Riley Strain Bank Card Found Near River Embankment As Search Continues


11:35 AM PT -- Nashville PD has released the latest evidence they have of Riley Strain being seen on the night in question -- and it comes courtesy of none other than bodycam footage from a police officer.

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Metro Nashville PD

In the body cam video -- which was rolling while the officer was checking out a burglary call on a vehicle -- you can see Officer Reginald Young interact with Riley who casually strolls right by him ... they even exchange a brief hello, and RS looks fairly normal and put together.

Nashville PD says this appears to be the last sighting of him on camera before he vanished.

A major clue has been uncovered in the disappearance of Riley Strain ... as authorities discovered the missing college student's bank card Sunday near a river in town.

According to Nashville Police, Riley's bank card was found on the embankment between Gay St. and the Cumberland River -- where surveillance video is said to have last captured Riley. No other update was issued ... except that the search for Riley continues.

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This update comes after Nashville's Office of Emergency Management had the dive team search for Riley in the Cumberland River on Saturday. As the OEM put it to FOX17 ... the search plan included taking several boats along the riverfront where Riley was last seen.

Based on indicators from search K9s onboard, sonars were used to locate areas where divers could look more thoroughly. Saturday's search reportedly resulted in no conclusive findings. Additionally ... the outlet says police do not currently suspect foul play.

However, a local eyewitness claimed to FOX17 Riley was not alone after leaving Luke's 32 Bridge Friday evening. A homeless man detailed that he and his wife, who live by the riverbank, heard a commotion and allegedly saw Riley almost stumble into the river.

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'very intoxicated'

He added ... "I never seen anybody stumble that hard before," while claiming RS looked very intoxicated.

The man claims he didn't explore the situation further, claiming someone was apparently already there with Riley, who assured him Riley was just drunk. No word on who that person might've been, or any description of them. The FOX17 report didn't elaborate either.

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Remember ... the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission is currently investigating whether Riley was overserved at Luke Bryan's Nashville bar. While the establishment is cooperating with authorities, they defended themselves in a recent statement that they only served Riley one alcoholic drink (and two waters) before asking him to leave.

The country superstar himself also spoke out on Riley's disappearance, calling the whole thing scary and asking for prayers.

For anyone who may have reliable information on Riley's whereabouts, cops encourage you to call 615-742-7463.

Originally Published -- 9:48 AM PT



11:35 AM PT -- La policía de Nashville ha publicado las últimas pruebas que tienen de Riley siendo visto en la noche en cuestión, y vienen por cortesía de nada menos que las imágenes de la cámara corporal de un oficial de policía.

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nada sospechoso
Metro Nashville PD

En el video -que estaba rodando mientras el oficial estaba comprobando una llamada de robo de un vehículo- se puede ver al oficial Reginald Young interactuar con Riley que casualmente paseaba junto a él, incluso intercambian un breve hola, y Riley se ve bastante normal.

La policía de Nashville dice que este parece ser el último avistamiento de él en cámara antes de que desapareciera.

Se ha descubierto una pista importante en la desaparición de Riley Strain, ya que las autoridades descubrieron la tarjeta bancaria del estudiante universitario desaparecido el domingo cerca de un río de la ciudad.

Según la policía de Nashville, la tarjeta bancaria de Riley fue encontrada en el terraplén entre Gay St. y el río Cumberland, donde se dice que el video de vigilancia capturó por última vez a Riley. No se emitió ninguna otra actualización, excepto que la búsqueda de Riley continúa.

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riley en movimiento

Esta actualización se produce luego de que la Oficina de Gestión de Emergencias de Nashville tuviera a un equipo de buceo buscando a Riley en el río Cumberland el sábado. La OEM le dijo a FOX17 que el plan de búsqueda incluye usar varios barcos a lo largo de la orilla del río, donde Riley fue visto por última vez.

Se utilizaron sonares para localizar áreas donde los buzos podrían buscar más a fondo, aunque la búsqueda al parecer no dio lugar a resultados concluyentes. Además, la policía no sospecha actualmente de un caso criminal.

