
Mia Khalifa found herself in a heated showdown with a Jewish mother ... over her controversial pro-Hamas thoughts.

The porn star-turned-influencer recorded the tense exchange outside Miami International Airport, showing the woman repeating the words "Am Yisrael Chai" -- a Hebrew term meaning "the people of Israel live," and a clear show of solidarity among Jewish people.

Mia opted not to debate the Middle East conflict with the woman, and instead tried to get under her skin by sarcastically asking if she was waiting for a bus ... while Mia bragged she was waiting for her valet.

But, the woman relentlessly chanted the phrase while her son looked visibly embarrassed -- and Mia retorted with a savage crack about the woman having bad breath.

Mia proudly posted the video, claiming Zionists were losing the plot and the woman was calling her slurs inside the airport ... which was not captured on camera.

She's clearly sticking by her pro-Hamas thoughts, which got her fired from Playboy in October ... as the outlet said it has "a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech."


Despite the blowback, Mia doubled down ... writing at the time, "I'd say supporting Palestine has lost me business opportunities, but I'm more angry at myself for not checking whether or not I was entering into business with Zionists."

Even face-to-face confrontations aren't swaying her view.

Mia Khalifa se enfrenta a una madre judía por sus opiniones a favor de Hamás


Mia Khalifa se vio envuelta en un acalorado enfrentamiento con una madre judía por sus controvertidos pensamientos a favor de Hamás.

La estrella del porno convertida en influencer grabó el tenso intercambio fuera del Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami, mostrando a la mujer repitiendo las palabras "Am Yisrael Chai" —un término hebreo que significa "el pueblo de Israel vive"— y una clara muestra de solidaridad entre el pueblo judío.

Mia optó por no debatir el conflicto de Oriente Medio con la mujer y en su lugar trató de meterse en su piel con sarcasmo, preguntando si estaba esperando un autobús, mientras que Mia se jactó de que estaba esperando a su equipo de cámara.

Sin embargo, la mujer coreó sin cesar la frase mientras su hijo parecía visiblemente avergonzado... luego Mia se refirió al mal aliento de la mujer.

Mia publicó con orgullo el video, alegando que los sionistas estaban perdiendo el norte mientras la mujer seguía gritando en el aeropuerto, lo cual no pudo ser capturado en video.

Está claro que si sus pensamientos pro-Hamás fue lo que hizo que la despidieran de Playboy en octubre, ya que dijeron tener: "una política de tolerancia cero para el discurso de odio".

la despidieron

A pesar de la reacción, Mia se retractó, escribiendo: "Yo diría que apoyar a Palestina me ha hecho perder oportunidades de negocio, pero estoy más enojada conmigo misma por no comprobar si estaba o no entrando en negocios con sionistas."

Ni siquiera los enfrentamientos cara a cara le hacen cambiar de opinión.

Lil Nas X se disculpa por el video "J Christ" tras recibir críticas


Lil Nas X está tratando de limpiar el caos que su single "J Christ" ha causado en la comunidad cristiana, pero el daño podría estar hecho, si las reacciones de estos artistas significan algo.

El Sr. Montero se expresó en Insta el lunes para pedir disculpas por todas las reacciones, pero también admitió que estaba sorprendido por el nivel de odio que recibió.

Lil Nas X dice que se imaginaba que las masas habrían captado su sátira, es decir, su lucha contra Satanás en el video y su alejamiento del lado oscuro, por así decirlo. Continúa diciendo que la inspiración en Jesús pretendía ser una metáfora de su carrera resucitada.

Admite, sin embargo, que su video promocional quizás llevó las cosas demasiado lejos. Se disculpa por las payasadas, al tiempo que niega ser el anticristo enviado para arruinar los valores familiares.

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A pesar del "lo siento" de Nas X, varios de los principales raperos cristianos de hoy en día no están de acuerdo. Piensan que su nueva campaña "J Christ" se burla abiertamente de su religión y ¡no están de acuerdo!

