Sam Asghari evita responder a las preguntas sobre la reconciliación de Britney y Jamie Spears

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La reconciliación entre Britney y Jamie Spears podría ser de interés para Sam Asghari, aunque él solo tiene una cosa en mente... Papá Noel y las multas de aparcamiento.

Tuvimos al ex marido de Britney —que una vez insultó a su padre en cámara— en Los Ángeles el miércoles, justo después de nuestro informe de que Brit estaba abierta a hacer las paces con su viejo en medio de la amputación de su pierna.

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lo digo en serio

Por supuesto, le preguntamos a Sam todo al respecto con la esperanza de obtener su opinión sobre el asunto, pero por desgracia, el tipo solo nos enviaba saludos de temporada y evasivas.

Compruébelo usted mismo, Sam se negó a responder a cualquiera de nuestras preguntas acerca de su ex esposa y ex suegro y no mentimos cuando te decimos que lo intentamos todo para que hablara, incluso le mencionamos de que Britney y Lynne se reunieron la semana pasada.

Una vez más... pese a que se podría pensar que estaría dispuesto a hablar de todo y de todos, no fue así. De todas maneras se nota que mantiene un afecto especial por la cantante.

Recordemos que Brit y Sam pidieron el divorcio a principios de este año, y a finales del mes pasado, nos enteramos de que estaban sellando un acuerdo, y esta podría ser la razón por la que Sammy no quiere hablar.

Lo que estaba feliz de charlar, sin embargo, fue la perspectiva de su coche conseguir dinged (legalmente) para el estacionamiento indebido, pero nuestro fotog le vio a través de su viaje hasta el final y parecía estar bien.

Como dice Sam, ¡felices fiestas a todos!

Jamie Lynn Spears Mum on Britney Reconciliation ... Sends Season's Greetings


Britney Spears appears to be on the precipice of a mass reconciliation with her whole family -- but from the way Jamie Lynn Spears sounded Wednesday ... maybe not???

Brit's younger sibling was asked a bunch of questions about the family dynamic at LAX, and unfortunately ... she wasn't in a very chatty mood, opting to stay mum on pretty much all talk about her sister -- including the possibility of her burying the hatchet once and for all.

We'll give the cameraperson credit here ... trying to get her to open up every which way, but JLS clammed up and simply wouldn't budge. She gives a Merry Xmas though, FWIW.

Of course, regardless of Jamie Lynn's silence ... we know for a fact Britney wanted her at her birthday party this past weekend, which their mom Lynne actually ended up attending -- the first real signs of warming we've seen from Britney toward her family.

Like we told you ... not only is Brit apparently open to making amends with Jamie Lynn, but there's evidence she's keeping the window open to repairing her relationship with her father, Jamie, as well.


TMZ broke the story ... we'd recently learned Jamie had his leg amputated due to ongoing health issues, and it would appear Britney caught wind of that update too -- 'cause she posted a throwback photo of the two of them shortly thereafter.

Again, hard to gauge what Jamie Lynn's non-talking here really means -- it could suggest the sisters aren't any closer to mending fences than they were a year ago ... or, by contrast, it could also mean she's protecting Britney's privacy and they're on the road to reconciliation.

At the very least, Mama Bear is in her corner ... and that's a good start, we suppose. We'll see if the rest of the Spears brood hops aboard the love train -- for now, mum's the word.

Jamie Lynn Spears calla sobre la reconciliación con su hermana

guardando silencio

Britney Spears parece estar cerca de una reconciliación con toda su familia, pero por la forma en que Jamie Lynn Spears sonaba el miércoles... tal vez no sea del todo cierto.

Le hicieron un montón de preguntas a la hermana menor de Brit acerca de la dinámica de la familia en LAX (Aeropuerto de Los Ángeles) y por desgracia, ella no estaba con el mejor de los ánimos, optando por permanecer en silencio.

