Hulk Hogan I'm A Brother In Christ!!! ... Gets Baptized

Big moment for Hulk Hogan ... he just announced he's been baptized!!

The Hulkster had the special ceremony at the Indian Rocks Baptist Church in Florida recently ... getting in a large body of water and fully submerging himself as part of the christening process.

70-year-old Hogan spoke about the significance of the baptism ... saying, "Total surrender and dedication to Jesus is the greatest day of my life."

"No worries, no hate, no judgment ... only love!"

Hogan was accompanied by his wife, Sky Daily Hogan ... who also took part in the baptism.

Hulk has previously opened up on his faith ... saying he knew at a young age Jesus Christ was his savior who helped him take the correct path to success.

"I accepted Christ as my savior at 14yrs old," he said back in April, "and the training, prayers and vitamins kept me in the game but now that I am one with God, the main event theme of surrender, service and love makes me the Real Main Event that can slam any giant of any size through the power of my Lord and Savior and so it is, even now brother, AMEN!"

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Congratulations, brother!!

Hulk Hogan se bautiza "El mejor día de mi vida"

Hulk Hogan acaba de anunciar que ha sido bautizado.

Hulkster tuvo la ceremonia especial en la Iglesia Bautista de Indian Rocks en Florida recientemente, donde se sumergió completamente como parte del proceso de bautismo.

Hogan, de 70 años de edad, habló sobre el significado del bautismo, diciendo: "La entrega total y la dedicación a Jesús es el día más grande de mi vida".

"Sin preocupaciones, sin odio, sin juicios, ¡solo amor!".

Hogan estuvo acompañado por su esposa, Sky Daily Hogan, que también participó en el bautismo.

Hulk se ha abierto previamente sobre su fe, diciendo que a temprana edad sabía que Jesucristo era su salvador y quien le ayudó a tomar el camino correcto para el éxito.

"Acepté a Cristo como mi salvador a los 14 años", dijo en abril, "y el entrenamiento, las oraciones y las vitaminas me mantuvieron en el juego, pero ahora que soy uno con Dios, el tema del evento principal de la entrega, el servicio y el amor me hace el Evento Principal Real que puede golpear a cualquier gigante de cualquier tamaño a través del poder de mi Señor y Salvador y así es, incluso ahora hermano, ¡AMEN!"

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¡Felicidades hermano!

Jonathan Majors Trial Strengthens Bond With Meagan

Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good are becoming closer than ever as a result of his assault trial ... and she's a big reason why he's able to push forward through a tough time.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... the trial hasn't only been a tough time for Jonathan, it's also been incredibly challenging for Meagan.

She was sitting in court for testimony from accuser Grace Jabbari and arguments from the prosecution ... listening to all the negative things they had to say about Jonathan.

We're told Meagan feels Jabbari and the prosecution are peddling BS because it all flies in the face of what she knows about JM.

Our sources say Meagan is particularly upset about the text exchanges between Jonathan and Jabbari prosecutors keep bringing up in court. In one message, Jonathan tells Jabbari, "It's just fake," and goes on to tell her she's got a rep for exaggerating, lying and seeking attention.

We're told Meagan now feels Jabbari was manipulative and controlling during her relationship with Jonathan.

By contrast, we're told Meagan is the one keeping Jonathan grounded and centered during the trial.

Our sources say all the challenges brought on by the trial are only serving to strengthen the bond between Jonathan and Meagan, making their love even more resilient.

Another factor ... we're told Jonathan and Meagan's deep faith in God is playing a huge role in helping them navigate the trial.

No matter the verdict, our sources say it's hard to imagine how Jonathan would have coped with it all without Meagan's unwavering support and understanding.

Jonathan Majors El juicio fortalece su vínculo con Meagan

Jonathan Majors y Meagan Good se han vuelto más cercanos que nunca en medio del juicio del actor por agresión y ella es una razón importante de por qué el actor ha sido capaz de seguir adelante en un momento difícil.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja le dicen a TMZ que el juicio no solo ha sido difícil para Jonathan, sino que también ha sido increíblemente difícil para Meagan.

Ella estuvo en la corte mientras la denunciante Grace Jabbari testificó y le dio sus argumentos a la fiscalía, escuchando todas las cosas negativas que tenían que decir acerca de Jonathan.

