Dave Chappelle Gets Offer to Meet with Jewish Group After Israel Comments

Dave Chappelle has angered many in the Jewish community after his remarks on Israel -- but one group advocating for them is extending an olive branch if he's willing to chat.

American Jewish Committee spokesperson Richard Hirschhaut tells TMZ ... they'd love to have a sit-down with Dave to help him understand why so many people were upset, and how he can better navigate this topic next time around.

The AJC, a global advocacy organization, says Dave's first attempt to discuss Israel-Palestine -- during his Boston show last week -- missed the mark and adds ... "Dave Chappelle prides himself on precision of language and moral clarity. His comments uttered during last Friday's show at TD Garden failed on both counts."

They tell us his initial condemnation of Hamas was great -- but that he should have stopped there. AJC continues, "By criticizing Israel's retaliatory strikes and accusing the US of aiding the slaughter of innocent people, Chappelle turns truth on its head. Make no mistake, the slaughter of innocents is precisely what Hamas did on October 7th."

Of course, there've been innocent Palestinians who've been killed in the aftermath of all this as well -- upwards of 4,300, in fact, depending on which tallies you look at. The original Hamas attack claimed around 1,400 or so innocent Israeli lives.

In any case, the AJC thinks DC needs to be more precise with his language -- and they also believe he should know better at such a volatile time. According to them, his encouraging of people to shout "Free Palestine" creates a hostile and dangerous environment for Jewish people, and they say if that happens again, it's incumbent on him to ask what that means.

In their mind, the answer is obvious ... Free Palestine boils down to eliminating Israel.

Still, Richard says his org "would welcome an opportunity to meet with Chappelle and his team in an effort to help deepen his understanding of the current situation and enable him to be a source of more light than heat going forward."


Based on Dave's track record with other controversies ... the AJC probably shouldn't hold its collective breath. He doesn't tend to apologize, nor does he often feel the need to sit down with anyone after something like this.

Another org repping Jewish interests -- StandWithUs -- has some strong words for Dave. Roz Rothstein, the co-founder and CEO says, "If the reports about Chappelle's comments are correct, it is deeply disappointing that he has yet again used his platform to promote more division, misinformation, and hate regarding Israel and the Jewish people. We applaud the audience members who spoke up and walked out of the show in protest."

Natalee Holloway New Audio Reveals Joran van der Sloot's Confession ... Chillingly Details Smashing Her Head In


Sickening audio has now surfaced of Joran van der Sloot confessing on tape to murdering Natalee Holloway ... bashing her head with a cinder block on the beach.

The chilling confession, released by the court, includes Joran describing his night with the 18-year-old Alabama native on a beach in Aruba back in 2005. Joran says in his confession they started kissing, but she denied his sexual advances and kneed him in the groin, which set him off.

He says he kicked her in the face, then grabbed a nearby cinder block and "completely" smashed her head in. Joran disturbingly says it was dark, but he could see her face had collapsed in as a result of the cinder block.

Joran claims he was scared and didn't know what to do after the attack ... which is when he says he put her body into the ocean.

Remember, Joran entered a guilty plea in Alabama on Wednesday to charges of wire fraud and extortion after telling Natalee's family he'd give details about her death in exchange for money.

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He also offered an apology to the Holloway family, saying he's found religion since the alleged killing -- something Natalee's mother, Beth, wasn't buying.

NATALEE HOLLOWAY Nuevo audio revela la confesión de Joran Van Der Sloot ... Escalofriantes detalles

Aterradora confesión

Ha aparecido un escalofriante audio de Joran van der Sloot en el que confiesa el asesinato de Natalee Holloway, cuya cabeza golpeó con un bloque de hormigón en la playa.

La terrible confesión, publicada por el tribunal, describe la noche que el implicado pasó con la joven de 18 años y nativa de Alabama en una playa de Aruba en 2005. En su confesión, Joran dice que empezaron a besarse, luego ella se negó a tener relaciones sexuales y le dio un rodillazo en la ingle, que lo puso en marcha.

Joran van der Sloot revela que le dio una patada en la cara, luego agarró un bloque de hormigón cercano y le rompió la cabeza. Inquietantemente, añade que estaba oscuro en ese momento, pero que pudo ver su cara destrozada como resultado del impacto.

Joran afirma que se asustó y no supo qué hacer después del ataque, que es cuando confiesa que escondió su cuerpo en el océano.