Hay que darle crédito al camarógrafo, ya que hizo todo lo posible para que Jamie hablara, aunque los esfuerzos fueron en vano. Sin embargo, envió unos cariñosos saludos navideños.

Independiente del silencio de Jamie Lynn, sabemos a ciencia cierta que Britney la quería en su fiesta de cumpleaños el pasado fin de semana. Fue su madre —Lynne— quien terminó asistiendo, estos fueron los primeros signos reales de acercamiento que hemos visto de parte de Britney hacia su familia.

Como informamos, Brit no solo está dispuesta a hacer las paces con Jamie Lynn, sino que también con su relación con su padre, Jamie.

TMZ publicó la historia, descubrimos que recientemente Jamie tuvo que amputar su pierna debido a problemas de salud y parece que Britney se enteró de esto, ya que publicó una foto con él.

Una vez más, es difícil saber la razón por la que Jamie Lynn no habló con nosotros. Podría significar que las hermanas no están tan bien como creíamos, o por el contrario, también podría significar que está protegiendo la privacidad de Britney y que están en el camino de la reconciliación.

Al menos Mamá Osa está de su lado y suponemos que es un buen comienzo. Veremos si el resto de la prole Spears se sube al tren del amor.

Uche Okoroha de 'Love is Blind' Satisfecho por haberse saltado la reunión... Lo que Aaliyah está diciendo son mentiras!!!

No me arrepiento

No es que la estrella de "Love Is Blind", Uche Okoroha haya decidido no participar de la gran reunión de la serie por evitarse problemas, lo hizo por trabajo... pero aun así nos explica por qué está contento con su decisión de haber pasado desapercibido.

Uche dice que cuando grabaron la reunión para la serie de Netflix estaba en medio de una gran oportunidad de negocios, por lo que la decisión de no participar del reality show fue fácil.

De hecho, no se arrepiente de haber abandonado el elenco de "Love is Blind", ya que a su juicio, un programa de reencuentro no es el lugar más adecuado para tener conversaciones significativas.

Los fans de la serie saben que el abogado, de 34 años, salió como un villano en la última temporada, pero él dice que sus escenas fueron editadas para hacerlo parecer peor de lo que realmente era.

En la reunión, Aaliyah, la chica con la que casi se comprometió, lo acusó de decirle a los demás miembros del elenco que ella no era el tipo de chica que encontraba atractiva, insinuando que no sale con mujeres negras.

Buscando compasión

Uche está diciendo que son mentira las afirmaciones de Aaliyah, diciendo que había otras razones por las que no terminaron juntos. De hecho, él pensaba que estaban en buenos términos y cree que se volvió en su contra después de ver todos los comentarios negativos que estaba recibiendo en las redes sociales.

Dímelo a la cara

Uche también abordó la mala onda de Milton durante la reunión, echa un vistazo al video para escuchar sus pensamientos.

'Love Is Blind' Uche Okoroha I'm All Good With Skipping The Reunion ... Aaliyah's Talkin' Nonsense About Me, BTW!!!


"Love Is Blind" star Uche Okoroha didn't pass on the show's big reunion to avoid the heat, he did it because of his job ... but he's telling us why he's glad he was MIA.

Uche says the timing for the Netflix series' big reunion taping was smack in the middle of a huge business opportunity ... so taking a pass on the reality show was an easy decision.

Uche has no regrets about ditching the 'LIB' cast -- in his opinion, a reunion show isn't a productive place to have meaningful convos.

Fans of the show know the 34-year-old lawyer came off as a villain in the latest season ... but Uche says his scenes were edited to make him look worse than he actually was.

In the reunion, Aaliyah -- the girl to whom he almost got engaged -- came after him, accusing him of telling cast members she wasn't the type of gal he found attractive ... insinuating he doesn't date Black women.


Uche is calling BS on Aaliyah's claims, saying there were other reasons why they didn't stay together. In fact, he thought they were on good terms, and believes she turned on him after seeing all the negative comments she was getting on social.


