Kanye West Le pide a la industria musical que lo llame Ye

Kanye West le está pidiendo a los principales actores de la industria musical que respeten su decisión de ir por su nuevo nombre legal "Ye", ha averiguado TMZ.

En una carta obtenida por TMZ, el jefe de personal de Kanye, Milo Yiannopoulos, lanzó un fuerte mensaje a los grandes actores de la industria, incluyendo streamers, editores, sitios web de letras y más, con una demanda de que ahora en adelante llamen al rapero Ye.

Como Milo dice, Kanye no tomó la decisión de cambiar su nombre a la ligera, ya que es consciente de que está sacrificando el valor de marca que viene con "Kanye West". Aún así, el ganador del Grammy lo considera un "nombre de esclavo" y quiere deshacerse del apodo en todas sus plataformas.

Y añade: "Ye es un hombre negro en América que quiere el derecho a la plena autodeterminación como todos los demás".

Recuerden, Kanye cambió oficialmente su nombre a Ye allá por octubre de 2021. El artista hizo que un juez le diera el visto bueno para adoptar su apodo de toda la vida como su nombre artístico legal años después de hablar a favor de los vínculos bíblicos del nombre.

En 2018, Kanye le dijo al presentador de radio Big Boy que prefería Ye, porque era la palabra más usada comúnmente en la Biblia, lo que en realidad no era muy preciso.

Aun así, Ye no es el primer artista que cambia su nombre. Diddy, Snoop Dogg, Prince, Bow Wow y Ke$ha han cambiado sus personajes públicos en el pasado.

¿Seguirá el mundo de la música las órdenes de Ye? To Ye or not to Ye, esa es la cuestión.

Candace Owens Fired from Daily Wire Over Alleged Antisemitism

Candace Owens was fired from her hosting job at the Daily Wire because her bosses were fed up with what they viewed as her repeated promotion of antisemitism ... TMZ has learned.

The conservative media company announced Friday morning that it was parting ways with Candace, and while no official reason was mentioned ... sources with direct knowledge tell us it was squarely over what the Daily Wire honchos saw as antisemitism, and the firing went down early this week.

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Fresh and Fit Podcast

Candace and fellow Daily Wire host Ben Shapiro have had a very public feud recently on social media over their opposing views on the Israel-Gaza conflict -- and we're told the last straw for the DW was her March 8 appearance on the "Fresh and Fit" podcast.

The hosts were talking to Candace about the rift with Ben, and every time Ben or his wife -- who is Israeli -- was mentioned the show dropped a cha-ching sound effect, an obvious nod to the antisemitic trope about Jews and money.

While Candace didn't say anything to besmirch Ben, we're told the feeling was she didn't say anything to defend him or call out the antisemitism. To be fair, it's unclear whether she heard that sound effect while recording the podcast.

We're told Daily Wire execs had previous conversations with Candace in an attempt to understand her position -- as they didn't want to censor her -- but they felt the podcast incident crossed the line.

As one source in the know put it, Candace often bragged about being one of the best communicators in media, so the DW execs felt "she knew what she was doing."

We're also told Shapiro was not involved in the decision to fire Candace, and he doesn't have any power to do so.

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The Breakfast Club

Candace addressed her feud with Ben when she was on "The Breakfast Club" Thursday, saying she was not anti-Israel or antisemitic ... she's simply against all forms of genocide. A source connected to Candace insists the same, telling us "She's obviously not an antisemite."

We've reached out to the Daily Wire and Candace's reps for comment ... but no word back yet.

American Airlines Un pasajero que lanza insultos antisemitas ... Termina con una llave en la cabeza

Pelea en el vuelo

Un vuelo de American Airlines se convirtió en un caos total cuando un pasajero antisemita insultó a una azafata antes de terminar con una llave en la cabeza.

Tienes que ver este increíble video, el tipo de la camisa azul y a rayas pierde totalmente el control incluso antes de que el vuelo de Tampa a Filadelfia despegue el martes. Solo está lanzando odio a diestra y siniestra, acusando a todos de confabularse contra él.

Pero cuando le suelta un insulto antisemita a una azafata, se puede ver la conmoción en la cara de todos los pasajeros, pero a él no le importa y continúa gritando: "¡Estoy tratando de llegar a mi país de origen y todos ustedes me han hecho más difícil llegar!".