Recuerden, Joran se sometió a una declaración de culpabilidad en Alabama el miércoles por los cargos de fraude electrónico y extorsión. Esto, después de decirle a la familia de Natalee que daría detalles sobre su muerte a cambio de dinero.

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Cerrando un capítulo

También ofreció una disculpa a la familia Holloway, diciendo que ha encontrado la religión desde el presunto asesinato, algo que la madre de Natalee, Beth, no se creyó.

Palestinian-American Boy Stabbed to Death by Landlord ... Cops Call it Hate Crime

A Palestinian-American child was stabbed to death by his landlord -- this according to law enforcement, who says the boy's Muslim background was the motivation for the crime.

71-year-old Joseph M. Czuba has been charged with first-degree murder in the Chicago area after he allegedly knifed 6-year-old Wadea Al-Fayoume over the weekend ... with cops saying the kid was stabbed upwards of 26 times at his apartment over the weekend.

Wadea's mother, Hanaan Shahin, was also stabbed a dozen times during the attack, per officials, but she survived her ordeal and is expected to live. For her injuries, Czuba is also being charged with attempted murder ... not to mention two counts of a hate crime and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.

The feds are involved in this case now ... as law enforcement has claimed that Czuba shouted "You Muslims must die" during the alleged killing. Officials believe Czuba did this as a direct result of the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict in the Middle East.

As far as how this happened ... cops say Czuba -- who apparently had no issues with these tenants in the past -- knocked on their door out of the blue, and when Hanaan opened it ... he allegedly pounced on her, attempting to choke her ... and went on to use his knife.

State officials have since said this was an isolated incident and that no credible threat of terror attacks beyond this has manifested in the community. The death of Wadea has spurred outcry nationally ... with President Biden condemning his killing in a statement.

He says, "Jill and I were sickened to learn of the brutal murder of a child and the attempted murder of the child’s mother yesterday in Illinois. Our condolences and prayers are with the family. This act of hate against a Palestinian Muslim family has no place in America."


Un niño palestino/estadounidense fue apuñalado hasta la muerte por su casero. La policía afirma que el origen musulmán del niño fue el motivo del crimen.

Joseph M. Czuba, de 71 años de edad, ha sido acusado de asesinato en primer grado en el área de Chicago después de que supuestamente acuchillara a Wadea Al-Fayoume —de seis años de edad— durante el fin de semana, con la policía diciendo que el niño fue apuñalado más de 26 veces en su apartamento durante el fin de semana.

La madre de Wadea, Hanaan Shahin, también fue apuñalada una docena de veces durante el ataque, pero ella sobrevivió a su terrible experiencia y se espera que viva. Por sus heridas, Czuba también está acusado de intento de asesinato, por no mencionar dos cargos de delito de odio y agresión con agravantes con un arma mortal.

Los federales están ahora implicados en este caso ya que las fuerzas del orden han afirmado que Czuba gritó "Musulmanes, deben morir" durante el presunto asesinato. Los funcionarios creen que Czuba hizo esto como resultado directo del actual conflicto Israel/Palestina en Oriente Medio.

En cuanto a cómo sucedió, la policía dice que Czuba  —que al parecer no tenía problemas con estos inquilinos en el pasado— llamó a su puerta de la nada, y cuando Hanaan abrió supuestamente se abalanzó sobre ella tratando de ahogarla. Luego pasó a utilizar su cuchillo.

Desde entonces, las autoridades estatales han declarado que se trata de un incidente aislado y que no se ha manifestado en la comunidad ninguna amenaza creíble de atentados terroristas más allá de este. La muerte de Wadea ha provocado indignación a nivel nacional, con el presidente Biden condenando su asesinato en un comunicado.

Él dice: "Jill y yo nos enfermamos al enterarnos del brutal asesinato de un niño y el intento de asesinato de la madre del niño ayer en Illinois. Nuestras condolencias y oraciones están con la familia. Este acto de odio contra una familia palestina musulmana no tiene cabida en Estados Unidos".

AEW CRITICADA POR EPISODIO En medio de la guerra en Israel

AEW está recibiendo serias críticas de los fans en línea después de que algunos de sus luchadores participaran en una historia antisemita el martes por la noche, pocos días después de los atroces ataques en Israel.