Sin embargo, un testigo local le dijo a FOX17 que Riley no estaba solo después de salir de Luke's 32 Bridge el viernes por la noche. Un hombre sin hogar detalló que él y su esposa -que viven junto a la orilla del río- escuchó una conmoción y supuestamente vio a Riley casi tropezar en el río.

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muy intoxicado

Añadió: "Nunca he visto a nadie tropezar tan fuerte antes", mientras afirma que Riley parecía estar muy intoxicado.

El hombre afirma que no exploró la situación más allá, alegando que alguien aparentemente ya estaba allí con Riley, y aseguró que el joven solo estaba borracho. No se sabe quién podría haber sido esa persona, o cualquier descripción de ellos. El informe de FOX17 tampoco dio más detalles.

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Recordemos que la Comisión de Bebidas Alcohólicas de Tennessee está investigando actualmente si Riley bebió en exceso en el bar de Luke Bryan en Nashville. Mientras que el establecimiento está cooperando con las autoridades, se defendieron en un reciente comunicado afirmando que solo le sirvieron Riley una bebida alcohólica (y dos aguas) antes de pedirle que se fuera.

La superestrella del country también se pronunció sobre la desaparición de Riley, calificando todo el asunto de aterrador y pidiendo oraciones.

Para cualquiera que pueda tener información fiable sobre el paradero de Riley, la policía le anima a llamar al 615-742-7463.

Luke Bryan's Nashville Bar Says It Only Gave Riley 1 Drink ... Deny Overserving Claim

Luke Bryan's Nashville bar says Riley Strain only had one drink while at their establishment last week -- denying overserving claims and other narratives that have been floated.

A rep for the TC Restaurant Group and Luke's 32 Bridge tells TMZ ... they quickly provided cops with any and all pertinent information in helping track Riley's whereabouts when he first disappeared last Friday -- including handing over all the surveillance footage they had.

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They go on to say they also forked over receipts, transaction records and time stamps to prove what exactly he drank while in the building ... and as it turns out, they're saying he only purchased and was served one alcoholic drink.

In addition to the boozy beverage, Luke's 32 Bridge says Riley was also given two waters.

Despite this, they say their security team made a decision around 9:35 PM that Riley needed to go -- based on their conduct standards, they say -- and the muscle escorted him to the front of the venue ... where they say he was accompanied by one person in his party.

They also claim the dude who came downstairs with him did not exit with Riley, but instead ... returned upstairs without him. This is different than what Riley's family has said in interviews ... where his father seemed to suggest his friends had been blocked from leaving.

Ryan Gilbert, Riley's dad, told FOX17 ... "He was put out of the bar by himself, and there was a time that went by that his friend wasn’t able to get out. We believe they were taking care of the bar tab or whatnot. By the time they got outside, he just wasn’t there any longer."

On its face, it would appear the dad was putting some blame on the bar -- and even when police first relayed what had allegedly happened ... they said they'd been told Riley was overserved, something Luke's 32 Bridge is now explicitly refuting with their information.

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Of course, this comes on the heels of the TABC opening an investigation into claims that the bar gave him one drink too many -- with a misdemeanor charge on the table. They made clear that it's against the law to serve someone alcohol who is visibly intoxicated.

That seems to be the lingering question here ... was Riley obviously drunk to the bar staff?

Luke himself has already addressed the tragic story in the wake of Riley's week-long disappearance -- he posted a message asking for prayers and noting his bar was cooperating with the authorities. Officials have scoured the Nashville area looking for Riley, with no luck.

Cops are asking anyone with reliable information on Riley's whereabouts to call 615-742-7463.

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Luke Bryan's Nashville Bar Investigated for Allegedly Overserving Still-Missing Riley Strain

Luke Bryan's Nashville bar is alleged to have overserved a Missouri college student who went missing last week -- and now a state agency has launched an investigation into it.

The Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission -- the licensing authority for manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers of booze beverages in the state -- tells TMZ ... while there's no specific rule that dictates a business escorting out intoxicated patrons, let alone providing assistance to said patrons, there are laws about providing too much alcohol to someone.