La cosa se pone aún más loca cuando se enzarza en una pelea con otro pasajero, el de la sudadera azul, a quien acusa de haberlo tocado. Se agarran la cara y hacen un montón de maniobras de machito, antes de que el tipo de la capucha tome las riendas y le haga una llave en la cabeza al hombre que inició todo el revuelo.

Luego llegan más refuerzos y la mujer con sombrero intenta calmar los ánimos, diciendo que es policía y resulta que el encapuchado también lo es.

Mientras le aplicaba la llave de cabeza, el hombre de la capucha le gritó: "Ahora baja las manos y no toques a nadie", antes de escoltarlo hasta la salida del avión.

El Departamento de Policía del Aeropuerto Internacional de Tampa dice que se hizo un arresto alrededor de las 5:30 PM del martes, justo fuera del avión. Según los informes, fue arrestado por estar intoxicado públicamente y otros dos cargos de agresión.



An American Airlines flight descended into total chaos when an antisemitic passenger spewed a seriously hateful insult at a flight attendant before ending up in a headlock.

You gotta check out this wild clip -- the guy in the blue striped shirt totally loses it even before the flight from Tampa to Philadelphia takes off Tuesday ... he's hurling hate left and right, accusing everyone of ganging up on him.

But, when he drops an antisemitic slur on a flight attendant, you can see the shock on everyone's faces ... but he doesn't care and goes on to yell, "I'm trying to get to my home country, and you all people made it harder for me to get to my home country!"

It gets even crazier when he gets into a scuffle with another passenger -- the guy in the blue hoodie -- accusing him of touching him. They get in each other's faces, and there's plenty of machismo posturing, before the dude in the hoodie takes charge and puts the antisemite in a headlock!

Further backup arrives with the woman in a backward hat trying to calm things down, saying she's a cop ... and turns out the hoodie guy is too.

As he applied the headlock, he yelled, "Now put your hands down and don't touch anybody" ... before escorting him to the plane's exit.

The Tampa International Airport Police Department says an arrest was made around 5:30 PM Tuesday, right outside the plane. He was reportedly arrested for disorderly intoxication and 2 counts of battery.

Floyd Mayweather VISITA ISRAEL Reza en el muro de los lamentos

Floyd Mayweather envió miles de kilos de suministros a Israel en octubre, y ahora la leyenda del boxeo se ha entregado a sí mismo... aterrizando en Tel Aviv y subiéndole el ánimo a soldados, trabajadores de rescate y civiles.

Desde el ataque del 7 de octubre de Hamás, sería difícil encontrar una celebridad más abiertamente pro israelí que Floyd. Sin embargo, él quería hacer más, así que se subió a su jet privado y voló a Israel, donde recientemente aterrizó en Tel Aviv.

en el ring

Mayweather ha estado por todas partes, incluyendo una parada en una base de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel, donde nos informan que organizó una comida para los militares.

Por supuesto, Floyd es uno de los mejores boxeadores de la historia, y ya que la base de las IDF tenía un ring de boxeo, Mayweather hizo de sparring con algunos de los soldados.

Floyd también hizo una parada en la sede de United Hatzalah, un servicio ambulatorio en Jerusalén, además del banco de sangre Magen David Adom.

Mayweather, que está en Israel con sus amigos -Jona Rechnitz y Avi Hiaeve (de Avi & Co.)-, pasó tiempo en el Muro Occidental, un lugar sagrado, donde nos dicen que oró por la paz.

Le obsequiaron una kipá TMT personalizada del rabino Steven Burg, además de un impresionante collar de la Estrella de David, cortesía de los joyeros de Diamond Club Miami.


Por último, pero no menos importante, Mayweather recibió una pintura única en su tipo, la cual le fue entregada por el músico israelí Osher Cohen.

¡Y el viaje ni siquiera ha terminado!

Floyd Mayweather Visits Israel ... Prays At Western Wall, Hangs W/ IDF

Floyd Mayweather sent thousands of pounds of supplies to Israel in October, and now the boxing legend has delivered himself ... touching down in Tel Aviv, and lifting the spirits of soldiers, rescue workers, and civilians.