El controvertido segmento salió al aire hacia el final del episodio AEW Dynamite de esta semana, cuando el campeón mundial Maxwell Jacob Friedman, que es judío, comenzó un intercambio promocional con Juice Robinson.

Durante la pelea, Robinson y sus compañeros del Bullet Club Gold se burlaban de Friedman y trataban de provocarlo para un futuro combate cuando, de repente, Robinson sacó un rollo de monedas de 25 centavos.

Escrito en el paquete de monedas de 10 dólares estaba el nombre de "Friedman", y cuando Robinson lo mostró a la cámara y luego a MJF, gritó en el micrófono: "¿Sabes lo que hago con estos, Sonny Jack? Rompo las mandíbulas de los idiotas".

La escena fue ampliamente criticada en las redes sociales como antisemita, ya que Friedman ha dicho en repetidas ocasiones que en el pasado, cuando era adolescente, los matones le lanzaban monedas de 25 centavos y le decían: "Recógelo, judío. Recógelo".

Los fans estaban furiosos con la decisión de la organización de lucha libre de convertir todo esto en un episodio, teniendo en cuenta todo el terror que está ocurriendo actualmente en Israel.

Por parte de Friedman, rompió las monedas como parte de la promoción en el programa del martes, gritando a Robinson, "Si te acercas a mí con esas monedas, voy a acabar con tu vida, pedazo de mierda". Más tarde tomó a X para abordar la cuestión nuevamente.

"Esta noche, ese pedazo de mier*** Juice Robinson, decidió sacar a relucir una historia de mi infancia que me ha causado mucho daño", escribió el luchador estrella de 27 años. "Me alegro de que lo hiciera. Ha sacado a relucir algo por lo que todos hemos pasado de una forma u otra en nuestras vidas. En nombre de todos los que alguna vez han sufrido acoso por ser diferentes. Yo también espero causarle mucho daño".

Luego promocionó un discurso que tiene el jueves en el que ha prometido instar a la gente a "enfrentar al odio judío".

AEW Slammed For Antisemitic Storyline ... Amid War In Israel

AEW is catching some serious flak from fans online after it had some of its wrestlers participate in an antisemitic storyline on Tuesday night ... just days after the heinous attacks in Israel.

The controversial segment aired toward the end of this week's AEW Dynamite episode, when World champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman, who's Jewish, began a promo exchange with Juice Robinson.

During the bit, Robinson and his Bullet Club Gold teammates were taunting Friedman and attempting to bait him into a future match ... when, suddenly, Robinson pulled out a roll of quarters.

Written on the $10 pack of coins was the name "Friedman" -- and as Robinson showed it to the camera and then to MJF, he screamed into the microphone, "You know what I do with these, Sonny Jack? I break idiots' jaws!"

The scene was widely panned on social media as anti-Jewish ... as Friedman has said repeatedly in the past that when he was a teenager, bullies would pelt him with quarters and tell him, "Pick it up, Jew boy. Pick it up."

Fans were irate with the wrestling org.'s decision to turn it all into a storyline this week ... considering all of the terror that's currently happening in Israel.

For Friedman's part, he actually snapped over the quarters as part of the promo on Tuesday's show ... yelling back at Robinson, "You come near me with those quarters, I'll end your life, you piece of s***!" He later took to X to address the matter as well.

"Tonight that piece of s***, Juice Robinson decided to bring up a story from my childhood that has left me scared," the 27-year-old star wrestler wrote. "I'm glad he did. He brought awareness to something we've all gone through in one way, shape, or form in our lives. On behalf of anyone who's ever been bullied for being different in any capacity. I look forward to leaving him scared too."

He then promoted a speaking engagement he has on Thursday where he's promised to urge people to "stand up to Jewish hate."

Todd Chrisley God Sent Me To Jail To Help Others

Todd Chrisley thinks his time in prison is actually a mission from God to help others ... which is why he says he's trying to improve prison conditions from the inside.

Todd's attorney, Jay Surgent, tells TMZ ... Todd's encountered "gross negligence and such total disregard for human life and decency from both the staff and just the entire corrections system," while at FPC Pensacola in Florida.

Todd says he feels blessed to have a platform where he can cast light on the issues he and other inmates face daily. As we reported, Todd claims he's been mistreated while locked up.