Nos dicen que Meagan siente que Jabbari y la fiscalía están vendiendo puras mentiras, pues nada hace sentido con lo que ella sabe de Jonathan Majors.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Meagan está particularmente molesta por los intercambios de texto entre Jonathan y Jabbari que los fiscales siguen trayendo a colación en los tribunales. En un mensaje, Jonathan le dijo a Jabbari: "Es falso", y continúa diciéndole que ella tiene fama de exagerar, mentir y buscar atención.

Nos dicen que Meagan ahora siente que Jabbari era manipuladora y controladora durante su relación con Jonathan.

Por el contrario, nos comentan que Meagan es la que mantiene a Jonathan con los pies en la tierra y centrado durante el juicio.

Nuestras fuentes aseguran que todos los desafíos que ha traído el juicio solo han servido para fortalecer el vínculo entre ellos, haciendo su amor aún más resiliente.

Otro factor, nos comentan, es la profunda fe de Jonathan y Meagan en Dios, la que está jugando un papel muy importante en ayudarlos a navegar el juicio.

No importa el veredicto, nuestras fuentes dicen que es difícil imaginar cómo Jonathan habría hecho frente a todo esto sin el apoyo inquebrantable y la comprensión de Meagan.

Brazilian Gospel Singer Drops Dead During Show

emergency onstage

A tragedy unfolded for fans of Brazilian gospel singer Pedro Henrique ... as he collapsed onstage in the middle of a performance and died.

The incident happened Wednesday night during a religious event in Brazil, where Pedro was performing a song when he suddenly fell to the floor unconscious ... and it's all on video.

Footage shows Pedro on the edge of the stage interacting with the crowd and singing the song "Vai Ser Tão Lindo" when he appears to lose his balance ... falling backward in front of his band and crashing to the ground.

Once Pedro collapsed onstage, folks rushed over to help him as the horrified crowd watched in shock.

Pedro was rushed from the concert venue to a nearby medical clinic, where he was pronounced dead ... and his record label, Todah Music, says he suffered a massive heart attack.

He was only 30.


Harvard Prez Staying on the Job After Antisemitism Hearing

Claudine Gay, Harvard's president, gets to keep her job after waffling on the issue of antisemitism and Jewish genocide on Capitol Hill -- with the head honchos saying unequivocally ... they back her.

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The Harvard Corporation issued a statement signaling her future, writing ... "As members of the Harvard Corporation, we today reaffirm our support for President Gay’s continued leadership of Harvard University."

They add, "Our extensive deliberations affirm our confidence that President Gay is the right leader to help our community heal and to address the very serious societal issues we are facing." If it wasn't clear, the university's own newspaper is reporting ... she's sticking around.

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The members also note ... Gay has apologized for how she handled the high-profile hearing in front of Congress last week -- and has committed to redoubling Harvard's effort to fight antisemitism.

Keep in mind, Gay is very new in her post ... she just got appointed earlier this summer, and considering how contentious her testimony was -- it wasn't clear she'd be allowed to stay.

Of course, the other Ivy League Prez who got mixed up in this -- UPenn's Liz Magill -- ended up resigning over the controversy ... but the third university president, MIT's Sally Kornbluth, appears to be staying put as well.

There's been a lot of indignation and outcry over how all 3 women answered Rep. Elise Stefanik's repeated question -- namely, is calling for the genocide of Jews on campus a violation of all of the universities' rules and code of conduct.

Gay and the others offered slightly different answers, but essentially said ... well, it depends.

Cecily Strong on 'SNL' Uncomfortable with 'Genocide of Jews' Skit ... Backed Out Last Minute

Cecily Strong did not feel comfortable playing Rep. Elise Stefanik in the 'SNL' sketch about the "genocide of Jews" hearing in Congress ... and ended up bowing out right before the show started.

The former "Saturday Night Live" star was supposed to return as a guest star in the cold open skit, and she went through a dress rehearsal as Stefanik. But, she "was uncomfortable with the sketch" ... according to a NY Post report.

The sketch tackled last week's explosive hearing on Capitol Hill, where Rep. Stefanik grilled university presidents about antisemitism on campuses ... leading to some cringeworthy responses and a resignation at UPENN.

Instead of Cecily making her first 'SNL' appearance since December 2022, when she left the NBC show after 11 seasons, she was replaced on air by Chloe Troast.

The report also cited sources claiming the writing of Saturday's cold-open sketch was slightly rushed ... and that Cecily backed out for "a variety of reasons."

It's unclear if her issue was the bit's obvious political slant in mocking a staunch Donald Trump supporter -- namely, Rep. Stefanik -- or its lack of humor. Kenan Thompson really had the only decent laughs in the skit.