Since the October 7 Hamas attack, you'd be hard-pressed to find a celebrity more outwardly supportive of the Israeli cause than the 50-0 fighter ... but Floyd wanted to do more, so he hopped on his private jet and flew to Israel, where he recently touched down in Tel Aviv.


Mayweather has been all over the place, including a stop at an Israel Defense Forces base where we're told he hosted a BBQ for the military!

Of course, Floyd's one of the greatest boxers ever ... and since the IDF base had a boxing ring, Mayweather sparred with some of the IDF. No word if he took his first L.

Floyd also made a stop at the headquarters of United Hatzalah, an ambulatory service, in Jerusalem ... in addition to the Magen David Adom blood bank.

Mayweather, who is in Israel with friends Jona Rechnitz and Avi Hiaeve (of Avi & Co.), spent time at the Western Wall, a holy site ... where we're told he prayed for peace.

Floyd was gifted a custom blinged-out TMT kippah from Rabbi Steven Burg, in addition to an awesome Star of David necklace pendant from the jewelers at Diamond Club Miami.

Rooftop Rally

Last but not least, Mayweather received a one-of-a-kind painting as well ... which was presented to him, from Israeli musician Osher Cohen.

And, trip's not even done yet!

Bruce Pearl Slams Biden's State Of The Union Speech ... Where's Support For Jews, Israel?

"134 Innocent Hostages including 6 Americans are still being held by Hamas, Gazans and Palestinians. Not one word DEMANDING THEIR RELEASE from our President."

That's Auburn head basketball coach Bruce Pearl ripping into Joe Biden ... and suffice it to say, he wasn't a fan of POTUS' State of the Union speech Thursday night.

63-year-old Pearl, who is Jewish, laid into the 81-year-old president for failing to adequately pressure Hamas to release over 100 hostages that they took during the October 7 attacks in Israel during his third SOTU speech.

"On Oct 7th the Jewish People experienced the worst genocide since the Holocaust and we hear more about the suffering of Gazans than the constant threat for survival Israel and the Jewish people live with everyday!" Pearl wrote on X.

"And let's reward them with another State and launching pad for terror. Your lack of support for the Jewish people and the State of Israel was loud and clear Mr President!"

Of course, the coach is referencing Biden's push for a "two-state solution" in the region ... something he clearly believes is a bad idea.

On Friday, Pearl, who has been at Auburn since 2014, wasn't ready to move on ... and again went to social media to air out JB.

"President Biden saying 'I won't rest until we get the hostages home' isn't getting it done," Bruce tweeted, referencing a line from the president's speech, before urging action from POTUS and one of his top cabinet officials, the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken.

Pearl is referencing a line from Biden's SOTU ... where he said, "We will not rest until we bring their loved ones home." The coach wants much more done.

"Send [Blinken] to Qatar and tell Hamas leaders they have a limited number of days to release all hostages and surrender. If they refuse Israel gets the green light to destroy Hamas and them!"

The United States, Israel, and Hamas, as well as other involved parties, are negotiating in Cairo, in an effort to strike a deal for a temporary ceasefire which would presumably lead to the release of at least some of the more than 100 remaining hostages.

On Thursday, it appeared negotiations were breaking down ... and it's crystal clear Pearl is demanding President Biden find a way to return home hostages being held in Gaza.

Hailey Bieber Not Happy with Dad 'Prayers' Request ... Very Private Matter

Hailey Bieber's father, Stephen Baldwin, asked the public for prayers for his daughter and her husband, Justin Bieber -- and as it turns out, something's going on ... and Hailey's pissed.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ that Stephen's plea for guidance and well-wishes toward his daughter and son-in-law did not just come out of nowhere ... and was related to something specific that's going on with the young couple.

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While we weren't told what the issue is ... the one thing we know for certain is that it's a private thing that Justin and Hailey are dealing with.

Whatever it is ... Stephen is obviously aware of it, and wanted to pass along good vibes in the form of prayers from others -- and while he probably only meant well with this move, sources tell us Hailey is not pleased with her dad drawing attention to them.

You could tell something was on their minds Wednesday as they were leaving church here in L.A. -- where a bunch of paps snapped them on the way out ... and they were pensive.

Some didn't think there was anything to their somber demeanors, but now ... we're hearing there's something behind it. Considering SB had just reposted this "prayers" clip hours before they went inside ... it's a safe bet to assume they were aware the spotlight was on them.