We're told the things Todd has witnessed behind cell bars are nothing short of cruel, which is why he's planning on using his time, energy, and resources to make prison life tolerable. As for the cruel treatment ... his lawyer says Todd once saw a man suffer a seizure and didn't get help for more than an hour.

Specifically, Jay says Todd's planning to launch programs and resources to help address the problems he says countless inmates are facing. A rep for the Federal Bureau of Prisons tells TMZ ... "While we decline to comment on anecdotal allegations, we can emphatically assure you the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all individuals in our population, our staff, and the public. Humane treatment of the men and women in our custody is a top priority."

Todd was given a 12-year sentence, while his wife, Julie, was sentenced to 7 years ... after the 2 were convicted in their bank fraud and tax evasion trial. BTW, their sentences were reduced last month -- Todd got 2 years off, and Julie got 1 off.

But in the words of Drake -- and Todd -- it was all part of God's plan.


Todd Chrisley cree que su tiempo en la cárcel es en realidad una misión de Dios para ayudar a los demás. Es por eso que está tratando de mejorar las condiciones carcelarias desde el interior.

El abogado de Todd, Jay Surgent, le dijo a TMZ que Todd ha encontrado "negligencia grave y desprecio total por la vida humana y la decencia, tanto del personal como de todo el sistema correccional".

Todd dice que se siente bendecido por tener una plataforma en la que puede dar visibilidad a los problemas que él y otros reclusos enfrentan a diario. Como informamos, Todd afirma que ha sido maltratado durante su encierro.

Nos informan que las cosas que Todd ha presenciado entre rejas son bastante crueles, razón por la cual está planeando utilizar su tiempo, energía y recursos para hacer tolerable la vida en prisión. En cuanto al trato cruel, su abogado dice que Todd vio una vez a un hombre sufrir un ataque y no recibir ayuda durante más de una hora.

En concreto, Jay dice que Todd está planeando lanzar programas y recursos para ayudar a abordar los problemas que un sinnúmero de reclusos se enfrentan.

Todd fue condenado a 12 años de prisión, mientras que su esposa, Julie, fue condenada a 7 años luego de que ambos fueron condenados por fraude bancario y evasión de impuestos. Sus sentencias fueron reducidas el mes pasado; Todd consiguió dos años de descuento y Julie consiguió uno.

Pero en palabras de Drake (y Todd) todo es parte del plan de Dios.

Floyd Mayweather Sending Private Jet To Israel ... To Deliver Supplies

Floyd Mayweather felt compelled to help after watching the Hamas terror attack, so the boxing legend arranged to send his private plane, chock-full of supplies, to the front lines in Israel.

TMZ Sports is told Floyd, who teamed up with a relief organization in Israel, arranged to send "Air Mayweather" to the Middle Eastern country this weekend ... and deliver supplies.

We're told they're planning to bring everything from food and water to bulletproof vests for the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and civilians.

Mayweather's pilots, AJ Ramey, Chris Javier, Sam Kniskern, and Freeman Blakney, will be flying the plane as they trek thousands of miles across the world.

It's not the first time Floyd's helped in a time of disaster. In fact, over the summer, he helped 70 families with food, shelter, and transportation after the Maui fires.

While many celebs and athletes have spoken out since the weekend's horrific attacks, Floyd's one of the most prominent.

Also, while some famous people have attempted to appease all sides, Mayweather has made it clear ... he's firmly with the Israelis.

"I stand with Israel against the Hamas terrorists. Hamas do not represent the people of Palestine but are a terrorist group that are attacking innocent lives! I stand for all humans and wish for the safe return of all Americans and Israelis and any human that were kidnapped as hostages during these horrific war crimes."


"This is not a time for politics. This is a time for safety first and foremost. God Bless America. God Bless Israel. God Bless Human Kind!"

In a follow-up post on social media, Mayweather again reiterated his support, and condemned terrorism.

"I stand with Israel and Jews all around the world. I condemn antisemitism at all cost. I stand for Peace. I stand for Human Rights! Terrorism Is Never The Answer!"

FLOYD MAYWEATHER Envía un avión privado a Israel Para entregar suministros

Floyd Mayweather se sintió obligado a ayudar después de ver el ataque terrorista de Hamás, por lo que la leyenda del boxeo decidió organizar el envío de su avión privado, repleto de suministros, a las líneas en el frente de Israel.