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We're told Tennessee law prohibits serving alcoholic beverages to someone who is visibly intoxicated -- and any violation of this is considered a class A misdemeanor.

As it pertains to claims that Riley Strain, who's still missing, was overserved ... we're told the TABC has opened an investigation to see if any violations have occurred in this matter.

Remember, it was cops who suggested Riley might've been overserved Friday when he and some friends hit the town and ended up at Luke's 32 Bridge -- where the 22-year-old was reportedly kicked out ... and where he got separated from his party and went off on his own.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

As the story goes ... Riley apparently told his friends he'd meet them back at their hotel -- but he was nowhere to be found when the rest of the guys showed up. As of Thursday, there's still no sign of him ... despite an extensive search effort throughout the city.

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Crews have scoured the streets, and the search for Riley has even extended to the riverbank nearby -- as some suspect he may have gotten lost and perhaps fallen into the water.

Remember, surveillance footage of Riley stumbling along the streets of Nashville has surfaced ... and he looks out of sorts, and possibly under the influence too. It's eerie video, no doubt.

Luke himself spoke out on the story, asking for prayers. He also noted his bar was cooperating with law enforcement and providing any surveillance video of their own that could help find him. We reached out to them on this latest update, but they had no comment.

Nashville PD also gave an update Thursday on where they were in the case ... noting they were scouring through tons of tips, and said they might bring in state and/or federal help if they feel they need it. For now, it sounds like it's just them handling things internally.

Tennnessee River Valley News

Riley's family has said they're living through a nightmare as they continue to look for him. Riley had apparently FaceTimed his mom earlier in the evening, and she said nothing seemed amiss then, even though they knew he was bar hopping.

Cops are asking anyone with reliable information on Riley's whereabouts to call 615-742-7463.

Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce Team Up For K.C. Steakhouse ... 1587 Prime!!!

Patrick Mahomes is connecting with Travis Kelce for another off-field highlight -- the pair of Chiefs superstars are getting in the restaurant industry once again with a new steakhouse in Kansas City.

The hot spot is named 1587 Prime (a nod the duo's jersey numbers) ... but their business partners over at the Noble 33 hospitality group say their involvement goes far beyond that.

Entrepreneur Tosh Berman -- who runs several popular restaurants with Noble 33 -- says Mahomes and Kelce have been "instrumental" with input about the place's concept ... and have shared cool, original ideas to bring to the business.

The two-story, 10,000-square foot eatery -- which will be located inside the Loews Hotel in downtown -- is slated to open in early 2025 ... and it sounds super fancy, with a meat display as the focal point of the whole thing, as well as "hyper-subtle" nods to the Super Bowl champions' on-field accomplishments.

There will also be a massive wine collection, which will be one of the largest in the state.

Mahomes -- who also teamed up with his favorite target by investing in Chicken N Pickle -- spoke about the decision to join forces with Kelce again ... saying, "Travis and I have become frequent visitors of Noble 33 restaurants in other cities so it only made sense to bring something special to our own community in Kansas City."

Kelce added ... "We're excited to be a part of this journey with Noble 33 to create a one-of-a-kind dining experience, and what better place to start than our very own, Kansas City."

The guys are essentially attached at the hip both on and off the field ... and now they got the perfect place to double date with Brittany Mahomes and Taylor Swift!!

We're covering all things Taylor and Travis on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea" podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Murray The Magician Suspended From Magic Castle ... You Exposed Magic Tricks!!!

Murray The Magician is walking the plank -- the magic world's version, anyway, as the famed Magic Castle suspends him for breaking a longstanding rule about revealing how to do tricks, but he says that rule's gotta change.

Here's the deal ... Murray filmed a fun video he shared online, doing a bunch of different magic tricks for the camera only to have his sexy sidekick -- his wife, Dani -- burst his bubble and reveal the secret behind each trick.

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Dispelling The Magic

Murray's video racked up more than 50 million views on Facebook, and now Hollywood's most famous and exclusive magic club, The Magic Castle, has suspended him.

The Academy of Magical Arts, the group that runs The Magic Castle, told Murray he's suspended pending an investigation into complaints he violated their rules by exposing magic online.