Cecily might have seen the bullet coming, and decided to dodge it -- the sketch is getting terrible reviews and Chloe is getting dragged for her role in it.

We reached out to 'SNL' ... so far no word back.

Bill Maher Beware of Christian Nationalism!!!

Bill Maher loves the XMAS season, 'cause it's fun ... but he's alarmed at all the people who embrace the religious element to a point they want to shove it down everyone else's throats.

The 'Real Time' host launched on the growing number of Republicans, now led by freshly-minted Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who want to turn America into a Christian state.

Although Johnson and many other Republicans have promoted an official religion for the USA, Bill notes they've forgotten about the whole separation of church and state thing.

Rep. Lauren Boebert recently scoffed, "I'm tired of this separation of church and state junk." Her leader, Mike Johnson, has called for a Christian nation that dominates all areas of American life.

Seems pretty basic ... the country was founded on freedom of religion. It's engrained in our Constitution -- 1st up on the Amendment roster -- yet an alarming number of Republicans are hell-bent on breaking that wall -- separation of church and state.

As for why ... well, Bill thinks Speaker Johnson is so into this religion thing, he's just waiting for the world to end so we can get on with the rapture.

LIL NAS X AHORA SOY CRISTIANO ¡pero sigo siendo gay, Lindo y adorable!

Lil Nas X dice que está entrando en la "era cristiana" de su carrera y quiere que los fans lo tomen realmente en serio su última transición, a pesar de que su pasado diga lo contrario.

El rapero lanzó un nuevo fragmento de una canción en sus redes sociales el jueves para destacar su incursión en el cristianismo, con letras como "Padre estira mis manos" y referencias a los caminos solitarios.

Su camiseta también llevaba la cita: "Si Dios no existe, entonces ¿quién se ríe de nosotros?".

Los fans no estaban muy seguros si se trataba de un clásico trolleo de Lil Nas X. Recordemos, LNX ha afirmado estar embarazada para promocionar su nuevo álbum, y la transición en una mujer - que más tarde emitió una disculpa a la comunidad trans.

¡Los Holy Rollers no dejarían que el Sr. Old Town Road olvidara que una vez promocionó las zapatillas Nike Satanás de imitación para vender su álbum!

Lil ladró de vuelta con fuego y azufre y defendió su expresión artística, así como su derecho a ser gay de rodillas, un vaquero o satánico... solo Dios puede juzgarlo.

¡Probablemente, tendrá que golpear el púlpito un poco más duro si quiere ganarse a las masas y las listas de Gospel.

Lil Nas X Don't Crucify Me, I'm Going Christian Still Gay, Cute & Petite!!!

Lil Nas X says he's entering the "Christian era" of his career, and wants fans to take him seriously with his latest move, though the whole thing reeks of another troll job by the rapper.

On Thursday, LNX released a somber new song snippet and visual on his social media to highlight his foray into Christianity, complete with lyrics like "Father stretch my hands" and references to feeling isolated.

His shirt also captioned the quote, "If God Doesn't Exist Then Who's Laughing At Us?"

Fans weren't convinced it wasn't a classic Lil Nas X troll job ... remember, LNX has claimed to be pregnant to promote his new album, and transitioning into a woman -- for which he later issued an apology to the trans community.

Holy rollers wouldn't let Mr. Old Town Road forget he once promoted faux Nike Satan shoes to sell his album!!!

LNX barked back with fire and brimstone and defended his artistic expression ... as well as his right to be gay on his knees, a cowboy or satanic ... only God can judge him!!!

He'll probably have to hit the pulpit a little harder if he wants to win over the masses ... and Gospel charts!!!

KANYE WEST JEWISH ORGS TEAR HIM TO SHREDS ... Over 'Sex with Jewish Bitch' Rap

Kanye West is getting backlash from some prominent Jewish advocacy groups over rapping that he couldn't possibly be antisemitic because he "f***** a Jewish bitch" in his new tune, "Vultures."

A spokesperson for the Anti-Defamation League tells TMZ ... "At a time of rising antisemitism worldwide, it’s disgusting to see Kanye once again use his platform to spew Jew hatred."

Though ... they add the degrading lyrics aren't surprising given the source ... blasting the rapper as an "unrepentant antisemite and clearly a misogynist."


Meanwhile, Richard Hirschhaut, spokesperson for the American Jewish Committee, a global advocacy organization for the Jewish people, echoes the anger ... telling us that while Ye's unrepentant antisemitism is well-documented, his latest expression of anti-Jewish invective "seems particularly pathetic and sad."