Dee-1 no es ajeno a llamar la atención a artistas que siente que están llevando a los fans por caminos oscuros, y publicó una foto junto a un mural de Lil Nas X advirtiendo que su sello discográfico —Columbia Records— le estaba permitiendo ser un maniquí de choque para los cristianos.

Dee sugirió que Lil estaba "Herido por la iglesia", siendo rechazado por ser gay.

Lecrae, el primer rapero en ganar un Grammy al Mejor Álbum Gospel, se hizo eco de pensamientos similares e instó a sus seguidores a orar por Lil, argumentando que no es una causa perdida, todavía.

no se juega con el nombre de jesús
Instagram / @hurricanechrisofficial

El huracán Chris —que nos dijo que le dio crédito a Jesús por su veredicto de inocencia tras ser absuelto de asesinato— fue mucho menos indulgente y amenazó con resucitar las Cruzadas y luchar por su Señor y Salvador contra lo que él percibe como el mal en la canción de Nas X.

El tiempo dirá lo sincero que está siendo Lil. A primera vista, suena como si fuera un poco en serio. ¿Es hora de confesarse y buscar penitencia?

Lil Nas X Meant No Disrespect w/ 'J Christ' ... Christian Artists Pile On


Lil Nas X is trying to clean up the mess that his "J Christ" single has caused in the Christian community ... but the damage might be done, if these artists' reactions mean anything.

Mr. Montero hopped on IG on Monday to apologize for all the backlash but also admitted he was surprised by the level of hate he received all the same.

Lil Nas X says he figured the masses would have picked up on his satire ... namely, him combatting Satan in the video and turning away from the dark side, so to speak. He goes on to say the Jesus inspo was aimed to be a metaphor for his resurrected career.

He does admit, however, that his communion promo video perhaps took things too far ... he apologizes for the antics ... while denying he's the anti-Christ sent to ruin family values.

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Despite Nas X's I'm-sorry ... several of today's top Christian rappers may beg to differ ... they think his new "J Christ" campaign openly mocks their religion and they're not going for it!!!

Dee-1 is no stranger to calling out artists he feels are leading fans down dark paths and posted up next to a mural of Lil Nas X ... and warned him his record label Columbia Records was allowing him to be a crash dummy for Christians.

Dee suggested LNX was suffering from "church hurt" -- shunned for being gay but still told him to cut it out.

Lecrae, the first rapper to ever win a Grammy for Best Gospel Album, echoed similar thoughts and urged his following to pray for LNX -- arguing he's not a lost cause, yet.

Don't Play With Jesus' Name
Instagram / @hurricanechrisofficial

Hurricane Chris -- who told us he credited Jesus for his not guilty verdict after being acquitted of murder -- was far less forgiving and threatened to resurrect the Crusades ... and slide for his Lord and Savior against what he perceives as the evil in Nas X's song.

Time will tell how sincere LNX is here ... on its face, it sounds like he's kinda serious. Time to hit confession and seek penance???

La Iglesia de Satán aplaude a Lil Nas X por su video musical "J Christ"

El video musical "J Christ" de Lil Nas X cuenta con el apoyo de una iglesia, aunque no ncesariamente cristiana o católica.

El polémico rapero lanzó un video musical para su canción "J Cristo", enviando ondas de choque a través del mundo religioso. En él, el rapero interpreta a Noé, capitaneando su arca a través de aguas turbulentas, e incluso se muestra como Cristo en la cruz. También le rompe los tobillos al diablo en un partido de baloncesto uno contra uno.

La letra solo aporta a los tintes religiosos de la canción, con líneas como "Volver a salir de la tumba/Perra estoy de vuelta como J Cristo", así que sí, se podría decir que la religión es el tema principal.

Mientras que ciertos raperos cristianos y grupos han expresado su disgusto con la canción y video, a la Iglesia de Satanás le encanta, David Harris le dice a TMZ que le está dando al video un pulgar arriba, llamando a las imágenes "fantásticas".