In the letter, obtained by TMZ, the AMA tells Murray he's no longer allowed to even enter the Magic Castle, where he's been a member for decades and frequently performs.

Murray tells TMZ ... the magic community needs to update these outdated rules because it's 2024, and folks can go on the internet and learn magic tricks on their own.

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Guarding An Empty Safe

Basically, Murray's calling out the AMA for guarding an empty safe by punishing magicians who pull back the curtain. As he says, it's not like he was sharing details behind David Copperfield or Criss Angel's famous tricks, because everything in his viral video is available on Amazon for anyone to purchase and use.

Murray says the real issue here is his fame ... he says the video wouldn't be a problem if he was a birthday magician in Barstow, but because his video is racking up a bunch of views, suddenly the AMA has beef.

Bottom line for Murray ... there's no harm in exposing basic magic tricks because the art form is all about entertainment, and he feels that's what he's accomplishing here.

India Restaurant Guests Vomit Blood In Gnarly Video ... Mistakenly Served Dry Ice

Instagrm/ @nehu_sabharwal

A group of people in India went to dinner and ended up in the hospital -- bleeding from their mouths and barfing after being served dry ice ... and being told it was mouth freshener.

This wild scene was captured on video over the weekend out in the city of Gurugram, and it shows five diners at Laforestta Cafe -- where they were collectively puking and spitting out blood all at the same time ... right in the middle of the restaurant, no less.

Local reports say a waiter came by with what the guests were told was a sugar and ice palate cleanser ... but as it turns out, it was actually dry ice -- which led to instant burning.

The effects seemed to kick in right away ... after they put the dry ice in their mouths, they reportedly started bleeding and vomiting in agonizing pain, rinsing their mouths out with water and spitting all over the floor. One guy was throwing up all of his dinner onto the floor.

The cameraman who documented all this didn't end up taking any of the dry ice himself -- he was spared, but only because he was carrying one of their kids ... so he lucked out. Unfortunately, the rest of the adults in his party did take it ... and they suffered badly.

The group was ultimately rushed to a hospital, where they spent 2 days recovering. It was a costly mistake for the restaurant -- the manager was arrested and cops are still searching for the owner, who is said to be on the run. Police are alleging this was an outright poisoning.

Dry ice ingestion has the potential to be fatal ... but fortunately, these folks are reportedly in stable condition. Unclear what exactly led to the mix-up -- but the manager is being quoted as saying the staff somehow got ice into the mix by mistake, and that it was an accident.

Daymond John Bruce Buffer Kicks Off Lavish Bash ... It's Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!!!

"It's Time!"
Justine Gjuraj

Daymond John's lavish Los Angeles bash Tuesday night felt more like a UFC event -- at least for a few moments -- 'cause Bruce Buffer kicked off the whole shebang with his signature vocals!!

The famed ring announcer stepped up to the microphone to get John's Rise Nation Mastermind Welcome Party started ... and, as always, he didn't disappoint.

Buffer fired up guests with his "It's Tiiiiime!" tagline ... something John, a big fight fan, clearly loved.

The party -- which John was throwing for his network of entrepreneurs out at Harriet's Rooftop in West Hollywood -- then really got going ... as some big-name celebs and former athletes rubbed elbows throughout the night.

Metta Sandiford-Artest, Akbar Gbajabiamila and T.J. Ward were all there. Foodgod, Lewis Howes and Jeff Beacher were too.

John's goal for the shindig was to help some heavy hitters in the business world have a cool and unique place to meet and talk shop.

And, by the looks of things, seems John's mission was more than accomplished!

Randy Moss I Learned Of Pats Trade At A Club ... Celebrated With Beer!!!

Apple TV+

Randy Moss didn't learn of his trade to the Patriots on a football field, weight room or at an NFL facility ... no, he says it all actually went down at a nightclub!!

The Hall of Famer made the revelation on the newest episode of "The Dynasty: New England Patriots" -- explaining that he was outside of a hot spot getting ready to party when Bill Belichick hit his line about acquiring him from Oakland.

Moss said initially, he thought it was a prankster, so he hung up.