Uche also addressed Milton shading him during the reunion ... check out the vid to hear his thoughts.

*NSYNC, BACKSTREET BOYS, DESTINY'S CHILD No cantarían en el Super Bowl ... A pesar de las especulaciones de los fans

Los fans han estado pensando si ex grupos como *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys o Destiny's Child se subirán el escenario del Super Bowl este año, pero resulta que eso no va a suceder.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo dicen a TMZ que, a pesar de los rumores de que las tres icónicas bandas del pasado unirían fuerzas para el Super Bowl LVIII en Las Vegas, ese simplemente no es el caso.

Nos dicen que los grupos no han sido contactados y que tampoco hay conversaciones para hacerlo realidad.

Internet se volvió loco después de que se difundieran rumores de una posible actuación de *NSYNC y Destiny's Child en el gran partido del próximo año, y la ilusión se extendió un poco más para incluir a Backstreet Boys.

La nostalgia se disparó desde que *NSYNC se reuniera para los MTV VMAs y volviera a los estudios a grabar su primera canción en décadas para la nueva película 'Trolls'.

TMZ dio la noticia, *NSYNC no tiene planes de iniciar una gira, residencia o álbum a pesar de las especulaciones, pero eso no significa que el Super Bowl esté fuera de la mesa, ¿verdad? Error.

*NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Destiny's Child We're Not Singing at Super Bowl LVIII ... Despite Fan Speculation

Fans have been thinking former groups *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, and Destiny's Child will all take the stage at this year's Super Bowl ... turns out, it's not gonna happen.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... despite rumors that the 3 iconic musical bands of the past will join forces for Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas, it's just not the case.

We're told the groups haven't been approached to perform, and no conversations are going down to turn it into reality.

The internet's been going nuts after rumors spread about *NSYNC and Destiny's Child being slated to perform at next year's big game ... and the dream expanded to include the Backstreet Boys.

The nostalgia train has really taken off since *NSYNC reunited at the MTV VMAs and got back in the booth to record the first song in decades for the new 'Trolls' flick.

TMZ broke the story, *NSYNC has no plans to start a tour, residency, or album despite speculation, but that doesn't mean the Super Bowl is off the table, right? Wrong.

Backstreet Boys Howie Down to Tour with *NSYNC ... Let 'Em Go First, Though


Howie Dorough says he'd love to have the Backstreet Boys tour with *NSYNC -- but says Justin, JC and co. deserve their own spotlight first ... assuming they actually want that.

We got the BB member Monday at LAX, and asked about all the speculation over a possible prolonged reunion for the *NSYNC fellas ... possibly including a throwback tour, which fans really seem to want at this point.

Howie hits us with a pretty optimistic take, saying he'd be more than open to co-headlining with *NSYNC ... he'd actually welcome it, and he's sure the other Backstreet Boys would too.

While many might've assumed there's a rivalry between the 2 groups ... there isn't, according to HD. He says a lot of them are actually pretty good friends -- and it sounds like they might have even talked about this once or twice over the years.

Now that *NSYNC is putting out a new song -- for Justin Timberlake's latest 'Trolls' movie -- that would-be rekindling is at a fever pitch ... and Howie says that has to be respected.

In other words, if any *NSYNC/Backstreet Boys tour is in the stars -- and there's no guarantee it is -- he says the "Bye Bye Bye" guys should get a bite at the apple first, because there's major interest in them right now. Relevancy rules!

As we've reported .... JC and Lance Bass left the door open for a potential reunion tour, but nobody's saying it's definitely going to happen -- and until they do, everyone's probably better off cooling their jets instead of getting their hopes up.

Enjoy the new *NSYNC song ... and let's just take it one day at a time. BB stans, included.