En TMZ Sportz nos han dicho que Floyd, que se asoció con una organización de ayuda en Israel, está organizando el envío del vuelo "Air Mayweather" al país de Medio Oriente este fin de semana, así como la entrega de suministros.

Nos dicen que están planeando llevar de todo, desde comida y agua hasta chalecos antibalas para las IDF (Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel) y los civiles.

Los pilotos de Mayweather, AJ Ramey, Chris Javier, Sam Kniskern y Freeman Blakney, pilotarán el avión mientras recorren miles de kilómetros por todo el mundo.

No es la primera vez que Floyd ayuda en una catástrofe. De hecho, durante el verano, le dio una mano a 70 familias con comida, refugio y transporte después de los incendios de Maui.

Aunque muchos famosos y deportistas se han pronunciado tras los terribles atentados del fin de semana, Floyd ha sido uno de los más destacados.

Mientras algunas celebridades han intentado apaciguar los ánimos entre todas las partes, Mayweather ha dejado claro que está firmemente con los israelíes.

"Estoy con Israel contra los terroristas de Hamás. Hamás no representa al pueblo de Palestina, pero es un grupo terrorista que atenta contra personas inocentes. Yo defiendo a todos los seres humanos y deseo el regreso sano y salvo de todos los estadounidenses e israelíes y de cualquier persona que haya sido secuestrada como rehén durante estos horribles crímenes de guerra."

"Este no es un momento para la política. Este es un momento para la seguridad ante todo. Dios bendiga a Estados Unidos. Dios bendiga a Israel. Dios bendiga a la humanidad".

En una publicación posterior en las redes sociales, Mayweather volvió a reiterar su apoyo y condenó el terrorismo.

"Apoyo a Israel y a los judíos de todo el mundo. Condeno el antisemitismo a toda costa. Defiendo la paz. Defiendo los derechos humanos. El terrorismo nunca es la respuesta".


crímenes terribles

Hay noticias de bebés asesinados en medio del caos en Israel, incluidas descripciones gráficas de terroristas de Hamás que entran y decapitan bebés.

Nicole Zedek, de i24News, realizó un reportaje en directo esta semana junto a soldados israelíes cerca de la frontera de Gaza y ha informado que se han encontrado bebés muertos.

Los soldados han revisado los hogares de las personas atacadas durante el fin de semana y dicen que se han encontrado pruebas de infanticidio... incluyendo decapitaciones.

Algunas imágenes que muestran las aparentes secuelas de estos brutales asesinatos también están apareciendo en línea y parecen mostrar exactamente lo que i24News informa. Se puede ver la sangre salpicada en cunas y habitaciones de los bebés dentro de las casas residenciales.

Hay fotos adicionales que muestran sillas de coches cubiertas de sangre; una prueba más de que los más pequeños no se han librado de esta ofensiva de Hamás. El horror ha quedado claro en las imágenes. Hay otro viral que muestra cómo le disparan a un perro en un campo habierto.

No está demás decir que estos avistamientos son profundamente perturbadores y una prueba más del horror que están viviendo las víctimas de la guerra.

En medio de las represalias contra Gaza, incluidos los bombardeos en curso, hay un video viral que muestra el cuerpo de un bebé siendo rescatado de entre los escombros.

de entre los escombros

No se ve un final en el futuro cercano y la destrucción sigue aumentando día a día.

Hasta el momento, Israel estima que más de 1.000 de sus civiles han muerto. En el otro lado, funcionarios palestinos dicen que al menos 830 han muerto sumando un sinnúmero de heridos entre ambas partes.

Israel Reports of Hamas Beheading Babies


There are reports of babies being killed amid the chaos in Israel -- including graphic descriptions of Hamas terrorists going in and beheading infants.

One particular news story is making rounds -- coming from i24News's Nicole Zedek, who did a live shot this week alongside Israeli soldiers near the Gaza border ... and she says different military members have told her about dead babies being found in the aftermath.

As these soldiers have gone through the homes of people attacked over the weekend, they're now saying they're finding evidence of infanticide ... including beheadings.

Some images showing the apparent aftermath of these brutal killings are also surfacing online -- and they seem to show exactly what i24News is talking about ... namely, blood splattered across cribs and baby rooms inside of residential homes.

There are extra photos that show car seats covered in blood as well ... further proving that little ones have not been spared in this offensive from Hamas. That much has been clear in additional footage as well -- including one viral clip showing a dog being shot in a yard.