Again, we're not quite sure what this all pertains to ... and we're not gonna speculate.

There haven't been any open signs of trouble in paradise between Hailey and Justin either -- they've just gone about their business, per usual -- which is why this is all so sudden and confusing. Clearly, with Stephen's sentiment ... he's kicked up some unwanted publicity here.

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We've reached out to their camp ... so far, no word back.

Hailey Bieber No está contenta con que su padre pida oraciones ... Es algo privado

El padre de Hailey Bieber, Stephen Baldwin, pidió públicamente oraciones por su hija y su marido, Justin Bieber, pues resulta que algo está pasando, pero Hailey está enojada.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que la petición de Stephen de enviarle buenos deseos a su hija y a su yerno no salió de la nada y está relacionado con algo específico que está pasando con la joven pareja.

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Aunque no nos dijeron cuál es el problema, lo único que sabemos con certeza es que es algo privado con lo que Justin y Hailey están lidiando.

Sea lo que sea, Stephen obviamente está consciente de ello y quería traspasarles buenas vibraciones en forma de oraciones de los demás. Aunque probablemente solo tenía buenas intenciones, nuestras fuentes dicen que Hailey no está para nada contenta con que su padre haya atraído la atención sobre ellos.

Se puede decir que algo estaba pasando el miércoles cuando salieron de la iglesia en Los Ángeles, donde un montón de paparazzi los fotografiaron a la salida y se veían pensativos.

Algunos pensaban que no había nada detrás de su semblante sombrío, pero ahora sabemos que hay algo detrás. Teniendo en cuenta que Stephen acababa de volver a publicar el clip de las "oraciones" antes de que entraran a la iglesia, es una apuesta segura decir que estaban conscientes de que la atención estaba sobre ellos.

Una vez más, no estamos muy seguros de lo que está pasando y no vamos a especular.

No ha habido ninguna señal de problemas entre Hailey y Justin, quienes solo andaban en lo suyo, como de costumbre. Es por eso que todo esto es muy repentino y confuso. Claramente, con las palabras de Stephen, ha atraído algo de publicidad no deseada aquí.

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Nos pusimos en contacto con su equipo, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Justin y Hailey Bieber Lucen sombríos... Después de que el padre Stephen pidiera por ellos

Justin y Hailey Bieber fueron a la iglesia esta semana y salieron con un aspecto estoico, apenas unas horas después de que el suegro de Justin, Stephen Baldwin, pidiera oraciones por la pareja de la lista A.

El cantante y su esposa trataron de pasar bajo perfil al salir de la Iglesia Churchome en Beverly Hills el miércoles por la noche. Los tortolitos, que se casaron en 2018 después de un compromiso relámpago, lucían apagados mientras salían del servicio religioso.

Sombríos al salir de la iglesia

Vamos a ser honestos, Justin se veía un poco deprimido, llevaba una sudadera de gran tamaño oscuro y una bufanda a juego que cubría su cara. Hailey llevaba un suéter amarillo y gris alegre, pero parecía igual de sombría a su lado.

La pareja hizo una rápida escapada a su Tesla Cybertruck de $90,000, esquivando y negándose a responder las preguntas de los paparazzi sobre su matrimonio.

El telón de fondo de esta sombría salida es el padre de Hailey, Stephen -también conocido como el hermano de Alec Baldwin- quien ha provocado cierta preocupación entre los fans cuando volvió a pedir oraciones por su hija y su yerno en un post de redes sociales.

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Sobre un video de Justin cantando, Stephen escribió: "Cristianos, por favor, cuando piensen en Justin & Hailey, tómense un momento para ofrecerles una pequeña oración para que tengan sabiduría, protección y se acerquen al Señor". Esto no fue lo que Stephen publicó originalmente, pero lo volvió a publicar.

Por supuesto, la fe es algo muy importante en la relación de Justin y Hailey, igual que para Stephen, obviamente. No está claro por qué el padre de Hailey podría haber estado pidiendo oraciones por ellos, pero ha preocupado a algunos.

Justin y Hailey suelen salir a menudo por la ciudad, pero no hablan mucho, especialmente Justin, quien está realmente alejado de los focos y de la actuación en medio de sus problemas de salud. También han sido abiertos y honestos acerca de las luchas que han tenido en su matrimonio desde el principio.