Do you want to see *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys tour together? Vote below.


dispuesto a colaborar

Howie Dorough dice que le encantaría tener a los Backstreet Boys de gira con *NSYNC, pero dice que Justin, JC y compañía merecen su propio centro de atención en primer lugar, suponiendo que realmente quieren eso.

Nos encontramos con el miembro de los Backstreet el lunes en LAX y le preguntamos acerca de toda la especulación sobre una posible reunión prolongada de los compañeros de *NSYNC, la cual probablemente incluyenda una gira de regreso (algo que los fans realmente parecen querer en este punto)

Howie nos golpea con unas palabras bastante optimistas, diciendo que estaría más que abierto a co-encabezar con *NSYNC. De verdad le daría le gustaría y está seguro de que los otros Backstreet Boys también lo harían.

Mientras que muchos podrían haber asumido que hay rivalidad entre los 2 grupos, segun HD no la hay. Él dice que muchos de ellos son en realidad muy buenos amigos y suena como que incluso podría haber hablado de esto una vez o dos veces a lo largo de los años.

Ahora que *NSYNC está sacando una nueva canción para la última película de Justin Timberlake 'Trolls', puede ser momento perfecto para impuslar a los chicos una vez más.

En otras palabras, si alguna gira de *NSYNC/Backstreet Boys está en las estrellas (y no hay garantía de que lo sea) dice que los chicos de "Bye Bye Bye" deben conseguir un bocado de la manzana en primer lugar, porque hay un gran interés en ellos en este momento. ¡La relevancia manda!

Como hemos informado con anterioridad, JC y Lance Bass dejaron la puerta abierta para una posible gira de reunión pero nadie está diciendo que definitivamente va a suceder y hasta que lo hagan, será mejor que todo el mundo se calme hasta saber más noticias.

Quinnes "Q" Parker of 112 Scary Times For R&B Groups ... Let's Reunite, Fellas!!!

Instagram / @qparker112

112, the peaches-and-cream blending R&B group from Diddy's Bad Boy era, has been operating as a duo for years -- but recent events have one of the ex-members calling for a reunion, stat!!!

OG member Quinnes "Q" Parker left the group in 2018 but says he had a change of heart on Sunday.

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According to Q, he was shaken to the core over the weekend by the sudden passing of 702 singer Irish Grinstead, who died on Saturday after a "long battle" with illness her family says ... and once again when his homie Brandon Casey of Jagged Edge posted the aftermath of a car accident he recently survived.

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Q says he now realizes life is precious and publicly asked remaining members Marvin "Slim" Scandrick and Mike Keith to return his calls so they get back to biz.

112 were a key part of Diddy's musical empire back in the day ... the Atlanta-bred quartet released several platinum albums with Bad Boy and even won a Grammy in 1997.


Q's timing could possibly net some traction too. Slim recently appeared on "TMZ Live" to confirm Diddy had indeed returned their publishing rights after all these years.

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Slim and Mike have momentum as a duo so it'll be interesting if they let Q back into the mix.

They should probably text 112's other member, Daron Jones, as well to keep him updated.

*NSYNC Reunion at VMAs ... Members Already in NYC


7:39 AM PT -- A source connected to the group tells us there will not be a performance, the guys will only be presenting.

*NSYNC diehards are convinced a reunion is afoot after spotting a few members in the Big Apple -- and TMZ knows the band will be front and center during the show.

Justin Timberlake, Joey Fatone and Lance Bass were all photographed in and around NYC over the past 48 hours -- JT hit up the US Open, Joey was spotted roaming the streets/posing with fans and Lance got snapped grabbing drinks in Manhattan.

In addition to these sightings ... JC Chasez was pictured riding in a private jet -- through a recent social media post from his manager -- although it's unclear where exactly he was flying to.

The one person who has yet to be shot in public is Chris Kirkpatrick ... but he did post a 9/11 tribute Monday, and threw up a NYFD firetruck. Unclear if he took it himself though.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the group will be presenting during the show Tuesday at the Prudential Center in New Jersey. We do not know if they will also perform.