"I was like, 'Well, maybe he doesn't want to come to New England,'" Belichick said of the 2007 call. "So, then I called him again."

Moss said he again thought it was someone yanking his chain ... but then The Hoodie got serious.

"He cut straight to the chase," Moss said of Belichick. "He said, 'Look, man, if you're not up here by 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, no trade.'"

Moss then went inside and celebrated his face off ... with none other than a grip of beer!!!

"I held one of my Coronas," he said. "And said, 'I'm going to be a Patriot!'"

Of course, Moss went on to make history in Foxborough ... in the three seasons after Belichick traded for a 4th-round pick for him, he logged 3,904 receiving yards and a staggering 50 TDs -- including a record 23 in 2007. He also helped lead the Pats to an undefeated regular season that year -- although they ultimately lost the Super Bowl to the New York Giants.

The full Moss episode is slated to premiere Friday on Apple TV+.

Zachery Ty Bryan Happy Hour Drinks ... Only Days After DUI Bust

Zachery Ty Bryan still seems to be boozing after his recent DUI arrest -- hitting a couple bars this week ... although, it looks like he learned his lesson on getting behind the wheel.

The former "Home Improvement" star was spotted Tuesday for the first time since his Saturday morning bust in La Quinta, CA for allegedly driving under the influence ... and he stopped by two different watering holes in the same desert resort town, back to back.

First, Zachery went to the Amigos bar there around 3 PM yesterday ... plopping down at the bar for happy hour. There aren't any photos that explicitly show him sucking down drinks -- but it's a good bet that he probably might've been.

Now, we're told he stuck around for about an hour at Amigos before moving on to the next joint ... but he didn't drive on over -- he actually caught a rideshare this time.

Luckily, Zach played it safe on Tuesday ... responsibly grabbing an Uber to take him over to a local Applebee's, where he popped in and once again grabbed a chair at their bar.

Zachery again sat down ... and here, he was seen with a cold draft beer in front of him. He got to Applebee's around 4:15 PM, still prime time for happy hour by anyone's clock.

Obviously, him in this kind of setting is somewhat alarming -- especially when we know he was literally behind bars just a few days ago for allegedly drinking and driving. Yes, it's good that he's trying to be responsible by using Uber, but the fact he's in a boozy environment like this at all is troubling. Ya gotta wonder if everything's alright with him these days.

TMZ broke the story ... Bryan was arrested by La Quinta Police early Saturday morning for driving under the influence. He was also booked for misdemeanor contempt of court.

Cops say they conducted a traffic stop just past 2 AM after they saw a vehicle they suspected of being involved in a traffic collision. Police say they spoke with the driver -- later identified as Bryan -- who allegedly showed signs of impairment, leading to his arrest.

TMZ Studios

Considering his other legal woes in recent years, here's hoping he can get straightened out.

Rihanna, A$AP Rocky Besos y más besos en el Día de San Valentín!!!

Un San Valentín especial

Fueron solo Rihanna y A$AP Rocky este Día de San Valentín, además, por supuesto, de un montón de paparazzi que trolearon a la pareja mientras intentaba pasar un tiempo a solas.

Echa un vistazo a este video, donde la pareja aparece compartiendo varios abrazos cariñosos mientras están siendo observados por unos fotógrafos desde algún punto del restaurante César swanky el miércoles en París, y lo más divertido es escuchar los comentarios que estos hacen en francés mientras ellos se están abrazando.

Ahora, no es que hablemos el francés muy fluido, pero por su tono definitivamente parece que se están burlando de ellos hasta que A$AP se da cuenta.

Es seguro decir, que con la ventana de cristal que había entre ellos, probablemente no se dio cuenta de que estaban siendo objeto de burlas o comentarios, pues decidió sonreír y saludar a los paparazzi, apenas se dio cuenta.

Al parecer estaba en las nubes y la razón es obvia: estaba saliendo con Rihanna, que se veía increíble en un vestido de seda y un bolero de piel.