It goes without saying ... these sightings are deeply disturbing -- and just further evidence speaking to the sheer ugliness and horror of what's happening on the ground there.

BTW, young lives are being taken on both sides now -- amid retaliation on Gaza, including ongoing bombings, there's a viral video showing a baby's body being lifted from the rubble.


There's no end in sight at this point ... and the destruction continues to mount day by day.

Thus far, Israel estimates over 1,000 of its civilians have been killed. Across the way, Palestinian officials say at least 830 are dead -- and countless are injured between both parties.

Arthur Blank, Falcons Owner Donating $750K To Israeli Relief Org's ... After Terror Attacks

Arthur Blank is stepping up in a huge way, donating $750k to hospitals and medics in Israel ... all to help those maimed in the Hamas terror attacks.

The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation made the announcement of the incredibly generous gift on Tuesday, announcing the funds would go to two medical centers near the Israeli/Gaza border, as well as an organization that supports thousands of volunteer medics across the country.

"The unimaginable, distressing terrorist attacks on Israel that have resulted in death, injury and trauma for scores of people over the past few days are an attack on all humanity, and there is no place in this world for the horrific violence we have witnessed," Arthur said in a statement released by his organization.

Blank, who is Jewish, co-founded Home Depot in the late '70s, and bought the Falcons in 2002. With a net worth around $7.5 billion, per Forbes, AB is one of the richest people in the world.

In addition to the money going to the Barzilai Medical Center, a frontline hospital, and Soroka Medical Center, a trauma facility, in southern Israel, Blank's donation will also go towards supplying United Hatzalah's medical professionals with protective equipment (vests and helmets), as well as medical supplies like oxygen tanks, defibrillators, and bandages.

Three-quarters of a million is generous, but it sounds like Arthur may even donate more, calling the $750k an "initial emergency grant," saying they'd be working with other relief groups to "identify areas of most critical need for additional support."

Israel estimates over 1,000 of its civilians have been killed, and thousands more injured.

Slain Israeli Grandma Gruesome Footage Of Dead Body Posted On Her Facebook Page By Hamas

An Israeli grandmother is one of hundreds dead at the hands of Hamas aggressors ... and her death was made public after a terrorist shared footage of her slain body on her own Facebook page.

Mor Bayder

Mor Bayder shared the horrifying way she found out her grandma was dead as a result of the Hamas attacks ... saying she logged onto the social media site and saw gruesome footage of her dead grandmother in her Nir Oz home.


Mor broke down in tears while recalling seeing the alarming footage ... saying her mom couldn't even open the app herself, with Mor claiming she saw her grandmother lying dead on the floor, with blood covering the ground below.

The footage making it on her grandma's page means the Hamas terrorists must've filmed it from her personal phone and uploaded it from there -- a disgusting way to discover a family member has been killed.

As you know, Hamas first attacked Israel over the weekend, and it's been an all-out war ever since ... with reportedly over 900 Israelis dead since Saturday's attack. Nearly 700 Palestinians are also reportedly dead in the days since the killings began.

We covered it all on a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Asesinato de una abuela israelí Truculentas imágenes de su cuerpo... Publicadas en Facebook

Una abuela israelí es una de las cientos de víctimas que ha fallecido a manos de los agresores de Hamás, y su muerte se hizo pública después de que un terrorista compartiera imágenes de su cuerpo en su propia página de Facebook.

Mor Bayder compartió la horrible manera en que se enteró de que su abuela estaba muerta como resultado de los ataques de Hamás, diciendo que se conectó al sitio y vio imágenes horripilantes del cuerpo de su abuela en su casa de Nir Oz.

Mor Bayder
Abuela brutalmente asesinada

Mor rompió en llanto al recordar las imágenes. Contó que su madre ni siquiera pudo abrir la página. En las fotos, su abuela aparece en el suelo, cubierta de sangre.

El hecho de que las imágenes aparecieran en la página de su abuela significa que los terroristas de Hamás debieron filmarlas desde su teléfono personal y subirlas desde allí, una forma repugnante de descubrir que un miembro de la familia ha sido asesinado.

Como ustedes saben, Hamás atacó por primera vez Israel el fin de semana y ha sido una guerra sin tregua desde entonces. Se estima que más de 900 israelíes han muerto desde el ataque del sábado, y cerca de 700 palestinos en los días posteriores al primer ataque.

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