Harris señala cómo Lil Nas X rapea sobre su capacidad de ser viral, equiparándolo a la creencia de su iglesia de la "magia menor". Básicamente, la capacidad de manipular a la gente para que haga lo que quieras y de paso llenarte los bolsillos.

El magister (algo así como un cardenal para los miembros de la Iglesia de Satán) dice que su iglesia en realidad no adora a Satán y en su lugar promueve ser tu verdadero yo, el logro personal y vivir la vida al máximo, no está obsesionada con la iconografía como otras iglesias. Nunca los verás reaccionar a las representaciones del Diablo con ira.

Harris tiene recibos para respaldar esa afirmación, ya que anteriormente había dado el visto bueno a su video musical "Montero" a pesar de la representación de Satanás (también alabó el momento en que Lil Nas lo mata y le quita la corona).

Magister Harris solo tenía una pequeña crítica para Lil Nas X. "J Christ" no era suficiente para él... ¡Dice que quiere que el rapero diriga un largometraje!

Lil Nas X dijo que está divorciado del diablo, pero no parece que la Iglesia de Satanás crea.

Lil Nas X Church Of Satan Loves 'J Christ' Vid ... Need A Feature Film!!!

Lil Nas X's "J Christ" music video has the support of one church ... though its endorsement is unlikely to make Christians and Catholics feel any better.

ICYMI ... the controversial rapper released a music video for his song "J Christ" -- sending shockwaves through the religious world. In it, LNX plays Noah, captaining his ark through rough waters, and even shows him as Christ on the cross. He also breaks the devil's ankles in a one-on-one basketball game for good measure.

The lyrics only add to the song's religious ties ... featuring lines like "Back up out the gravesite/Bitch I'm back like J Christ" -- so yeah, you could say religion is a main theme.

While certain Christian rappers and groups have expressed disgust with the song and video, the Church of Satan loves it ... magister David Harris tells TMZ he's giving the video a thumbs up, calling the imagery "fantastic."

Harris notes how Lil Nas X raps about his ability to go viral, equating it to his church's belief in "lesser magic" ... basically the ability to manipulate people into doing what you want -- which DH notes is lining Nas' pockets with cash.

The magister (kinda like a cardinal to Church of Satan members) says his church -- which doesn't actually worship Satan and instead touts being your true self, personal achievement and living life to the fullest -- isn't obsessed with iconography like other churches ... you'll never see them react to portrayals of the Devil with anger.

Harris's got receipts to back that claim up ... having previously given a stamp of approval to his "Montero" music vid in spite of the depiction of Satan (he also lauded the moment Lil Nas kills him and takes his crown.)

Magister Harris only had one tiny criticism for Lil Nas X -- "J Christ" wasn't enough for him ... DH says he's so talented he wants the rapper to direct a feature-length film!

Lil Nas X said he's divorced from the devil ... but it doesn't look like the Church of Satan is dropping him anytime soon.

Lil Nas X Christian College Letter's Bogus ... 'Memba, Thou Shall Not Lie

Lil Nas X's claim of being accepted to a Christian college was a fib of biblical proportions -- at least according to the higher ed institution itself ... who says they've never heard of him.

A spokesperson for Liberty University tells TMZ Hip Hop, "We can confirm that Liberty University did not issue the Montero Hill 'acceptance letter' posted yesterday to social media, and we have no record of Montero Hill applying to the University. Liberty University exists to glorify God by equipping men and women in higher education in fidelity to the Christian faith expressed through the Holy Scriptures."

"We continue to pray for America and for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed across this land. We welcome all to apply and join us at Liberty University."

LNX posted the phony placard as part of his new song rollout that's hellbent on convincing fans he's not the devil-worshipping dandy that Dave Chappelle made him out to be in his newest Netflix special.

Many people noted the letter he posted was edited/old ... 'cause the ex-Prez whose John Hancock is on there died a long time ago -- so it was easy to spot the fake. Still, now we got LU officially shutting it down ... and sending prayers Nas X's way too to boot.