La pareja ha pasado mucho tiempo en Francia últimamente. El mes pasado, se reunieron con el presidente francés Emmanuel Macron y Rihanna también asistió a Paris Fashion Week, ¿quién puede olvidar su encuentro con Natalie Portman?

No está claro si se quedarán en París para celebrar el cumpleaños de Rihanna el próximo 20 de febrero. Pero no importa, donde quiera que estén la cantante va a ser mimada con lujosos regalos de su esposo.

A$AP le dijo a TMZ Hip Hop a principios de este mes que no le era difícil encontrar un regalo para su dama porque tiene buen gusto y sabe lo que busca.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

¡¿Suponemos que un montón de diamantes?!

RIHANNA, A$AP ROCKY Trolled by Parisian Paps ... Baiser, Baiser on Valentine's Day!!!


It was just Rihanna and A$AP Rocky on Valentine's Day ... plus, of course, a whole bunch of paps who trolled the hell out of the couple as they tried having some alone time.

Check out this hysterical video ... the couple shares several cozy hugs while blissfully unaware they're being watched inside the swanky César restaurant Wednesday in Paris -- all against the backdrop of hilarious French commentary by the photogs.

Now, we're not exactly fluent in French over here ... but by their tone, it definitely looks like they're poking fun at them for a while before A$AP realizes quite the crowd has gathered behind him.

Safe to say, with the glass window between them, he probably didn't realize they were being mocked ... choosing to wave and smile at the paps, so he was a good sport about it all.

He was apparently on cloud nine, and the reason why is obvious -- he's dating Rihanna, who looked incredible in a silk slip dress and a furry bolero ... so it's clear why he couldn't keep his hands off her.

The couple have been spending a lot of time in France recently. Just last month, they met up with French President Emmanuel Macron, and Rihanna also attended PFW -- who can forget that meeting with Natalie Portman?!

It's unclear if they'll stay in Paris for Rihanna's bday on February 20. But, no matter where they'll be ... looks like the singer's gonna be showered with lavish gifts from her boo.

A$AP told TMZ Hip Hop earlier this month that finding the right gift for his lady is easy peasy 'cause he has good taste and knows what to look for.

TMZ Studios

We're assuming a whole lotta diamonds then?!


Tamra Judge is giving up the goods for "Real Housewives of Orange County" -- she was in the mood to let loose, and luckily for you, she made sure cameras captured the wild night in a bar.


TMZ obtained this clip of the reality star -- after she appeared to have had a few too many drinks -- falling back on her ass while dancing on the bar top at The Boulevard in Costa Mesa.

One customer took full advantage of the tumble ... pouring a drink on Tamra's crotch after she went down.

Tamra was intent on continuing her good time, leaping to her feet and grinding up against another brunette girl ... while Vicki walked away in the background.

The night out had to be some light relief for Tamra and the rest of the 'RHOC' cast ... especially because filming for the 18th season has been more dramatic than ever -- mainly due to former cast member Alexis Bellino's return.

TMZ Studios

TMZ confirmed her comeback last month, with show producers jumping on the drama between her and Shannon Beador -- mostly stemming from dating the same dude, John Janssen.

As for Tamra, it looks like she's bringing the party this upcoming season -- and we're sure 'RHOC' producers ain't hatin' ... just appreciatin'.

Celeb Hot Spot Craig's We Got Robbed, Security Did Nothing ... Customers Sue!!!


A couple says they got robbed at gunpoint at Craig's in an incident caught on camera -- and now, they're dragging the celebrity hotspot to court.

Felipe Darrell and Terry Christanio say they are the couple seen on surveillance video being robbed outside Craig's last year ... and they're pissed at restaurant owner Craig Susser, claiming he's shown no concern for them because they're not famous.

Felipe and Terry say Susser hasn't given them the time of day since the robbery ... and now they're suing him and his restaurant.

According to the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, they were leaving Craig's after dinner back in August, and were waiting in the valet area when 3 armed men hopped out of a car and robbed them at gunpoint.

The video shows the suspects throwing a man in a suit to the ground, and ordering a woman to get on the pavement -- Felipe claims they stole his Rolex and necklace, and they both feared for their lives during the robbery.