"To fuel the flames of antisemitism and promote such bile to his millions of followers, especially at this fraught and dangerous time for the Jewish community, is unforgivable," Richard adds.

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Club Blu Dubai

As we reported ... Kanye performed the offensive lyrics live for the first time at a nightclub in Dubai over the weekend, alongside Ty Dolla $ign and Lil Durk.

The song was leaked earlier this month as Ye worked on his new Ty Dolla $ign album out in the Middle East.

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As for now, it looks like the condemnation is falling on deaf ears ... Kanye's not backing down.

Todd and Julie Chrisley No Divorce On Horizon ... More In Love Now Than Ever

Todd and Julie Chrisley are NOT hurtling towards a divorce -- far from it -- so claims their attorney who tells us the incarcerated couple is more in love now than ever before.

Todd and Julie's attorney, Jay Surgent, tells TMZ ... the Chrisleys are not going to pull the plug on their marriage, despite a recent report suggesting Julie could soon wave the white flag.

While the Daily Mail quotes an unnamed source claiming Julie is certain to divorce Todd, their lawyer is adamant a divorce would be the last thing the couple would ever do.

The couple's attorney tells us the Chrisleys are supported by their mutual belief in God and belief that the criminal justice system will prevail and the "right thing" is going to happen for them ... because they believe God is directing everything.

Remember ... Todd and Julie are both behind bars after being convicted last year in their bank fraud and tax evasion trial. Todd's had his 12-year sentence reduced to 10 and Julie's had her 7-year sentence reduced to 6, and his legal team is still trying to reverse his conviction.

As the couple spends their first holiday season behind bars, Todd's attorney says Julie is holding strong in prison and feels strength in their marriage ... despite the DM report saying she's "broken and hopeless."

Surgent is also pushing back on the report claiming Todd convinced Julie to go along with a "foolproof" plan ... he says Todd didn't convince her to go along with anything and she's always maintained her position that she didn't have much do to with the business affairs of their company and wasn't aware what her financial advisors were doing.

Meanwhile, Todd and Julie's daughter Savannah has said her father is being retaliated against in prison for speaking out on living conditions at Florida's FPC Pensacola ... and his lawyer tells us Todd should be congratulated, not criticized, for bringing those issues to the forefront.


Kanye West está recibiendo reacciones negativas de algunos grupos de defensa de los judíos por rapear que "no podría ser antisemita porque f***** una perra judía" en su nueva canción "Vultures".

Un portavoz de la Liga Antidifamación le dice a TMZ: "En un momento de aumento del antisemitismo en todo el mundo, es repugnante ver a Kanye una vez más utilizar su plataforma para vomitar odio judío".

También agregan que las letras degradantes no son sorprendentes teniendo en consideración de parte de quien vienen y definen al rapero como un "antisemita impenitente y claramente un misógino".


Mientras tanto, Richard Hirschhaut, portavoz del Comité Judío Americano —una organización mundial de defensa del pueblo judío— se hace eco de la ira, diciéndonos que si bien el antisemitismo impenitente de Ye está bien documentado, su última expresión de invectiva antijudía "parece particularmente patética y triste".

"Alimentar las llamas del antisemitismo y promover tal bilis a sus millones de seguidores, especialmente en este momento tenso y peligroso para la comunidad judía, es imperdonable", agrega Richard.

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Club Blu Dubai

Como informamos, Kanye interpretó las ofensivas palabras en vivo por primera vez en un club nocturno en Dubai durante el fin de semana, junto a Ty Dolla $ign y Lil Durk.

La canción se filtró a principios de este mes como Ye trabajó en su nuevo álbum Ty Dolla $ign a cabo en el Medio Oriente.

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Por ahora, parece que la condena está cayendo en oídos sordos, Kanye no da paso atrás.

Todd y Julie Chrisley no se divorcian mientras están encerrados en prisión

Todd y Julie Chrisley NO se precipitan hacia un divorcio, ni mucho menos, por lo que su abogado afirma que la pareja encarcelada está más enamorada ahora que nunca.

El abogado de Todd y Julie, Jay Surgent, le dice a TMZ que los Chrisleys no van a tirar del enchufe en su matrimonio, a pesar de un reciente informe que sugiere que Julie pronto podría agitar la bandera blanca.

Mientras que el Daily Mail cita una fuente anónima afirmando que Julie está segura de divorciarse de Todd, su abogado es firme en que un divorcio sería lo último que la pareja haría.