Of course, this stunt is just the latest LNX has pulled over the past few weeks to plug this new single of his -- 'J Christ' -- which is very much the opposite of his devil song from a few years ago ... "Montero (Call Me By Your Name)." Now, he's trying to seem holier than thou.

Speaking of this new track ... Lil Nas X dropped a teaser of the music video for it on Wednesday -- and there's a bunch of celebrity lookalikes heading up to the pearly gates.

Funny enough, we saw photos of these same actors a couple months ago doing a shoot -- and while we didn't know what this was for at the time ... we certainly do now. You can take a peek and check out the photos yourself to see what was happening behind the scenes.

Montero may not be a holy roller on campus next semester but he's still pumped to take his fans on a divine journey ... judging from his upcoming "J Christ" music video that spoofs several celebrities walking up the stairways to heaven.

We got a hold of some pics from the shoot ... doppelgängers of everyone from Taylor Swift to Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jackson, Kanye West -- even Queen Elizabeth can be seen Nasing it up!!!

He insists the art will contain a deeper meaning ... what that is, we'll just have to wait until Friday, which is when this song's coming out.

NYPD Encuentran un túnel secreto bajo una sinagoga... Causa revuelo y alboroto

Caos en Jabad

Un enorme túnel secreto fue descubierto bajo una histórica sinagoga en Nueva York, y cuando las autoridades trataron de cerrarlo, se produjo un caos por las personas que lo estaban usando.

Descabelladas imágenes están circulando por Internet que muestran una escena frenética este lunes en la sede mundial de Jabad-Lubavitch en Crown Heights, Brooklyn, que sirve como lugar de reunión y culto para los judíos ortodoxos de la zona, y todo está relacionado con este pasaje oculto.

Hacia las salidas

Cuento corto, este recinto subterráneo que conduce a la sinagoga fue descubierto por casualidad el mes pasado por civiles que escucharon ruidos extraños debajo de sus casas.

Hay informes de que un grupo selecto de esta sinagoga estaba utilizando el túnel para acceder a una zona cerrada destinada al baño de mujeres, además de otras áreas en y alrededor de Brooklyn, al parecer.

Tour por el Túnel

De todos modos, los líderes de la sinagoga decidieron cerrar todo esto y trajeron equipos de construcción para que sellaran el túnel con cemento, pero parece que los chicos que lo estaban utilizando estaban indignados y comenzaron el alboroto dentro de su propia institución sagrada, lo que alertó a la policía.

Ahí es donde aparecen estos videos, que muestran a los judíos enfrentándose a la policía, volcando muebles y aparentemente intentando refugiarse en el túnel para evitar su cierre.

En algún momento, alguien bajó al túnel y grabó un breve recorrido dentro y se puede ver que estos tipos se sentían como en casa, con sus ropas esparcidas por todas partes.

Al final, parece que pudieron cerrar la tapa del escondite secreto, probablemente para bien. La idea de tipos merodeando bajo tierra es un poco de las Tortugas Ninja 😅.

NYPD Secret Tunnel Found Under Synagogue ... Sparks Chaos & Uproar


A massive secret tunnel was discovered under a historic Jewish synagogue in NYC -- and when the authorities tried to shut it down ... sheer chaos ensued from the guys using it.

Wild footage is circulating online showing a frenetic scene Monday at the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn's Crown Heights -- serving as the meeting location and place of worship for Orthodox Jews in that area ... and it all has to do with this hidden passage.


Long story short ... this underground enclosure leading into the synagogue was stumbled upon last month by civilians who reported hearing weird noises under their homes.

There's reports that a select group from this synagogue were using the tunnel to access a shuttered women's bathing area ... plus other areas in and around Brooklyn, it seems.


Anyway, leadership from this synagogue decided to shut this whole thing down -- bringing in construction crews to seal up the tunnel with cement ... but apparently, the fellas who'd been using were outraged and started rioting within their own holy institution, and cops came out.

That's where all these clips come in -- showing the Jewish clashing with cops, overturning furniture and seemingly trying to hunker down in their tunnel to avoid it being closed up.