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Parece que los dos están una vez más en busca de orientación espiritual y papá Stephen quiere enviarles un poco de amor.

Justin, Hailey Bieber Somber at Church After Stephen B's 'Prayers' Plea

Justin and Hailey Bieber went to church this week and emerged looking stoic -- just mere hours after JB's father-in-law Stephen Baldwin asked for prayers for the A-list couple.

The singer and his model wife attempted to keep a low profile as they exited the Churchome Church in Bev Hills on Wednesday evening. The lovebirds -- who got hitched in 2018 after a whirlwind engagement -- looked subdued as they made their way from the religious service.


We'll be honest, Justin looks a little down and out here ... wearing a dark oversized sweatshirt and a matching scarf that covered his face. Hailey was rocking a cheery yellow and gray sweater ... but she appeared equally somber.

They made a quick getaway in their $90,000 Tesla Cybertruck -- refusing to comment on nosy paps who were asking pretty wild questions about their marriage.

The backdrop to this moody outing is actually Hailey's dad Stephen -- AKA Alec Baldwin's brother -- sparking some concern among their fans when he reposted a plea for prayers for his daughter and son-in-law.

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Overlaying a video of Justin singing, a message read ... "Christians, please when you think of Justin & Hailey, take a moment to offer a little prayer for them to have wisdom, protection and to draw close to the Lord." Stephen didn't post this originally, but he did repost it.

Of course, Faith is a major part of Justin and Hailey's relationship ... and ditto for Stephen obviously. Unclear why Stephen might've been asking for prayers ... but it worried some.

Justin and Hailey definitely hit the town a lot -- but they don't really talk much, especially Justin these days ... who's really stepped away from the spotlight and performing amid health issues. They've also been open and honest about struggles in their marriage early on.

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Looks like the two of them are once again seeking out spiritual guidance ... and Papa Bear wants to send them some love.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.



Jerry Seinfeld abandonó el discurso anual sobre el Estado de la Judería Mundial el domingo por la noche en Nueva York ante manifestantes antiisraelíes que le acusaban de apoyar el genocidio... pero no pareció inmutarse.

Échale un vistazo al video, un coro de personas cantan, "partidario del genocidio, que apoya el genocidio", al ver al comediante fuera de la sede de Manhattan después del evento que contó con el columnista Bari Weiss, fundador de The Free Press.

Como se puede ver, Jerry está muy tranquilo, incluso expuesto a toda la rabia. Esboza una sonrisa y saluda con la mano antes de meterse despreocupadamente en la parte trasera de un todoterreno negro rodeado de agentes de la policía de Nueva York.

Incluso después de que Jerry se fue, los manifestantes seguían gritando: "Jódanse, apoyan el genocidio".

Parece que todo el alboroto contra Jerry se debió a su apoyo a la oradora principal del evento, Weiss, conocida por su firme apoyo a Israel.

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Weiss ha sido muy criticada por criticar a Refaat Alareer, un profesor y poeta palestino que perdió la vida trágicamente en un ataque aéreo israelí en diciembre.

Pero, volviendo a la manifestación ante el 92Y, en el Upper East Side de Nueva York... no tuvo precisamente mucha convocatoria. La policía se presentó y terminó arrestando a dos manifestantes.

"solo preguntas inteligentes"

En cuanto a Jerry, parece que un poco de acción de protesta no erizó sus plumas demasiado, y está lejos de ser la primera celebridad en ser interrumpida por manifestantes anti-israelíes en Nueva York, Alec Baldwin también se encontró en una situación similar a finales del año pasado.


post-show heckling

Jerry Seinfeld exited the annual State of the World Jewry address Sunday evening in NYC to anti-Israel protesters accusing him of supporting genocide ... but he didn't seem too fazed.

Check out the video ... a chorus of people chant, "Genocide supporter, you support genocide," upon seeing the comedian outside the Manhattan venue following the event that featured NYT columnist Bari Weiss, founder of The Free Press.

As you can see, Jerry's as cool as a cucumber, even in the face of all that rage. He flashes a smile and gives a little wave before casually hopping into the back of a black SUV surrounded by NYPD officers.

Even after Jerry was long gone, those protesters were still going strong, chanting, "F*** you, you support genocide."