El abogado de la pareja nos dice que los Chrisleys se apoyan en su creencia mutua en Dios y la creencia de que el sistema de justicia penal prevalecerá y lo "correcto" va a suceder para ellos, porque creen que Dios está dirigiendo todo.

Recordemos que Todd y Julie están ambos tras las rejas después de haber sido condenados el año pasado en su juicio por fraude bancario y evasión de impuestos. Todd ha tenido su sentencia de 12 años reducida a 10 y Julie ha tenido su sentencia de 7 años reducida a 6, y su equipo legal todavía está tratando de revertir su condena.

Mientras la pareja pasa sus primeras vacaciones entre rejas, el abogado de Todd dice que Julie se mantiene fuerte en la cárcel y siente fuerza en su matrimonio ... a pesar de que el informe de DM dice que ella está "rota y sin esperanza".

Surgent también está empujando hacia atrás en el informe afirmando Todd convenció a Julie a ir junto con un plan "a prueba de tontos" ... dice Todd no la convenció para ir junto con cualquier cosa y ella siempre ha mantenido su posición de que ella no tenía mucho que ver con los asuntos de negocios de su empresa y no estaba al tanto de lo que sus asesores financieros estaban haciendo.

Mientras tanto, la hija de Todd y Julie Savannah ha dicho que su padre está siendo objeto de represalias en la cárcel por hablar sobre las condiciones de vida en el FPC Pensacola de la Florida, y su abogado nos dice que Todd debe ser felicitado, no criticado, por traer esas cuestiones a la vanguardia.

DON LEMON RESPALDA LA VISITA DE ELON MUSK A ISRAEL … "Movimiento De Relaciones Públicas O No", Es Realmente Inteligente

en general, un buen movimiento

Don Lemon está respaldando el viaje de Elon Musk a Israel después de que el magnate de la tecnología aterrizara el lunes en Medio Oriente para inspeccionar la destrucción dejada por Hamás.

El ex anfitrión de CNN llegó a LAX el lunes y nos cuenta que es posible que el viaje del multimillonario se vea como un intento de control de daños después de ser acusado de antisemitismo. Sin embargo, Lemon cree que Elon aún aprenderá algo valioso, sea un movimiento de relaciones públicas o no.

En caso de que te lo hayas perdido, Elon escribió en X que había "verdad" en una publicación sugiriendo que los judíos odian a los blancos, recibiendo obviamente muchas críticas en el proceso.

Don cree que cuanto más vea Elon durante su viaje, mejor, incluyendo el daño infligido por Israel a Gaza, aunque advierte que solo debería visitarlo si es seguro hacerlo.

Aunque Elon es una figura divisiva, Don destaca sus contribuciones a los vehículos eléctricos y las industrias espaciales, que lo han convertido en una figura influyente en la historia mundial. Naturalmente, debería ser algo positivo que el primer ministro Benjamin Netanyahu le muestre su país.

Funcionarios del gobierno se unieron a Elon durante el recorrido por los restos del ataque terrorista del 7 de octubre en una de las aldeas objetivo de ese día.

El viaje de EM se produce durante una breve ventana de oportunidad, con Israel y Hamás acordando un alto el fuego temporal mientras negocian la liberación de rehenes y la entrega de ayuda a Gaza.

DON LEMON BACKS ELON MUSK'S ISRAEL VISIT ... 'PR Move Or Not, I Think It's Really Smart!'


Don Lemon is backing Elon Musk's trip to Israel ... after the tech mogul touched down in the Middle East Monday to survey the destruction left behind by Hamas.

The ex-CNN host landed at LAX Monday, telling us it's possible the billionaire's trip could be seen as damage control after he was accused of being antisemitic. However, Lemon believes Elon will still learn something worthwhile -- PR move or not.

In case you missed it, Elon wrote on X there was "truth" in a post that suggested Jews hate white people ... obviously getting a ton of heat in the process.


Don believes the more Elon sees during his trip, the better ... including the damage inflicted by Israel in Gaza -- only warning he should only visit if it's safe to do so.

While Elon is a divisive figure, Don notes his contributions to electric vehicles and space industries have made him influential in world history -- so naturally, it should be a good thing for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to show him around his country.

Government officials joined Elon during a tour of the wreckage of the Oct. 7 terrorist attack in one of the targeted villages that day.

EM's trip comes during a brief window of opportunity, with Israel and Hamas agreeing to a temporary ceasefire as they negotiate the release of hostages and the delivery of aid to Gaza.

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