At some point, someone went down into the tunnel itself and recorded a little walk-through -- and you can see these fellas made themselves at home ... draping their clothes all about.


In the end, it looks like they were able to close the lid on this secret hideout -- probably for the best, TBH. The idea of dudes lurking around underground is ... well, kinda 'TMNT.' 😅

Ari Lennox Rod Wave Tour Had Dark Energy 😈 ... Bottle Throwin' Fans


Ari Lennox is painting Rod Wave's Nostalgia Tour as the concert series from Hell -- this after she says she survived attacks from unruly fans, who she labels as pretty evil.

Ari broke her silence, going live on social about her time opening up for the "Heart on Ice" singer -- which went down last year -- including the November concert in L.A., where she walked off stage after being pelted with a water bottle.


Ari claims Rod's fans fed her nothing but dark energy from certain corners of the venue and she was terrified. She also openly wonders why Rod's base was so aggressive -- and defended her lashing out at times while onstage.

It's pretty disheartening to hear ... Ari clearly had a bad time on tour, and it sounds like she went through a lot. But, she was professional and powered through it regardless.

Tik Tok / @twistdcreole

As for the bottle, the culprit was eventually caught, but Ari spoke of an uneasiness during her time on stage ... she specializes in RNB X vibes and the crowd RW brings out didn't embrace what she brought to the stage.

Now, Rod hasn't addressed Ari's grievances like he did when Boosie Badazz called him out about uncleared samples ... for now, he's been mum on the whole thing.


Ari isn't necessarily hatin' on him, per se ... but it doesn't sound like she'll be hitting the road with him and his camp again anytime soon. Different fan bases, different vibes.

Chandler Jones New Head Ink ... 'Messiah'

Chandler Jones is adding to his body ink collection -- this time, the current NFL free agent decided to have the word "Messiah" forever etched across the top of his head.

33-year-old Jones shared footage of his most recent tattoo session at a shop in Arizona on Wednesday ... showing an artist putting the needle to his dome as he calmly sat through the process.

Instagram / @chanjones

After the job was finished, Jones said he heard his late mother, Camille, tell him to stop getting tattoos.

Jones has seemingly hit a rough patch since the Las Vegas Raiders cut him back in September ... including numerous run-ins with law enforcement and bizarre Instagram posts.

It's unclear what exactly is going on with the Super Bowl champion ... but his followers have expressed concern and support in the comment section of his uploads.

TMZ Sports is told Chandler has been staying with his brother, Arthur, recently ... and being around family has done a lot of good for his situation.

The "Messiah" ink isn't the only new addition -- Jones also got "Beyoncé Giselle Knowles" on his arm to show love for the music icon ... which was done by artist Chris Benvenuto at West Coast Tattoo Parlor in Las Vegas.

Lil Nas X reacciona al chiste de Dave Chappelle y dice que se divorció del diablo

Lil Nas X dice que ni siquiera un escándalo de Dave Chappelle puede interrumpir su nueva "era cristiana" y suena como si quisiera que el comediante cambiara la rutina.

El miércoles, Lil se refirió al último especial de Netflix de Chapelle, donde cuenta una historia que hace alusión a su video "Montero".

El video muestra al rapero viajando al infierno para darle a Satanás un lapdance, pero Dave dijo que no tenía ni idea de quién era el artista de "Old Town Road" en ese momento y se rió de la decisión de Lil Nas X de empujar los límites sexuales en su base de fans más jóven.

Lil argumenta que "Montero" es cosa del pasado y cualquiera que se aferre a esa versión de él está viviendo en el pasado.

Para demostrarlo, anunció que su nuevo single y video llegará la próxima semana y adelantó una ilustración de él vestido como un sacerdote con la leyenda, "En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo, Amén".

es muy gracioso

Dave hizo chistes de otras figuras de la cultura pop y no todos reaccionaron como LNX. El ex-congresista, Madison Cawthorn, estuvo muy atento cuando Dave se refirió a las personas con discapacidad y le encantó cada minuto.