In their suit, Felipe and Terry say Craig's lone security guard was too distracted taking photos of other guests to notice a car full of men casing out the joint ... and they say the robbers were even parked at valet when they hopped out of the car to jack their jewelry.

The couple claims the brazen robbery followed other similar incidents at popular restaurants in the West Hollywood area last summer ... and Felipe and Terry say Craig's should have beefed up security in response.

It's been over 5 months since the incident and Felipe and Terry say the restaurant owner blew off an offer to meet and talk about what happened ... and they say they're suing so Craig's is held accountable for what they see as negligence.

TMZ Studios

We reached out to Craig's ... so far no word back.

Taylor Swift Visita Nobu NYC tras la victoria de los Chiefs... Brittany Mahomes y Cara Delevingne van con ella

Taylor Swift, Brittany Mahomes y Cara Delevingne fueron a celebrar la gran victoria de los Kansas City Chiefs en los playoffs a la Gran Manzana para una noche de chicas el martes.

Bienvenidas a Nueva York

La superestrella del pop y sus dos amigas salieron con estilo en dirección al restaurante Nobu en Manhattan para comer un delicioso sushi. El sexy trío llegó al lugar en un todoterreno, antes de que su chófer las ayudara a bajar del asiento trasero.

Un montón de paparazzi tomaron fotos mientras las mujeres subían un pequeño tramo de escaleras hasta desaparecer en el interior del famoso restaurante.

En cuanto a sus atuendos, Taylor llevaba un vestido negro con botas de cuero a juego y un bolso de mano. Cara también iba vestida de negro, con pantalones y blazer con una camiseta interior. Mahomes eligió una minifalda estampada en negro y gris con botas de tacón negras. También llevaba un bolso blanco.

El domingo, Taylor y compañía comenzaron su celebración, festejando como locos después de que los Chiefs lograran una victoria por 27-24 sobre los Buffalo Bills para avanzar al juego por el Campeonato de la AFC contra los Baltimore Ravens.

Taylor tenía mucho por lo que alegrarse, ya que su galán, el ala cerrada de los Chiefs Travis Kelce, atrapó un pase del maridito de Brittany, el QB Patrick Mahomes, durante el partido. Tras el touchdown, Kelce formó un corazón con sus manos en dirección a la suite VIP de Taylor en el Highmark Stadium de Buffalo. ¡Hablando de amor verdadero!

Taylor y Brittany, con bebidas en la mano, también fueron vistas brindando durante su velada después de la victoria de los Chiefs.

Taylor Swift Hits Nobu NYC After Chiefs Victory ... Brittany Mahomes, Cara Delevingne Tag Along

Taylor Swift, Brittany Mahomes and Cara Delevingne took their celebration of the Kansas City Chiefs' big playoff victory to the Big Apple for a girls' night out Tuesday.


The pop superstar and her two close buds went out in style, hitting up Nobu in Manhattan for some yummy sushi. The sexy trio rolled up in an SUV to the restaurant, before their chauffeur helped them out of the backseat onto the curb.

TMZ Studios

A slew of paparazzi photogs were snapping pictures as the women strolled up a small flight of stairs, disappearing inside the famed eatery.

As for their outfits ... Taylor wore a black dress with matching leather boots while carrying a clutch purse. Cara was also decked out in all black, sporting pants and a blazer with an undershirt. Mahomes chose a black and gray patterned mini skirt with black heeled boots. She also carried a white purse.

On Sunday, Taylor and co. began their celebration, partying like crazy after the Chiefs eked out a 27-24 victory over the Buffalo Bills to advance to the AFC Championship game against the Baltimore Ravens.

Taylor had much to be happy about as her hunky beau, Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, caught a touchdown pass from Brittany's hubby, QB Patrick Mahomes, during the game.

After the Chiefs won, Taylor, Brittany and Cara enjoyed lots of booze and fun conversations in their VIP suite at Buffalo's Highmark Stadium. Travis' All-Pro brother, Jason, and his wife, Kylie, joined the women and had a blast, too.

At one point, Taylor and Brittany, drinks in hand, were seen toasting each other during the soiree. What a night!