Of course, another clue of a reunion ... a track that's been teased through Justin's latest 'Trolls' movie -- which has the first letter of their band name and a catchy whistling tune ... although the full song has yet to be released/named.

The guys haven't performed together since the 2013 VMAs -- so a reunion now would be timely ... a 10-year anniversary. They haven't released new music since the early 2000s.

Lord knows their day-ones have been craving a reunion for a long, long time now.

The big award show is only hours away, so we'll see if the iconic boy band is ready to join forces. A lot has changed since they last rocked a major stage -- here's hoping they still got the juice!

Originally Published -- 7:11 AM PT

*NSYNC y su reunión para los VMAs los chicos ya están en New York


7:39 AM PT -- Una fuente conectada con el grupo nos dice que no habrá una actuación, los chicos sólo estarán presentando.

Los incondicionales de *NSYNC están convencidos de que hay una reunión en marcha después de ver a algunos miembros en la Gran Manzana y TMZ sabe que la banda estará al frente y al centro durante el show.

Justin Timberlake, Joey Fatone y Lance Bass fueron fotografiados en los alrededores de Nueva York durante las últimas 48 horas. JT fue al US Open, Joey fue visto vagando por las calles posando con los fans y Lance fue fotografiado tomando unas copas en Manhattan.

Además de estos avistamientos, JC Chasez fue fotografiado montando un jet privado y pudimos ver las fotos a través de un reciente post en las redes sociales de su manager, aunque no está claro dónde exactamente estaba volando.

El único integrante que aún no ha sido fotografiado en público es Chris Kirkpatrick, pero publicó un homenaje 9/11 lunes y gestionó un camión de bomberos NYFD. Aunque no está claro si él mismo iba abordo.

Fuentes directas le informan a TMZ que el grupo se presentará durante el show del martes en el Prudential Center de Nueva Jersey. No sabemos si también actuarán.

Por supuesto, otra pista de una reunión ... una pista que se ha burlado a través de la última película de Justin 'Trolls' - que tiene la primera letra de su nombre de la banda y una melodía pegadiza silbido ... aunque la canción completa aún no ha sido puesto en libertad / nombre

Los chicos no han actuado juntos desde los VMA 2013, por lo que una reunión sería oportuna para celebrar un aniversario de 10 años. No han lanzado nueva música desde principios de la década de 2000.

Todo el mundo sabe que sus compañeros han estado anhelando una reunión durante mucho, mucho tiempo.

Sólo faltan unas horas para la gran entrega de premios así que veremos si la icónica boy band está lista para unir fuerzas. Las cosas han cambiado mucho desde la última vez que actuaron en un gran escenario ¡esperemos que aún les quede cuerda para rato!

Publicado originalmente -- 7:11 AM PT

Pras Fugees Tour Surprised Me, Too!!! Don't Worry, Lauryn Will Be On Time


Pras is just as surprised as longtime Fugees fans about their reunion tour -- he says he actually learned it was going down from TMZ Hip Hop!!!

We caught up with Pras in Bev Hills on heels of the news he's joining Lauryn Hill's "Miseducation of Lauryn Hill 25th Anniversary Tour" -- a 17-date nationwide trek that will also feature the talents of Wyclef Jean to make the cipher complete.

We asked Pras about a potential follow-up to the group's Diamond-selling classic album "The Score" ... or even his own solo works.

But he was so caught off guard by the tour, that he seems to be more concerned with nailing the rehearsals for the time being!!!

It's been a topsy-turvy year for Pras ... he was found guilty of federal fraud back in April, and still has a prison sentencing day looming over his head.

He says he can't speak on the case much, but did retain new legal counsel and he's confident in the work they're doing for him.

Pras might have been clueless ahead of time, but fans are buzzing following the tour announcement -- if not for Lauryn's album legacy then for her reputation of starting her shows extremely late ... something Pras doesn't think will be an issue this go-around.