Lil Nas X Chappelle's Gotta Update His Material ... I Divorced the Devil!!!

Lil Nas X says not even a Dave Chappelle brouhaha can disrupt his newfound "Christian era" of his music career -- and sounds like he wants the comedian to get a new routine.

On Wednesday, LNX took exception to Dave's bit about him on his latest Netflix special "The Dreamer" ... where DC tells a story about LNX having his hopes set on recruiting Chappelle for his controversial 2021 "Montero" video.

The video infamously depicted LNX traveling to Hell to give Satan a lapdance -- but Dave said he had no idea who the "Old Town Road" artist was at the time ... and laughed at LNX's decision to push sexual boundaries onto his youthful fanbase.

LNX is now arguing that "Montero" is old news and anyone holding on to that version of him is living in the past.

To prove it, LNX announced his new single/video coming next week and previewed the holier than thou artwork ... an illustration of him dressed as a priest with the caption, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen."


Dave dished out digs to several other pop culture figures, and not all reacted like LNX. Ex-Congressman Madison Cawthorn caught stray shots as Dave was "punching down" on people with disabilities, and he loved every minute of it!!!

Los Utah Jazz le pidieron a los rabinos que retiraran los carteles pro judíos

Un grupo de rabinos se vieron obligados a retirar sus carteles pro-judíos en el partido de los Jazz de Utah contra los Mavericks de Dallas el lunes, después de que Kyrie Irving se quejara a la seguridad y pidiera que los carteles fueran retirados.

El rabino Avremi Zippel, un acérrimo seguidor de los Jazz, dice que él y sus tres compañeros se sentaron en primera fila a propósito para el partido, con la intención de enviar un mensaje a la superestrella de la NBA tras su polémica antisemita en octubre de 2022.

Durante el primer cuarto, los cuatro rabinos mostraron carteles que decían "Soy judío y estoy orgulloso" e Irving los reconoció.

Zippel afirma que Irving inicialmente dijo: "Niza, yo también soy un Judio", antes de añadir: "No tienes que traer algo así al juego".

Poco después de la interacción, el rabino dice que la seguridad se acercó y les dijo que tenían que dejar de sostener los carteles citando una política contra tener carteles en la primera fila. Según Zippel, un segundo miembro del personal les dijo más tarde que era porque Irving se había quejado.

Zippel le dijo al Salt Lake Tribune que los carteles no eran una declaración política, ya que no mencionaban la guerra de Israel. También dijo al medio que revisó la política del equipo varias veces para asegurarse de que no estaban violando ninguna regla.

A pesar de su investigación, los Jazz emitieron un comunicado, diciendo que los carteles simplemente rompieron un Código de Conducta.

"No importa dónde alguien esté en la arena, si un cartel se convierte en una distracción o provoca una interacción con un jugador, le pediremos que lo retire", declaró el equipo.

"Durante una jugada fuera de límites en el primer cuarto del partido de ayer de los Jazz contra los Dallas Mavericks, había un grupo sentado junto a la pista cuyos carteles provocaron una interacción con un jugador que creó una distracción e interfirió en el juego".

"Como siguiente paso en el protocolo de seguridad estándar, se pidió a los aficionados que retiraran sus carteles".

El equipo también aclaró que la retirada no se debió a lo que decían las pancartas, afirmando que "el empleado a tiempo parcial que dijo a los aficionados que el problema era el contenido de la pancarta se equivocó".

"El problema era la interacción disruptiva causada por el uso de los carteles, no el contenido de los carteles".

Zippel no está comprando la explicación de los Jazz ... ya que piensa que el equipo citó la política con la esperanza de que todo el asunto pasaría.

Esta no es la primera vez que Kyrie se enfrenta a fans críticos - la temporada pasada, un grupo de aficionados llevaban camisetas "Lucha contra el antisemitismo" durante el partido de los Brooklyn Nets contra los Indiana Pacers para protestar por sus comentarios.

Kyrie y los Mavs aún no han abordado la situación.

