrisas de Ian- y delito menor de agresión por la pelea.

Ian, por su parte, ha sugerido que los motoristas tuvieron la culpa y culpó a los policías por permitir lo que él llama anarquía. No ha respondido a nuestras peticiones de aclaración.

Ian Ziering la policía investiga la pelea de motociclistas con pistas prometedoras

El aterrador encuentro de Ian Ziering con un grupo de brutos motociclistas en Hollywood está ahora bajo investigación policial y los oficiales tienen algunas pistas.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que hay cámaras de vigilancia en toda la sección de Hollywood Blvd. donde Ian se metió con los motociclistas, así como imágenes de teléfono celular del incidente, por lo que los investigadores tienen mucho que hacer.

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el momento del ataque

Nuestras fuentes dicen que este grupo de motociclistas golpeó el carro de Ian y cuando salió del vehículo las cosas se calentaron y el ataque se produjo... esto respalda las palabras de Ian.

Los policías nos dicen que esto no es un incidente aislado y que ha sucedido antes con grandes grupos de motociclistas y ciclistas también.

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golpiza de motociclistas

La policía le recomienda a cualquiera que se encuentre en los zapatos de Ian que debe permanecer en su carro, llamar al 911 y mantener la calma porque la agresividad suele escalar muy rápidamente en estas situaciones.

La forma en que los policías lo ven, es mejor dejar que el seguro maneje las cosas, siempre y cuando se trata solo de daños a la propiedad.

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tengo mis prioridades

Un video del ataque muestra a los motociclistas usando sus cascos para golpear el carro de Ian, dañando su parabrisas mientras su hija de 10 años estaba dentro.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que lo más probable es que el caso sea entregado al Fiscal del Distrito del Condado de Los Ángeles, ya que es un caso de delito de vandalismo con más de $1.000 en daños.

Nos dicen que los cargos criminales sean probablemente delitos menores, porque no hubo lesiones graves.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la policía de Los Ángeles está al tanto de un post de Instagram que uno de los motociclistas supuestamente publicó en las redes sociales y lo están investigando.

La Policía De Los Ángeles estará mejor preparada la próxima vez.

Ian Ziering Biker Brawl Cops Hot on the Trail in Felony Investigation

Ian Ziering's terrifying encounter with a bunch of biker brutes in Hollywood is now under police investigation ... and cops have some early leads.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... there are surveillance cameras all up and down the section of Hollywood Blvd. where Ian got into it with the bikers, as well as cell phone footage of the incident, so investigators have a lot to work with here.

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Our sources say this group of bikers bumped Ian's car and when he got out of the vehicle, things got heated and the attack ensued ... which backs up what Ian's claiming.

Cops tell us this is not an isolated incident and it's happened before with large groups of motorcyclists, and bicyclists too.

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Police recommend anyone finding themselves in Ian's shoes should stay in their car, call 911 and remain calm ... because mob mentality can escalate very quickly in these situations.

The way cops see it ... it's better to let insurance handle things as long as it's just property damage and it's not worth getting into it with a large group of people.

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I got my priorities straight!!!

One angle from the attack shows bikers using their helmets to beat the crap out of Ian's car ... damaging his windshield while his 10-year-old daughter was inside.

Our sources say the case will most likely be turned over to the Los Angeles County District Attorney because it's a case of felony vandalism with over $1,000 in damage.

As for the battery aspect of the case, we're told any criminal charges there would likely be misdemeanors, because there were no major injuries.

Our sources say LAPD is aware of an Instagram post one of the bikers allegedly published on social media ... and they're looking into it.

Meanwhile, LAPD will have more eyes in the area in the future.