It looks like the whole uproar against Jerry was due to his support for the event's main speaker, Weiss, who's known for her staunch support of Israel.

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Weiss has caught some serious heat for criticizing Refaat Alareer, a Palestinian professor and poet before he tragically lost his life in an Israeli airstrike in December.

But, back to the rally outside the 92Y on NYC's Upper East Side ... it didn't exactly have staying power. The cops showed up and ended up arresting 2 protesters.


As for Jerry, looks like a little protest action didn't ruffle his feathers too much, and he's far from the first celeb to be heckled by anti-Israel demonstrators in NYC -- Alec Baldwin also found himself in a similar situation late last year.

Cubren la estrella de David de la estatua de Amy Winehouse Con la bandera de Palestina

Una estatua de Amy Winehouse en Londres ha sido pintarrajeada. Unos manifestantes han cubierto el collar con la estrella de David de la estatua con una bandera palestina, lo que ha causado indignación entre algunos, pero no necesariamente en su propia familia.

Manifestantes pro-Palestina mancillaron la estatua de la difunta cantante el fin de semana durante una protesta masiva en Londres, donde alguien colocó una pegatina de la bandera palestina en la imagen de Amy.

En la estatua aparece Amy con un collar de la estrella de David, símbolo de la identidad judía y del judaísmo, y la pegatina de la bandera de Palestina tapó el colgante. Amy era británica y judía.

Naturalmente, Internet está indignado, con la gente llamando al vandalismo vergonzoso, repugnante y antisemita.

Mitch Winehouse -el padre de Amy y administrador de su patrimonio- sin embargo, está dando una respuesta más comedida, diciendole a TMZ: "No es muy agradable, pero era solo una pegatina".

La estatua de bronce de Amy en el mercado londinense de Camden fue inaugurada en 2014, un par de años después de su muerte en 2011, y los fans suelen dejar flores para presentar sus respetos.

No está claro cuánto tiempo estuvo la pegatina con la bandera palestina en la estatua de Amy, pero ya ha sido retirada.

Amy Winehouse Statue Defaced In London ... With Palestinian Flag

An Amy Winehouse statue in London has been defaced -- with protestors covering up the statue's Star of David necklace with a Palestinian flag, causing outrage among some ... but not necessarily in her own family.

Pro-Palestine demonstrators besmirched the late singer's statue over the weekend during a massive protest in London ... with someone placing a sticker of the Palestinian flag on Amy's likeness.

The statue features Amy wearing a Star of David necklace, a symbol of Jewish identity and Judaism, and the Palestine flag sticker covered up the pendant. Amy was British and Jewish.

Naturally, the internet is outraged ... with folks calling the vandalism disgraceful, revolting and antisemitic.

Mitch Winehouse -- Amy's dad and the administrator of her estate -- however is taking a more measured response, telling TMZ ... "It's not very nice but it was just a sticker."

Amy's bronze statue in London's Camden Market was unveiled in 2014, a couple years after her 2011 death, and fans often leave flowers to pay their respects.

Unclear how long the Palestinian flag sticker was on Amy's statue, but it has since been removed.

Mardi Gras 2024 In Full Swing on Fat Tuesday ... Here's Next SB Location!!!

It's Fat Tuesday -- and while it marks the end of Mardi Gras ... the reality is, the party out there has been going strong for several days now ... just take a look yourself.

Lots of festivities have been unfolding in New Orleans these past several days -- including elaborate parades that have been trotted up and down local streets there ... with some awesome floats on display.

There've been a handful of stars on the scene as well to celebrate Mardi Gras -- Neil Patrick Harris was spotted in NOLA on Monday ... and Kevin Dillon was out there on Sunday.

Yes, both of them both in the spirit of things ... with NPH in some fancy wardrobe, and KD dressed like a king.

There've been some other notable figures this week out and about to ring in the occasion ... like New Orleans Saints kicker Blake Grupe and Harry Connick Jr., who were both also seen on floats Monday night.

Like we said, Fat Tuesday is the tail end of the Carnival celebration in NOLA -- coming right before Ash Wednesday starts, and when people will presumably give up foods and crap.

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Yes, there's some religious significance behind it -- even though many just treat it as an excuse to eat, drink and be merry in the streets.

That's certainly how some starts have gone about it over the years, anyway.

Enjoy the feast while you can, y'all.

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