Utah Jazz Rabbis Forced To Remove Pro-Jewish Signs ... After Interaction With Kyrie

A group of rabbis were forced to put away their pro-Jewish signs at the Utah Jazz vs. Dallas Mavericks game on Monday ... after they claim Kyrie Irving complained to security, and asked the signs be removed.

However, a rep for the NBA superstar tells us that never happened.

Rabbi Avremi Zippel -- a diehard Jazz fan -- says he and his three peers copped courtside seats to the matchup on purpose ... with the intent to send a message to the NBA superstar after his antisemitism controversy from back in October 2022.

During the first quarter, the four rabbis held up signs that said "I'm a Jew and I'm Proud" ... and Irving acknowledged them.

Zippel claims Irving initially said, "Nice, I'm a Jew, too," ... before adding, "Don't gotta bring something like that to the game."

Shortly after the interaction, the rabbi says security came over and told them they had to quit holding up the signs ... citing a policy against having posters in the front row. A second staffer, Zippel claims, later told them it was because Irving complained.

Worth noting -- Zippel told the Salt Lake Tribune the signs were not meant as a political statement ... as they did not mention the war in Israel. He also told the outlet he went over the team's policy several times to make sure they weren't violating any rules.

Despite his research, the Jazz released a statement on the matter ... saying their signs broke the Code of Conduct.

"No matter where someone is in the arena, if a sign becomes distracting or sparks an interaction with a player, we will ask them to remove it," the team stated.

"During an out-of-bounds play in the first quarter of yesterday’s Jazz game against the Dallas Mavericks, there was a group sitting courtside whose signs sparked an interaction with a player that created a distraction and interfered with play of game."

"As the next step in standard security protocol, the fans were asked to take down their signs."

The team also clarified the removal was not due to what the signs said -- claiming, "The part-time employee who told the fans it was the content of the sign that was the problem was incorrect."

"The issue was the disruptive interaction caused by usage of the signs, not the content of the signs."

Zippel isn't buying the Jazz's explanation ... as he thinks the team cited policy in hopes the whole thing would blow over.

This isn't the first time Kyrie has faced critical fans -- last season, a group of fans wore "Fight Antisemitism" shirts during the Brooklyn Nets vs. Indiana Pacers game to protest his comments.

Kyrie and the Mavs have yet to address the situation.

Chrisean Rock Crashed Braxton's Prayer Circle Before James Wright Fight

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Chrisean Rock's cameo at Tamar Braxton's L.A. concert seemingly started harmlessly -- she joined a pre-show prayer backstage ... and yet, violence allegedly broke out later that evening with Chrisean in the middle of it.

As you know, Tamar's backup singer James Wright ended up hospitalized after eyewitnesses claim Chrisean bloodied his face with a punch ... and a new video obtained by TMZ Hip Hop adds context to why things might have gotten heated.

Eyewitnesses on the tour tell us Chrisean burst into Tamar’s dressing room in the middle of the prayer and judging from everyone's reaction, no one expected her to be there!!!

You can see Chrisean not only breaking up the prayer circle, but also giving Toni Braxton a shove in order to get next to Tamar.

Chrisean's aggressiveness clearly disrupted Toni's concentration -- she refused to hold Rock's hand or even touch her as the prayer continued.

The encounter was Chrisean and Tamar's very first time meeting after Tamar had invited Chrisean to pull up to the show via IG Live.

We're told everyone backstage -- even James -- laughed off the prayer circle fiasco and made Chrisean feel welcome, even allowing her to stay backstage and do a pre-show shot with everyone in the room.

It was post-show where the mayhem went down ... Chrisean was under the impression she was supposed to perform during the show and things were said to turn extremely violent when James politely told her that wasn't the case.

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Tamar hopped on Instagram for a teary-eyed live once the dust settled to name Chrisean as James' attacker, and clarify she was never scheduled to perform ... just assist in the twerk-off portion of the show.

James has yet to address the incident, but Chrisean denies it went down.

She say, they say.

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