Like "The Score," L-Boogie's 'Miseducation' is also certified Diamond and has long been considered one of the G.O.A.T .albums ever recorded.

It's the 20th anny celebration -- no time to be tardy!!!

Lauryn Hill 'Miseducation' Tour To Celebrate 25 Years ... And The Fugees Are Coming Too!!!

The Fugees' reunion is officially on, centered around the blockbuster album "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" ... which is celebrating its 25th anniversary on Friday.

Beginning in September, Lauryn will embark on a 17-date tour throughout New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and her New Jersey hometown, with Wyclef Jean and Pras reuniting for their first tour in years.

'Miseducation' is Lauryn's first and only solo album, but its impact has survived the test of time ... the project famously earned her 5 Grammys in one night and eventually got certified Diamond by the RIAA.

In a rare public statement, L-Boogie broke down the album's synopsis ... “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill is and was a love song to my parents, my family, my people, my musical and cultural forebears, my teachers, my loves, my Creator. I wrote love songs and protest songs— (still love songs) about the subjects and interests that inspired and moved me. I was confident that what inspired me would resonate with an audience that had been led to believe that songs of that kind could only live in the past.”

She elaborated on her art further writing, “I loved music, I loved people, I truly felt grateful to God for my life, and genuinely blessed to have a platform where I could share wisdom and perspective through music. I felt a charge to challenge the idea that certain kinds of expression and/or certain kinds of people didn’t belong in certain places. I loved showing what could work or happen provided there was imagination, creativity and LOVE leading the way.”

The "Killing Me Softly" trio tested the waters at The Roots' picnic back in June and will also perform classics from their Diamond-selling album "The Score."

These guys sure know how to sell records ... and apparently, tickets too!!!

Timbaland Let's Bring Sexy Back!!! Reunites With JT, Nelly Furtado

Timbaland's back in the studio -- with real humans, after entertaining the thought of AI -- with his longtime pals Justin Timberlake and Nelly Furtado!!!

The "Dream Team" trio was apparently up late in the studio on Tuesday night ... sharing several pics of themselves with huge grins, a good sign the tunes are turning out right.

Nelly dialed in remotely from FaceTime while Timbaland and Justin were together in-studio ... but the reunion was still full circle.

Back in 2006, Timbaland oversaw the production of both JT and Nelly's blockbuster albums ... "FutureSex/LoveSounds" and "Loose" ... with both projects selling millions of records, opening the door for more collabs as the artists owned the dance floors for years.


The upcoming collab is a swift 180° from Timbaland's reckoning that technology was taking over the music industry for good the last time he appeared on TMZ Live ... which will surely appease fans fearful of the AI apocalypse!!!

James Kennedy Goodbye Graham, Hello Hippie! Renames Dog Once Shared With Rachel Leviss

"Vanderpump Rules" star James Kennedy has chosen a new name for his pup ... the same one he scooped up from a shelter after living with his ex, Rachel Leviss.

James shared a cute snap Sunday of the dog formerly known as Graham Cracker -- now called Hippie, according to the DJ. He says it carries some sentimental weight, being "a tribute to my late godfather, George Michael's dog's name."

He says the legendary singer's pooch was "the only dog I saw around the house growing up" ... and he thinks both George and Hippie are watching over him today and would be pretty proud of him.

As we reported, James posted some pics with his dog and his GF Ally Lewber last week, during the "VPR" Lake Tahoe trip.

Sources told us it was recently dropped off at a shelter after having a biting problem, and Rachel's mom, Laura, claimed she was bit down to the bone while caring for Hippie while her daughter was at her mental health facility, according to ET.

After some rehabilitation, Vanderpump Dog Foundation learned where the pup was and set up the reunion with James.

You'll recall, James and Rachel adopted Hippie in 2018 while still engaged, but their split 3 years later left the dog with her and not him ... and now Hippie and his mama have a name change in common.